Samsung Petitioners’ Submission in
`Response to Proposed Supplemental
`Information from Patent Owner Pursuant to
`Motion filed Under 37 C.F.R. § 42.123(b).
`EXHIBIT 1048-0001


`John David Villasenor - CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY - 8/25/2017
`Evolved Wireless, LLC vs. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., et al.
` 4
` )
` 6 Plaintiff, )
` )
` 7 vs. ) Case No.
` ) C.A. 15-545-SLR-SRF
` 9 AMERICA, INC., )
` )
` 10 Defendants. )
` ______________________________)
` 11
` 12
` 13
` 16
` 17
` 19 taken on behalf of STRAIGHT PATH IP GROUP, INC., at
` 21 Dolphin Drive, Suite 560, Redwood Shores,
` 22 California, beginning at 9:02 A.M., Friday,
` 23 August 25, 2017, before QUYEN N. DO, Certified
` 24 Shorthand Reporter No. 12447.
` 25
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`EXHIBIT 1048-0002


`John David Villasenor - CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY - 8/25/2017
`Evolved Wireless, LLC vs. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., et al.
` 1 A I'm sorry. Which page?
` 2 Q You -- page 7, I believe, is the summary
` 3 of your opinions.
` 4 A Oh, I see.
` 5 Q If you want to refer to that or the table
` 6 of contents, whatever you want to refer to, to
` 7 answer these questions. I was just trying to give
` 8 you a road map.
` 9 A That's correct. I haven't -- I have not
` 10 opined on the noninfringing alternatives.
` 11 Q Okay. And I think we testified earlier
` 12 you're not offering opinions on invalidity, right?
` 13 A Correct.
` 14 Q And you're not offering opinions as to the
` 15 benefits of LTE, correct?
` 16 A I have not offered those opinions.
` 17 Q And you're not offering opinions in
` 18 rebuttal to Dr. Cooklev's opinions as to the
` 19 correlation between the LTE benefits and the
` 20 asserted patents, right?
` 21 A I don't believe I've addressed that.
` 22 MR. SCHULTZ: Okay. We've been going
` 23 about an hour. Why don't we take a short break?
` 24 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Going off the record at
` 25 10:02 a.m.
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 54
`EXHIBIT 1048-0003


`John David Villasenor - CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY - 8/25/2017
`Evolved Wireless, LLC vs. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., et al.
` 1 I have addressed.
` 2 Q The first transmitting element is the one
` 3 that you opine as a basis of noninfringement, right?
` 4 A I focus my -- my discussion on that, but
` 5 that element, of course, relates to several of the
` 6 prior elements.
` 7 Q Are you opining that the accused Samsung
` 8 products do not determine whether there is data
` 9 stored in the Msg3 buffer when the uplink grant
` 10 signal is on the specific message?
` 11 A I'm not sure I understand the question.
` 12 Q I'm just asking, are you opining that this
` 13 determination step does not occur in the Samsung
` 14 accused products?
` 15 A I'd have to look at exactly what I said.
` 16 I -- I framed my response in light of the first
` 17 transmitting element. But, again, there are --
` 18 there are implications in that element relating to
` 19 some of the other elements.
` 20 Q Okay. And what about the second
` 21 determination step in Claim 1; are you opining that
` 22 the accused Samsung products do not infringe,
` 23 because they do not perform that determination step?
` 24 A Same answer.
` 25 Q What about the last, transmitting new data
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 60
`EXHIBIT 1048-0004


`John David Villasenor - CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY - 8/25/2017
`Evolved Wireless, LLC vs. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., et al.
` 1 limitation; do you opine that the accused Samsung
` 2 products do not perform that transmission of new
` 3 data?
` 4 A I don't believe I addressed the -- that
` 5 "transmitting new data" claim element in my report.
` 6 Q Now, you do not offer any opinions that
` 7 the accused Samsung products do not infringe
` 8 dependent Claims 2 through 6 for independent reasons
` 9 beyond the one you provided for Claim 1, right?
` 10 A That's correct. In -- in other words,
` 11 just to make sure there's no misunderstanding, I
` 12 believe those claims are not infringed. But -- but
` 13 the reason that I've expressed is that the
` 14 independent claim does not infringe, and so, of
` 15 course, that means the associated dependent claims
` 16 cannot be infringed.
` 17 Q Right. But you don't have any independent
` 18 opinions of noninfringement on any of the dependent
` 19 claims, right?
` 20 A It's confusing to use the word
` 21 "independent" in that question.
` 22 Q Okay.
` 23 A So I -- I don't have any distinct opinions
` 24 that apply only to any of the dependent claims.
` 25 Q Okay. All right. And the same would be
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 61
`EXHIBIT 1048-0005


