`12 United States Patent
`10 Patent No.:
`US 7 880 154 B2
`(45) Date of Patent:
`*Feb. 1, 2011
`5,027,818 A
`5,332,908 A
`7/1991 Bova et al.
`7/1994 Weidlich
`Inventor: Karl Otto, 717 West 7th Avenue,
`Vancouver, BC (CA) V5Z 1B9
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 207 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`(21) A 1 N
`pp .
`12/132 597
`Jun. 3, 2008
`Prior Publication Data
`Us 2008/0298550 A1
`Dec. 4, 2008
`Earl et al., “Inverse Plarming for Intensity-Modulated Arc Therapy
`Using Direct Aperture Optimization”, Physics in Medicine and Biol-
`ogy 48 (2003), Institute ofPhysics Publishing, pp. 1075-1089.
`Related U S Application Data
`(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 11/996,932,
`filed as application No. PCT/CA2006/001225 on Jul.
`ff Vnh
`1:}:ma3)Examinef1(Nikita Well?
`1(\/I )0 ”";”gI
`0’ W‘ em =
`C ung
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/701,974, filed on Jul.
`25, 2005.
`(2006 01)
`Am <2oosm>
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`................. 250/505.1; 250/492.3; 315/505;
`315/500; 378/65; 378/147; 378/152
`(58) Field of Classification Search .............. 250/505.1,
`250/492.3; 378/65, 147, 152; 315/505, 500
`See apphcanon file for Complete Search hlstory
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`* cited by examiner
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`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2011
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`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2011
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`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2011
`Sheet 3 of 16
`US 7,880,154 B2
`/- 33,35
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`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2011
`Sheet 4 of 16
`US 7,880,154 B2
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`Page 7 of 37
`Page 7 of 37
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2011
`Sheet 5 of 16
`US 7,880,154 B2
`1 OD
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`Page 8 of 37
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`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2011
`Sheet 6 of 16
`US 7,880,154 B2
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`Page 9 of 37
`Page 9 of 37
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2011
`Sheet 7 of 16
`US 7,880,154 B2
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`Feb. 1, 2011
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`Feb. 1, 2011
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`Page 13 of 37
`Dose (Gy)
`Page 13 of 37
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2011
`Sheet 11 of 16
`US 7,880,154 B2
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`Page 14 of 37
`Page 14 of 37
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2011
`Sheet 12 of 16
`US 7,880,154 B2
`Control Point
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`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2011
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`US 7,880,154 B2
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`U.S. Patent
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`FIGURE 16B L‘ 43
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`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2011
`Sheet 15 of 16
`US 7,880,154 B2
`Gantry = 180 degrees
`Gantry = 0 degrees
`Page 18 of 37
`Page 18 of 37
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2011
`Sheet 16 of 16
`US 7,880,154 B2
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`Page 19 of 37
`Page 19 of 37
`US 7,880,154 B2
`This application is a continuation in part of U.S. applica-
`tion Ser. No. 11/996,932 filed in the US on 25 Jan. 2008,
`which is itself a national phase entry under 35 U.S.C. §371 of
`Patent Cooperation Treaty application No. PCT/CA2006/
`001225 with an international filing date of 25 Jul. 2006. Both
`U.S. application Ser. No. 11/996,932 and PCT application
`No. PCT/CA2006/001225 are hereby incorporated herein by
`This application claims priority from, and the benefit under
`35 U.S.C. §119 of, U.S. patent application No. 60/701,974
`filed on 25 Jul. 2005, which is hereby incorporated herein by
`Treatment plarming involves identifying an optimal (or at
`least acceptable) set of parameters for delivering radiation to
`a particular treatment volume. Treatment planning is not a
`trivial problem. The problem that treatment planning seeks to
`solve involves a wide range of variables including:
`the three-dimensional configuration of the treatment vol-
`the desired dose distribution within the treatment volume;
`the locations and radiation tolerance oftissues surrounding
`the treatment volume; and
`constraints imposed by the design of the radiation delivery
`The possible solutions also involve a large number of vari-
`ables including:
`the number of beam directions to use;
`the direction of each beam;
`the shape of each beam; and
`the amount of radiation delivered in each beam.
`Various conventional methods of treatment planning are
`described in:
`This invention relates to radiation treatment. The invention
`relates particularly to methods and apparatus for plarming and
`delivering radiation to a subject to provide a desired three-
`dimensional distribution of radiation dose.
`The delivery of carefully-plarmed doses of radiation may
`be used to treat various medical conditions. For example,
`radiation treatments are used, often in conjunction with other
`treatments, in the treatment and control of certain cancers.
`While it can be beneficial to deliver appropriate amounts of
`radiation to certain structures or tissues, in general, radiation
`can harm living tissue. It is desirable to target radiation on a
`target volume containing the structures or tissues to be irra-
`diated while minimizing the dose of radiation delivered to
`surrounding tissues. Intensity modulated radiation therapy
`(IMRT) is one method that has been used to deliver radiation
`to target volumes in living subjects.
