`For Secure 'Data Communication
`Vi jayaraghavan Varadharaj an
`This thesis is submitted to the Council
`for National Academic Awards in partial
`fulfilment of the requirements for the
`degree of Doctor of Philosophy
`‘Department of Communication Engineering
`Plymouth Fblytechnic
`August 1984
`British Telecom Research Labs.,
`Amazon Ex. 1023
`IPR Petition - USP 7,805,749
`PMC Exhibit 2117
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 1
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`PMC Exhibit 2117
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2
`I hereby declare that while registered as a candidate for
`the degree of Doctor of Philosophy with the Council for National
`Academic Awards I have not been a registered candidate for another
`award of the CNAA or other academic or professional institution.
`signed; Vguaa
`van vamlleam aim
`PMC Exhibit 2117
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 3
`I wish to express my grateful thanks to Dr C T Stockel,
`Director of Studies,
`(Dept of Mathematics. Statistics and Computing,
`Plymouth Rolytechnic) and to my supervisors Mr P W Sanders/(Dept of
`Comunication Engineering, Plymouth Polytechnic) and Dr R W K Odoni
`(Dept of Mathematics. Exeter University) for their valuable guidance
`and advice at all stages of this research project.
`My thanks are
`also due to Dr G Wade (Dept of Commnication Engineering, Plymouth
`Polytechnic) who was previously the Director of Studies.
`I would
`like to mention in particular that Mr Sanders had always been a source
`of encouragement.
`A special word of thanks should go to Dr Odoni
`for readily accepting to be one of the supervisors having acted as
`an advisor in the early stages of the_project.
`I am greatly indebted
`to him for the long hours of useful discussions we had on numerous
`My sincere thanks should also go to Prof S D Cohen (Dept
`of Mathematics, Glasgow University), Prof J Massey (Institute of
`Communication Engineering, ETH, Zurich) and Prof W Ledermann (Dept
`of Mathematics, Sussex University) wh had unhesitatingly spared
`their time and offered valuable suggestions and advice in the course
`of the project.
`I take this opportunity to acknowledge with thanks the
`various facilities made available to me by the Plymouth Fblytechnic.
`I am grateful to the mmbers of staff and technicians,
`in particular
`to Mr A Santillo and L Roberts, of the Dept of Communication Engineering
`for their kind co—operation and technical assistance as well as to the
`Library staff members.
`I should also like to express my gratitude to the Devon
`County Council and the British Telecom Research Labs, Martlesham
`for the financial support and facilities provided for the project.
`I have pleasure in thanking Ms W Happer for her accurate
`and neat typing of the thesis.
`Finally I shall be failing in my duty if I do not mention
`the encouragement and support received from my parents at every
`stage of the accomplishment of my task.
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`Page 4
`Thesis Organization
`Cryptographic Systems
`Cxyptosystem Security and Complexity
`Cryptographic Techniques
`2 . 3. 1
`2. 3. 2
`Block Cipher
`Stream Cipher
`3. 1 . 1
`3. 1 . 2
`3. 1 . 3
`Transposition Cipher
`Substitution Cipher
`Product Cipher
`Data Encryption Standard
`DES Algorithm - An Overview
`The Key Schedule Procedure
`DES Encryption and Decryption
`Software DES Implementation
`A Fbssible Advantage of DES
`Some Characteristics of DES Algorithm
`Avalanche Effect
`Complementary Property
`Design Criteria
`Initial and" Final Permutations
`Criticism and Weaknesses of DES
`3 6 2
`3 6 4
`The Key Length
`Unpublished Design Principles
`Number of Rounds
`Key Schedule Algorithm-
`weak and Semiweak Keys
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`Page 5
`Contents continued. . . .
