`D. Siewiorek, Editors
`Ethernet: Distributed
`Packet Switching for
`Local Computer
`Robert M. Metcalfe and David R. Boggs
`Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
`Ethernet is a branching broadcast communication
`system for carrying digital data packets among locally
`distributed computing stations. The packet transport
`mechanism provided by Ethernet has been used to build
`systems which can be viewed as either local computer
`networks or loosely coupled multiprocessors. An Ether-
`net’s shared communication facility, its Ether, is a pas-
`sive broadcast medium with no central control. Coordi-
`nation of access to the Ether for packet broadcasts is
`distributed among the contending transmitting stations
`using controlled statistical arbitration. Switching‘ of
`packets to their destinations on the Ether is distributed
`among the receiving stations using packet address
`recognition. Design principles and implementation are
`described, based on experience with an operating Ether-
`net of 100 nodes along a kilometer of coaxial cable. A
`model for estimating performance under heavy loads
`and a packet protocol for error controlled communica-
`tion are included for completeness.
`Key Words and Phrases: computer networks, packet
`switching, multiprocessing, distributed control, dis-
`tributed computing, broadcast communication, statisti-
`cal arbitration
`CR Categories: 3.81, 4.32, 6.35
`Copyright © 1976, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
`General permission to republish, but not for profit, all or part
`of this material is granted provided that ACM’s copyright notice
`is given and that reference is made to the publication, to its date
`of issue, and to the fact that reprinting privileges were granted
`by permission of the Association for Computing Machinery.
`Author’s present addresses: R.M. ‘Metcalfe, Transaction Tech-
`nology, Inc., 10880 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 94304; D.
`Boggs, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, 3333 Coyote Hill Road,
`Palo Alto, CA 94304.
`1. Background
`One can characterize distributed computing as a
`spectrum of activities varying in their degree of decen-
`tralization, with one extreme being remote computer
`networking and the other extreme being multiprocess-
`ing. Remote computer networking is the loose intercon-
`nection of previously isolated, widely separated, and
`rather large computing systems. Multiprocessing is the
`construction of previously monolithic and serial com-
`puting systems from increasingly numerous and smaller
`pieces computing in parallel. Near the middle of this
`spectrum is local networking,
`the interconnection of
`computers to gain the resource sharing of computer
`networking and the parallelism of multiprocessing.
`The separation between computers and the associ-
`ated bit rate of their communication can be used to di-
`vide the distributed computing spectrum into broad
`activities. The product of separation and bit rate, now
`about 1 gigabit—meter per second (1 Gbmps), is an in-
`dication of the limit of current communication tech-
`nology and can be expected to increase with time:
`Bit rate
`Remote networks
`Local networks
`> 10 km
`10—.1 km
`< .1 km
`< .1 Mbps
`.1—10 Mbps
`> 10 Mbps
`1.1 Remote Computer Networking
`Computer networking evolved from telecommunica-
`tions terminal—computer communication, where the ob-
`ject was to connect remote terminals to a central com-
`puting facility. As the need for computer—computer
`interconnection grew, computers themselves were used
`to provide communication [2, 4, 29]. Communication
`using computers as packet switches [l5—21, 26] and
`communications among computers for resource sharing
`[10, 32] were both advanced by the development of the
`Arpa Computer Network.
`The Aloha Network at the University of Hawaii was
`originally developed to apply packet radio techniques
`for communication between a central computer and its
`terminals scattered among the Hawaiian Islands [1, 2].
`Many of the terminals are now minicomputers com-
`municating among themselves using the Aloha Net-
`work’s Menehune as a packet switch. The Menehune
`and an Arpanet Imp are now connected, providing ter-
`minals on the Aloha Network access to computing
`resources on the US. mainland.
`Just as computer networks have grown across con-
`tinents and oceans to interconnect major computing
`facilities around the world, they are now growing down
`corridors and between buildings to interconnect mini-
`computers in offices and laboratories [3, 12, 13, 14, 35].
