Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 2
` ZTE (USA), INC.; HTC )
` INC., )
` 4 )
` Petitioners, ) Case No.
` 5 ) IPR2016-00758
` vs. )
` 6 )
` 7 )
` Patent Owner. )
` 8
` 9 The deposition of PAUL S. MIN, Ph.D.,
` 10 called by the Patent Owner for examination pursuant
` 11 to notice and pursuant to the Rules of Civil
` 12 Procedure for the United States District Courts
` 13 pertaining to the taking of depositions, taken before
` 14 Amy M. Spee, a Certified Shorthand Reporter within
` 15 and for the County of Cook and State of Illinois, at
` 16 Suite 2400, 227 West Monroe Street, Chicago,
` 17 Illinois, on the 14th day of December 2016.
` 18
` 19
` 20
` 21
` 22
` 23
` 24
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 1
`PETITIONERS 1078-0001


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 227 West Monroe Street
` 4 Chicago, Illinois 60606-5096
` (312) 984-7641
` 5
` 6
` 7
` -and-
` 8 MR. NAM H. KIM
` MS. ERICKA J. SCHULZ (telephonically)
` 9 12275 El Camino Real
` Suite 200
` 10 San Diego, California 92130-2006
` (858) 720-8900
` 11
` 12 for the petitioner;
` 14 800 LaSalle Avenue
` Suite 2800
` 15 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
` (612) 349-8408
` 16
` for the the patent owner;
` 17
` 18 MR. CHARLIE STIERNBERG (telephonically)
` 555 Twin Dolphin Drive
` 19 Suite 560
` Redwood Shores, California 94065
` 20 (650) 801-5000
` 21 for Samsung Electronic Companies,
` Limited, and Electronics America, Inc.
` 22
` 23
` 24
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 2
`PETITIONERS 1078-0002


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` I N D E X
` PAUL S. MIN, Ph.D.
` Exam by Mr. Schultz 4, 113
` Exam by Mr. Mehta 107
` No. 2001 14
` Nos. 2002 and 2003 69
` 1
` 2
` 3
` 4
` 5
` 6
` 7
` 8
` 9
` 10
` 11
` 12
` 13
` 14
` 15
` 16
` 17
` 18
` 19
` 20
` 21
` 22
` 23
` 24
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 3
`PETITIONERS 1078-0003


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 (Witness sworn.)
` 2 PAUL S. MIN, Ph.D.,
` 3 called as a witness herein, having been first duly
` 4 sworn, was examined and testified as follows:
` 7 Q Good morning, Dr. Min.
` 8 A Good morning.
` 9 Q I'm Ryan Schultz on behalf of the patent
` 10 owner, Evolved Wireless, LLC.
` 11 Just before we get started, I have a
` 12 few ground rules to go over so we make sure we're all
` 13 on the same page going forward so we can have a
` 14 smooth, efficient, and hopefully relatively quick
` 15 deposition.
` 16 You've been deposed before, correct?
` 17 A Yes.
` 18 Q Okay. So I'm not going to go over all
` 19 particular ground rules. I'm going to assume that
` 20 you kind of understand the process for it.
` 21 But a few that I do want to highlight
` 22 is, one, if you answer my question, I'm going to
` 23 assume that you understood the question. Okay?
` 24 A Okay.
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
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`PETITIONERS 1078-0004


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 Q But to the extent that I, from time to
` 2 time, don't ask the most clear question, if there's
` 3 some clarity that you need to answer the question,
` 4 please feel free to ask that clarity and I will
` 5 attempt to clarify the question as best I can for
` 6 you. Okay?
` 7 A Yes.
` 8 Q All right. As you can see, the court
` 9 reporter here is working to write down all the words
` 10 that we discuss at this deposition today, but it's
` 11 going to be important that we don't talk over each
` 12 other so we can get a clean record of the discussion
` 13 that we have here today.
` 14 So on that end, I will try to wait
` 15 until you are done answering my question. And I
` 16 would just ask that you wait until I'm done asking
` 17 the question to start answering.
` 18 Is that okay?
` 19 A I'll do my best.
` 20 Q Yeah. I'm sure we'll have to remind each
` 21 other from time to time, it happens, but I just want
` 22 to have that out there to start.
` 23 Is there any reason that you cannot
` 24 testify truthfully today?
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
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`PETITIONERS 1078-0005


