`Schooi 0‘! Optics ICRECIL
`University of Central Fiorida
`ASML 1006
`ASML 1309
`ASML 1309

`The Pin EIuiIding_T'nnupin,I_:,lunSu\ae1.C‘ambI'fdguiL I.II'LII.|'b|‘I Kingd-am
`The h Building. Caunmidge CR1 ZRU. L'Ir.'.
`-Iflwnw. E Strut. NBWYAKE. N1’ ]lI|]1--1-21l. Ufifi.
`-IT! ‘II.-'1|lEamsIo1A11 Rand. Pun B.-'|I9ItIo:Ir|:w."|"IIZ' 320?. Ausrniha
`R1.1.i.zd.e:!LlarI:flnl3. 2:II1}1—'1-Madrid. Spain
`I'_'I:n:'l Hausa, TII£:WaL=_-rfnzlul, Qape'I\:rwn BED]. SGl.|I.II.'IlfI'i€.&
`I-'u'st |KJI}II.BI2H3:'I [W6
`Raplimad I599. ZDIIIL EIII3
`First a|li1iun.€tI Camhlidgefinivamky Pmss
`Smmd sdiljtm BI 'W'1IIiam T. Silfwst 2-IJD-I
`This bu:-a:|L is iI1+:up3Ir'qgh‘l_ Subject In slalulmj excepliuuand
`tn flu: |'I-fi2|1'ISIOI'|5 DE rem-anluullactiw-2 licensing a_|_z,J'\3emen1.s.
`rJora]:u1:du|::juunFu.113rpa.rL may I312 place williuml
`Hzewfillen pmmminn nfflamhtjdge University Press.
`First ptlblished 2004
`Printed in ma United Slants of Amerllcn
`Tfipefacz Times IO.5F]3.5 mid Atenir
`5'_‘i£J'£J'Er AMS—'I].3X |'FJ-I]
`A. mmiag nrmm'_fbr HIE: boot tramuiiablefium Eh? Bn'r1':FrJ'J'&rr:r_v.
`iibmry r.r,l" Cm31233 G]talagblg in .P.u.B1.|'J'carim ::'tm.r
`Sllfvast. 'W'III‘ia1:I1 T'I1.ou:1a5. 1937-
`Laaeriurudansemals F"PrTIlia.m T. Silfvasl. — 2nd ed.
`Includes b':tIIiogn1_uhi::a.! ref-c'mnmsm1.d influx.
`[SEN CI-3'2]-E3345-1]
`I. Lasari.
`I. ‘fills.
`ISfl_3lS"&— I:I|:"l1
`ISBN fill E33-15 III hardback

`Preface lo the Second Edirion
`Prefare to the Firs‘? Edition
`Deiiuilion of the Laser
`SimpI.iI::il'_1.' til’ a Laser
`l'niqu>e Properties of :1 Lu.-oer
`The Laser Spectrum and ‘|r"r'aveIu31glIIs
`A Brief I-]islor'_|' uflhe Laser
`Ifh'en"iew of the fluolt
`2.1 -.‘t'1aJtweII’s I-Zquatiuiis
`2.1 I't'Ia11w.-I‘I’s ‘I-'c'a1-‘e Equations
`MaJ:weII‘5 Wave Equations for :5 Vacuum
`Solution oI'II]':o General Wave Equation — Equivaltznoe of Light and
`Electromagnetic Radiation
`Wave ‘Velocity — Phase and Group Veioccilies
`Gornemlizod Solution of the Wan: Equation
`Tra.11s\«'erse' Electromagnetic Waves and PoIa:I'ii:Ed Light
`Flow oI'E!ocu'on1.agn+:t'ic Energy
`Radiatlon from a Point Source fEII:cu'it' Dipole Rodi ation}
`2.3 Interuclinn of Eleclromugueiit Radiation I Lighlr with Mailer
`Speal of Light in :1 Mcdium
`Maxwell's Equations in a Medium
`Applicaljon of Maxwell's Equations to Diolecuic Matedals —
`La:.I::r Gain Media
`Complex I.lIIEI.l-23! of Refraction — Optical Constants
`Absorption and Dispersion
`page xix

