Digital Television
`A Glossary and Bibliography
`Digital processing of television signals has
`been investigated experimentally for sev-
`eral years. Much of the theoretical foun-
`dation for
`the current activity among
`and manufacturers of
`broadcast equipment was laid by Bell
`Telephone Laboratories in their experi-
`mental work with the video-telephone
`(some of which is acknowledged in the
`section of the bibliography devoted to
`“Picture Coding") and was further devel-
`oped by the BBC.
`The first practical application of digital
`techniques to broadcast television came in
`early I973 when the digital
`corrcctor was introduced at the National
`Association of Broadcasters Convention.
`In the same year Comsat Corp. demon-
`strated the feasibility of digital television
`with their DITEC system for satellite
`communication links.
`I974 saw demonstrations of the feasi-
`bility model of a digital video recorder by
`the BBC and the introduction of Digital
`Intercontinental Conversion Equipment
`(DICE) by the Independent Broadcasting
`Authority. Digital
`frame synchronizers
`became commercially available in 1975,
`and in 1976 the first commercial digital
`video recorder was introduced in the form
`of the Electronic Still Store (ESS).
`The acceptability of digital processing
`to the broadcaster is emphasized by the
`rapid emergence of an impressive number
`of digital products. At the National Asso-
`ciation of Broadcasters Convention in
`1976, the digital equipment demonstrated
`included: 12 time-base correctors, 6 digital
`synchronizers, 1 standards converter, and
`1 digital recorder (ESS).
`The introduction of digital signal pro-
`cessing techniques into the new environ-
`ment of broadcasting has produced a large
`body of literature, of which the most sig-
`nificant part is listed below, and a special-
`ized vocabulary listed and defined in the
`following glossary.
`ADC, (A / D converter): analog-to-digital
`a prescribed set of well-defined
`rules or processes for solving a problem in
`a finite number of steps
`baud: a unit of signaling speed equal to the
`number of discrete conditions or signal
`events per second; e.g., one band equals
`one bit per second in Morse Code and one
`bit per second in a train of binary sig-
`a contraction of “binary” and “digit"
`to define a unit of information
`A contribution submitted on IS November I976 by
`Gwyneth Davies Heynes, Ampex Corp, 401 Broadway,
`Redwood City. CA 94063.
`the speed at which encoded in-
`bit rate:
`formation is transmitted. in digital tele-
`vision, where an 8-bit PCM encoding of
`each sample is commonly required for
`acceptable quality when a sampling fre-
`quency of 10.7 MHz is used, the bit rate
`is approximately 85/86 million bits per
`second (usually expressed as Mbit/s).
`bit stream:
`the flow of encoded informa-
`a sequence of adjacent binary digits
`which is operated upon as a unit and
`usually shorter than a word (q.v.). A byte
`usually is made up of 8 bits.
`buffer: a device used as a temporary store
`from which information is taken out in a
`different manner from that in which it
`was entered
`a contraction of “coder and de-
`coder," used to imply the physical com-
`bination of the coding and decoding cir-
`comb filter: a wave filter whose frequency
`spectrum consists of a number of equi-
`spaced elements. It has repetitive pass and
`stop bands (resembling the teeth of a
`comb) and is usually implemented with a
`transversal filter.
`a contraction of “com-
`pressing and expanding.” Compression is
`used at one point in the communication
`path to reduce the amplitude range of the
`signals, followed by an expander to pro-
`duce a complementary increase in the
`amplitude range.
`a deleterious effect on the
`restored picture. Diminished shading ef-
`fects and sharply visible contour lines
`around the picture components are caused
`by lack of a continuous range of gray-
`scale values.
`a system for reducing the noise
`content of circuits by removing low-
`amplitude noise riding on the baseline of
`the signal
`crispening: a means of increasing picture
`sharpness by generating and applying a
`second time derivative of the original
`DAC (D/A converter): digital-to-analog
`data compression: a technique for saving
`storage space or transmission bandwidth
`by eliminating gaps, empty fields, re-
`dundancies or unnecessary data to
`shorten the length of records or blocks
`data rate:
`the rate at which data are
`transferred from one part of the system to
`the simplest form of
`delta modulation:
`DPCM (q.v.) in which one of only two
`codes is transmitted for each sample, in-
`structing the receiver to either add or
`subtract a fixed unit change to or from an
`accumulating total signal
`SMPTE Journal
`January I 977 Volume 86
`differential pulse code modulation (DPCM):
`a PCM variant in which the coded value
`transmitted for each sample represents
`the quantized difference between the
`present sample value and some combi-
`nation (e.g., the integrated sum) of all
`previously transmitted values. For signals
`having strong correlation between suc-
`cessive samples, fewer levels may be used
`to quantize differences than would be
`required for quantizing sample values
`with comparable precision.
