`AARC Clinical Practice Guideline
`Neonatal Time-Triggered, Pressure-Limited,
`Time-Cycled Mechanical Ventilation
`The application of time-triggered, pressure-limited, time-cycled
`mechanical ventilation (TPTV) to neonates--this Guideline does not
`address patient-triggered ventilation.
`The application of time-triggered, pressure-limited, time-cycled
`mechanical ventilation in the neonate is typically accomplished by the
`use of commercially available pressure-limited ventilators specifically
`designed for this population or of multipurpose, multimodal ventilators
`with the necessary capabilities. These ventilators permit precise
`management of ventilator settings.(1-8)
`Pressure-limited ventilators commonly incorporate continuous flow to
`deliver a mixture of oxygen and air. The continuous flow supplies the
`patient with a fresh gas source for spontaneous breathing.(7,9-14)
`Mandatory breaths are time-triggered and time-cycled, based on an
`adjustable frequency and inspiratory time. As the ventilator time-
`triggers inspiration, the exhalation valve closes, and the continuous
`flow is directed to the inspiratory limb of the patient circuit for the
`length of the inspiratory time.(7,11,12,14)
`Once the pressure limit has been reached, remaining flow is diverted
`to a limiting mechanism. As the ventilator cycles to expiration, the
`exhalation valve opens to ambient and the continuous flow exits the
`expiratory limb of the circuit.(7,10,14)
`Flow continues to enter the patient's lungs until pressure equilibrates
`or until the inspiratory time has elapsed, resulting in a decelerating
`flow pattern. Volume delivery is dependent on lung and chest-wall
`compliance and airway resistance, including the resistance of the
`endotracheal tube. As these variables change, deceleration of flow is
`Ex. 2045-0001
`altered, and the tidal volume (VT) varies.(10,11,15-22) The VT
`achieved depends on the pressure limit, gas flowrate, inspiratory time
`(tI), and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP). Circuit
`characteristics that affect VT include compressible volume, presence of
`condensate, and obstruction of the artificial airway.(3,4,8-
`TPTV is applied by trained personnel in acute care and subacute care
`The presence of one or more of the following conditions constitutes an
`indication for TPTV.
`4.1 Apnea (24-27)
`4.2 Respiratory or ventilatory failure, despite the use of continuous
`positive airway pressure (CPAP) and supplemental oxygen (ie, FIO2 >
`or = 0.60)(24,25,28)
`4.2.1 Respiratory acidosis with a pH < 7.20-7.25(8,25,29)
`4.2.2 PaO2 < 50 torr(8,13,25,29,30)
`4.2.3 Abnormalities on physical examination
` Increased work of breathing demonstrated by grunting, nasal
`flaring, tachypnea, and sternal and intercostal retractions(5,27,29,31)
` The presence of pale or cyanotic skin and agitation
`4.3 Alterations in neurologic status that compromise the central drive
`to breathe:
`4.3.1 Apnea of prematurity(32)
`4.3.2 Intracranial hemorrhage(33)
`4.3.3 Congenital neuromuscular disorders(34)
`4.4 Impaired respiratory function resulting in a compromised
`functional residual capacity (FRC) due to decreased lung compliance
`and/or increased airways resistance,(12,35) including but not limited
`4.4.1 Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)(1,2,28,36-39)
`4.4.2 Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS)(40)
`4.4.3 Pneumonia(41)
`4.4.4 Bronchopulmonary dysplasia(42-44)
`4.4.5 Bronchiolitis(41)
`4.4.6 Congenital diaphragmatic hernia(45)
`4.4.7 Sepsis(41)
`4.4.8 Radiographic evidence of decreased lung volume(27)
`4.5 Impaired cardiovascular function
`4.5.1 Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn
`Ex. 2045-0002
`4.5.2 Postresuscitation(41)
`4.5.3 Congenital heart disease(48)
`4.5.4 Shock(6)
`4.6 Postoperative state characterized by impaired ventilatory
`No specific contraindications for neonatal TPTV exist when indications
`are judged to be present (Section 4.0).
