`ED 208 891
`IR 009 805
`Moore, Robert C.
`Home Information Systems: A Primer.
`West Virginia Wesleyan Coll. Bucknannon,
`Jul 81
`#8. Va.
`MPOT/PCO2 Plus Postage.
`*Broadcast Television; *Cable Teievision;
`Communications; *Pamily Environment; Information
`Networks; Information Retrieval; *Information
`Systers; Microcomputers; *Online Systems;
`*Telecormunications; Video Equipment
`Home Information Systems; *Videotex
`The evolution of online home information systems,
`hature and function of such systems, and their potential for
`wide-scale use are discussed in detail. Different types of home
`informsaticn systeas, including one- and two-way interactive
`television, are described, and the unigue technological features of
`the teletext, viewdata, and videotext systems are reviewed. The
`state-of-the-art of each of these types of systems is outiined.
`huaber of experimental commercial systems, among these Warner Amex's
`QUBE, ATET*s Viewtron, and CoapuServes‘s Micronet, are briefly
`discussed. Scrzje of the barriers to the immediate growth of
`interactive video-based informzation systems are mentioned, and the
`issues of control over the flow of inforsgjation and preserving
`individual privacy are addressed. A table listing terms commcnly used
`in the discussion of video-based inforgation systems and two figures
`the text.
`A 56-iterx bibliography is also proviaed.
`Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best ‘that can be made
`from the original document.
`| SEEo oo ooooe
`PMC Exhibit 2110
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` ’
`x Ths document hes been reproduced a>
`recewed from the penen of orjruaton
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`Minor changes hawbeen made to Wnprowe
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`@ Punts of wey OF OpHMOnS stauteced er Eftchee
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`pesitecynn Oe peat We
`Departmert of Educational Media Services
`West Virginiaesleyan College
`Buckhannon, 7 V 26201
`Robert C. Moore, Director
`July, 1981
`Robert C. Moore
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`Apple v. PMC
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`Since the creation of man,
`there has teen a need to communicate.
`Starting as a simple transfer of ideas (to hunt,
`to eat,
`to love,) communi-
`cation grew to encompass formal conversation for purpose and for socialization.
`to insure the permanence of society and cullure, required the
`retrieval of knowledge so that it might be passed on to the young; writing
`and recording systems and utensils were developed.
`In fact,
`the stone and
`cave wall were probably the first extensions of man's commimication ability -
`the first applications of communication technology.
`Using man's knowledge to develop systems and hardware +o enhance the
`quantity and quality of man's communication ability in modern times has
`traditionally teen thought of as the mail,
`telephone, and
`television (21, 268). Not until recently has the impact of television,
`beyond the entertainment and nets medium, been explored with regard to its
`role in more advanced communication, and its promise for the future.
`Since its introduction in the late forties,
`television has revolutionized
`the leisure and information environment of the world. Vast sums of money
`are spent on the devices, meals are scheduled around its programming,
`furniture has been arranged around the set, and it has become a source of
`recreation for countless millions of people. Although passive in nature,
`"television aprears to (have tecome)
`in America an agent of socialization
`It is primarijy a medium of entertainment programming, rather
`(18, 16)."
`than a source of special information, but none the less continues to
`mesmerize individuals daily.
`A favorite theme of
`futurists in generz]
`seems to be an “intelligent”
`television set, or large screen home "manager" that can te talked to, and
`talks tack.
`It can control all household functions, provide entertainment,
`and through it, one can communicate with friends and relaiives, much like
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`a telephone. Early reports of the Bell Systems Picturephone seemed to
`confirm the arrival of "1984." Yet to the layman,
`these "visions" never
`care true; people soon forgot about them.
`No longer on the horizon, but now in the homes of thousands of Americans
`is, what surely will be,
`the ultimate conmunications invention,
`the home
`The extension of commimication is facilitated by the
`of the family television set and a computer.
`These systems will
`record, retrieve, edit,
`transmit, and process all
`types of information.
`the unit can provide endless forms of entertainment and conven- °
`tional television programming - all within the confines of one's own living
`room at an unbelievable low cost.
