`[1 1]
`Sep. 28, 1982
`Louis C. Guillou, Bourgbarre~Saint
`Erblon, France
`[73] Assignees: Etablissement Public de Diffusion dit
`“Telediffusion de France“,
`Montrouge; L'Etat Francais,
`represente par le Seeretaire d‘Etat
`aux Paste ct Telecommunications
`(Centre National d’Etudes des
`Telecommunications), lssy les
`Moulineaux, both of France
`[2l} Appl.No.: 114,515
`Jan. 23, 1980
`[22] Filed:
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Feb. 6. 1979 [FR]
`France .............................. .. T9 02996
`G06K 19/06
`Int. Cl.-"
`[52] U.S. Cl. .................................. .. 235/375; 235/487;
`[53] Field of Search ............. .. 235/375, 379, 380, 331.
`235/332, 492, 43?’; 358/115, 124-
`References Cited
`4,058,830 11/ 1977
`4,092,524 5/ I978
`4,105,156 8/I973
`4,115,662 9/I978
`4,204.1 l3 5/I980
`2134926 12/1973 France .
`2311360 l2/1976 France .
`Primary Exomr'rrer—Haro}d I. Pitts
`A subscription card for videotex receivers, comprising:
`(a) a support,
`(in) means for processing the information, comprising in
`particular a control unit governing an arithmetical
`and logical unit and a live memory,
`(c) an interface permitting exchanges between the card
`and the apparatus in which it
`is inserted (charging
`station or receiver), further comprising:
`(cl) a programmable memory comprising a plurality of
`locations for receiving numerical subscription blocks
`(e) a dead memory containing instructions for proceed-
`ing with the recording and selection of said subscrip-
`tion blocks, and for carrying out a calculation,
`(1) a calculation circuit receiving, from the receiver in
`which the card is inserted, numerical messages Mgancl
`receiving from said programmable memory a numeri-
`cal subscription block C,-, this circuit being adapted to
`work out an algorithm whose parameters are pro-
`vided by the subscribers‘ keys C; on instructions ob-
`tained from the second dead memory and delivering,
`after the calculation, a numerical signal representing
`an operating key K.
`1 Claim, 4 Drawing Figures
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`I1I I
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`4 luntocitnui
`PMC Exhibit 2092
`Apple v. PMC
`|PR2016-00755 Page 1
`PMC Exhibit 2092
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 1
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 28, 1932
`Sheet 1 of3
`e 41
`comrwron .
`on §xc|_ l
`l I I
`I‘ — _ ‘I
`] emu”
`1. _
`PMC Exhibit 2092
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2
`\_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ __
`PMC Exhibit 2092
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 23, 1932
`Sheet 2 of3
`r,_*E_F:'I_F!'§EéQ‘;@1aI’lfiTm ? _ # _ _ _'
`‘E E
`5— 5
`PMC Exhibit 2092
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 3
`FIG. 2
`PMC Exhibit 2092
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 3
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 28, 1932
`Sheet 3 of 3
`BOX 160
`PMC Exhibit 2092
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 4
`PMC Exhibit 2092
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 4
`This invention relates to a subscription card for a
`videotex receiver.
`The invention can be used in the transmission and
`display of information on television receivers for pur-
`poses of entertainment, information or education. It can
`advantageously be applied to the system known as
`“ANTIOPE" (Numerical Acquisition and TeIevisuali-
`sation of Images Organised into Pages of Script) and to
`the so-called “TI'l‘AN“ system (Interactive Teletext
`Terminal Called by Numbering). It is known that the
`former is essentially a broadcast videotex system (i.e.
`unidirectional) by means of which alphanumerical in-
`formation organised into pages and magazines can be
`put into television lines and that the second is essentially
`an interactive videotex system (i.e.
`compatible with the ANTIOPE system and affording
`access to data bases (general information, directories,
`etc.) and to interactive services (transactions, messages,
`education) through the telephone system.
