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`PMC Exhibit 21 16
`Apple v. PMC
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`PMC Exhibit 2116
`Apple v. PMC
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`The Waiting Is Over;
`Touch the Future -with VieW"tron
`Dear South Floridian:
`Welcome to the future! Tomorrow has arrived. A historic moment in the
`United States is upon us, and all of us who live in South Florida are a part of this
`historic event.
`How many of us were fortunate enough to be there when the first
`television set showed its first program, when the first radio crackled its first
`sounds, when the first talkie movie was shown, when the first words came
`through Bell's telephone, or when the first US. newspaper came off the press?
`Few of us actually can say that we were there when history was being made(cid:173)
`until now.
`A new communications medium is making its commercial debut in the
`United States. A medium that combines space age technology with your
`everyday television and telephone line to bring you a new world of
`information and services.
`Viewdata Corporation of America, a wholly owned subsidiary of
`Knight- Ridder Newspapers, which publishes The Miami Herald, is
`proud to be the first to introduce VIEWTRON® to the United States and to
`South Florida.
`Viewtron is the first commercial videotex service in America. Videotex
`is a technology that combines your home television, your telephone line and
`a giant computer to provide a wide variety of information and services. In the
`pages that tollow you will be given a more detailed explanation of the
`information and services VIEWTRON will bring to your control. The world of
`information will be at your fingertips.
`Now, for the first time, you can live on your own timetable, get the facts
`you want, the information you need, instantly, using your own TV Consider
`for a moment all the things you now spend valuable time- your time(cid:173)
`waiting for.
`You wait for the stores to open, you wait to find a parking space, you wait
`for the newspaper to arrive, for your turn at the bank's teller window,
`for someone to look up, locate and deliver the information you need, or the
`evening's newscast to come on, tor today's stock prices and tomorrow's
`weather forecast. The list is endless.
`your living room, and perhaps best of all, you'll be able to shop via
`VIEWTRON. Yes, the day when you can actually do much of your shopping
`from your favorite easy chair is here.
`VIEWTRON is a subscription service available to you now. To make the
`VIEWTRON connection all you need is the new AT&T Sceptre"' videotex
`terminal. It is portable, and consists of a control unit and a wireless keypad.
`The Sceptre terminal is easy to install-you can do it yourself in minutes. And
`it is very simple to usc. Even children learn to operate it quickly.
`In the following pages, we will describe how VIEWTRON works, what
`services VIEWTRON offers, how to use VIEWTRON and where to go to see
`VIEWTRON demonstrated. We'll even tell you where you can buy the Sceptre
`terminal and subscribe to VIEWTRON. This commemorative issue of
`VIEWTRON Magazine and Guide is being widely distributed so that many
`South Floridians can be a part of this historic event, the birth of a new
`industry, of a new medium.
`After years of research, planning and testing, we are proud to introduce
`VIEWTRON to South Florida. We sincerely hope you enjoy your adventures
`with the new world of information and services. VIEWTRON. The waiting
`is over.
`Q!kr /cpL
`Albert J Gilkn ~
`Viewdata Corporation of America, Inc.
`With VIEWTRON you won't have to wait or do without this sort of
`information any more. You will get the answers you need instantly. You'll be
`able to shop at midnight, bank on Sundays, get the latest news from Hialeah to
`Hollywood, know where the traffic tie-ups are before you find them on your
`own, get stock prices, learn a foreign language, even send messages and
`greetings to your friends electronically. You will be able to do your banking
`with participating banks and savings and loan associations without leaving
`Viewtron Magazine a November 1983
`PMC Exhibit 2116
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2

`November 1983. Vol. I No. I
`Pull out a giant poster ofViewtronland. At a glance, you can discover
`the world ofViewtron available to you at your fingertips.
`Learn how the TV, telephone and computer arc combined to bring
`you your newspaper, your bank records, your mail and much more.
`If you own a TV and a telephone, all you need to access Viewtron
`is a Sceptre terminal. Visit any of the listed stores for a hands-on
`Viewtron demonstration with the Sceptre terminal.
`Viewtron Magazine II November 1983
`An at-a-glance directory ofViewtron
`serviet:s. More than 750 Viewtron
`topics available at the touch of a key. It's
`as if your personal banker, stockbroker,
`social secretary, postman and the town
`crier had moved inlo your living room.