`John David Villasenor - CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY - 8/25/2017
`Evolved Wireless, LLC vs. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., et al.
` 19 Q And just so I'm understanding, your HARQ
` 20 retransmission -- adaptive retransmission is your
` 21 basis of your noninfringement opinion, right?
` 22 MR. STIERNBERG: Objection. Form.
` 23 THE WITNESS: Again, I -- I wouldn't --
` 24 yeah, I wouldn't characterize it that way.
` 25 The -- the -- just so the record is clear,
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 83
`EXHIBIT 1048-0006


`John David Villasenor - CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY - 8/25/2017
`Evolved Wireless, LLC vs. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., et al.
` 1 in paragraph 280, I reference Evolved's statements
` 2 in the IPR regarding "only if." And -- and my
` 3 noninfringement opinion is based on the fact that
` there is a
` 5 transmission that falls outside, that does not meet
` 6 Evolved's "only if" requirement.
` 8 Q And so that's -- I'm just trying to get
` 9 some clarity on that.
` 10 So your opinion is, is that in the
` 11 adaptive retransmission, there's transmission of
` 12 stored data in the Msg3 buffer in response to an
` 13 uplink grant on the PDCCH.
` 14 A There is transmission of the data that is
` 15 stored in the Msg3 buffer in response to an uplink
` 16 grant on PDCCH; that is correct.
` 17 Q And when does that occur?
` 18 A I'm not sure I understand the question.
` 19 Q Well, you -- you didn't say "adaptive
` 20 retransmission," so I'm trying to understand what
` 21 scenario you're referring to --
` 22 A Yeah, that's -- yeah --
` 23 Q -- when that occurred.
` 24 A -- the scenario when that would occur
` 25 would be that if there is a -- an initial Msg3
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 84
`EXHIBIT 1048-0007


`John David Villasenor - CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY - 8/25/2017
`Evolved Wireless, LLC vs. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., et al.
` 1 transmission (and it would be a Scenario 3 that I
` 2 talked about before), and for whatever reason the
` 3 base station does not receive the whole transmission
` 4 and doesn't -- doesn't get it (it gets cut off or
` 5 something), and so then it will send a -- an uplink
` 6 grant on PDCCH; and, in response to that, then the
` 7 UE will transmit the data stored in the Msg3 buffer,
` 8 thereby placing it -- taking an action that places
` 9 it -- that violates Evolved's requirement for that
` 10 claim element. Therefore, that claim element is not
` 11 met.
` 12 Q And that process of resending the Msg3
` 13 that you just described is adaptive retransmission?
` 14 A People can call it that. But, again,
` 15 whatever you call it, that -- I'm -- I'm focused on
` 16 the language of the claim, and that claim, as
` 17 Evolved has said it, must -- that -- how -- what
` 18 that -- actually, the language of that first
` 19 transmitting element and what that -- that element
` 20 must mean if we take Evolved's statements to the --
` 21 to PTO and
` which, by contrast,
` 22 do not do what is required by the language in light
` 23 of Evolved's statements.
` 24 Q Right. But in LTE that's called adaptive
` 25 retransmission, right?
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 85
`EXHIBIT 1048-0008