`In the ANTIOPE system, the distribution of inform-
`tion is effected by a method known as "DIDON” (Dis-
`tribution of Numerical Data) which is a method of dis-
`tribution in packets, compatible with the distribution of
`the television signal.
`These systems have already been described in numer-
`ous articles or patent applications, notably the ANTI-
`OPE system, a detailed description of which can be
`found in the following documents, which should be
`regarded as incorporated in this application:
`the article by Y. Guinet entitled: “Etude comparative
`des systemes de télétexte en radiodiffusion. Quelques
`avantages de la diffusion des données pa: paquets ap-
`pliquée an télétexte" which appeared in the U.E.R.
`Cahier Technique, no. 165, October 197?, pages 242 to
`the article by B. Marti and M Mauduit entitled “AN-
`TIOPE, service de téle'texte”, which appeared in the
`journal “Radiodiffusion Télévision", 9th year, no. 40,
`November-December I975, 5/5, pages I8 to 23;
`the "Specification du Systeme de télétexte ANTI-
`0PE”, edited by the Centre Comrnun d‘Etudes de Télé-
`vision et Telecommunications (CCETT);
`French patent application no. 75 18319, filed on June
`6, 1975 and entitled “Data distribution system”;
`French patent application no. 76 27212, filed on Sept.
`6, 1976 and entitled “System for the numerical transmis-
`sion and displaying of text on a television screen”;
`French patent application no. 76 29034, filed on Sept.
`22, 1976 and entitled “Improvements to systems for the
`transmission and displaying of texts on a
`television screen";
`the French application for a certificate of addition no.
`T? 17625, filed on June 3, 1977 and entitled “Data distri-
`bution system".
`The advent of services of the ANTIOPE and TITAN
`types raises the question of their taxation, i.e. the imple-
`mentation of a system by means of which the audience
`can be identified and monitored. This question arises
`more generally with any broadcast service tending to
`make the broadcasting systems more viable by better
`use of the resources.
`Taxation of the subscription type constitutes a both
`flexible and durable relationship between a service and
`its users. Such a method of taxation is particularly justi-
`fled in broadcasting.
`Taxation of the type based on consumption may also
`be used; this method of taxation is fundamental for "in-
`teractive" systems (where there is a dialogue between
`the subscriber and the information source, as in the case
`of the TITAN system); however,
`it is of secondary
`importance in broadcasting systems (in which informa-
`tion is transmitted in one direction to the subscribers, as
`with ANTIOPE}.
`There may be intermediate systems known as “quasi-
`interactive" systems wherein the content of the distribu-
`tion source is continuously modified to meet the re-
`quirements of the users, which are transmitted via a
`plublic data network. The advent of new distribution
`means with a very large capacity, such as satellites, will
`develop this quasi-interactive mode considerably, thus
`making it necessary to implement a system for control-
`ling access to the information provided.
`The problem of access control raises above all the
`problems of locking up the information when it
`broadcast and unlocking it when it is received. Natu-
`rally these problems must be resolved in accordance
`with the specificity of the teletext system to be con-
`trolled. In particular,
`the method of scrambling the
`information and restoring the intelligibility of the infor-
`mation should not harm the performance of the system.
`The essential elements of a system provided with
`means for controlling access to the information can
`briefly be described in order to aid understanding of the
`present invention. This system is shown in FIG. 1.
`First, this system comprises known elements charac-
`teristics of the ANTIOPE videotex system, namely an
`emitting centre 2 and receiving stations 4.
`The emitting centre receives information from one or
`more sources of information 5 and comprises:
`means 6 for composing a magazine consisting of
`pages organised into lines of characters, if such means
`are not already included in the source of information;
`a circuit 10 for memorising the magazine in the form
`of numerical signals grouped into octets (8 binary ele-
`a junction 11 connected to the circuit 10,
`a distribution multiplexer 12 for inserting the informa-
`tion in the lines of a television signal, this device using
`the DIDON procedure referred to above.