`"The basis of our (lives is) going to be changed to a degree that (has
`not been changed ) since the well-born German goldsmith, Gutenbere, began
`that mysterious ten year process that eventually led to the creation-of a
`cuickly reproducible....bookmaking machine....(Home information systems)
`“vill be the "“inpossible ideal," all information in all places at all times
`(26, 1)." Alvin Toffler, author of Future Shock, and now TheThirdWave,
`comments on this communication revolution. He sees the use of television
`evolving in three stages:
`first, "it will be passive entertainment and
`the second stage will te the utilization of (television) for
`interactive consumer purposes, and the third stage will be the use cf.....
`television and thewired society for work (61, a) .* Recent communication
`developments in the field of television have :.hown that society is readily
`adcpting a swift movement from stage one to stage two.
`Toffler believes that all these predictions will] occur via ceble television,
`the transmission of information will utilize that utility rather than
`by telephone or broadcast. These mediums of transmission will be explored
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`shortly. However, it is the concept of the cable television "wire" that
`characterizes Toffler's "wired society" and "electronic cottage," which have
`extended McLuhan's “global village." As such, vast networks wil? link
`- society seldom requiring an individual to leave his home - even to go to
`work. For, as is seen in stage three, man will utilize his home informai.ion
`system (and home) as a cottage industry (an electronic cottage)...."the use
`of electronics for production rather than consumption (63, 13)."
`Toffler says of his stage three, "there are millions of workers out
`there typing,filing Memos, Writing out invoices, who will no longer need
`to bein central locations like offices. © They enti do their work from their
`homes, sometimes with the aid of the rest df the family. And they can start
`new cottage industries, withthe €lectronic
`cavormatton and services available
`to them within arms reach... All of this may sound utopian now, but....
`declining energy and improved telecommunications at favorable cost definitely
`points in that direction (63, 13)."
`Of primary concern here is the movement of the human based electronics
`of the home information systems into Toffler's stage two. These innovations
`in interactive television technology promise to change life as we know it.
`Information is an amplification of human intellect, and as such is
`fundamental to all aspects of life.
`The implications of a home information
`system, 2 network of instant communication,
`touch all of us. Peo alldtaaTees
`in communications and data processing technologies provide unparalleled
`capabilities for developing an extremely powerful network for information
`exchange (22, 78)." At
`the heart of this "window of knowledge” is of course
`the television, but also computer technology.
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`Computers have long provided for the storage and retrieval of data.
`Now the home information system can make use of, and take advantage of,
`the same ab! lities for the use and-tmprovement ot the average consumer.
`Computexr/communi cation systems are resource sharing mechanisms "analogous
`in a superficial sense to conventional resource sharing utilities....but
`‘information is not really a commodity (it is an extension of man) (26, 70)."
`Computers have managed, stored and ordered information for banks, credit
`card companies; ted processing and electronic publishing have flourished,
`experiments in electronic mail and teleconferencing have met with a great
`deal of SIeee «
`the prime resource for facilitating these activities,
`the cycle will be completed when the computer's capabilities are put to work
`in the home.
`Current "interactive" or "two-way television" systems are the first
`step toward a home information system cimilar to those visualized oy Toffler
`and others. Essentially,
`there are two types of "interactive" home information
`systems currently in use. They are termed:
`one-way interactive (also
`passive) and bi-directional.
`A one-way or passive system allows a consumer to request some information
`via a simple key pad.
`A built-in microprocessor "reads" the command and
`"grats" and displays the requested information on the home television screen
`for the consumer's use.
`Bi-directional systems can be subdivided into participational and
`interactive bi-directional services.
`A participational system operates much
`like a one-way system in the retrieval of information. However, an added
`feature allows a viewer, during special programs,
`to participate (or vote)
`by depressing certain buttons in response to questions aired during a
`television program.
`A master computer tabulates the polling and reports the
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`is permitted to enjoy all the functions of the two previously mentioned
`formats, but also to produce, record, and transmit their own personal Jaia.
`All three systems are made up of a keyboard (keypad), display device
`(television screen), and for the "intelligent" systems, a link between the
`units microprocessor and a host computer.
