Home V
`E“ CFBEEE Iisis. hibiiogiapraes and reirews: Sign 'II DFEYEEDE a iree amour!
`5} WorldCat'
`~s5&:ia:|.Ian: fl_l Ramhisnem:
`élmasmn rIP_riJ:.-:
`Ilsnae a"Ean:IaJim;
`-‘UBTDFZ : .E..D_|!diiu.eL
` Neunalal respin:-itury tlsurders
`London : Arnnid ; New York : Distributed in-the U.5.A by D3-clbrd University F'rEs. 2003.
`EdIlIDI'LFDI'I¥E’E. ' F"rInt bunk . English . 2nd ed Viewall edmclns aIv.'fc~rn1a1s
`Ir: this mm prehensive update n-fifle first ediii1:un,|ea:iing rEeeIn'J1ers [rem all ever the world have
`been invited 10 1:DniribLIte in their speciaiist areas. The back nontinufi in provide detailed am.-elage Df
`[he palhngenfiis, clininzl and laboratory feellures and l'I'l3l1E.gE|'|'|'EI'|I. of lung disorders in the nennaie,
`with increased emphasis on fl'Ie undertying in'I munnlogy and majeracidiiiuns lo the secifuns on
`ranlmtnnr suprmrt
`{nut ye: Isted]
`|L'| El M191 reviews - Eeihe first.
`Newborn In1'an:s — Diseases.
`Pedlatnc resglreingg ddseasom.
`Infan Newborn Diseases.
`|]j‘i.I"iewaJ| sui:I'
`Mare like this Q
`'- Fndacopyunflie
`9 mean; exams
`Radial-.5 ¥:,g||$
`Washingmn. |JI'sI1'ii:!.Df
`Culumhia 2uDD5_E3m'
`Unileci SEE
`< 1 rn n' in-n
`fiflfibia 2 -
`{ 1 mum
`nr__-_-_'_-__ rL-_-_-ru
`|_i|;.,E-_a_.-:1! EHLEHEH
`Mallinckrodt Hosp. Prods. IP Ltd.
`Exhibit 2013
`Praxair Distrib., Inc. et al., v. Mallinckrodt Hosp. Prods. IP Ltd.
`Case lPR2016-00779
` .rr-%r-l=i-£-—-
`Ex. 2013-0001
`F” 3 mm’ " "'9 “'3”
`Ex. 2013-0001

`* Pennsmie
`El I 39°‘
`Hershey, PA1TD33 United States
`E-isp|a.}.ring|ibI31'E 1-E out uf BE
`- "' E
`‘D: _
`Washmgbon, DC 211540 United States
`' at
`2. "' I-1511-l5LU'
`Battirnvure, MD 2120-1 United States
`4. " Pen
`’ Lillxies
`’ 5t&U '
`University Park, F'A1E-B02 United States
`"‘ Columbia
`Ne'wYur|r, NY 10032 United States
`‘* Yale u '
`Han-eycu:a:'mr.iutm Hay nmimy Medical may
`New Haven, CT GIE5521] United States
`-1-‘ Better Wnrtl Hunks
`Fi"d '““""E5
`znnus Washingtnn, DC
`Sh|:II.-xlibrarifi hnlcfimg 1%
`I-'eld formats
`2| E‘
`2 miles
`“HP F
`H-“P I‘
`2:. Aska |lblEl13|'.
`' Nd mfamifi
`' _
`flL_ W
`1:; Search anhls Ilblagg
`I Aid 13:: fE|I't‘I'it'E
`El mc
`«r=.rsuPr.=_-Mgguitp Lit»
`Ex. 2013-0002
`Ex. 2013-0002

`Find Ihmes
`sehn nil:
`:|:.|]{|5 ua|,.I55hingtD.-._ Dc
`Disphlyirg Iibizifi ?-12 out of BB
`luledicalu '
`Syramse, N"I"1321D United States
`:1 " lhivasiwutflmmesflarhlecicdflana
`Roclmsler, NY1-1642 United Staies
`Nnrlh -D.:l'npus Libranr Hfiouce
`Wflfiamsuille, NY 14221 United States
`Cleveland, OH 44195 United States
`11. "
`WE5tel'fl Linnea
`Londm, ON NEG 1H1 Canada
`12- "
`Paul Laumnce [)Il1tar.'MeI1|'I:ai Co|hz::|iu'I
`Day'I1:n1, OH 45435 United States
`-F Beiterwnml Banks
`Internet resource
`Held fon1'e‘_=.
`3 IBM
`|; 0
`l; E
`-— I 39915
`3 I Bunk
`Shnrwlibrarifi h::u|cEa1g
`u L'rb-_ar¢in+e
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`' 4'-‘-*-flfifif-fiifi
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`' Mm mmfi
`M f'a"f;tE
`um: .-r
`254 E
`305 mi|es
`»~= -T
`355 E
`ml 5
`MP _T
`Ex. 2013-0003
`Ex. 2013-0003