`Each receiving station comprises:
`a circuit 14 for receiving and demo-dulating said tele-
`vision signal,
`a line 16 for processing the video picture signals,
`a line 18 for processing numerical signals, this line
`comprising, in particular a numerical data decoder, and
`a display means 20.
`In this type of system, the numerical signals transmit-
`ted are grouped in the form of octets which are subdi-
`vided into control octets and data octets. The control
`octets indicate, in particular, the tops and bottoms of
`pages and beginnings and ends of lines. The data octets,
`inserted between the control octets, correspond to char-
`acters contained in the lines. All these octets, both con-
`trol octets and data octets, comprise a heavy binary
`element which is an odd element. The octets wherein
`the 6th and Tbinary elements are zero are the control
`octets and play a special part in the system.
`The system described in this application further com-
`PMC Exhibit 2092
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 5
`PMC Exhibit 2092
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 5
`in addition to the operating key whose function hasjust
`been defined, subscribers‘ keys which are generated
`randomly by a taxation administration centre. These
`keys have a relatively long service life (from I
`to 12
`months). in relation to that ofthe operating key (which
`is of the order of a few minutes).
`To illustrate the operation of this double key system,
`one can take the example of a subscription plan using
`four types of subscription: l month. 3 months, 6 months
`and one year. In addition to its duration, a subscription
`is characterised by the month in which it starts. Thus,
`with a plan of this kind, in a given month and for a given
`service. there are 22 subscribers‘ keys liable to be used
`by the users; a monthly key. three three-monthly keys,
`six six-monthly keys and twelve yearly keys.
`Each month. the taxation administration centre pro-
`vides each distribution centre with a list of 22 subscrib-
`ers‘ keys in use for each service distributed by this cen-
`tre. In addition. it provides the subscription sales points
`with another list of 4 keys which are to start in the
`following month (one month, three months, six months
`and one year), for each service, with the prices of the
`A suitable machine. installed in each sales point, re-
`cords some of these keys in the form of blocks of sub-
`scriptions on holders provided for this purpose (such as,
`for example, information-bearing cards of the credit-
`card type). The users of the service then insert these
`cards in their receivers.
`For each paying service, approximately every five
`minutes a new operating key K is generated at random,
`by each distribution centre concerned. Thus, during a
`session of a service (one hour or several hours), there
`may be several dozen operating keys succeeding one
`As soon as a distribution centre generates a new oper-
`ating key K, it calculates, for each subscribers‘ key in
`use C; for this service, a. message M; by means of an
`algorithm M;=Fc.(K), in which the keys C; act as the
`Thus, for a service having the subscription plan indi-
`cated above. at any one time there are 22 different mes-
`sage in force. The service life of a message is equal to
`that of the operating key K and for a given service at
`any one time there are as many messages as there are
`current subscribers’ keys.
`All the messages M; in force together constitute the
`access-controlling information associated with the ser-
`vice being broadcast. This access control information is
`obviously not locked up by the electronic lock.
