`Owen et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,192,053 B2
`Jun. 5, 2012
`Inventors: Mark D. Owen, Beaverton, OR (US);
`Tom McNeil, Portland, OR (US);
`Francois Vlach, Portland, OR (US)
`Assignee: Phoseon Technology, Inc., Hillsboro,
`OR (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. l54(b) by 215 days.
`3/1977 Groves
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`3/1980 Fischer et 211.
`4,194,814 A
`3/1984 Hyatt
`4,435,732 A
`4/1984 Vasudev
`4,439,910 A
`3/1985 Haville ....................... .. 323/288
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`4,530,040 A *
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`4,544,642 A * 10/1985 Maeda et al.
`4,595,289 A
`6/1986 Feldman et al.
`4,680,644 A
`7/1987 Shirato et 211.
`4,684,801 A
`8/1987 Carroll et al.
`Appl. No.: 10/984,589
`Nov. 8, 2004
`pe0p1e/gfinn/0ptical/spectrum. gif) .*
`Prior Publication Data
`Primary Examiner — Jong-Suk (James) Lee
`Assistant Examiner — Mark Tsidulko
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Marger
`McCollom PC
`Johnson &
`US 2005/0152146 A1
`Jul. 14, 2005
`Related U.S. Application Data
`PCT/US03/14625, filed on May 8, 2003.
`Int. Cl.
`F21 V 29/00
`U.S. Cl.
`...... .. 362/294; 362/573; 362/227; 362/241;
`362/301; 362/373
`Field of Classification Search ................ .. 362/294,
`362/573, 227, 230, 231, 241, 301, 373, 800;
`433/29; 315/247, 246, 209 R, 224, 292;
`361/18, 62
`See application file for complete search history.
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`or spectral purity of the output beam. The light module may
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`1 E
`arwan nte ectua
`trans-atron o
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`“Spacing of High-Brightness LEDs on Metal Substrate PCB’s for
`Proper Thermal Performance,” James Petroskr, IEEE Inter Soc. Con-
`ference on Thermal Phenom, 2004.
`PCT International Search Report dated Nov. 19, 2003 and Interna-
`tional Preliminary Examination Report dated Sep. 29, 2003 for Inter-
`national PCT Application No. PCTHJS03/ 14625, filed May 8, 2003,
`5 pages.
`PCT International Search Report and Written Opinion dated Jun. 3,
`2005 for International PCT Application No. PCT/US04/36260, filed
`Oct. 28, 2004, 5 pages.
`US 8,192,053 B2
`Page 4
`PCT International Search Report and Written Opinion dated Jun. 17,
`2005 for International PCT Application No. PCT/US04/36370, filed
`Nov. 1, 2004, 6 pages.
`PCT International Search Report andWritten Opinion datedAug. 26,
`2005 for International PCT Application No. PCT/US05/09407, filed
`Mar. 18,2005, 11 pages.
`Martin, S. et al, LED Applications for Phototonics Adhesive Curing,
`Proc. of SPIE, Jun. 2002, vol. 4833 pp. 296-303.
`Not yet published related U.S. Appl. No. 11/614,753, filed Dec. 21,
`2006; Specification and Figures; 58 pages.
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`Oct. 13, 2006 for International PCT Application No. PCT/US05/
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`PCT International Search Report and PCT Written Opinion dated
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`Not yet published related U.S. Appl. No. 11/342,363, filed Jan. 26,
`2006; Specification and Figures; 44 pages.
`Not yet published related U.S. Appl. No. 11/434,544 filed May 12,
`2006 Specification and Figures; 28 pages.
`PCT International Search Report and Written Opinion dated Jun. 7,
`2006 for International Application No. PCT/US04/36046, filed Oct.
`29, 2004. 6 pages.
`Supplemental European Search Report and written opinion for cor-
`responding EU application No. EP03724539, dated Nov. 21, 2007, 8
`pages total.
`First Office Action dated Sep. 14, 2006 from related U.S. Appl. No.
`11/109,903, filed Apr. 19, 2005, by Mark Owen, et al. 7 pages.
`First Office Action dated Nov. 14, 2007 issued after a Final Office
`Action and Request for Continued Examination for related U.S.
