Prico 9190
`Broadcast Teletext
`September $976
`Published jointly by the
`PMC Exhibit 2100
`PMC Exhibit 2100
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 1
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`Television Data-Lines
`Organisation of 153:: and Row:
`Page Disphy
`Definition of Teletext Temls ..
`4, 5
`5. 6
`6, 7, 3
`3, 9, 10
`Page-Header Format ..
`Row Format
`Examples of Aiphanurnerics and Gzaphics Displzys
`Idealised operation of Frzuning Code
`la. Hamming Code Bytes
`lb. Hamming Codes—tcsts for odd parity ..
`Harm-ning Codes—decnding action
`Display Modes and Controi Characters .-
`Teletext Ch:.racter Codes
`Teletext Data-Lines ..
`Data Level:
`Data Tuning
`An Approximate Spectrum of a Data Pulse
`An Approximate One-Bit Dana Pulse
`Synchrunisahorl and Hamming Codes at start of Page-Header and Row mmsmissicns
`PMC Exhibit 2100
`PMC Exhibit 2100
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2
`Page 2

`This document describes the parameters of the Teletext signals transmitted in the
`United Kingdom by the BBC and the Independent Television networks.
`supersedes earlier specifications.
`The BBC uses the name Ceefax and the
`Independent Television Companies the name Oracle for their public information
`The technical specifications of the Oracle and Ceefax signals are
`Based on experience gained in the i.nitial years of the transmissions, changes
`been made since
`the first specification published in October 1974.
`Additional Control Characters have been allocated to provide facilities which can
`be used to enhance the display of information. These changes have been made in
`such a way that future transmissions remain compatible with Teletext decoders
`based on the later specification dated January 13th 1976.
`Distortions, noise and spurious signals inevitably degrade the signal to a
`greater or
`less extent.
`An important point
`to note is that an increase in
`magnitude of these effects will cause a gradual deterioration in analogue television
`while a digital signal, such as Teletext, can still be decoded until the disturbances
`exceed a critical level. Field studies have confirmed that in almost all cases this
`critical level for Teletext occurs when television reception is already poor.
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`PMC Exhibit 2100
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
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`This document defines the Teletext broadcasting system. Much of the detailed irifonnation is carried by
`figures and tables. The description is in four sections.
`The first section describes how binary code groups are formed into Data-lines for inclusion in the tele-
`vision field -blanlting interval.
`The second section describes how the control and address inforrriation carried on each Data-Line,
`together with the special Page-1-leader Data—Lines and the sequence of trattsrnission of the Data-Lines. allow
`the Data-Lines corresponding to the Rows ofa selected Hge to be identified.
`The third section describes how the Character Codes received on the Data-Lines corresponding to the
`Rows of the selected Page are interpreted to give the Page display.
`The fourth section defines Teletext terms.
`includes unused lines in the field-
`The television signal
`blanlcing interval [see Figure I) to allow time for field
`flyback in receivers before each active Field begins. The
`duration of this interval is usually 25 lines, and some of
`the later
`lines are used by broadcasters for
`test and
`signalling purposes.
`these unused lines as
`This system can use any of
`initially lines l'i'(330) and l3(331)are being
`used but other lines may be used.
`is identified as :1
`A line in the I‘ield—bIanl-ting interval
`Teletext Data-Line by the presence of the Clock Run-In
`(see 1.2.!) followed by the Framing Code {see 1.2.2) at an
`appropriate time.
`Data Turting
`is the peak of the
`The data timing reference point
`penultimate 'l' of
`the Clock Run-In sequence (see
`Figure 3}. This point has been selected to reduce the
`effect of any transient distortions at
`the start of the
`The line time reference is the half-amplitude point of
`the leading edge of the line synchronising pulse.
`The data timing reference in the signal as transmitted
`shall be 12-D (+O-4,i- I -Ujus after the line time reference.
`The data
`timing may
`from Data-Line
`Data-Line Waveform
`as a
`Each Data-Line contains binary elements
`two-level NRZ {Non-Return-to-Zero} Slgltill,
`shaped by a filter.
`Data Levels
`The binary signalling levels are defttied on a scale where
`television black level
`is 0% and white level
`l00% (see
`Figure 2}. The binary '0'
`is then ()(:2}% and the
`binary 'l' level is 66(1'6}%. The difference between these
`levels is the basic data amplitude. The data waveform will
`contain oversltoots so the pealt—to—peal-; data amplitude
`will exceed the basic data amplitude.