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 A Not to my knowledge, no.
` 2 Q Okay. Great.
` 3 What I've placed before you is a stack
` 4 of documents. Just to go over them for the record,
` 5 what I've handed you is Exhibit 1001, which is the
` 6 '481 patent -- but I guess it doesn't have the label
` 7 at the bottom, but that's what Exhibit 1001 is --
` 8 Exhibit 1002, which is -- I will refer to as
` 9 Panasonic 792 from time to time --
` 10 Is that understood?
` 11 A Yes.
` 12 Q Okay.
` 13 -- Exhibit 1003, which I may refer to
` 14 as Panasonic 114 from time to time --
` 15 Is that understood?
` 16 A Yes.
` 17 Q All right.
` 18 -- Exhibit 1004, which I will refer to
` 19 from time to time as the Chu article, C-h-u --
` 20 A Yes.
` 21 Q -- and then the last document in front of
` 22 you is Exhibit 1014, which is your declaration in
` 23 IPR2016-00758, correct?
` 24 A Okay.
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
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`PETITIONERS 1078-0006


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 Q Now, as we had talked earlier, you've been
` 2 deposed before, correct?
` 3 A Yes.
` 4 Q And you've offered testimony as an expert
` 5 witness in other cases, correct?
` 6 A Yes.
` 7 Q In your prior expert testimony, have you
` 8 ever testified on behalf of the patent owner?
` 9 A For that particular case, you mean?
` 10 Q Yes.
` 11 A Yes, I have.
` 12 Q How many times have you testified for the
` 13 patent owner?
` 14 A I couldn't be exact, but I would imagine
` 15 maybe half a dozen times.
` 16 Q And how many times have you testified as an
` 17 expert total?
` 18 A A dozen -- ten, fifteen times, somewhere in
` 19 between.
` 20 Q And so it would be fair to say, then, that
` 21 about somewhere between four and nine of those times
` 22 were for -- on behalf of the accused infringer?
` 23 A I think so. Perhaps a little more than the
` 24 number of times that I actually testified on behalf
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
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`PETITIONERS 1078-0007


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 of patent owner.
` 2 Q All right. And when you were testifying as
` 3 an expert witness on behalf of the patent owner, were
` 4 you -- did you ever offer testimony that any of the
` 5 asserted patents in that particular case were valid?
` 6 A Offering opinion in response to other
` 7 side's invalidity assertion, yes, I have done that.
` 8 Q And how many times did you do that?
` 9 A Oh, once again, I couldn't be exact; but I
` 10 believe most of the time that I worked on behalf of
` 11 patent owner. I believe I have provided rebuttal
` 12 opinions against invalidity assertion made by the
` 13 other side.
` 14 Q And in any of those situations, to the best
` 15 you can recall, did any of those patents involve
` 16 cellular communication technology?
` 17 A Yes.
` 18 Q How many?
` 19 A Once again, I couldn't be exact, but at
` 20 least two, three, four times.
` 21 Q Now, have you ever testified against ZTE?
` 22 A Not that I can recall, no.
` 23 Q Have you ever testified against HTC?
` 24 A No.
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
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`PETITIONERS 1078-0008


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 Q Have you ever testified against Samsung?
` 2 A No.
` 3 Q Have you ever testified against Apple?
` 4 A Yes.
` 5 Q How many times?
` 6 A There were -- there was one case that
` 7 actually went to trial and there was one other case
` 8 that actually got settled along the way, so twice.
` 9 Q And have you ever testified against
` 10 Microsoft?
` 11 A I don't think so.
` 12 Q Okay. If you can turn to Exhibit 1004,
` 13 which is the Chu article.
` 14 A Okay.
` 15 Q You have reviewed this article, correct?
` 16 A Yes.
` 17 Q Now, in the -- Exhibit 1004, is Equations 4
` 18 and 7 the Zadoff-Chu formula, or the formula for a
` 19 Zadoff-Chu sequence?
` 20 A Did you say 4 and 7?
` 21 Q Correct.
` 22 A I believe that's two equations I used in my
` 23 declaration. Let me just double-check.
` 24 Q Please do.
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 9
`PETITIONERS 1078-0009


