`Presentation Level
`Protocol Syntax
`North American PLPS
`. am.five
`Published in December, 1983
`American National Standards Institute. Inc
`1430 Broadway
`New York.
`lfipprcwed November
`. 933)
`Canadian Standards Association
`:73 Rendale Boulevard
`Rexdahz [Toronto]. -Ontario
`{Approved October 3, I983
`PMC Exhibit 21 01
`PMC Exhibit 2101
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 1
`American National Standards and Canadian Standards
`Standards approved by the American Nationai Standards institute (ANSI) and the Canadian Standards
`Association (GSA) imply a consensus of those substantiaiiy concerned with their scope andprovisions.
`‘ihese standards one intended as guides to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the generai public.
`The existence of a standard does not in any resocct preciude any of the above groups, whether they have
`approved the standard or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes,
`or procedures not conforming to the standard. Thus standards are subject to periodic review and users
`are cautioned to obtain the iatest editions.
`in this standard, the words "shelf/’ ”shouid,” and "may" represent requirements, recommendations,
`and options, nasoectively, as specified in ANS! and CSA policy and styie guides.
`CAUTION NOTICE: This standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the
`American Nationai Standards institute and the Canadian Standards Association require that action
`be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no iater than five years from the date of
`ISSN 0317-5669
`Copyright © 1983 by American Nationai Standards institute, inc, and Canadian Standards Association
`Aii rights reserved. No part or this publication may be reproduced in any form. in an electronic retrieve!
`system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the pubiisher.
`Printed in the United States of America
`,PC 10Ml283i2D
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`wdeotex/Teletext Presentation Level Protocol Syntax
`[North American PLPS]
`Notes This preface is not a part of the standard.
`This is the first edition of Videotex/Teletext Presentation Level Protocol
`Syntax (North. American PLPS) published jointly by ANSI and CSA.
`standard is designated as X3.ll0-1983 by ANSI and as 1300-1983 by CSA. The
`standard specifies the coding scheme to be used in videotex and teletext
`services. Videotex and teletext services are two-way and one-way services,
`respectively, providing users with access to "pages" or "frames" that include
`alphanumeric and graphic information. The North American PLPS (NAPLPS}
`is an information interchange standard that permits videotex and tele-text
`information and transaction service providers and equipment manufacturers to
`develop their products according to a standard interchange format. Without
`such a
`information providers,
`service providers,
`and device
`manufacturers would not be willing to make the initial and continuing
`investments that are necessary for videotex and teletext services to become
`widely used.
`Videotex and teletext services can be structured into seven layers according to
`the Open Systems interconnections (OS!) architecture. Other standards or
`specifications are required to completely define these services.
`Note: This standard defines a specific data syntax for use by OSI presentation
`layer protocols in videotex and teletext applications. This standard does not
`define the OSI standard presentation layer protocol itself.
`interchange standard providing
`standard is
`interchange" that is desirable for electronic media envisioned for videotex and
`Blind interchange means that
`the sender and receiver of the
`information do not need any prior agreements or negotiation dialog in order to
`meaningfully interchange information; they need only to agree to conform to
`the standard.
`The conformance requirements Specified in this standard can be generally
`described as defining the rules (syntax) for conforming interchange at the
`coding interface, as well as the execution (semantics)
`to be applied by a
`conforming presentation process.
`These conformance requirements were
`carefully specified so that a number of different implementation technologies
`can be used. For example,
`the body of the standard does not specify the
`resolution of the display.
`is intended that the same interchange can be
`presented on current TV sets as well as higher resolution devices.
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`ANSI Standard X3.IIO-I983/CSA Standard T500-I983
` *‘C
`to further define sets of specific implementation parameters for
`In order
`videotex and teletext, two Service Reference Models (SRMS) for videotex and
`teletext are included in Appendix 13. While the SRMs are not part of this
`standard, an implementation which meets the requirements of an SRM also
`conforms to the standard. An SRM specifies the minimum implementation of
`a receiving device and the maximum implementation to be assumed by an
`information provider.
