controls the tran srnissi on module to transmit the data stored in the 1\:1sg3
`buffer to the base stati on using the UL Grant. received by the reception module on the randern
`EECGSS E'€S].'}'l.'}I'lS€:
`3'11 essage.
`(New) A method of transmitting data by a user equiptnent through an uplink to
`sotve a problem which may occur when data stored in a message 3 {1‘visg3) buffer is transmitted
`according to a reception mode of an Uphnk (UL) Grant, the method cornpri sing:
`receiving an nplink grant (UL Grant) from a base station;
`determining whether there is data stored in the message 3 (Msg3) buffer and whether the
`UL Grant was received on a random access response message; and
`transmitting, only when there is data stored in the a‘vtsg3 buffer and when the UL Grant
`was received on the random access response message, the data stored in the Msg3 buffer to the
`base station using the UL Grant received on the random access response message.
`Attorney Docket No.: 7836-5-CON-2
`Exhibit 2008-151
`Exhibit 2008-151


`R E EMA ii KS
`Applicant respectfully requests reconsideration of this application as amended.
`Applicant thanks the Examiner for the couitesies extended during the l‘) October 20lS
`interview. During the lnterview, the above claim amendments were discussed and the Examiner
`indicated that the changes appeared to resolve the l 12 issues and that an updated search would
`need to he performed.
`By the above anientlrnents. Applicant has addressed the 35 U. SC. §l "l2 rejection and
`believes it has been overcome. Withdrawal of the rejection is respectfully requested.
`Regarding the art-hased rejection in view ofOu, this rejection is respectfully traversed.
`The independent claims generally recite transmitting, only when there is data stored in
`the Msg3 l:-uffer and when the UL Grant was received on the random access response message,
`the data stored in the l\:‘lsg3 btn“fe.r to the base station using the U1. Grant received on the random
`access response message.
`01.: does not disclose this feature.
`Rather, in On, the U13 monitors the Contention Resolution message. When the UEZ
`receives an uplink grant on PDCCH addressed to the Temporary C-RNTI, the UE identities
`whether the HARQ process corresponding to the uplink grant is identical to the HARQ Process
`used for transmission of the l'vl'.AC PDLI in the Message 3 buffer. Wlten the HARQ process
`corresponding to the uplink grant is dil’l"erent from the E-IARQ Process used for transmission of
`the MAC PDU in the ‘Message 3 liuffer, the UE shall not use the received uplink grant for data
`With all features not being taught, suggested nor disclosed by On, Applicant respectfully
`requests withdrawal of the 35 U.S.C. §1l)3 rejection.
`With all rejections having been overcoine, Applicant respectful ly submits the application
`is in condition for allowance.
`A prompt notice of allowance is respectfully solicited.
`Attorney Docket No.: 7836-5-CON-2
`Exhibit 2008-152
`Exhibit 2008-152


`Slioulcl the Examiner believe anything, further is desirable in order to place the
`application in even better condition for allowance, the Examiner is encouraged to Contact
`Applicants uncleieigned representative at the telephone number listed below.
`The COt‘l'11]'tlSSl01’l€t”
`is hereby autl1ori2.ed to charge to deposit account number l9—l 970
`any fees under 3? {.‘}7l{ § l.l6 and I .1? that may be required by this paper and to credit any
`overpayment to that Account. If any extension of time is required in connection with the filing
`oftliis paper and has not been separately reqoestecl, such extension is hereby Petitioned.
`R.espeetfully submitted,
`Date: Februarv 10 2016
`Llason H. Vick}
`Jason H. Vick
`Reg. No. 45,285
`1560 Broadway, Suite i200
`Denver, Colorado 8{}2I3'.2
`Telephone: 303-863-WOO
`Attorney Docket No; 7836-5-CON-2
`Exhibit 2008-153
`Exhibit 2008-153