`3.7 ‘
`Cryptanalysis of DES
`4. 1
`System Requirement 5
`Security Requirements
`Operator Requirements
`Teclmical Requirements
`General System Description
`Apple Microcomputer
`Encryption Interface Unit
`so1=1'wAR_5 (1;
`5 . 1 . 2
`5. 1 .3
`Polling Technique
`Interrupt Dr iven Technique
`Point—to—Fbint Communication
`lock Encryption Nbde
`2 1
`2 3
`Results and Discussion
`Cipher Block Chaining Mode
`5. 3.3
`Results and Discussion
`Stream Cipher Feedback
`5 . 4. 3
`Results and Discussion
`Cipher Block Giaining with Plaintext
`5 1
`5 3
`Results and Discussion
`Stream Cipher Feedback with Vector
`Results and Discussion
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`Page 6
`Contents condinued. . .
`Statistical Tests For Randomness
`The Frequency Test
`The Serial Test
`The Runs Test
`The Autocorrelation
`Results and Discussion
`Other Statistical Tests
`C ass.-Correlation Test
`-Test to Detect Dependence
`Between Output and Input
`Choice of DES Node
`Brief Review of Prestel Viewdata System
`Encryption/Decryption in Prestel System
`Key Management Using Key Centre
`Conmnmication Security
`File Security
`Key Distribution for Groups of Users
`Method 1
`Public Key Systems
`9 . 6. 1
`Merkle-Hellman Trapdoor
`Knapsack Public Key Cryptosystem
`Rivest-Shamir—Ad1eman (RSA)
`Public Key Cryptosystem
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`Page 7
`Contents continued. . .
`Diffie—He11man Hlblic Key
`Distribution System
`Key Distribution Using Public Key for
`Groups of Users
`Method 2
`Method 3
`Method 4
`Key Distribution for Prestel Fmcryption
`801119 Design Aspects of RSA Cryptosystem
`Primality Tests
`Choice of Coding Exponents
`Cryptanalysis of RSA System
`Factorization of m
`Computation of ¢(m) Without
`Factorization of m
`Determining d without Factoring
`m or Computing ¢(m)
`Extension of RSA System to Matrix Rings
`10. 4.1
`Trapdoor .Rings
`Non—singu1ar Matrices over
`Orthogonal Matrices over
`Upper Triangular Matrices over Z/mZ185
`Linear Fractional Group
`- Proportion of Non-singular
`Matrices over 2/mz
`System Design and Operation
`System Implementation
`Extension of RSA System to Polynomial
`Concept of Galois Field
`A Polynomial Based RSA
`An Improved Polynomial Based
`RSA System
`Extension of RSA System to Matrix Rings
`with Polynomial Elements
`‘ 200
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`Page 8
`Contents continued...
`Non—singu1ar Matrices
`over‘ R = Z[x]/(m,f(x))
`Upper Triangular Matrices
`over R = Z[x]/(m,f(x))
`1 1 . 1
`11 . 2
`Basic Concepts
`1 1 . 2. 2
`Principal Ideal
`Prime Ideal
`Product of Ideals
`Unique Factorization of Ideals
`Factorization Trapdoor
`Ring of Integers
`Polynomial Rings
`Matrix Rings
`1 1 .5.2
`Approach (a)
`Approach (b)
`1 2 . 1
`Factorization Trapdoor System in Gaussian
`Ring of Gaussian Integers
`Design of Trapdoor Coding
`System in Z[i]
`Security of the System in
`Representation of Dvbssages
`and System Operation
`Factorization Trapdoor System in other
`Qxadratic Fields
`Quadratic Fields R NB)
`Design of Trapdoor Coding
`System: Complex Euclidean
`Quadratic Fields
`Security of the System in
`R (J6)
`Representation of Messages
`and System Operation
`Rea1_ Qiadratic __ Fields _ __
`— viii —
`Page viii
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`Page 9
`Contents continued...