`3 El-
`5 I
`5 1'
`TI‘ 2
`Estimating Particle Densities of Materials for Use in the
`Dispersion Equafions
`1.4 Coherence
`Temporal Coherence
`Spatial Coherence
`J-.I Bohr Theory ol‘th4.- I-lydrogen Art‘-om
`Historical Development of the Concept of Discrete Energy Levels
`Energy levels of the Hydrogen Atom
`Frequency and Wauelengili oi‘ Emission Lines
`Ionization Energies and Energy LE3".-‘HIS oflons
`32 Quantum Theory of Atomic Fitergy I.c't'-Els
`Wave Nature of Particles
`Heisenberg Unoonainty Principle
`Wave Theory
`Wave FuncI.ion_s
`Quantum States
`'l11e Schrodingerwavc Equation
`Energy and Wave Function for the Ground State of the
`Hydrogen Atom
`Excited States of Hydrogen
`Aflowed Quantum Numbers for Hydrogen Atom Wave Functions
`J3 Angular '.'t'1onIoI1I1r.rIIi of Atnnts
`Orbital Angular Momentum
`Spin Angular Mtnnenlzurn
`Total Angular Momenuim
`J21 Eltergy I..L-vols Associated with Doc-Electnin A toms
`fine Slzrtuzhtre o-f Speuctral Lines
`Pauli Exclusion Principle
`J-.5 PI£I'l'ltl2IlI'.' Table oi'tJIt- Eiements
`Quantum Conditions Associated 'W'lI2ll Multiple Electrons Attached
`to Nuclei
`Shorthand Notation [or Electronic Configurations of Atoms Having
`More Than Dne Electron
`J-.6 EnH'g_I.' Lew.-l.sot‘|.'tIt|lti-FJectrnn .-ittoms
`Energy-—Lewcl Designation for IL'l1.Ilti—ElcoI.ron States
`R:.1.<.sell—Sa.urI=der5 or L3 Coupling — Notation for Energy Levels
`Energy Levels Associated with Two Electrons in Unfilled Shells
`Rules for Obtaining S, L. and J for L3 Coupling
`Degenerucy and Staosdcal Weights
`j—j Coupling
`Isoelectrortic Sealing

`-11.1 Decay ol'Excited States
`Radiative Decay of Excited States of Isolated Atoms —
`Spornaneo as Emission
`Spontaneous Ernission Decay Rate — Radiative Transition
`Li leti me of a Radiating Electron — Tl1e Electron as a Classical
`Radiating Harmonie Dscillator
`Nonradiative Decay oi the Excited States — Collinnnal Decay
`-1.1 Emission Emaiieiiing and Linewidtlt Due to Raifrative Decay
`Classical Emission Linewidtli of a Radiating Electron
`Natural Emission Linev.'idtl'L as Dedtteed by Quantum Nlochnnics
`(Minimum Linewidtli}
`4..'- Addifiolul Enlisfioil-Broadening PI'wee-sses
`Broadening Due to N'onradistive{E'ollisiona1l Decay
`Broadening Due to Dephasing Collisions
`Atmorphodis Crystal Broadening
`Doppler Broslzlening in Gases
`Voigt Linesltagie Profile
`Broadening in Gases Due to Isotope Shifts
`Comparison of‘-lafious Types o1'Emission Broadening
`-I.-l Quantum Wleelianietil Description of Risdiating Atnins
`Electric Dipole Radiation
`Electric Dipole Matrix Element
`Electric Dipole Transition Probability
`Oscillator Strength
`Selection Rules for Electric Dipole Transitions Involving Atoms
`with a Single Electron in an Unfilled Subsbel!
`Selection Rules for Radiative Transitions Involving Atorrts will‘:
`More Thai: One Electron in an Unfilled Sulirsliell
`Parity Selection Rule
`lnelficient Radiative Transitions — Electric Quadrnpole and I3-flier
`Higher-Cinder Transi tions
`5.1 ilrlelecular Energy ‘Levels and l-ipLecI.r".1
`Energy Levels of Molecules
`Classification oi" Simple Molecules
`Rotational Energy Le.vels of Linear Molecules
`Rotational Energy Levels of Symrnetrie—Top Molecules
`Selection Rules for Rotational Transitions
`1 [5
`1 LE

