PMC Exhibit 2067
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 1

`Rhythm .z_.mIt
`TV test generator
`Front covershows the nterior offa
`Mullard scanning coil assembly for
`a colour television tube.
`Photographer Paul Brierley.
`Sensitive metal detector con-
`using beat
`frequency oscillator principle but
`with beat oscillator
`mixed with
`5th harmonic
`search oscillator frequency.
`Power semiconductor survey
`on construction and characteris-
`tics of
`power Darlingtons and f.e.’ts"and
`related devices with applications
`. and circuits.
`Instrument pro-
`Stereo coder.
`viding a signal for itesting stereo
`receivers and tuners or distribut-
`ing programmes in showrooms,
`etc. "The design uses no induc-
`thus simplifying construc-
` iriecimnci.;s,reieias.a..n, Audio 1
`MARCH 1977‘ f
`. V'ol83_ No1495
`A Contents
`'31 The consciousness industry
`32 Electronic rhythm unit by A. Battaiotto and G.Ronzi
`37. News of the month
`UK to consult on frequency allocations 4
`Miniature television set '
`1 Government support for electronics industry
`Circuit ideas
`Octal display for microprocessors
`Semiconductor tester
`Linear voltage controlled amplifier
`H.F. predictions
`Interference from amateur stations by 1. Jackson
`EEC data-processing cash
`Television pattern generator by R. A. Owen and D. Brenkley
`Vlewdata -— 2 by S. Fedida
`Logic design — 3 by B. Holdsworth and L. Zissos
`Letters to the editor
`Advanced pre-amplifier design
`Circular insert generator
`Industry to study Citizens’ Band
`62 Can oscillators be “common”? by “Cathode Ray” _
`Identifying European television — 2 by G. Smith and K. Hamer
`67 Weather satellite facsimile machine — 4 by G. R. Kennedy
`69 Special-purpose amplifiers — Circards 33_ by J. Carruthers,
`J. H. Evans, J. Kinsler and P. Williams
`73 Mobile radio communication — 3 by D. A. S. Drybrough
`77 Wireless World index, binding and p.c. boards
`l 78 World of amateur radio
`79 New products
` Current issue price 35p, back issues (if availab1e).50tp, at Retail and Trade>Counter,»Paris Garden.
`vailable)' 50p, order and payment to Room 11,
`London SE1. By post, current issue 55p, back 1SSl.\eS (i
`Dorset House. London SE1 9LU.
`‘Editorial &. Advertising offices: Dorset Hou:;e.'S1ainford Street. London SE1 9LU.
`Telephones: Editorial 01-261 8620; Advertising 01-261 8339.
`Telegrams/Telex. Wiworld Bisnesprcs 25137 London. Cables. "Eiliaworld. London SE1.“
`Subscription rates: lyear: £7.00 UK and overseas ($18.20 USA and Canada). Student rate: 1 year. £3.50
`UK and overseas ($9.10 USA and Canada).
`Distribution: 40 Bowling Green Lane. London ECIR ONE. Telephone’ 01-837 3636.
`Subscriptions: Oakfield House. Perrymount Rd. Haywards Heath. Sussex RH16 3Dl-i. Telephone
`V 0444 59188. Subscribers are requested to notify a change of address.‘ (C)
`I.P.C. Business Press Ltd, 1977
` PMC Exhibit 2067
`PMC Exhibit 2067
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2
`Page 2
`Iriirmamnu Gusmm
`mg. Asxncwu
`nut! 51 nu nun .
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`Viewdata I
`32 -— Applications of the system
`by s. Fedida,‘ B.Sc.(Eng.), M.Sc., F.|.E.’E., A.C.G.|.
`L Post Office Research Centre
`Wireless World, March 1977
`dealing with
`applications of Viewclatal will conclude
`the discussion started last month (Fe—
`bruary issue) on the problem of ensur-
`ing adequate communication between
`the user and the computer -— what I
`have called the computer dialogue.
`While the index principle is clearly’
`adequate for the information service as
`such, a fuller dialogue is needed to cater
`for the very wide range of services
`provided by Viewdata,
`in particular a
`message facility, calculation ‘and games
`facilities and a range of
`services such as requests for advertising
`literature or otherdocurrientation and
`bookings of holidays and hotels.
`The design of the computer dialogue’
`is very important. Information put out
`by the computer to guide the user must
`be simple to understand, it" must not be .
`ambiguous and must not appear
`to '
`demand more than one reply at a time.
`Furthermore the action to be taken, by .
`the user following the display of a frame-
`of information must be clearly indicat? "
`the prompt, must always be
`inserted to ensure that the user does not
`lack guidance.regarding the next step.
`An example of part of a dialogue in
`the message service is shown in Fig. 1. It
`gives the flavour of the requirement and
`indicates some of the pitfalls.
`A third aspect of the communications;
`arrangements between user _and com-..
`puter concerns the general purpose set~5.'
`of non~indexed or dialogue instructions
`which may be needed by theuser in the
`course of a session. The object of these
`instructions, which _are only_ five in
`number, is to assist the user to recover
`from errors real or imagined and thus,
`enable him to maintain control of the
`-’situ_ation whatever happens. ,
`I .
`J The set of instructions selected for
`Viewdata for recovery from errors and
`more generally for coping with
`unforeseen problems is as follows:
`'can"riot‘_interpret the dialoguephé uses this“
`to make a fresh start. In other wordsjit
`provides a fallback option"for all unexpected‘
`2. To recall the previous page: ‘*‘0l
`Theipurpose of this instruction. is to enable
`the user to check the contents of the previous
`in case of miskeying errors, real or
`3. To recall the current page: '*‘0O
`The purpose of this instruction is to cause the
`computer to retransmit the current page, in ,
`case some; of
`the information has been
`corrupted. Interestingly enough,
`little evi-
`dence has been seen so far of serious data
`corruptionduring transmission.
`4. To jump to a known page (number
`N): "N:
`The purpose_of this instruction is to enable I
`the user to jump straight
`to the required“ ’
`page, if he knows its number, thus by-passing
`- the step by step approach.