`acronym for Digital Television
`Communications System developed by
`Comsat Corp. for satellite links. (Sec refs.
`I8, 33, 46.)
`dither signal: a simulated noise waveform
`combined with the signal before quanti-
`zation (q.v.) to compensate for the con-
`touring effects caused by quantization. It
`effectively reduces the number of bits
`required to produce an acceptable pic-
`see differential pulse-code mod-
`ECL: emitter-coupled logic
`error detection and correction:
`schemes incorporated into the informa-
`tion before it is transmitted (or stored) in
`such a way that errors which may arise in
`transmission can be detected and cor-
`rected before restoration or retrieval. In
`PCM systems, error correction effectively
`improves the SNR of the system.
`error rate:
`the ratio of the number of bits
`incorrectly transmitted to the total num-
`ber of bits of information received
`eye pattern: oscilloscope pattern produced
`by random waves introduced to verify the
`ability to test for the presence or absence
`of pulses in a digital system
`Fourier Transform:
`a transformation in
`which the orthogonal generating func-
`tions are sets of sinusoids
`Hadamard Transform:
`a transformation
`algorithm which may be used to encode
`picture signals. it lends itself to imple-
`mentation in such a way as to reduce the
`bit rate to a level lower than that required
`by PCM encoding. See W. K. Pratt, et al.,
`“Hadamard Transform Coding," IEEE
`Proceedings, 57: 58-60, Jan. 1969.
`interconnection between two
`equipments having different functions
`inter-frame coding:
`coding techniques
`which involve separating the signal into
`segments which have changed signifi-
`cantly from the previous frame and seg-
`ments which have not changed
`the technique of filling in
`missing information in a sampled sys-
`in television standards
`interpolation, line:
`conversion, the technique for adjusting
`the number of lines in a 625-line television
`system to a 525-line system (and vice
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`impairing the picture
`versa) without
`interpolation, movement: a technique used
`in standards conversion to compensate for
`the degrading effects of different field
`frequencies on pictures which contain
`movement. Different approximate pro-
`portions of successive input fields are used
`in each output field.
`least significant bit in the PCM
`representation ofa sample value
`MSB: most significant bit in the PCM
`representation of a sample value
`Nyquist rate (limit): maximum rate of
`transmitting pulse signals through a
`channel of given bandwidth. If B is the
`effective bandwidth in hertz, then 2B is
`the maximum number of code elements
`per second that can be received with cer-
`tainty. The definition is often inverted, in
`effect, to read “the theoretical minimum
`rate at which an analog signal can be
`sampled for transmitting digitally.” (See
`Nyquist Sampling Theorem.)
`a theorem
`Nyquist Sampling Theorem:
`which holds that the minimum sampling
`frequency which can be used without in-
`troducing unwanted components into the
`decoded analog signal is equal to twice the
`highest frequency of the original analog
`signal. (See H. Nyquist, “Certain Topics
`in Telegraph Transmission Theory,”
`AIEE Transactions, 47.‘ 617-644, April
`the number of bits which
`packing density:
`can be stored per unit of dimension of a
`recording medium
`PALE: phase alternating line encoding.
`A method of encoding the PCM NTSC
`signal by reversing the encoding phase on
`alternate lines to align the codewords
`vertically. (See ref. 4|.)
`parity hit:
`an extra bit appended to an
`array of bits
`to permit subsequent
`checking for errors
`see pulse code modulation
`PDM: pulse duration modulation. Also
`pulse width modulation
`pel: picture element (see also pixel).
