
`PMC Exhibit 2119
`Apple v. PMC
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`oO IPR2016-00Pag
`PMC Exhibit 2119
`PMC Exhibit 21
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. P
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`Rople fic/lle 128K, Mousetext, ProDOs
`This User Guide is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. This document
`may not,
`in whole or part,
`be copied,
`translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable
`form without prior consent,
`in writing,
`from Virtual Combinatics.
`to make
`YIRTURL COMBINATICS reserves the right
`product described in this User Guide at any time without notice.
`to the
`copy protection for your
`is distributed without
`Micro Cookbook
`protection. Please make a backup copy before using.
`two man years and considerable
`Virtual Combinatics has invested over
`money developing this product for you, and has priced it low enough se
`that all computer owners can afford te buy it. Giving a copy to a
`friend is a violation of copyright
`Protect a vital, useful and important new industry trying to bring you
`useful and creative software.
`is much more than
`Virtual Combinatics feels that a software product
`the diskette it is written on. We feel that the product
`is the sum of
`the software, documentation, packaging and support. Gur products are
`supported by a ten-hour per day, Monday thru Saturday, support
`line to
`help you resolve any problems or
`answer any questions you have
`regarding our products.
`PMC Exhibit 2119
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`MICRO COOKBOGK is both a “computerized cookbook series" and a recipe
`management system.
`is a cookbou. since Virtual Combinatics
`is an
`electronic publisher and has included over 154
`International recipes
`with the product. Thses recipes were carefully researched to provide
`fur and unusual meals based on common
`ingredients. Our
`version of many classic recipes are also included, since we know every
`cook is always searching for the ultimate veal picatta recipe.
`MICRO COOKBOOK is a recipe management system since you can enter your
`own recipes, modify recipes and remove unwanted recipes. Your own
`cookbook diskettes can also be created. Recipes can be
`searched by recipe name,
`ingredient<s? and/or classification<s). They
`also can be adjusted up or down in serving size and your shopping list
`can easily be prepared.
`that you have the complete MICRO COOKBOOK
`This User Guide assumes
`package. This package includes the MICRO COOKBOOK SOFTWARE diskette,
`the BASIC RECIPES diskette and this User Guide. The two diskettes may
`be distributed on one “flippy" diskette. Your Apple llc or Ile should
`be fully functional with at least one disk drive.
`This User Guide is very brief since MICRO COOKBOOK is so easy to use.
`This quide will, most
`likely, serve only as a reference in the future.
`Introduction describes MICRO COOKBOOK and tells you how to get
`started. The Introduction should be read first.
`Chapter 2 explains the basic retrieval functions and indices.
`Chapter 3 describes more personalized features such as entering your
`own recipes, modifying existing recipes,
`removing unwanted recipes,
`and the product
`Chapter 4 details the printing functions.
`Chapter 5 details other MICRO COOKBOOK features including nutrition
`and calorie quides,
`cooking terms,
`food sterage hints, etc. This
`chapter alsa details how to create your own recipe diskettes.
`It details how you can
`Chapter 6 explains the Application Environment.
`run manu programs from within this simple, user friendly environment.
`In addition,
`it details use of the Scratch Pad concept and its use.
`from using
`Appendix A describes the error messages that may result
`their meaning, and subsequent actions to take.
`Appendix B describes the Maintenance/reorganization facility provided
`with HIChO COOKBOOK, and how it can be used.
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`Apple v. PMC
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`TEN SUR OS ce cae sacs ace sme Ran Sw eee RE KON ORR OLN HO
`The Computer-Age Cookbook... 0.0.6 eee cece eee 1
`What Can Micro Cookbook Do........-.05-.0 0. 2c eee eee
`mit Goutnteent Go | NeGd. ns caw cmnwe eee cal ERE RGR Ode ers ocd
`Before Using Micra Cookbook, 2.5 cies caw ve ces Heme’ oi wee vs
`Getting Stor tedvc: cswex vax os eew 2a8es SeR ve Ses Wee vePORE Ee
`Screens, Windows and Dialogue Boxes...................0.