`These two types of home information, interactive systems provide a
`combination of microprocessor and visual display between man and machine,
`these systems are referred to as videotext, which is used here
`as catch-all term referring to information service systems.
`A further
`delineation can be made with regard to the type of system. One-way operations
`can be generically referred to a teletext operations; bi-directional systems
`as viewdata, as such the terms are presented in the lower case. This point
`is made because a tremendous degree of confusion exists as to names,
`especially since several videotext operations have chosen close approximations
`Interactive bi-directional systems ane
`results instantly on the screen.
`the most advanced home information a available today. The viewer
`of the terms as their proper names.
`Teletext, or a one-way interactive home information system,
`text in digital form, augmented with graphics,
`to a consumer's color television
`In the most simple operation,
`the digital code is included in a
`television troadcast signal and is cyclically repeated. These analog
`representations of digital bits are inserted on two lines of the television
`receiver's vertical blanking signal.
`On command from a keypad, a decoder
`built in, or added to the receiver, "grabs" the information item of interest
`selected by the viewer and displays it on the screen (14, 63).
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`The home television set is a functional part cf the system. This is a
`very important aspect in the development and adoption of
`this new technology
`because such a Lage percentage of individuals already own televisions (and
`the prohibitive cost of trying to get consumers to buy a separate terminal.)
`In addition, maintenance of the home receiver will be cheaper, and possibly
`most important, it is a familiar piece of
`technology. Display is limited to
`CRT representation, at least until low cost printers are available.
`Technically, "(the teletext) system is based upon a decoder using four
`LSI (Large Scale Integration) devices with a page. memory, a remote control
`system using a low cost LSI encoding IC in the transmitter and a signal
`decoding IC in the receiver (56, 63)." Essentially what occurs is that infor-
`mation is continually broadcast over the vertical blanking interval in a "page"
`(or full screen of information) formt. Via a keypad, resembling a hand-held,
`the units microprocessor is accessed.
`The user is presented with
`a hierarchical list of key words representing ate pies of information.© After
`selecting the number of a corresponding category, a second list appears giving
`specific information available in thecategory chosen.
`onze tlie desired
`inforwation is located, pages (or screens) of
`information in that category
`The user simply stops the sequence when a page of interest
`begin to appear.
`comes on the screen.
`Information retrieval is theoretically infinite,
`limited only by data
`capacity of the VBI and ™ transmission computer. Problems with quantity
`of data and wait time are being reduced by a technique called: FP teletext
`(front-porch.) This method conveys two bits of information an each front-
`porch of the WEI
`thus significantly reducing retrieval time.
`There are four different ways a user can mix television and teletext:
`one medium at a time (either television or teletext), partial teleyision
`picture with partial teletext informtion, a television picture with a small
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`window for teletext, or a programmable override of the television picture
`exy important or significant events). Teletext
`by the teletext signal (for
`is not utilized as a passive information source but requires active acquisition
`and reading bythe user. Therefore,
`the service is most frequently utilized
`whenan individual has time to sit and watch.
`‘Teletext information and graphics, on most systems, can be highlighted
`in up to eight colors (and countless variations, ) displayed on a background
`of one of these colors, made to flash, display characters double height, or
`even partially conceal an item until the viewer decides to reveal the "answer."
`There = currently no inexpensive method of providing half tone photographs
`ja teletext.
`Viewdata is a fully interactive computer/communication system that uses
`a telephone or cable television line as a link with a host computer. The
`user interacts directly with that computer by accessing it directly through
`his own microcomputer which is an sagentel component that makes viowdata
`different from teletext. Viewdata has the capability to perform all the
`previously mentioned functions of teletext in retrieving and displaying
`information, however it has the added ability to store that information for
`later use.
`Interactive bi-directional systems can also produce,store, edit,
`and ealants information on command.
`4 viewdata system does not "grab" a page of information, it sends a
`request to the host computer for a specific item which is then specially
`sent to that "address." Effectively with an infinite capacity for storage
`and retrieval of information,
`this unique system allows for diverse applications
`of technology thus creating a home computer system.
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`As such, users :can plug into and search large computer databases.