`The basic data amplitude may vary from Data-Linc to
`Bit Rate
`The binary element signalling rate is 6'93‘r'5 Mbitls (:25
`parts per million}.
`Data Pulse Shape
`The spectrum of the generated data pulses, which is the
`product of the spectrum of the basic NRZ data wavefonn
`and that of a phase-corrected shaping Filter. is indicated
`in Figure 4. To minimise intersymbol interference the
`spectrum is
`substantially skew-symmetrical
`frequency corresponding to one—half of the bit
`There is minimal energy above 50 MHz.
`corresponding one-bit pulse
`Figure 5.
`indicated in
`Data-Line Structure
`Each Data—Line comprises 360 bits which may be
`considered as 45 eight-bit Bytes.
`The first three Bytes, which have even parity, serve to
`synchronise the bit and Byte recovery operation in the
`receiver. The remaining 42 Bytes have odd parity and
`carry address and control information. and the codes for
`a Character Row (set: Figure 6).
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`PMC Exhibit 2100
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`Apple v. PMC
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`The use of odd parity during the variable part of the
`Data-Line ensures that there are never more than 1-1 bit
`transitions in the wave-
`periods between the data level
`fonn. This simplifies the recovery oi‘ the bitvtate clock
`directly from the data waveform.
`All the address and Page control information is trans-
`mitted using Hamming Code Bytes
`to reduce
`possibility of the wrong Character Rows being stored in
`the receiver.
`Clock Run-in
`two Bytes of every D;iIa—Line comprise the
`The First
`(frock P_un.In sequence of alternating bits, beginning
`to indicate the presence of a Data-Line and
`to establish the
`tinting of Lite bits on that
`line [see
`Figure 6}.
`In some circumstances the First one or
`‘I '5 may be absent.
`two binary
`Framing Code
`Tlte third Byte of every Data-Line comprises the Framing
`This code has been selected
`enable Byte synchronisation to be established even it one
`bit of the Framing Code has been wrongly recetved.
`Figure 9 indicates how incoming data are compared
`with the Framing Code pattern.
`it shows that a test For
`any seven corresponding bits will give a correct indication
`the Frriiiiing Code in the presence of a single error.
`Hamming Codes
`The fourth and Fifth Byte of every Data-Line, and at
`Fiirtlier eight Bytes of the i‘age-Fir:-ader Data-Lines. are
`l-latnnii'ri_i: ("odes LtiF‘IIE|l|'I]l'Ig four ‘i1'icssage' bits interleaved
`with four ‘priiiei.'tiori' bits dependent on the message bits
`as listed in Talilrg
`The hits are transmitted in
`l'lLlfl1l'.'fl|Z'..Jl1!I'llI2I' fr--ni b.
`to ha.
`Table ll‘i details Your parity tests that can be made on
`the received Byte. Table IL‘ shows how the results of
`iltese tests can hi: used to correct sinye errors in the
`received Byte tintl detect multiple errors [wlteri I. -l- or 6
`bits are ill El'l’l)fJ When there are 3. 5. 7 or 8 errors in the
`Byte l'.l‘Ii:i procedure results
`in a
`false message being
`Figure ti shows the locations and lists the functions of
`the Htiitiming ‘iiie5S::ge' bits. W'l1en errut cotreuttuii is
`used the
`iiii-ssagc bit
`tn:i_v differ {turn the
`cottespiiniling bit
`in the as
`the hits oi"
`llatnming (‘tide Byte are intcrdcpcrideni.
`Character Bytes
`retituimiig Bytes iii‘ cucli Data-Line are scvcii-bit
`Character (‘mics (see Table 3} with an added odti~parity
`hit b,..
`The bits are transmitted in nurrierical order
`l'rtiin h, to b5.
`Magazine and Row Address Group
`Every Data-Line contains two Harnrning Codes signifying
`a three-bit Etiagazirie number and a fivevbit Row address
`(see Figure 6).
`The Magazine number is in the range 1-8. Magazine 8
`corresponding to the hits 000 and the others being
`directly the number obtained with the bit weights given in
`Figure 6.
`The Row address is normally in the range 0-23 and it is
`directly the number obtained with the bit weights as given
`in Figure 6. Row addresses in the range 24-31 may be
`transmitted but such Data-Lines must be ignored.