`Uh-'l'1‘l£D S'I‘A'I‘l:IS Dl:2l’ARTM]:I:\'T U1-‘ (_‘.0M.Ml£R(_‘.l:I
`United States Patent and Trademark 0t'l'n:c
`Address: (I().‘\.'1MISSION|iR I"()R 1’;-’\'l'|iN'|'S
`P.O. Box [-150
`Alcxilmlria, Virginia 223 I 1- I 450
`.r’\|’|-‘|.I(IA'l'I()N N0.
`|"||.ING |).4\'|'I'I
`l"|RS'l' NAMIJ) L\J\«"I'IN'l'()R
`1-’\'l'l'()l{\'liY l)(){IK|i'I' N0.
`CON]-'IR7.\«'I)‘\'|'I()N N0.
`sung Jun PARK
`Sheridan Ross, PC.‘
`Suite # 1200
`“AU-» T513111‘ DA1‘EA
`Denver, CO 80202 246 I
`1560 Broad“-ay
` N()'I'|1"|(Ix'\'l'l()i\’ l).*\'|'|.i
`l_'ILl_'l(_"I‘RON [C
`D] El .I\«"] {RY M()|)|.i
`Please find below andfor attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`Notice of the Office communication was sent electronically on above—indicated "Notification Date" to the
`following e-mail address(es):
`jvick @sl1c1'idzmross.c0111
`P-,,_,,__.m (Rm Wm,
`Exhibit 2008-154
`Exhibit 2008-154


`Application No.
`Office Action Summary
`AIA (First Inventor to may
`A" Unit
`— The MMLING DATE of this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address --
`Period for Reply
`Extensions of time may be available under the provisions of 3? CFR 1.136{a).
`afler SIX (6) MDNTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`If NO period for reply is specified above. the maximum statutory period will apply and will expire SIX (6) MONTHS lrom the mailing date oi this communication.
`— Failure to reply within the set or extended period for reply will, by statute. cause the application to become ABANDONED (35 U_S.C_ § 133).
`Any reply received by the Dltice later than three months after the mailing date of this communication. even it timely filed. may reduce any
`earned patent term adjustment. See 3? CFR 1.?Ci4(b}.
`In no event. however. may a reply be timely tiled
`1) Responsive to communication(s) filed on 02/10/2016.
`E] A declaration(s)iaffidavit(s) under 37 CFR 1.130(b) wasiwere filed on
`2b)E This action is non—final.
`2a)|:| This action is FINAL.
`3)I:I An election was made by the applicant in response to a restriction requirement set forth during the interview on
`; the restriction requirement and election have been incorporated into this action.
`4) Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is
`closed in accordance with the practice under Ex parte Quayle, 1935 CD. 11, 453 O.G. 213.
`Disposition of Claims*
`5) Claim(s) iiisiare pending in the application.
`5a) Of the above claim(s)
`isiare withdrawn from consideration.
`isiare allowed.
`6)I:i C|aim(s)
`isiare rejected.
`7)|:] C|aim(s)
`8)E C|aim(s) 1'43 isiare objected to.
`9)I:I C|aim(s)
`are subject to restriction andior election requirement.
`‘ If any claims have been determined allowable, you may be eligible to benefit from the Patent Prosecution Highway program at a
`participating intellectual property office for the corresponding application. For more information. please see
`;*' ow atentsii nit eventsr‘
`h.*'index.'s or send an inquiry to Pi-‘
`Application Papers
`10)|:| The specification is objected to by the Examiner.
`11)|:I The drawing(s) filed on
`isiare: a)I:I accepted or b)I:I objected to by the Examiner.
`Applicant may not request that any objection to the drawlngisj be held in abeyance. See 37 CFR 1.85(a}.
`Replacement drawing sheet(s) including the correction is required if the drawingisj ls objected to. See 37 CFR 1.121(d).
`Priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119
`12)I:I Acknowledgment is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)—(d) or (f).
`Certitied copies:
`a)|:| All
`b)|:l Some” c)|:| None of the:
`1.|:I Certified copies of the priority documents have been received.
`2.|:| Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No.
`3.|:| Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been received in this National Stage
`application from the International Bureau (PCT Flule 17.2(a)).
`"" See the attached detailed Office action for a list of the certified copies not received.
`1} D Notice of References Cited {PTO—892j
`2} D Information Disclosure Statementnisj (PTOiSBi0Ba andior PTOiSBi'03b)
`Paper No(s]iMail Date
`U.S. Patenl and Trademark Oflice
`3} El interview summary (pT0.413)
`Paper No[sjiMail Date. j
`4} El Omar: j‘
`PTDL—326 (Rev. 11.13:
`Office Action Summary
`Eg(:hF'[bi:t |\2.@t@ 3a1e1:_§
`Exhibit 2008-155