`smallest picture element
`known as a pel) to which are assigned
`discrete RGB values
`pulse-code modulation: modulation pro-
`cess involving the conversion of a wave-
`form from analog to digital form by
`means of sampling, quantizing and cod-
`ing. The peak-to-pcak amplitude range of
`the signal is divided into a number of
`standard values each having its own value
`code. Each sample of the signal is then
`transmitted as the code word corre-
`sponding to the nearest standard ampli-
`pulse width modulation (also
`known as pulse duration modulation). A ‘
`form of pulse-time modulation in which
`the duration of a pulse is varied by the
`value of each instantaneous sample of the
`modulating wave.
`the division of a continuous
`range of values into a finite number of
`distinct values
`random access memory: a storage
`device from which information may be
`obtained at a speed which is independent
`of the location ofthe data, and from any
`required location. without searching all
`information sequentially
`read-only memory:
`a device in which in-
`formation is stored in such a way that it
`may be read but not modified
`real time: when the processing of a signal
`takes place during the time that the re-
`lated physical process is actually taking
`place, the signal may be said to be pro-
`cessed in “real time”
`see read-only memory
`the process of obtaining a series
`of discrete instantaneous values of a signal
`at regular or intermittent intervals
`Shannon’s Theorem:
`a criterion for esti-
`mating the theoretical Iimit to the rate of
`transmission — and correct reception of
`information with a given bandwidth and
`signal-to-noise ratio. (See C. E. Shannon,
`“A Mathematical Theory of Communi-
`cation." Bell System Technical Journal,
`27: 379-423, July 1948.)
`shift register:
`a set of serially connected
`memory cells in which the stored contents
`ofall cells may be simultaneously shifted
`forward or backward by one or more cell
`locations. At‘ the time of shifting, new
`contents may enter at one end of the reg-
`ister whilc previous contents are displaced
`and lost at the other.
`a scheme for
`sampling at a frequency lower than that
`prescribed by the Nyquist Sampling
`Theorem (q.v.)
`transistor-transistor logic. One of
`the families of integrated-circuit logic
`gates. Others are: emitter-coupled logic
`(ECL), diode-transistor logic (DTL), and
`resistor-transistor logic (RTL).
`transform coding:
`a method of encoding
`a picture by dividing_each picture into
`sub-pictures, performing a linear trans-
`formation on each sub—picture and then
`quantizing and coding the resulting
`the most
`Walsh-Hadamard Transform:
`commonly used version of the Hadamard
`transformation in which the orthogonal
`functions are sets of Walsh functions.
`(See Hadamard Transform.)
`word: a block of information composed of
`a predetermined number of bits
`Picture Coding
`I. W. R. Bennett. “Spectra of Quantized
`Signals." Bell System Technical Journal,
`27: 446—47l, July I948.
`2. W. M. Goodall, “Television by Pulse-
`Code-Modulation.“ Bell System Tcclmical
`Journal, 30: 33-49, January I951.
`3. J. B. O’NeaI,
`.lr., “Delta Modulation
`Quantizing Noise Analytical and Computer
`Simulation Results for Gaussian and Tele-
`vision Input Signals," Bell System Tech-
`nical Journal,
`4. J. B. O’NeaI. Jr., “Predictive Quantizing
`Systems (Differential Pulse Code Modu-
`Iation) for the Transmission of Television
`Signals," Bell Sy.rtem Technical Journal.
`45.’ 689-721, May -June I966.
`5. J. O. Limb, “Source-Receiver Encoding of
`Television Signals.“ IEEE Proceedings,"
`55: 364-379, March I967.
`6. H. C. Andrews and W. K. Pratt. “Television
`Bandwidth Reduction by Encoding Spatial
`Frequencies," I. SMPTL' 77: I279-I281,
`December I968.
`7. J. O. Limb, “Design ofDither Waveforms
`for Quantized Visual Signals." Bell System
`Technical Journal, 48: 2555-2582, Sep-
`tember I969.
`8. H. J. Landau and D. Slepian, “Some
`Computer Experiments in Picture Pro-
`cessing for Bandwidth Reduction," Bell
`Systcm Technical Journal, 50.‘ 1525- I 540,
`May—June I971.
`9. Paul A. Wintz. “Transform Picture Cod-
`ing.“ IEEE Proceedings. 60: 809-820, July
`Digital Television Principles and Techniques
`10. V. G. Dcvereaux, “Digital Television:
`ADC's, DAC’s, and Preferred Parameters
`for Coding,” International Broadcasting
`Convention — Proceedilzgx, 69-70, 1970.