`Viewtron Magazine & Guide is the official
`magazine of Viewtron. Viewtron is the first fully
`commercial videotex service in America and is a
`subscription service of Viewdata Corporation
`of America, Inc, a wholly owned subsidiary of
`Knight-Ridder Newspapers Inc. Viewtron is a
`registered service mark of Viewdata
`Corporation of America. Sceptre is a trademark
`of AT&T Company. Albert J. Gillen, president,
`Norman Morrison, executive vice president.
`Viewtron Magazine & Guide (quarterly) and
`Viewtron Newsletter (8 issues per year) are
`published by Viewdata Corporation of America
`Inc., 1111 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach, Florida
`33139, U.S.A, (305) 674-1444. The Viewtron
`service will be unavailable to subscribers on
`Mondays from 12:30 a.m. to 5:30a.m., and at
`other unschedulerl times when maintenance is
`necessary. Some Viewtron services may be
`subject to delay depending on technical
`conditions. Naturally, Viewtron wi II attempt to
`keep any interruption of normal service to a
`minimum. Viewdata Corporation of America
`Inc., reserves the right to add, delete or modify
`Viewtron services. The Viewtron Terms of
`Service should be consulted for a complete
`description of the terms and conditions of
`Viewtron services. The Viewtron Magazine &
`Guide and Viewtron Newsletter are distributed
`free to Viewtron subscribers. Subscriptions are
`$25/year in the U.S. and $50 elsewhere. ©1983
`Viewdata Corporation of America Inc.,
`November 1983, Vol. 1, No.1.
`PMC Exhibit 2116
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 3

`Ne-ws You Want-When You Want It;
`Quick & Easy-to-Use
`W ITH Viewtron, you have instant
`access to the news you want ~
`updated throughout the day.
`Consider how you now get the news
`and information you want. You wait for
`the newspaper. You wait for the radio or
`TV newscast. You could get 24-hour
`cable news, but there's no guarantee
`you'll get the news you're looking for.
`Viewtron enables you to select the
`news you want, whenever you want it.
`Viewtron technology makes possible
`the marriage of the breadth and depth of
`newspaper reporting with the immedi(cid:173)
`acy of broadcast reports.
`You will find stories from The Miami
`Herald and several other news sources,
`including The Associated Press, The
`New York Times, Dow Jones, KNT News
`Service, Los Angeles Times-Washington
`Post News Service, National Weather
`Service and Weather Services Interna(cid:173)
`Choosing what to read is easy. View(cid:173)
`tron editors comb news sources to de(cid:173)
`velop sections for local, national, world
`and business top stories. Each of these
`four sections includes approximately 15
`of the most important and interesting
`articles of the day.
`Read about Latin America in the
`world news section. Read about your
`home state in the national news section.
`Find out what's happening in the federal
`government by looking at Washington
`news and the Congressional Quarterly.
`Keep track of your representatives by
`examining Congressional Quarterly's
`roll call of votes on major issues.
`Stay on top of business news and mar(cid:173)
`ket activity of the day in the Business
`Keep up with your professional field
`with articles indexed by occupations,
`including airlines, automobiles, com(cid:173)
`munications, education, health and
`medicine, law, science, touristn, trade
`and utilities.
`Viewtron also keeps you up to date on
`the weather with National Weather Ser(cid:173)
`vice reports for Dade, Broward and Palm
`Beach counties and florida cities out(cid:173)
`side the tri-county area.
`Boaters find the marine forecast up(cid:173)
`dated four times a day, and travelers can
`select daily weather reports and fore(cid:173)
`casts for 40 U.S. cities.
`Viewtron makes your TV screen a
`window to the world, giving you more
`news to match your personal or profes-
`sional interests than you've ever imag(cid:173)
`from University of Florida plans a
`gathering, read about it on View(cid:173)
`• Before your local zoning hoard
`Viewtron's window also enables you
`meets, find out what's on the
`to look into your community by provid(cid:173)
`ing neighborhood news that may be im(cid:173)
`Viewtron highlights news and events
`portant to only you and a few others. For
`at local schools, including Ransom(cid:173)
`Catholic Church and Temple Beth Am~
`Everglades; Coral Gables, Palmetto and
`provide a schedule of services and spe(cid:173)
`• When the honor roll is posted at
`Nova high schools; Ponce de Leon, Pal(cid:173)
`cial programs.