`Logarithms over Finite Fields
`Public Key Distribution in Gr-*(2”)
`Short cycling Attack
`mas/ncn Hybrid System
`Central Public Key File
`Local Public Key File
`No Public Key File
`Exponentiation in GF(2n)
`Method 1
`Method 2
`Hardyare Desig of an Exponentiator in
`GF'(2 )
`Normal Basis Generators in GF12127)
`Extension of Diffie—He1lman System to
`Matrix Rings
`Design of Base Matrix
`Use of Upper Triangular Matrices
`over z/pz
`Fblynomial y
`x" (mod n)
`Polynomial y E ax-+b (mod :11)
`Linear Fractional Substitution
`Rédei Rational Functions
`[Dickson Polynomial based Public Key
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`Contents continued. . .
`1 5. 2
`Chaining Techniques
`Method 1
`Method 2
`Broadcasting of Messages
`Data Encryption Standard 2 A Software
`Fbint—to-Point Communication : Block
`Encryption Program (ECB)
`Extended Character Set
`Graphics Display Program (RES‘1‘RY.F‘77)
`Point—to—Fbint Conmnmication: Cipher
`Block Chaining Program (CBC)
`Point—to-Point Communication : Stream
`Cipher Feedback Program (CFB)
`Results of some Statistical Tests on
`DES Output Sequences
`File Security : Cipher Block Chaining
`Program (CR2)
`PRESTH. Editing Keyboard
`Ofinese Remainder Theorem
`Euclid's Algorithm
`Determinant of a Matrix over GF(2)
`Program (DE'l'1\DD.F77)
`Matrix Exponentiation Program
`Polynomial Exponentiation Program
`Qrcle Length Calculation Program
`in G!-‘(2*‘*7)(CYG.E.F77)
`Short Oycling Attack in H(D System
`over GF(2**7)( RANIIIYCLEJ-'77)
`Results of Cycling in PKD System
`over GI-‘(2'**7)
`Public Key Distribution Program
`Determination of A Normal Basis
`Generator in GI-‘(2**127)
`Normal Basis Exponentiator — Circuit
`Multiplier Matrix Program (M—MA‘.l'RIX.F77)
`Multiplier Implementation Using T—Matrix
`Approach (l‘—Matrix.F’/7)
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`Contents continued. . .
`Exclusive-or Gate Count Program
`(ED<DR N-O. P77)
`Inverse Matrix over GF‘(2) Program
`(Im/Moo. F7?)
`Matrix based Public Key Distribution
`Program (PKDE(T. F77)
`Dickson Polynomials Based PK System
`Program (DPCLY. F77)
`Paper 5 Publ i shed/Submitted
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`Page 12
`Some gryptographic Iechigges For Secure Data Commnication
`V Varadharajan
`This thesis investigates conventional and public key
`cryptographic techiques for secure data communication.
`Block and stream cipher mthods to provide secure
`communication over an insecure channel are discussed with particular
`reference to the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm.
`microprocessor based data encryption interface unit has been designed
`and constructed using the DES to provide both communication and file
`secdrity. Several chaining techniques using the system have also
`been investigated enabling a study of their error characteristics.
`speed of operation, level of security and their ability to overcome
`difficulties due to data redundancy and structure.
`A statistical
`analysis of the randoness of the output sequences in each of these
`techniques has been made. Furthermore ,the developed system can be
`used on the Prestel public network allowing storage and retrieval of
`completely and partly encrypted frames of information on the Prestel
`The use of such a DES based encryption system in a
`communication network poses problems with regard to key distribution
`since the keys used need to be distributed to the users over asecure,
`separate channel. Several methods of key distribution including the
`use of public key systems are discussed.
`Extensions of the Rivest—Shamir—Adleman (RSA) public key
`scheme to matrix rings, polynomial rings and algebraic number fields
`have been proposed. These extensions indicate that rings other than
`the ring of rational integers can be used to construct public key
`systems with the factorization trapoor property. The security of
`such systems again relies on the difficulty of factorizing a large
`An extension of the Diffie—He1lman public key distribution
`system to matrix rings is proposeg. Short cycling attacks against
`the exponentiation system in GF(2 ) have been analysed and are shown
`to be equivalent to a randomnsearch procedure.