`John David Villasenor - CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY - 8/25/2017
`Evolved Wireless, LLC vs. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., et al.
` 1 A It's called adaptive retransmission,
` 2 but -- but, again, that -- that's the -- to me
` 3 that's not the -- the core -- that -- that's not the
` 4 point with respect to -- if you want to evaluate
` 5 infringement, you just look at the claim element --
` 6 or I'm looking at the claim element. I'm -- I'm
` 7 looking at what Evolved says -- what the patent says
` 8 the claim element requires, what Evolved says the
` 9 claim element requires, and then what
` do, and there's a difference.
` do not do what that claim element requires
` 12 for the reason I -- I have identified in, for
` 13 example, paragraph 284 and elsewhere.
` 14 (Exhibit 7 marked)
` 16 Q So I've handed you Exhibit 7, which is
` 17 36.321. You see that?
` 18 A I do.
` 19 Q All right. And, if you could turn to
` 20 Section 5.4.2, which is titled "HARQ operation," is
` 21 on Bates-labeled page EVOLVED-586169.
` 22 A Okay.
` 23 Q Do you understand that this provides --
` 24 this portion of the LTE standard provides the
` 25 operation of the HARQ entity?
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`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 86
`EXHIBIT 1048-0009


`John David Villasenor - CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY - 8/25/2017
`Evolved Wireless, LLC vs. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., et al.
` 2 Q Is it software code? How would you
` 3 describe the code it's in?
` 4 A I'm not --
` 5 MR. STIERNBERG: Objection. Form.
` 6 THE WITNESS: I'm not sure I understand --
` 7 MR. SCHULTZ: That's a poor question. Let
` 8 me think about it. I'll ask it again later. All
` 9 right.
` 10 Q (By Mr. Schultz) And just so I'm clear as
` 11 your opinion on noninfringement, your
` 12 noninfringement opinion is based on what you claim
` 13 Evolved has said is the scope of the claim, right?
` 14 A Among other things. I think I was very
` 15 clear about that. My noninfringement opinion is
` 16 based, first and foremost, on the language of, for
` 17 example, the first transmitting element in Claim 1;
` 18 the language -- the plain language of that element;
` 19 as well as the -- there's some text in the patent
` 20 that supports the interpretation -- the "only if"
` 21 interpretation; and then Evolved also confirmed
` 22 and -- and made very clear its view of that claim
` 23 element in the IPR that I cited somewhere here. Let
` 24 me see where.
` 25 Q Okay.
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`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 94
`EXHIBIT 1048-0010


`John David Villasenor - CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY - 8/25/2017
`Evolved Wireless, LLC vs. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., et al.
` 1 A I think I cited it somewhere here.
` 2 Yeah, I cited this, for example, in
` 3 paragraph 272 of the -- of the '236 patent.
` 4 Q So it's your opinion, as you've read the
` 5 '236 patent and Claim 1, that one of skill in the
` 6 art would understand that first transmitting step to
` 7 be "only if"?
` 8 MR. STIERNBERG: Objection. Form.
` 9 Misstates testimony.
` 10 THE WITNESS: Yeah, I -- I -- I -- I --
` 11 I -- I'm not sure I have anything to add. I mean,
` 12 I -- I've read -- to understand the claim, you
` 13 read -- read the claim, the claim element, and you
` 14 also read the specification, and in this case we
` 15 also have other evidence provided by the patentee.
` 17 Q Right, but that's not my question.
` 18 My question is, Is it your opinion that
` 19 one of skill in the art reading Claim 1 of the '236
` 20 patent, in that first transmission limitation, would
` 21 understand that that transmission of stored Msg3
` 22 data only occurs when those two conditions are true?
` 23 MR. STIERNBERG: Objection. Form.
` 24 THE WITNESS: I mean, my -- I -- I agree
` 25 with the "only if" interpretation of Evolved. So I
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 95
`EXHIBIT 1048-0011


`John David Villasenor - CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY - 8/25/2017
`Evolved Wireless, LLC vs. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., et al.
` 1 want to make sure I -- that's not taken out of
` 2 context. I -- I agree that -- that -- you know, if
` 3 you look at what I've said -- what -- what -- I've
` 4 characterized Evolved's statement in paragraph 280,
` 5 and I've cited -- I've cited that also in
` 6 paragraph 272, and -- and that's consistent with my
` 7 own reading of -- of the claim and -- and -- and in
` 8 light of the specification.
` 10 Q Okay. So I'm trying to separate out what
` 11 Evolved has said. I'm just asking, is it your
` 12 opinion, as of one of skill in the art, that reading
` 13 Claim 1 of the '236 patent, that first transmitting
` 14 limitation should be interpreted as "only if"?
` 15 MR. STIERNBERG: Objection. Form.
` 16 THE WITNESS: Again, I want to make sure
` 17 that it depends -- I want to make sure that my
` 18 understanding of "only if" is the same as your
` 19 understand [sic] of -- -standing of "only if." And
` 20 so my understanding of the "only if" is that
` 21 there -- these -- these two -- these two conditions,
` 22 and both of them would -- both of them would need to
` 23 be met in order for -- for a -- in a system meeting
` 24 or a method meeting Claim 1, both of those
` 25 requirements here would -- would need to be met.
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`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 96
`EXHIBIT 1048-0012