`Coral Gables High School, you
`metto and Southwood junior highs; and
`Stay in touch with your alma mater.
`can point to your teenager's name
`West Lab Elementary.
`Campus and alumni news comes from
`with pride.
`Religious congregations ~ including
`Florida colleges, i~cluding University of
`e niversity Baptist Church, St. Louis
`• When the alumni association
`Miami, Miami-Dade Community Col-
`~------------------------------------~ lege, Florida International University,
`University of Florida and Florida State
`"Boaters find the marine forecasts updated
`Viewtron's 11 neighborhood calen(cid:173)
`four times a day, and travelers
`dars bill art shows, classes, club meet(cid:173)
`can select weather reports for 40 cities:'
`ings, films, lectures, music and theater in
`your area.
`Viewtron reporters provide special
`additional coverage of Coral Gables,
`South Miami and East Kendall. Plans call
`for expanding coverage as the use of
`Viewtron grows throughout South
`In addition to the crime coverage
`from The Miami Herald, Viewtron re(cid:173)
`porters provide daily reports on
`neighborhood crime from local police
`departments. Neighborhood warnings
`will be issued by Dade County Citizens'
`Crime Watch, along with the news about
`the group's activities and advice on how
`to protect your home.
`Reporters cover major community
`events and important government
`meetings. Coral Gables coverage ex(cid:173)
`tends to meetings of the City Commis(cid:173)
`sion, Planning and Zoning Board, Board
`of Adjustment, Beautification Commit(cid:173)
`tee and Chamber of Commerce.
`Weekly price surveys compare prod(cid:173)
`ucts offered by South Dade businesses.
`Find out how much the house down
`the street sold for. Local listings record
`sale prices of homes in your neighbor(cid:173)
`hood, births at local hospitals, occupa(cid:173)
`tional licenses, government meeting
`agendas and special notices.
`And there's more.
`Read about civic clubs, scouting
`groups, homeowners association meet(cid:173)
`ings, local business people and new in(cid:173)
`Vie~vtron is current1 comprehensive
`and attuned to your interests, whether
`it's news about the nation, the world,
`your business or your community.
`Viewtron Magazine a ;\/ovember 1983
`PMC Exhibit 2116
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 4

`Bank At Midnight Frotn Your Living Rootn;
`Check Your Stock Portfolio Daily
`W AITING in line at the teller's win(cid:173)
`Depending on what is offered by your
`bank or savings and loan association,
`you may be able to do any or all of the
`following on Vicwtron:
`• Inquire about the status of your
`Waiting for your bank statement to
`Wondering whether the figures in
`your checkbook match the current fig(cid:173)
`ures the bank has.
`You've experienced all three situa(cid:173)
`But now, through Viewtron's par(cid:173)
`ticipating banks and savings and loan
`associations, you can put an end to the
`hassle of managing your money.
`Now you can bank at home.
`Just press a few keys and you'll be able
`to check your account balance, transfer
`funds from one account to another;
`even pay your monthly bills in just a few
`Set up a list of fixed amount payments
`made each month: mortgage, life insur(cid:173)
`ance, orthodontist, car, newspaper and
`country club. Authorize payment and
`you take care of these in seconds.
`Then set up payments that vary in
`amount each month: telephone, elec(cid:173)
`tric, water, gas, Saks Fifth Avenue, Bur(cid:173)
`Check how your stocks are doing in
`dines, American Express and Master(cid:173)
`the business news section. Other news
`Care\. Just type in the amount and
`and investment information from The
`authorize payment.
`Miami Herald, The Wall Street Journal
`You can leave the payment lists on
`and other sources can also be found in
`Viewtron for usc in future months.
`the business section.
`Take advantage of another bill-paying
`Comparison shop for life insurance.
`feature by authorizing payments to be
`Several companies detail coverage and
`made automatically months later. This
`prices for various plans.
`might be useful for a quarterly payment
`Order merchandise and learn about
`such as car insurance.
`travel services from American Expre".
`Viewtron offers a new and conven(cid:173)
`Check your most recent charge bill.
`ient way to do your banking through the 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i
`With Viewtron, you'll never he home
`following banks and savings and loan
`deposit or loan accounts.
`years to explore all the possible combi(cid:173)
`without it.
`nations required to break the code.