`The potential coding conflicts between this standard and existing ANSI, CSA
`and ISO coding standards have been taken care of through the use of
`"complete code" mechanism of ANSI X3.#l-1971:, CSA Z2f+3.35-1976, and ISO
`This standard has been prepared by the joint effort of the ANSI X3I..2.1
`Standing Task Group on Videotex/Teletext Coded Character Sets,
`Association/Working Group (CVCC/CSAIWG) on Videotex and the Electronic
`Industries Association (EIA) Broadcast Television Systems, Teletext Steering
`Committee, Special Working Group.
`Historical events that took place prior to the development of this standard are
`described briefly in the following paragraphs.
`the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative
`In November 1980,
`Committee (CCITT) adopted Recommendation S.l00, International Information
`Exchange for Interactive Videotex. This recommendation was developed by
`CCITT Study Group VIII, and included the essence of
`the British (Ptestel),
`French (Antiope), and Canadian (Telidon) coding schemes. However, S.l00 was
`incomplete since it did not completely define how to integrate the two mosaic
`modes (ie, Prestel's serial coding and Antiope's parallel coding), the geometric '
`mode (ie, Telidon), the Dynamically Redefinable Character Sets (DRCS), or
`the photographic mode.
`In May 1981, the American Telephone and Telegraph Company announced the
`ublication of the Bell System Videotex Standard Presentation Level Protocol
`PLP), which combined all of the functions of 3.100 with more complete
`graphical and color capabilities and provided a unified coding syntax. The PLP
`contained functions such as the incremental commands, continuously variable
`text size, dynamic blink, DRCS, MACRO's, and color maps.
`In February 1982, a functionally equivalent version of PLP titled Telidon
`Videotex Presentation Level Protocol: Augmented Picture Description
`instructions was published in Canada as CRC Technical Note No. 709. For a
`more complete understanding of the events and technical contributions that
`preceded this standard, refer to the publications listed in Appendix F.
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`wdeoter/Teletext Presentation Level Protocol Syntax
`[North American PLPSJ iii
`The authors of the following documents:
`Bell System Videotex Standard Presentation Level Protocol, copyrighted
`May 1981 by the American Telephone and Telegraph Co.; and
`Telidon Videotex Presentation Level Protocol: Augmented Picture
`Description Instructions, CRC Technical Note No. 709, copyrighted
`February 1982
`the Government
`of Canada, Department
`have specifically authorized the use of this material, in whole or in part, in
`this standard.
`Note: Although the intended primary application of this standard is stated in
`its scope, it is important to note that it remains the responsibility of the user
`of the standard to judge its aiitability for any particular purpose.
`ANSI and CSA standards are subject to periodical review and suggestions for
`their improvement will be referred to the appropriate committee.
`In Canada
`such suggestions should be addressed to Canadian Standards Association,
`Standards Division, 178 Rexdale Boulevard, Rexdale (Toronto), Ontario M9W
`In the USA, suggestions should be sent to X3 Secretariat/CBEMA, Suite
`500, 311 First Street, N.W. Washington D.C. 20001.
`Requests for interpretation will be accepted. They should:
`(1) Define .'the problem‘, making reference to a specific place and, where
`appropriate, include an illustrative sketch;
`(2) Provide an explanation of circumstances surrounding the actual field
`condition; and
`(3) Be phrased, where possible, to permit a specific "yes" or "no" answer.
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`iv ANSI Standard )G.llU-I983/CSA Standard T500-1983
`American National Standards Committees
`This standard was processed and approved for subrnittal to ANSI by American
`National Standards Committee on Information Processing Systems, X3.
`Committee approval of the standard does not necessarily imply that all
`committee members voted for its approval. At the time it approved this
`standard, the X3 Committee had the following members:
`E. Lohse, Chairman
`W.C. Rinehuls, Vice-Chairman
`C.A. Kachurik, Administrative Secretary
`Name of Representative
`American Library Association .
`American Nuclear Society .
`AMP Incorporated .
`Association of American Railroads
`Association for Computing Machinery .
`Association of the Institute for Certification
`of Computer Professionals .
`ATdcTInformation Systems .
