`Nov. 24, 1981
`Bandwidth Compression—Pratt & Andrews Proc. Poly-
`technic Institute of Brooklyn, 1969, pp. 56-68.
`Hadamard Transform Image Coding, Pratt, Kane, An-
`drews, Proc. IEEE, vol. 57, No. 1, Jan. 69, pp. 58-68.
`Television Bandwidth Reduction by Encoding Spatial
`Frequencies, Andrews & Pratt, Journal SMPTE, vol.
`77, No. 12, Dec. 1968, pp. 1279-1281.
`Television Bandwidth Reduction by Fourier Image
`Coding; Andrews & Pratt, Paper Delivered to 103rd
`Technical Conference SMPTE, May 5-10, 1968.
`Transform Image Coding, Andrews & Pratt: Proc.
`Symposium on Computer Processing in Communica-
`tions, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Apr. 8-10,
`1969, Pp. 63-84.
`Primary Examiner—James W. Moffitt
`Assistant Exam1'ner—Aristotelis M. Psitos
`Attorney, Agent, or Ft'rm—David B. Harrison.
`A digital video compression system and its methods for
`compressing digitalized video signals in real time at
`rates up to NTSC color broadcast rates are disclosed.
`The system compressor
`receives digitalized video
`frames divided into subframes, performs in a single pass
`a spatial domain to transform domain transformation in
`two dimensions of the picture elements of each sub-
`frame, normalizes the resultant coefficients by a normal-
`ization factor having a predetermined compression ratio
`component and an adaptive rate buffer capacity control
`feedback component, to provide compression, encodes
`the coefficients and stores them in a first rate buffer
`memory asynchronously at a high data transfer rate
`from which they are put out at a slower, synchronous
`rate. The compressor adaptively determines the rate
`buffer capacity control feedback component in relation
`to instantaneous data content of the rate buffer memory
`in relation to its capacity, and it controls the absolute
`quantity of data resulting from the normalization step so
`that the buffer memory is never completely emptied and
`never completely filled. In expansion, the system essen-
`tially mirrors the steps performed during compression.
`An efficient, high speed decoder forms an important
`aspect of the present invention. The compression sys-
`tem forms an important element of a disclosed color
`broadcast compression system.
`7 Claims, 30 Drawing Figures
`United States Patent
`Widergren et al.
`Inventors: Robert D. Widergren, Saratoga;
`Wen-I-Isiung Chen, Sunnyvale;
`Stanley C. Fralick, Saratoga; Andrew
`G. Tescher, Claremont, all of Calif.
`Compression Labs, Inc., San Jose,
`[73] Assignee:
`[21] App]. No.: 969,991
`{22] Filed:
`Dec. 15, 1978
`Int. c1.3 ...................... .. H04N 7/12;:H04N 9/32;
`G06F 15/20; G08C 9/00
`[52] US. Cl. .................................... .. 358/136; 358/ 13;
`340/347 DD; 364/514; 364/515; 364/582
`[58] Field of Search ............. .. 364/514, 515, 576, 582;
`358/12, 13, 133, 138, 260, 261; 340/347 DD
`References Cited
`........... .. 358/135 X
`.... .. 358/135
`.. 340/347 DD
`. 325/419 X
`.... .. 358/133
`...... 358/261
`................ .. 358/13 X
`3/1974 Golding et al.
`3,984,626 10/1976 Mounts et al.
`1/1977 Morris .......... ..
`9/1977 Yasuda et al.
`9/1977 Kuroda et al.
`4,054,909 10/1977 Kojima et al.
`4,060,797 11/1977 Maxwell et al.
`4,125,861 11/1978 Mounts et al.
`9/1979 Hains et al.
`4,179,710 12/1979 Ishiguro et al.
`Image Data Compression by Predictive Coding II: En-
`coding Algorithms Bahl & Kobayashi: IBM J. Res.
`Develop., Mar. 1974, pp. 172-179.
`Frame—to—Frame Coding of Television Pictures Using
`Two—Dimensional Fourier Transforms: Haskell: IEEE
`Transactions on Info. Theory: vol. IT-20, No. 1, pp.
`119-120: Jan. 74.