`Application/Control Number: 13/801,529
`Page 2
`Art Unit: 2461
`The present application is being examined under the pre-AIA first to invent provisions.
`This application is in condition for allowance except for the following formal matters:
`Claims 9 and 25 are objected to as containing modules whose structural supports are
`not clearly identified in the specification. Please provide prompt consideration of this matter.
`Prosecution on the merits is closed in accordance with the practice under Ex parte
`Quayle, 25 USPQ 74, 453 O.G. 213, (Comm’r Pat. 1935).
`A shortened statutory period for reply to this action is set to expire TWO MONTHS from
`the mailing date of this letter.
`Any inquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications from the
`examiner should be directed to TEISHA D. HALL whose telephone number is (571)272-9463.
`The examiner can normally be reached on Monday - Friday 10:00AM-6:30PM EST alt. Friday.
`If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the examiner's
`supervisor, Huy D. Vu can be reached on 571-272-3155. The fax phone number for the
`organization where this application or proceeding is assigned is 571-273-8300.
`Exhibit 2008-156
`Exhibit 2008-156


`Application/Control Number: 13/801,529
`Page 3
`Art Unit: 2461
`Information regarding the status of an application may be obtained from the Patent
`Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) system. Status information for published applications
`may be obtained from either Private PAIR or Public PAIR. Status information for unpublished
`applications is available through Private PAIR only. For more information about the PAIR
`system, see Should you have questions on access to the Private
`PAIR system, contact the Electronic Business Center (EBC) at 866-217-9197 (toll-free). If you
`would like assistance from a USPTO Customer Service Representative or access to the
`automated information system, call 800-786-9199 (IN USA OR CANADA) or 571-272-1000.
`/T. D. H./
`Examiner, Art Unit 2461
`Supervisory Patent Examiner, Art Unit 2461
`Exhibit 2008-157
`Exhibit 2008-157


`In Re the Application of: Sung Jun PARK
`Application No.: 13f801,529
`Filed: March 13, 2013
`; Group Art Unit: 2461
`; Examiner: HALL, Teisha Danea
`) Confirmation No.: 4046
`Atty. File No.: 7836-5-CON-2
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Madam :
`Applicant submits this Response to address the Ex parre Quayle Action having a mailing
`date of April 8, 2016. Please credit any overpayment or charge any underpayment to Deposit
`Account No. ‘I9-1970.
`Please amend the above-identified patent application as follows:
`Amendments to the Claims are shown in the listing of claims which begins on page 2 of
`this paper.
`Remarks begin on page 8 of this paper.
`Attorney Docket No.: 7836-5-CON-2
`Exhibit 2008-158
`Exhibit 2008-158