`. P. Peters
`. G.C. Main
`D.R. Vondy (Alt)
`. P.E. Lannan
`C. Brill (Alt)
`. R.A. Petrash
`. J.A.N. Lee
`P. Skelly (Alt)
`Burroughs Corporation.
`Control Data Corporation .
`Data General Corporation .
`Data Processing Management Association
`Digital Equipment Computer Users Society .
`Digital Equipment Corporation .
`Exxon Office Systems .
`General Services Administration
`GUIDE International.
`. T.M. Kurihara
`A.E. Dubnow (Alt)
`. R..'J.Angner
`I-LV. Bertine (Alt)
`E.L. Dixon (Alt)
`. C.E. Cooper
`K. Lucke (Alt)
`. J.F‘ilat
`H.A. Richards (Alt)
`. A.E. Dubnow
`R.A. Hoadley (Alt)
`Cl. Hodges
`ILR. Barr (Ait)
`. L.C. Frampton
`G.S. Robinson (Alt)
`M. Bucher (Alt)
`. W.C. Rinehuls
`DJ. Page (Alt)
`. F. Kirshenbaum
`T.F.O'i..eary, Jr. (Alt)
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`Vudeotex/Teletext Presentation Level Protocol Syntax
`[North American PLPSJ
`Harris Corporation .
`Hewlett-Packard .
`Honeywell Information Systems .
`IBM Corporation .
`Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory .
`Life Office Management Association
`Moore Business Forms, Inc..
`Nationalfiureau of Standards.
`National Communications System .
`. S. Mathan
`D. Abmayr (Alt)
`D.C. Loughry
`T.J. McNamara
`D. M. Taylor (Alt)
`NLA. Gray
`15. Wilson (Alt)
`. S. Sherr
`R. Poston (Alt)
`T.A. Varetoni (Alt)
`ILA. Baker
`RJ. Harvey (Alt)
`. 3.3. Merrick
`J.F. Foley, Jr (Alt)
`D.H. Oddy
`R.E. Rountree
`3.1-I. Burrows (Alt)
`M.L. Cain
`G. W. white(A1t)
`T. W. Kern
`Perkin-Elmer Corporation .
`Prime Computer
`Recognition Technology Users Association
`Sperry Corporation .
`Te1ephoneGroup .
`Texas Instruments, Inc.
`Travelers Insurance Companies, inc.
`3MCompany..... .
`. ..
`US Department of Defense.
`Wang Laboratories, Inc.
`Xerox Corporation .
`A.R. Daniels (Alt)
`. J. Pisarcik
`NLL. Cassio
`W.A. Burke (Alt)
`H.F. Schantz
`G.W. Wetze1(Alt)
`'I'.B. Steel
`D. Schuster (Alt)
`M.W. Bass
`C.D. Card (Alt)
`. H.1.. Marchese
`S. H. Garland (Alt)
`R. Gibson (Alt)
`. P. Smith
`R.F. Trow, Jr (Alt)
`.'J.T. Brophy .
`R.C. Smith
`W. L.aPlant, Jr.