`5. To correct a miskeying error:
`If an entryis error it may be erased by
`keying *” anda fresh startmade.
`,1. To return to the top of the selection-» '
`tree: ’~‘:
`the pi
`This instruction is mainly used .at
`completion of one enquiry, when it is desired. ‘
`to start a new one. Alternatively if the user ’
`finds himself perhaps on the wrong track, or_ ,
`These instructions are normally
`engraved on the keypad associatediwith _l
`thus providing: a constant
`reminder of; what action is. needed. to
`cope with the unforeseen.
`Office version of a
`Viewdata terminal
`known as
`‘Note the integral
`keypad and
`telephone handset
`Applications of Viewdata
`The rangeof applications of Viewdata i
`theoretically unlimited. In practice i
`will be determined primarily by the.
`market — what users want and whaté
`‘they are prepared to pay for. There are”
`six distinct service_areas,'each with 1 _
`own specific requirements and each,
`using the interactive capability of the”.
`system to some degree:
`0 general information services
`0 message communications
`0 education
`0 calculation
`0 personal services
`O in—house and private systems.
`Information. The largest area capable V
`‘immediate development is the inform
`tion service area. Ithas a number
`subdivisions, with differing Characte
`'istics and treatments,_ e.g.:
`information; reference information‘,
`vided into general and professionai
`K classified advertisements; and shoppi
`The range of topical information its
`covers'a number of different items, 511
`as news, sports results’ and weath
`information, each ‘item in turn 0.0
`prising a very wide spectrum sue ,
`’ local news, national and internatiofl
`events, business neg/EA
`PMC Exhibit 2067
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 3
`Page 3