`Spahal Transform Coding of Color Images: Pratt:
`IEEE Transactions on Comm. Technology, vol. Co-
`m—19, No. 6, Dec. 71, pp. 980-992.
`Goertzel et al., Two—Dimensional Data Compression &
`Decompression System; Aug. 7, 1979.
`Application of Fourier—Haclamard Transformation to
`| annnwmrul
`PMC Exhibit 213
`Apple v. PM
`Page 1
`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 1
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 24, 1981
`Sheet 1 of 22
`PMC Exhibit 213
`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 24, 1981
`Sheet 2 of 22
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`PMC Exhibit 213
`Apple v. PM
`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 3
`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 4
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`PMC Exhibit 213
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`Sheet 4 of 22
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`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 5
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 24, 1981
`Sheet 5 of 22
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`PMC Exhibit 213
`Apple v. PM
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`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 6
`US, Patent A Nov. 24, 1981
`Sheet 6 of 22
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`PMC Exhibit 213
`Apple v. PM
`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 7
`US. Patent
`Nov. 24, 1931
`Sheet 7 of 22
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`PMC Exhibit 213
`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 8
`U.S. Patent
`Nov, 24, 1981
`PMC Exhibit 213
`Apple v. PM
`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 9
`U.S. Patent
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`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 10
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 24, 1981
`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 24, 1981
`Sheet 11 of 22
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`PMC Exhibit 213
`Apple v. PM
`Page 1
`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 12
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 24, 1981
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`PMC Exhibit 213
`Apple v. PM
`Page 1
`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 13
`Sheet 13 of 22
`PMC Exhibit 213
`Apple v. PM
`Page 1
`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 14
`% U.S. Patent
`PMC Exhibit 213
`Apple v. PM
`Page 1
`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 15
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 24, 1981
`Sheet 15 of éz
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`PMC Exhibit 213
`Apple v. PM
`Page 1
`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 16
`Sheet 16 of 22
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`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 17
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 24, 1981
`Sheet 17 of 22
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`PMC Exhibit 213
`Apple v. PM
`Page 1
`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 18
`U.S. Patent 4 Nov. 24, 1981
`Sheet 18 of 22
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`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 19
`US. Patent
`Nov. 24, 1981
`Sheet 19 of 22
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`PMC Exhibit 213
`Apple v. PM
`Page 2
`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 20
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 24, 1981
`Sheet 20 of 22
`FIG. 27
`FIG. 28
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`PMC Exhibit 213
`Apple v. PM
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`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 21
`PMC Exhibit 213
`Apple v. PM
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`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 22
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 24, 1981
`Sheet 22 of 22
`2 33*?
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`PMC Exhibit 213
`Apple v. PM
`Page 2
`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 23
`The present invention relates to methods and appara-
`tus for compression, transfer through a limited band-
`width medium, and expansion of digitalized television
`picture signals-at real time rates up to standard broad-
`cast frame rates.. More particularly, thevpresent inven-
`tion relates to methods and apparatus for television
`picture single pass scene adaptive compression, transfer
`and expansion with two dimensional transformation in
`conjunction with compression coding schemes wherein
`rate buffer feedback is effectively utilized to provide
`optimalized compression normalization factoring in real
`time without undue degradation of restored picture
`imagery and with minimized hardware implementation
`requirements. "
`Digital coding techniques are increasingly employed
`in processing television signals for transfer over noisy
`transmission channels. Digital data streams may be
`made essentially free of noise ‘degradation, and this
`advantage in the transmission of digitized information
`has_been advantageously utilized over long, noisy trans-
`mission paths. Thus, it is an increasingly common prac-
`tice today to digitalize broadcast television signals for
`transmission and relay through otherwise noisy long
`distance paths, such as stationary earth satellitesmany
`thousands of miles away from the earth.