`1.2 Multiprocessing
`Multiprocessing first took the form of connecting an
`1/o controller to a large central computer; IBM’s Asp is a
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`classic example [29]. Next, multiple central processors
`were connected to a common memory to provide more
`power for compute-bound applications [33]. For certain
`of these applications, more exotic multiprocessor archi-
`tectures such as Illiac IV were introduced [5].
`More recently minicomputers have been connected
`in multiprocessor configurations for economy, relia-
`bility, and increased system modularity [24, 36]. The
`trend has been toward decentralization for reliability;
`loosely coupled multiprocessor systems depend less on
`shared central memory and more on thin wires for in-
`terprocess communication with increased component
`isolation [18, 26]. With the continued thinning of in-
`terprocessor communication for reliability and the de-
`velopment of distributable applications, multiprocessing
`is gradually approaching a local form of distributed
`1.3 Local Computer Networking
`Ethernet shares many objectives with other local
`networks such as Mitre’s Mitrix, Bell Telephone Labora-
`tory’s Spider, and U.C. Irvine’s Distributed Computing
`System (DCS) [12, 13, 14, 35]. Prototypes of all four
`local networking schemes operate at bit rates between
`one and three megabits per second. Mitrix and Spider
`have a central minicomputer for switching and band-
`width allocation, while DCS and Ethernet use distrib-
`uted control. Spider and DCS use a ring communication
`path, Mitrix uses ofl'—the—shelf CATV technology to
`implement two one—way busses, and our experimental
`Ethernet uses a branching two—way passive bus. Differ-
`ences among these systems are due to differences among
`their intended applications, differences among the cost
`constraints under which trade-offs were made, and
`differences of opinion among researchers.
`Before going into a detailed description of Ethernet,
`we offer the following overview (see Figure 1).
`2. System Summary
`Ethernet is a system for local communication among
`computing stations. Our experimental Ethernet uses
`tapped coaxial cables to carry variable length digital
`data packets among, for example, personal minicom-
`puters, printing facilities,
`large file storage devices,
`magnetic tape backup stations, larger central computers,
`and longer-haul communication equipment.
`The shared communication facility, a branching
`is passive. A station’s Ethernet interface con-
`nects bit-serially through an interface cable to a trans-
`ceiver which in turn taps into the passing Ether. A
`packet is broadcast onto the Ether, is heard by all sta-
`tions, and is copied from the Ether by destinations
`which select it according to the packet’s leading address
`bits. This is broadcast packet switching and should be
`distinguished from store—and-forward packet switching,
`in which routing is performed by intermediate process-
`ing elements. To handle the demands of growth, an
`Ethernet can be extended using packet repeaters for
`signal regeneration, packet filters for traffic localization,
`and packet gateways for internetwork address extension.
`Control is completely distributed among stations,
`with packet transmissions coordinated through statisti-
`cal arbitration. Transmissions initiated by a station de-
`fer to any which may already be in progress. Once
`started, if interference with other packets is detected, a
`transmission is aborted and rescheduled by its source
`station. After a certain period of interference-free trans-
`mission, a packet is heard by all stations and will run to
`completion without interference. Ethernet controllers
`in colliding stations each generate random retransmis-
`sion intervals to avoid repeated collisions. The mean of
`a packet’s retransmission intervals is adjusted as a func-
`tion of collision history to keep Ether utilization near
`the optimum with changing network load.
`Even when transmitted without source—detected in-
`terference, a packet may still not reach its destination
`without error; thus, packets are delivered only with high
`probability. Stations requiring a residual error rate
`lower than that provided by the bare Ethernet packet
`transport mechanism must follow mutually agreed upon
`packet protocols.
`3. Design Principles
`Our object is to design a communication system
`which can grow smoothly to accommodate several
`buildings full of personal computers and the facilities
`needed for their support.