`6.1 Air leak syndromes due to barotrauma and/or volume overinflation
`(ie, volutrauma),(2,11,50-54) including
`6.1.1 Pneumothorax(16,55-59)
`6.1.2 Pneumomediastinum(55,56,58)
`6.1.3 Pneumopericardium(55)
`6.1.4 Pneumoperitoneum(55)
`6.1.5 Subcutaneous emphysema(55)
`6.1.6 Pulmonary interstitial emphysema(56,60-62)
`6.2 Chronic lung disease associated with prolonged positive pressure
`ventilation and oxygen toxicity(63,64) (eg, bronchopulmonary
`6.3 Airway complications associated with endotracheal intubation
`6.3.1 Laryngotracheobronchomalacia(69)
`6.3.2 Damage to upper airway structures(66,69,70)
`6.3.3 Malpositioning of endotracheal tube (ETT)(69,71)
`6.3.4 Partial or total obstruction of ETT with mucus(69,71,72)
`6.3.5 Kinking of ETT(69,71)
`6.3.6 Unplanned extubation(69,71,73)
`6.3.7 Air leak around uncuffed ETT
`6.3.8 Subglottic stenosis(69)
`6.3.9 Main-stem intubation(69)
`6.3.10 Pressure necrosis(74)
`6.3.11 Increased work of breathing (during spontaneous breaths) due
`to the high resistance of endotracheal tubes of small internal
`6.4 Nosocomial pulmonary infection (eg, pneumonia(76))
`6.5 Complications that occur when positive pressure applied to the
`lungs is transmitted to the cardiovascular system(77,78) or the
`cerebral vasculature resulting in
`6.5.1 Decreased venous return(77,78)
`6.5.2 Decreased cardiac output(77,78)
`6.5.3 Increased intracranial pressure leading to intraventricular
`Ex. 2045-0003
`6.6 Supplemental oxygen in conjunction with TPTV may lead to an
`increased risk of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)(80,81)
`6.7 Complications associated with endotracheal suctioning(82)
`6.8 Technical complications
`6.8.1 Ventilator failure(10,83)
`6.8.2 Ventilator circuit and/or humidifier failure(38,70) (Condensate in
`the inspiratory limb of the ventilator circuit may result in a reduction in
`VT(23,84) or inadvertent pulmonary lavage.)
`6.8.3 Ventilator alarm failure(10,38,69,83)
`6.8.4 Loss of or inadequate gas supply
`6.9 Patient-ventilator asynchrony(85,86)
`6.10 Inappropriate ventilator settings leading to
`6.10.1 auto-PEEP
`6.10.2 hypo-or hyperventilation
`6.10.3 hypo- or hyperoxemia
`6.10.4 increased work of breathing
`Rapid changes in lung compliance and airways resistance may result in
`alterations in VT delivery that may significantly alter minute ventilation
`Determination that valid indications are present by physical,
`radiographic, and laboratory assessment
`Establishment of neonatal assisted ventilation should result in
`improvement in patient condition and/or reversal of indications
`(Section 4.0):
`9.1 Reduction in work of breathing as evidenced by decreases in
`respiratory rate, severity of retractions, nasal flaring and grunting
`9.2 Radiographic evidence of improved lung volume(41)
`9.3 Subjective improvement in lung volume as indicated by increased
`chest excursion and aeration by chest auscultation(87)
`9.4 Improved gas exchange
`9.4.1 Ability to maintain a PaO2 > or = 50 torr with FIO2 <
`9.4.2 Ability to reverse respiratory acidosis and maintain a pH >
`9.4.3 Subjective improvement as indicated by a decrease in grunting,
`nasal flaring, sternal and intercostal retraction, and respiratory
`Ex. 2045-0004
`10.1 Equipment-recommended equipment based on individual patient
`need includes the following. (For a given patient, all mentioned
`equipment may not be necessary.)