`I3-isph3.Iirg|ibI7_-a'E13-1B out was
`trschd llli-:
`2DEN]-‘.3 Washington. DC
`~?<"__<F'_lZ‘~’-&§f*-‘ii-GI?‘ I-Lt»
`Shnwlibraria hnlcfizlg 1%
`Paul Laurence Dania: Liariry
`Dayton, OH 45435 Urrited Slates
`Thumas P. O'Neill Library
`c:I1es1nut Hill, MA U246?’ United States
`I-|aIVEII.'i '
`Medical Schnnl, C1'.'l.|11I.‘|lflfl'Lil'fl'9‘
`Boston, MAD2115 Llnrted States
`113'; SE19 Unfit)!"
`Deiroi, MI 43202 Uni;e-cl States
`Herd mars
`MAP l7
`331 mils
`338- mils
`MAP F!’
`391 milfi
`El I 30“
`39?’ rnilfi
`Medical Center Liblaly, Uliversiy If KEl1h.|dl]f
`Laxingtan_. KY 441535 United States.
`_! dM_!_
`Ann Arbor, h|'|1-43109 United States
`El I Bum
`E‘ I EDD“
`M.-’F‘ F!’
`-1-05 mihfi
`MAP |'|'
`422 milrs
`Q A:dn:+'fauI:ritE
`fl Libirg info
`5. Search at Ihis Iibg
`U .Ed
`u Libiginfv:
`—'» £ak.a.|J'hEI.I:i:1:
`U And mfauoritfi
`£ .EEk.E.|.i.|2E.|2i3J1
`Ex. 2013-0004
`Ex. 2013-0004

`|FiI'Id |i:imn'e5|
`201105 Washington. 13-:
`|31'sph}'ing|ibia'ifi1B-24 out was
`19. " filfiitrfirie
` d Ganja, Mair: Linnly
`Aihem, GA 30602 United States
`' Tshie
`Nashville, TN 3?2u9 United States
`21- " U '
`Chicago, IL 5063? United States
`22. " i
`Lilalayuflhe HealIhScienne5—Cl'|ica;|o
`Chicago, IL 50612 United States
`23, “ JN2ho‘Il(:3E*Ll.I'II'E:-l‘lGH"|H'¥:l 01"
`Park Ridge, II. BDDBB United States
`24- “ '‘
`Québec, 121C !31\.'' [I-AB Canada
`Had f=HT-“IBIS
`E-‘I Iflnns
`Shmrlibranés hnkfing gain
`51 Liii-g info
`5 Search at Ihis libgif
`I And we iam-ins
`51 Liii-g info
`_I,. Ask a Iibrlriart
`17. Search at ms lib.
`I A‘;-:|_ta_tam:i1E
`51 Liii-g info
`..-. Ask a Iibiariar
`u Asa tc: favors
`5] UEQ; infa-
`._—, Ask a Iibririar
`up Add 1:: faucritfi
`I kid nciiauurita
`l_I Liiaaxrinicz
`..-, Ask a Iibiariar.
`I kid mi 1'a|.n:.'i1E
`El '3”
`MAP I.‘
`571 mag
`El I Elm:-s
`E-‘I I Buns
`El I gm
`El I L3"
`608 mans
`Irilemet resource
`Ex. 2013-0005
`Ex. 2013-0005