`fact, “it is not beyond the realm of imagination that multinational computer
`linkages could put the resources of the world's largest libraries (and other
`information depositories) at the command of the smallest neighborhood library
`(or your home) (44, 1¢)."
`Viewdata, as an extension of teletext systems, is made up of the same
`— with the addition of a microcomputer (for cursor location) and
`interface circuits between the slenocomantes and hoe computer via telephone

`or cable television lines (59, 67). With this added memory and requirement
`of a physical link to ‘niemedan providers and their computers, search,
`access, retrieval of information can be billed to the user (53, 18). The
`access of aatutiall is once again via hierarchial trees or menu, although
`other methods arebeing explored and will be discussedlater.
`The bi-~direntiont user input is primarily accomplished via keyboard,
`but can te done via several other methods:
`light matrix, sound pen, light
`pen, potentiometer, and graphic tablet (all of which use the seneen of
`the television as the means of giving feedback to the computer.) Experi-
`mentation has shown screen feedback to be an exciting alternative to the
`keyboard, and the graphic tablet as the most promising. This method involves
`the projection of a keyboard onto the receiver screen for use oy the consumer.
`Presently, "a person sitting in his living room can just push a button
`on a lap-size computer and connect with view data central computers (27, 56).
`The user can then select numerous channels of information, entertainnent,jr
`regular television programming.
`A versatile home terminal must have the
`following features:
`independence of oral communication,
`frame grabber or
`modern interface with the host computer, display unit (or printer,) signal
`for confirmation of input, keys to restrict access in owner absence, and
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`possibly a key to set a dollar limit for puzchases ard information use
`the home information system is designed for
`In essence,
`charges (21, 192).
`. maximum use of technology, minimum mistakes, Ba realistic operation for
`an untrained consumer.
`It may seem that teletext and viewdata are competitors. That is not
`true. Viewdata
`is a highly specialized system and needs teletext operations
`so that it can fe released from routine information retrieval tasks of
`eeniscisn types that would otherwise jam the viewdata
`switchboard to the
`computer, Viewdata complemen“s teletext services tecause the latter can't
`fully handle the needs of special users or business. Because of system
`capacities and characteristics, it is unlikely that either system will
`try to duplicate the other. More likely will te the evolving of two different
`services which may be likened to newspapers and magazines.
`a “
`There are three setthods by which videotext systems car;
`(open air),
`information s.gnals to the home. These are:
`link, and cable television link.
`Only teletext services can utilize any one of the three modes of
`transmission. Most commonly, teletext information is sent via broadcast over
`the vertical eo (VBI) of a television signal. First,
`VBI is an interval ~f time that is required for a receivex'selectron
`scanning beam to travel from the tottom of a picture back to the top of the
`screen to rescan a picture. This interval is enough time to send the equiva-
`tent of twenty-one scanning ligse of video information. Since some of these
`extra lines are used for pulsing ard synchronization purposes, teletext has
`available to it ten to sixteen lines. Therefore,, every 1/30 of a second,
`. 11
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`data can be sent to the television receiver. As was said earlier,
`information “is sent cyclically and a decoder selects the information
`desired for display.
`Encog ing data information on the VBI of a composite video signal is
`the most attractive method of transmission because existing transmitters and
`channels can be used to reach residents. Additionally, decoders utilize
`circuitry inherent in receivers and are therefore inexpensive.
`There are, of course,
`some problems with this "piggy-backed" data
`Some picture faults and degradations acceptablefortelevision
`May not be able to be tolerated for data services and may even cause some
`data recovery problems. Second,
`the data capacity of the VBI is limited
`Since the rate of transmission is already at the top of the tandwidth.
`Third, since the tilling of uSers is impractical, operations must be
`subsidized in some way.
`A teletext alternative is to broadcast its signal on a dedicated channel
`(if one is available, and if the cost of tuilding and Heunsing a station
`for that purpose is practical.) This choice would eliminate all but the
`billing problem. The best alternative would then be broadcast via land life
`(telephone or cable television which can provide a low cost dedicated channel.)