`IMRT typically involves delivering shaped radiation
`beams from a few different directions. The radiation beams
`are typically delivered in sequence. The radiation beams each
`contribute to the desired dose in the target volume.
`Atypical radiation delivery apparatus has a source ofradia-
`tion, such as a linear accelerator, and a rotatable gantry. The
`gantry can be rotated to cause a radiation beam to be incident
`on a subject from various different angles. The shape of the
`incident radiation beam can be modified by a multi-leaf col-
`limator (MLC). A MLC has a number of leaves which are
`mostly opaque to radiation. The MLC leaves define an aper-
`ture through which radiation can propagate. The positions of
`the leaves can be adjusted to change the shape of the aperture
`and to thereby shape the radiation beam that propagates
`through the MLC. The MLC may also be rotatable to different
`Objectives associated with radiation treatment for a subject
`typically specify a three-dimensional distribution ofradiation
`dose that it is desired to deliver to a target region within the
`subject. The desired dose distribution typically specifies dose
`values for voxels located within the target. Ideally, no radia-
`tion would be delivered to tissues outside of the target region.
`In practice, however, objectives associated with radiation
`treatment may involve specifying a maximum acceptable
`dose that may be delivered to tissues outside of the target.
`Page 20 of 37
`S. V. Spirou and C.-S. Chui. A gradient inverse planning
`algorithm with dose-volume constraints, Med. Phys. 25,
`321-333 (1998);
`Q. Wu and R. Mohand. Algorithm andfunctionality ofan
`intensity modulated radiotherapy optimization system,
`Med. Phys. 27, 701-711 (2000);
`S. V. Spirou and C. -S. Chui. Generation ofarbitrary inten-
`sity profiles by dynamic jaws or multileafcollimators,
`Med. Phys.21, 1031-1041 (1994);
`P. Xia and L. J. Verhey. Multileafcollimator leafsequenc—
`ing algorithm for intensity modulated beams with mul-
`tiple static segments, Med. Phys. 25, 1424-1434 (1998);
`K. Otto and B. G. Clark. Enhancement ofIMRT delivery
`through MLC rotation,” Phys. Med. Biol. 47, 3997-4017
`Acquiring sophisticated modern radiation treatment appa-
`ratus, such as a linear accelerator, can involve significant
`capital cost. Therefore it is desirable to make efiicient use of
`such apparatus. All other factors being equal, a radiation
`treatment plan that permits a desired distribution of radiation
`dose to be delivered in a shorter time is preferable to a radia-
`tion treatment plan that requires a longer time to deliver. A
`treatment plan that can be delivered in a shorter time permits
`more efiicient use of the radiation treatment apparatus. A
`shorter treatment plan also reduces the risk that a subject will
`move during delivery of the radiation in a manner that may
`significantly impact the accuracy of the delivered dose.
`Despite the advances that have been made in the field of
`radiation therapy, there remains a need for radiation treatment
`methods and apparatus and radiation treatment planning
`methods and apparatus that provide improved control over
`the delivery of radiation, especially to complicated target
`volumes. There also remains a need for such methods and
`apparatus that can deliver desired dose distributions relatively
`One aspect ofthe invention provides a method for planning
`delivery ofradiation dose to a target area within a subject. The
`method comprises: defining a set of one or more optimization
`goals, the set of one or more optimization goals comprising a
`desired dose distribution in the subject; specifying an initial
`plurality of control points along an initial trajectory, the initial
`trajectory involving relative movement between a radiation
`Page 20 of 37
`US 7,880,154 B2
`source and the subject in a source trajectory direction; and
`iteratively optimizing a simulated dose distribution relative to
`the set of one or more optimization goals to determine one or
`more radiation delivery parameters associated with each of
`the initial plurality of control points. For each of the initial
`plurality of control points, the one or more radiation delivery
`parameters may comprise positions of a plurality of leaves of
`a multi-leaf collimator (MLC). The MLC leaves may be
`moveable in a leaf-translation direction. During relative
`movement between the radiation source and the subject along
`the initial traj ectory, the leaf-translation direction is oriented
`at a MLC orientation angle <1) with respect to the source
`trajectory direction and wherein an absolute value of the
`MLC orientation angle <1) satisfies 0°<|<1)|<90°.
`Another aspect of the invention provides a method for
`delivering radiation dose to a target area within a subject. The
`method comprises: defining a trajectory for relative move-
`ment between a treatment radiation source and the subject in
`a source trajectory direction; determining a radiation delivery
`plan; and while effecting relative movement between the
`treatment radiation source and the subject along the trajec-
`tory, delivering a treatment radiation beam from the treatment
`radiation source to the subject according to the radiation
`delivery plan to impart a dose distribution on the subject.