`Micro Cookbook Control Method.................. a Pocwoese are
`Micro Cookbook Control Keys...........0 06.00. e cee aes
`CHAPTER 2: BASIC FUNCTIONS... kee eee eee 9
`The TRY CR esac wsce ca are ere aware ae ee oar maar as
`Helrievinig 6 HOCiIOG. 1% ven src ce HO Fes How KE KOE HA ROS eR OE g
`Adjusting the Serving Size... .. ee eee 10
`Searching Across Multiple Recipe Files.................,.
`Potten Recogit tich SW sacs, cases aww cw ves Kiwwe wRERS He
`Special Main Menu Commands. .......... 00.002. ce eee eee eee 12
`Printing @ Screen Image or Recipe.................2.0... 3
`Ti Retipe DIGS igo csi css swsay tore tow oe vas ee ewm awe as
`Recipe Display Pop-up Functions..................-..045- 16
`Erveriid: 4 ABCIGG. cccis cocks ES boos BOO tw Dee BER eee be 8
`Selecting Recipes by Class/Ingredient................... 20
`HG PCU? PUANos ins comes oss 840% COREE ROS CHESS CARER CORRE ED 20
`Storage Capacity, Limitations............... 0.00. c eee eee 21
`CHAPTER 45 PRINTING FURCT IONS i ois sss cxwee cowie wee on rane wee ew oe 22
`The Printing Functions Sub-Menu..................-2..4.. z2
`Printing a Shopping List... 0.0.0... cece eee ee eee 22
`Adjusting Serving Size on Shopping List................. Zz
`Printing a Screen Image... 0.0... cece eee eee eee 23
`CHAPTER Si REFERENCE, HELP AND CREATE acs poss oa cerns eeees seuee ws 24
`The Reference Sub-Menu... 0... eee eee eee eee 24
`Help and Information Pop-up Window...................... 24
`Creating Your Own Cookbooks..................Lee BOS WA we 25
`CHAPTER &: THE APPLICATION ENVIRONMENT.......................2.2... 26
`OM Pt AONB. ccs ose em comm wr re are ae BER BOE es 26
`He Bad Hee TS Wee Ihe cpves cerea ewe se wee ewes Hee ES HOES we 2?
`Application Environment and Set-up.................00005 28
`Fhe Maite Herat Popsits Bisa css case sen cere eeeee wees we 30
`Lig) Sih SERGEPag scsics cme cam acim wares wee ome Ee BE BE 31
`Micra Cookbook Set-up... 0.0.00... .0 cece eee c even caeeeeees 32
`RPPENUIS Fi: ERROR MESSAGES a5 cic ce ies eoaww ewews mee Dae Maree wareare ee 34
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`PMC Exhibit 2119
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` FeTY
`With Micro Cookbook your personal computer's full power can be put
`use solving "real" daily preblems, helping around the house. Micro
`the computer-age answer
`to meal planning and cooking
`requiremants of today and beyond.
`the seams with an
`two bursting at
`You probably have a recipe box or
`unknown and unmanaged quantity of recipes. You've probably purchased
`your previous cookbooks in a traditional medium Ci.e. book). All
`ts behind you now,
`you are entering the age of home
`management. Micro Cookbook is software that helps you manage, store,
`search and retrieve your recipe collection. Best of all,
`it is easy to
`use and involves no programming or computer knowledge to run.
`can be used to answer,
`Micro Cookbook
`following types of questions:
`* | have chicken,
`tomatoes and onions-what can | make for dinner?
`* Blueberries ore in season-what dessert recipes use blueberries?
`like having Mexican food tonight.
`* |
`and tomatoes-what recipes can i make?
`| have onions, peppers
`* How do | make Zucchini Parmesan?
`* What will
`| need to buy when shopping if | plan to make ...?
`* What does blanch mean?