`This method would alienate broadcast
`interference and ghosts, provide fur a
`billing framework (Since one is billed for the amount of time he is sekunil'ly
`in the data bank searching or retrieving,) and, at
`the sae time, enable the
`system to expand te bi-directional in the future, Cable links, depending on
`national or regional networks, are expected to be the most versatile and
`inexpensive of the alternatives, however, only 307 of the homes
`in the United
`States currently have cable television, and until that number increases, it
`is likely that VBI will continue to be the prime method of
`] 2

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`interactive, or view data systems are much more complicated,
`and expensive. First, data cannot be broadcast.
`It is digitally encoded and
`then medicated onto an audio frequency carrier that is usually transmitted
`over a telephone line or two-way cable television line. As such, a prime
`component of the system, in addition to the microcomputer and television
`receiver, is a modem to encode and decode the transmissions to the computer.
`Data is sent to the user "on demand" and therefore requires that special
`link with the host computer.
`Since 95%" of all households have telephone, and nearly 30% cable
`intercommunications between any two persons will be possible.
`As systems grow and expand it is more likely that catle television will become
`the prime means of transmission sinc? broadband communications can be multi-
`plexed to — large masses of people simultaneously and can handle a much
`larger data rate thar telephone lines (21, 247). Likewise, picture telephone -
`type transmissions, via interactive systems will be more economically
`accommodated via television lines rather than telephone lines (21, 249).
`The videotext picture has recently been cloudedby a unique (in the
`United States) hybrid system called "Touch-Tone Teletext."
`A combination of
`teletext and
`the user calls the teletext computer via telephcne
`and requests a certain page of infcrmation. This page is then transmitted
`on, the VBI
`(on the same frequency as the page the user currently has
`displayed on his screen.) _ The decoder "grats” and displays the new page.
`Although allowing some direct interaction with the computer, resulting in
`expanded data access,
`this system is still essentially a one way retrieval ayeTem
`Interactive means on-demand saenitetion. That is,
`the audience can
`control the timing and ccntent ofmessages, and transmit those messages to
`other individuals via mechanical means
`(21, 266).
`Just as the mail service,
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`telephone, and television grew, videotext promises to grow
`As demands increase and technology changes, home information systems
`will become an indispensible part of life.
`Just two of the more promising
`developments on the horizon are optical fiber cable and Direct Broadcast
`Satellites (DBS).
`"Optical fibers provide a wideband transmission path of
`extremely small physical cross section that is free from power and fadio
`frequency interference....(14, 64) ." As DBS develops, home information
`teyminals will of course be able to receive stennla via roof-top ea-th
`stations, but
`there may be prospects for local uplinks allowing gimultaneous
`worldwide communication withort the restriction of landlines and microwave
`networks, at a much cheaper cost.
`Videotext is stili very much in std infancy in the United States.
`as long ago as the early 1970's both Great Britain and France developed
`workable systems. Teletext arose from the effcrts of. British television to
`transmit signals within the television network plant.
`An intermediate goal
`was captioning for the deaf, which tegan atout 1971.
`By 1974, a teletext
`standard was developed and in 1976 the first public service_system was in
`full operation. Viewdata
`grew out of teletext and was fueled by disarpoint-
`ment over the inability to be able to provide picture telephone service,
`which was intended totransmit pictures as well as text and diagrams. Again,
`the British took the lead and developed the Prestel viewdata
`While systems were gearing up in Europe,
`the United States was only on
`the verge of studying interactive video.
`In 1974,
`the National Science .
`Foundation funded three expexinental studies of interactive video; studies
`were located in Reading, Pa., Spartansburg, S. C., and Rockford, I1l.
`prone, mnt
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`To date,
`these studies are still the only extensive research programs to
`be conducted ard their results are still the tasis for current pilot programs
`and planned expansion, Prompted by a 1960's government report that, “cable
`could overcome broadcast spectrum "scarcity;" cable, whencombined with
`computers, would be the foundation for a wholly new iniceeatton and communi-
`cation application for business, government, and private citizens; and that
`cable would ultimately be a public necessity (12, 145)," the NSF funded
`corsortiums of academic, public, governmental, and community associations to
`“create knowledge about
`the application of two way cable television to urban
`social: service delivery and administration (12, 145)."