`. B. Leong-i-long (Alt)
`C. Tanner
`J. Fitzgerald (Alt)
`M. Hayek
`21.}... Wheeler
`A.R. Machell (Alt)
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`ANSI Standard X3.llO-I983/CSA Standard T500-I983
`Technical Committee X3L2 on Codes and Character Sets had the following
`T.N. Hastings, Chairman
`3.3. Andersen
`B. Astle, liaison with EIA Teletext Subcommittee
`J.\V. Beland
`M.W. Bishop
`W.L. Brown
`B.W. Chester
`PM. Collins
`M.E. Cook
`D.R. Hall
`R.E. Hill
`D.S. Hilton
`D.B. Hughes
`J.T. Hsu
`I-LF. Ickes
`S. Kustedjo
`J.L. Little
`J.H. Maynard
`\V.E. Miller
`R..'J. Peilar
`P.G. Recicar
`D.M. Rosenberg
`.'.|.P. Russell
`5. Shayan
`P.G. Skelly
`G.S. Soloway
`ZLW. Soltes
`W. Urban
`G. Watson
`J.D. Wetherington, liaison with VTEP (Videotex Technical Experts Panel)
`Y.F. Lurn, liaison from CVCC/CSA/WG
`Standing Task Group X3L2.l, Videotex/Teletext Character Sets, which
`developed this standard under
`the direction of
`)(31.2, had the following _
`T.N. Hastings, Chairman
`B. Astle
`MJV. Bishop
`W.l... Brown
`SLR. Burk
`S.B. Calo
`C.J. Duffy
`W. Frezza
`D. Hall
`G. Herbel
`C.L. I-lerrmann
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`Videotex/Teletext Presentation Level Protocol Syntax
`[North American PLPS] vii
`J.T. Hsu
`M. Lemas
`C.D. O'Brien
`D. Raines
`S. Shayan
`G.S. Soloway
`.‘J.W. Soites
`R. Veith
`J.D. Wetherington
`CSA Committees
`This standard was approved by the Technical Committee on Videotex. and. the
`Steering Committee on Computers,
`Information Processing and Office
`Technical Committee on Videotex
`P. Bowers(Chairman) .
`R.M. Bennett.
`A. Clement
`R.E.B-lackshaw (Aiternate}.. .
`A.Chitnis .
`G. Cornish.
`M. Cullen .
`S.J.Crossman .
`.‘ -.
`.‘ TV Ontario, Toronto
`. Department of Communications,
`. Ottawa, Ontario
`Toronto, Ontario .
`(Representing Consumers’
`Association of Canada)
`. Bell Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
`. NABU Manufacturing Corporation,
`Ottawa, Ontario
`. Hewlett-Packard Canada Ltd.;-'
`Ottawa, Ontario
`(Representing Canadian Business-'
`Equipment Manufacturers Association
`. Teie-Direct Publications Inc., Montreal,
`B. Croteau (Associate).
`D. Dawson.
`A.G. Day
`D. Garforth .
`T. Hastings .
`B. Ho .
`W. Knapp
`. -.
`. v.
`. Trans Canada Telephone System,
`Ottawa, Ontario.
`. Ministére des Communications,
`Quebec, Quebec
`. Systemhouse Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario
`. Canadian Association of Broadcasters,
`Ottawa, Ontario
`.‘ Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
`Montreal, Quebec
`. Digital Equipment Corporation
`Maynard, Mass.,U.5.A.
`Liaison: ANSI Committee X3L2
`. Department of Communications,
`Ottawa, Ontario
`Representing Government EDP
`Standards Committee
`Infomart; Toronto, Ontario
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`viii ANSI Standard X3.Il0-I983/CSA Standard T500-I983
`M. Lane .
`P. Learmouth (Alternate)
`P. Levesque (Alternate) .
`E. Lin (Associate) .
`Y.F.Lum .
`(Chairman of Working Group)
`V.C. MacDonald (Alternate)
`.‘J.V. Marisi (Associate).
`3. Matte.
`M. Melnyk .
`T.G. Moore (Alternate)
`R. Morin.
`H. Mykytyn (Alternate)
`C.D. O'Brien .
`R. Orchard
`Iniornart, Toronto, Ontario
`Representing Videotex Information
`Service Providers Association of
`Canada (VISPACJ
`. The Canadian Bankers Association,
`Toronto, Ontario
`. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation,
`Montreal, Quebec
`. B.C. Telephone Cornpany,Vancouver
`. Department of Communications,
`Ottawa, Ontario
`. Department of Communications,
`Ottawa, Ontario
`. Saskatchewan Telecommunications,
`. University of Quebec, Quebec
`. Department of Communications,
`Ottawa, Ontario
`. CNCP Telecommunications,
`Toronto, Ontario
`. Manitoba Telephone System, ‘Winnipeg
`Infomart, Toronto, Ontario
`. Norpak Ltd.,l<anata, Ontario
`. National Research Council of Canada,
`Ottawa, Ontario
`. MicrotelPacitic Research Limited,
`Burnaby, British Columbia
`. New Brunswick Telephone, Saint John
`. Edmonton Telephones,
`Edmonton, Alberta
`. Bell-Northern Research,
`Ottawa, Ontario
`. Skyline Cablevision Ltd.,
`Ottawa, Ontario
`. Gandalf Technologies Inc.,
`Manotick, Ontario
`. The RoyalB-ank of Canada,
`Toronto, Ontario
`Representing Canadian Bankers
`. Bell Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
`. CNCP Telecommunications,
`Toronto, Ontario
`University of Waterloo,
`Waterloo, Ontario
`. Teleglobe Canada, Montreal, Quebec
`. AES Data Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario
`IBM Canada Ltd, Toronto, Ontario
`. Alberta Government Telephones,
`B.C|. Weir
`. Canadian Standards Association
`(Standards Administrator, Non-voting) Rexdale, Ontario
`Q. Tu .