`• Pay bills and transfer funds.
`When you do kave home, make sure
`Southeast Bank
`• Set up a list of merchants to be
`you know where the best buys are. Con(cid:173)
`Flagship Bank
`sult Viewtron's directory for discount
`Dade Savings and Loan
`shopping areas and "how-to" guide for
`• Set up a list of transfer relation(cid:173)
`bargain shoppers.
`ships between your accounts.
`City National Bank Corporation
`Save money with thrift tips and re(cid:173)
`Chase Federal Savings and
`• Update your bill payment and
`fund offer details from the nationally
`Loan Association
`funds transfer records.
`syndicated Super Saver column by Jan
`Dadeland Bank
`• Request stop payment on checks
`Coconut Grove Bank
`you have written.
`Save hours of tedious research by
`County National Bank of
`• Order checks.
`reading financial analyst Dick Davis'
`South Florida
`• Send messages to your financial
`newsletter that digests more than 200
`Florida Coast Banks, Inc.
`other market publications.
`The Bank of Coral Gables
`Regular newsletter articles are
`While banking, you are free from elec(cid:173)
`CariBank/Dania Bank
`"Wherc's the Market Going;' "Spotlight
`tronic eavesdropping thanks to a sophis(cid:173)
`Stock" and "Investment Tips:·
`ticated means of encrypting informa(cid:173)
`tion. Data traveling between the View(cid:173)
`Keep on top of your investments and
`in touch with your bank through View(cid:173)
`tron computers and your Sceptre ter(cid:173)
`tron. Managing your 1noney has never
`minal is totally scrambled. A state-of(cid:173)
`the-art super computer would take 10
`been easier.
`mail link through Viewtron so that each
`can leave messages for the other any
`time of the day or night.
`Although you cannot buy and sell
`stocks directly through Viewtron, you
`can send an electronic message to your
`broker providing instructions or inquir(cid:173)
`ing about your account.
`This service, called "Hnttonline;· will
`cost $17 a month after a six-month free
`trial that begins today. Other brokerage
`houses such as Merrill Lynch provide
`general investment research informa(cid:173)
`tion to all Viewtron subscribers, even
`those without brokerage accounts.
`Viewtron is a buying tool. If you are
`looking for a car like the Honda Accord
`or Chevy Cavalier, consult the "Con(cid:173)
`sumer Reports Annual Auto Buying
`Guide:' Viewtron also lets you pick any
`two cars and compare their features.
`Other product ratings, published
`monthly in Consumer Reports
`magazine, are also available.
`Columnist, author and television
`commentator Jane Bryant Quinn pro(cid:173)
`vides advice on banking and credit and
`other money matters. There's informa(cid:173)
`tion on insurance, too, with a special
`section on Florida insurance require(cid:173)
`ln addition to home banking, View(cid:173)
`tron offers "home brokerage~'
`For example, customers ofE.F. Hutton
`& Co., the nation's second-largest
`brokerage house, can call up current in(cid:173)
`formation on their accounts, such as
`portfolio positions, cash balances and
`data on checking transactions.
`Brokers and clients have an electronic
`Viewtron Magazine a November 1983
`PMC Exhibit 2116
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 5

`The 'Electronic Mall' Arrives;
`All Under One Roof (Yours)
`D o your shopping from your favor(cid:173)
`ite easy chair at any time of the
`day or night. Don't wait for the stores to
`open or worry about how soon they'll
`close. No more fretting about traffic,
`parking, crowds or checkout lines.
`In the comfort of your own home,
`press a few keys to review products
`from many of South Florida's finest
`Vicwtron's wealth of information can
`help make you a smart shopper and a
`careful consumer. If you are shopping
`for a particular product, say a camera, it's
`probably on sale somewhere. On View(cid:173)
`tron, a camera sale would be listed in
`three places: sales, cameras and the par(cid:173)
`ticular store holding the sale. It's .easy to
`find the best prices with Viewtron.
`Found something you'd like to buy'
`Often, you'll be able to order it through
`Viewtron generates an order form
`right on your TV screen. It even fills in
`your name and address. All you need to
`do is type in your credit card number
`and indicate whether you prefer home
`delivery or store pickup.