`To digitize a televion signal, a significant number of
`bits, 4, 5, 6 or even more, may be requiredvto provide for
`the proper range of gray ‘scale of each of the hundreds
`of thousands of separate picture elements (pixels). Con-
`sequently, data rates for digitalized television signals are
`far in excess of the highest frequency components of
`analog _television'signals. It is not unusual to find in a
`digitalized television communications link, a required
`video bandwidth of 40 megabits per second. While
`digitalized television transmission formats advanta-
`geously overcome the signal to noise problems inherent
`in analog transmission over similar path lengths,
`substantial bandwidths for such digitalized signals often
`occupy the entire bandwidth capability of the commu-
`nications link- If the communications link is an earth
`satellite in stationary orbit above the earth, the video
`signal typically occupies the entire transponder band-—
`width of the satellite, with very few channels, if any, left
`over for other uses. Thus, need has arisen for a practical
`yet effective way to reduce the bandwidth of digitalized
`television signals to provide for more channels within a
`communications path such as anearth satellite.
`_ ART
`It is known and discussed in the prior art relating to
`television ‘image bandwidth compression that two-di-
`mensional cosine transform techniques have yielded
`reproduced pictures of superior quality at the same and
`even higher picture data compression ratios than were
`obtainable with other transforms or techniques. I-Iereto-‘
`fore, television picture compression techniques have
`been directed to simple implementations with substane I
`tial throughput speedsin real time with concomitant
`significant degradation of restored picture resolution
`and the introduction of unwanted compression process
`artifacts into the restored picture. Such techniques have
`included two-dimensional digital pulse code modulation
`schemes with block adaptive coding or with rate buffer-
`ing; hybrid cosine transformation and digital pulse code
`modulation schemes; and, unidimensional, bidimen-
`sional and hybrid Haar-Hadamard transformations. Run
`length coding has also been employed.
`. Two basic techniques for coding transform domain
`coefficients: are known in the prior art, namely zonal
`coding and adaptive coding. Zonal coding essentially
`eliminated all high frequency picture transform coeffici-
`ents regardless of energy content with a resultant loss of
`picture detail upon reconstitution of the picture. On the
`other hand, adaptive coding schemes, including thresh-
`old sampling techniques, were used to identify and pre-
`serve» large amplitude high frequency coefficients, and
`those schemes provided reconstituted pictures having
`less distortion from the compression process at signifi-
`cantly higher degrees of compression.
`In threshold
`sampling when a coefficient exceeded a preset ampli-
`tude, it was sent with full precision (normally 6 to 8
`bits), and many times a coefficient was transmitted with
`8 bits when one or two bits would have accurately
`characterized the coefficient.
`Adaptive coding techniques followed two basic ap-
`proaches: multiple class energy bit map coding and
`recursive coding with rate buffer feedback. In the multi-
`ple class bit map approach, transform sub-fraines of the
`picture were sorted into categories related to the level
`of image-activity present in each sub-frame. Within each
`activity level, AC energy coding bits were allocated to
`individual transform elements in classes according to a
`variance matrix of the transform data with the variance
`matrix being computed for each of the classes and dif-
`ferent bit allocation matrices being created with more
`bits being assigned to areas of high image activity and
`fewer bits to those areas of lower activity. Such classifi-
`cations were carried out either with a two-pass statisti-
`cal gathering and mapping scheme or with a fixed
`pregenerated statistical model created upon assump-
`tions, made for the particular system application.
`In the two-pass approach, the first pass of processing
`generated statistics for sub-block classification maps, set
`up bit assignment matrices and calculated normalization .
`factors for compression. The second pass was for multi-
`plying the normalization factor to quantize transform
`coefficients, for encoding the resultant. data, and for
`adding overhead information. The drawback of the two
`pass approach is the substantial times required for two
`pass processing within existing equipment which un-
`duly limited the size of pictures to be compressed and
`the number of sub-frame activity classifications that
`could be utilized. Also, the hardware requirements for
`real time implementation were prohibitively complex,
`and hence the two pass approach is presently impracti-
`cal, particularly at picture broadcast rates.
`The pregenerated statistics modeling approach suf-
`fered from the fact that no pregenerated statistics ever
`exactly matched those of a real time picture being com-
`pressed. Additionally, several sets of pregenerated sta-
`tistics were often needed to accommodate multiple
`applications which required multiple passes to preselect
`the most nearly appropriate statistical set to be utilized
`for the particular picture.
`Inethe recursive coding with rate buffer feedback
`scheme, the sub-frame activity was determined, by the
`estimated variances of the transform coefficients, the
`variances being derived by a simple linear predicter.