`Data-Lines with Row address 0 are Page-Headers. which
`contain eight
`additional Harnrning Code Bytes with
`message bits relating to that Page. including the two digits
`of the Page number and the four-digit Time Code [see
`Figure 6). The display and control functions of the other
`message bits are detailed in 3.3 below.
`Page identification and Time Code
`Erich Page is identified by its single digit Magazine nunir-er
`(I-3) and its two-digit Page nurnhcr {O0-99}.
`Different Pages with the same Magazine and Page
`numbers may be idertlified hy invoking a four-digit Time
`Code whereby up to 3200 versions of that Page niay be
`iniltvidually selected and held.
`The 'Hoi.rrs' and Minutes‘ of the Time Code are not
`necessarily telatr.-i! to i:|nclt-ilrne. The ‘Hours Tens’ may
`take any value 0-3 and the ‘Minutes Tens‘ ma-_.« take any
`value 0-7.
`Page Selection
`A Page niay be selected by its Magazine number and Page
`number. or by its Magazine number. Page number and
`Time Code.
`Neither type of Page selection should respond to Page
`ntimber 'L‘riits' or 'Tens'
`in the range 10-I5. and selection
`by Time Code should not respond to ‘hrliriutes Units" or
`‘Hours Units‘ in that range. which may be used for other
`Transmission Sequence
`The transmissioii of a selected Page begins with. and
`includes. its Page-Header and ends with, and excliides, the
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`next Page-Header of the selected Magazine III-Imlfififv All
`intermediate Data-Lines
`Magazine number relate to the selected Page.
`Pages may be transmitted in any order. Occasitrnally
`incomplete Pages may be transmitted. Rows from Pages
`of different Magazine number may be
`interleaved in
`The Rows of a Page may be transmitted in any order.
`including the Page-Header. may be repeated in
`which case the latest apparently crror—l'ree infon'na11on
`should take precedence. Rows containing no inforrnation
`for display need not be transmitted.
`on a Page designated as a ‘Newsflash’ Page, whether
`or not
`it currently contains
`information intended for display on such a Page will
`be Boxed (see 3.1.5).
`C6 —-Subtitle indicator. This Control Bit is set to '1' on a
`Page designated as a 'Subtille' Page, whether or not it
`currently contains
`intended for display on such rt Page will be Boxed
`(see 3.1.5).
`is set to ‘I‘ when
`Ci -Suppress Header. This Control Bit
`the Page 15 better displayed without the characters of
`the Page-Header.
`Page Erasure Interval
`Rows will be transmitted such as to allow an active tele-
`vision field period between an initial Page-Header and
`further Rows sufficient to complete the t.-ansmission for
`that Page.
`This allows one display period for the receiver Page
`store to be erased when necessary.
`C5 —Uprlate indicator. This Control Bit may be set to '1'
`when part or all of a Page contains later information
`than that
`in the previous transmission of the Page
`bearing the same Magazine and Page number. The
`'Upd:tle' Page
`transmission may be
`containing only the updated Rows of a Page (see
`Page.-nHe:ider Structure
`'_'.| .2} contain eight
`The Page-lleadcr Data-Lines (sec
`Hamming Code Bytes in place of the first eight Character
`Bytes of the other Data-Lines (see Figures 6 and 7).
`There are thus only 3'.‘ Character Codes in a Page-
`Header. They are used to present general infonnation for
`display, such as the Magazine and Page number. the day
`and date and the programme source.
`in particular.
`last eight characters are reserved for the display of clock-
`time. Examples of the content of a P:tge—Header are given
`in Figure ‘la.
`The locations of the 32 address and control message
`bits of the eight Hamming Codes peculiar
`to a Page-
`l-ieader are shown in Figure I5. This also shows the binary
`weights of the eight Page number. and I3 Time Code. bits
`whose functions are described in 2.1. The remaining ll
`bits are Control Bits numbered C. to Cu whose functions
`are described below.
`Control Bits (see Figure 6]
`is set to ‘I’ when the
`C4—Erase Page. This Control Bit
`inl'or-mation on that Page is sigrtificantly different
`from that
`in the previous transmission of the Page
`bearing the same Magazine and Page number, such
`that the two should not be confused.
`Its use will always be followed by a Page erasure
`interval (see 2.2.3).
