`[11] Patent Number:
`United States Patent
`Campbell et al.
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Aug. 20, 1985
`4,163,254 7/I979 Block et al.
`9/1980 Block et al.
`4,233,628 ll/1930 Ciciora
`....................... .. 353/122
`.. 353x111
`[73] Assignee:
`[21] App]. No.:
`John G. Campbell, Irving; Carl F.
`5‘h°°"°b°"5°'3 M13“ 3- B‘"1d3'15s
`both of Carrollton; Richard M. Fogle,
`Bedfordi 5°13“ R‘ Lemburgt
`Richardson, all of Tex.
`Toeom, Inc., Dallas, Tex.
`IEEE Transactions on Consumer electronics, vol.
`C545, No_ 3, Jul_ 1g7g_
`L. Solomon, Pop. E!ec:rom'c.r, May 1979. p. 49.
`P”-mag’ Emmmer_FS' Cl Buczinski
`Attorney. Agent, or F}‘rm—Hubbard. Thurman, Turner
`& Tucker
`[22] PCT Filed:
`Mar. 31, 1931
`£35] PCT No_.
`§ 371 Date’
`§ 102(5) Date;
`N0“ 27* 1981
`No“ 21’ 1931
`[87] PCT Pub‘ No‘: W081/02961
`PCT Pub. Date: Oct. 15, 1981
`Related U_s, Applicafign Data
`Continuation ofser NO 348 93? NW 27 198] abam
`doned which is a’ cm;tinu;:im;_in_pa‘n sf
`135337, Mm, 31’ lgga aba,.,dmed_
`11"’ CL3 """"""""""""" H04” 7/16; H04K 1/04
`[52] U°S° C1’ """""""""""""""""""" 353/1225 358/1145
`358/1473 358/2595 358/263
`[58] Field of Search ............... 358/1 14, 147, 263, 259,
`References Cited
`13;: g°‘tEf”:d *3‘ 31-
`an or
`6/1972 Face et a1.
`3/1975 Sorenson et ai.
`3315,09} 10,1975 Kirk’ _h._ gt BL _
`3,919,462 ll/l9T5 I-Iartung et al.
`1/1978 Pires
`An addressable cable television control system controls
`television program and data signal transmission from :1
`central station to a plurality of user stations. The data
`signals include both control and text signals in video
`line format which are inserted on the vertical interval of
`the television signals, thereby freeing all channels for
`transmission of both television and data signals. More-
`over, full-channel teletext data in video line format may
`be transmitted on dedicated text channels with the mod-
`ification of only head end processors. An intelligent
`converter at each remote user ‘location uses the data
`signals to control access to the system on the basis of
`channel, tier of service, special event and program sub-
`ject matter. The converter uses a graphics display gen-
`erator to generate display signals for the presentation of
`the text data on the television receiver and for the gen-
`eration of predemnnined messages for the viewer com
`cerning access, emergencies and other functions. The
`converter processes vertical interval text data and se-
`number of different functional inputs for the subscriber
`tive data acquisition and control systems.
`8 Claims. 19 Drawing Figures
`PMC Exhibit 2103
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 1
`PMC Exhibit 2103
`Apple v. PMC
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`tJ.S. Patent Aug. 20, 1935
`PMC Exhibit 2103
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2
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`Apple v. PMC
`Page 5
`U.S. Patent Aug. 20, 1935
`PMC Exhibit 2103
`Apple v. PMC
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`PMC Exhibit 2103
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 6
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`PMC Exhibit 2103
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`Page 7
`U. S. Patent Aug. 20,1985
`Sheet? ofl7
`PMC Exhibit 2103
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`Apple v. PMC
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`PMC Exhibit 2103
`Apple v PMC
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`Apple v. PMC
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`U.S. Patent Aug. 20, 1935
`Sheet 10 ofl7 4,536,791
`PMC Exhibit 2103
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`Apple v. PMC
`Page 11
`U.S. Patent Aug. 20,1935
`Sheetl1ofl7 4,536,791
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`Apple v. PMC
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`Apple v. PMC
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`Apple v. PMC
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`Sheetl3ofl7 4,536,791
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`PMC Exhibit 2103
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`PMC Exhibit 2103
`Apple v. PMC
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`PMC Exhibit 2103
`Apple v. PMC
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`U.S. Patent Aug. 20,1935
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`PMC Exhibit 2103
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`PMC Exhibit 2103
`Apple v. PMC
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`PMC Exhibit 2103
`Apple v. PMC
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`Sheet 17 ofl7 4,536,791
`U.S. Patent Aug. 20,1935
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`PMC Exhibit 2103
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 18
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`PMC Exhibit 2103
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 18
`This application is a continuation of application Ser.