`* How many calories are there in a can of tuna?
`and much more.
`any recipe for smaller or
`Micro Cookbook can automatically adjust
`serving sizes.
`can also help manage your
`allowing for
`the storage,
`search and retrieval
`of a
`personal recipe collection. The creation of
`individual separate Micro
`Cookbook recipe disketttes ic also provided.
`Whether using the BASIC RECIPE diskette supplied with the product, one
`of our optional additional chapters, or a recipe diskette created by
`the user, all
`the helpful and informative capabilities of the product
`are available.
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`To use Micro Cookbook you need:
`AR stock Apple lic computer or an Apple tle equipped wi th
`* 128K of memory (extended 80 column card)
`* The Mousetext video ROM
`* One disk drive
`Two Micro Cookbook diskettes:
`* The Micro Cookbook SOFTWARE diskette
`* The Micra Cookbook BASIC RECIPES diskette
`Optionally Micro Cookbook will support
`* A printer to carry out printing functions
`* fin Apple Mouse
`* A joystick
`* A hard disk for storing recipes and the software
`* fidditional blank diskettes for creating cookbooks
`security and
`is distributed un-protected for your
`Micra Cookbook
`convenience. Before using the product PLEASE MAKE A BACKUP COPY of the
`SOFTWARE and BASIC RECIPES diskette. The ProBOS FILER program can be
`used for this purpose.
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`Micro Cookbook is easy to use, however you should read the remaining
`sections in this and the following chapters to become more familiar
`with the product before giving it a try.
`To start Micro Cookbook simply...
`the MICRO COOKBOOK SOFTWARE diskette in the built
`drive (disk drive R on an Apple Ile).
`in disk
`Close the disk drive door.
`Turn on the computer and the monitor.
`The disk wil! click and whir for a few seconds loading the program.
`R lined screen wil! appear with a box on the left hand side of it.
`This is the Application Environment which allows you ta run Micro
`Cookbook and most of your other programs by simply pointing to the
`program's description by the cursor direction keys or a mouse and
`pressing the RETURN key or clicking the mouse once.
`To run Micro Cookbook, simply point to it and press RETURN.
`The disk drive will click and whir while Micro Cookbook is being
`loaded into the computer. A dialogue box wil! pop-up indicating this
`lined Micro Cookbook logo screen will appear. This screen looks
`very much like the Application Environment screen.
`Micro Cookbook wil! search for a free disk drive and request with a
`dialogue box that the RECIPE diskette be inserted in this drive.
`Take the SOFTWARE diskette out of the disk drive.
`Turn it over (Micro Cookbook BASIC RECIPES label
`insert the diskette in the requested disk drive.
`facing up) and
`Close the disk drive door.
`Press any key to proceed.
`The Micro Cookbook Main Menu will now be on the computer screen. You
`are now ready to run Micro Cookbook.
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`term, menu-driven. This simply
`to use a computer
`Micro Cookbook is,
`means a screen presents a series of choices from which you make your
`selection or “fill-in” the requested information.
`These screens can
`be either “full
`screen", meaning a whole screen is used to request
`information, or provide options, windows, which “pop-up” on top of a
`full screen providing additional
`functions not displayed on the full
`screen, or “dialoque windows” which pop-up indicating error messages,
`OK to proceed prompts or informational messages.
`The Main menu depicted below is a good example of a menu-driven full
`Select s recipe directly (alternate serving size)
`ENTER 3 new recipe
`Select a recipe from the RECIFE index
`Select a recipe from the INGREDIENT index
`Select 3 recipe from the CLASSIFICATION index
`Terminology, Messurements and Reference Sub-meni
`PRINTING functionz and SHOPPING LIST Sub-menu
` A
`HKELF and information on Micro Cookbook functions
`[ESC] Pop-up window functions (Scratch pad, SWITCH + QUIT)
`Point to function, enter number or recipe name ->
`The Main menu contains a list of functions and a corresponding number
`to press in order
`io select
`function. Near
`the bottom of
`screen is a blank area preceeded by an "->". This area can be used ta
`enter responses directly. Look for
`the blinking cursor
`is normally positioned where
`a direct
`response is
`toa be
`following page, overlays
`“pop-up” window, depicted on
`current full-screen, and provides additional
`functions or
`these functions that
`is not normally on the screen. The Pop-up
`windows operate in “point directed" mode which is described in the
`naxt section.