`Displayirg Iibaaifi 25-3|] out |:IfBE
`Shuwlibraries hcddizlg gin
`PM '"’'“'i“
`2:911:15 Washinglnn, DC
`"' Medial ofWisu‘.na'n
`Milwaukee, WI 53225 United states
`UN]. 1% Hill! igvg
`UI|imIsi|'ycIl.FIaiIa11a-:Itl3":mirq;i1:I'|1, I_i5terHI Lixay
`EIirrning|1am,.AL 35294 unwed States
`2?. "
`Pen:-n'a, I. 5153? United States
`"' Sau|h$1 fiissI:II.Iri Slab: Univelsivg
`“Em U-hm“,
`Cape Girardeau. MO E-3'.I"CI1 United States
`"' Wa5i:iIgiu1Uriw31si1viI5LLnui5
`Emnard Beckar "Eu-Em‘ -lhmanr
`St Louis, MO E3-110 United States
`an. " LIl1T|lBl'Si‘rtll.Hl'N2ii'I535i2H'MEIi:EI5Ciel'lCE5LiI'E"['
`Umsl -lhmnr
`L'r|11e Rock, AR 72205 United 51%
`He :'.fcrn1a.L=.
`El I E
`E] I am
`I Bum
`I 0
`-r B%r work! But:
`:. Delais
`ll-.rln-ial ‘I’:-ur
`InI:|rn:I+ n:._=mm-:-
`H Libfiflinfc.
`1-, 15,: -um
`u Lmmutc.
`U PcP:b:.fa\«:r'rhfi
`fl Llbit Infa-
`i As: I1:-favoritfi
`[I L||3i'[. ||'|fC-
`U fiE
`i] Llbitlfift-_
`541 mig
`w:‘T' 5
`am mines
`W -T
`MHF !-T
`635 miles
`vnn fr
`T13 miles
`MAF .‘r
`S54 mlies
`Ex. 2013-0006
`Ex. 2013-0006

`E!1':p|a.)Iing Iibaaifi 131-SB out |:IfBB
`"' |2hshI‘.i1£3! '
`Du” _
`Des Moines, I.-'-'«.5{iI312 United States
`"‘ L.hivBlsigrI:IlMia'rIi_I}I'5dllI:dnfMedil:ine
`Lmls Caldet Iie|1'IJn:l Linlaw
`Miami, FL 33135 United States
`"' L.k1'£t[' El Millleeida
`Minneapolis. MN 55455 United States
`" tmivelsiv ul M'l1ne5da_ Nirnemialis
`Mirlneepc-Iis, MN 55455 United States
`" Urrivelsiy ul Hebm-.:lIa'h|ecIicm Cents
`Omaha, NE 53193 United states
`35. "
`Hgifi Medial Uhj!
`Grand Forks, ND 53205 United States
`1-!’ Better World Books
`; Delais
`llshu-i=.I Tu-ur
`lnI=.:-m=+ I-\:._=nIIrv-\:.
`PM '"’'“'i“
`crsfin ahlit-:
`2911115 Washinglnn, DC
`(P 3§s1§Haa>L£t»
`Shuwlibraries holding gin
`I Bank
`21 E
`En‘ I Bank
`El .3 k
`fl A‘!-:'1r.fEI'.r\:r'rh5
`. M“ In Ema
`1'] Libi-,5 infc-
`y _.5.1-_-'_t;,_[a_-Lgjfi
`,1 HE: in-fcu
`:1 Libitirrf-2
`35?‘ miles
`u-AP :T
`325 miles
`W _T
`331 mugs
`am: =-.
`mm miles
`11110 miles
`W =7
`Ex. 2013-0007
`Ex. 2013-0007

`-E|fiHW|i||0¢Elfl'II E-'uEE_ _— Fmdlmn-=5 mm wE.5.,..,,,,m,_Dc
`Disphyirg |iblEf'iE 3?—42 out |:IfBB
`«F <F'
`§§T§&NAfi> £39
`I-*4=_F<:| fcIm1aIs
`En‘ IBM:
`3' IBM;
`I Em.‘
`-- -E‘
`i__ I E
`' LH '
`Da1Ia5, Tx ?524a unrtacl States
`winnpag, MB R3T 2N2 Canada
`ST JOHNS, ML MB 3‘r'1 Canada
`._”l_ H _l”m
`4“ juiui
`Denver, CD 30206 Unfled States
`‘ TPJMU _
`Corpus Chr1'51i,T}( FE-I12 United States
`* Un'
`at n Li
`Saskai-Don, SK 5??! 5.0.4 Canada
`-If Heller Work} Ellie:
`L Dehis
`Mah=_-rid Tyne:
`|nE_emet resource
`Shm-r1ibraries h:u|cEaI1g gi
`WP rr
`£1 Lam
`12|}|}rni|E n
`M“ I7
`-1 U Aid In fE'.l'\Cl'i'DE
`' A dW mafia
`I Add 11:: fa-mrita
`ialitfifiiflifikE m'm_ar_
`‘ ‘Tm fmmfi
`WP F’
`Mr’? IT
`'-W '7
`Ex. 2013-0008
`Ex. 2013-0008