`No. 343,937,
`filed Nov. 27, 1931, now abandoned,
`which is a continuation-in-part application of U.S. ap-
`plication Ser. No.
`l35,987, filed Mar. 31, 1980. now
`This invention relates to an addressable cable televi-
`sion control system. More particularly, the present in-
`vention relates to a cable television system having a
`multiple-function addressable converter and including
`data transmission in video format during the vertical
`interval of the video field or during substantially the
`entire video field.
`In recent years, the availability of cable television
`programs and services for the general public has ex-
`panded rapidly. Communication satellites have enabled
`nationwide programming for a number of “super sta-
`tions". Sophisticated two-way interactive cable com-
`munication systems have laid the groundwork for a
`wide spectrum of cable television and data communica-
`tion services for the consuming public. After years of
`development, cable television systems have been or are
`now being installed in many major cities to provide the
`television consumer with a vast array of programming
`choices as well as many other services which can be
`utilized at home, such as shopping, banking and school-
`ing. Other services provided by such systems include
`home security monitoring, medical and emergency alert
`signaling and information retrieval.
`In order to provide these new services and programs
`in a systematic and efficient manner, generalized con-
`trol systems are required which can supervise access to
`both one-way and two-way sophisticated cable commu-
`nication systems having different degrees of complex-
`ity. Control is required to differentiate and limit access
`on several bases, including different levels or tiers of
`subscribers to different television channels, and differ-
`ent programs and events on a given channel. In addi-
`tion, for many subscribers it is desirable to be able to
`limit access to certain programs because of the program
`subject matter. Presently, there are no cable systems
`having this degree of sophistication in controlling pro-
`gram access. Even simpler conventional cable systems
`which provide for limiting program access must be
`two-way interactive systems requiring more complex
`and expensive equipment than one-way systems.
`Besides this problem of coordinating cable communi-
`cations, the need for efficiency in the transmission of
`data has become increasingly apparent. Although ap-
`proximately 55 video and sound channels are presently
`available between the allocated television frequencies of
`50 and 400 megahertz, the varied types of possible cable
`television programming and data transmission servica
`require the efficient utilization of these frequencies. For
`example, cable television programming includes mov-
`ies, special events, news, consumer programming, com-
`munity access and religious programming. An almost
`limitless range of data can be provided, including re-
`ports on stock and money markets, weather reports,
`airline schedules, shopping directories, entertainment
`traffic reports, home security data emer-
`gency and first aid information and unlimited library
`information. The possibility for cable system
`operators to lease available cable channels to private
`concerns for these and other services makes it impera-
`tive that cable transmission control be efficient and
`In order to effectively utilize the available
`portion of the electromagnetic spectrum for such a wide
`variety of programming and data transmission,
`cable system should be able to process the data quickly
`and efficiently while using relatively simple and inex-
`pensive equipment which is affordable to the general
`consuming public.
`In the last few years, various experiments have been
`conducted regarding the transmission of data over the
`vertical blanking interval of a normal television signal.
`This interval in the video signal occurs 60 times each
`second as the cathode ray tube beam sweeps from the
`buttom to the top of the TV screen and is relatively
`unused for the transmission of data. Some early systems
`such as that shown in U.S. Pat. No. 3,769,579 issued
`Oct. 30, 1973, utilized the vertical interval for transmit-
`ting control signals to individual transponders at the
`subscriber locations. More recently,
`there has been
`experimentation with television broadcasting systems
`which transmit visual data on the vertical blanking
`interval, referred to as teletext transmission, for display
`as pages of text on suitably equipped television receiv-
`ers. These experimental systems have generally been
`limited to over-the-air broadcasting of teletext transmis-
`sions for a single channel, and the necessary apparatus
`for cable television systems has been regarded as too
`complicated and expensive to be practical when com-
`pared to the high-speed transmission of compact data
`over a dedicated channel.