`Cg—lntertupted Sequence. This Control Bit is set to ‘l’
`when a Page is being transmitted out of strict
`numerical sequence in order to give it priority (such
`as ;i Subtitle Page) or more frequent
`(such as an Index Page).
`ll allows the Page-I-leader to be suppressed when
`Rolling Headers
`continuities in the displayed Page numbers.
`is set to ‘l' when
`(‘,9 —lnhibit Display. This Control Btt
`the contents of a Page cannot usefully be interpreted
`as a Teletext transmission.
`It can be used to i.n.hiliit
`the display of meaningless Pages.
`C" —ll-lagazine Serial. This Control Bit is set to ‘I’ when
`the transmission sequence of Magazines and Pages is
`such that it is preferable to display all Page-Headers as
`Rolling Headers rather than only those of the selected
`these unallocated
`is desirable that
`Cl; Unallocatetl.
`Cu Control Bits be accessible in decoders for future use
`as display control functions.
`C, —Newsflash Indicator. This Control Bit is set
`to ‘l'
`The 24 Rows of a Page are numbeield sequentially from
`El (Page-Header.
`top Row)
`to 23.
`The 40 Character
`PMC Exhibit 2100
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`Apple v. PMC
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`Rectangle: of a Row are directly related to the 40
`Character Bytes of the corresponding Data-Line. each
`being assumed to be scanned sequentially from left
`right (see Figure 1').
`Every Character Byte contains aCharacter Code which
`represents either
`:1 Display Character or
`a Control
`Character. The Control Characters are used to establish
`Display Modes. which may be changed between Character
`Rectangles within a Row.
`The Display Modes determine how a Display Character
`Code is interpreted as a character to be generated in the
`corresponding Character Rectangle of the Page display.
`The Character Rectangles
`corresponding to Control
`Character Codes are generally displayed as SpElCES {but SEE
`3.1 .7).
`Display Modes
`The Display Modes are listed in Table 3 as complementary
`those on the left are iissiinieil at
`the start ofevcry
`Row. Tlte Control Character Codes listed with each mode
`are used to initiate that mode.
`Some Control Characters have immediate effect (‘set
`at’} in that
`the new mode obtains for and from the
`subsequent effect (‘set after‘) when the new mode obtains
`for and from the next Character Rec:arigle.
`A later
`Control Character takes precedence over an earlier one.
`When a Control Character signifies :1 cliange to a mode
`that mode
`unlntetrupted throughout
`the corresponding Character
`Rectangle [hut sci: 3.1.3].
`[11 general the Character Codes of :1 Row are sufficient
`to define the entire display of that Row {but see 3.l .6}.
`The interpretation of the Display Modes is detailed
`Character Set
`Three iivcrliipping sets of 96 Display Characters are
`interpretation of
`the 96 Display
`Character Codes.
`During the Alphanumerics Mode the Alphaniimerics
`Set applies. During the Graphics Mode the Contiguous
`Graphics Set applies during the Contiguous Mode and the
`Separated Graphics Set applies during the Separated
`Display Colour
`the seven colours white, yellow, cyan, green,
`One of
`magenta. red. blue is used to depict the Display Character
`the Character Rectangle.
`Seven pairs of Control
`Characters are available so that the Display Colour and.-‘or
`the Alphanumericszflrapltics Mode may be changed by a
`single Control Character. There is a direct correspondence
`between bits b, , b-_-. b; or" these codes and the red. green
`and blue components of the colours.
`Background Colour
`3.] .3
`The Background Colour of the Character Rectangles is
`black during the Black Background mode. Whenever the
`new background Control Character
`l.I'13 (see Table 3}
`occurs the Display Colour then obtaining is adopted as
`the Background Colour in the new background mode.
`Conceal and Flash
`the Display
`are provided wherein all
`Two modes
`Characters are displayed as Spaces in certain times. All
`in the Conceal mode are intended in be
`displayed as Spaces until the Reveal mode is restoretl after
`time delay in the receiver ur liy user control. All
`characters in the Flash mode are intended to be displayed
`alternately as they would otherwise be displayed, and as
`Spaces. under
`the control of a
`timing device in the
`All characters intended for display on _\li,-wsflash and
`Subtitle Pages will be in the Boxed Mode. which defines
`the part of the Page which is to be inst-t into the normal
`television picture. This inset iaperiuion may be controlled
`automatically by the Control Bits F: or Cr {see 2.3.l ,5.