`PMC Exhibit 213
`Apple v. PM
`Page 2
`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 24
`One significant drawback in the recursive coding ap-
`proach was the elimination of high frequency AC coef-
`ficients, including those having significant amplitudes.
`Once the linear predicter produced a variance which
`needed a zero bit assignment, theencoding of that par-
`ticular picture subframe was terminated, and all subse-
`quent AC terms, including those with significant values,
`' were lost. Such losses unduly degraded high activity
`regions in the reconstituted pictures following inverse
`expansion and reconstruction of the compressed picture
`signal. Another drawback of the recursive coding
`scheme was that heretofore there has been no theoreti-
`cal analysis which justifies the assumed optimality of a
`linear predicter. One feature of recursive coding which
`has been advantageously incorporated into and signifi-
`cantly expanded in the present invention is that of the
`rate buffer technique.
`A major problem with image data compression has
`been the non-stationarity of image statistics. Early cod-
`ing schemes such as a single map zonal coder attempted
`to ignore the problem by assuming image statistics as a
`stationary process. The Markov model used by investi-
`gators was an example of the stationary statistical char-
`acterization of image data. Adaptive coding procedures
`have been proposed to take care of the non-stationary
`nature of the image processes and to improve the image
`quality. A well designed adaptive coder generally needs
`a priori non-stationary statistical information. This a
`priori information can either be estimated or computed
`on line, or predetermined a priorily. Neither case is
`desirable since it causes complications in hardware im-
`plementation on the former and causes statistical mis-
`matches on the latter. The undesirable feature can be
`eliminated by introducing the rate buffer concept for
`the channel rate equalization in accordance with the
`present invention.
`A general object of the present invention is to pro-
`vide a digital video compression system which effec-
`tively combines scene adaptive coding with rate buffer
`feedback in methods and apparatus which overcome
`limitations and drawbacks of the prior art.
`Another object of the present invention is to provide
`a digital video compression system which operates ef-
`fectively at real time picture frame rates as high as those
`of the NTSC color broadcast standards.
`Another object of the present invention is to combine
`novel circuits and subsystems into a digital video com-
`pressor and expander which effectively compresses the
`bandwidth of a television picture in accordance with
`novel methods and techniques.
`Another object of the present invention is to provide
`a digital video compression system which effectively
`implements a two-dimensional discrete cosine transform
`of blocks of the picture.
`Another object of the present invention is to provide
`a digital video compression system which effectively
`implements a two—dimensional transform in which the
`DC term of each transformed picture block may always
`be transmitted in a fixednumber of bits.
`Another object of the present invention is to provide
`a digital video compression system which effectively
`implements a two-dimensional transform of blocks of
`the picture in which uniformly quantized AC coeffici-
`ents of each block fall into a single Huffman codeable
`statistical set.
`Another object of the present invention is to provide
`a digital video compression system which effectively
`implements a two-dimensional transform of blocks of
`the picture in which low order uniformly quantized AC
`coefficients can be efficiently Huffman coded by the
`compressor and decoded by the expander in accordance
`with a predetermined Huffman code table, without
`transmitting the Huffman table or generating a new
`table for each block.
`Another object of the present invention is to provide
`a digital video compression system which: implements a
`two-dimensional transform of blocks of the picture in
`which long strings of zero value high order AC coeffici-
`ents may be effectively’ run length encoded and in
`which high amplitude high order AC coefficients will
`be preserved.
`Another object of the present invention is to provide
`a digital video compression system which implements a
`two-dimensional transform of blocks of the picture in
`which variance calculations, bit allocation matrix calcu-
`lations, and nonlinear block quantization are eliminated
`and not required in the compression process.
`Another object of the present invention isto provide
`a single pass digital video compression system which
`implements a two-dimensional transform of blocks of
`the picture which eliminates the requirement of prelimi-
`nary statistical matching or preprocessing to determine
`applicable statistics needed by prior two-pass picture
`compression techniques.
`Another object of the present invention is to provide
`a digital video compression system which effectively
`utilizes rate buffer feedback control to provide global
`adaptivity of the system to the picture in real time.