`Delivering the treatment radiation beam from the treatment
`radiation source to the subject comprises varying at least one
`of: an intensity ofthe treatment radiation beam; and a shape of
`the treatment radiation beam over at least a portion of the
`Varying at least one of the intensity of the treatment radia-
`tion beam and the shape of the treatment radiation beam over
`at least the portion of the trajectory, may comprise varying
`positions of a plurality of leaves of a multi-leaf collimator
`(MLC) in a leaf-translation direction. During relative move-
`ment between the treatment radiation source and the subject
`along the trajectory, the leaf-translation direction may be
`oriented at a MLC orientation angle <1) with respect to the
`source trajectory direction wherein an absolute value of the
`MLC orientation angle <1) satisfies 0°<|<1)|<90°.
`Varying at least one of the intensity of the treatment radia-
`tion beam and the shape of the treatment radiation beam over
`at least the portion of the trajectory may comprise varying a
`rate of radiation output ofthe radiation source while effecting
`continuous relative movement between the treatment radia-
`tion source and the subject along the trajectory.
`Other aspects of the invention provide program products
`comprising computer readable instructions which, when
`executed by a processor, cause the processor to execute, at
`least in part, any of the methods described herein. Other
`aspects of the invention provide systems comprising, inter
`alia, controllers configured to execute, at least in part, any of
`the methods described herein.
`Further aspects of the invention and features of embodi-
`ments of the invention are set out below and illustrated in the
`accompanying drawings.
`The appended drawings illustrate non-limiting example
`embodiments of the invention.
`FIG. 1 is a schematic view of an exemplary radiation deliv-
`ery apparatus in conjunction with which the invention may be
`FIG. 1A is a schematic view of another exemplary radia-
`tion delivery apparatus in conjunction with which the inven-
`tion may be practised.
`FIG. 2 is a schematic illustration of a trajectory.
`Page 21 of 37
`FIG. 3A is a schematic cross-sectional view of a beam-
`shaping mechanism.
`FIG. 3B is a schematic bearn’s eye plan view ofa multi-leaf
`collimator-type beam-shaping mechanism.
`FIG. 3C schematically depicts a system for defining the
`angle of leaf-translation directions about the beam axis.
`FIG. 4A is a flow chart illustrating a method of optimizing
`dose delivery according to a particular embodiment of the
`FIG. 4B is a schematic flow chart depicting a method for
`planning and delivering radiation to a subject according to a
`particular embodiment of the invention.
`FIGS. 5A, 5B and 5C illustrate dividing an aperture into
`beamlets according to a particular embodiment of the inven-
`FIG. 6 graphically depicts the error associated with a dose
`simulation calculation versus the number of control points
`used to perform the dose simulation calculation.
`FIG. 7 graphically depicts dose quality versus the number
`of optimization iterations for several different numbers of
`control points.
`FIG. 8 represents a flow chart which schematically illus-
`trates a method of optimizing dose delivery according to
`another embodiment of the invention where the number of
`control points is varied over the optimization process.
`FIG. 9 graphically depicts the dose distribution quality
`versus the number of iterations for the FIG. 8 optimization
`method where the number of control points is varied over the
`optimization process.
`FIG. 10 is a depiction of sample target tissue and healthy
`tissue used in an illustrative example of an implementation of
`a particular embodiment of the invention.
`FIGS. 11A and 11B respectively depict the initial control
`point positions of the motion axes corresponding to a trajec-
`tory used in the FIG. 10 example.
`FIGS. 12A-12F depict a dose volume histogram (DVH)
`which is representative of the dose distribution quality at
`various stages of the optimization process of the FIG. 10
`FIG. 13 another graphical depiction of the optimization
`process of the FIG. 10 example.
`FIGS. 14A-14D show the results (the motion axes param-
`eters, the intensity and the beam shaping parameters) of the
`optimization process of the FIG. 10 example.
`FIG. 15 plots contour lines of constant dose (isodose lines)
`in a two-dimensional cross-sectional slice ofthe target region
`in the FIG. 10 example.
`FIGS. 16A and 16B show examples ofhow the selection of
`a particular constant MLC orientation angle may impact
`treatment plan quality and ultimately the radiation dose that is
`delivered to a subject.
`FIG. 17 schematically depicts how target and healthy tis-
`sue will look for opposing beam directions.
`FIGS. 18A and 18B show an MLC and the respective
`projections of a target and healthy tissue for opposing beam
`directions corresponding to opposing gantry angles.
`FIGS. 18C and 18D show an MLC and the respective
`projections of a desired beam shape for opposing beam direc-
`tions corresponding to opposing gantry angles.
`Throughout the following description specific details are
`set forth in order to provide a more thorough understanding to
`persons skilled in the art. However, well known elements may
`not have been shown or described in detail to avoid unneces-
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`US 7,880,154 B2
`sarily obscuring the disclosure. Accordingly, the description
`and drawings are to be regarded in an illustrative, rather than
`a restrictive, sense.
`This invention relates to the planning and delivery ofradia-
`tion treatments by modalities which involve moving a radia-
`tion source along a trajectory relative to a subject wh