`Displaying Iiblarifi 4343 out was
`Shawlibrarifi holding: 1:}
`wsfin ahiu.
`nn, DC
`2DE|C|5 Washingt
`ttm-=F’£§1fi§1_?~|A=t> LL!»
`Had fannals
`-' '' ulhlaerla
`Edmoratnn, #93 T6113 2.13 Canada
`tlffllilllfl Li:|larie5
`-' ''
`Tucson, AZ 35?21 United States
`Lanuslm Lila?
`hrine, CA‘:'|2E23 United States
`Vancouver, BC VET 121 Canada
`Davis, CA 95515 United states
`- Univemily of Caifmria, L05 Arqzlla
`LD5 Angeles, CA 90095 United States
`El -E;
`El -3351"
`Q IE.
`E.‘ -it
`-1 Bellaarwprhdflualu;
`1904] milfi
`H.-"P IT
`22|IH] lnilfi
`23|]|] miifi
`23|J|J miles
`23|J|J miles
`fl Libirg in‘fc-
`I Aid 11: favtrita
`£1 Ligginfc.
`Ex. 2013-0009
`Ex. 2013-0009

`Displayfirg Iibmm 45-54 out ufBB
`Sher‘:-rlilararies holing gin
`«E <F'1£1§‘31__1|£-‘U £1!
`‘ T '
`Dublin, 2 Irelencl
`" -Hilfllflfll IJ'|‘._Ifl! Iificlfill
`E1:|inbun;;h, Scotland, EH1 1EW Unfled Kmgdam
`Edlnllnuh Unruetsiy Liraly
`Edinburgh, EH8 EIL.J United Icngdom
`‘ CJIEIIT Urfiflfl
`Cardiff, CF10 333 United Kingdom
`‘ Del‘-IIEI Manlizfleskar Uriiufimiy I-IIHEIJIHSHHS FuI.II'IdfliorI Trust
`Manchester, M13 SWL United Kingdom
`*- Easl Larlcashile HHS TIIISI‘. B-|.|rl1E'l'GBfH2'l'3I Hnfifflil
`Bumieyr, BB10 2PG1 Unfled Ifingd-om
`:| IBM!‘
`El I E
`2| I g
`I Bank
`I Bank
`+<Fi'St< |‘n |-.1 IDO
`{D 3
`IE E 3
`-II‘ Belier World0
`:. Deiais
`Materfl Type:
`Internet resourue
`H _
`H |_i|2Efli|1f\'_\.
`.-. Ask a librarian
`'0‘ -Nfififitmlfi
`‘ pfifmhlmmfi
`u Ligginfc,
`I .&éi_tQ_iax§1:i.E
`u Lima jnfc.
`u Lung-_'u;m;,
`3am _I
`|'|'|| E5
`mg _|
`|'|'|| E5
`M: _I
`3500 miles,
`-AF -7
`3553 |'ni|e5
`NF ‘-7
`3530 |'|'|i|e5
`Wt‘ -"'
`Ex. 2013-0010
`Ex. 2013-0010

`E1-i:p|a.)'ir-g Iiblaifi E5-BIZ! out |:IfBE
`Fund |rI:IIan|=_-5
`mmfi washinghml DC
`<—:I=irs1<P£§§1ug12aui¢:. Last»
`" ljueiptui WunerI's HI-E5 Fulflafiul Trust
`L1'ver3J0o|,'l_E> ?SS United Ifingdom
`'" Permhe ham Hcapifls NHS Trust
`Hnyal Dkllan I-Ineipitai
`Olclharn, DL1 2JH United Kingdorn
`‘ RnyaJLivemcnl&BrtndgreerIE-lus[itisflH5TnEl
`L1u\erpoo|,L? axp united lfingdom
`“ 51:u:kpn|tNHSFourI1:Iion Trust
`Poplar Grove, Stockpen, SK? ?'JE United |(J'n«_:,u:Icum
`. _
`WetI1erI:r_.',Wes1 Yurkshre, L523 T-‘Ba United Pfingdnm
`Birnrngna-n uniuusny
`Elirrningham. E15 217 unwed I-Gngdcum
`El I Bunk
`II I on
`i-Znl Iamk
`E1 I M
`qr Helm’ Work] Baits
`; Del:-is
`hlaterfl Type
`lnlernet resou rue
`Shuwlibraries holding gin
`3-5m mines
`|'|'ll ES
`W T
`U LHEE infc.
`U L_
`. McL"‘fi._mE
`35:10 mines u
`W -T
`u Lugmarc-
`jj L ham nit:
`51 Lib'§I1infc-
`9: Ask a ntuarian
`1' ='5=5=J‘-‘dim’-£15
`3590 mines
`~'-‘F "'
`|'|'ll es
`Ex. 2013-0011
`Ex. 2013-0011