`Some or all of the rhnracrers on any other Panes may
`be Boxed. the Boxed Mode then defines a part of the Page
`which may be inset
`into the norrnal
`television picture
`under user control as an alternative to the display of the
`complete Page alone. or supcrittiposetl on the picture.
`In order in git: pmtcctinn against sputimis Boxing.
`two consecutive Start
`l-tux Control Cl'Iar'.ti:tets Bill {see
`Table 3} will be transmitted to start the Boxed Mode and
`two consecutive End Box Control Characters ONO will be
`transmitted to temiinate that mode. The mode changes
`occur between the corresponding :onsr.-cutive Character
`Double Height
`Whenever the Double Height mode occurs the information
`in that Row is sufficient to define the display of both that
`Row and the Row of next higher address. A receive;
`responding to the Double Height mode on a Row must
`ignore any iriforrnatiori
`received for the Row of next
`higher address, but a receiver not responding to this mode
`will operate normally on both Rows.
`A receiver responding to one or more occurrences of
`the Double Height mode in Row ‘R’ will operate as other-
`wise during that Row except
`in every Character
`Rectangle during the Double Height mode only the upper
`half of what would otherwise have been displayed is
`displayed. stretched vertically to fill the rectangle. On
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`the corresponding lower half of each of
`Row ‘R+I'
`these is similarly displayed.
`The remaining Character
`Rectangles of Row ‘R+l' tire to be displayed as ttnhmtetl
`the -r
`same Bacltground Culnur
`corresponding Character Rectangle: of Row ‘R'.
`Boxed .'l«lod.e—"I1te Display Mode in which, under the
`user’: control.
`the characters are intended to be inset
`television picture. when a Nt-waflrtslt
`to :1
`or I.t.ltlt'll
`is trait.-.milted this operation may be autotrtatic
`under the control of Control Bits.
`Hold Graphics
`Generally all Control Characters are displayed as Spaces,
`implying at
`least on: Space between rectangles with
`different Display Colours in the same Row. The Hold
`Graptucs mode allows a limited range of abrupt Display
`Colour changes by calling for
`the display of a Held
`Graphics Ch.-tracter in the rectangle corresponding to any
`Control Character occurring during the Graphics Mode.
`This Held Character is displayed in the modes obtaining
`for the rectartge in which it
`is displayed. except for the
`Conliguousfseparated Mode which iomrs part of H1:
`structure of the Held Graphics Character.
`The Held Graphics Character 15 only defined during the
`Crop hjcs Mode.
`is then the most recent character with
`in its character code, provitling that there has been
`no intervening change
`in either
`the Alphanumertcs.’
`Graphics or
`the Nonnal,lDouble l-leigltt modes.
`to be displayed in
`the Contiguous or
`Separated Mode as when it was first displayed.
`In the
`absence of such a character the Held Graphics Character
`is taken to be a Space.
`Access 'l'in-re-The time between selecting a Page at
`receiver and the first complete reception of that Page.
`96 Display
`Alphanumeric: Character-—0ne
`Characters listed in columns 2. 3,-1.5. 6 and 7 of Table 3.
`The shapes of the characters are not defined but they
`should all be different and recognisable.
`Broadcast Teletext-—'l'l1e infonrtation broadcasting system
`defined in this document.
`Byte—A group of eight consecutive data bits intended to
`be treated as an entity.
`Character Byte—'I'he Byte obtained by appending an odd-
`parity bit to a Character Code.
`Character Code—A seven-bit binary number representing
`set of Display Characters. or
`a Control
`Character Recta.nglc—0ne of the 960 units in the regular
`matrix of 24 Rows of 40 sites in which characters are
`generated in the display of: Page.
`Chat-acter Rot-v—see Row.
`Clock Run—ln—A sequence of alternating hits at the start
`:1 Data-Line
`to allow it
`to achieve bit
`Conceal—A Display Mode during which all characters,
`although stored in the receiver, are intended to be
`displayed as Spaces until
`the viewer chooses to Reveal
`set of 96 Display
`Contiguous Graphics
`the 64 Contiguous Graphics
`Characters listed in colur. ns 2:. 3a. 6a and ‘la ofTable 3,
`together with
`32 Blast-Through Alphanumeric;
`Characters of columns 4 and 5.