`These means for controlling access to the information
`are shown in FIG. 1. They comprise:
`(A) a subscription administration centre 100, which
`generates numerical signals corresponding to the sub-
`scribers’ keys Cg, these keys changing randomly at long
`intervals of the order ofa month and according to plans
`analogous to that given hereinbefore by way of exam-
`(B) in the emitting centre:
`a circuit 102 for forming messages M.-which receives,
`from the center 1013, the signals corresponding to said
`subscribers’ keys C,-, and. from the generator 22, the
`signal corresponding to the operating key K. These
`messages are obtained by means of an algorithm F.«:.-(K)
`the parameters of which are provided by the C35. The
`circuit 102 delivers as many messages M; as there are
`subscribers’ keys C,-. these messages changing with op-
`erating key K. All these messages are organised into a
`PMC Exhibit 2092
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 6
`(A) in the emitting centre 2;
`(a) a generator 22 delivering a numerical signal repre-
`senting an operating key K. this key changing randomly
`at predetermined intervals of the order of a few min-
`utes. for example;
`(b) automatic locking means 24 comprising:
`(i) a comparator 28 with an input connected through
`the junction 1! to the magazine memorising circuit 10
`from which it receives clear octets; this comparator is
`capable of distinguishing, among these clear octets,
`those wherein the 7th and 6th binary elements are zero;
`this comparator has two outputs 31 and 32, the first
`carrying these octets wherein the ?th and 6th binary
`elements are zero and is connected to the distribution
`multiplexer 12 (through a junction 11'), and the second
`carrying the clear octets d_,- wherein the 7th and 6th
`binary elements are not zero;
`(ii) a logic circuit 34 of the 0R»exclusive type with
`two inputs, one of which is connected to the second
`output 32 of the comparator 28 from which it receives
`the clear octets cl; wherein the 6th and 7th binary ele-
`ments are not zero;
`this logic circuit has an output
`which carries odd-numbered coded octets D,-, the coded
`octets then being directed (through junction 11’)
`towards the distribution multiplexer 12;
`(c) a generator 26 of encoding octets Q, controlled by
`the automatic means 24 from which it receives octets
`indicating the page numbers and line numbers of the
`data to be transmitted and the signal corresponding to
`the operating key K; this generator of octets 26 has an
`output n1 which delivers, for each data octet Ci; of a
`displayable line, an encoding octet C_,-, this octet having
`an even-numbered 8th binary element and ‘.-'th and 6th
`binary elements of zero, this octet being applied to the
`second input of the gate 34.
`(B) in each receiving station 4:
`(d) a circuit 36 delivering a numerical signal repre-
`senting the operating key K in use in the emitting sta-
`(e) automatic unlocking means 38 comprising:
`(i) a comparator 42 with an input receiving the coded
`octets; this comparator is adapted to distinguish, among
`these coded octets, those wherein the 7th and 6th binary
`elements are zero, this comparator having two outputs
`43 and 44, the first carrying these octets wherein the 7th
`and 6th binary elements are zero. this first output being
`connected to the display means 20. whilst the second
`carries the coded octets DJ; wherein the ‘!the and/or 6th
`binary elements are not zero.
`(ii) a logic circuit 46 of the OR -exclusive type with
`two inputs, one connected to the output 44 of the com-
`parator from which it receives the coded octets D,-. this
`logic circuit having an output which carries decoded
`octets cl} which are then directed towards the display
`means 2!}.
`(f) a generator 26' of decoding octets, controlled by
`the automatic unlocking means from which it receives
`the octets indicating the page numbers and line numbers
`of the data transmitted, and the signal corresponding to
`the current operating key K; this generator of decoding
`octets has an output 41' which delivers, for each coded
`octet received. a decoding octet Cy having a heavy
`binary element which is forced to zero and 7th and 6th
`binary elements of zero, these octets being applied to
`the second input of the gate 4-6.
`Locking and unlocking means of this kind can advan-
`tageously be used to solve the problem of taxation re-
`ferred to hereinbefore. For this purpose it is provided,
`PMC Exhibit 2092
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 6
`special page 104 known as the access control page. This
`page is transmitted cyclically by the multiplexer 12 but
`is not displayable;
`(C) in each receiving station:
`(i) a subscription holder 106 which contains a mem-
`ory 108 in which is recorded at least one subscription
`block representing one of the subscribers’ keys C.-,
`(j) a circuit 110 for restoring the operating key K,
`connected on the one hand to the circuit 13 from which
`it receives a message M; taken from the access control
`page and selected by the subscription index and, on the
`other hand,
`to the memory 103 of the subscription
`holder from which it receives the subscribers‘ key Cg.
`This circuit 110 develops an algorithm I(=Cic,(Mg) for
`restoring the signal corresponding to the operating key
`K used in the emitting station;
`(D) at least one charging station 112 connected to the
`subscription administration centre 100 from which it
`receives the signals corresponding to the different sub-
`scribers‘ keys C: generated by this centre; each of these
`stations is adapted to receive temporarily subscription
`holders and to record one of the subscribers’ keys C; in
`their memories 108.