`II. V. G. Devereux. “Pulse Code Modulation
`of Video Signals: 8-Bit Coder and Decod-
`er," BBC Rcsearch Report, No. I970/25,
`II pp.. 1970.
`I2. L. Stenger, “Possibilities of Digital En-
`coding and Transmission of Colour Televi-
`Signals," NachrichIcntcchnischc
`Zcitsclirift, 321 -325. June I97I.
`I3. L. S. Golding and R. K. Garlow, “Fre-
`quency Interleaved Sampling of a Color
`Television Signal," IEEE Trans. Commu-
`nication Terhnology..Vol. (‘om I 9: 972-
`979. December I97 I.
`I4. W. K. Pratt. “Spatial Transform Coding of
`Color Images,“ IEEE Trans. Communi-
`cation Tcchnology. Vol. Com I9: 980-992,
`December I971.
`15.’ J. E. Thompson, “A 36 Mbit/s Television
`Codec Employing Pseudorandom Quanti-
`zalion." IEEE ’I'ran.r.
`Technology, Vol. Com I9: 872-879, Dc-
`cember I971.
`I6. J. E. Thompson, “Differential Coding for
`Digital Transmission of PAL Colour Tele-
`vision Signals.“ Intcrnntional Broadcasting
`Conocntion — Procccding.v, 26 -32, I972.
`I7. A. Brown and R. W. King “Digital Video:
`Reduction of Sampling Frequency to I 1.9
`MHz," BBC Research Report, No.
`I972/36, 37 pp.. October I972.
`I8. L. S. Golding. “DITEC — A Digital
`Television Communications System for
`Satellite Links,“ 2nd International (‘on-
`jcrcncc on Digital Sutcllilc Communica-
`tions A Procccdingx. November I972.
`I9. B. F. Smith. “High Speed A/D Converters
`Bring You Archie Bunker in 8 Bits,“ Elec-
`tronic Englncer. 3/: 20-24. November
`20. L. Stenger, “Experiments on Coding Tele-
`vision Broadcast Signals,“ (In German)
`lntcrnarionalc Elclcrronische Rundschuu.
`27: 18 2|. January I973.
`2|. L. Verhocyen, “More Aspects of Quanti-
`sation Noise Associated with Digital Cod-
`ing of Colour-Television Signals," Elec-
`tronic l.ctIcr.r, 9: 69-70, February 8,
`I’. G. Parker, “Why Digital? Part I. Some
`Pros and Cons." Royal Television Society
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`Journal, /4: 204-205, May-June 1973.
`23. D. J. Connor, “Techniques for Reducing the
`Visibility of Transmission Errors in Digi-
`tally Encoded Video Signals,“ IEEE Trans.
`on Communication, Technology. Vol. Corn
`21-‘ 695-706. JUHC 1973.
`24. V. G. Devereux. “Digital Video: Differential
`Coding Ol PAL Signals Based on DilTeI'-
`cnces Between Samples One Subcarricr
`Period Apart," BBC Research Report, No.
`1973»/7, I3 pp..Jl1n¢ l973-
`25. V. G. Devcrcux, and G. C. Wilkinson.
`“Digital Video: Effect of PAL Decoder
`Alignment on the Acceptable Limits for
`Timing Jitter," BBC Research Report, No.
`I973/I, 6 pp., February 1973.
`26. J. E. Thompson, “Predictive Coding of
`Composite PAL and NTSC Colour Tele-
`vision Signals," IEEE International Con-
`fcrencc on Communications — Pr0ceed-
`ings, Vol. II, pp. 48/32-38, June I973.
`27. W. G. Simpson, “Why Digital‘! Part II.
`Distribution Links and Tclecommunica-
`lions,“ Royal Television Society Journal,
`I4: 236-237.July—August I973.
`28. A. A. Goldberg, “PCM Encoded NTSC
`Color Television Subjective Tests," J.
`SMPTE_, 82: 649-654, August 1973.
`29. J. L. E. Baldwin, “Why Digital? Part III.
`The Digital Television Studio Centre,"
`Royal Television Society Journal,
`261-264,September-October I973.
`30. J. P. Chambers.“The Uscof Digita|Tech-
`niques in Television Waveform Generation"
`International Broadcasting Convention —
`Proceedings, pp. 40-46, I974.