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`ectly (alternate serving size}
`tions (Scratch pad, SWITCH + QUIT}
`QUIT Micro Cookbook
`SWITCH recipe file
`Set SORT options
`PRINT the ecratch pad
`VIEW the scratch pad
`CLEAR the gcrstch pad
`SAVE the scratch pad
`LOAD the scratch pad
`Output to SCRATCH PAD
`RETURN to Main Menu
`Point to function, then
`select by preszing @
`or [RETURN]
`tte RECIPE index
`the INGREDIENT index
`remente and Reference Sub-menu
`e arid SHOPPING LIST Sub-menu
`on Micro Cookbook functions
`Example of a pop-up window
`this pop-up window overlays the Main menu and provides
`Notice that
`functions not available on that menu.
`It was popped-up by pressing the
`ESC key (see the last function listed on the Nain menu example).
`A “dialogue box" pops-up on top of a full screen, a pop-up window or
`in some cases,
`top of another dialoque box.
`A dialogue box,
`depicted below, will
`appear whenever one or more of
`the following
`conditions exist:
`* Additional
`information is required.
`* An error condition has been detected.
`* To provide "ARE YOU SURE 7” prompts.
`Example of a dialoque box
`indicate the condition or message and what
`The dialogue box will
`response Micro Cookbook requires.
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`two modes of operation; direct data entry and
`Micro Cookbook has
`“point directed” control. Direct data entry is simply typing in data
`the blinking cursor.
`In many cases it
`is like typing on a form.
`Entering a recipe name at
`the bottom of
`the main menu
`is a good
`example of this type of mode. Entering a number corresponding ta the
`function desired is another. Most direct data entry is followed by
`pressing the RETURN key.
`is another method of entering a choice wi thout
`the bother of
`typing anything. Simply point at
`the desired item or
`function Cin the case of a full screen menu, pop-up window or dialogue
`box) with the cursor direction keys or mouse and press the RETURN key.
`When using a mouse,
`the button can be clicked instead of pressing the
`RETURN key.
`When an item or function is pointed at, a reverse box ‘(highlight> will
`appear around
`to indicate your position. An
`example of POINT
`DIRECTED control
`is pressing the LEFT cursor control key at
`the Main
`“Pop up window functions
`(Scratch pad,
`SWITCH + OUIT>" will
`light up indicating your position, pressing the RETURN key will cause
`the function to be selected just as pressing the ESCAPE key would have
`in the direct mode.
`Press the LEFT cursor
`control key.
`[ESC]|Pop-up wendow funotrona (Seratch pad SWITCH + QUIT)
`if you happen to be using a mouse to direct Micro Cookbook,
`moving the mouse to the left or up would have the same effect as
`pressing the LEFT cursor contral key. Clicking the mouse button has
`the same effect cas pressing the RETURN key,i.e.
`the function will be
`Micro Cookbook can easily be manipulated by a few special
`to pop-up
`keys or
`the mouse button.
`The special
`keys allow you
`windows, select menu functions, maneuver within a given screen (so you
`need fill
`in only the relevant or necessary data input areas), proceed
`ta the next screen, revert back to the previous screen, or print out
`the current screen.
`Two keys to the left of your keyboard are very useful - CTRL ‘control >
`and ESC (escape). The contro! key is very similar to the shift key. By
`it does nothing. Wher: used in conjuction with 'C' or 'P’,
`PMC Exhibit 2119
`means something special.