`Finalize your order by pressing a key
`to send it to the retailer. Upon receiving
`your order, the retailer sends a confir(cid:173)
`mation or "electronic receipt" to your
`Viewtron mailbox indicating that the
`product is in stock and telling you when
`to come pick it up or when you'll be
`receiving it.
`Imagine being able to do the follow(cid:173)
`ing from your home through your TV:
`• Buy sporting equipment, clothes,
`rackets and balls.
`• Choose a camera, film and dark(cid:173)
`room supplies.
`• Pick out tables and chairs.
`• Order garden supplies,
`appliances, linens and kitchen
`• Select small computers and
`software, calculators and office
`• Charge stereos, records and tele(cid:173)
`• Shop for toys and books.
`• Splurge on a nice perfume.
`For special occasions, order flowers
`from a florist, send a Western Union
`telegram or an electronic Hallmark
`greeting. Celebrate by ordering a ca-
`tercel meal or liquor, prime meats, pas(cid:173)
`tries and cakes.
`Plan a memorable day or evening.
`Order tickets to the ballet, concert,
`show, theater, circus or football game
`from Select-A-Seat ticket agency. Choose
`seats by price category and have tickets
`mailed to your home or office.
`Shop for a dream vacation. llse View(cid:173)
`tron to order travel brochures and make
`reservations through a travel agency.
`Take a side-trip on Viewtron to compare
`prices on car rentals, major airline offer(cid:173)
`ings and cruises.
`Order items from the printed
`catalogues of stores such as Best Prod(cid:173)
`ucts and Laura Ashley.
`].C. Penney replies quickly to orders
`from its catalogue because Viewtron
`connects you directly with Penney's
`order-entry computer in Atlanta. If the
`item you want is not in stock, the com(cid:173)
`puter suggests alternatives. Perhaps it is
`available in other colors -you'll get a list
`of them.
`In addition to home shopping, View(cid:173)
`tron subscribers can find out which
`N O need to keep your classified in(cid:173)
`formation a secret.
`For only about $1 a week, you can
`place a classified advertisement on
`Viewtron by simply typing your ad into
`your Sceptre terminal.
`You won't have to plan days in ad(cid:173)
`vance to schedule an ad because View(cid:173)
`tron allows you to communicate
`quick! y with other subscribers.
`And don't worry about receiving
`phone calls or messages after the sale
`has been made. The ad can be removed
`almost as quickly as it was placed by
`typing your request into Viewtron.
`Classifieds placed by Viewtron sub(cid:173)
`scribers are only one category in View-
`stores to go to and when. Browse
`through advertisements and informa(cid:173)
`tion from hundreds of businesses in(cid:173)
`cluding such local stores as Burdines
`and Eckerd Drugs, and such out-of-state
`stores as Daytons of Minneapolis.
`Special bargains are available at many
`local stores to holders of Viewpons,
`paper coupons that you get free with
`Viewtron. Check the Viewpon section
`for an index of merchants making offers.
`For example, a restaurant might adver(cid:173)
`tise a 10 per cent discount on meals to
`Viewpon holders. Take advantage of an
`offer by filling out the Viewpon based on
`what you see on the TV screen and pre(cid:173)
`senting it to the merchant when you
`make the purchase.
`Other bargains unique to Viewtron
`shopping are time-sensitive, 11th hour
`A cruise ship leaving the Port of
`Miami the next day might offer bargain
`rates for unreserved cabins; a theater
`might discount tickets late in the day of
`a performance; at 9 p.m. a store might
`announce a midnight madness sale. You
`would look for any of these bargains
`under the section for 11th hour View(cid:173)
`tron values.
`Nothing is too big for the Viewtron
`shopping section. Looking for a new
`home' Scan the index of real estate
`agencies with listings. Simply push a key
`to have an agent contact you about a
`house you like.
`Elsewhere in the shopping section,
`find out about store-sponsored special
`events such as fashion shows, cooking
`demonstrations and celebrity appear(cid:173)
`Prepare for an evening of jai alai with
`player, restaurant and how-to-bet guides
`from Miami and Dania frontons.
`Learn how to lower your electric bill
`with tips from Florida Power & Light.
`Comparison shop using price infor(cid:173)
`mation from businesses such as car
`dealers, banks, insurance companies
`and restaurants.
`Sit back in your easy chair, avoid the
`crowds and buy when it's convenient for
`you. Home shopping is the best bar(cid:173)
`gain Viewtron offers.