`The present invention relates precisely to a particular
`embodiment of a subscription card such as the assembly
`36 in FIG. 1.
`The card according to the invention is of the same
`type as the credit cards used in commerce and banking
`and, as such, comprises known elements such as the
`support, interface, data processing circuits, etc. How-
`ever, it contains additional means which make it suitable
`for fulfilling a new function in a system for controlling
`access to information as described above. This function
`is essentially to enable the electronic lock to be opened
`in the videotex receiving sets.
`More precisely, the invention relates to a subscription
`card for videotex receivers, comprising:
`(a) a support,
`(b) data processing means comprising in particular a
`control unit controlling an arithmetical and logical unit
`and a live memory,
`(c) an interface enabling exchanges between the card
`and the apparatus in which it is placed (charging station
`or receiver)
`(cl) a programmable memory comprising several loca-
`tions for receiving numerical subscription blocks C,-,
`(e) a dead memory containing instructions for carry-
`ing out the recording and selection of said subscription
`blocks, and for carrying out a calculation,
`(D a calculation circuit receiving, from the receiver
`into which the card is inserted, numerical messages M,-
`and receiving from said first memory a numerical sub-
`scription block C,-, this circuit being adapted to work
`out an algorithm K——-Gc,{M.-) the parameters of which
`are provided by the subscribers’ keys C,-, on instructions
`obtained from the second dead memory and, after cal-
`culation, delivering a numerical signal representing an
`operating key K.
`In any case, the features and advantages of the inven-
`tion will become more apparent from the following
`description of some exemplary embodiments given by
`way of an illustration without being in any way restric-
`tive. This description refers to the drawings, wherein:
`FIG. 1, already described, shows a videotex system
`provided with means for controlling access to the infor-
`FIG. 2 shows a synoptic plan of the circuits of the
`card according to the invention,
`FIG. 3 is a diagram illustrating the method of opera-
`tion of the card,
`FIG. 4 schematically shows a charging station for
`subscription cards.
`The card shown in FIG. 2 comprises, on a support 36:
`An arithmetical and logical unit 120 governed by a
`control unit 122. the whole constituting a central unit
`capable of carrying out:
`arithmetical and logical operation: addition, shifting,
`comparison, “AND logic", "OR-exclusive",
`conditional logical branchings
`counting of events
`A programme memory 124 of the ROM (Read Only
`Memory) type containing instructions describing the
`operating phases (recording, selection, calculation), the
`assembly 120/122/124 constituting the circuit 110;
`A subscription memory 108 of the PROM type (Pro-
`grammable Read Only Memory) for acquiring blocks of
`A working memory 128 of the RAM type (Random
`Access Memory) for storing the intermediate results of
`the calculations,
`An interface 130 for communication with the outside,
`governing a connector with at least 6 contacts (return to
`zero, earth, inputs/outputs, supplies, timer, extension)
`which pennits the exchanges between the card and the
`subscription-validating machine, on the one hand, and
`between the card and the users‘ receiver, on the other
`All these elements may be put. together in a mono-
`lithic integrated circuit. All the elements together form
`the means 36 in FIG. 1.
`The subscription memory 108 is organised into blocks
`of 2] octets, each capable of receiving a subscription
`block. Thus, a PROM of 4,096 binary elements is capa-
`ble of containing up to 24 subscription blocks.
`The locations taken up on the card are referenced by
`“busy" flags. A subscription card is full when all the
`flags are displayed.
`The operation of this card is characterised by three
`phases: recording, selection and calculation.
`(A) The recording phase starts with the locating of
`the first non-displayed flag, i.e. the first location which
`is free in the memory 108; then, under the control of the
`charging station, the central unit of the card supervises
`the inscription of the subscription block requested by
`the user.