`‘Vibrational Energy Levels
`Soletnion Rule For '1.-"ibrational Transitions
`P.otational—"tu"ibrational Transitions
`Probal:-itities of Rotational and Wbrafionai Transitions
`Electronic Energy Let-'cl.s of Mo locales
`Electronic Transitions and Associated Selection Rules of
`Emission Lirtewidth of Molecular Transiuons
`The Franclt—Condon Principle
` Energy Levels
`5.2 Liquiti Energy L-l."t'i£'I5 and Their Radiation Proipei1:ies
`Structurc of Dye Molecules
`Energy Levels of Dye Molmulcs
`Excitation and EJTtlSSl|'_1-I1 of Dye Molecules
`Drrtrirnental Triplet States ofDye liiolocules
`5.3 Fatergy Let-'e!s in Solids — Dielectric Laser llr'l:IIeri.als
`Host Materials
`Laser Species — Dopant Ions
`i"la.rTou.'-Linewirlth Laser Materials
`Broadband Tunable Laser Materials
`flroaclcrting Mechanism for Solid-State Lasers
`5.4 F.nerg:I.' Levels in .‘-iolids — Semicond trctor Laser Matefiais
`Energy Bands in Crystalline Solids
`Energy Levels in Periodic Structures
`Energy i_.E.‘t'ElS ol'Coi1t:lucto1:s. Insulators. and Semiconductors
`Excitation and Decay of Excited Eilergy Levels — Recombination
`Direcl and Indirect Eandgap Se:I11i.conductors
`Electron Distribution Function and Density of States in
`lntri nsic Semiconductor Materials
`Extrinsic Semiconductor Materials — Doping
`|:I—n Junctions — Recombination Radiation Due to Electrical
`Excitati on
`Heterojuoction Semiconductor Materials
`Quantum ‘Wells
`Variation offlaridgap Energy and Radiation ‘Wavelength with
`Alloy Composition
`Recombination Radiati on Transition Probability and Linewidlli
`6.1 Equililtriuni
`Thertnal Equilibrium
`Thermal Equilibrium via Conduction and Convection
`Thermal Equilibrium via Radiation
`I T9

`til Radiating Bodies
`SLelan—-Boltzmann Law
`Wien's Law
`Irralzlience and Radiance
`ti._1 Cavity Iladiatiim
`Con nling the Number of Cavity Modes
`Ra_I,rleigh—Jeans Formula
`Planck’: Law for C91.-'It'_'f Radiation
`Relationship between Cavity Radiation and B-Iaokbody
`Wavelength Dependence of E'IaokF:Iodg..' Ernissi on
`6.4 fithszoriiiinn and Stimulated Emiflion
`The Ptineiple of Detailed Balance
`A.bso1:'pIion and Stimulated Ernission Ce-eifieients
`"M Absorption and Cain
`Absorption and Gain on a Homogeneouely Broadenetl Radiative
`Transition [Ln-rentzian Frequency Disuibution}
`Gain Coefiioient and Stimulated Emission Cross Section for
`Homogeneous Broadening
`Absorption and Gain on an Inhomogeneously Broadened Radiative
`Traneiti on [Doppler Broadening wit]: a Gaussian DIttl.|!'IlZ||.tI.I on?
`Gain Coefiieient and Sti mulaied Emission Cross Sedion for
`Doppler Broadening
`Statistical ‘Weights and the Gain Equation
`Relationship of Gain Coelficient and Stimulated Emission
`Cross Section to fltbsorplion Coeflieieni and Absorption
`Cross Section
`.2 Population Inversion tI"«'I.'1:easa1jr Condition For :1 Laser!
`TJ ls"-oturittion Intensity tfinflici-i.-nl Condition for a Laser}
`14 Development and Growth of a Laser Beam
`Growth of Beam for a Gain It-'le::liuni 1.!.'iI:l1 Homogeneous
`Shape or G+.'.‘.'UTt'IDll'}" of Amplifying Medium
`Growth of B-earn for Doppler Broadening
`'l'.5 Expunen-tial Growth Footer tflazin]
`]".t'§ Thnsholtl Requirenients tier :1 Laser
`Laser with No Nlirrors
`Laser with One Mirror
`Later with Two Mirrors
`El I
`2 [4
`2 lo

`3.1 Laser Gain Saturation
`Rate Equations of the Laser Levels That loclude Stimulated
`Population Densities CI-T Upper and Lower Laser Levels with
`Beam Present
`E-rrI.aEI-Signal Gain Coefficient
`Saturation of the Laser Gain above Threshold
`3.1 Laser Beam Gmwtli beyond the Saturation lnteslsilp
`Change from Ex ponentisl Growth to Linear Growth
`Steady-State Laser Intensity
`3.3 Optimization r.II'L1s»er Output Power
`-Dptimurn Output -.'t-!in'or Transmission
`Dptimurn Laser Output Intensity
`Estimating Dptirnurn Laser Dutpot Power
`3.4 F.nerg'_v Exchange between Upper I.aser Level Population and
`Laser Photons
`Decay Time ofa Laser Beam within an Optical Cavit_v
`Basie Laser Cavity Rate Equations
`Steady-S tate Solutions Izlelow Laser Threshold
`Steady-S Late Elperation above Laser Threshold
`E5 [..aser Output Fluctuations
`Laser S-pflring
`Relaxation Oscillations
`HI: Laser It mplilieis
`Basie Arnplilier Uses
`Propagation ofa High-Power. Short-Duration Gplicai Pom through
`an Ampli fier
`Saturation Energy Fluenee
`Amplifying Long Laser Pulses
`Amplifying Svhort Laser Pulses
`Comparison of Effleieru Laser Anipliti ers Based upon Fundamental
`Saturation Limits
`It-'iin'or Array and Ronator {Regenerative} Amplifiers
`inversions an-rl Two-Level Syflems
`.2 Relative [Ieeay Rates — Radiative versus Collisional
`9.} Steady‘-Stale I:I1versions in TIIree- and Four-l_.eveI 5:|.'S‘IIE‘l'I.'l5
`Tnree-Level Laser with die Intennediale Level as the Upper Laser
`Tl'Lree-Level Laser wifli Hie Upper Laser Level as the Highest Level
`Four—Level Laser
`9.4 Transient Pn§pu.I:11ion Imrersinns