`31. V. G. Devereux and G. J. Phillips, “Bit Rate
`Reduction of Digital Video Signals Using
`Differential PCM Techniques," lnterna-
`tional Broadcasting Convention — Pro-
`ceedings, pp. 83-89, I974.
`32. V. G. Devereux, “Comparison of Picture
`Impairments Caused by Digital Coding of
`PAL and SECAM Video Signals,“ BBC
`Research Report, No. I974/16,4 pp., April
`33. L. S. Golding, “Digital Television Tech-
`niqucs,“ NAB Broadcast Engineering Corp.
`Proceedings, pp. l25—l28, I974.
`34. M. Hausdorfer, “Contribution to the Digital
`Transmission of Colour TV Signals," In-
`ternational Broadcasting Convention -
`Proceedings. pp. 274-278. 1974.
`35. N. May et 211., “Bit Rate Reduction in PCM
`Colour Television Transmission by Ana-
`Iogue Baud Reduction with Frequency In-
`terlacc and Line Delay (BFL-PCM)," NTZ
`Nachrichtentechnische Zeitschrift Com-
`munications Journal, 27." 80-83, February
`36. R. Walker, “Hadamard Transformation:
`A Real-Time Transformer for Broadcast
`Standard PCM Television," BBC Research
`Report, No.
`7 pp., February
`37. R. Walker and C. K. P. Clarke, “Walsh-
`Hadamard Transformation of Television
`Pictures,“ BBC Research Report, No.
`I874/I 3, 8 pp., March I974.
`38. S. G. Pursell and H. J. Newby, “Digital
`Frame Storage for Television Video,“ I.
`SMPTE, 83: 300-302, April 1974.
`39. S. M. Soliday et
`211., “Picture Quality
`Judgmentsln a DigitalTelevision System,“
`Human Factors,
`/6: 139-145, April
`40. M. Remy, “Prospects for Utilisation of
`Digital Techniques in Television,“ In Use
`of Digital Techniques in Broadcasting,
`EBU Tech 3208-E, pp. I3-19. June 1974.
`41. J. P. Rossi, “Color Decoding a PCM NTSC
`Color Television Signal," J. SMPTE, 83.‘
`489-495, June I974.
`42. F. H. Steele, “The Management and Eco-
`nomic Control of Digital Engineering Sys-
`terns," In Use of Digital Techniques in
`Broadcasting, EBU Tech 3208-E, pp.
`2|-39, June I974.
`43. S. Konig, “Present State of Development of
`Digital Recording of Television Signals,”
`(In German), Fernseh-and-Kinotechnik,
`28: 217-219, August 1974.
`44. V. G. Devereux, “Application of PCM to
`Broadcast Quality Video Signals. Part II:
`Subjective Study of Digit Errors and Tim-
`ing Jitter," Radio andlflectronic Engineer,
`44:46}-472.September 1974.
`45. T. A. Moore, “Digital Video: Number of
`Bits Per Sample Required for Reference
`Coding of Luminance and Colour-Differ-
`ence Signals," BBC Research Report, No.
`I975/42, I0 pp., December 1974.
`l. Dinstein, “Study and Simulation of a
`Variable Length Code DPCM for the Lu-
`minance Signal
`in DITEC." Comsat
`Technical Review, 5: 275-299, Fall 1975.
`47. T.
`lshiguro, “NETEC System — lnter-
`frame Encoder for NTSC Color Television
`International Conference on
`Satellite Communications —
`Proceedings. pp. 309-314, I975.
`48. C. W. B. Reis, “Anyone for Digits?"
`BKSTS Journal, 57: ll0—l I5, 1975.
`49. V. G. Devereux, “Digital Video: Sub-
`N yquist Sampling of PAL Colour Signals.“
`BBC Research Report, No. I975 /4, 15 pp.,
`January I975.
`50. R. V. Harvey, “An Experimental 8-Phase
`Modulation System for Distribution of
`Digital Television Signals." BBC Research
`Report, No.
`I9 pp., March
`51. J. G. Wade, “Cross-Correlation Method for
`Analysing Phase and Gain Errors in PCM
`Systems for Colour Television," IEE Pro-
`ceedings, /22: 367-368, April I975.
