`Associate professor
`Department of software engineering and IT
`´Ecole de technologie sup´erieure (´ETS)
`Montr´eal, Qu´ebec, Canada
`Prof. V´azquez, received the B. Eng. degree in Electronic Engineering with the
`highest honors in 1992 and the M.A.Sc. degree in Computer Sciences in 1997
`from the Higher Polytechnic Institute Jos´e Antonio Echeverr´ıa (ISPJAE) in
`Havana, Cuba. He worked as a lecturer and assistant professor in the Telecom-
`munications Department of ISPJAE from 1992 to 1997 when he joined the
`INRS-EMT in Montr´eal as a PhD candidate and recipient of an excellence
`scholarship from the Government of Qu´ebec. He received the Ph.D. degree in
`Telecommunications from the INRS-EMT, Montr´eal, Canada, in 2003.
`Prof. V´azquez spent two years as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the INRS-EMT until
`2004 when he became Research Associate at Concordia University, Montr´eal,
`In August of 2005 he joined the Communications Research Centre
`Canada (CRC) as research scientist in the Advanced Video Systems group. He
`is currently associate professor at the Software Engineering department of the
`´Ecole de technologie sup´erieure in Montr´eal since August 2013.
`Dr. V´azquez is currently involved in 3D-TV, Multi-View video and 3D object
`detection and reconstruction research. He is the author of numerous peer-
`reviewed journal and conference articles and co-recipient of the Scott Helt best
`paper award from the IEEE Broadcast Technology Society in 2011. His re-
`search interests are in the areas of 3D-TV; 2D-to-3D video conversion; stereo
`and multi-view vision systems; 3D object extraction and reconstruction; im-
`age/video representation, sampling and interpolation; image and video coding;
`and motion/disparity/depth estimation and compensation.
`Languages: English (fluent), French (fluent) and Spanish (native).
`09/2002–08/2004 Post-doctoral Fellow (Image and Video Processing)
`Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS), Center EMT, Montr´eal
`Project: Application of Level Set methods to image segmentation, motion
`estimation and video super-resolution.
`Supervisor: Prof. Amar Mitiche
`09/1997–04/2003 Ph.D. in Telecommunications (Image and Video Processing)
`Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS), Center EMT, Montr´eal
`Image reconstruction from irregularly spaced samples
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`Supervisors: Prof. Eric Dubois and Prof. Janusz Konrad
`09/1995–07/1997 M.Sc. in Applied Informatics (Signal and Image Processing)
`CREPIAI, ISPJAE, Havana, Cuba
`Thesis: Development of a Spread-Spectrum simulation system
`Supervisor: Prof. Francisco Marante
`09/1987–07/1992 Eng. in Electronics (Electronic Components and Devices)
`Electrical Engineering Faculty, ISPJAE, Havana, Cuba
`Thesis: Design and implementation of an asynchronous concentrator
`Supervisor: Prof. Carmen Moliner
`08/2013–present Associate professor
`Department of Software Engineering and IT,
`´Ecole de Technologie Sup´erieure (´ETS),
`Montr´eal, QC, Canada
`Research 3D video systems; 3D object extraction and reconstruction; Medi-
`cal imaging applications; 3D cinema and TV applications.
`Teaching Parallel programming; Multimedia systems; Digital imaging and
`computer graphics; 3D Vision Systems; Operating systems.
`HQP training Currently supervising or co-supervising 2 Post-doctoral fel-
`lows, 3 PhD candidates, 6 Master students.
`Research grants
`• MITACS cluster (PI: professor Jacques de Guise) $ 160,000 CAD.
`• FRQNT – New researcher program: $ 20,000 CAD per year for 2 years.
`• MITACS accelerate scholarship in collaboration with an industry part-
`ner: $ 45,000 CAD for one year.
`´ETS grants for $ 45,000 CAD.
`08/2005–06/2013 Research Scientist
`Advanced Video Systems,
`Communications Research Centre (CRC),
`Ottawa, ON, Canada
`3D–TV Systems: Development of algorithms and applications to help ad-
`vance the 3D–TV industry. 2D-to-3D video conversion, novel displays,
`S3D video processing.
`Multi-View Video Coding: 4D wavelet-based multi-view video coding, 2D
`+ Depth + Occlusion multi-view video coding and representation, View
`synthesis and occlusions removal.
`Depth-Image-Based Rendering: Real-time image-based rendering tech-
`niques, parallel programming, GP-GPU..