`Amendments to the Claims:
`This listing of claims will replace all prior versions, and listings, of claims in the
`Listing of Claims:
`(Previously Presented) A method of transmitting data by a user equipment
`through an uplink, the method comprising:
`receiving an uplink grant (UL Grant) from a base station;
`determining whether there is data stored in a message 3 (Msg3) buffer and whether the
`UL Grant was received on a random access response message; and
`transmitting, only when there is data stored in the Msg3 buffer and when the UL Grant
`was received on the random access response message,
`the data stored in the Msg3 buffer to the
`base station using the UL Grant received on the random access response message.
`(Previously Presented) The method according to claim 1, further comprising:
`transmitting new data to the base station in correspondence with the UL Grant , when the
`UL Grant
`is not received on the random access response message.
`(Previously Presented) The method according to claim 1, further comprising:
`receiving another UL Grant on a physical downlink control channel (PDCCH); and
`transmitting new data to the base station in correspondence with the another UL Grant .
`(Original) The method according to claim 2, wherein the transmitting the new
`data to the base station includes:
`acquiring a Medium Access Control Protocol Data Unit (MAC PDU) from a multiplexing
`and assembly entity‘, and
`transmitting the MAC PDU to the base station.
`(Previously Presented) The method according to claim 4, further comprising
`performing at least an HARQ procedure when transmitting the new data with the MAC PDU to
`the base station.
`Attorney Docket No.: 7836-5-CON-2
`Exhibit 2008-159
`Exhibit 2008-159


`(Previously Presented) The method according to claim 3,
`wherein the another UL Grant
`is received on the PDCCH related to one of Cell-Radio
`Network Temporary Identifier (RNTI) and Temporary Cell-RNTI.
`(Original) The method according to claim 1, wherein the data stored in the Msg3
`buffer is a Medium Access Control Protocol Data Unit (MAC PDU) including a user equipment
`(Previously Presented) The method according to claim 7, wherein the data stored
`in the Msg3 buffer further includes information about a buffer status report (BSR) when the user
`equipment starts a random access procedure for the BSR.
`(Previously Presented) A user equipment comprising:
`a reception module associated with a physical layer that receives over a physical channel
`an uplink grant (UL Grant) from a base station;
`a transmission module also associated with the physical
`layer that transmits data to the
`base station using the UL Grant;
`a message 3 (Msg3) buffer that stores UL data to be transmitted in a random access
`procedure; and
`a Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request (HARQ) entity that:
`determines whether there is data stored in the Msg3 buffer and whether the UL
`Grant was received on the random access response message, and only when there is data
`stored in the Msg3 buffer and the UL Grant was received on the random access response
`acquires the data stored in the Msg3 buffer , and
`controls the transmission module to transmit the data stored in the Msg3
`buffer to the base station using the UL Grant received by the reception module on the random
`access response message.
`Attorney Docket No.: 7836-5-CON-2
`Exhibit 2008-160
`Exhibit 2008-160


`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 1, wherein the uplink grant (UL
`Grant) is received over a physical channel.
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 10, wherein a physical layer is
`connected to the physical channel and the physical layer is connected to a Medium Access
`Control (MAC) layer.
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 1, wherein the UL Grant indicates
`information about uplink radio resources.
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 1, wherein the user equipment
`includes the following connected elements: a HARQ entity, a buffer and a multiplexing assembly
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 1, wherein the uplink grant is a
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 1, wherein the uplink grant is
`(Previously Presented) A system for transmitting data by a user equipment
`through an uplink comprising:
`means for receiving an uplink grant (UL Grant) from a base station;
`means for determining whether there is data stored in a message 3 (Msg3) buffer and
`whether the UL Grant was received on a random access response message; and
`means for transmitting, only when there is data stored in the Msg3 buffer and when the
`UL Grant was received on the random access response message,
`the data stored in the Msg3
`buffer to the base station using the UL Grant received on the random access response message.
`(Previously Presented) The system according to claim 16, further comprising:
`Attorney Docket No.: 7836-5-CON-2
`Exhibit 2008-161
`Exhibit 2008-161