`John David Villasenor - CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY - 8/25/2017
`Evolved Wireless, LLC vs. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., et al.
` 2 Q And you -- and you would agree that one of
` 3 skill would understand that transmission of stored
` 4 Msg3 data to only occur when those two conditions
` 5 are true.
` 6 MR. STIERNBERG: Objection. Form.
` 7 THE WITNESS: I would understand that this
` 8 transmitting element transmitting the data stored in
` 9 the Msg3 buffer would occur only if those things
` 10 are -- are true; that's right.
` 12 Q And then it's your opinion that that's
` 13 further confirmed by Evolved's statements in the
` 14 IPR.
` 15 MR. STIERNBERG: Objection. Form.
` 16 Misstates testimony.
` 17 THE WITNESS: Yeah. Evolved seems to have
` 18 a similar view of -- of the -- the scope of that
` 19 element.
` 20 MR. SCHULTZ: Looks like we need to take a
` 21 break for the tape, so . . .
` 22 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: This is the end of
` 23 Media 1. We are off the record. The time is
` 24 11:07 a.m.
` 25 (Break taken from 11:07 a.m. to
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 97
`EXHIBIT 1048-0013


`John David Villasenor - CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY - 8/25/2017
`Evolved Wireless, LLC vs. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., et al.
` 1 thought was most important was the key portion that
` 2 I did, in fact, cite in my report and confirm.
` 3 MR. SCHULTZ: I have no further questions
` 4 at this time.
` 5 MR. STIERNBERG: I just have a few short
` 6 questions. If it's all right, I'll just sit here
` 7 and kind of . . .
` 10 Q Dr. Villasenor, could you get Exhibit 1,
` 11 your report, in front of you, please.
` 12 A Yes.
` 13 Q And I'd like you to turn, first, to
` 14 paragraph 23, which, I believe, is in the legal
` 15 principles section.
` 16 A Yes.
` 17 Q Are you there?
` 18 A Yes.
` 19 Q In paragraph 23, could you look, let's
` 20 see, five lines up from the bottom where it starts
` 21 "I further understand." Do you see that?
` 22 A Yes.
` 23 Q Could you read that sentence into the
` 24 record?
` 25 A "I further understand that statements
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 307
`EXHIBIT 1048-0014


`John David Villasenor - CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY - 8/25/2017
`Evolved Wireless, LLC vs. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., et al.
` 1 made by a patent owner during an inter
` 2 partes," p-a-r-t-e-s, "review proceeding
` 3 can narrow the meaning from [sic] a
` 4 claim."
` 5 Q Could you also read the last sentence of
` 6 that paragraph into the record, please.
` 7 A "I apply" -- I'm sorry.
` 8 "For the term" -- "For terms that the
` 9 Court did not construe, I applied the
` 10 plain and ordinary meaning of the term to
` 11 a person of ordinary skill in the art at
` 12 the time of the alleged invention."
` 13 Q So was the plain and ordinary meaning of
` 14 the claim terms that you applied, in your analysis
` 15 in your report, based on statements made by Evolved
` 16 during an inter partes review proceeding?
` 17 A No. It's based on the -- my reading of --
` 18 of the patent.
` 19 Q Do you recall reviewing documents from an
` 20 inter partes review proceeding?
` 21 A I do. And those documents were consistent
` 22 with how I understand those terms.
` 23 Q Just so that we're on the same page, if
` 24 you look at paragraph 269 of your report . . .
` 25 A Yeah.
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`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 308
`EXHIBIT 1048-0015