`52. M. E. B. Moffatt, “Some Applications of
`Coding Theory to Broadcasting,” Royal
`Television Society Journal, 15: 304-3| I,
`May—June 1975.
`53. E. S. Busby, Jr., “Principles of Digital
`Television Simplified," J. SMPTE, 84:
`542-545, July 1975.
`54. D. A. Howell, “A Primer on Digital Tele-
`vision," J. SMPTE, 84: 538-541, July
`55. J. P. Rossi, “Digital Television Image En-
`hancement," J. SMPTE 84: 545-551, July
`56. C. K. P. Clarke, “Hadamard Transforma-
`tion: Walsh Spectral Analysis ofTeIevision
`Signals," BBC Report, No. 1975/26, 30
`pp., September 1975.
`57. J. E. Thompson, “Methods of Digital
`Coding for Television Transmission," Royal
`Television Society Journal. 15: 384-391,
`September-October I975.
`58. M. Weston, “Pulse Code Modulation of
`Video Signals: Visibility of Level Quantis-
`ing Effects in Processing Channels," BBC
`Research Report, No. 1975/31, 12 pp.,
`October 1975.
`59. K. linuma etal.,“Interframe Coding for4
`MHz Color Television Signals," IEEE
`Transactions on Communications, Vol.
`Cam 23: 1461-1466, December 1975.
`60. J. P. Rossi, “Sub-Nyquist Encoded PCM
`NTSC Color Television," SMPTE J., 85:
`I-6, January 1976.
`61. M. 0. Felix, “Differential Phase and Gain
`SMPTE Journal
`January I977 Volume 86
`Measurements in Digitized Video Signals."
`SMPTE J., 85: 76-79. February 1976.
`62. A. A. Goldberg, “Digital Techniques
`Promise to Clarify the Television Picture,”
`Electronics, 43: 94-100, February 5,
`63. T. A. Moore. “Digital Video: A Theoretical
`Assessment ofthc Quantising Noise Spec-
`tra Arising From a Change in the Sampling
`Frequency of PAL Signals," BBC Research
`Report. No. I976/I0, 8 pp., May 1976.
`T"“°'B“5“"E""°' C°""°°"°"
`64. J. R. Chew, “Digital Methods for the
`Timing Correction of Television Signals."
`BBC Research Report, I973/I5, 5 pp.,
`August 1973.
`65. S. M. Edwardson, “The Digital Timing-
`Correction ofVideo Tape Recorded Colour
`Television Signals," IERE Conference on
`Video and Data Recording -— Proceedings,
`pp. 27-39, 1973.
`66. D. J. M. Kitson et al., “Digital Time Base
`Correction,“ International Broadcasting
`Convention — Proceedings. pp. 119-126,
`67. D. E. Acker and R. H. McLean, “Digital
`Time-Base Correction for Video Signal
`Processing,“ SMPTE J. 85: 146-50, March
`68. M. L. Sanders, “Digital Time Base Cor-
`rection of Videotape Recorders," Monitor
`(IREE Proceedings), 37:
`l|8—l23, April
`name Sy“°l"'°"'"“°“
`69. S. M. Edwardson and A. H. Jones, "Digital
`TV Synchronizers and Converters,“ Wire-
`less World, 77: 479-482, October I971.
`70. R. J . Butler, “Operational Implementation
`ofa Broadcast Television Frame Synchro-
`nizer, J. SMPTE, 84:
`I25—l28, March
`7], K, Kano, "Television Frame Synchronizer,
`J. SMPTE, 84: 129-134, March 1975.
`72. K. ltoh et al., “Television Frame Synchro-
`nizers and Their Operations," NEC Re-
`search and Development, 70-82, April
`J» B~ Mall¢)’~ “A Digital Fl‘3m5Sl0T€ Syn-
`Standards conversion
`ill‘. “Digital Line-Store
`74- A. V- Lord 6!
`Standards Conversions."
`Broadcasting Cflnveflllvfl — Proceedings.
`1310- 24-27. 1970-
`75. R. Walker, “Digital Line-Store Standards
`Conversion: A Feasibility Study," BBC
`Research Report, No. 1971/44, 12 pp.,
`76. J. L. E. Baldwin. “A Standards Converter
`Using Digital Techniques.“ Royal Televi-
`sion Society Journal, 14, 3-1 I. January-
`February, 1972.