`means for transmitting new data to the base station in correspondence with the UL Grant,
`when the UL Grant is not received on the random access response message.
`(Previously Presented) The system according to claim 16, further comprising:
`means for receiving another UL Grant on a physical downlink control channel (PDCCH);
`means for transmitting new data to the base station in correspondence with the another
`UL Grant.
`(Previously Presented) The system according to claim 17, wherein the means for
`transmitting the new data to the base station includes:
`means for acquiring a Medium Access Control Protocol Data Unit (MAC PDU) from a
`multiplexing and assembly entity; and
`means for transmitting the MAC PDU to the base station.
`(Previously Presented) The system according to claim "I9, further including means
`for performing at least an HARQ procedure when transmitting the new data with the MAC PDU
`to the base station.
`(Previously Presented) The system according to claim 18, wherein the another UL
`Grant is received on the PDCCH related to one of Cell-Radio Network Temporary Identifi er
`(RNTI) and Temporary Cell-RNTI.
`(Previously Presented) The system according to claim 16, wherein the data stored
`in the Msg3 buffer is a Medium Access Control Protocol Data Unit (MAC PDU) including a user
`equipment identifier.
`(Previously Presented) The system according to claim 22, wherein the data stored
`in the Msg3 buffer further includes information about a buffer status report (BSR) when the user
`equipment starts a random access procedure for the BSR.
`Attorney Docket No.: 7836-5-CON-2
`Exhibit 2008-162
`Exhibit 2008-162


`(Previously Presented) A user equipment comprising:
`means for receiving over a physical channel an uplink grant (UL Grant) from a base
`means for transmitting data to the base station using the UL Grant;
`means for storing UL data to be transmitted in a random access procedure; and
`means for determining whether there is data stored in the means for storing and whether
`the UL Grant was received on the random access response message, and only when there is data
`stored in the means for storing and the UL Grant was received on the random access response
`means for acquiring the data stored in the means for storing , and
`means for transmitting the data stored in the means for storing to the base station
`using the UL Grant received on the random access response message.
`(Previously Presented) A mobile LTE communications system comprising:
`a reception module associated with a physical layer that receives over a physical channel
`an uplink grant (UL Grant) from a base station;
`a transmission module also associated with the physical layer that transmits data to the
`base station using the UL Grant;
`a message 3 (Msg3) buffer that stores UL data to be transmitted in a random access
`procedure; and
`a Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request (HARQ) entity that:
`determines whether there is data stored in the Msg3 buffer and whether the UL
`Grant was received on the random access response message, and only when there is data
`stored in the Msg3 buffer and the UL Grant was received on the random access response
`acquires the data stored in the Msg3 buffer, and
`controls the transmission module to transmit the data stored in the Msg3
`buffer to the base station using the UL Grant received by the reception module on the random
`access response message.
`Attorney Docket No.: 7836-5-CON-2
`Exhibit 2008-163
`Exhibit 2008-163


`(Previously Presented) A method of transmitting data by a user equipment
`through an uplink to solve a problem which may occur when data stored in a message 3 (Msg3)
`buffer is transmitted according to a reception mode of an Uplink (UL) Grant, the method
`receiving an uplink grant (UL Grant) from a base station;
`determining whether there is data stored in the message 3 (Msg3) buffer and whether the
`UL Grant was received on a random access response message; and
`transmitting, only when there is data stored in the Msg3 buffer and when the UL Grant
`was received on the random access response message, the data stored in the Msg3 buffer to the
`base station using the UL Grant received on the random access response message.
`Attorney Docket No.: 7836-5-CON-2
`Exhibit 2008-164
`Exhibit 2008-164