`9.5 Pmcesse-5 That Inhibit or Destmy inversions
`Radiation Trapping in J1‘tton'I.s and Ions
`Electron Collisionnl Thermatizaticai of the Laser Levels in Atoms
`and Ions
`Comparison of Radiation Trapping and Electron Collisi-onal Mixing
`in a Gas Laser
`Ahsorpn on ‘W'li]'lll'I the Gain Medium
`lll.1 I.-Excitation or Pumping Threshold Requirements
`Ill.1 Pumping Patlrvt-'n].'s
`Excitation by Direcl Pumping
`Excitation by Indirect Pumping [Pump and Transfer:
`Specific Pump-and-Transfer Processes
`Il}..'i- Specific Excitation Paranseters .JLsso-ciated with
`Optical Pumping
`Pumping Geometnet
`Pumping Requirements
`A Sirnplilied Optical Pumping Approximation
`Trariwerse Pumping
`End Pumping
`Diode Pumping of Solid—Sr.a1e Lasers
`C11a.Iaolerir.a1ion tifa Laser Gain Medium with Optical Pumping
`tSlope Efficicncyl
`ll}.-1 Specific Excitation Paraanelsers Assn-cialed with
`Particle Pumping
`Electron Collisional Pumping
`Heavy Particle Pumping
`A More Accurate Description of Electron Excitation Rate to :1
`Specific Energy Level in a Gas Discharge
`Electrical Pumping of Semiconductors
`assert ENCES
`I].1 lntmduflion
`11.1 Longitudinal Laser Carit-_I.' Modes
`Fa'|::r_',-—Pe:tol Resonator
`Fabr_',I—Perot ['avI'tj.' Modes
`Longitudinal Laser Cavity Modes
`Longitudinal Mode Number
`Req Ltiremenm for the Development of Longitudinal
`L.-ascr Modes
`31 I
`3 [9
`3 lg‘

`11.3 Tr'.1.ns'rerse Last.-r Ca1.'it}' Modes
`Fres:ne1—K.irehhofl' Diffraction Integral FDITI1LEiB
`Development of Trmisverfie Modes in a Ca\"it_1.r with Plane-Parallel
`Transverse Modes Using Curved Mirrors
`Transverse Mode Spatial Disuibutiens
`Transverse Mode Frequencies
`Gaussian-Shaped Transverse Modes within and beyond the
`Laser Cavity
`1 1.4 Properties of Laser Modes
`Mode Characteristics
`Efl'eet ol Modes en die Gain Medium Profile
`12.1 Siabclr Cu'n'ed Mirror Cavities
`Cur-I.-wee‘ Minor C‘:-wilies
`ABCD Matrices
`Cavity Stability Criteria
`12.2 Pmperlies of Cfllflfiiafl Beams
`Propagation ofa Gaussian Ream
`Gaussian Beam Properties oI'Ts.-‘n-Minor Laser {'a1.'iLies
`Prop-enies of Specific T'wo-Minor Laser Cavities
`Mode Volume ofa ]-lermite—Gaussiart Mode
`11.3 Fmperlies of Real Laser l-'I-i.-*.m:|s
`.11.-I Pmpsrgjafion oil’ Gaussian ll‘-earns l-"sing JIBCD Mattriu:-as —
`Corrtplex Beale Phrameier
`Complex Beam Parameter Applied to a TWD—MlHDT Laser Cavity
`13.1 Unstable Resom11dr:rs
`13.2 Q-Switching
`General Description
`Methods of Producing Q-Switc'hing within a Laser Cavity
`13.1 Cain-Switching
`13.-I llrlode-I..odiiI1g
`General Deseiiption
`Techniques for Producing !I."lode-Locking
`13.5 Puise Slmrtening Tl3I.‘liJl.ll.|IlE'S
`Self—P‘l1.sse Modulation
`Pulse Shortening or Lenglzhening Using Group ‘i-'elor:i1g,' Dispersion
`Pulse Compression I|'Sl:t-:::«} with Gratings -or Prisms
`L||'I.rssl1ort-Pulse Laser and Amplifer System
`43 2
`4-3 2
`4-5 !
`45 I
`45 1