`77. J. O. Drewery et al., “Digital Line-Store
`Standards Conversion: Preliminary Inter-
`polation Study,“ BBC Research Report,
`I972/28, I5 pp., 1972.
`78. J. O. Drewcry, “Interpolation in Digital
`Line-Store Standards Conversion: A The-
`orctical Study." BBC Research Report,
`1972/28, 15 pp., 1972.
`79. G. M. LeCouteur, “Digital Line-Store
`Standards Conversion: Preliminary Inter-
`polation Study," BBC Research Report,
`1972/23, I4 pp., I973.
`80. J. L. E. Baldwin et al., “DICE: The First
`Intercontinental Digital Standards Con-
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`vcrter," Royal T£'f(’Uf.Yfl)I1 Society Journal,
`/5: I40-I59, Scptcmbcr—October. I974.
`8|. T. Kuruma, et al.. “Digital Fields Store
`Television Standards Converter," Inter-
`national Broadcaxting Convention —
`Proverding.r, pp. I04—l I3, I974.
`82. J.
`l.. E. Baldwin and K. H. Barratt,
`“DICE — A Digital Field Rate Television
`Broadcast Engineer, 8.‘ 36 40, April-May,
`83. J. D. Lunn and M. E. B. Moffatt. “Possible
`Techniques for the Recording of Digital
`Television Signals,“ BBC‘ Research Report.
`No. 1969/42, 17 pp., 1969.
`84. J. L. E. Baldwin, “Digital Television Re-
`cording,” IE RE Conference on Video and
`Data Recording —— Proceedings. pp. 66-70,
`July, I973.
`.1. F. Chambers, “The Use of Coding
`Techniques to Reduce the Tape Consump-
`tion of Digital Television Recording,” IERE
`Conference on Video and Data Record-
`ing — Proceedings,
`pp. 95-104,
`86. D. W. H. Hampshire, “Digital Expanded
`Capacity Delta Modulation for Video Re-
`cording,” IERE Conference on Video and
`Data Recording — Proceedings, pp. 95-
`104, July, I973.
`87. A. H. Jones, “Digital Television Recording:
`A Review of Current Developments." BBC
`Research Report, No. I973/29,
`I pp.,
`November, I973.
`88. A. H. Jones and F. A. Bellis, “An Experi-
`mental Approach to Digital Television
`Recording,” International Broadcasting
`Convention — Proceedings, pp. II4-II8,
`89. A. H. Jones, “Digital Television Recording:
`A Review of Current Developments," BBC
`Engineering, pp. 18- 27, May, 1974.
`90. F. Davidoff, “Digital Video Recording for
`Television Broadcasting, J. SMPTE, 84:
`552-555, July, I975.
`91. A. H. Jones, “Digital Sound and Television
`Rccording—The Requirements of the
`Signal," IEEb‘ Tran.rartion.r on Magnetics,
`Vol. Mag ll:
`l230—|233. September,
`92. C. D. Mathers, “Digital Video Recording:
`Some Experiments in Error Protection,"
`BBC Research Report, No. 1976/], 7 pp.,
`February, I976.
`93. F. A. Bellis, “An Experimental Digital
`Television Recorder," BBC Research Re-
`port, No. I976/7. 7 pp., I976.
`94. W. G. Connolly and J. Dicrmann, “The
`Electronic Still Store: a Digital System for
`the Storage and Display of Still Pictures,"
`SMPTE J., 85: 609-613, August, I976.
`95. C. E. Anderson, J. Dicrmann, and W. G.
`Connolly, “The Electronic Still Store: a
`Digital System for the Storage and Display
`of Still Pictures," International Broad-
`casting Convention — Prot'ectling.r,
`76-83, I976.
`The First Nationwide Live Stereo Simulcast Network
`For many years, television audio has been enhanced by the simultaneous transmission of high-
`Iidclity. stereo audio information on an FM broadcast station with the transmission of video and
`normal television audio information on a television broadcast station. Unfortunately, due to the
`lack of high-fidelity network facilities. such programs have had to be distributed on tape or, if
`livc. confined to a single city. Now a network has been assembled for transmitting live, high-fidelity,
`stereo simulcasts nationwide via land lines, microwave and satellite. The network utilizes analog
`FM subcarriers for the audio signals. carried just above the video information on video circuits.