`Applicant respectfully requests reconsideration of this application.
`Applicant thanks Ex. Hall for the indication that claims 1-26 are allowed.
`The Office Action states “Claims 9 and 25 are objected to as containing modules whose
`structural supports are not clearly identified in the specification. Please provide prompt
`consideration of this matter.”
`Claims 9 and 25 include a reception module and a transmission module.
`The specification states in paragraph 9 in relation to Fig.
`1 that:
`Layers of radio interface protocol between the UE and the network may be classified into
`a first layer L1, a second layer L2 and a third layer L3 based on three lower layers of an Open
`System Interconnection (OSI) reference model that is widely known in the field of
`communication systems. A physical layer belonging 130 the first layer provides an information
`transfer service using a physical channel. A Radio Resource Control (RRC) layer belonging to
`the third layer serves to control radio resources between the UE and the network.
`The specification further states in paragraph 13 that:
`A physical (PHY) layer of the first layer provides an infonnation transfer service to an
`upper layer using a physical channel. The PHY layer is connected to an upper layer, such as a
`Medium Access Control (MAC) layer, via a transport channel. Data is transferred between the
`MAC layer and the PHY layer via the transport channel. At this time, the transport channel is
`largely divided into a dedicated transport channel and a common transport channel, depending on
`whether or not a channel is shared. Data is also transferred between different PHY layers, such as
`a physical layer ofa transmitting side and a physical layer ofa receiving side, via a physical
`channel using radio resources.
`The specification also states in paragraphs 38-39 that‘.
`In another aspect of the present invention, a user equipment includes a reception module
`receiving an uplink grant (UL Grant) signal from a base station on a specific message, a
`transmission module transmitting data to the base station using the UL Grant signal received on
`the specific message, a message 3 (Msg3) buffer storing UL data to be transmitted in a random
`access procedure, and a Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request (I-IARQ) entity determining whether
`there is data stored in the Msg3 buffer when the reception module receives the UL Grant signal
`Attorney Docket No.: 7836-5-CON-2
`Exhibit 2008-165
`Exhibit 2008-165


`and tl1e specific message is a random access response message, acquiring the data stored in the
`Msg3 buffer if there is data stored in the Msg3 buffer when the reception module receives the UL
`Grant signal and the specific message is the random access response message, and controlling the
`transmission module to transmit the data stored in the Msg3 buffer to the base station using the
`UL Grant signal received by the reception module on the specific message.
`The user equipment may further include a multiplexing and assembly entity used for
`transmission of 11ew data.
`In this case, the I-IARQ entity 1nay acquire the new data to be
`transmitted from the multiplexing and assembly entity ifthere is no data stored in the Msg3
`buffer when the reception module receives the UL Grant signal on the specific message or the
`received message is not the random access response message. and control the transmission
`module to transmit the new data acquired from the multiplexing and assembly entity using the UL
`Grant signal received b_\-' the reception module on the specific message.
`The specificati on further states in paragraph 137 that:
`In the configuration of the UE shown in FIG. 11, the Tx module 1102 and the Rs module
`1 WI may be configured as a physical layer processing module I 108,. ..
`At least based on the above portions of the specification, structural support for the
`requested terms has been identified — withdrawal of the objection is respectfully requested.
`With the objection having been overcome, Applicant respectfully submits the application
`is in condition for allowance.
`A prompt Notice of Allowance is respectfully solicited.
`Should the Examiner believe anything further is desirable in order to place the
`application in even better condition for allowance, the Examiner is encouraged to contact
`Applicants undersigned representative at the telephone number listed below.
`Attorney Docket No.: 7836-5-CON-2
`Exhibit 2008-166
`Exhibit 2008-166


`The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge to deposit account number 19- 1970
`any fees under 37 CFR § 1.16 and L17 that may be required by this paper and to credit any
`overpayment to that Account. If any extension of time is required in connection with the filing
`of this paper and has not been separately requested, such extension is hereby Petitioned.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Date: May 19, 2016
`llason H. Vick!
`Jason H. Vick
`Reg. No. 45,285
`1560 Broadway, Suite 1200
`Denver, Colorado 80202
`Telephone: 303-863-9700
`Attorney Docket No.: 7836-5-CON-2
`Exhibit 2008-167
`Exhibit 2008-167