`It is desirable in many instances to dedicate an entire
`television channel
`to the transmission of data rather
`than video signals. Prior art systems for dedicated data
`channels typically require special transmitters and re-
`ceivers different from those used for the transmission of
`video signals in order to achieve the desired high baud
`{bits per second) rate to efficiently utilize the channel
`bandwidth. This special data transmission equipment
`has resulted in substantial cost and complexity, particu-
`larly at each remote user terminal where a different
`receiver is usually required for each dedicated data
`channel. A simple and inexpensive system for the high
`speed transmission of data on a dedicated data channel
`has been greatly needed.
`The present invention provides a relatively inexpen-
`sive and simple cable television system having the capa-
`bility of controlling access to a wide range of television
`program and data signals while efficiently transmitting
`data signals in a video format during the vertical inter-
`val (VI) of each television program channel. This VI
`data not only provides control data for an intelligent
`converter unit, but also provides a substantial amount of
`textual data per channel for use either to provide addi-
`tional data to supplement a channel television program
`or as a separate all textual and graphic channel.
`The present invention includes an intelligent address-
`able converter designed to convert and descramble
`video for up to 55 CATV channels. For dual cable
`systems, an optional cable switch on the converter dou-
`bles the available number to 110 channels. The con-
`PMC Exhibit 2103
`Apple v. PMC
` Page 19
`PMC Exhibit 2103
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 19
`verter of the present invention receives control data
`which allows the system operator to control subscrip-
`tion television services on a per channel, per service
`tier, and per event basis. In addition, the system and
`converter of the present invention enables each sub-
`scriber to define his own level of required eligibility
`based on program subject matter.
`The system of the present invention also enables a
`complementary text channel to be transmitted on the
`vertical interval of each of the incoming video signals
`and to be decoded and displayed as an alternate channel
`to the video programming. The data for the comple-
`mentary text channel is preferably displayed in a combi-
`nation of text and graphics. This capability effectively
`adds 55 additional text channels for a wide spectrum of
`data-type information for the consumer. Thus, the pres-
`ent system provides 1l0 independent channels of televi-
`sion program and text viewing in a one cable system and
`220 channels in two cable systems. Moreover the con-
`trol system of the present invention, when used in con-
`junction with appropriate two—way interactive appara-
`tus, provides a complete two-way interactive communi-
`cation system including pay-per-view, home security,
`opinion polling, channel monitoring,
`information re-
`trieval, and with additional equipment, energy manage-
`Moreover, the present invention provides a relatively
`inexpensive and simple cable communication system
`having the capability of transmitting data signals in a
`video format over substantially the entire video field of
`selected television program channels. By transmitting
`data in the video format over these dedicated data chan-
`nels, the present invention minimizes the need for spe-
`cial additional expensive equipment, particularly special
`data receiver equipment
`for each converter unit.
`Rather, each addressable converter of the present in-
`vention is readily adapted to receiving selected lines of
`data transmitted in video format without requiring addi-
`tional expensive receiver equipment.
`For a better understanding of the present invention,
`together with other and further objects and features
`thereof, reference is made to the following description
`taken in connection with the accompanying drawings.
`FIG. 1 is a simplified block diagram of a preferred
`embodiment of the addressable cable television control
`system of the present invention;
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a preferred embodiment
`of the head end portion of the system shown in FIG. 1;
`FIG. 2A is a diagram showing the line layout of a
`video field according to the present invention;
`FIG. 2B is a time-based diagram showing the video
`line format of data transmission in accordance with the
`present invention;
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram of the programming con-
`trol system shown in FIG. 2;
`FIG. 4 is a block diagram of the head end video
`processor shown in FIG. 2;
`FIG. 5 is a more detailed block diagram of the head
`end video processor of FIG. 4;
`FIG. 6 is a block diagram of a preferred embodiment
`of the addressable converter of the present invention
`shown in FIG. 1;
`FIG. 7 is a block diagram of the converter control
`logic shown in FIG. 6;
`FIG. 8 is a block diagram of the VI data extractor
`unit shown in FIG. 6;
`FIGS. 9 and 10 are schematic diagrams showing two
`preferred methods of connecting the converter of FIG.
`6 in a CATV system;
`FIG. 11 is a schematic diagram showing the data
`format for the system of the present invention;
`FIG. 12 is a flow diagram showing the operation of
`the converter shown in FIG. 6;
`FIG. 13 is a top plan view of the keyboard of the
`converter of FIG. 6;
`FIG. 14 is a diagram showing a video layout for
`teletext data transmission in accordance
`with another embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 15 is a block diagram for the preferred embodi-
`ment of FIG. 14 of the head end portion of the system
`shown in FIG. 1;
`FIG. 16 is a block diagram of the screen composition
`system and selective data retrieval system shown in
`FIG. 15; and
`FIG. 17 is a flow diagram showing the operation of
`the converter shown in FIG. 16 operating in conjunc-
`tion with the head end of FIG. 15.
