`(12) United States Patent
`Barton et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,577,205 B2
`Nov. 5, 2013
`References Cited
`(51 )
`Barton. Alviso, (IA (US):
`Inventors: James
`Alan Moskowitz. Oakland. (‘A (US);
`Andrew Martin Goodman. Menlo Park.
`CA (113)
`'l‘iVo Inc.. A1v1.~:6. CA (us)
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term ofthjs
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.(?. 154(1)) by 1959 days.
`2.865.990 A
`l2"l95S Towler
`2 I3? 745
`(Jill ll 7.l{ PUl3l.,lC_’\‘l‘lONS
`Appl. No.2 101418.646
`Apr. 13, 2003
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2004-1’0013406Al
`Jan. 22. 2004
`Related US. Application Data
`Contimtatiott-in-part of application No. 091827.029.
`filed on Apr. 5. 2001. now abandoned. which is a
`cotttiriuation 01‘ application No. 091126.071. filed on
`Jul. 30. 1998, now Pat. No. 6.233.389.
`Provisiomtl application No. 603374.10] , filed on Apr.
`I9. 2002.
`111:. C1.
`Ht)4‘N 5/76
`rrcmv 9,/so
`rrcmv 5x93
`rmnv 5/91 7
`H04N 5/765
`H04N 7/I6
`U.S. Cl.
`(201 1.01)
`3861291: 3861200; 3861239; 3861241:
`3861248: 3861353: 3861354; 3861356; 3861357:
`7251151; 7251153
`Field of (flassilication Search
`USPC ................... .. 386K416. 125. 83. 109. 200 -234.
`386f239—2-48. 291-299. 353---3571369293:
`3701498: 7251‘15l- [53
`United States Patent :1nd'l'r:u.le1r1ark Otlfiee. "Fx Pane Reexamination
`Communication Transmittal
`l'~'orm". Rcexalnination (‘ontrol No.
`90-"00T"50. dated Nov. 28. 2007. 20 pages.
`Pr.i111ar_1-' E.\'an11'r:er — Hung Dang
`llickman l’alcrn1o "lruong
`(74) /fr'1‘orne_t:, Agent, or 1'3i'r111
`Becker Binghan Wong LLP; Kirk D. Wong
`A digital video recorder (DVR) system with an integrated
`DVD recording device accepts TV input streams in a tnulti~
`tude o f'forms. Analog TV streams are converted to an Ml-‘li(i
`forntatted stream for internal
`transfer and manipulation_.
`while pre—formatted MPEG streams are extracted front the
`digital ‘l"V signal and presented in :1 similar format. Indexes
`within the MPEG stream are deterntined and saved at pre-
`defined intervals and are stored on a hard disk along with the
`MPEG program material and used to create navigation pack-
`ets whclt writing to a DVD inserted in an integrated DVD
`playerimecordcr. When a program is requested for display
`from the hard disk or the integrated DVD playerfrecorder. the
`program material are extracted from the appropriate source
`and reassembled into an MPIFLG stream which is sent to a
`decoder. The decoder converts the MPEG stream into TV
`output signals and delivers the TV output signals to a TV"
`monitor. User control cotmnands are accepted which affect
`the Bow of the MPIEG stream allowing the user to view stored
`programs with special functions: reverse, fast tbnvard, play.
`pause. index. fastfslow reverse play. and fasttslow play. The
`user can select program material stored on the hard disk to be
`written to a DVD and can also select program material stored
`on a DVD to be transferred to the hard disk.
`Sec application file for complete search history.
`33 Claims, 17 Drawing Sheets
`APPLE 1011
`APPLE 1011


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