`A hybrid system
`using exponentiation in GF(2 ) for key distribtion and the DES for
`data security has been imlemented and the advantage of normal Rasis
`representation in the comutation of the exponentiation in GF(2 ) is
`The role of permtation polynomials in the design of public
`key systems has also been investigated.
`In particular, it is shown
`that secure public key systems can be desiged using Dickson
`permutation polynomials and Redei rational functions. Further the
`complexity of pblic key systems can be increased by combining the
`permutation polynomials under the law of composition.
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`The concept of data security is becoming increasingly
`significant owing to the expanding role of distributed computation,
`distribted data bases and telecommunications applications such as
`electronic mail and electronic funds transfer.
`The computer and
`communications technologies have resulted in a dramatic increase
`in the volume and speed of information-collection, distribution and
`storage. Greater information transfer and storage in turn imply
`greater risk of exposure of sensitive or confidential information to
`unauthorised users due to the ready availability of inexpensive
`miniature intercepting devices. These have resulted in an increased
`interest in comuter data security not only in the military and
`political areas but also in the field of commerce, where a.sing1e
`transaction may involve millions of pounds. This has motivated
`research particularly in the art of cryptography, which forms the
`centralltechnique of comunication security.
`cryptography is the science and study of secret writing [1].
`‘Cryptography can be defined as the transformation of a message or a
`data stream by means of an algorithm so that anyone observing the
`transfored data cannot deduce the hidden information.
`transformations provide solutions to two major problems-of data
`security namely the privacy problem and the authentication problem [2].
`In some environments the message can be transmitted in clear text as
`long as its integrity is safeguarded.
`A common example where the
`problem of authentication predominates is in telephone comunication
`where the called party cannot determine who is calling. Other
`environments may require that the contents of the essage be concealed
`during transmission from unauthorised observation and this is a privacy
`problem. The problems of privacy and authentication are closely
`related and techniques for solving one can frequently be applied to
`the other. Data encryption is recognised [3] as the most reliable
`method for not only protecting vital information from eavesdroppers
`but also a technique of message authentication preventing injection of
`false information into a communication system by illegitimate users,
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`This thesis is mainly concerned with the data privacy problem.
`On one hand.
`the easy availability of enornnus computer
`power enables the cryptographer to design complicated alorithms.
`But on the other hand,
`the compter technology also helps the code
`breakers to be more effective in cracking the system.
`So it is a
`never ending struggle between code makers and code breakers.
`Recent developments in encryption techniques for computer
`communication network security including the Data Encryption Standard
`[11] and the evolution of public key cryptosystems provided
`the major thrust of the present research work. Essentially the thesis
`can be divided into two parts.
`In the first part (Chapters 2 to 9).
`the use of encryption and decryption techniques in communication
`systems is investigated. The desig and operation of an encryption
`interface unit incorporating the DES to provide communication and file
`security and different key distribution schemes are discussed. The
`second part (Chapters 10 to 15) is mainly concerned with the desig of
`public key cryptosystems with a particular emphasis on the extensions
`of the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA)
`[12] type factorization trapdoor
`Thesis Organization
`In Chapter 2, basic concepts of symmetric and asymmetric
`cryptosystems and major cryptographic techniques are briefly reviewed.
`An analysis of the DES is presented in Chapter 3 which
`includes a software implementation of the Standard, its possible
`weaknesses, some of its underlying design criteria and its crypto-
`graphic strength.
`The design of a microprocessor based
`data encryption
`interface unit using the DES is described in Chapter 4.
`The operation of the interface unit to provide a two—way
`secure data transfer in a two—node Apple microcomputer network is the
`subject of Chapter 5.
`Four different stream and block chaining
`techniques of the DES have been investigated using the developed
`interface unit.
`In Chapter 6, a statistical analysis of the randomness
`characteristic of the output sequences produced by the DES under
`different modes has been carried out.