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`09/2004–07/2005 Research Associate
`Electrical and Computer Engineering Department,
`Concordia University,
`Montr´eal, QC, Canada
`Supervisor: Prof. Aishy Amer
`Project: Event detection for video surveillance.
`01/1998–08/2004 Research assistant
`Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS-EMT),
`University of Qu´ebec
`Montr´eal, QC, Canada
`Software development: C/C++/Matlab programming to build tools; Main-
`tenance of C/C++/Matlab video libraries and utilities; maintained the
`Visual Communications Lab WEB site.
`Hardware installation and administration: Linux and Windows work-
`stations; Video equipment; Stereoscopic video equipment.
`09/1992–08/1997 Assistant Professor
`CEBIO: Bio-Engineering center, Telecommunications Department,
`Havana, Cuba
`Teach courses: Programming languages (C/C++, Assembler); Embedded
`systems (Architecture and programming, micro-controllers); General pur-
`pose computers (Architecture and programming); Signal acquisition and
`Research Projects: Bio-medical signal acquisition and processing; Signal
`processing for measurement equipment (MCS-51 micro-controller).
`HQP training: Telecommunication engineering final year projects (5 projects)
`Senior member IEEE
`2012 Journal Certificate of Merit SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal.
`Scott Helt Best Paper Award in 2011 IEEE Broadcast Technology Society.
`NAB Technology Innovation Award (co-inventor of one of the technologies
`supporting the award: 2D to 3D video conversion)
`09/1997–08/2002 Excellence Scholarship from the Qu´ebec Ministry of Education.
`Summa cum laude (highest mark 5.1/5) from ISPJAE (University wide).
`3D–TV Systems:
`2D-to-3D Video Conversion; 3D Video Representation; Depth adjustment;
`Novel 3D Displays; Adaptation of S-3D content to viewing conditions.
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`Multi-View imaging: Depth Image-Based Rendering (DIBR); Disparity estimation and compen-
`sation; Intermediate view reconstruction; Multi-View video coding (MVC).
`Image and Video Processing: Motion estimation and compensation; sampling, interpolation, re-
`construction and enhancement; spatial and temporal resolution enhancement,
`super-resolution; coding; splines and wavelets.
`image and motion segmentation; object
`Computer Vision: Variational and level set methods;
`identification and tracking; event detection.
`Real-Time Video Systems: Real-Time video processing; Multimedia programming; Hardware ac-
`celeration; CUDA–Based Programming; GP–GPU Programming for Video and
`Image Processing..
`Book chapters
`Journal Papers
`Carlos V´azquez, L. Zhang, F. Speranza, S. Knorr, and N. Plath, “2D to 3D
`video conversion - overview and perspectives,” in Emerging Technologies for 3D
`Video: Creation, Coding, Transmission and Rendering, F. Dufaux, B. Pesquet-
`Popescu, and M. Cagnazzo, Eds. Wiley, 2013, pp. 37–61.
`L. Zhang, Carlos V´azquez, G. Huchet, and W. Tam, “DIBR-based conver-
`sion from monoscopic to stereoscopic and multiview video,” in 3D-TV System
`with Depth-Image-Based Rendering: Architectures, Techniques and Challenges.
`Springer New York, 2013, pp. 107–143.
`W. Tam, F. Speranza, and Carlos V´azquez, “Problem-driven three-dimensional
`television research involving human visual perception studies,” Japanese Psy-
`chological Research, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 89–104, 2012.
`Carlos V´azquez and W. Tam, “A nonconventional approach to the conversion
`of 2D video and film content to stereoscopic 3D,” SMPTE Motion Imaging
`Journal, vol. 120, no. 4, pp. 41–48, May 2011.
`L. Zhang, Carlos V´azquez, and S. Knorr, “3D–TV content creation: Automatic
`2D–to–3D video conversion,” IEEE Trans. Broadcast., vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 372–
`383, June 2011.
`Carlos V´azquez, M. Ghazal, and A. Amer, “Feature-based detection and cor-
`rection of occlusions and split of video objects,” Journal of Signal, Image and
`Video Processing, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 13–25, Feb. 2009.
`A.-R. Mansouri, A. Mitiche, and Carlos V´azquez, “Multiregion competition: A
`level set extension of region competition to multiple region image partitioning,”
`Comput. Vis. and Image Underst., vol. 101, no. 3, pp. 137–150, Mar. 2006.