`Appl. No. 11/109,903, filed Apr. 19, 2005, by Mark Owen, et al. 6
`Applicant Response to First Office Action filed with the United States
`Patent and Trademark Office on Dec. 13, 2006 for related U.S. Appl.
`No. 11/109,903, filed Apr. 19, 2005, by Mark Owen, et al. 13 pages.
`Applicant Response to Final Office Action filed with the United
`States Patent and Trademark Office on Aug. 17, 2007 for related U.S.
`Appl. No. 11/109,903, filed Apr. 19, 2005, by Mark Owen, et al., 14
`* cited by examiner
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 5, 2012
`Sheet 1 of 16
`US 8,192,053 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 5, 2012
`Sheet 2 of 16
`US 8,192,053 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 5, 2012
`Sheet 3 of 16
`US 8,192,053 B2
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`Jun. 5, 2012
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`Jun. 5, 2012
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`U.S. Patent
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`Jun. 5, 2012
`Sheet 8 of 16
`US 8,192,053 B2
`FIG. 8
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`Jun. 5, 2012
`Sheet 9 of 16
`US 8,192,053 B2
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`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 5, 2012
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`US 8,192,053 B2
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`Jun. 5, 2012
`Sheet 12 of 16
`US 8,192,053 B2
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`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 5, 2012
`Sheet 13 of 16
`US 8,192,053 B2
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`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 5, 2012
`Sheet 14 of 16
`US 8,192,053 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 5, 2012
`Sheet 15 of 16
`US 8,192,053 B2
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`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 5, 2012
`Sheet 16 of 16
`US 8,192,053 B2
`133 "L_J —-—p
`US 8,192,053 B2
`This application is a Continuation-in-Part application
`claiming the benefit of PCT Application No. PCT/US03/
`FACTURE,” filed May 8, 2003, the entire disclosure ofwhich
`is hereby incorporated by reference as if set forth in its
`entirety for all purposes.
`This invention is generally directed to a solid-state light
`source having an electromagnetic radiation density suflicient
`to perform a variety of functions in a variety of production
`High intensity pressure arc lamps of various varieties (for
`example, metal halide, mercury, Xenon, Excimer, and halo-
`gen) and other high-intensity light sources are used in the
`majority ofcommercial and industrial applications involving,
`for example, projection, illumination and displays, inspec-
`tion, initiation of chemical or biological processes, image
`reproduction, fluorescence, exposure, sterilization, photo-
`polymer polymerization, irradiation, and cleaning. In each of
`the applications above, a high irradiation bulb generates a
`high-intensity broad spectral output of incoherent light that is
`filtered and spatially modified through the use of complicated
`optics to allow the emission of a narrow spectral band oflight,
`such as, ultraviolet (UV) light with the proper intensity and
`spatial properties for the desired application. Unfortunately,
`conventional high-intensity light sources have a variety of
`disadvantages, as illustrated in the following examples.
`UV light is an effective tool in many production applica-
`tions in many industries. For example, UV light is used for
`photopolymer polymerization, a process used widely for vari-
`ous processes such as, printing, lithography, coatings, adhe-
`sives, processes used in semiconductor and circuit board
`manufacturing, publishing, and packaging. UV light, due to
`its high photon energy, is also useful for molecular excitation,
`initiation and dissociation processes,
`fluorescence for inspection and measurement tasks, cleaning
`processes, and sterilization, and medical, chemical, and bio-
`logical initiation processes, and used in a variety of industries
`such as, electronics, medicine, and chemical industries. The
`efliciency and duration of conventional light sources for these
`applications is extremely low. For instance, 8000 W ultravio-
`let lamp sources (after filtering) are used in exposure ofpoly-
`mer resists, but they provide only 70 W of power in the
`spectral range required by the process. Therefore, more efli-
`cient semiconductor light sources are needed.
`Arrays of semiconductor light sources such as LEDs and
`laser diodes are more efficient than high pressure light
`sources and offer advantages over lamps and most other high-
`intensity light sources. For example, such arrays of semicon-
`ductor light sources are four to five times more eflicient than
`that of high-intensity light sources. Other advantages of such
`semiconductor light source arrays are that they produce a far
`greater level of spectral purity than high-intensity light
`sources, they are more safe than high-intensity light sources
`since voltages and currents associated with such diodes are
`lower than those associated with high-intensity light sources,
`and they provide increased power densities since due to
`smaller packaging requirements. Furthermore, semiconduc-
`tor light source arrays emit lower levels of electromagnetic
`interference, are significantly more reliable, and have more
`stable outputs over time requiring less maintenance, interven-
`tion, and replacement than with high-intensity light sources.