`Like the computing stations to be connected, the
`communication system must be inexpensive. We choose
`to distribute control of the communications facility
`among the communicating computers to eliminate the
`reliability problems of an active central controller, to
`avoid creating a bottleneck in a system rich in parallel-
`ism, and to reduce the fixed costs which make small sys-
`tems uneconomical.
`Ethernet design started with the basic idea of packet
`collision and retransmission developed in the Aloha
`Network [1]. We expected that, like the Aloha Network,
`Ethernets would carry bursty traffic so that conven-
`tional synchronous time-division multiplexing (STDM)
`would be ineflicient [1, 2, 21, 26]. We saw promise in the
`Aloha approach to distributed control of radio channel
`multiplexing and hoped that it could be applied efi'ec-
`tively with media suited to local computer communica-
`tion. With several innovations of our own, the promise
`is realized.
`Ethernet is named for the historical
`ether through which electromagnetic radiations were
`once alleged to propagate. Like an Aloha radio trans-
`mitter, an Ethernet transmitter broadcasts completely-
`addressed transmitter—synchronous bit sequences called
`packets onto the Ether and hopes that they are heard by
`fire ACM
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`an Ethernet taps into the Ether at the nearest convenient
`Looking at the relationship of interconnection and
`control, we see that Ethernet is the dual of a star net-
`work. Rather than distributed interconnection through
`many separate links and central control in a switching
`node, as in a star network, the Ethernet has central inter-
`connection through the Ether and distributed control
`among its stations.
`Unlike an Aloha Network, which is a star network
`with an outgoing broadcast channel and an incoming
`multi-access channel, an Ethernet supports many-to-
`many communication with a single broadcast multi-
`access channel.
`3.2 Control
`Sharing of the Ether is controlled in such a way that
`it is not only possible but probable that two or more sta-
`tions will attempt to transmit a packet at roughly the
`same time. Packets which overlap in time on the Ether
`are said to collide; they interfere so as to be unrecogniza-
`ble by a receiver. A station recovers from a detected
`collision by abandoning the attempt and retransmitting
`the packet after some dynamically chosen random time
`period. Arbitration of conflicting transmission demands
`is both distributed and statistical.
`When the Ether is largely unused, a station transmits
`its packets at will, the packets are received without error,
`and all is well. As more stations begin to transmit, the
`rate of packet interference increases. Ethernet controllers
`in each station are built to adjust the mean retransmission
`interval in proportion to the frequency of collisons;
`sharing of the Ether among competing station—station
`transmissions is thereby kept near the optimum [20, 21].
`A degree of cooperation among the stations is re-
`quired to share the Ether equitably. In demanding ap-
`plications certain stations might usefully take trans-
`mission priority through some systematic violation of
`equity rules. A station could usurp the Ether by not ad-
`justing its retransmission interval with increasing traffic
`or by sending very large packets. Both practices are now
`prohibited by low-level software in each station.
`3.3 Addressing
`Each packet has a source and destination, both of
`which are identified in the packet’s header. A packet
`placed on the Ether eventually propagates to all sta-
`tions. Any station can copy a packet from the Ether into
`its local memory, but normally only an active destina-
`tion station matching its address in the packet’s header
`will do so as the packet passes. By convention, a zero
`destination address is a wildcard and matches all ad-
`dresses; a packet with a destination of zero is called a
`broadcast packet.
`3.4 Reliability
`An Ethernet is probabilistic. Packets may be lost due
`to interference with other packets, impulse noise on the
`eth ACM
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`Fig. 1. A two-segment Ethernet.
` fil*ll"l"OH-I200
`the intended receivers. The Ether is a logically passive
`medium for the propagation of digital signals and can
`be constructed using_any number of media including
`coaxial cables, twisted pairs, and optical fibers.
`3.1 Topology
`We cannot afford the redundant connections and
`dynamic routing of store—and—forward packet switching
`to assure reliable communication, so we choose to
`achieve reliability through simplicity. We choose to
`make the shared communication facility passive so that
`the failure of an active element will tend to affect the
`communications of only a single station. The layout and
`changing needs of office and laboratory buildings leads
`us to pick a network topology with the potential for
`convenient incremental extention and reconfiguration
`with minimal service disruption.