`The use of the developed encryption interface unit has been
`- 2 _
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`Page 15
`extended in Chapter 7 to allow file security in Apple disk systems.
`Chapter 8 is concerned with the incorporation of DES based
`encryption system in Prestel Viewdata network. This enables transfer
`and storage of encrypted as well as plain data between an Apple
`microcomuter and the Frestel database.
`Different methods of key distribution for communication and
`file security are investigated in Chapter 9.
`It includes a brief
`review of the RSA and the Knapsack public key cryptosystems.
`In Chapter 10, the prototype RSA system over rational
`integers has been extended to matrix and polynomial rings.
`Chapter 11 discusses the notion of ideal theory and considers
`the RSA type factorization trapdoor systems from an ideal point of
`The factorization trapdoor concept in some quadratic
`algebraic number fields and the design of public key systems in such
`fields are investigated in Chapter 12.
`The implementation of a hybrid system using the DES and the
`Diffie-Hellman public key distribution [35] system is investigated in
`Chapter 13. An extension of the Diffie—Hellman system to matrix
`rings is.proposed.
`The role of permutation polynomials in the design of public
`key systems forms the subject of Chapter 14.
`In particular, the use
`of Dickson permutation polynomials and certain Redei functions in the
`construction of public key systems is discussed.
`In Chapter 15, the use of chaining techniques in the matrix
`public key system and some precautions which mst be taken when the
`RSA system or its extensionsare used in a broadcasting type situation
`are described.
`Chapter 16 contains the main conclusions.
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`Page 16
`cmn7rosnA1=H1c CONCEPTS
`Cfltggraphic Systems
`Detailed treatment of cryptographic principles can be found
`in [2, 3, 4].
`A basic cryptographic privacy system is shown in figure
`2.1. The transmitter or the sender generates a Elaintext message M
`which is to be comnnmicated to a legitimate receiver over an insecure
`channel monitored by an eavesdropper.
`To prevent the eavesdropper from
`learning the contents of M.
`the sender encrypts M, with an invertible
`transformation to produce the cfltgram or ciphertext. C = T(M).
`when the legitimate receiver obtains C, it is deciphered with the
`inverse transformation to obtain the plaintext message. M = 'l"1(C).
`The transformation 1‘ applied at the sending and receiving
`ends is a key dependent mapping from a set of messages in the plaintext
`to a set of ciphertext messages and vice versa. The particular
`transformation used is chosen from a family of transformations. The
`parameter that selects the individal transformation to be employed is
`called the IE. Note that there may be more than one key involved.
`Assuming that the same key is used in both encryption and decryption,
`then c = rk (M) and M = ‘r;1(C)-
`Thus a general cryptosystem consists of the following
`A plaintext message space M ;
`A ciphertext message space C ;
`A key space K;
`A family of encryption transformations Ek : M-* C where
`kt-2 K.
`A family of decryption transformations
`kc K.
`Dk : C-> M where
`The encryption and decryption transformations E1‘ and Dk are defined by
`the encrypting and decrypting algorithms E. and D which may be a set of
`instructions. a piece of hardware or a computer program and is common
`to every transformation in the family. Different values of the key (5.)
`result in totally different transformations of plaintex-ts and cipher-
`texts. This implies that the family of transformations, that is, the
`general cryptographic system, can be made public information without
`Page 4
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`oscnvpnou 7"
`__ -.—__...-.-.—-.—-_.—-__
`Fig. 2.1 - Basic Cryptographic Privacy System
`Fig. 2.2 - Basic Cryptographic Authentication System
`PMC Exhibit 2117
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`Page 18
`compromising the security of the system. Only the key(s) needs to be
`kept secret. This satisfies one of the general requiremnts of a
`cryptosystem that the security must not depend on the secrecy of
`something like a cryptographic algorithmsflfich cannot be easily changed
`if it is compromised.
`In addition, a publicly known system is necessary
`for standardization among commrcial users.