`13.6 Ring Last-rs
`Monolidlic Unidincclional Single-Mode Nd:‘I'AG Ring Laser
`Two—!'I.-'Iirr::Ir Ring Lasor
`13.7 Conpltx Bi.-am Parameter AnaI'_i'si.-s. .-‘ltpplied to II-Iulli-Mirmr
`Laser Cnfilies
`Tnrci:-Mirror Ring Laser Cavity
`TI1rcc— or Fu-ur—Min'or Focttaod Cavity
`13.8 Cavities for I'md1.n:1'ng Spectral Hamming cf
`l.a=.»t=r flulpnl
`Cavity with Additional FaIJl'}'—I3'I3IDII Ettdon for Narrow-Freqoenqr
`Tunable C'a1."i Ly
`Broadband Tunable cw Ring Lasers
`Tunable Cavity for Ultranarrow-Frequency’ Output
`Distributed Feedback I.‘DFB‘] Lasers
`Distributed Bragg Rcfloction Lasers
`[33 Laser Ifavilies Requiring 5l'I'I:.|I.[-DI“an1E'lE'l' {Iain Regions —
`Asliglnati-tally‘ Compensated Ga!-'itit-5
`l3_ll'I '|.'o':n'I.-gui.r:I-it E'u1.'ilie: For (‘/33 L*.merB
`IILI Atornit: Gas Last.-is
`H4:liuJ1'i—I"~Ion-11 Laser
`General Description
`Excitation Mechanism
`Argon lon Laser
`Gcncral Description
`Laser Structure
`Excitation Mechanism
`Krypton Ion Laser
`HeIinm—Cadn1itIm Lastr
`General Description
`Laser Structure
`Excitation Mechanism
`Copper Vapor Lassa‘
`General Description
`Laser Stnicturc
`Excitation Mechanism

`14.2 Molecular Gas Lassa‘:
`Carl:-an Dioxide I.:i5«i.-r
`Genera! Desciipfian
`Laser S-lrL:c.1'n1'c
`E‘.U:'i[:I|.iU]1 Mechanism
`Eicimer Lasers
`GEi'IaE:I'E.i DBscI'ip1iI:I-n
`Lass: SIru.cIu1'n
`Ezcitnliun Mechanism
`Nimygau Laser
`Genera! Dcscriplicl-11
`Laser SI.rLLctu1'e and Exciuurion Mechanism
`Far~1n|'ra|neIi G:Is Lasers
`Gcimral Dl3S£‘I'i.|J!jDEI
`Lass: S-l1'|.J.I:.‘I]l]'n]
`Excitziliun Mechanism
`Cheitlicnl Last-rs
`Camera! Dnscfipdan
`Laser Slructurc
`Excitalinn Mechanism
`14.3 K-Ray Plasma Lasers
`Pumping Energy‘ Requirements
`Excitalinn Mechanism
`Optical Cavities
`}(—Ray Laser Transitions
`14.4 I-'n:e-Electron 1.3.921‘:
`Laser Struc run:
`15.1 fllgauic D3-'e l.ns:ers
`Laser SI.1'L:c1.ur£:
`Excitnlicun M-cc!'I.anisn'L
`15.2 11'-nliIi—SI.:11I: Lasers
`5] I
`5| I
`5 I l
`5 I5
`5 I6
`5 I6
`5 I E-