`Irseln ahin.
`Disp|a3I1'rug|ibIa'iE 51-as out c-we
`Shclwlibrarifi hnncumg
`44% <F*&&1_ 17 ELL? liq»
`I-«Ed funmals
`E IE:
`E IE‘
`Hamsnn L
`WoI\re|11arnpton, ‘NW 1L‘u"nUniteci Ffingdnrn
`62. "
`Document Deiuely, Denlnl Lianly
`London, sum 2.o.z United l-Gngdoln
`" =IGgg's0 Lnmlun
`London, WC2R 2L5 United Pfingduln
`54. " TlIeBrii5l1Ubl_a1'[,£iI.Pal1aa5
`London, NW1 2133 United ivfingdorrl
`I‘ g
`London, WC1 E BEST United Kingdom
`‘ i
`canuiuge uniuersiy Liray
`Cambfidge. CE!-3 sun United Kingdorn
`H Belterwurld Bums
`Inlflnerial Type:
`Inlerrtet resource
`35:»: mm;
`H-''-‘' F?
`33:1-n mug
`M3? |'''
`35:]-|:| mug
`M-‘F’ '7
`33:3 r';*''E
`u LEE 'nfc>
`_____ A; E m'fin,ar
`. Add wfamfifi
`u Libirg mm
`.-_ Ask a Iihlariar
`u Libirg info.
`U -I'.’I?E|.l1'-*iE'£E!2i15
`u Libirg mm
`Ex. 2013-0012
`Ex. 2013-0012

`sin. hit
`was ‘Ems Iu:ashingtn:1, DC
`Displaying Iibtarifi 5?-r2 nut |:n‘BB
`shuwlibcang ham-.g. guan-
` p:£l.e|1::e5har,Dav|I:|‘J'b'I5uI| in
`Leicester, LE1 SIQD United Kingdmn
`Oxford, OX1 2.JD United Ifingdcum
`"" U '
`ti _
`5ouu1nampton,5o1? 1E5.J United Iangdom
`Unflemifl "Hula
`Martaurgiahn, 35039 Gem1an§.r
`Held fcnTE'.s
`E I Bunk
`7‘- Q E -E
`Erlang-en, 9105-I GerI11an',r
`72 fl
`Regensburg, 93053 Gerrnany
`I 1
`1!’ Baler World: Baillie:
`:. Delis
`Haiuerid Type:
`Inlemet resource
`Book. Inttemet Resource
`' M: wamfifi
`H Lihfluinie
`:1 Rik 3 “hEl_.lar_
`- M:-uh.”-E
`i_|,Libi1. info
`0 .£s:2:*_m_iam:i.tE
`fl fl1*—L‘‘“*°
`.9, Ask a Iituariar.
`- A5,,-“,3.”-,5
`£1 Lhgg 'n'fc-
`__{ fi;ka|“'m.ar_
`. Mfwfmmm
`ii Lihflfliflifi
`5' ask 3 nbrmarl
`‘ M3mfa,m_hE
`3300 mles
`SBIJCI l11l es
`W’-‘ ="'
`us-.= rr
`‘mm '“' E5
`“N” ‘T
`41m mles
`4:EFU:1I es
`Ex. 2013-0013
`Ex. 2013-0013

`sehct his:
`';Dm5:,a5hiW_ DC
`111311NAa:- Last»
`Sh1:n.-rlibraris hzdfilg 1&1
`Disphying Iibra-1'5 F3—'1"B out DTBB
`m -* nismueuiuus1n.rut11nessauxia'
`Thessahniki, 54124 Greece
`?='|. "
`Medunsa, 0204 South Africa
`Donmfantein Johannesburg, 2023 South Africa
`"' i
`Palmerston Nu|1i1, 44]‘? New Zealan-LI
`”- "' r QIM
`Auckland, 1010 Newzeaiand
`.—. 1}H:flr;1I1Dis:1idHeali|Bna11i!'I:r_a|'1g
`Hamilton, 32:34 New Zealand
`ELI -Bunk
`¢<EiI3<E.IE1'J_‘li213J&1§bE31> LEI»
`-1‘ Bauer World Burn:
`2 Denis
`Inlaernet resource
`Book, Internet Resource
`E I
`' fiddwfawdtfi
`' Pddwfawfitfi
`. Néwfawmfi
`I amaianama
`WP ‘-7
`WP ‘-7
`“W ‘T
`"N: -”"
`W‘-“ '-T
`asnu mies
`MAP '7
`Ex. 2013-0014
`Ex. 2013-0014