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 A Yes. In fact, in Exhibit 1014, which is my
` 2 declaration, in Paragraph 52, I refer to those two
` 3 equation from Chu reference, Equation 4 and 7, as two
` 4 cases of the Parameter N of -- Equation 4 is -- 4,
` 5 the even -- and is equal -- and is even -- an even
` 6 integer, and Equation 7 is called an odd integer.
` 7 Q Now -- so if we look at Equation 4, just as
` 8 an example there, the capital N in that formula
` 9 relates to the length of the desired sequence,
` 10 correct?
` 11 A That's right.
` 12 Q All right. And what is the variable K in
` 13 that equation formula, 4?
` 14 A The K is the actual -- the value in the
` 15 sequence of a sequence within that Zadoff-Chu
` 16 sequence. So you would evaluate K from zero through
` 17 N minus 1.
` 18 Q So -- just so I'm -- make sure I understand
` 19 what's being disclosed here, N is the length of the
` 20 desired sequence.
` 21 A That's right.
` 22 Q All right. So when a person picks whatever
` 23 N to be, the length will be -- that will be the
` 24 length of the resulting sequence, correct?
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
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`PETITIONERS 1078-0010


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 A That's right.
` 2 Q And if you change K, the length of the
` 3 sequence will still be the same.
` 4 A That's right.
` 5 Q Okay.
` 6 A In fact, the equation used, Chu C, is
` 7 Equation 1, and the Chu reference, which is
` 8 Exhibit 1004. And it shows that AK, which is indexed
` 9 by K -- and then K goes from zero three minus one,
` 10 two -- enumerate different values within the
` 11 sequence.
` 12 Q And so the same would be true for -- we've
` 13 been looking at Exhibit -- or -- sorry -- we have
` 14 been looking at Equation 4. The same would be true
` 15 for Equation 7, that once you've set N, if you -- no
` 16 matter what -- the value you put in for K, you will
` 17 always get the same length sequence, correct?
` 18 A Yes. So to be clear, you can go K as --
` 19 any number you want, but it will repeat itself. It
` 20 becomes periodic after the maximum number.
` 21 Q Correct.
` 22 A Yeah.
` 23 Q Okay. And -- I'm sorry -- I meant to ask
` 24 this before, but have you given expert testimony in
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
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`PETITIONERS 1078-0011


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 IPR proceedings?
` 2 A Yes.
` 3 Q How many times?
` 4 A Maybe two, three times.
` 5 Q Okay. And of those times that you
` 6 testified in IPR proceedings, were they -- how many
` 7 were for the patent owner and how many were for the
` 8 petitioner?
` 9 A I think maybe once was a patent owner and a
` 10 couple other times for the petitioner.
` 11 Q Now, if you look at Exhibit 1014,
` 12 Paragraphs 17 and 18 -- look at Paragraph 18.
` 13 Now, I understand you're not an
` 14 attorney and I'm not holding you out to -- holding
` 15 you up to a standard of an attorney, but you
` 16 under- -- do you understand the burden of proof that
` 17 is required on the petitioner in an IPR proceeding?
` 18 A Once again, I'm not an attorney, so I don't
` 19 want to be super technical about the wording of your
` 20 question; but I understand that a patent is presumed
` 21 valid, and then it's up to the petitioner to prove
` 22 that it's not. That's what I understand.
` 23 Q All right. And you understand they have to
` 24 prove that by their preponderance of the evidence?
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
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`PETITIONERS 1078-0012


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 A Right.
` 2 Q Okay. And do you apply that standard when
` 3 you rendered your opinions that are found in
` 4 Exhibit 1014?
` 5 A Yes.
` 6 Q And so would it be fair to say that the
` 7 support in Exhibit 1014 is the support you feel is
` 8 sufficient to establish, by a preponderance of the
` 9 evidence, that the various challenged claims are
` 10 invalid?
` 11 A Yes.
` 12 MR. MEHTA: Objection to form.
` 13 THE WITNESS: Yes.
` 15 Q So, in other words, everything that you
` 16 need to rely on to determine that these patents
` 17 are -- or these claims are invalid is found in
` 18 Exhibit 1014?
` 19 A So, once again -- now I'm going to be
` 20 careful here -- not all the claims are the
` 21 anticipation, and there are like a combination. So
` 22 when you say all the evidence, I have stated my
` 23 opinion here, right, and the -- it refers to all
` 24 these documents, prior references that I used.
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 13
`PETITIONERS 1078-0013