`Ruby lulu
`General Dcscriplliun
`Laser 5I1.IcI:.m:
`Ewitnii-an Mechanism
`NI-nd)& “Hi fldflltn Imus
`General Duuzripiiun
`' Sltnturc
`Etcituian Huclunism
`HmdpiIn~:‘|‘LI" Linen
`General D-::Im‘pt5m
`l.nn:r Sructmv:
`Eu:iInu'm Hnclluixm
`Hen-&yflunI:"t'Ill'hn1 '\'5Inud:Iu1Nd:'1"lr‘ILILnsers
`Luau: Slmctun:
`Exadlalinn Mmhminm
`"|"IIu'b|um:\'.A:l.‘- Emmi
`Gancrai D|:IcripI.Iun
`Lam Slruulurc
`E:Iu.:i1nI.iun Huclunism
`Akunthllr limmrr
`Gmnml Ducriptilm
`Laser Suuclurc
`Excilntiun Mucbuiun
`Titanium Suppl!!! Lunar
`-Gcnufl Duoriptinn
`Lnmr Shula:
`Exuituinn Hudamism
`(‘Blunts IHAF ad l.lI.'.:|F Luna
`Gntuhl [ks-criplirnl
`Lnu:r Stucmm
`Excitlion Mechanism
`I-‘In-r Inner:
`Gaul! Du-cripliun
`laser Sructnrc
`Enciinli-at: Mnchauiim
`III‘-uhr Center lmnsn
`Lane: Slrudun:
`55 I
`H I

`Excitation Mechanism
`15.3 Semiconductor Diode L35-BI‘?
`Four Basic Types of Laser Materials
`Laser Structure
`Frrslucncy Control of Laser Dulput
`Quantum Cascade Lascrs
`p-Doped Gennanium Lasers
`Excitation Meci1anisn't
`"|r‘|"a1'c Pr'o.p:1gal.iIm in an Anisoiruzupi-c Crystal
`16.2 Pularimiirsn Response of}-'Iate{'ia1s to Light
`16.3 Sec-tint!-fllrder hlonlinear Optical Processes
`Second Harrncunic Gclzrsnttic-n
`Sttrn. and Diffcrcncc Frequency Gencration
`OptieaJ Pm'a.n1cLric ftscillatiun
`IISJ 'I11ird-flI'der Nonlinear Optical Processes
`Third Harmonic Generation
`[nlcnsit}'-Dependcnt Refractive L|'|'LiEtJC — Scl!'—Fcrc1.Ising
`16.5 Nonlinear Optical Materials
`16.6 Phase Matching
`DCSCI'ipliI'.'H1 of]-"hasc Matching
`Achieving Phase Matching
`Types afPJ1a5c Matching
`16.? Snturable Absorption
`16.3 Two-Photon Absorption
`lfi.‘.-I fiirntllated Raman Scattering
`16.10 Harmonic Genenaljon in Gases

`1 I
`CWEI!Il"IE?'I'|' A laser is a device that amplifies light
`and produces a highly ctirectioual. high-intensity
`bea.n1 that most often has a very pure frequencjr or
`It comes in sizes ranging from approx-
`imately one tenth die diaoteter of a human hair to
`the size of a very large building. in powers ranging
`from IEl"° to Ill” W, and in wavelengths ranging
`from the nticrowatre to the sofl—X-ray spectral regions
`witlt corresponding frequencies from Ill“ to ID” Hz.
`Lasers have pulse.eoe:rgies as high as llll J and pulse
`durations as short as i 3-: lll'u‘ s. T'l'te;t' can easily
`drill holes to the most durable of materials and can
`weld detacltcd retinas W'lIl'IlI1 the hLtma.1-eye. They are
`a key component of some of our most modern corn-
`munlcation systccms and an: the "plson-Jgr-tph needle"
`ofeur compact disc players. T'l'tLf,.I perfenu heat treat-
`ment ofhigh-strength nsaterials. such 5 die pistons of
`our autelnobile engines. and pmvide a special surgi-
`cal knife for many types of medical pl'DDECl.ttI'BS.
`act as targetclesignators for military weapons amiprn-
`vide for the rapid ch.-eck—eut we have come to expect
`at the supermarket. What areroarkable range ofcl1at-
`acteristics for a device that is in only its fifth decade
`of existence!
`There is nothing magical about a laser. 11 can be thought ofasjusl another type
`Lrf light sutu me. It LFl.'.1lI‘l.llJ.l}' Iuu litany Lutiqut: §.rurpt.=ILit:.\i tllnt. Iilitkt: it a1 apmsial ligllt
`source. but t:l1ese propesties can be understood vv1'thc-ut knowledge of sophisticated
`matlternarical techniques or cemples. ideas. It is the objective of this test It: explain
`the operation of the Iasex in a simple. logical approach that builds from one con-
`cept to the next as the chapters evolve. The concepts, as they ate developed. will
`be applied to all classes of laser materials. so that the reader will develop a sense
`of the broad field of lasers while still acquiring the capability to study. design. or
`simply tutderstand a specific type of laser system in detail.
`The word laser is an aeaonym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of
`Radiation. The laser makes use of processes that increase or amplify light signals.
`after those signals have been generated by other means. These processes include
`[I] stimulated emission. a natural effect that was deduced by considerations re-
`lating to lherrnod}-nam-.c equilibrium, and [2] optical feedback Epresent in meat