`Sufsstiiute for form ‘E44$9A'PT(.‘r
`cggnpfggg ff pggggwfl
`!iert Nuanber
`Numbet—kin<*. Code 5 V“*"”"’="
`Pubiicatiun Dale
`Pasgeza. Colurnns. Lines. Where
`Name of Pat-aniee 0:’
`Appiicerrt of Cited Document Relevani Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`*'E)(AEv1ii~iEF.': lniiiai if sefereraczsa is consids:-red. whe:-the: or not ciiatitm is in confenmantzsa and mi con5;ideted_ lncluzie asap}; (if this
`farm with max! -'JiJfliE‘i’ILlf1ii.‘r3ii0f1 to applicant.
`Exhibit 2008-168
`Exhibit 2008-168


`Sutsstiiute for form ‘i4é9fiJPTO
`STATEEWT 3*’ WP!-mm"
`__ 2097«’0253465
`: 200%?‘-N695
`E_xzamines' Name
`Document Nulnber
`Numbelckind Ccde2{:.,‘,_M_,
`Filing Date
`:'\lan'_t_e of Applicant
`rs! uaed Dricmnsrani
`Pages, Coiurfins. Lines. W£‘:E:re
`Zhang et ai.
`Chandra et ai.
`Fcreign Pateni Dccurnen!
`Cauntjy Code3: Nuriibefl; Kind
`Code‘-‘ {if knomij
`* pplicani of Cited
`Lines, Where
`Passages or
`Reiszmant Figures
`cm 1437415 A
`03-29-2003 HUAWEI TECH co
`(lnciudes English
`EP 1404079
`46 EP1469697 A2
`EP 1794971 31
`43 EP1?8?'414 81
`03.31.2004 SAMSUNG
`1:3-20-2004 SAMSUNG
`03-1 7-2019 ENTEL
`01-11-2912 NORTEL
`‘EXAMINER: lniiiai if feF£?E'eti:;e3 is consids:-I'ed__ whe:-the: or not ciiatitm is in confemnantzsa and mi cons;idesed_ lnciuzie (zap); (if this
`farm with next a;omrnur1it>:stion to appiicant.
`Exhlblt 2008-169
`Exhibit 2008-169


`Eunstiaute for form ‘E4~$9A.*“PT(.‘r
`STATEWST 3*’ WP!-mm"
`KR 10—2006—O066595
`06-16-2006 ELEC'i'RONiCS AND
` °‘“°"“M’°°*‘*‘“**’"”°*
`W5 W“ 2
`.4 20043030392
`. 0 2o05;'043791
`53 W0 2005;033:332
`to 20065023536
`55 W0 2oo7.ros24o9
`.o 200?/133453
`0?—26-200? HUAWEI TECH co
`12-as-2007 NOKIA
`Cl-THER ART {inciuding Author. Title; flaie. Peitiiient Pages, em}
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`Sufsstiiute for form ‘i449A.*"PT(.‘r
`S"§"ATE§9§E?~§T BY fi.PPL§CANT
`3GPP TSG RAN WG1 Ad HOG on LTE "On Aiiecation of Uplink Pilot Sub-Channeis in EUTRA SC- I
`FDMA" London, UK; R1-050822; August 29 - September 2, 2005; (7 pages)
`3(3F’P TSG RAN WG1 Ad Hoc on LTE “On Upiink Piiet in EUTRA SC-FDMA“ San Diego, USA;
`R1-051062; Oct 10 - 14, 2005 {7 pages)
`EGPP TSG RAN WG1 #42 on LTE "Orthogonal Piiot Channel in the Same Node 8 in Evolved
`UTRA Upiink“ Londan, UK; R1—050851; Aug. 29 — Sept. 2, 2005; (9 pages)
`3GPP TSG RAN1 #44 "RACH Design for EUTRA" Denver, USA; R1-06038? MARKED-UP; Feb.
`13-17, 2006 (11 pages)
`3(3F’P 73:3 RAN W81 #44 "Some Consideration for LTE Rash" Denver. USA; R1-
`060531; Feb. 134?, 2006 {4 pages}
`3GPP TSG WG1 Meeting #44535 "RACH Design for E-UTRA" R1-060797; Athens. Greece. March
`7-31, 2006 (9 pages)
`EGPP TSG RAN? #44-his "Fiamjom Access Sequence Design" R1-060884; Athens, Greece,
`March 24-26, 2006 (‘.7 pages)
`sew TSG-RAN WG3 #48 his meeting "On :n::a—Accc—ss Mobility for :_TE_AcTwE UE5" Cannes,
`France; R3-051108; Oct. :1-14, 2005 (4 pages}
`3GPP TSG-RAN WG2 #50 “intra-System Mobiiiiy" Sophia-Antipc-1&3, France; R2-060013; Jan. 9-
`13, 2006 (7 pages}
`3GPP TSG-RAN WG2 Meeting #53 “Ceii Switching in LTE__Ar;tive State" Shanghai, China; R2-
`081196: May 8-12, 2006 (5 pages}
`EGPP TSGRAN WG1 Meeting #53 "UL Grant for Random Access Message 3" R1-082078;
`Kansas City, USA; May 5-9, 2003 {4 pages)
`SGPP TSG-RAN WG-2 Meeting #53 “lntra-LTE HandoverOperation" Shanghai, PRC: FE2—E36’i135;
`May 8-13, 20016 (3 pages}
`"E)(AFv‘IiNEF!: iniiiai if seferereczsa is ctansids:-red. whs:-the: or mt ciiaiitm is if: CE}flf£)!’l”El3I‘I(:E3 and mi considered.
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`Exhlblt 2008-171
`Exhibit 2008-171