`John David Villasenor - CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY - 8/25/2017
`Evolved Wireless, LLC vs. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., et al.
` 1 Q This section is titled "IPR Proceedings
` 2 for the '236 Patent." Do you see that?
` 3 A Yes.
` 4 Q And there's a reference here to
` 5 "IPR2016-00757." Do you see that?
` 6 A Yes.
` 7 Q Is that the -- one of the IPR proceedings
` 8 that you reviewed?
` 9 A Yes.
` 10 Q If you could look at paragraph 272 of your
` 11 report.
` 12 A Yes.
` 13 Q Could you read . . . actually . . . yeah,
` 14 could you read that paragraph into the record. You
` 15 don't have to include the citations.
` 16 A "Evolved asserts that 'A person of
` 17 ordinary skill would read the claims as
` 18 transmitting Msg3 data only if the
` 19 condition in 1(e) is satisfied.'... This
` 20 means that, under Evolved's view, a person
` 21 of ordinary skill would read the claims as
` 22 not transmitting Msg3 data when the 'only
` 23 if' condition in 1(e) is not satisfied."
` 24 Q From your review of the documents in -- in
` 25 a inter partes review proceeding, was it your
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`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 309
`EXHIBIT 1048-0016


`John David Villasenor - CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY - 8/25/2017
`Evolved Wireless, LLC vs. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., et al.
` 1 understanding that the parties had a disagreement
` 2 over whether the word "if" means "only if"?
` 3 A I think that was a point of -- of -- of
` 4 disagreement, if I remember correctly.
` 5 Q And do you provide an opinion, in your
` 6 report, on whether the word "if" should mean "only
` 7 if" independent of those IPR proceedings?
` 8 A I don't recall. My -- my recollection,
` 9 from the patent, is that -- that the patent itself,
` 10 even absent the IPR, would be interpreted with "only
` 11 if."
` 12 Q Are you referring to -- are you referring
` 13 to paragraph 273?
` 14 A Yeah. This is -- there's text in the
` 15 patent itself, which I reviewed, and is available
` 16 independent of the IPR. That supports that
` 17 position.
` 18 Q And that's describing an embodiment of the
` 19 patent, right?
` 20 A That's right.
` 21 Q Can you flip to paragraph 276? And just
` 22 read that paragraph to yourself.
` 23 A Yes.
` 24 Q Have you read it?
` 25 A Yes.
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`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 310
`EXHIBIT 1048-0017


`John David Villasenor - CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY - 8/25/2017
`Evolved Wireless, LLC vs. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., et al.
` 1 Q Okay. Can you read the last two sentences
` 2 of that paragraph into the record?
` 3 A "I understand that statements made by
` 4 a patent owner during an IPR proceeding
` 5 can determine the scope of a claim. In
` 6 light of Evolved's statement [sic] in the
` 7 IPR for all Asserted '236 Claims, the data
` 8 stored in the msg3 buffer is transmitted
` 9 'only if' (a) there is data stored in the
` 10 msg3 buffer and (b) the specific message
` 11 is the random access response . . .
` 12 message."
` 13 Q So I want to focus on the -- on the first
` 14 part of that sentence, where you say, "In light of
` 15 Evolved's statements in the IPR for all Asserted
` 16 '236 Claims." Do you see that?
` 17 A I do.
` 18 Q So the basis of your opinion that the word
` 19 if means "only if" is Evolved's arguments to the
` 20 Patent Office, right?
` 21 A That corroborates. That -- that's not the
` 22 only source of that, but that is consistent with
` 23 what I could conclude from the patent as well.
` 24 Q You don't provide that opinion anywhere in
` 25 your report, right?
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`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 311
`EXHIBIT 1048-0018