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 So I have stated my -- to the best of
` 2 my ability to explain the basis for my opinion that
` 3 resulted in the invalidity as a conclusion, the
` 4 anticipation or as an obviousness.
` 5 Q All right. And a great segue into kind of
` 6 my next line of questioning, is, so you understand
` 7 that there are -- there's been an institution
` 8 decision, correct?
` 9 A That's my understanding.
` 10 Q Okay. And some of the claims have been
` 11 instituted based on an anticipation ground and some
` 12 have been instituted on obviousness ground, right?
` 13 A Yes.
` 14 Q And --
` 15 MR. SCHULTZ: I guess we'll mark this as
` 16 Exhibit 2001.
` 17 (Deposition Exhibit No. 2001 was
` 18 marked for identification.)
` 20 Q So I've marked Exhibit 2001, which is the
` 21 institution decision in this proceeding. Have you
` 22 seen this document?
` 23 A Yes.
` 24 Q All right. And because I don't want to ask
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
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`PETITIONERS 1078-0014


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 you just from -- as a memorization test, I want you
` 2 to have that if you need to refer back to it, but you
` 3 understand that Claims 1, 2, 8, and 9 were instituted
` 4 based on anticipation with the reference that is
` 5 Exhibit 1002, or the Panasonic 792, correct?
` 6 A Yes.
` 7 Q Okay. And you understand that Claims 3, 6,
` 8 10, and 13 were instituted on obviousness based on
` 9 combinations of Exhibit 1002, which is Panasonic 792,
` 10 Exhibit 1003, which is Panasonic 114, and
` 11 Exhibit 1004, which is the Chu article, correct?
` 12 A Right. So -- I mean, to be clear, the --
` 13 there's -- there are two separate items under the
` 14 order on Page 21 of institution. I don't know what
` 15 this document is called exactly, but the decision --
` 16 institution of an inter partes review decision. So
` 17 the Claims 3 and 10 instituted under obviousness
` 18 criteria of a Panasonic 792 and Panasonic 114. And
` 19 then separately Claim 6 and 13 are instituted under
` 20 obviousness of Panasonic 792, Panasonic 114, and Chu.
` 21 Q And you understand that the analysis for
` 22 obviousness is different than the analysis for
` 23 anticipation, correct?
` 24 A Analysis -- could you clarify what you
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
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`PETITIONERS 1078-0015


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 mean?
` 2 Q Sure.
` 3 That the -- as you've kind of outlined
` 4 here in Paragraphs 19 through, it looks like, 22 is
` 5 your understanding of anticipation and claim,
` 6 Paragraphs 24 through 32 are your understanding of
` 7 the obviousness analysis.
` 8 A Yes. In that regard, yes, I agree with
` 9 you.
` 10 Q Okay. You agree that they're different.
` 11 A Yes.
` 12 Q Okay. Okay. I want to focus you in first
` 13 on -- and I should mention, too -- I should have said
` 14 this earlier at the beginning. I tend to go about an
` 15 hour and then we can take a short break; but if at
` 16 any time you need to take a break, let me know. I'll
` 17 gladly do it.
` 18 All I ask is, if there's a question
` 19 pending, answer the question and then we can take a
` 20 break. Okay?
` 21 A Okay.
` 22 Q All right. So if we look at the '481
` 23 patent, or Exhibit 1001, I want to ask you questions
` 24 related to Claim 8, and also Exhibit 1002, the
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
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`PETITIONERS 1078-0016


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 Panasonic 792 reference.
` 2 A Okay.
` 3 Q So Claim 8 has a claim element of a
` 4 preamble generation unit, correct?
` 5 A That is the first limitation in Claim 8
` 6 starting with "a preamble generation unit continued
` 7 to generate," and it goes on to the rest of the
` 8 element.
` 9 Q Okay. If you look at -- I apologize. We
` 10 do have quite a few documents here, but I want to
` 11 make sure you understand kind of -- we're kind of
` 12 flipping among -- back and forth between the
` 13 documents.
` 14 If you look at your declaration,
` 15 Exhibit 1014 at Paragraph 75, you opine that the UE,
` 16 or the user equipment, performs the generation step;
` 17 is that correct?
` 18 MR. MEHTA: Objection to form.
` 19 THE WITNESS: So this is a -- Claim 8, that
` 20 is -- it's an apparatus claim. So my analysis
` 21 include looking for a particular element, in this
` 22 case, a preamble generation unit. And that unit is
` 23 what is configured to -- like a generating -- you
` 24 know, on the rest of the claim limitation on the
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
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`PETITIONERS 1078-0017


