`resolution T
`crystal ear
`PMC Exhibit 2013
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 1

`PMC Exhibit 2013
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2
`PMC Exhibit 2013
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2

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`ufiaxzi Ml fmxmi, ma ¢?I:K§,¥H’.-‘Eda Catw-
`mazmpaz Eiamuxt. «:19 an iau;e~:mmi:sn.w
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`him iszxamaii. mt? hujsdmfls reef mint:
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`tircauékn mm liémrazlig be 119311! in the
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`rcsmgxr-ausazté lrighzz-vwsiwtinn
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`zéng thrcmgh. Fm: this dtmmstmiieam
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`gang. Time 21:21:15; wax: mmtzmd. mil ac‘
`'mI':&93; met -rzslar x-mum warn amated.
`Fm? {urn
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`tkg Tiznzsit, 312 33.393.
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`Imdné mpam mfimzzl
`ihzsm aim;;isn;ao;laV Ctuxaailgu amen-
`gamas-né. azrzaiezag: rap-Eng; {ax pauaiagg
`?£’!aLi.74?‘ $2-«mi.
`glam; an xzmym Same
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`%i‘1':Li§n:‘£y. tabs with :24” the angina?
`sigma} w.i&'h gash figneetmzirxzz.
`Elfixgéiiifiél sigma by émalzr-35%: are
`mm» Lam gmwngaax at
`gmlsgs an mm. Thszry smswiwe mine;
`misysian and tnpia1gn;1;¢h Imézugzr. and
`Casual}; camparai‘ the xiégztai labs
`niqmz in pzaurizug matting ffmm glam its
`gzlsa. ‘F52: mnrbéefi i'sL=é;z;i!£;ai bizsfi 372%
`€338 Emgtiziéetg wage EI¥l£§‘fE§-ficéli Witt;
`5:§°.any‘a new aixgasgl
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`W»: cm]? me-:3 £12323 imglrcrwzmaat um’:
`that am
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`my-as zsmdrz wmx. xmren: mam! am Esq»
`use-Qty Illsaamxm e:t3m4m.. 1:5I)’I‘V s:'e~3nm3~c:I'a-
`are laxalzetssae memzn ax .tEé3!C4t}6Z4!.I3 12¢ Exxarsg
`the razaéitm u?wida~mmm mama: and
`tithe! jxmgzwimu cimux gym: Erumes. Ehxm
`Lug 93-us dgmxmata-zizian mi" :1 Mwgfl
`npm-mi: aria‘ meg:-mtaad !i'§'5‘i’bEh§P;g txr-
`Ewwn aiurm and rzwncnqzézcvuiz marks
`l‘El!1f.§'€ 3Em“w‘3 asifi.-unfiagea eziavifiszs
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`id hum, timrl: €331‘;
`hr; vahaaimaui wjéih
`§'~c’TSiZ wkzr §§.'i§'||§l11’§l.
`HUN’ F-éaztuwfi am: he *£mI'&:zIz‘i:£sL«zi.
`W‘:-lb immiruance lbrightnani emadmiur
`. nsaked. Exmnlfinrd‘ '1"? 5i
`mg:3m*¢:Ex3mhia'1H§ fi3i”«"&~','E§3-7!§$i'l3|§;!
`f‘é:xr xztscxszeses
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`kzwetwewm lzaizatk-arufi-w1;Iw
`ream? nnigxr f'!§fi1".f§fW¥I':l..
`‘man may firs: unuznszz-.T 1r£E]’I"i" um.
`rm :1 TV rezmévvga‘ but e:|‘&;>;§ilx:yv:€ nabs.
`muaaaxar mmtira» attesert“ $2423: migm
`mum? iisgpmtmyxgaz
`gem» 1-izénm
`9: 3:33: fiat“ ]r%aE=lyw1 rmé.»;::o«31x»r§;:€uru, ¥3.I)Ek
`Eibsxt T3-’€i!J3I§
`ix; mxiwmd Lax film ’€ir3~
`kmmpérasgr cdtm mivanmgeas in vsscestezww
`my and Butihéliijy.
`in I «difiksmni appfiimtizxn,
`glam “Lu uses HEFIV [Em flsum three
`year: L41 1-Itinmtvt siamtard bmm}:-mates;
`HD‘l"%3 apes ‘«i*f:v1J]1i]§t!e‘]‘€33§!11§[§-=E'§1§s&§ sari»
`lléfifiiilixfwé. was}:
`en; Srzsaaazs
`email zavamimg wétkrzlum
`;aiz*.I;:.:m dmmdatim. aim cxarn-»oas‘r~
`stint: Li» angular 1‘t“T'Sfl wwréiflgk
`film flabiww nmi harden
`arza-:1 tapm may bring KDT17 via :.em: in:
`1412.: §§§E‘é‘:'J‘~a. Y-an waulmi mm! : gawk!
`J‘>w£~i'r."\-.-1' $15 §ila!w'E:?, bux inch naéuizza
`21234161 i:'3r'5;u.m the wméurdn :.‘n.~d mm,-
`Jawry zamfiblve-cma at‘ i::.rmmic:a:r1 EM?‘
`"’I*§n:-. t‘Ii5a.h1g1.\£1§_£§i3Ifsé% whexher r-ma‘ Ia
`airing be £343 £.¥’J1i&'§R§'!|$ an El‘;-B fi»maim.3
`pmlilia rs: whtflver it Wiéi? ha:
`-:mI;v,' Ear the 1:€n§mp&1ile with the-1:195:63;
`ta Izsuyaili thaw: \anciJ§ari22:r," mid Flax
`hxetrty. Getting; wi£Ien’h»End.Ei1}"E"¥‘ mm
`Iimmixzmeél tluamzteiafi, ht atsiri, ”d§p13ruh
`an the skill Dfihz I1Eug§EzIz1zrixagr:£rrt9:rnu—
`131%»; hr ma}-;n: it iii."
`PMC Exhibit 2013
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 3
`PMC Exhibit 2013
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 3

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