`V.S. Umamaheswaran .
`J.D. Warmer .
`J. Zukiwski (Alternate)
`PMCE h-M2101
`Ap;,‘,e' J_ PMC
`Page 10
`A.C. Pendleton (Associate).
`D.J.Phi1lpotts(Assoc1’ate) .
`K. Read .
`V.C. Reed .
`Liaison IEC SC 12/G
`3. Scott
`K. Sharma .
`U.C. Strahlendorf.
`O.Stubits .
`F.W.Tompa .
`PMC Exhibit 2101
`Apple v. PMC
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`wdeotexfleletext Presentation Level Protocol Syntax
`[North American PLPS]
`CSA Working Group on Videotex
`Y.F. Lum (Chairman)
`.'J.B-uccino .
`S.J.Crossman .
`B. Crozier
`J. James.
`W. Knapp .
`3%. Kwan.
`P. Levesque .
`. Department of Communications,
`. Electrohome, Waterloo
`. Trans Canada Telephone System,
`. Department of Communications
`. Electrohome, Waterloo
`Iniomart, Toronto
`. Department of Communications,
`. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
`D. MacMillan.
`R. Morin.
`H. Mykytyn
`C.D. O'Brien .
`R. Orchard.
`M.Pejskar .
`B.M. Read .
`K. Re-ad .
`A. Srivastava.
`.‘J.R. Storey.
`B. Weir
`. Department of Communications,
`. Manitoba Telephone System, Winnipeg
`Infomart, Toronto
`. Norpak Ltd., Kanata
`. Microtel Pacific Research Limited
`. National Research Council of Canada,
`. Microte1Pacific Research Ltd.,
`. TV Ontario, Toronto
`. Bell-Northern Research, Ottawa
`. Systemhouse Ltd., Ottawa
`. Department of Communications,
`. Canadian Standards Association,
`A joint editing group, acting under the direction of the members of the X3L2.l
`Task Group and the CVCC/CSA Working Group, had the following members:
`B. Astle
`D.R. Hail
`T.N. Hastings
`A. Kwan
`Y.F. Lum
`C. D. O'Brien
`D.T. 0'Leary
`G.S. Soloway
`J.\V. Soltes
`B. Weir
`J.D. Wetherington
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`x ANSI Standard X3.ll0-I983/CSA Standard T500-I983
`1. Scope ‘
`3. Reference Publications
`fl. Coding Architecture
`4.1 Reference Model (051)
`14.2 Presentation Level Overview
`11.2.1 General
`11.2.2 Coordinate System
`- 11.2.3 Display Format.