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 preamble unit element.
` 2 So UE -- as I said here, the UE
` 3 that -- the UE will include that preamble generation
` 4 unit and that will -- that is, say, satisfy this
` 5 limitation, that is configure to generate, and it
` 6 goes on to the rest of the limitation.
` 8 Q So in particular, on Paragraph 75 of
` 9 Exhibit 1014, you cite to Pages 5 and 6 of the 79- --
` 10 Panasonic 792 reference --
` 11 A Yes.
` 12 Q -- in support of your opinions.
` 13 A That's right.
` 14 Q Can you tell me where on Pages 5 and 6 on
` 15 Panasonic 792 it is stated that the UE has a preamble
` 16 generation unit.
` 17 A So -- once again, to be clear, this --
` 18 Claim 8 recites this is a preamble generation unit
` 19 that is configured to generate. And then starting
` 20 from -- there's a preamble sequence. That's the
` 21 question: What is that preamble generation sequence?
` 22 The preamble sequence is generated by repeating a
` 23 specific sequence and having a length (L), N times to
` 24 generate a consecutive sequence having a length, N
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
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`PETITIONERS 1078-0018


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 times L, and concatenating a single cyclic prefix to
` 2 a front end of said consecutive sequence.
` 3 That same limitation appears in
` 4 Claim 1. That's the -- I'm talking about the
` 5 preamble sequence, description of a preamble
` 6 sequence.
` 7 So I refer to Claim 1, to answer your
` 8 question, that is, where the same claim limitation is
` 9 recited. That is under Claim 1, starting Page 25,
` 10 and Claim 1 Element B. And you see that repeating a
` 11 specific sequence, having length (L), N times to
` 12 generate a consecutive sequence having a length, N
` 13 times L. That's shown in Claim Element 1B.
` 14 And Claim Element 1C goes on to say,
` 15 "Generating said preamble sequence by concatenating
` 16 a single cyclic prefix to a front end of said
` 17 consecutive sequence." The same element appears
` 18 there.
` 19 So I refer back, in other words,
` 20 instead of repeating it myself here, and I just
` 21 simply state that UE performs a step. And then
` 22 that -- I -- in addition, I just to kind of -- show
` 23 Pages 5 and 6 on Panasonic 792, which shows the
` 24 preamble generating under the Section 2.3 in the
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
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`PETITIONERS 1078-0019


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 figures generating those sequence and being
` 2 transmitting and so forth.
` 3 So it's really a combination of what I
` 4 described earlier on under Claim 1 and what is also
` 5 recited here in Paragraph 75 of my declaration.
` 6 Q All right. So where in Panasonic 792 does
` 7 it say the UE generates the preamble?
` 8 A I think the best -- to -- place to look at
` 9 it is Figure 1. Figure 1 basically describes -- and
` 10 this is the random access burst, the preamble
` 11 structure that is shown in Figure 1 of Panasonic 792.
` 12 And the whole description is about a RACH preamble
` 13 structure, random access channel. And the random
` 14 access channel is what UE uses to access the wireless
` 15 network.
` 16 So basically what's shown in Figure 1
` 17 is what shows the UE. So the UE is what generates
` 18 this random access burst as shown in Figure 1. And
` 19 together with what's shown in Section 2.3 that I just
` 20 described on Page 5 -- Pages 5 and 6 of Panasonic
` 21 792, it shows that the UE generates it, the preamble,
` 22 reading on the claim limitation of the preamble
` 23 generation unit in Claim 8 and also send it.
` 24 Q So you would agree with me that nowhere in
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
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`PETITIONERS 1078-0020