`Another object of the present invention is to provide
`a digital video compression system which requires only
`one two-dimensional block of a fraction of the picture
`for input buffering, but which in practice will buffer at
`input an image strip of blocks of the same number of
`lines as defines the block size and will further provide
`some preformatting of the data.
`Yet another object of the present invention is to pro-
`vide a digital video compression system in which the
`output of the compression process yields a white noise
`error image‘ with no apparent structure.
`A further object of the present invention is to provide
`a digital video compression and expansion system in
`which the expander includes an instantaneous decoder
`which operates on each bit as it is received.
`An NTSC color broadcast compression and expan-
`sion system incorporating the principles of the present
`invention divides the color picture into luminance
`(monochrome) and I and Q chrominance components.
`The luminance signal is compressed and expanded with
`the scene adaptive coding with rate buffer feedback
`techniques of the present invention. The I and Q chro-
`minance components are given simple spatial low pass
`filtering followed by spatial subsampling with two-di-
`interpolation at
`the system receiver. The
`audo is filtered and sampled at a predetermined rate,
`with each sample quantized to a predetermined bit reso-
`lution. The digitalized and compressed luminance (in-
`cluding picture synchronization pulses) chrominance
`and audio components are multiplexed together with bit
`stream synchronization codes and transmitted as a sin-
`gle composite bit stream.
`PMC Exhibit 213
`Apple v. PM
`Page 2
`PMC Exhibit 2133
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 25
`The scene adaptive coding with rate buffer feedback
`compression system of the present invention receives
`each digitalized video luminance frame divided into a
`predetermined matrix of subframes or blocks. The com-
`pressor performs a spatial domain to transform domain
`transformation in both horizontal and vertical dimen-
`sions of the picture elements of each subframe to pro-
`vide transform coefficients corresponding to each sub-
`frame. The compressor normalizes the coefficients by a
`normalization factor having a predetermined compres-
`sion ratio component and an adaptive rate buffer capac-
`ity control feedback component to provide~compres-
`sion to the transform coefficients and to provide nor-
`malized transform coefficients compatible with a prede-
`termined data coding scheme. The coefficients are en-
`coded in accordance with, eg., Huffman codes and zero
`coefficient run length codes, and then stored in a first
`rate buffer memory asynchronously at a high data trans-
`fer rate from which they are put out at a slower, syn-
`chronous bit stream rate capable of passing through a
`limited bandwidth medium. The compressor adaptively
`determines the rate buffer capacity control feedback
`component in relation to the instantaneous data content
`of the rate buffer memory in relation to its capacity to
`control at normalization the absolute quantity of data
`resulting from that process so that the buffer memory is
`never completely emptied and never completely filled.
`In expansion, the system stores the coded coefficients
`in a second, decoder rate buffer memory at the slow
`synchronous data transfer rate through the limited me-
`dium. The coefficients are then put out from the second
`memory asynchronously at a high data transfer rate.
`The coefficients are decoded in accordance with an
`inverse of the predetermined coding scheme, and then
`the decoded coefficients are inversely normalized by
`operation of an inverse normalization factor with a
`predetermined expansion ratio coefficient and an adapt-
`ive decoder rate buffer capacity control feedforward
`component to provide expansion of the transform coef-
`The scene adaptive coded picture expansion system
`adaptively determines the rate buffer capacity control
`feedforward component in relation to the instantaneous
`data content of its rate buffer memory in further relation
`to its capacity. This is done to control at an inverse
`normalization step the absolute quantity of data result-
`ing therefrom and thus the rate which the coded coeffi-
`cients are put out advantageously from the expander’s
`rate buffer memory so that it, too, is never completely
`emptied and never completely filled. A high speed de-
`coder decodes Huffman and run-length codes in real
`time in accordance with a “tree” state functional
`scheme which progressively decides upon a new state
`on the basis of the old state and the next bit received.
`The scene adaptive expansion system then performs the
`inverse of the predetermined transformation‘ of the ex-
`panded transforrn coefficients to provide reconstituted
`luminance picture elements of the subframes.
`The subframes are then assembled into the predeter-
`mined matrix to reconstruct the digitalized luminance
`picture frame which closely approximates the corre-‘
`sponding original frame. The