`41.3 Code Extension
`11.3.1 General
`11.3.2 Code Extension in a 7-Bit Environment
`!&.3.3 Code Extension in an 8-Bit Environment
`4.14 SPACE and DELETE
`5. Codingo:fG-sets
`5.1 Primary Character Set
`_ 5.2 Supplementary Character Set
`5.3 Picture Description Instruction (PDI) Set
`5.3.1 General
`5.3.2 Attribute Control Functions
` - General
`! Command Format _
` Single-Value Operand Length
` Mu1ti—value Operand Length
`¢.t Dimepsionality
` Operand Length
` Logical Pel
`! Command Format
`. ‘Character,Rptation
` Character Path Movement
`'4 Intercharacter Spacing
` Interrow Spacing
` Automatic APR APD
` Move Attributes
` Cursor Styles
` Character Field Dimensions
`5.3.2.£+.l Command Format
` Line Texture
`5.3.2.-'+.3 Highlight
` Texture Pattern
` Mask Size
`. .32
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`ifideotex/Teletext Presentation Level Protocol Syntax
` [North American PLPSJ xi
`5.3.3 Geometric Drawing Primitives
`5.3.3-.6.2 FIELD
`5.# Mosaic Set
`5.5 Macro Set
`5.6 Dynamically Redeflnable Character Set (DRCS)
`6. Coding of C~Sets
`6.1 CO Control Set
`6.2 Ci Control Set
`7. Graphic Character Repertoire
`8. Conformance Requirements
`8.1 General
`8.2 Conforming Interchange
`8.3 Conforming Presentation Process
`9. Enhanced Capabilities
`Appendixes (not a mandatory part of this standard)
`Appendix A; Layered Architecture Model
`Appendix B, Coordinate System Concepts
`Appendix C, Code Extension and 7-BitI8-Bit Transform
`Appendix D, A General Service Reference Model (SRM) for
`Videotex and a General Service Reference Mode1(SRM) for Teletext
`Appendix E, Future Developments
`Appendix F, Publications for Further Reference
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`xii ms: Standard X3.ll0-I983/CSA Standard Tsoo-1983
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`\lideotexl‘l'eletext Presentation Level Protocol Syntax
`(North American PLPS)
`1. Scog
`rules, and procedures for the
`This standard describes the formats,
`information for videotex and
`encoding of alphanumeric text and pictorial
`teletext* applications. This standard is based on the architecture defined in
`ISO‘s multilayered reference model of open systems interconnection. This
`standard‘? defines a specific data syntax for use by OS! presentation layer
`protocols and some specific semantics for use at
`the application layer in
`videotex and teletext applications.
`*The term "teletext" (not yet adopted by CCIR) is commonly used to refer to
`a broadcast television videotex service. It is different from "teletex", a term
`officially adopted by CCITT to define a specific type of terminal-to-terminal
`text communications service.
`'i'This standard does not define the (351 Standard presentation layer protocol
`The basic coding scheme is built upon the framework established by
`Information Exchange
`Interactive Videotex)
`International Telegraph
`and Telephone
`Consultative Committee (CCITTJ. Operation in both a 7-bit and an 8-bit
`is accommodated. Alphanumeric text, a set of supplementary
`-characters, and a dynamically redefinable character set (DRCS) are provided.
`Both mosaics and geometric primitives, as well as DRCS, can be used to
`create pictorial displays.
`The mosaic coding is compatible with CCITT
`Recommendation S.lO0-1980.
`The geometric primitives are compatible
`enhancements to the picture description instructions (PDI's) defined in the
`alphageometric option of CCITT Recommendation S.l00-1980. Additional
`capabilities include color mapping, a controllable stroke width, macros,
`continuous character scaling, programmable texture masks, unprotected fields,
`screen scrolling,
`and incremental encoding for highly compact
`descriptions of certain classes of images.
`Note: The user's attention is called to the possibility that conformance with
`this standard may require use of an invention covered by patent rights. By
`publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to the validity of
`this claim or of any patent rights in connection therewith. A patent applicant
`has, however, filed a statement of willingness to grant a license under these
`rights on reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms and conditions to applicants
`desiring to obtain such a license. Details may be obtained from the publishers.
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`2 ANSI Standard X3.ll0-I983/CS/\ Standard T500-I983
`2. Definitions
`triplet of signed numbers
`Absolute coordinates means an ordered pair or
`between -1 (inclusive) and l (noninclusive) that specifies (in two's complement
`arithmetic) the new location of the drawing point with respect to the origin of
`the unit screen. Only nonnegative absolute coordinate specifications lie within
`the unit screen.
`Alphanumeric text means the written form of languages, comprising alphabetic
`letters with or without diacritlcal marks, numerical digits and fractions,
`punctuation marks, typographical symbols, and mathematical signs as well as
`SPACE. and special letters, signs, symbols, etc.