`Carlos V´azquez, A. Mitiche, and R. Lagani`ere, “Joint multiregion segmentation
`and parametric estimation of image motion by basis function representation and
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`level set evolution.” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 28, no. 5,
`pp. 782–793, May 2006.
`Carlos V´azquez, E. Dubois, and J. Konrad, “Reconstruction of non-uniformly-
`sampled images in spline spaces,” IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 14, no. 6,
`pp. 713–725, June 2005.
`M. Ghazal, Carlos V´azquez, and A. Amer, “Real-time vandalism detection by
`monitoring object activities,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 58, no. 3,
`pp. 1–27, 2012.
`Carlos V´azquez and A. Mantilla, “Algoritmos de linearizaci´on por software,”
`Revista de Ingenier´ıa El´ectrica, Electr´onica y Autom´atica, pp. 35–43, Oct. 1995,
`in Spanish.
`Conference Papers
`M. Kharboutly, C. Vazquez, S. Coulombe, and J. De Guise, “Geometrically
`constrained sub-pixel disparity estimation from stereo images of the retinal
`fundus,” in Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXVII, San Francisco, CA,
`Feb. 2016.
`F. Ouertani, C. Vazquez, T. Cresson, and J. de Guise, “Simultaneous extraction
`of two adjacent bony structures in x-ray images: Application to hip joint seg-
`mentation,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing. Qu´ebec, QC: IEEE,
`Sept. 2015.
`B. Aubert, B. Godbout, S. Parent, T. Cresson, C. Vazquez, and J. D. Guise,
`“Towards automatic spine 3d reconstruction from bi-planar radiographs,” in
`Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Montr´eal,
`Sept. 2015.
`P. Laurent, T. Cresson, J. Dadour, J. Clment, N. Bureau, N. Hagemeister,
`C. Vazquez, and J. D. Guise, “A framework to evaluate and validate 2d segmen-
`tation algorithms on lower-limb x-rays,” in Computer Methods in Biomechanics
`and Biomedical Engineering, Montr´eal, Sept. 2015.
`W. J. Tam, F. Speranza, Carlos V´azquez, R. Renaud, and N. Hur, “Vi-
`sual comfort: stereoscopic objects moving in the horizontal and mid-sagittal
`planes,” in Proc. SPIE Stereoscopic Displays and Applications, vol. 8288, no. 13,
`Burlingame, CA, USA, Jan. 2012.
`F. Speranza, W. Tam, Carlos V´azquez, A. Vincent, R. Renaud, and R. Klepko,
`“Image quality of up-converted 2D video from frame-compatible 3D video,”
`in Proc. SPIE Stereoscopic Displays and Applications, vol. 7863, no. 2D, San
`Francisco, CA, USA, Jan. 2011.
`W. Tam and Carlos V´azquez, “Development of a novel virtual reality 3D display:
`the ‘J-Display’,” in Proc. Int. Display Workshops, Fukuoka, Japan, Dec. 2010,
`pp. 1313–1316.
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`Carlos V´azquez and W. Tam, “A non-conventional approach to the conversion
`of 2D video and film content to stereoscopic 3D,” in Proc. SMPTE Annual
`Technical Conference & Expo, Hollywood, CA, USA, Oct. 2010.
`Carlos V´azquez, W. Tam, and F. Speranza, “3D-TV: Are two images enough?
`how depth maps can enhance the 3D experience,” in Proc. Int. Display Work-
`shops, Miyazaki, Japan, Dec. 2009, pp. 2025–2028, invited paper.
`Carlos V´azquez and W. Tam, “Depth estimation from multi-view sources based
`on full search and total variation regularization,” in Int. Workshop on Comp.
`Vision and Its Application to Image Media Processing, Tokyo, Japan, Jan. 2009.
`Carlos V´azquez and W. J. Tam, “3D–TV: Coding of disocclusions for 2D+Depth
`representation of multi–view images,” in Tenth IASTED Int. Conf. on Com-
`puter Graphics and Imaging.
`Innsbruck, Austria: ACTA Press, Feb. 2008, pp.
`Carlos V´azquez, M. Ghazal, and A. Amer, “Occlusion and split detection and
`correction for object tracking in surveillance applications,” in Proc. SPIE Visual
`Communications and Image Process., vol. 6508, San Jos´e, CA, Jan. 2007, pp.