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`and the
`‘located to the left of the space key),
`The open apple key,
`closed apple key, Clocated ta the right of the space key), can be used
`to complete a function wher operating in the direct data entry mode
`filling in a screen where the RETURN key normally completes the data
`input area and positions the cursor toe the next
`input area. Prompts at
`the bottom of the screen will
`indicate when these keys are required.
`The special keyboard keys and their mouse button equivalents are
`described below.
`Cursor RIGHT
`Cursor LEFT
`Cursor UF
`Cursor OGWN
`The cursor right key is used to position the
`cursor to the next character in the data input
`is useful
`in general editing and for
`pointing ta the dasired function/item when
`operating in point directed made.
`The cursor left key is used te position the
`to the previous character entered in
`the data input area. It
`is useful
`for general
`editing and
`function/item when operating in point directed
`mode .
`The cursor up key is used to position to the
`last data input area. This key is useful
`editing and
`desired function/item when operating in point
`directed mode.
`to advance to the
`The cursor down key is used
`next data input area. This key is usefull
`editing and
`desired function/item wher operating in point
`directed mode.
`the last character
`The delete key will rub out
`entered in
`the data
`input area. Should a
`typing mistake be made,
`simply press this key
`and retype the character.
`The closed apple key is used to tell Micro
`that you are done
`filling in the
`screen, regardless of what data input area you
`are positioned at. You will proceed to the
`next screen or perform the function. Clicking
`the mouse will also accomplish the same thing.
`The escape key instructs Micro Cookbook to go
`back toe
`the previous screen. This
`is usually
`the most recent sereen displayed.
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`The open apple key is processed the same as the
`escape key.
`The return key is used to advance to the next
`directed mode, pressing this key will select
`the function or item currently pointed at.
`Pressing the RETURN key at the data input area
`at the bottom of the Main menu wil! pop-in the
`name of the last recipe retrieved.
`Clicking (pressing the mouse button once
`quickly) has the same effect as pressing the
`Moving the mouse forward, backwards, right and
`left has
`same effect as pressing the
`cursor UP, DOWN, RIGHT and LEFT respectively.
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`introduces some of Micro Cookbook's basic but powerful
`This chapter
`rapid retrieval
`the Main menu will appear on
`Once Micro Cookbook has been started up,
`functions that Micro Cookbook
`the screen. A menu is used to present
`can perform. Each function has a brief description to the left of a
`corresponding number which can be entered to select that function. The
`Main menu also has a blank date input area at the bottom of the screen
`Cafter “->"). The blinking cursor will be positioned here.
`The Main menu is used:
`* to directly retrieve a known recipe by name and serving size
`* to add a recipe to Micro Cookbook
`ingredient and classification)
`indices (recipe,
`* to present
`from which you can choose a recipe
`* to “call up" the reference, printing and help sub-menus
`* to “call up” the main menu pop-up window providing additional
`To retrieve a recipe at the Main menu, simply type in the recipe name
`followed by the RETURN key at the blinking cursor
`in the data input
`area at
`the bottom of
`the Main menu. Micro Cookbook will search for
`the recipe and retrieve the recipe if it exists.
`if the recipe can not
`be found, a dialogue box will
`inform you.
`ingredients required to
`A recipe is presented on two screens. The
`prepare the recipe will be displayed on the first screen, and the
`directions will appear on the second screen. To display the directions
`screen, simply point
`to the DIRECTIONS box on the bottom of the first
`screen with the cursor direction keys or a mouse and press the RETURN
`key or click the mouse. Pressing the escape key (ESC) will revert back
`to the first recipe screen. Pressing the escape key again wil! bring
`back the Main menu.
`recipe can also be retrieved from the data input areas on the
`Sub-menus and from a recipe index.