`FIG. 1 shows a simplified block diagram of a one-
`way cable television system 10 in accordance with the
`present invention. A head end station 11 includes a
`central data system 12 utilizing a control computer
`which gathers data from a wide variety of sources and
`formats the data for transmission on video frequency
`channels. The central data control system preferably
`has a two-way interface link 13 with a remote computer
`which may be used for central control and billing func-
`tions. The formatted data is then transmitted by com-
`munications link 14 to a television program processor
`16 where it
`is incorporated into the vertical blanking
`intervals of video signals generated by a variety of tele-
`vision program sources. In addition. the data may be
`formatted for transmission in a separate channel dedi-
`cated only for the transmission of data. The dedicated
`data channel transmissions are connected over link 18 to
`a head end signal combiner 20 where they are combined
`with a plurality of video signals transmitted from televi-
`sion program systems 16 along transmission link 22. The
`head end unit then transmits the combined cable televi-
`sion and data signal to remote subscribers. Normally,
`the signals are then transmitted through a cable net-
`work. referred to as a cable plant to a plurality of sub-
`FIG. 1 shows a single cable plant 30 servicing a plu-
`rality of cable television subscribers by way of a one-
`way data link 32. The transmitted signals are received
`by an addressable converter 40 on a one-way data bus
`32. Converter 40 then processes the data on line 38 as
`determined by subscriber input 34 for desired viewing
`on one or more television sets 36.
`Referring now to FIG. 2, one preferred embodiment
`of the data control system 12 and television program
`processor 16 is shown in greater detail. This preferred
`embodiment which is shown in FIGS. 2 through 12
`concerns a system which transmits data in the vertical
`interval of each video field. Another preferred embodi-
`ment disclosing a full—channel data transmission system
`using a video format will be discussed thereafter.
`As shown in FIG. 2, a programming control system
`(PCS) 50 generates a continuous stream of data that
`contains a mixture of subscriber addressing signals and
`channel control signals. This data is transmitted to a
`plurality of head end video processors (HVP) 52 and 53
`PMC Exhibit 2103
`Apple v. PMC
`|PR2016-00753 Page 2
`PMC Exhibit 2103
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 20
`for combining with video signals in a plurality of differ-
`ent channel frequencies. PCS 50 is also preferably con-
`nected by a two-way data link to a remote computer for
`use in various control functions.
`A text forrrtatter system 54 receives data from a wide
`variety of sources such as weather, news, stock and
`others which are formatted for video transmission and
`then selectively transmitted in text font: to the plurality
`of HVP units 52, 53. The text formatter system 54 pref-
`erably is comprised of a plurality of text formatters,
`each processing data from a text or graphics source. A
`variety of manufacturers produce equipment for cable
`television digital channels which are easily adaptable to
`the present system. One source of suitable conventional
`formatters is Video Data Systems, Happaque, L.I., N.Y.
`Video signals are generated for input to each HVP
`unit by conventional sources, either from local video
`input sources as shown for HVP unit 52 or satellite
`video input sources for HVP unit 53. In either case, the
`signals are processed by a conventional channel proces-
`sor 56 having modulator and demodulator units and a
`standard head end processor. Each television channel is
`preferably processed at base band video for purposes to
`be explained later.
`The subscriber addressing and channel control data
`from PCS 50 is input to HVP 52 on line 41 where it is
`inserted in the vertical interval of the video signal. The
`channel control data from PCS 50 is processed at HVP
`52 to generate scrambler signals, program identification
`signals, tier signals and eligibility code signals as will be
`discussed later. These signals are utilized by each sub-
`scriber's addressable converter 4-0 to determine the
`particular subscriber's authorization to receive each
`program and to control descrambling of the video sig-
`One of the text signals from text forrnatter 54 is also
`input to HVP 52 on line 39 to be inserted into the verti-
`cal interval of the video signal. Preferably, a different
`type oftextual data are inserted into the vertical interval
`of each video channel so that a complementary text
`channel may be selected by each remote subscriber.
`I-IVP unit 52 then routes the base band-video output
`with vertical interval data on line 4-4 to a standard head
`end modulator and processor in processing unit 56.