`tron's classified advertising section.
`Another category contains most of
`The Miami Herald's classified advertis(cid:173)
`ing section, published on Viewtron sev(cid:173)
`eral hours before it is available in the
`newspaper. This section has nine
`categories: announcements, automo(cid:173)
`tive, real estate, employment, oppor(cid:173)
`tunities, instruction and services, pets
`and livestock, merchandise, and
`marine/aviation/recreational vehicles.
`Saturday and weekday classifieds are
`displayed for 24 hours, with the Sunday
`section remaining for a full week.
`Finally, Viewtron's classified section
`has a category for advertisers who have
`separate advertising sections elsewhere
`on Viewtron such as local realtors, auto
`dealers and personnel agencies. For
`example, while a realtor's listing might
`be under "homes for sale" in classified,
`that same realtor might provide more
`extensive information within his own
`advertising section under the larger sec(cid:173)
`tion for real estate agencies. Through
`this section, you could find out about
`many real estate offerings from that par(cid:173)
`ticular agency.
`An affordable marketplace with a
`wide selection of goods and services -
`this combination makes Viewtron's clas(cid:173)
`sified section appealing to both sellers
`and buyers.
`Viewtron Magazine a November 1983
`PMC Exhibit 2116
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 6

`Balloon (Ad) Ventures of Miami
`Air France
`Eastern Airlines
`Pan American World Airways
`Mike's Appliance & TV
`Anthony Abraham Chevrolet
`Autohaus Pompano
`Bill Seidle's Datsun & Mitsubishi
`Coral Gahles Lincoln Mercury
`Gary Fronrath Chevrolet
`Gunther VW/Mazda
`Harbor Chrysler Plymouth
`Monarch Dodge
`Pat Sheehan Buick
`Sports Car South
`Alamo Rent-A-Car
`Alpha Rent-A-Car
`Budget Rent-A-Car
`Dolphin Rent-A-Car
`Hertz Corporation
`Interamerican Car Rental
`National Car Rental
`The Bank of Coral Gables
`Coconut Grove Bank
`Chase Federal S & L
`City National Bank
`Consolidated Bank
`Continental National Bank
`County National Bank of Florida
`Dadeland Bank
`Dade Savings & Loan
`Florida Coast Banks, Inc.
`Southeast Banks
`Colossal Book Mart
`Multiple Listing Service
`E.E Hutton
`Mcrrill Lynch
`Aberbach Photo and Art Supply
`American Photo
`Andy's Camera House
`Camcra Bazaar
`Gulfstream Camera
`Photo Magic Storcs
`Boundary \Vaters
`Commandcr Salamander
`Essential Clothiers
`Laura Ashley, Inc.
`Royal Silk, Ltd.
`Best Products Company, Inc.
`Master Host Caterers
`Western Cnion
`Norwegian Caribbean Lines
`Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines
`Scandinavian World Cruises
`Windjammer Barefoot Cruises
`Eckerd Drugs
`2001 Stereo
`Channel TV & Electronics
`Computer Design, Inc.
`Computer Generation
`Phillip Morris
`UniTe! of South Florida
`The Video Spectrum
`Festival Productions
`"Bugs" Burger Bug Killers. Inc.
`Richard's Fabrics
`Fifth Avenue Fragrance
`A Touch of Class Florist
`Dolly's Florist
`Exotic Gardens
`Flowers by Blossom Shops
`Suni-Dade Florist & Gift Shop
`Epicure Market
`Grand Union Company
`The Carpet Mart
`The Door Store
`Universal Home Products
`Viewtron Magazine a November 1983
`Florida Power & Light
`Southcrn Bell
`Century 21 Real Estate of So. Fla.
`Century 21 Tropic Realty, Inc.
`ERA- South Dade Realty, Inc.
`Esslinger-Wootcn-Maxwcll, Inc.