`The network has been used in conjunction with several programs transmitted by the Public
`Broadcasting Service, and it offers stereo simulcasts to potentially more than half of the United
`States television audience.
`IN 1972, the Media Development De-
`partment of Lincoln Center began a re-
`search program to perfect the techniques
`of transmitting performances of opera,
`ballet, theater and music on television.
`Since the performances to be transmitted
`were to be actual live performances before
`paying audiences, this research covered
`such areas as low-light-level
`contrast compression, unobtrusive camera
`and microphone placement, and prepara-
`tion of the television director for
`transmission without
`interfering in the
`It was also decided that, since opera,
`ballet and music depend very heavily on
`high-quality sound for maximum enjoy-
`ment, every effort would be made to bring
`such high-quality sound to the home tele-
`vision viewer. One of the outgrowths of this
`aspect of the research was the first na-
`tionwide livc stereo simulcast network, first
`utilized on 30 January I976 for the trans-
`mission of the first “Live From Lincoln
`Center” program on the Public Broad-
`casting Service.
`though it may be
`Television. sound,
`Presented on IS October I976 at the Society's Tech-
`nical Confcrencc in New York by Mark Schubin,
`Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. I865
`Broadway. New York, NY I002}. This paper was re-
`ceived on 8 September I976.
`transmitted on an adequate FM carrier,
`has always been poor in quality compared
`with FM radio sound. To begin with, it is
`picked up by microphones generally re-
`stricted from the cameras field of view and
`thus forced many feet from a performer. It
`is generally recorded on the audio track of
`a videotape recorder on a tape with mag-
`netic particle orientation optimized for
`transverse video recording and, therefore,
`wrong for longitudinal audio recording, a
`tape which is furthermore struck by a
`moving video head at a frequency near the
`peak of audibility. When television sound
`is distributed by a network, its upper fre-
`quency range is restricted to 5 kHz. When
`received in the home, it is amplified by an
`amplifier that accounts for a negligible
`fraction of the cost of the television set, and
`it is returned to sound by a speaker often no
`better than that
`found in inexpensive
`transistor radios.
`Fortunately, it is possible to bypass the
`television sound system completely by the
`use of FM broadcast stations to simulta-
`neously transmit high-fidelity stereo audio
`while a television station transmits video
`and television audio. These simulcasts, as
`they are called, have been used for many
`years for the transmission of both classical
`(WN ET‘s Great Performances) and pop
`(A BC’s In Concert, Don Kirshner's Rock
`Concert) music programs.
`Unfortunately, unless such programs
`were transmitted within a single city, the
`unavailability of network audio lines of
`wide bandwidth (1 5 kHz), with low noise
`and capable of maintaining a phase rela-
`tionship betwccn the stereo channels,
`forced these programs to be distributed on
`Tape distribution would generally take
`one of several forms. Two videotapes might
`be distributed to be played simultaneously
`by two videotape recorders locked together
`by the SMPTE time code recorded on their
`cue tracks while one carried the left chan-
`ncl on its audio track and the other the
`right, often causing problems for mono-
`phonic compatibility; a single videotape
`might be distributed with one channel on
`its audio track and a second on its cuc track
`(occasionally this would take the form of
`sum information on the audio track and
`difference information on the cue track);
`a single videotape might be distributed to
`modified videotape recorders with split
`audio heads for playing two audio tracks
`back from the space of the single audio
`track used on most machines, with the loss
`of SNR compensated for by noise reduc-
`tion equipment; or video and audio tapes
`might be distributed. to be locked together
`by the use of the SM PTE time code, ver-
`tical drivc pulses or other techniques.
`The difficulty of such tape distribu-
`tion -— aside from the obvious costs, com-
`promises and operational problems en-
`countered — is that none of the methods
`could provide for the transmission of a live
`Even though network audio lines were
`inadequate for high-fidelity transmission,
`however, network video lines were capable
`of transmitting far more than the video
`information presented to them. For ex-
`ample, a large part of a video signal is de-
`PMC Exhibit 2019
`January 1977 SMlBM.gtE%d)ibit 3019
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`IPR201 6-00753
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`Volume 86

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