`Carlos V´azquez, “View generation for 3D-TV using image reconstruction from
`irregularly spaced samples,” in Proc. SPIE Stereoscopic Displays and Applica-
`tions, vol. 6490, San Jos´e, CA, Jan. 2007, pp. 0E1–0E12.
`Carlos V´azquez, H. Aly, E. Dubois, and A. Mitiche, “Motion compensated
`super-resolution of video by level sets evolution,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf.
`Image Processing, vol. 3, Singapore, Oct. 2004, pp. 1767–1770.
`Carlos V´azquez and W. J. Tam, “CRC-CSDM: 2D to 3D conversion using
`colour-based surrogate depth maps,” in Proc. Int. Conf. on 3D Systems and
`Applications, Tokyo, Japan, May 2010.
`Carlos V´azquez, A.-R. Mansouri, and A. Mitiche, “Approximation of images by
`basis functions for multiple region segmentation with level sets,” in Proc. IEEE
`Int. Conf. Image Processing, vol. 1, Singapore, Oct. 2004, pp. 549–552.
`Carlos V´azquez, A. Mitiche, and I. Ben Ayed, “Image segmentation as clustering
`under constraints: a fully global curve evolution method,” in Proc. IEEE Int.
`Conf. Image Processing, vol. 5, Singapore, Oct. 2004, pp. 3467–3470.
`Carlos V´azquez, E. Dubois, and J. Konrad, “Reconstruction of irregularly-
`sampled images by regularization in spline spaces,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf.
`Image Processing, vol. 3, Rochester, NY, Oct. 2002, pp. 405–408.
`——, “Wavelet-based reconstruction of irregularly sampled images: Applica-
`tion to stereo imaging,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, vol. II,
`Vancouver, BC, Sept. 2000, pp. 319–322.
`K. Shimono, W. J. Tam, Carlos V´azquez, F. Speranza, and R. Renaud, “Remov-
`ing the cardboard effect in stereoscopic images using smoothed depth maps,”
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`in Proc. SPIE Stereoscopic Displays and Applications, vol. 7524, no. 1C, San
`Jos´e, CA, USA, Jan. 2010.
`W. Tam, Carlos V´azquez, and F. Speranza, “Three-dimensional TV: a novel
`method for generating surrogate depth maps using colour information,” in Proc.
`SPIE Stereoscopic Displays and Applications, vol. 7237, no. 1A, San Jos´e, CA,
`USA, Jan. 2009.
`W. J. Tam, F. Speranza, Carlos V´azquez, and L. Zhang, “Temporal sub-
`sampling of depth maps in depth image based rendering of stereoscopic image
`sequences,” in Proc. SPIE Stereoscopic Displays and Applications, vol. 7237,
`no. 1K, San Jos´e, CA, USA, Jan. 2009.
`L. Zhang, Carlos V´azquez, W. J. Tam, and D. Wang, “Zerotree data structure
`for 4d wavelet coefficient coding,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Multimedia and
`Expo, Hannover, Germany, June 2008, pp. 737–740.
`M. Ghazal, Carlos V´azquez, and A. Amer, “Real-time automatic detection of
`vandalism behavior in video sequences,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Systems, Man
`and Cybernetics, Montreal, QC, Oct. 2007, pp. 1056–1060.
`W. J. Tam, Carlos V´azquez, and F. Speranza, “Surrogate depth maps for stereo-
`scopic imaging: Different edge types,” in Proc. SPIE Stereoscopic Displays and
`Applications, vol. 6490, San Jos´e, CA, Jan. 2007, pp. 0C1–0C9.
`S. Ince, J. Konrad, and Carlos V´azquez, “Spline-based intermediate view re-
`construction,” in Proc. SPIE Stereoscopic Displays and Applications, vol. 6490,
`San Jos´e, CA, Jan. 2007, pp. 0F1–0F12.
`Carlos V´azquez, W. J. Tam, and F. Speranza, “Stereoscopic imaging: Filling
`disoccluded areas in image-based rendering,” in Proc. SPIE Three-Dimensional
`TV, Video, and Display (ITCOM), vol. 6392, Boston, MA, Oct. 2006, pp. 0D1–
`W. J. Tam, F. Speranza, L. Zhang, R. Renaud, J. Chan, and Carlos V´azquez,
`“Depth image based rendering for multiview stereoscopic displays: Role of in-
`formation at object boundaries,” in Proc. SPIE Three-Dimensional TV, Video,
`and Display (ITCOM), vol. 6016, Boston, MA, USA, Oct. 2005, pp. 97–107.