`From there. the signal is sent to master head end unit 20
`where it
`is combined with signals from other channel
`processors to provide the total multiple channel CATV
`signal for output on line 21 to the cable plant. An FSK
`data modulator 53 is connected directly between PCS
`50 and head end signal combiner 20 by line 18 for trans-
`mission of data on dedicated data channels.
`In order to understand how a data signal is transmit-
`ted on the vertical interval of a television program sig-
`nal, the vertical interval of a conventional television
`signal will be described. Referring to FIG. 2A, each
`television signal is made up of a series of “lines" each of
`which represent the length of time required for the
`cathode ray tube of the television set to make one hori-
`zontal sweep across the screen. The number of horizon-
`tal lines required to cover the screen is called a field 700,
`and there are two interlocking fields, both having 262.5
`lines which together form a frame. In conventional
`systems. 30 frames are transmitted each second to make
`up the television picture. Each time the cathode ray
`tube reaches the bottom of the screen it must sweep
`diagonally upward to the top of the screen to begin a
`new field. This time period 702 is referred to as the
`“vertical blanking interval" or simply “vertical inter-
`PMC Exhibit 2103
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 21
`val” and is normally approximately 21 lines in length.
`The television picture ‘T04 begins at about line 21 and
`extends to about line 261, but normally the picture is
`viewable on most television sets only between about
`lines 25 and 255.
`Although no television picture data is transmitted
`during the vertical interval, the television industry has
`provided for a number of different types of control
`transmission on certain lines of the interval. In most
`cases, the first nine lines of the vertical interval are used
`for equalizing and for vertical synchronization. Lines 10
`to 14 are normally at black level to minimize picture
`interference on some sets. Thus, only lines 15 to 21 are
`available for data transmission. Lines 15 and 16 have
`already been utilized at least experimentally for other
`purposes. Lines 19-21 are normally used for network
`control information for transmission to the receiver sets.
`Thus, lines 17 and 13 are the only ones which are
`presently available for vertical interval data transmis-
`sion 710 using the invention of the present system.
`These two lines normally contain network testing data
`to determine proper reception by the head end system.
`Once the television signals have been received, lines 17
`and 18 can be cleared for passing data to the converters
`using the present invention. It should be understood
`that if additional lines in the vertical interval are cleared
`in the future, they could also be used for data transmis-
`sion in accordance with the present invention.
`Preferably, the present invention uses lines 1'.-' and 18
`of the vertical interval to transmit both the text data and
`the subscriber address and channel control data. In one
`field of a given frame lines 1'.’ and 18 are used to trans-
`mit text data, and in the other frame field, the subscriber
`address and channel control data is projected on lines 17
`and 18. The present invention also uses line 10 which is
`at the black “z.ero" voltage level of each vertical inter-
`val for a DC reference level 712 for the data signals.
`This reference signal passes to the converter_as part of
`the vertical interval where it is used as a reference level
`for data extraction. This procedure greatly enhances the
`accuracy of the data transmission by automatically
`compensating for any DC level shift in the vertical
`interval portion of the television signal.
`Using the procedure described above an effective text
`character transfer rate of about 240 characters per sec-
`ond is achieved. This is a relatively slow rate compared
`to some other methods of data transmission. However,
`since the text may be transmitted over all 55 television
`program channels the total text available to the user is
`very substantial. Moreover, as previously mentioned,
`the present invention may include one or more dedi-
`cated channels for only text data transmission using the
`"line“ or video format which will be described more
`fully in FIGS. 2B and 11. By using most of the 525 lines
`of each television signal frame for text data transmission
`a vast quantity of text can be transmitted and received
`on a given channel using the transmitting and receiving
`apparatus of the present system. No special expensive
`data transmission or receiving equipment is required.
`A better understanding of the line or video format of
`the data used in the present invention may be obtained
`by reference to FIG. 2B, which shows a standard timing
`diagram for a single television line of the type shown in
`FIG. 2A. This is a standard video line format in accor-
`dance with FCC or NTSC requirements. The amplitude
`of the video signal is measured in standard IRE units.
`As shown in the figure, the video signal begins with
`a negative horizontal sync pulse 720 of about 40 IRE
`PMC Exhibit 2103
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 21
`units. This pulse establishes the beginning point of the
`horizontal sweep of the cathode ray tube across the
`screen. Next, a color burst oscillating pulse 722 occurs