`Suisstiiute for form ‘i449A.*"PT(.‘r
`S"i"ATEi9iE?~iT BY fi.PPi...iCANT
`3 3:301 .529
`March 13, 2013
`‘ring Jun PARK
`HALL, Teistis Danea
`SGPF’ TSG-RAN VVG3 #53biS "inirai-LTE Mobiitiy Procedure" Seoul, Korea; R3~O61489; Oct. 10-
`13. 2905 (4 pages)
`sane TSG-RAN woz #61 bis "Coniroi of HARQ for RACH message 3" R2-081764; Shenzhen,
`China; March 31 - April 4, 2008 (5 pages)
`3C-EPFJ TSGRAN WG2 #62 "Update cf MAC Random Access Procedure" Tdoc R2-082?3i;
`Kansas City, USA; May 5-9, 2008 (.7 pages)
`EGPP TSGRAN2 Meeting #62bis "Ciarificaiion of DL— and iJL—SCH Data Transfer" Warsaw,
`Poiarid, R2-083400; MARKEUUP; June 30-July 4, 2008 (7 pages)
`SGPF’ TSG-RAN2 Meeiing #62bi5 "Ciariitcalion of Bi: and UL—SCH Data Transfer" Warsaw.
`Poland, R2-0831301 (revision of R2-{E83400}: MARKEDUF’; June 30—Ji.1iy 4, 2008 (8 pages)
`3GPP TSG-RAN2 Meeting #i52ois "NEE and iVtsg3" Warsaw, Poland, R2-(i83?03; MARKED-UP;
`. one 30-Jury 4, 2008 {3 pages)
`sane TSG-RAN2 Meeting ass "Corrections neieiing to RACE-i Partitioning" Jejo, Korea; R2-
`084788; Aug. 18-22, 2008; (4 pages)
`sees TSG-RAN W62 #63 “econ Configuration in S181" Jejo, Korea; R2-083882; Aug. 23-22,
`003; (4 pages}
`EGPP TSGRAN WG2 Meeting #:64bis "Ciarificatiori on RA PI‘earnbies" Athens, Greece; R2-
`09i523; Jan. 9-13, 2009 (3 pages)
`soap TSG-RAN WG2 Meetirtg #fi-ibis "Ctarification on RA Prearnbtes" Athens, Greec

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