`Even though the opponent
`knows the set of all possible keys, that is, the key space, he may
`still be unable to discover the correct set of keys required if the
`key space is large.
`[5] classifies cryptosystems as symmetric (one-key)
`and asymmetric (two key).
`In symmetric cryptosystems, the enciphering
`and deciphering keys are the same or easily determined from each other.
`Because the general method of encryption and decryption is known, this
`means that the transformations Ek and Ch are also easily derived from
`each other. Thus if both ER and Dk are protected both secrecy and
`authenticity are achieved. However secrecy cannot be separated from
`authenticity because making either Ek or {k available. exposes the
`other. Thus for secure communication. such a system requires the key
`to be transmitted to the receiver via some secure channel. Figure 2.2
`illustrates how such a cryptographic system can be used to solve the
`authentication problem.
`In this case, the opponent not only sees all
`ciphertexts flowing on the channel but can alter them at will. The
`-legitimate receiver protects himself from being deceived by an altered
`or injected message, by decrypting all the messages he receives and
`accepting only thse encrypted with the correct key.
`In asymmetric cryptosystems, the enciphering and deciphering
`keys differ in such a way that at least oe key is comutationally
`infeasible to determine from the other_.
`Thus one of the transformations
`Secrecy and
`Ek _or Eh can be revealed without endangering the other.
`authenticity are provided by protecting the separate transformations
`Such asymmetric systems
`namely Dk for secrecy and Ek for authenticity.
`are often referred to as public key systems as in addition to E and D,
`the encryption key is made public. Only the decrypting key is kept
`secret by the receiver. The use of such systems thus avoid the
`necessity to transmit the key used in the algcrithm over a secure
`channel among the communicators. Moreover such systems can be used to
`transmit the secret key required for conventional symmetric systems.
`Such asymmetric systems are also able to deal with the
`problem of dispute that ay arise between the sender and the receiver
`over the actual message sent in an authentication system.
`- 6 '
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`Page 19
`inabi1ity_of the symtric system to deal with this type of problem
`limits its application. This can be seen as_fo11ow5.
`The validity of contracts and agreements is usually
`guaranteed by signatures.
`The essence of a signature is that only one
`person can produce it but anybody can recognize it.
`For this, each
`user must be able to produce messages whose authenticity can be checked
`by anyone, but which could not have been produced by anyone else
`especially the intended recipient.
`In a symmetric system, the receiver
`authenticates any message that he receives from the sender by
`deciphering it with the key which the two hold in common. Because this
`key is held in common, owever,
`the receiver has the ability to produce
`any ciphertext that could have been produced by the sender and hence
`the receiver cannot prove that it is the sender who actually sent him
`the disputed message. The asymmetric system provides a direct elegant
`solutio to this signature problem.
`If user A wishes to send a
`Signed message M to user B, he sigs the message by producing
`S = DA (M). when user B receives 5, he can recover M by operating on
`S with EA, that is. M = EA (5).
`B keeps S as the proof that user A
`has sent him the particular message M as only the user A could have
`to obtain
`generated 5 because he is the only one who knows QA.
`secrecy of comnication as well as authentication, user A sends
`E3 (5) instead of S to user B. As only B knows D 5 he is the only
`one wh can recover S and hence M.
`Cryptosystem Security and Complexity Theory
`Any attempt by the eavesdropper either to decrypt a
`cryptogram C to get the plaintext M or to encrypt an inauthentic plain-
`text M’ to get an acceptable cryptogram C’ without prior knowledge of the
`If cryptanalysis is impossible so
`key is called cgygtanalysis [2].
`that a cryptanalyst cannot deduce M from C or C7 from“Pf without prior
`said to be secure.
`the cryptographic system can be
`knowledge of the key.
`[In order to measure the security of a cryptosystem, Diffie and
`Hellman [2]
`have defined at least three types of attack which the
`system should withstand when being subjected.
`(a) A'ciphertext only‘ attack is the weakest form of attack
`which the cryptographic system mst withstand.