`The Reading study was tased on the needs of senior citizens with
`progremming coming from educational institutions,
`local government, and
`social‘service agencies (41, 163)
`The axpaxtdant evaluated two way cable
`exposure, groups viewing television but participating in programming via
`telephone c2ll in, and those thai. had no access.
`The results showed that
`experimental grovp — to two-way Cable had greater awareness of community
`Ue problems, Imowledge of social services, and were much more involved in the
`Spartansburg's experiment looked at the effects of interactive cable
`on education. Experimenting with a high school equivalency program at
`Spartansburg Technical College, students using interactive cable instruction
`did equally well as students in a traditional classroom situation (39, 175)
`Rockford evaluated the training of firefighters and inservice education
`of teachers via two way television,
`The firefighter training group, using
`digital return capability for answers and comments, showed significant
`differences in cognitive understanding of material when compared to the
`control group. The experiment for inservice education was meant to diffuse
`] oa
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`ideas about new teaching methods. Discussions were enecocetul,, but adoption
`and use of the ideas or teaching behavior were not observed as part of the
`experiment and therefore results could not be reported,
`the results of the experiments can be summarized as successful,
`even though problens with programming were experienced.
`The stuiiesfound
`that the applications of the medium were more complex than the technology
`(of the day, ) point to point interactions were technically workatle, and
`digital return of information was viable and socially acceptable (12, 147).
`The residents of Reading were so excited and pleased with their system,
`that the local community continued and financed its operation after the end -
`of the study. Likewise, results were impressive enougn,
`thai Reading served
`as a foundation for the development of the Warner Amex QUBE interactive
`television system,
`The NSF studies provided the basis and rationale for expamsion of two-
`way television into U. S. homes. One early spemttan of telétext termed
`TICCIT, was established by the Mitre Corporation in Reston, Virginia for
`education. Shortly thereafter,
`the Digital Broadcasting Corporation of
`McLean, Virginia established the first large scale teletext operation in
`Washington, D.C., Dallas, and San Francisco. atsieee tends to
`approximate electronic mail allowing subscribers, /basically chain businesses, 1
`to transmit informétion to its branches.
`Probably the largest and most well known operation is the Warner Amex
`QUBE interactive system which tegan operation in Columbus, Ohio in 1977.
`Offering a thirty channel capacity with satellite uplinks and participational
`interactive capability, Warner has teen able to spread their success by
`_ oO
`1 b
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`securing cable franchises in Pittsburgh and Dallas - each offering eighty
`charnels of programming.
`Warner's exclusive QUBE channel measures public response to broadcast
`questions by computer tabulation of viewers answers when they depress one
`of five response buttons on the QUBE channel selector. Seeing a demand for
`a truly iMidteeeionss system,
`just a few months ago Warner Amex intieediveel,
`QUBE III, a home computer console that will go beyond simple viewer parti-
`cipation; it will allow data retrieval, video entertainment, home energy
`and security services, can accommodate up tv 11C channels of programming
`and, say Warner officials, it can handle those services and demands likely
`to arise in the next decade.
`QUBE offers a much tetter than typical menu of movies, news, sports,
`and a variety of networks. The interactive programming crosses a rather
`wide spectrum of interests.
`A full channel of children's programs are
`carried as are,
`local public interest programs, interaclive game shows,
`religious programs, a book club, and programs on local and national consumer
`QUBE has atso become "the medium of education for adults and
`children, a marketplace for gocds ard has polled citizens
`on issues ranging from marijuana consumption to urban renewal,
`to the name
`of a new taby....(15, 38)."
`The most recent "full blown" interactive system was recently announced
`by AT&T in Coral Gables, Florida, Named Viewiron,
`the system is of the view-
`data variety with signals carried via telephone lines.
`Information consists
`of local and national news contributed by the Associated Press and the
`Miami Herald; it offers games, consumer tips, and public service information,
`This operation is actually the only viewdata
`system presently functioning
`in thc United States, with only minor "tests" as exceptions.

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