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`1980-81 ::
` A
` Report
`Transcript of viewdata ’80,
`first world conference A
`on viewdata, videotex, and teletext
`Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc.
`White Plains, New York
`PMC Exhibit 21“
`PMC Exhibit 2111
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 1
`Page 1
`Viewdata and Videotext, 1980-81: A Worldwide Report
`Transcript of viewdata ’80, first world conference on viewdata, videotex and teletext, London,
`March 26-28, 1980
`ISBN 0-914236-77-6
`LC: 80-18234
`This title is being published simultaneously in the United Kingdom under the title: Videotex, Viewdata
`& Teletext
`Copyright ©1980 by Online Conferences Ltd.
`Published by Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc. in conjunction with Online Conferences Ltd. No
`part of this book may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the written permission of the
`publisher, Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc., 2 Corporate Park Drive, White Plains, New ‘York
`Printed in the United States of America
`PMC Exhibit 2111
`PMC Exhibit 2111
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2
`Page 2
`Introduction & Preface
`The use of theubiquitous TV set as an information display and
`interactive personal electronic communication device will bring
`dramatic changes to 'the way in which we conduct our day—to—day lives.
`The effect will at first be most apparaent in business with the easy
`availability of computer-stored information and the ability to send and
`receive mail electronically. The effect will then become apparent in
`the home with the TV set gradually enhancing its primary role of
`entertainment device to incorporate information acquisition, computer-
`aided education and electronic message transmission.
`This book comprises written back-up to the presentations given at
`Viewdata '80 — The First World Conference on Viewdata, Videotex and
`To ensure that the preprints are as up-to-date as possible,
`the authors
`have supplied them to us in camera-ready form which does not allow
`for editing and for this reason we would ask for your understanding
`with some of the overseas papers where English is not the author's
`native language.
`In order to keep the book as up—to—date as possible,
`the papers have been printed in random order.
`PMC Exhibit 2111
`PMC Exhibit 2111
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 3
`Page 3
`An Extension of the Use of the Display Equipment of a Prestel TV
`set for the Travel Industry
` § EE
`Courtney Sears Marketing Ltd
`With half of all British travel agents installing TV sets in their
`offices, this offers a ready made point of sale vehicle to be
`exploited by the principals whose products are sold through those
`The development of Video
`However, this is just a means to an end.
`technology could mean a revolution in the way travel agents sell
`and displaytheir products and train their staff.
`Copyright © 1980 by Online Conferences Ltd.
`PMC Exhibit 2111
`PMC Exhibit 2111
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 4
`Page 4
`Never before has the retail travel agent's business been so complex.
`The required knowledge of products and prices is a nightmare, and
`a tangled web of regulations, which.is subject to continual change.
`Coupled with this, travel agents trading in inclusive tours are
`being threatened by specialised companies backed by the latest
`technology selling direct to the public.
`It is small wonder that travel agents,
`problems, have turned to technology.
`in trying to solve these
`My hope is that the introduction of computerisation for the
`retailer will be so successful that the travel agent can concentrate
`on the tasks that this industry so desperately needs — that of
`expanding the travel and leisure markets in the face of the fierce
`competition for discretional income. What has been so sad about the
`"direct sell" issue, has been the parochial attitudes of the retailers
`in rising to meet this challenge.
`\ That is why there is a danger in turning to technology as a panacea
`for all the problems that beset a travel agent today.
`The current
`technological stampede in our industry would appear to be an
`accountants dream — masses of information instantly available at the
`touch of a button. Management of the business made easy, with instant
`ticket returns, instant mailing lists, instant availability lists,
`and soon instant bookings and instant tickets. All transactions
`recorded and safely stored.
`the organisation and method men,
`But I would remind the accountants,
`and the business managers of the industry that we are in a business
`to sell a product that, at the point of sale, cannot be seen,
`or sampled, and the motivation that leads individuals to buy the
`products we market and sell are many and varied.
`In my view, it is an absolute necessity for the travel industry to
`provide, at all levels of marketing,
`the dreams, and if you like,
`the "sizzle" that is associated with travel and holidays.
`PMC Exhibit 2111
`PMC Exhibit 2111
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
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`This is perhaps a long winded way of saying that in your search for
`technological advancement in the industry, don't forget the ingredients
`that form an essential part of the product, and it is th ese ingre-
`dients that should be used to expand the existing market.
`It was this philosophy that formed the basis for the concept of
`Videotel, coupled with opportunism to the growth of TV receivers in
`travel agencies, and the use of audio—visual forms by principals.
`By the end of 1980 it is projected that at least 2,000 retail agents
`will have Prestel type equipment installed in their offices.
`the initial use of the computer provided information will be limited,
`thus the display will remain unused for a large porportion of the
`working day, and it will certainly be blank at night, after shop hours.
`Tour operators, airlines, tourist boards and shipping companies have
`libraries of promotional films, audio—visual, slide presentations
`and advertising material available.
`Thus the retailer has the hardware,
`and the principal
`the software.
`Videotel is a method by which these two sides can be brought together
`in order to provide exciting display material for use by the retailer.
`The retailer,
`The costs for both principal and retailer are marginal.
`who has already incurred the cost of the computer link and the visual
`display, can hire a Videotel player at special rates and receive a new
`tape of promotional material every month.
`The principal has already
`incurred the heavy cost of production of his promotional or adver-
`tising material,
`the cost of transfer of this material to a video-
`cassette is small.