`Alphanurnerlcs Mode-—The Display Mode in which the
`Display Characters are those of the Alphanumcrics Set.
`Alphanumeric: Set—The set of 96 Display Characters
`comprising all the Alphanumeric: Characters.
`Background C-ttlou:—Tlte colour Filling the parts of the
`Character Rectangle not occupied by the character itself
`(see Figure 8). The Background Colour may be black or
`one of the seven Display Colours.
`It may be changed
`ttrithin a Row by Control Characters.
`Blast-'I11rougl1 Alpllanumerica-—The
`Alphanumeric: Characters of columns 4 and 5 ofTable3
`during the Graphics Mode.
`Contiguous Mode—'I‘he Display Mode in which the six
`cells of
`the Graphics Characters
`the Character
`Rectangle (see Figure 3).
`Control Bits--Each Page-Header contains ll Control Bits
`to regulate the display of the Page and its header (sec
`the 32 characters listed in
`Control Chant-cter—0ne of
`columns 0 and l of Table 3. Five of these are reserved
`for compatibility with other data codes. The others are
`used to alter
`the Display Modes.
`They are usually
`displayed as Spaces (but see 3.1.7.). _
`Data-l..ine—One of
`the otherwise unused lines of the
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`television field-blanking interval used to carry information
`for one Teieteitt Character Row. A Data~Line is identified
`by the Clock Run-ln sequence t'ol.loi-ved by a Framing
`Code at the appropriate time on a line in the field interval.
`Display Char-acter—0ne of 222 different shapes which can
`be generated in a Character Rectangle as part of a Page.
`There are Alphanumerics Characters to provide text and
`Graphics Characters
`to provide elementary pictorial
`irtfonnation. There are three sets. the Alphanumerics Set.
`the Contiguous Graphics Set and the Separated Graphics
`.'iet. e:ich of ‘to Display ('|tat:ii:tcrS. Some of which are
`Display (.‘olou.r—One of the seven colours lWllil€- Yellow.
`cyan, green. magenta. red, blue) used to depict a Display
`Character against the Background Colour in a Character
`Rectangle {see Figure 3). The Display Colour may be
`changed within a Row by Control Characters.
`Display .\dode—Tiie way in which the Character Codes
`corresponding to Display Characters are interpreted and
`displayed depends on Display Modes established by
`previous Control Characters {see Table 2}. These modes
`may be changed within a Row, and an initial set of modes
`is defined for the start of a Row.
`in which all characters
`l-'lash—A Display Moiie
`to be displayed alternately as
`they would
`otherwise be displayed, and as Spaces, under the control
`itfa tinting device in the receiver.
`following the Clock Run-In
`Framing Code—A Byte
`sequence. selected to allow the receiver to achieve Byte
`synchronisation even if one iofits bits is wrongly decoded.
`different Display
`Graphics Cha.racter—One
`based on the division of
`the Character
`Rectangle into six cells.
`the cells being Contiguous or
`The corresponding character codes have
`there is
`a direct correspondence between the
`other six bits of the code and the states of the six cells
`the Character Rectangle.
`Examples are given in
`Figure 3.
`Graphics Mode—The Display Mode in which the Display
`Characters are those of one or other of the Graphics Sets.
`depending on whether the Contiguous or Separated Mode
`bits as indicated in Table I. A single bit error in such a
`Byte can be corrected, Hamming Codes are used for
`sending addra.
`-d control inl'on-nation.
`Hold Graphir:s—A Display Mode in which any Control
`Character occurring during the Graphics Mode results in
`the display of a Held Graphics Character [see 3.l .7).
`Magaa'tne—-A group of up to a hundred Pages, each
`carrying a common Magazine number in the range I-8.
`Up to eight Magazines may be transmitted in sequence or
`independently on a television progranirne channel.
`Newsflash Page—.-\ Page in which all the information For
`display is Boxed. and Control Bit C,
`is set to allow this
`information to be automatically inset or added to a tele-
`vision picture.
`Page——A group of 24 Rows of 40 characters intended to be
`displayed as an entity on a television screen.
`Page-I-[eader—A Page-Header Data-Line has Row address
`‘O’ and it
`separates the Pages of a Magazine in the
`sequence of transtnitted Data-Lines.