`In this standard, alphanumeric
`text. characters are denoted by names that are intended to reflect
`customary meanings for the characters and symbols displayed. These names
`are* not intended to specify a particular style, font design, character size, or
`position within a character field.
`Attribute means a settable parameter to be applied to subsequent alpha-
`numeric text or pictorial information.
`Bit combination means an ordered set of bits (binary digits) that represents a
`character or a control function.
`Border area means the area of the physical display screen that is outside the
`display area.
`('.'-set (or control set) means the two control sets, C0 and Cl, each comprising
`32 character positions arranged in two columns of 16. .
`Character field means the rectangular area within which a character is
`Code extensiorn means the techniques for expanding the absolute character
`address space of a byte-oriented code into a larger virtual address space. -
`Code table means the set of unambiguous rules that defines the mapping
`between received bitcombinations and presentation level characters.
`Coding irztaface means an interface through which coded bit combinations are
`passed between receiving equipment and communication media.
`Color mop addres means an ordinal number associated with each-pixel in a
`stored digital image that determines the address in the color map at which
`the actual color
`value of that pixel can be found.
`(This is sometimes
`abbreviated to simply color when it can be done unambiguously.)
`Colormop means a look—up table that is used during scan conversion of the
`digital image that converts color map addresses into actual color values.
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`wdeotex/Teletext Presentation Level Protocol Syntax
`[North American PLPSJ 3
`Color value means an entry in a color map that indicates the actual color of
`the pixel to be displayed.
`Composite symbol means a symbol consisting of a combination of two or more
`symbols in a single character field, such as a diacritical mark and a basic
`the display
`the position of
`Consistent with the physical resolution means
`information is calculated to sufficient precision that it is displayed within one
`pixel of the true position (see Appendix B).
`Cursor means a logical indicator (having character field dimensions) of the
`screen position at which the next character is to be deposited. This position
`may or may not be marked by a cursor symbol.
`Designate means to identify a given set from the repertory of G-sets as a G0,
`G1, G2, or G3 set.
`Display area means the rectangular part of the physical display screen in which
`information coded in conformance to this standard is visibly displayed. The
`display area does not include the border area.
`indicator of the position at which the next
`Drawizgpoint means a logical
`geometric graphic primitive will commence execution. This is not normally
`marked by a drawing point symbol.
`Dynamically Redefinable Character Set (DRCSJ means a G—set containing
`definable characters whose patterns can be downloaded from the host.
`Escape setptence means a string of two or more bit combinations beginning
`with the ESCAPE (ESC) character.
`A three-character escape sequence
`contains an intermediate character (I) and ends with a final character (F), and
`is used primarily to designate a set of 94 or 96 character codes as one of the
`four active G-sets. A two-character escape sequence contains only a final
`character (F) and is one method by which code sets are invoked into the in-use
`Formats and rules regarding the use of the escape sequences are
`specified in ISO 2022-1982.
`Final character means the last character of an escape sequence.
`G-set means one of the four sets, G0, G1, G2, and G3, each of which comprises
`94 or 96 character positions arranged in six columns of 16.
`G-set repertory means the collection of available code sets that are subject to
`designation as one of the G—sets.
`Geometric graphic grimitive means a locally stored picture drawing algorithm
`that can be called via a specified opcode and associated operand(s).
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`4 ANSI Standard X3.TlO-i983/CSA Standard T500-I983
`Graphic character repertoire means the list of graphic characters defined in
`this standard,
`including accented letters and characters obtained by the
`composition of two or more graphic symbols.
`Implementation-dependent means a feature that may be specified more
`completely in a service reference model or by an implementor, within the
`constraints imposed by this standard.
`In-use means the code sets or attributes that will be used to interpret or be
`applied to subsequently received commands.
`Intermediate character means any character that occurs between the escape
`character and the final character in an escape sequence.
`liwoke means to Cause a designated code set to be represented by the bit
`combinations in the prescribed in—use table.
`Layer means each individual module of the reference model for open systems
`interconnection (OSI).
`Locking shift means an invocation of a code set into the in-use table that
`remains in effect until another code set is invoked