`The topology of the Ethernet is that of an unrooted
`tree. It is a tree so that the Ether can branch at the en-
`trance to a building’s corridor, yet avoid multipath in-
`terference. There must be only one path through the
`Ether between any source and destination; if more than
`one path were to exist, a transmission would interfere
`with itself, repeatedly arriving at its intended destina-
`tion having travelled by paths of different length. The
`Ether is unrooted because it can be extended from any of
`its points in any direction. Any station wishing to join
`Ether, an inactive receiver at a packet’s intended desti-
`nation, or purposeful discard. Protocols used to com-
`municate through an Ethernet must assume that packets
`will be received correctly at intended destinations only
`with high probability.
`An Ethernet gives its best efforts to transmit packets
`successfully, but it is the responsibility of processes in the
`source and destination stations to take the precautions
`necessary to assure reliable communication of the quality
`they themselves desire [18, 21]. Recognizing the costli-
`ness and dangers of promising “error-free” communi-
`cation, we refrain from guaranteeing reliable delivery
`of any single packet to get both economy of transmis-
`sion and high reliability averaged over many packets
`[21]. Removing the responsibility for reliable communi-
`cation from the packet transport mechanism allows us to
`tailor reliability to the application and to place error re-
`covery where it will do the most good. This policy be-
`comes more important as Ethernets are interconnected
`in a hierarchy of networks through which packets must
`travel farther and suffer greater risks.
`3.5 Mechanisms
`A station connects to the Ether with a tap and a
`transceiver. A tap is a device for physically connecting to
`the Ether while disturbing its transmission characteris-
`tics as little as possible. The design of the transceiver
`must be an exercise in paranoia. Precautions must be
`taken to insure that likely failures in the transceiver or
`station do not result in pollution of the Ether. In par-
`ticular, removing power from the transceiver should
`cause it to disconnect from the Ether.
`Five mechanisms are provided in our experimental
`Ethernet for reducing the probability and cost of losing
`a packet. These are (1) carrier detection, (2) interference
`(3) packet error detection,
`packet filtering, and (5) collision consensus enforcement.
`3.5.1 Carrier detection. As a packet’s bits are placed
`on the Ether by a station, they are phase encoded (like
`bits on a magnetic tape), which guarantees that there is
`at least one transition on the Ether during each bit time.
`The passing of a packet on the Ether can therefore be de-
`tected by listening for its transitions. To use a radio
`analogy, we speak of the presence of carrier as a packet
`passes a transceiver. Because a station can sense the car-
`rier of a passing packet, it can delay sending one of its
`own until the detected packet passes safely. The Aloha
`Network does not have carrier detection and conse-
`quently suffers a substantially higher collision rate.
`Without carrier detection, efficient use of the Ether
`would decrease with increasing packet length. In Section
`6 below, we show that with carrier detection, Ether
`efficiency increases with increasing packet length.
`With carrier detection we are able to implement
`deference: no station will start transmitting while hearing
`carrier. With deference comes acquisition: once a packet
`transmission has been in progress for an Ether end—to—
`end propagation time, all stations are hearing carrier
`and are deferring; the Ether has been acquired and the
`transmission will complete without an interfering colli-
`With carrier detection, collisions should occur only
`when two or more stations find the Ether silent and be-
`gin transmitting simultaneously: within an Ether end—to-
`end propagation time. This will almost always happen
`immediately after a packet transmission during which
`two or more stations were deferring. Because stations do
`not now randomize after deferring, when the trans-
`mission terminates, the waiting stations pile on together,
`collide, randomize, and retransmit.
`3.5.2 Interference detection. Each transceiver has an
`interference detector. Interference is indicated when the
`transceiver notices a diflerence between the value of the
`bit it is receiving from the Ether and the value of the bit
`it is attempting to transmit.