`Arrays of semiconductor light sources can be configured and
`controlled to allow individual addressability, produce a vari-
`ety ofwavelengths and intensities, and allow for rapid starting
`and control from pulsing to continuous operation.
`None ofthe prior art discloses a semiconductor light source
`that can be adapted for a variety of applications and/or pro-
`vide the high power densities required by a variety of appli-
`The present invention overcomes the problems in the prior
`art by providing a solid-state light source adapted for a variety
`of applications requiring relatively high power density out-
`put. For example, the present invention may be used in mate-
`rial transformation, projection, and illumination applications.
`This is achieved by a unique array of solid-state light emitters
`that are arranged in a dense configuration capable of produc-
`ing high-intensity power output that prior to this invention
`required ineflicient high-intensity lamps and/or expensive
`and complex laser devices.
`The device of this invention is capable ofproducing power
`densities greater than about 50 mW/cm2 for any application
`requiring such power density. The device of this invention
`may be used to produce power densities within the range of
`between about 50 mW/cm2 and 6,000 mW/cm2. The device
`may be configured differently for a variety of applications
`each of which may have different requirements such as, opti-
`cal power output density, wavelength, optics, drive circuitry,
`and heat transfer. For example, the device may include a drive
`circuitry to supply power necessary to achieve the density of
`power output for a particular application. Additionally, the
`device may include various optics for applications in which a
`specific light wavelength is required such as, in fluorescent
`imaging or backside semiconductor wafer inspection.
`In one preferred embodiment, the present invention pro-
`vides a solid-state light module having a thermally conduc-
`tive substrate with multiple chips of LEDs mounted in a
`spatially dense arrangement
`such that
`illumination is
`achieved at suflicient intensities to perform physical pro-
`cesses and/or to be utilized in projection and/or illumination
`applications. The solid-state light source ofthe present inven-
`tion can be utilized to perform functions in a variety of appli-
`cations in such areas of, for example, projection, exposure,
`curing, sterilization, cleaning, and material ablation. The
`solid-state light source achieves high efficiency, spectral
`purity, power densities, and spatial characteristics for each of
`the applications described above, as well as other applications
`that require efficient light production.
`The present invention provides a solid-state light source
`that is self-contained, thus eliminating the need for intricate
`US 8,192,053 B2
`optical coupling mechanisms required by many prior art
`devices. Furthermore,
`the solid-state light source of the
`present invention optimizes light output and is advantageous
`in the design of small cost effective LED projector systems.
`The foregoing embodiments and features are for illustra-
`tive purposes and are not intended to be limiting, persons
`skilled in the art being capable of appreciating other embodi-
`ments from the scope and spirit of the foregoing teachings.
`FIG. 1 shows a schematic view of a basic solid-state light
`module of the present invention.
`FIG. 2 shows an exploded view of one embodiment of the
`solid-state light device.
`FIG. 3 is a cross sectional view of another embodiment of
`the solid-state light device.
`FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a solid-state light bar.
`FIG. 5 is a partial cross sectional view of the solid-state
`light bar of FIG. 4.
`FIG. 6 is a cross sectional end view of the solid-state light
`bar of FIG. 4.
`FIG. 7 is a cross sectional end view ofanother embodiment
`of a solid-state light device of the present invention.
`FIGS. 8 and 9 are graphic illustrations of various light
`waveforms for a variety of applications.
`FIG. 10 is a schematic view of an embodiment for increas-
`ing the intensity of light output from a solid-state light mod-
`FIG. 11 is a schematic view ofanother embodiment of FIG.
`10 utilizing plural optical elements to increase the intensity of
`light output.
`FIG. 12 is a schematic of a power supply for driving the
`embodiment of FIG. 7.
`FIGS. 13a and 13b show an embodiment of the present
`invention which allows full color display or projection of a
`color image by having individually addressable red, green,
`blue, or other color emitters.
`FIG. 14 shows a method of balancing and controlling the
`light intensity variations across the LED array.