`PMC Exhibit 2067
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 4

`Wireless wond, March 1977
`eschew all manuals and Complicated
`instructions and so to organise the
`dialogue that users may, without any
`specialised training whatever, carry out
`the calculations they desire. Instruc-
`tions for entering requirements are
`given by the system as and when they ’
`are needed and the dialogue is so
`arranged that"er._r-.ors may be caught
`quite simply as they occur (Fig. 3).
`An additional feature of the calcula-
`tion programme is a curve or histo-
`gram plotting facility related to the
`computations carried out.
`Personal services.‘We have seen that
`Viewdata users are able to enter
`information into the system for example
`for message purposes. This clearly could
`be extended by arranging that
`information is only accessible to the
`user or to one or more other persons
`nominated by him.
`We now enter a fairly sensitive area
`i of security (or privacy) of information.
`Much study ’wi’ll-“need to be done to
`ensure that information thus entered is
`indeed reasonably well protected. Ini-
`tially, however, the studies are concen-
`trated on information which,
`in the
`individual’s opinion is not too sensitive.
`A user may enter perhaps reminders to
`himself of meetings, dates,
`numbers, data for his own private use
`and the like. A typical one may be a
`2 reminder to send flowers to the wife on
`her birthday! Even in such fairly
`innocuous cases, passwords are provid-
`ed to ensure that accidental disclosure
`of private information does not occur.
`In house and private data banks. An"
`extension of the personal information
`service is
`the use of the Viewdata
`network to store and provide access to
`information of interest to closed user;
`groups on certain specific topics, e.g.,
`employees of a business house. Also a
`minimum degree of privacy will need to
`be provided, although absolute privacy i
`is not an objective of the system, at least
`in the initial stages.
`In the case of closed user groups,
`information and data might be collected
`for the benefit of groups having similar
`interests. For example the source of
`supply of certain commodities used in
`certain categ'ories of business, e.g.'
`building supplies with current prices,_
`availability etc.
`Clearly the range of potential services
`of this nature is open ended. Develop
`ment will no doubt take place in this;
`area as the capability of
`this ne
`medium becomes apparent
`usage and experimentation.
`Thenext article will deal with th
`operation of the Viewdata system 1
`1. S. Fedida —— Development of Compute
`based Information Media for the Gerlef
`Public. Paper presented at 2nd Internatlon
`Symposium on Subscriber Loops a_f_‘._x
`Services 3-7 May, 1976. The Institution
`Electrical Engineers, London.
`PMC Exhibit 2067
`PMC Exhibit 2067
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 5
`Page 5
`tor on the Viewdata set to give a count
`of the unanswered calls.
`When the call
`is answered,
`computer places a high pitched tone on
`the line (1300 Hz), which indicates to‘
`the user that the Viewdata computer is
`calling. Pushing the data button on the
`telephone-set causes the computer to
`send the message frame preceded by
`introductory frames to ascertain user‘
`number, etc.
`A similar procedure applies when the
`addressee, on returning to his Viewdata
`set, finds the “somebody has called”
`light on. On dialling Viewdata and after
`entering his user number the message is
`Another message option provides the
`" user with the facility of inserting in the
`standard text one or more words,
`numeric or alphanumeric, e.g. times of
`arrival in a “I shall be arriving on the
`. train” message.
`Finally, users who have the alphabe-
`tic keypad may be able to compose their
`own messages.
`these message options v use the
`same method of delivery illustrated
`above and all provide the facility for
`sending one or more messages to one or
`more addressees, in a single transaction,
`thus saving the user a very considerable’
`amount of time, particularly when the
`same message has to be sent to several
`A simple extension of the message
`facility is the interconnection with
`telex‘. Viewdata benefits in the
`enhancement of
`its communication
`facilities by its interconnection with an-
`extensive telex network with an inter-
`national coverage. Telex benefits in"
`three ways: it acquires a powerful store
`and forward capability;
`it acquires an
`additional number of customers, not_ i
`normally on theltelex network; and it
`could relieve congestion in the telex
`room at peak hours by repeating a telex
`‘ message direct to an executive's View-
`datapho_ne_on his desk.
`A further potential extension of the
`Viewdata message service is in the case’
`of business mail. This could provide a‘
`useful load to the Viewdata computer
`network, during the night, for example,
`when its facilities are mostly unused.
`Finally because Viewdata displays
`messages visually on the domestic tv
`receiver, it could provide a cheap and
`convenient way for deaf people to
`communicate at a distance, among
`themselves and with other people.
`Education. Viewdata may be applied to
`the education field in three areas. The
`is the conventional
`services providing details of educational
`facilities, e.g. what courses are available
`and where, details of qualifications
`required, .and who to apply to. This
`service could be structured underfa
`number of different headings, such as
`subject titles and local facilities, and the
`usual method of access would be
`The otherareas are the more exciting
`possibilities of using Viewdata to assist'_
`in the learning process. Many attempts
`have been made recently, particularly in.
`the United States,
`to introduce this
`system of learning (computer assisted
`learning), which has many obvious-
`advantages. It could relieve very consi-'
`derably the day to day pressure on
`teachers and lecturers, who would then’ -
`beable to devote more of their time to
`‘ the individual requirements and diffi-'
`culties of their pupils. The potential of
`this education riiediumfor hor_ne—learn.-i
`ing is also of great importance. '

`Unlike conventional ,methods o.f
`learning, Viewdata, by taking advan-
`tage of interactive working, can provide
`the student with assistance when
`required and a method of self-m,onitor-
`ing and self-testing which could greatly.
`increase the speed of
`learning and
`provide the necessary intellectual sti-
`mulus to the student.
`Viewdata in education could also be
`invaluable to parents in enabling them
`to follow the educational progress of
`their children and thus possibly enable
`them to help and encourage them more
`A related aspect of education is'the
`games facility where again the
`interactive capability of the computer is
`called for. The field for educational
`games is vast and so far two pro-.
`grammes have been experimented with;
`One is MOO, which is an exercise in
`logical thinking,’ wherein the user has to
`guess a four digit number selectedat
`random by the computer. The guessing
`or deduction is made as a result of clues
`given by the computer in response to a
`“guess”. The other is a maze game’,
`increasing in complexity’ from the very
`simple to the more complexgwhich is a
`good example of pattern recognition
`(see Fig. 2).
`Calculations. The primary» purpose of
`Viewdata is not to provide a calcula-
`tions service, but as illustrated earlier
`an information and message service.
`Nevertheless the availability of a
`number of distributed computers a local
`call distance away suggests that for
`very little extra cost a useful calculation
`service could be provided to students,
`small businesses and indeed all who
`might need its fairly limited but poten-
`tially very useful facilities.
`Little would be gained if the calcula-
`tor facilities were limited to those.
`provided by the small mass-produced
`calculators. Such a service would be-
`hopelessly uncompetitive. Neither
`would a great deal be gained by
`, providing the sophisticated facilities of
`the now wellestablished computer
`bureaux. The professional user of‘
`extensive computational
`facilities is
`already well catered for.
`Rather it is intended to fill the gap
`between the two, some of which is at
`present covered by the more expensive
`hand or desk calculator. Unlike these
`more complex and powerful machines,
`however,*the Viewdata approach is to

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