`Interference detection has three advantages. First, a
`station detecting a collision knows that its packet has
`been damaged. The packet can be scheduled for re-
`transmission immediately, avoiding a long acknowledg-
`ment timeout. Second, interference periods on the Ether
`are limited to a maximum of one round trip time. Collid-
`ing packets in the Aloha Network run to completion,
`but the truncated packets resulting from Ethernet colli-
`sions waste only a small fraction of a packet time on the
`Ether. Third, the frequency of detected interference is
`used to estimate Ether traffic for adjusting retrans-
`mission intervals and optimizing channel efficiency.
`3.5.3 Packet error detection. As a packet is placed
`on the Ether, a checksum is computed and appended.
`As the packet is read from the Ether, the checksum is
`recomputed. Packets which do not carry a consistent
`checksum are discarded. In this way transmission errors,
`impulse noise errors, and errors due to undetected inter-
`ference are caught at a packet’s destination.
`3.5.4 Truncated packet filtering. Interference de-
`tection and deference cause most collisions to result in
`truncated packets of only a few bits; colliding stations
`detect interference and abort transmission within an
`Ether round trip time. To reduce the processing load
`that the rejection of such obviously damaged packets
`would place on listening station software,
`packets are filtered out in hardware.
`3.5.5 Collision consensus enforcement. When a sta-
`tion determines that its transmission is experiencing in-
`terference, it momentarily jams the Ether to insure that
`all other participants in the collision will detect inter-
`ference and, because of deference, will be forced to abort.
`Without this collision consensus enforcement mechanism,
`it is possible that the transmitting station which would
`otherwise be the last to detect a collision might not do
`so as the other interfering transmissions successively
`abort and stop interfering. Although the packet may
`look good to that last transmitter, different path lengths
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`between the colliding transmitters and the intended re-
`ceiver will cause the packet to arrive damaged.
`4. Implementation
`Our choices of 1 kilometer, 3 megabits per second,
`and 256 stations for the parameters of an experimental
`Ethernet were based on characteristics of the locally
`distributed computer communication environment and
`our assessments of what would be marginally achiev-
`able; they were certainly not hard restrictions essential
`to the Ethernet concept.
`We expect that a reasonable maximum network size
`would be on the order of 1 kilometer of cable. We used
`this working number to choose among Ethers of varying
`signal attenuation and to design transceivers with ap-
`propriate power and sensitivity.
`The dominant station on our experimental Ethernet
`is a minicomputer for which 3 megabits per second is a
`convenient data transfer rate. By keeping the peak rate
`well below that of the computer’s path to main memory,
`we reduce the need for expensive special—purpose packet
`buffering in our Ethernet interfaces. By keeping the peak
`rate as high as is convenient, we provide for larger num-
`bers of stations and more ambitious multiprocessing
`communications applications.
`To expedite low—level packet handling among 256
`stations, we allocate the first 8-bit byte of the packet to
`be the destination address field and the second byte to be
`the source address field (see Figure 2). 256 is a number
`small enough to allow each station to get an adequate
`share of the available bandwidth and approaches the
`limit of what we can achieve with current techniques for
`tapping cables. 256 is only a convenient number for the
`lowest level of protocol; higher levels can accomodate
`extended address spaces with additional fields inside the
`packet and software to interpret them.
`Our experimental Ethernet implementation has four
`major parts: the Ether, transceivers, interfaces, and con-
`trollers (see Figure 1).
`4.1 Ether
`We chose to implement our experimental Ether using
`low-loss coaxial cable with oflithe-shelf CATV taps and
`connectors. It is possible to mix Ethers on a single
`Ethernet; we use a smaller-diameter coax for convenient
`connection within station clusters and a larger-diameter
`coax for low-loss runs between clusters. The cost of
`coaxial cable Ether is insignificant relative to the cost of
`the distributed computing systems
`supported by
`4.2 Transceivers
`Our experimental transceivers can drive a kilometer
`of coaxial cable Ether tapped by 256 stations trans-
`mitting at 3 megabits per second. The transceivers can
`endure (i.e.