`Up-lical resonator or cavity
` \
`Amplflythg rnedlurn
`LE|flEt' beam
`fir-M 1-1 Simplified
`scl'uen1atic oitypical laser
`Fully rellecting
`lasers] that is usually provided by mirrors. Thus, in its simplest fonn, a laser con-
`sists of a gain or amplifying medium {where stimulated emission occurs}, and a
`set of mirrors to feed the light back into the amplifier for continued growth of the
`developing beam. as seen in Figure 1-I.
`The simplicity ofa laser can be understood by oonsidcri rig the light from acanrlle.
`Normally, a hunting candle :l'fl.Cliflil{‘.S light in all directions. and therefore illumi-
`nates ‘various objects equally if they are equidistant from the candle. A laser takes
`light that would no-rrnally be emitted in all directions, such as from a candle. and
`concentrates that light into a single direction. Thus. if the light radiating in all di-
`rections from a candle were concentrated lI.'Il:t] a single beam -of the diamietner of the
`pupil of your eye [approximately 3 mm]. and if you were standing a distance of
`l m from the candle. then the light intensity would. be l.fll}C|_.EHI| times as bright as
`the light that you normally see radiating from the candle! That is essentiaily the
`underlying concept of the operation of a laser. However. a candle is not The "kind of
`medium that produces amplification. and thus there are no candle lasers. It takes
`relatively special conditions. within the laser medium For amplification to occur,
`but it is that capability of taking light that would normally radiate from a source in
`all directions — and concentrating that light into a beam traveling in asingle direc-
`tion — that is imrolved in making a laser. These special conditions. and the media
`within which they are produced. will be described in some detail in this book.
`The beam of light generated by a typical lasesrcan have many properties that are
`unique. When comparing laser properties to those of other Light sources, it can
`be readily recognized that the values of various parameters for laser light either
`greatly exceed or are much mom restrictive than the values for many common
`light sources. We never use lasers forstreel illumination, or For illumination within
`our horses.
`‘We don't use Ihen1 for searchlights or flashlights or as headlights in

`our cars. Lasers. generaly have a narrower frequency distribution, or much higher
`intensity. or II much yeater degree of oollimalion. or much shorter pulse duration.
`than that available from more oornmon types of light sources. Tlncrefore. we do use
`them in oompact disc phyers. in supezrmarlcet chock-out scanners, in suneying in-
`struments. and in :|'I'.|:£H2llCE.l applications as a surgical ltrtife or for welding detached
`retinas. We also use thorn in communications systems and in radar and military
`targeting applications, as well as many other uneas. A laser is a specialized light
`some that should be used only when its unique properties are required.
`A portion of the E:l6ElII'Dl!'l.C radiation spectrum is shown in l7Ig1.n'e 1-2 for the
`region cover-rd by ::urrentl}r e.It1'stirIglaseIs_ Such lasers span the wavelength range
`from the far infrared pan ofthe speelznsm l.i'L = I,C|Dfl _u.n1‘] to the soft—X—ray region
`U-. = 3 nm}. thereby ootefing a range of wavelengths of almost six orders of mag-
`nitude. There are several types of units that are used to define laser u-mrelengtlls.
`These range from micrometers ormierons tum] in the infrared to nanometers tom}
`and angstroms {sat} in the visible, ultlavioiet {UV}, vacuum ultraviolet [VUV 3, ex-
`treme ultraviolet tELTTt-' or XUV], and soft—X—ray (SXRI spectral regions.
`lam : l'fl"E' m;
`1.6. = 10-1“ m;
`1nm:ll]'9 m.
`Consequently. I Il'tlCr1'.tl1[,t.LI'nl = IDJDEK} angstroms Lit] = I.DD{}nanometers{I1m].
`Forexasnple. green ligh: has awavelength of 5 Jr: l[I‘7 n1 : [L5 tern : 5.000 tit :
`SDEI mo.
`Fifima $2 Wavelength
`range efvarious lasers
`92-22 .199
`Ar-u — — -
`- _.
`Far lnlrflred
`SH‘. Ill-Pay:
`10I:Inm Bfirn
`——- ENERGY ll?) — ..