`A subscription block is made up of four areas, for
`(1) an “operating code“ of 16 binary elements which
`designates the service in question,
`(2) a "subscription index" of 3 binary elements which
`characterises a subscription for a given service. Two of
`these binary elements indicate the type of subscription
`(1, 3, 6 or E2 months) and the other six indicate the
`month in which the subscription starts (1 to 60 modulo
`5 years),
`(3) a “subscribers’ key" of 128 binary elements which
`is the basic information of the block,
`PMC Exhibit 2092
`Apple v. PMC
` Page 7
`PMC Exhibit 2092
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 7
`card and thus means that the operating system does not
`have to be closed down.
`(4) a “cyclic redundancy code" of16 binary elements
`which bears on the preceding I52 binary elements and
`makes it possible to check the subscription block before
`it is used.
`A subscription block is thus made up of I68 binary
`elements, ie. 21 octets.
`The recording phase is only one step of the total
`subscription operation. In fact. first of all it is necessary
`to check that the card is functioning correctly using a
`test subscription block incorporated in the circuit when
`it is produced. This test subscription block checks the
`authenticity of the card as it goes through.
`Moreover, after the recording phase, the satisfactory
`progress of the operation must be verified. As it is not
`possibie to read back what has just been written, an-
`other tcst therefore has to be made using the new block
`(B) The selection phase consists in testing the sub-
`scription blocks in order to locate one which corre-
`sponds to an operating code indicated by the receiver
`from the address indicated, the response consisting in
`supplying the subscription index and the address of the
`located block.
`The selection phase thus starts by the receiver sup-
`plying an operating code. The control unit of the card
`then searches for the first block hearing this code in the
`subscription memory. When it finds one, it verifies it
`using the cyclic redundancy code. If all is well, the card
`replies to the receiver by providing it with the subscrip-
`tion index of the block found.
`Other results may be: “the cyclic redundancy code is
`wrong", and "there is no suitable subscription on this
`card“. These two results are passed on to the receiver
`by abnormal
`indications such as 13 andO3, which are
`formed from 8 binary elements of I or 0.
`The selection phase thus plays a double role: selection
`itself and verification of the subscription block in ques-
`(C) The calculation phase consists in calculating the
`operating key K from the message transmitted by the
`receiver and from the subscribers’ key found in the
`card's memory. In other words, when the receiver has
`located the proper message in the access control page, it
`sends this message to the card which itself has marked
`the suitable subscription block.
`This calculation phase is repeated each time the ac-
`cess control page is updated, provided that the user has
`not disconnected himself from the service in question.
`The diagram in FIG. 3 shows the different states and
`transitions between states of the automatic means con-
`sisting of the circuits of the card. The symbols bearing
`reference numerals have the following meanings:
`l40—state of rest
`l4l—rnade live
`- 142-~state of sleep
`143-—recording order to an address
`14-3—recording of a subscription block
`I46-—order to select a service from an address
`l47—selection and testing of the block
`'l4B—-supplying the subscription index and its address
`l49—order to calculate the message using the biock
`appearing at the address indicated
`l50—calculation of the operating key
`151--supplying the operating key
`lS2—return to zero.
`The advantage of this procedure is that it avoids any
`live mernorisation of the preceding operations in the
`The automatic means does not have a memory, and
`this avoids many cases of conflict and error. Morcvoer.
`the card becomes deaf whilst an order is being carried
`out, until it gives an answer.
`Am example of a calculation which might be carried
`out by the card according to the invention will now be
`described. However, it is first necessary to describe the
`algorithm by means of which the messages in the emit-
`ting centre of the videotex system can be calculated
`from an operating key and subscription blocks.
`The messages are calculated from the subscribers‘
`keys C; and the key K in the emitting centre by the
`circuit 102 which is organised around a microprocessor.