`\"0I'k after) sustained direct shorting,
`proper termination of the Ether, and simultaneous
`drive by all 256 stations; they can tolerate (i.e. work
`during) ground differentials and everyday electrical
`noise, from typewriters or electric drills, encountered
`when stations are separated by as much as a kilometer.
`An Ethernet
`transceiver attaches directly to the
`Ether which passes by in the ceiling or under the floor.
`It is powered and controlled through five twisted pairs
`in an interface cable carrying transmit data, receive
`interference detect, and power supply voltages.
`When unpowered,
`the transceiver disconnects itself
`electrically from the Ether. Here is where our fight for
`reliability is won or lost; a broken transceiver can, but
`should not, bring down an entire Ethernet. A watchdog
`timer circuit in each transceiver attempts to prevent
`pollution of the Ether by shutting down the output stage
`if it acts suspiciously. For transceiver simplicity we use
`the Ether’s base frequency band, but an Ethernet could
`be built to use any suitably sized band of a frequency di-
`vision multiplexed Ether.
`Even though our experimental transceivers are very
`simple and can tolerate only limited signal attenuation,
`they have proven quite adequate and reliable. A more
`sophisticated transceiver design might permit passive
`branching of the Ether and wider station separation.
`4.3 Interface
`An Ethernet interface serializes and deserializes the
`parallel data used by its station. There are a number of
`different stations on our Ethernet; an interface must be
`built for each kind.
`Each interface is equipped with the hardware neces-
`sary to compute a 16-bit cyclic redundancy checksum
`(CRC) on serial data as it is transmitted and received.
`This checksum protects only against errors in the Ether
`and specifically not against errors in the parallel por-
`tions of the interface hardware or station. Higher—level
`software checksums are recommended for applications
`in which a higher degree of reliability is required.
`A transmitting interface uses a packet buffer address
`and word count to serialize and phase encode a variable
`number of 16-bit words which are taken from the sta-
`tion’s memory and passed to the transceiver, preceded
`by a start bit (called SYNC in Figure 2) and followed by
`the CRC. A receiving interface uses the appearance of
`carrier to detect the start of a packet and uses the SYNC
`bit to acquire bit phase. As long as carrier stays on, the
`interface decodes and deserializes the incoming bit
`stream depositing 16-bit words in a packet bufl'er in the
`station’s main memory. When carrier goes away, the
`interface checks that an integral number of 16-bit words
`has been received and that the CRC is correct. The last
`word received is assumed to be the CRC and is not copied
`into the packet buffer.
`These interfaces ordinarily include hardware for
`accepting only those packets with appropriate addresses
`in their headers. Hardware address filtering helps a sta-
`tion avoid burdensome software packet processing when
`the ACM
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`Fig. 2. Ethernet packet layout.
`B BI'lS
`- I000 EH5
`the Ether and extending its signal cover, there is a trade-
`off between using sophisticated transceivers and using
`repeaters. With increased power and sensitivity, trans-
`ceivers become more expensive and less reliable. The
`introduction of repeaters into an Ethernet makes the
`centrally interconnecting Ether active. The failure of a
`transceiver will sever the communications of its owner;
`the failure of a repeater partitions the Ether severing
`many communications.
`the Ether is very busy carrying traffic intended for other
`5.2 Traffic Cover
`4.4 Controller
`An Ethernet controller is the station—specific low-
`level firmware or software for getting packets onto and
`out of the Ether. When a source-detected collision oc-
`curs, it is the source controller’s responsibility to gene-
`rate a new random retransmission interval based on the
`updated collision count. We have studied a number of al-
`gorithms for controlling retransmission rates in stations
`to maintain Ether efliciency [20, 22]. The most practical
`of these algorithms estimate traffic load using recent
`collision history.