`Far infrared: It] to l.tJCll] ,um'.
`middle infrared; I to It] yam:
`near infrared: 0.7‘ to lptrn;
`visible: 0.4 to l].'i" em. or 4-Dtl to THE! um‘.
`ultraviolet: 0.2 to [L4 is rn, or EDD to 400 nm:
`vacuum ultraviolet: {Ll to 0.1 nm. or 100 to 201] rim:
`ex' ultraviolet: It] to 101] Elm‘.
`soft X-rays:
`l nm to approximately 20-30 not :some overlap with EUV }.
`Charles Townes took advantage of the stimulated emission process to oonstnrct a
`microwave a.mpl.ifier, referred to as a nxerser. This device produced a coherent beam
`of microwaves to be used for communications. The first maser was produced in
`ammonia vapor with the inversion between two energy levels that produced gain at
`a wavelength of 1.25 cm. The wavelengd1s produced in the rnnaser were compara-
`ble to the dimensions of the device. so extrapolation to the optical regime — where
`wavelengths were five orders ot'1:r.agnimde sn'J.aller— was not an obvious extension
`of that work.
`In I958. Townes and Schawlow published a paperoonoeming theirideas about
`extending the maser concept to optical frequencies. They developed the concept
`of an optical arnplilier surrounded by an optical rnirror1'esonantcavit}- to allow for
`growth oi the beam. Townes ant: Schawlow each received a Nobel Prize for his
`work in this field.
`In I966, Theodore Maiman of Hughes Research l_.ah-oratories produced the
`first laser using a ruby crystal as the amplifier and a flashlnmp as the energy source.
`The helical Hashlamp surroundecla rod-shaped ruby eqrstal. and the optical cavity
`was formed by coating the flattened ends of me ruby red with a ligltly reflecting
`material. An intense red bea.m was observed to emerge from the end ofthe rod
`when the fiashlamp was tired!
`The first gas laser was developed in I96] by Pt. Javan, W. Bennett. and D. Har-
`riott of Bell Laboratories. using a n1i.=ttm'e of helium and neon gases. At the same
`laboratories, I... F. Johnson and K..J."~tassau demonstrated the first neodymium laser,
`whichhas since become one of the most reliable lasers available. This was followed
`in 19152 by the first semiconductor laser. demonstrated by R. Hall at the General
`E'tectric. Research Laboratories.
`In I963. C. K. N. Patel ofBelI Laboratories dis-
`covered the infrared carbon dioxide Esser. which is one ofthe most eflicient and
`powerful lasers available todav. Later that same year. E. Bell of Spectra Physics
`discovered the first ion laser. in nasrcurv vapor. [:1 1964 ‘W. Bridges of Hughes Re-
`search Laboraiories discovered the argon ion laser, and in I96-6 W. Silfvast. G. R.
`Fowles. and B. D. Hopltins produced the First bloc helinrn—cad1'niurn metal vapor

`laser. During that same year. P. P. Sorolrin and J. R. Lanlurrd of the EM Research
`Laboratories developed the lirst. liquid laser using an organic dyedissolvcd in a sol-
`vent. l.‘l1Bt'E.‘,lJ-)1‘ leading to the category of broadly tunable lasers. Also at that time._
`W. Walter and oo-worlcers at TRG reported the lirst copper vapor laser.
`The tirst vacuum ultraviolet laser was reported to ooeur in molecular hydro-
`gen by R. I-Iodgson of IBM and independently by R. Wavnant et al. of the Naval
`Research l_.ab-orateries i.11 19'i"l]. The first of t.he well-Irnowii rare-gas—l'ral.idc es-
`cimer lasers was observed in Jtenon fluoride by I. J. Ewing and C. Brae of t.he
`Avco—Everet1. Research 1a.bo1ator'_v in I975. In that same year. the Iirst quantum-
`well laser was made in a gallium arsenide semiconductor by J. van der Zlel and
`co-workers at Bell Laboratories. In 1976. J. M. .T. Madey and co-workers at Stan-
`fortl University demonstrated the lirst free-electron laser a.rnp-lifter operating in the
`infrared at the CD3 laser wavelength. In I979. Walling and co-workers at.-ltllied
`Chemical Corporation obtained bmadly tunable laser output frvoma solid-state laser
`material called alexandrite. and in I985 tlie lirst solt—X—ra5t laser was successfully
`denionstratod in a highly ionized selenium plasma by D. Ma1t'rrewsa.ndala1'genum-
`ber of co-workers at the Lawrenoe Liv-ermore Laboratories. In 1936. F‘. Moulton
`discovered ‘die titanium sapphire laser. In I991. M. Hasse and eo—worl<ers devel-
`oped the first blue -green diode laser in Znfle. In I994. F. Capasso and co-worIa:en;
`developed the tI|LtEtt't'|‘.I.Et1t cascade laser. In I996. S. I‘-lalramura dev

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