`FIG. 15 shows an embodiment of the present invention for
`projection lithography where an image on a mask is projected
`onto a photopolymer forming a positive or negative image of
`the mask in the cured photopolymer.
`FIG. 16 shows an embodiment of the present invention for
`cleaning and surface modification where the maximum semi-
`conductor light intensity is further magnified by both optical
`magnification and pulsing techniques to achieve power den-
`sities sufiicient for ablation, disassociation, and other effects.
`FIG. 17 is a schematic of a power control in which indi-
`vidual lines of the array may be controlled.
`FIGS. 18 and 19 are views of a machine visions inspection
`device for measuring and testing the light output intensity of
`a solid-state light device of the present invention.
`The present invention provides a lighting module that
`serves as a solid-state light source capable of performing
`operations in a variety of applications requiring high density
`power output. The device of the present invention includes a
`dense chip-on-board array of solid-state light emitters that
`produce high-intensity power output and further includes
`heat transfer; drive circuitry, light intensity, spectral purity,
`spatial uniformity, and directionality required for a variety of
`applications. Such applications are typically those requiring a
`power density output of over about 50 mW/cm2. Most appli-
`cations typically require between about 50 mW/cm2 and
`6,000 mW/cm2 and the present invention can provide power
`output in this range. However,
`it is contemplated that the
`lighting module of the present invention may be utilized in
`applications requiring a power density output greater than
`about 6,000 mW/cm2 Applications requiring power density
`output of between about 50 mW/cm2 and 6,000 mW/cm2
`include the following:
`projection applications that provide illumination for
`inspection operations, and for displays and projectors
`that project and control light;
`imaging applications such as, lithography, printing, film,
`and image reproductions, and other applications that
`transfer images; and
`material transformation applications, such as, initiating
`chemical or biological processes, photopolymerization
`(including curing of coatings, adhesives, inks, and litho-
`graphic exposure of photopolymers to create a pattern),
`cleaning, sterilization, ionization, and ablation (material
`removal with light).
`The lighting module of the present invention includes an
`array of solid-state light emitters that may be configured to
`produce the required light intensity for each application of
`use. As used herein, the phrase “solid-state light emitter”
`means any device that converts electric energy into electro-
`magnetic radiation through the recombination of holes and
`electrons. Examples of solid-state light emitters include
`semiconductor light emitting diodes (LEDs), semiconductor
`laser diodes, vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VC-
`SELs), polymer light emitting diodes, and electro-lumines-
`cent devices (i.e., devices that convert electric energy to light
`by a solid phosphor subjected to an alternating electric field).
`In the following description, LEDs are used to illustrate solid-
`state light emitters.
`LEDs are arranged in a dense array on a substrate, as
`discussed below. The density of the chip array or, in other
`words, the spacing of the chips on the substrate, may vary
`according to the application of intended use. Each application
`of intended use may require a different power density output
`that may be achieved based on the spacing (or density) of the
`chips on the substrate, depending on the power of chip used.
`Additionally, each application may require different light
`wavelengths or a mixture of wavelengths for the application.
`Table 1 below shows examples of power density outputs that
`can be achieved by various chip array densities or spacing
`using 12 mW and 16 mW chips. For example, an array of 12
`mW chips formed on a substrate in a density of 494 chip s/cm2
`(22 chips/cm) produces a power density output of 5037
`mW/cm2. This power output density may be required for
`cleaning applications using light wavelengths of between
`300-400 nm. For cleaning applications requiring a higher
`power density output, an array of 16 mW chips formed in the
`same density described above produces a power density out-
`put of 6716 mW/cm2. While individually packaged prior art
`semiconductors like LEDs, VCSELs, and laser diodes are
`typically arranged on 4mm or larger center-to-center pitches,
`this invention achieves significant increases in power density
`by arranging the devices on center-to-center pitches below 3
`mm, and more typically between 1 mm and 2 mm center-to-
`center pitches. In view of the teachings herein, it should be
`apparent to one skilled in the art that other power densities
`other wavelengths, and other device spacings are possible
`limited only by the future availability of devices. As defined
`herein, a dense array of solid state emitters is one a plurality
`of solid state emitters are arranged in an array of 3 mm or less
`center-to-center spacing to provide a power density output of
`at least 50 mW/cm2.
`to conduct heat. These materials are thermally transmissive
`for the purposes of this invention. Hereinafter, a