`10.1.1 Commercially available continuous-flow infant ventilator
`equipped with TPTV mode or suitably equipped multipurpose,
`multimodal ventilator, low and high airway pressure alarms, high-
`pressure release-to-ambient pressure capability, loss of power and gas
`source alarms, low and high oxygen concentration alarms--alarms may
`be integral to the ventilator or an add-on.(21,38,83)
`10.1.2 Servo-regulated humidifier with low compressible volume
`chamber and preferably a continuous water source(21,38,83)
`10.1.3 Low-compliance infant ventilator circuit with heated inspiratory
`and expiratory wires compatible with the servo-regulated
`humidification system is recommended.(19,23,38,83,88,89)
`Comparable circuits that permit continual drainage of condensate may
`also be used.
`10.1.4 Endotracheal tube with associated intubation equipment or
`tracheostomy tube with associated insertion and cleaning accessories
`and supplies for securing the tube
`10.1.5 Suction source, suction catheters, and normal saline for
`instillation to ensure patency of artificial airway(82)
`10.1.6 Standby resuscitation apparatus with airway manometer and
`masks of appropriate size(83) and supplies for chest-tube insertion
`10.1.7 Continuous noninvasive monitoring of oxygenation by either
`transcutaneous monitor or pulse oximeter with high- and low-alarm
`10.1.8 Continuous noninvasive monitoring of carbon dioxide by
`transcutaneous CO2 monitor with high- and low-alarm capabilities is
`also recommended(38,92) for the unstable baby requiring frequent
`ventilator changes. Measurements of end-tidal CO2 may also be useful
`in these infants.(93,94)
`10.1.9 Continuous cardiorespiratory monitoring (eg, ECG and
`respiratory rate) with high- and low-alarm capabilities(38)
`10.1.10 Appropriate and adequate compressed gas supply
`10.1.11 Graphic display of airway pressure, flow, and tidal volume
`may be useful.
`10.2 Personnel: TPTV should be applied under the direction of a
`physician by trained personnel who hold a recognized credential (eg,
`CRTT, RRT, RN) and who competently demonstrate
`10.2.1. proper use, understanding, and mastery of the technical
`aspects of management of artificial airways, mechanical ventilators,
`and humidification systems;
`Ex. 2045-0005
`10.2.2 comprehensive knowledge of ventilator management and
`understanding of neonatal airway anatomy and pulmonary
`10.2.3 patient assessment skills, with an understanding of the
`interaction between the mechanical ventilator and the patient and
`ability to recognize and respond to adverse reactions and
`10.2.4 knowledge and understanding of intubation equipment;
`10.2.5 ability to interpret monitored and measured blood gas
`parameters and vital signs;
`10.2.6 application of Universal Precautions;(92)
`10.2.7 proper use, understanding, and mastery of emergency
`resuscitation equipment and procedures;
`10.2.8 ability to evaluate and document results of outcome
`assessments (Section 9.0);
`10.2.9 ability to interpret chest radiographs to determine proper
`placement of artificial airways and identify complications associated
`with mechanical ventilation (eg, air leak syndromes).
`11.1 Patient-ventilator system checks should be performed every 2-4
`hours and should include documentation of ventilator settings and
`patient assessments as recommended by the AARC CPG Patient-
`Ventilator System Checks (MV-SC) and AARC CPG Humidification
`during Mechanical Ventilation (HMV).(95,96)
`11.2 Oxygen and CO2 monitoring
`11.2.1 Periodic sampling of blood gas values by arterial, capillary, or
`venous route.(1,24,30) PaO2 should be kept below 80 torr in preterm
`infants to minimize the risk of ROP.(6,80,97)
`11.2.2 The unstable infant should be monitored continuously by
`transcutaneous O2 monitor or pulse oximeter.(1,90,91)
`11.2.3 The unstable infant should be monitored continuously by
`transcutaneous(90) or end-tidal CO2 monitoring.(93,94)
`11.2.4 Fractional concentration of oxygen delivered by the ventilator
`should be monitored continuously.(38)
`11.3 Continuous monitoring of cardiac activity (via electrocardiograph)
`and respiratory rate(98)
`11.4 Monitoring of blood pressure by indwelling arterial line or by
`periodic cuff measurements(24)
`11.5 Continuous monitoring of proximal airway pressures including
`peak inspiratory pressure (PIP), PEEP, and mean airway pressure
`11.5.1 Increases in Paw may result in improved oxygenation; however,
`Paw > 12 cm H2O has been associated with barotrauma.(8,20,41,99-
`Ex. 2045-0006
`11.5.2 The difference between PIP and PEEP (^P) in conjunction with
`patient mechanics determines VT. As the ^P changes, VT will
`11.5.3 PIP should be adjusted initially to achieve adequate VT as
`reflected by chest excursion and adequate breath sounds(8,29,100)
`and/or by VT measurement.