`In this
`the cryptanalyst
`attempts to decipher the
`cryptogram using only the statistical properties of the
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`Page 20
`message source. As an example, consider a letter
`written in English. Not all characters or words occur
`equally often; for instance, the letter ‘E’ occurs
`approximately 13% of the time [6]
`Such non-
`uniformities in the frequency distribution of the
`alphabet are used to give clues about the message. There
`is also probably a heading which contains a date and
`address and a closing such as ‘sincerely’ . with the aid
`of statistical tables, the cryptanalyst
`uses each of
`these facts to determine which message was mst likely
`Under a ‘known plaintext' attack, the cryptanalyst . is
`assumed to have a substantial amonmt of corresponding
`message - cryptogram pairs and tries to determine the
`key used in the algorithm.
`‘mis form of attack is a
`significant threat as frequently messages are enciphered
`under the same key. Hence if a system cannot withstand
`such an attack, all messages which have been encrypted
`under a common key needs to be kept secret as long as
`any of the messages is to be kept secret.
`Such an
`attack is quite conmnn in practice.
`For instance. a
`typical example is when information may be transmitted
`in secrecy which is intended for public release at a
`later date.
`A 'chosen text‘ attack generally occurs less frequently
`than a known plaintext attack.
`In this case,
`is assumed to choose messages to be
`enciphered or ciphertexts to be deciphered in an attempt
`to determine the key.
`For the purpose of certifying systems as secure, it is
`necessary to consider mre formidable cryptana1ytica_1 flu-eats. These not
`only give more realistic models of the working invironment of a
`cryptographic system but also make the assessment of the system's
`strength easier.
`There are two fundamentally different ways in which crypto-
`graphic systems may be considered secure.
`A cryptosystem is said to be unconditionally secure under a
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`Page 21
`given form of attack if the amount of information available to the
`cryptanalyst is actually insufficient to determine the solution, which
`may be the key or the plaintext, whatever he the computing power the
`cryptanalyst has at his disposal [7] . As an examle. consider a‘
`cryptosystem where a message—cryptogram pair uniquely determines the
`key. This system is not unconditionally secure under a chosen text
`attack or a known plaintext attack. However if the information content
`of the message plus the information content of the key is greater than
`the maximum possible amount of information in the cryptogram.
`then this
`system is unconditionally secure under a ciphertext only attack.
`cryptanalyst cannot determine the complete message and key from the
`cryptogram alone, since he would obtain more information than that
`provided by the cryptogram.
`Unfortunately, unconditionally secure systems require either
`perfect source coding or a key whose length grows linearly with respect
`to the sum of the lengths of all messages enciphered [7]
`. This
`requirement is not practical in most applications. Thus computationally
`secure systems are usually used in cryptography.
`A system is said to
`be computationally secure under a given form of attack if the amount
`of computation required to compute the solutio exceeds the cryptanalyst's
`abilities or the economic value of the message to him.
`A measure
`called the work factor is often associated with a cryptosystem which
`gives an expression of the minimum amount of work necessary for a
`successful attack.
`In practice,
`there is no universally accepted
`fixed set of paramters used to express the work factor. Frequently,
`however. it is measured in one or more of the following ways:
`cryptanalyst hurs, number of mathematical or logical operations,
`comuting resources such as data storage and processbng requirements,
`special hardware and calender time or more generally the cost in some
`nnney units such as dollars. This idea of computationally secure
`system is also related to the concept of one—way functions and
`complexity theory.
`Algorithmic complexity theory is concerned with the comp-
`utational requirements (both time and space) as a function of the size
`of the problem solved by a particular algorithm. Complexity theory is
`essentially a collection of results in computer science that attempts
`to quantify the statement ‘Problem A is 'harder'
`than problem B’ [6]
`There is a class of problems called NP problems [8] and in particular
`a distinguished subclass of NP called the class of NP—comPlete problems
`PMC Exhibit 2117
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 22
`which are regarded to be the 'hardest' problems.