`Retransmission intervals are multiples of a slot, the
`maximum time between starting a transmission and de-
`tecting a collision, one end-to—end round trip delay. An
`Ethernet controller begins transmission of each new
`.packet with a mean retransmission interval of one slot.
`Each time a transmission attempt ends in collision, the
`controller delays for an interval of random length with a
`mean twice that of the previous interval, defers to any
`passing packet, and then attempts retransmission. This
`heuristic approximates an algorithm we have called
`Binary Exponential Backoff (see Figure 3) [22].
`When the network is unloaded and collisions are
`rare, the mean seldom departs from one and retrans-
`missions are prompt. As the traffic load increases, more
`collisions are experienced, a backlog of packets builds
`up in the stations, retransmission intervals increase, and
`retransmission traffic backs off
`to sustain channel
`5. Growth
`5.1 Signal Cover
`One can expand an Ethernet just so far by adding
`transceivers and Ether. At some point, the transceivers
`and Ether will be unable to carry the required signals.
`The signal cover can be extended with a simple un-
`buffered packet repeater. In our experimental Ethernet,
`where because of transceiver simplicity the Ether cannot
`be branched passively, a simple repeater may join any
`number of Ether segments to enrich the topology while
`extending the signal cover.
`We operate an experimental two-segment packet re-
`peater, but hope to avoid relying on them. In branching
`One can expand an Ethernet just so far by adding
`Ether and packet repeaters. At some point the Ether will
`be so busy that additional stations will just divide more
`finely the already inadequate bandwidth. The trafiic
`cover can be extended with an unbuffered traific—filtering
`repeater or packet filter, which passes packets from one
`Ether segment to another only if the destination station
`is located on the new segment. A packet filter also ex-
`tends the signal cover.
`5.3 Address Cover
`One can expand an Ethernet just so far by adding
`Ether, repeaters, and traffic filters. At some point there
`will be too many stations to be addressed with the Ether-
`net’s 8-bit addresses. The address cover can be extended
`with packet gateways and the software addressing con-
`ventions they implement [7]. Addresses can be expanded
`in two directions: down into the station by adding fields
`to identify destination ports or processes within a sta-
`tion, and up into the internetwork by adding fields to
`identify destination stations on remote networks.
`A gateway also extends the traffic and signal covers.
`There can be only one repeater or packet filter con-
`necting two Ether segments; a packet repeated onto a
`segment by multiple repeaters would interfere with itself.
`However, there is no limit to the number of gateways
`connecting two segments; a gateway only repeats packets
`addressed to itself as an intermediary. Failure of the
`single repeater connecting two segments partitions the
`network; failure of a gateway need not partition the net
`it there are paths through other gateways between the
`6. Performance
`We present here a simple set of formulas with which
`to characterize the performance expected of an Ethernet
`when it is heavily loaded. More elaborate analyses and
`several detailed simulations have been done, but the
`following simple model has proven very useful
`understanding the Ethernet’s distributed contention
`scheme, even when it is loaded beyond expectations
`[1, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27].
`We develop a simple model of the performance of a
`loaded Ethernet by examining alternating Ether time
`periods. The first, called a transmission interval, is that
`the ACM
`July 1976
`Volume 19
`Number 7
`PMC Exhibit 2128
`PMC Exhibit 2128
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple V- PMC
`Page 6
`Page 6
`to be the optimum statistical decision rule, approxi-
`mated in Ethernet stations by means of our load—esti-
`mating retransmission control algorithms [20, 21].
`6.1 Acquisition Probability
`We now compute A, the probability that exactly one
`station attempts a transmission in a slot and therefore
`acquires the Ether. A is Q*(1/Q)*((l — (1/Q))**
`(Q — 1)); there are Q ways in which one station can
`choose to transmit (with probability (1/Q)) while Q — 1
`stations choose to wait (with probability 1 — (1/Q)).
`A = (1 —(1/Q))‘°“’-
`6.2 Waiting Time
`We now