`John David Villasenor - CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY - 8/25/2017
`Evolved Wireless, LLC vs. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., et al.
` 1 A I don't know that I directly state that,
` 2 but it -- it doesn't matter, because once Evolved
` 3 has stated it, then that's -- that's sufficient.
` 4 Q You understand that patents are supposed
` 5 to be -- strike that.
` 6 You understand that claims are -- are --
` 7 to one of ordinary skill in the art are meant to be
` 8 understood in light of the prosecution history,
` 9 right?
` 10 A That's right.
` 11 Q And you -- you've also stated, I think, in
` 12 paragraph 23, that they're to be understood in light
` 13 of statements made during IPR proceedings, right?
` 14 A That's right.
` 15 Q And you based your understanding of the
` 16 word "if," in the claims of the '236 patent, on
` 17 those IPR proceedings, right?
` 18 A But, again, it's same understanding, so
` 19 it -- it's -- it's -- I guess I am not sure I
` 20 understand the question. So I -- I -- I believe
` 21 that the patent, read without the IPR, leads to the
` 22 "only if" conclusion, and that is also what Evolved
` 23 states in the IPR. So, even if someone were to take
` 24 a position, absent the IPR, that it has a broader
` 25 meaning, that is foreclosed, then, once you have the
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`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 312
`EXHIBIT 1048-0019


`John David Villasenor - CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY - 8/25/2017
`Evolved Wireless, LLC vs. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., et al.
` 1 IPR. So my view is consistent in -- I -- I consider
` 2 them consistent.
` 3 Q You're not taking a position one way or
` 4 the other on this "if" versus "only if" argument in
` 5 the IPR proceedings, right?
` 6 A I guess I'm not sure I understand the
` 7 question.
` 8 Q You're not opining anywhere, on your
` 9 report, that "if" should mean "only if" versus "if,"
` 10 right?
` 11 A I'm -- I'm not doing the analysis. I --
` 12 I'm simply stating the fact that Evolved has argued
` 13 for the narrower potential interpretation, and,
` 14 therefore, that's the interpretation that -- that
` 15 matters here.
` 16 Q Okay.
` 17 MR. STIERNBERG: No more questions from
` 18 me.
` 19 MR. SCHULTZ: None from me.
` 20 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: This concludes today's
` 21 proceeding. The number of media used is four. We
` 22 are off the record. The time is 5:25 p.m.
` 23 (The deposition concluded at 5:25 p.m.)
` 24 --oOo--
` 25
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`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 313
`EXHIBIT 1048-0020


`Page 1
`NAME OF CASE: Evolved Wireless, LLC v. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and Samsung
`Electronics America, Inc., No. 1:15-cv-00545-JFB-SRF (D. Del.)
`August 25, 2017
`John David Villasenor, Ph.D.
`Reason Codes:
`To clarify the record.
`To conform to the facts.
`To correct transcription and/or translation errors.
`element is
`as the code
`In terms of the
`I haven’t
`about “pulled
`the data,” but
`Not sure if I’d call it a flow
`preamble information
`believe that
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`Should Read
`Now Reads
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`consider an exhaustive
`highlights kind
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`example, it doesn’t
`example, doesn’t
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`where I was doing
`there I was doing
`I’m -- quite
`I -- quite
`got a -- multiple function got multiple functions
`used to
`used for
`of the -- of the ’236
`of my report
`element in Claim 18 is
`as does the code
`Terms of the
`about pulled
`the data, but
`If I call it a flow
`preamble meditation
`believe that create
`it’s -- set
`1, 3
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`1, 3
`EXHIBIT 1048-0021


`Page 2
`1, 2
`1, 2
`2, 3
`1, 2
`Should Read
`line 1870
`meaning of
`meaning from
`matters here. I understand that in an IPR, the
`broadest reasonable interpretation standard
`applies. I was not asked to analyze, and I did
`not provide an opinion regarding, the claim
`language under that standard.
`Now Reads
`line 8- -- 1870
`18- -- 1938
`Note re: page 313, line 15: I understand from counsel that Plaintiff seeks to introduce portions
`of my testimony as evidence in several IPR proceedings. I further understand from counsel
`that a broader claim construction standard applies in IPR proceedings than in district court
`proceedings. I was not asked to analyze, and I did not analyze, the claim language under the
`standard for IPR proceedings. Accordingly, I provide the above clarification to place my
`deposition testimony in context.
`I, John David Villasenor, Ph.D., do hereby certify that I have read pages 1-313 of the
`transcript of my deposition taken on August 25, 2017, and found the same is a correct
`transcription of the answers given to the questions therein propounded, except for the
`corrections noted in this attached Errata Sheet.
`October 9, 2017
`EXHIBIT 1048-0022

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