`11.5.4 PEEP increases FRC and may improve oxygenation and
`ventilation-perfusion relationship (PEEP is typically adjusted at 4-7 cm
`H2O--levels beyond this range may result in hyperinflation, particularly
`in patients with obstructive airways disease [eg, MAS or
`11.6 Many commercially available neonatal ventilators provide
`continuous monitoring of ventilator frequency, tI, and I:E. If only two
`of these variables are directly monitored, the third should be
`calculated (eg, the proportion of the tI for a given frequency
`determines the I:E).
`11.6.1 Lengthening tI increases Paw and should improve
`11.6.2 I:E in excess of 1:1 may lead to the development of auto-PEEP
`and hyperinflation.(5,20,24,37,105,106,108)
`11.6.3 Frequencies of 30-60 per minute with shorter tI (eg, I:E of
`1:2) are commonly used in patients with RDS.(8,22,41,50,59,85,109-
`11.7 Depending on the internal diameter of the ventilator circuit,
`excessive flowrates can result in expiratory resistance that leads to
`increased work of breathing and automatic increases in
`PEEP.(17,19,89,98,86,112) Some ventilators are equipped with
`demand-flow systems that permit the use of lower baseline flowrates
`but provide the patient with additional flow as needed
`11.8 Because of the possibility of complete obstruction or kinking of
`the ETT and the inadequacy of ventilator alarms in these situations,
`continuous tidal volume monitoring via an appropriately designed
`(minimum dead space) proximal airway flow sensor is
`11.9 Periodic physical assessment of chest excursion and breath
`sounds and for signs of increased work of breathing and
`11.10 Periodic evaluation of chest radiographs to follow the progress
`of the disease, identify possible complications, and verify ETT
`TPTV is intended for continuous use and is discontinued when the
`Ex. 2045-0007
`patient's clinical condition improves as indicated by results of outcome
`assessments (Section 9.0).
`No special precautions are necessary, but Universal Precautions as
`described by the Centers for Disease Control should be employed.(95)
`13.1 Ventilator circuits and humidifier chambers should not be
`changed more frequently than every 48 hours. The Clinical Practice
`Guideline: Ventilator Circuit Changes, the CDC, and, reported
`experience(114-116) suggest that use periods of > or = 5 days are
`acceptable when the humidifying device is other than an aerosol
`13.2 External surfaces of ventilator should be cleaned according to the
`manufacturer's recommendations when the device has remained in a
`patient's room for a prolonged period, when soiled, when it has come
`in contact with potentially transmittable organisms, and after each
`patient use.
`13.3 Sterile suctioning procedures should be strictly adhered to.(82)
`Perinatal-Pediatrics Guidelines Committee:
`Lynne K Bower RRT, Chairman, Boston MA Sherry L Barnhart RRT,
`Mattoon IL Peter Betit BS RRT, Boston MA Barbara Hendon BA RRT
`RCP, Wylie TX Joanne Masi-Lynch BS RRT, Salt Lake City UT Barbara G
`Wilson MEd RRT, Durham NC
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`Ex. 2045-0012
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