`.— [3|]{|5. M0 - - " ....,,5h..,9t.,,,_ Dc V
`Disphying Iiblarifi 7943-1 out man
`‘Ki ‘WERE ‘-41_Et> §>*
`"" Weliggg Medina! and Hedlh Sciences 01'
`Welllnglaun, B021 Newzealand
`‘ U15‘-%5i
`Dunedin, 9016 Newzealand
`‘ ''
`UQ Linlay
`51. Lucia: ALI-QL 4n?2 Austraia
`.*- K](W'l.'l1'lElB E CI1id|'El'l5 I-Inspial
`Singapore, 229399 Singapore
` ' Salmulai-I
`I-Gala sarnaranan, 943:»: Malaysia
`I-‘eid formats
`El IE;
`El I 300*
`I Bunk
`E-Ll -E‘
`snuwaibcans h:u|dk!g gain
`H fa: gig
`2-. Alan: a Iillzuariar.
`H HE:-t in-f4-_t
`:1 gm, -at.
`1; Search at1i1'rs ling
`soon minus
`H-‘F’ '1'
`gem} mug
`M3? |'''
`‘ I-laflih '
`Casuarina, ALI-NT Dam .e»us1naIia
`-W IT
`-I‘ Helm!’ '|M:Iri‘.1 Banks
`2 D3135
`Mair.-rid Type:
`Inlnemei iresau-r\:e
`Ex. 2013-0015
`Ex. 2013-0015

`Disphyirg Iibrrifi 35-as out nfBB
`Fm” m’”‘“"5
`crsfin ahlilz.
`2cm-as Washingtnn, DC
`<v¢Firsl'.<Pre'li'131-I15Nact> Last»
`— La Tmtnu -
`‘ P3f|'?l|'|-‘EH35 %!£ 131!
`Penrith South Dc, l~l5‘i|l.l'1B?'9 Australia
`E‘ I am
`~:-:l=irsi<l=~fl131=l15llam Last»
`-I’ Belief World Blzl-late:
`2 Deillalis
`Material Type;
`Dun-Iiell: Type
`lnlemet resource
`Book, Internet Resource
`Al .fl|.flInI's ! Z Anne Greenclugh; A D M:||'|E|'
`‘ Find more information about: All-ne Greerlcll.lgl'l V
`9'l'B|J34CIl':l-D3135 D34DBB813B
`DCLC li—h-en
` 2
`xlriii. 550 pages : l"|JStl3tlD|'|E ; 23 l:m
`pt. 1. Developmerrt and physiology oflhe respilallory system —
`pl. 2. Anlenalal and postnatal invatigatlnn --
`pl. 3. Clmical management clfthe neonate with rfipilatlary prlclblems —
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`10100 miles
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`M Lib-11 info
`Ex. 2013-0016
`Ex. 2013-0016

`Inlernet nfiourcie
`Book. lnlnernet Resource
`97303-408103135 D3-10303136
`xuiii. 550 pnaga : illustrations; 23 D11
`pl. 1. Developmerlt and physiology" cuflhe respilalnclry system —
`[IL 2. rfirrienalal and pcuslnatal imrfitigatinn —
`pl. 3. Clinical management crfl.l'be neonate \nil11 rap-iratnry problems —
`pl. 4. Neonatal respiratory problems.
`edited by Anne E-reenuugh. Anlhony D. Milner.
`Table ufcofigls
`Col-Il:ri"l:Iu[g[ bigraghiial infonngg
`Publishgr dgcrii
`F"LIl:rlisI1er Website
`Wrilien by a global learn of leading researchers. lhis is e camprehensive update of lhe pmhlelns Ihat aneiaced in li'Ie rreuuliatalirrlae-i1siI.Ie care unit an a daily basis - it
`covers lhe palhngenais, Read
`:1 Reuieius
`Ecitonal reviews
`Publisher Synnpsis
`‘Even! neonatal intensive rare unit ENICU} has a collection crf Ereasured reference materials that are conslanlfy consulted forthe details of neunatuiogy praclice. review
`of specific respiratory Eea.|:|_n:uas...
`User-cnnIrIb|.Ited reviews
`AIH an nzimuand share your Ihoughrls with other readers. E
`Ex. 2013-0017
`Ex. 2013-0017

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