`This circuit is programmed to implement an algorithm
`which uses the subscribers’ keys C; (128 binary ele-
`ments} and an operating key K of 56 binary elements, in
`the following way:
`(1) a confusion redundancy word 47 is formed, which
`comprises 61 binary elements generated at random each
`time the algorithm is used;
`(2) rr‘- 1, the inverse ofrr modulo 251-1, is calculated
`by an arithmetic programme using a variant of Euclid’s
`(3) a first multiplication by another arithmetical pro-
`gramme: 1;: K.-17-] modulo (251 — 1) is carried out;
`(4) -y, the inverse of C modulo 2m— 1, is calculated
`by a programme similar to that of (2);
`(5) finally, the message is calculated by a programme
`similar to (3): M='y-('y+25‘l-n-) modulo (2‘”— 1).
`Once the messages have been thus formed, the algo-
`rithm to be worked out in the card for restoring the
`operating key K from a message M; and a subscribers’
`key C; is as follows:
`(1) The message M; (127 useful binary elements) is
`taken octet by octet and multiplication by C; is carried
`out. In this way a p. is formed:
`;.t.=M-C modulo (2m'— 1)
`According to the construction of M on emission, the
`binary elements I to 61 of p. represent the word v,
`whereas the binary elements 65 to 125 represent the
`word 11'. Obviously, binary elements 62, 63, 64, 126 and
`127 should be zero. If they are not, the word v is re-
`turned to zero before continuing with the calculation.
`(2) 11- and v are multiplied thus eliminating the confu-
`sion redundancy, and K=v--irmodulo (25‘—l) is ob-
`A new probability test is used here since, as K has 56
`useful binary elements, the elements 57, 58, 59, 6t} and
`61 should be zero. If this is not the case, K is returned to
`zero before continuing the procedure.
`(3) the 56 useful binary elements of K are then avail-
`able in the form of eight odd-numbered octets.
`FIG. 4 schematically shows a charging station for the
`cards described above. This station comprises. on the
`a box 160 containing a display screen 162, a housing
`164 for new cards, a slot 166 for inserting the cards to be
`charged, an output 168 for a printed receipt,
`a keyboard 170 for controlling the operations to be
`carried out.
`This station comprises, inside the box 160:
`an interface adapted to be coupled to the interfaces of
`the cards inserted,
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`PMC Exhibit 2092
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`a memory containing the list of subscription blocks
`for sale, with the corresponding prices.
`a circuit for charging the subscription required by the
`user in the card inserted. This circuit is adapted to lo-
`cate an empty location in the programmable memory of 5
`this card and to enter the subscription block thereon.
`the latter consisting of a subscription key. a subscription
`index, an operating code and tinalty a cyclical redun~
`dancy code.
`Preferably. the charging station contains a message
`and a test key for verifying the authenticity of the cards
`inserted. using the test subscription which they contain
`for this purpose. A charging station of this kind is con-
`nected to the subscription administration centre, as 15
`shown in FIG. 1: from this centre it receives lists of
`subscription blocks for sale and the price list, and in
`return it supplies recordings of the transactions and the
`sum of the charges taken.
`This record of the transactions then makes it possible 30
`to determine the audience for each service and to make
`the best possible distribution of the financial
`from the subscriptions. The receipt is useful in cases of
`dispute regarding the card.
`What is claimed is:
`1. A subscription card, comprising:
`a central unit constituted by an arithmetical and logi-
`cal unit and a control unit governing said arithmeti-
`cal and logical unit.
`a Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM).
`a Random Access Memory (RAM) acting as a work-
`ing memory,
`a Read Only Memory (ROM) containing instructions
`(i) recording numerical subscription keys C,-in said
`Programmable Read Only Memory when said
`card is inserted in a charging station deliverying
`said subscription keys Ci,
`(ii) carrying out. in said arithemetical and logical
`unit, a calculation, when said card is introduced
`in a videotex receiver, said receiver deiivering to
`said card messages Mi which are known func-
`tions of subscriptions keys Ci recorded in said
`PROM and of an operating key K, said calcula-
`tion being the restoration of said operating key K
`from the received messages Mi and the recorded
`keys Ci, and
`an interface for exchanging signals defining subscrip-
`tion keys Ci. messages Mi and operating key K,
`between said card and said charging station and
`between said card and said receiver.
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