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`Select a recipe directly (alternete serving size)
`ENTER s new recipe
`Select 3 recipe from the RECIPE index
`Select s recipe from the INGREDIENT index
`Select a recipe from the CLASSIFICATION index
`Terminology, Measurements and Reference Sub-menu
`PRINTING fuswtions and SHOPPING LIST Sub-menu
`HELP snd information on Micro Cookbook functionz
`[ESC] Pop-up window functions (Scratch pad, SWITCH + QUIT)
`Point to function, enter number or recipe name ~> zucchini parmesan
`Retrieving a recipe from the Main menu
`the various quanities of
`Micro Cookbook can automatically adjust
`ingredients found in ary “ecipe up or down to an alternate serving
`size. This
`is accomplished by explicitly requesting a serving size
`when the recipe name is entered (requesting alternate serving size for
`a recipe can also be accomplished while that recipe is being displayed
`through the use of the FUNCTIONS pop-up window). To alter the serving
`size simply type the recipe name
`followed by a left parenthesis “<"
`and the desired serving size.
`-> zucchini parmesan(12
`Micro Cookbook will display the recipe with the ingredients adjusted
`to serve twelve people. The
`ingredients are adjusted proportional ly
`type of quanity adjustment may not be applicable toa all
`recipe ingredients.
`Micro Cookbook can search sariolly (one then another) across up to
`eight recipe files for a given recipe. This technique can be used to
`view various versions of a particular recipe, or locate a recipe that
`resides on a file other
`than the one currently active. The CONFIG
`function discussed in Chapter 6 details how to define primary and
`secondary recipe drives and paths in a priority sequence.
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`To search for a specific recipe across several recipe files,
`précede the recipe name with the NUMBER SIGN "*®". For example,
`locate all
`"ZUCCHIN! PARMESAN" recipes, enter:
`-> *zucchini parmesan
`Micra Cookbook will first search the primary file, volume or path for
`the requested recipe.
`If the recipe is nat
`it will proceed to
`the next file, volume or path defined. [f the recipe is found,
`it will
`be presented on the screen. The GLOBAL search can be terminated at any
`time by pressing the ESCAPE key. By entering any other key the program
`will continue the search until
`it locates the recipe or completes the
`search. Your Micre Cookbook should be set-up to use this function ‘see
`Chapter 6- Micro Cookbook set-up).
`Micro Cookbook provides a pattern recognition capability that allows
`greater flexibility when searching the recipe collection if the exact
`spelling of
`the item being searched for
`is not known. The ASTERISK
`and the NOT
`cheracters are special characters that can be used with a recipe,
`ingredient or classification name or part of a recipe,
`ingredient or
`classification name.
`ingredient or classification name indicates that any
`An * in a recipe,
`cheracters can occupy that character position in the name. A pattern
`follow or proceed the asterisk. For
`to find all recipes
`beginning with the cheracters “CH”, enter:
`-> CH*
`To find all recipes that contain the characters "CH", enter:
`-> *CH
`To find all recipes that contain the characters "CH"
`followed by "MAR"
`This type of search would find such recipes as "CHicken MARengo”.
`The GREATER “>” and LESS than “<" Characters
`ingredient or classification with a ">" or “<"
`Preceeding a recipe,
`instruct Micra Cookbook to search for recipes greater
`than or
`less than the characters following the symbol.
`To select recipes alphabetically greater than “T", enter:
`-> >J
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`The NOT “*" Character
`wil |
`Preceeding an ingredient or classification nama with a
`instruct Micro Cookbook to search for ingredients or classifications
`NOT the same as the following characters.
`To select recipes not containing SALT, enter:
`-> “SALT
`By pressing the ESCAPE key ‘ESC), or pointing to the Pop-up window
`function by point direction at
`the Main menu, a pop-up window wil!
`appear. Within that window are a number of
`functions that can be
`carried out. Most of
`these activities relate to the scratch-pad
`supported by the Application Environment. See Chapter 6 for details.