`In place of the first
`eight Character Bytes it contains l-Iarrirttirtg Coded address
`and control
`inlorrnation relating to that Page. Thus the
`corresponding top Row oi the Page has only 32 Character
`Bytes. These are used for
`the transmission or‘ general
`infori-nattori such as Magazine and Page number. day and
`date, prngrtmtiiie source and Eluuhtllllle.
`Release Gnphics—The Display Mode in which Control
`Characters are invariably displayed as Spaces.
`complementary to the Hold Graphics Mode.
`Reveal—The Display Mode complerrieritary to the Conceal
`Rolling Headers—The use of the top Row of the Page to
`display all the Page-Headers of the selected Magazine (see
`2.3,l—Magazine Serial) as they are lransrnittecl. This gives
`an indication of the Page transmission sequence while the
`user is watching, or awaiting. a selected Page-
`Row—A Page comprises 24 Rows of characters. When
`displayed on a television screen each Row occupies about
`20 television display lines. Each Row is generated from
`the infortnation on one television Data-Line.
`is to
`avoid confusion with television ‘lines’ that Teletext Pages
`are said to contain ‘Rows’.
`Graphics 5ct—see Contiguous Graphics Set and Separated
`Graphics Set.
`Harnrnirtg Code—ln the Teletext system a Harrtrriing Code
`is a Byte containing four message bits and four protection
`transmission in
`which Rows contaiiairtg no iriformatiort are not
`mitted. This reduces the access times ofthc system. The
`non-transmitted Rows are displayed as Rows of I1I'llJ0)U.'.d
`PMC Exhibit 2100
`PMC Exhibit 2100
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 9
`Page 9

`black Spaces.
`Sepanied Graphic: Set-The set of 96 Display Characters
`64 Separated Graphics Characters
`corresponding to the Contiguous Graphics Characters
`listed in .columns 2a, 3a, 6: and ‘la of Table 3, together
`with the 32 Blast-Throuyr Alphanumerics Characters of
`columns 4 and 5.
`Separated M-ode—The Display Mode in which there is a
`Background Colour boundary around and between the
`six cells of the Graphics Characters within the Character
`Rectangle (see Figure 8).
`Space—A Character Rectangle entirely filled by the back-
`ground colour.
`the information for
`Subtitle l’age—A Page in Wl'LiI:h all
`display is Boxed, and Control Bit C5 is set
`to allow this
`irtfonnarion to be automatically inset or added to a
`television picture.
`Teletext—An information transmission system using the
`data and display formats described in sections 2 and 3 of
`this document.
`Teleirision Data-Line-—see Data—Line.-
`Tune-Coded Page—ln addition to a Magazine number and
`Page number a Page may be assigned a “Tirrte Code‘ of one
`of 3200 numbers arranged as two ‘Hours' digits and two
`‘Minutes’ digits.
`'I‘ code may be used to select one of
`many Pages, bearing the same Magazine and Page number,
`transmitted in sequence. When the lransmiaion of each
`version of the Page is isolated or infrequent this code may
`be made literally the ‘Hours’ and ‘Minutes’ of the clock-
`time at which it is transmitted.
`Time Display—The last eight characters of every Page-
`Header are resenred for clock-ti:-ne. A receiver may be
`arranged to display these characters from the Rolling
`Headers to give a clocl-:-time display.
`PMC Exhibit 2100
`PMC Exhibit 2100
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 10
`Page 10

` wfimmman_._Bc.__ms_uzoE_c_..5_n.u_m__
`__.I|!‘\x ||‘_
`PMC Exhibit 2100
`PMC Exhibit 2100
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple V. PMC
`Page 11
`Page 11

`1oox_ 1""_'T£ _ _ w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ E _ _
`-.".". .7 -'_- .77.‘ T7‘. 3‘ ‘-_'
`Binary '1'
`039-3‘-_"C_K____ 5_‘"""""°_'
`'TS ""9
`19 (332)
`'‘~;-'._:-';-.- ~_:-_.-'-;.
`D ta-L‘
`13 13339
`Binary '0 leveiz 0{i2]"3E
`Binary ‘I’ level: 66(i5]'3E
`Basil: Data
`Data Amplitude
`12° :23 "5
`Clock Run-in
`PMC Exhibit 2100
`PMC Exhibit 2100
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 12
`Page 12

`53 Ln
`4,--— centre of
`,/ by transmifiion
`shape determined
`" Based on practic
`current in
`September 19?6
`" '1uniIs of approx.
`144 nsl
`FIG. 5

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