`Q-Records & Tapes
`Variety Records
`Arthur's Eating House
`Chez Vendome
`Greenstreets Restaurant
`Bal Harbour Shops
`Dadeland Mall
`Hollywood Mall
`Miami International Mall
`Midway Mall
`Omni International
`Don's Golf & Tennis
`Mark 400
`Nan til us Dive, Surf & Ski
`Coconut Grove Playhouse
`Miami Beach Theatre of
`the Performing Arts
`Parker Playhouse
`Royal Poinciana Playhouse
`Galt Toys
`A. AAAbco Cruise Center
`AAA East Coast
`Airtour Universal
`Aliza Brenner Travel
`All Way Travel
`Ameritravel International
`The Bahamas Administry of'Iburism
`Burdines Travel
`Continental World Travel
`Country Club Travel Agency
`Globe Travel
`Key Biscayne Travel
`Leading Fla. Travel Agents
`Maduro Travel
`Prager Travel
`Windjammer Travel Service
`Central Hardware
`Hollywood Spa
`Sheds America
`Self Scrvice Inns
`Sheraton Corporation
`Mr. Pottcry
`Open Housc
`The Equitable Life Assurance Co.
`Kemper Financial Services
`Metropolitan Mortgage Company
`Vanguard Group oflnvcstment
`Wright & Putnam Insurance
`Dade Landscaping
`Shell's City Liquors
`BentleY:s Luggage and Gifts
`The Miami Herald Pub. Co.
`Baron's Mens Clothing
`Fashion Clothiers
`Florsheim Shoes
`Mnsic Mnsic
`Long Office Supplies
`PMC Exhibit 2116
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 7

`Give Your Children the Advantage
`of A+ Lessons frotn Vie-wtron
`G IVE your child an edge in school
`and continue your own educa-
`Viewtron features a one-on-one
`learning experience in which you in(cid:173)
`teract with a bionic teacher who pro(cid:173)
`vides immediate feedback on your
`You control the pace. Spend as much
`or as little time as you need on the les(cid:173)
`sons, drills and tests.
`Viewtron teaches each member of
`your family. The same amount of in(cid:173)
`struction for a home computer system
`would mean purchasing several
`software programs, at a cost of hundreds
`of dollars or more.
`Transform your TV from after-school
`babysitter to afternoon tutor.
`In the reading skills section, choose
`among lessons for grades one through
`six. Students read stories and answer
`questions that measure understanding
`and comprehension.
`Younger elementary students can
`choose a lesson about problems and
`how people solve them, while older
`elementary students might deal with
`concepts such as distinguishing fact
`from opinion.
`Children from kindergarten to grade
`five may find the mathematics section a
`convenient way to practice addition,
`subtraction, multiplication and division.
`As in the reading section, clever
`graphics highlight each math lesson. For
`example, Viewtron rewards students
`answering division problems with col(cid:173)
`orful balloons on the screen.
`Viewtron soon will have exercises in
`decimals, fractions, percentages and
`word problems.
`Prepping for the Scholastic Aptitude
`Test (SAT) with Viewtron can:
`( choose one)
`a. Improve your SAT scores.
`b. Give you complete explanations
`for correct answers.
`c. Simulate actual test-taking with
`two practice exams.
`d. all of the above
`The answer is "all of the above."
`Adapted from the Arco SAT workbook,
`Viewtron's exercises provide today's
`computer-oriented youngsters with
`more than 40 hours of reviewing.
`Verbal topics include antonyms,
`"You control the pace.
`Spend as much or as little time as you need
`on the lessons, drills and tests with Viewtron."
`problem-solving skills with this game.
`"Froggie" teaches 3- to 6-year-olds to
`identify the alphabet. Players match the
`letter on the TV screen with one they
`can find either on the same screen or by
`pressing the correct letter on the
`Take Spanish lessons from Viewtron.
`The course has 50 Latin American
`Spanish lessons and seven Cuban
`Spanish lessons set in Miami's Calle
`Ocho. To teach Cuban Spanish, View(cid:173)
`tron takes you to a Cuban restaurant, a
`typical fiesta and a Cuban mechanic for
`car repairs.
`Viewtron has information about op(cid:173)
`tional audiotapes available from the Lin(cid:173)
`guaphone Institute.
`The novice will appreciate this intro(cid:173)
`ductory computer course. It concen(cid:173)
`trates on business and personal uses of
`computers, computer languages and the
`principles of computing.
`Sharpen your management skills at
`home with a course created by the
`American Management Associations.
`In several of the eight units, you work
`with business tools such as a general and
`administrative budget, capital expendi(cid:173)
`tures budget, and cash and balance
`In the last unit, you become part of a
`fictitious company and must work with
`the budget in a simulated business situa(cid:173)
`Supplementing the course is an inex(cid:17

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