`tione (Scratch pad, SWITCH + QUIT)
`QUIT TMicro Cookbook
`SWITCH recipe file
`Set SORT options
`PRINT the scratch pad
`VIEW the scratch pad
`CLEAR the seratch pad
`SAYE the ecratch pad
`LOADthe acratch pad
`Output to PRINTER
`Output to SCRATCH PAD
`RETURN to Main Mena
`Point to function, then
`select by

`ectly (alternate serving size)
`the RECIPE index
`the INGREDIENT index
`remente and Reference Sub-men
`B and SHOPPING LIST Sub-menc
`on Micro Cookbook functions
`The Nain menu Pop-up window
`The following commands can be directly entered into the data input
`area on the Main menu:
`terminate Micro Cookbook and
`QUIT - typing quit at the Main menu will
`return ta the Application Environment.
`it is advised that quit be used
`to end,
`an orderly shutdown of
`the application
`assuring that the files are closed.
`the Main menu instructs Micro Cookbook to
`SWITCH - Typing switch at
`switch looking at
`the current recipe file, volume or path and start
`lacking at another. The default screen will oppeor and a new file,
`volume or path can be selected by pointing. The switch command PMGExbibit 2119
`PMC Exhibit 2119
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`used when simply removing one diskette and replacing it with anateple v. PMC
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`is desirable to have a paper copy of the recipe that you are
`Often it
`making or a printout of any screen. This is especially true if your
`is not
`located in the kitchen. Micro Conkbook provides many
`useful print functions most of which are detailed in Chapter 4.
`To print a specific recipe or any screen image prass CTRL and P. To
`use this function, a printer must be connected to your computer.
`A specialized recipe print function for printing recipes is provided
`on the Recipe Functions pop-up window. This print function is normal ly
`more suitable and convenient for printing recipes, more details are
`provided in Chapter 3.
`the definition of printer
`NOTE: Micro Cookbook allows
`characters. These characters can be used to determine the character
`font, spacing, etc. The Application Environment
`issues both a carage
`return and a line feed when printing. This may cause double spacing.
`Refer to Chapter 6 RE Set-up for more details.
`the recipe collection can
`Micro Cookbook manages recipe data so that
`be searched very rapidly.
`In order to previde this powerful search and
`the program maintains several
`indices which relate to the
`recipe date. Each recipe,
`ingredient and classification is stored in
`an index. These indices are available for use in selecting recipes.
`Each index screen contains the names of up to 54 items, appearing in
`three vertical columns. The item names appearing on the index depend
`type of
`either Recipe,
`Ingredient or
`index desired from the Main menu by one of
`following methods:
`the two
`* by entering the function number of the index corresponding to
`your choice (number
`for RECIPE index. 2 for
`or 3 for CLASSIFICATION index>, and select
`the function by
`pressing the RETURN key or clicking the mouse.
`to the desired index by point direction, using the cursor
`* point
`contre! keys or moving the mouse, select your choice by pressing
`the RETURN key or clicking the mouse.
`screens as
`index selected will be displayed in one or more
`depicted in the example on the following page.
`Items on each index are
`stored in random order for
`increased retrieval speed. The first time
`an index is requested it will be sorted in alphabetical order before
`being displayed.
`PMC Exhibit 2119
`PMC Exhibit 2119
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 19
`Page 19


`Point to item or enter item name ->
`Index Screen - select from index
`Each index allows four options
`item name Ceither
`classification name depending on the type of
`index) or a
`pattern recognition string at
`the data input area at
`battom of the screen where the blinking cursor is located and
`retrieve the desired item or a more qualified index.
`item nome
`index> by point
`type of
`classification depending on
`direction and retrieve the item by pressing the RETURN key or
`clicking the mouse.
`* Press the RETURN key or click the mouse to obtain the next
`index screen.
`* Press the ESCAPE key
`the Main menu.
`to terminate the index and return to
`The example above illustrates using point direction to select a recipe
`from the Recipe Index. ALMOND CHICKEN has been pointed to via point
`direction. Pressing the RETURN key or clicking the mouse would
`retrieve this recipe. Pressing ESCAPE while viewing the recipe would
`bring back this index with the last position marked. Using this method
`one could “page” through

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