`N. Bozinovic, J. Konrad, W. Zhao, and Carlos V´azquez, “On the importance of
`motion invertibility in MCTF/DWT video coding,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf.
`Acoustics Speech Signal Processing, vol. 2, Philadelphia, Mar. 2005, pp. 49–52.
`A.-R. Mansouri, A. Mitiche, and Carlos V´azquez, “Image partioning by level set
`multiregion competition,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, vol. 4,
`Singapore, Oct. 2004, pp. 2721–2724.
`I. Ben Ayed, Carlos V´azquez, A. Mitiche, and Z. Belhadj, “SAR image seg-
`mentation with active contours and level sets,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image
`Processing, vol. 4, Singapore, Oct. 2004, pp. 2717–2720.
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`Carlos V´azquez, A. Mitiche, and I. Ben Ayed, “Segmentation of vectorial images
`by a global curve evolution method,” in Proc. Reconnaissance des Formes et
`Intelligence Artificielle, RFIA, Toulouse, France, Jan. 2004.
`A.-R. Mansouri, A. Mitiche, and Carlos V´azquez, “Image segmentation by mul-
`tiregion competition,” in Proc. Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Ar-
`tificielle, RFIA, Toulouse, France, Jan. 2004.
`M. Kardouchi, J. Konrad, and Carlos V´azquez, “Estimation of large-amplitude
`motion and disparity fields: Application to intermediate view reconstruction,”
`in Proc. SPIE Visual Communications and Image Process., vol. 4310, San Jos´e,
`CA, Jan. 2001, pp. 340–351.
`W. Tam and Carlos V´azquez, “Generation of a depth map from a monoscopic
`color image for rendering stereoscopic still and video images,” U.S. Patent No.
`8,488,868, July 16, 2013.
`——, “Method and graphical user interface for modifying depth maps,” U.S.
`Patent No: 8,213,711, July 3, 2012.
`——, “Enhancing virtual presence using multiview and stereoscopic 3D displays
`with a grounded curvilinear screen,” U.S. Patent No. 8,982,192 B2, Mar. 17,
`Invited Talks and Presentations
`Carlos V´azquez, “Hot topics in 3D: “Grounding” problem in 3D displays,”
`Invited panel presentation at the 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Hot
`Topics in 3D, July 2011.
`——, “2D–to-3D conversion at CRC: A visual perception approach,” Invited
`panel presentation at the First Toronto International Stereoscopic 3D Confer-
`ence, June 2011.
`——, “Conversion de la vid´eo 2D en format 3D st´er´eoscopique pour la TV–3D,”
`Invited presentation at Universit´e du Qu´ebec en Outaouais, Mar. 2011.
`——, “Introduction to 2D to 3D video conversion: Techniques, challenges and
`the future,” SPMTE PDA Webminar, Aug. 2010.
`Carlos V´azquez, W. Tam, and F. Speranza, “Real–time 2D to 3D conversion
`based on surrogate depth maps generated from colour information,” Dimension
`3: International S–3D and New Images Forum, Paris, France, June 2009, Invited
`Technical Reports and Thesis
`A. Amer and Carlos V´azquez, “Vidsecurevp 1.0: A prototype for event extrac-
`tion in video surveillance,” Concordia Universtity, Montr´eal, QC, Tech. Rep.,
`Apr. 2006.
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`Carlos V´azquez, “Image reconstruction from irregularly-spaced samples,” Ph.D.
`dissertation, INRS-´Energie, Mat´eriaux et T´el´ecommunications, Montr´eal, QC,
`Canada, Apr. 2003.
`——, “Irregularly-sampled image reconstruction: Application to the recon-
`struction of intermediate views and video coding,” INRS-T´el´ecommunications,
`Montr´eal, QC, Canada, Tech. Rep. 99–22, Sept. 1999.
`——, “Simulation of spread-spectrum systems,” Master’s thesis, Instit. Super.
`Polit´ec. Jos´e Antonio Echeverr´ıa, Havana, Cuba, July 1997, in Spanish.
`——, “Design and construction of a data concentrator,” B. Eng. thesis, Instit.
`Super. Polit´ec. Jos´e Antonio Echeverr´ıa, Havana, Cuba, July 1992, in Spanish.
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