`By using Videotel,
`the principal not only extends
`the life of his promotional/advertising material, but also ensures
`its use to a committed audience.
`PMC Exhibit 2111
`PMC Exhibit 2111
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 6
` Page 6
`PMC Exhibit 2111
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 7
`The Videotel programme consists of 3 hours of travel films linked
`by travel—related advertising spots.
`The Programme is split up as follows:— 4 minute sections of travel
`films linked with 30 second spots of travel—related advertising.
`The material for transfer to a master tape can be provided in any of
`the following forms:—
`Film, slides or video tape
`Programme time can be bought in 4 minute sections in the following
`4 minutes of advertisements which will be spread
`through the 3 hours
`4 minutes of film edited from a major production
`4 minutes of an audio/visual slide presentation
`transferred to tape
`A specially produced video—tape programme of 4
`The first experimental tape produced by Videotel and now playing
`in 100 retail travel agency outlets was made up of a mixture of all
`of the above.
`Butlins took a 4 minute section of the '7 Days in Butlinland' film
`and used their 1980 Butlinit commercial to introduce and complete
`their section of the programme. British Rail, on the other hand,
`used their in—house facilities to make a special film, using slides
`to illustrate the Rail—Air link facilities that are available.
`P & O
`Cruises used an edited audio-visual programme that had already been
`produced to promote the ‘Around the World Cruise‘ programme. Air France
`and Qantas used material from promotional films. Medina Holidays used
`their already existing video programme on their l98O summer programme.
`The Irish Tourist Board, Bord Faite, and AER Lingus linked to take
`an 8-minute section of the tape to feature Ireland, and the holidays
`available to the holidaymaker. Other principals buying space were
`Air Jamaica, Alitalia,
`the National Tourist Board of Greece,
`Jersey Tourist Board, P & O Ferries, Pitt & Scott, Seaspeed, Thomson
`Holidays, T.W,A., Wales Tourist Board and Lever Bros.
`PMC Exhibit 2111
`PMC Exhibit 2111
`Apple v. PMC
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`Page 8
`i iza2
`The travel agent has been provided with a lively and informative
`programme which enables him to give an additional service to his
`client and gives the client an awareness of the range of products
`available through the retail outlet.
`It can be run silently
`Videotel can be used in a variety of ways.
`either in the shop, or in the window. Each continuous 4 minute
`section of the tape is appropriately captioned. Videotel can provide
`the agent with a method of showing a client a product in which he
`has indicated a special interest,~each section of the tape is
`identified by a programmed index-and can be selected by means of a
`counter built into the V.H.S. machine.
`The tape can then be played
`to the client with sound.
`The Videotel tapes are cross—referenced to the appropriate Prestel
`pages thus once a client has seen the product in which he is
`the retail agent can, at the touch of a button, go back
`on—line to retrieve the latest information on availability, prices
`and special offers relating to that product.
`Thus for the retail travel agent who is already committed to the
`expense of hardware,
`‘Videotel’ provides a method by which that hard-
`ware is kept in constant use.
`The computer link is obviously not a
`requirement for this use of Videotel. Any travel agent can rent a
`Videotel package of television plus V.H.S player which operates
`independently of the computer link.
`The principals gain by the repeated use of their promotional/
`advertising material to buyers and also ensure that travel agency
`staff have a good knowledge of their product.
`VThe monthly up—date of the Videotel programme ensures that the
`medium maintains its freshness and enables the principal to ensure
`that information on the latest product development, special
`promotions, etc., are immediately available to the buyer and
`Videotel also provides the perfect medium for staff training.
`Air Transport and Travel Industries Training Board is the first to
`recognise the advantage of making available programmes in video
`cassette form to the retail outlets. A.T.T.I.T.B.
`training film sets
`out to enable staff to differentiate between features of a product
`and benefits to particular customers, and to demonstrate to staff how
`to use selling phrases stressing the benefits of a product to a
`The basis is a conversation between two Branch Managers of the same
`John is worried because his turnover is not in-
`retail agency.
`creasing at the same rate as other offices despite the office always
`being busy.
`PMC Exhibit 2111
`PMC Exhibit 2111
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 9
`Page 9
`A flashback to a sales conversation in John's office enables Peter
`to pinpoint an obvious reason. This leads into suggestions on
`training of staff with particular emphasis on the difference between
`Features of a product and Benefits to customers, when matched to
`specific needs.
`A recall of a transaction in Peter's office highlights the use of
`benefit statements in overcoming objections and selling a holiday
`to a customer.
`those principals who
`In order to encourage this use of Videotel,
`buy 4 minute sections of the tape will be offered the facility of
`transferring their existing training programme to videotape.
`with the envisaged growth of video players in the home and the
`continued rise in the cost of print productions, it is envisaged
`that by mid 1980 the retail travel agent will be provided with
`cassetted brochures and a library of cassettes for loan to the/client.
`The improvement in video technology and the introduction of video
`disoo into the U.K. should ensure that the cost of this type of
`production is kept low. This will improve the conversion rate from
`that obtained by use of the traditional printed disposable brochure.
`Videotel has originated in the travel industry because of the
`availability of the hardware, however, its extension into other
`retail outlets, such as D.I.Y.,
`toys, sports equipment etc., is
`The retailer and customer benefit from exposure to in-
`formative and interesting point of sale and the manufacturer from
`the display of his product range at the retail outlet.
`PMC Exhibit 2111
`PMC Exhibit 2111
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
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`PMC Exhibit 2111
`PMC Exhibit 2111
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v PMC
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