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 Panasonic 792 does it explicitly say in the words of
` 2 the text that the UE generates the preamble?
` 3 A That is not true because Panasonic 792 is
` 4 as clear as it can be, that the RACH preamble is
` 5 generated according to Figure 1. And the RACH
` 6 preamble is generated by UE. That's what the UE
` 7 does.
` 8 Q Okay. That wasn't my question, though.
` 9 My question is, is there any text in
` 10 Panasonic 792 that says the UE generates the
` 11 preamble?
` 12 A In that exact verbatim text?
` 13 Q Anything close to that.
` 14 A Oh. Close to that means -- yes, of course.
` 15 The --
` 16 Q Where?
` 17 A What is -- well, that's what I just
` 18 described to you. Let's start from this description
` 19 of what's shown in Figure 1.
` 20 Q But Figure 1 is labeled the "Preamble
` 21 Structure."
` 22 A Yeah. Yeah. Preamble is what UE uses to
` 23 send it to a base station.
` 24 Q Yeah, and we'll get to the --
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
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`PETITIONERS 1078-0021


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 A Okay.
` 2 Q -- transmission part. I'm just focusing on
` 3 the creation part.
` 4 A Okay.
` 5 Q Okay. And so is there text in
` 6 Panasonic 792 that says the UE generates or creates
` 7 the preamble?
` 8 MR. MEHTA: Objection to form.
` 9 THE WITNESS: Yes. Not verbatim, once again;
` 10 but in description of a transmission -- so we say --
` 11 and you had mentioned that this is what gets
` 12 transmitted. All right. I mean, you know, you had
` 13 already said that, but you are focusing on whether UE
` 14 actually generates this.
` 15 Of course it does because a
` 16 transmitter is what's contained in the UE. And as a
` 17 part of the transmission, the data has to be fed into
` 18 the transmitter. The data has to come from
` 19 somewhere. And that still is within the UE that has
` 20 to come and fed into the transmitter. And as a part
` 21 of that feeding into the transmitter, UE will have to
` 22 generate the data as shown in Figure 1. And that
` 23 part -- that process is generating the preamble
` 24 structure.
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 22
`PETITIONERS 1078-0022


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 2 Q So what I understand you to be saying,
` 3 then, is, you believe that Figure 1 and Figure 6 in
` 4 Panasonic 792 explicitly disclose that the UE
` 5 generates the preamble.
` 6 MR. MEHTA: Objection to form.
` 7 THE WITNESS: Figures 1 and 6 together with the
` 8 description, what is in this Panasonic 792, that
` 9 is -- and you have indicated that this is what gets
` 10 transmitted. And that's the preamble structure in
` 11 Figure 1. And that's shown in Figure 6. Figure 6
` 12 shows that UE sends that preamble to Node B. So the
` 13 transmission is done.
` 14 Then somehow, someway, that data, as a
` 15 part of the transmission, has to be fed into the
` 16 transmission unit. Right?
` 18 Q Right.
` 19 A And that's what Claim 8 is about. There's
` 20 a second element, which is transmission unit. The
` 21 feeding into that data, that's -- UE has to generate
` 22 the data somehow, someway to fit into that -- the
` 23 transmission unit. And that's what preamble -- a
` 24 preamble generating unit is.
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 23
`PETITIONERS 1078-0023


`Paul S. Min, Ph.D. - 12/14/2016
`ZTE (USA) Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 Q So just to be clear, though, Figure 6
` 2 doesn't disclose any sort of generation of the
` 3 preamble; it discloses, at best, some sort of
` 4 transmission, correct?
` 5 MR. MEHTA: Objection to form.
` 6 THE WITNESS: Figure 6 shows UE transmitting
` 7 the preamble. And Figure 1 shows, as I say earlier
` 8 on, the structure of a preamble that needs to be
` 9 transmitted as shown in Figure 6.
` 10 The process of a transmission -- and
` 11 here's a structure that's shown here -- that
` 12 structure has to be fed into -- the data structure
` 13 has to be fed into the transmitter, the transmission
` 14 unit, and then the process of feeding into -- that
` 15 data into the transmission unit is what the --
` 16 correspond to the -- generating the preamble.
` 18 Q All right. One way that the UE could have
` 19 the data fed into it is it could have the -- all the
` 20 preamble sequences in a lookup table, correct?
` 21 A I mean, that's a possibility, yes; but
` 22 still, even reading it from the table structure,
` 23 feeding the data into the transmitter unit, that part
` 24 is a generation of a preamble.
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 24

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