`Apple v. PMC
`Page 1
`PMC Exhibit 2079
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 1
`'10ll1101 11
`NABU Adaptor Technical Specifications
`NABU PC Technical Specifications
`Quality Features In Your NABU PC
`A Computer That Grows With You
`How Does This Cable Work, Anyway?
`If Something Goes Wrong
`Using Your NABU Personal Computer
`Getting Started
`Getting To Know Your Keyboard
`Number Three
`Number Two
`Number One
`Making The Right Connections
`A Quick Tour Of Your Nabu Personal Computer
`Unpacking Your NABU Personal Computer
`NABU Pereon•l Computer UMr'a Guide
`THE NABU NETWORK III is a trade mark of NABU Manufacturing Corpora(cid:173)
`Copyright © 1983 NABU Manufacturing Corporation.
`Second Edition: September, 1983
`First Edition: November, 1982
`indirect or consequential damages.
`contractors, or the authors of this publication be liable for specific, direct,
`result. In no event shall NABU Manufacturing Corporation, its employees,
`for any particular purpose, or their adequacy to produce any particular
`mation described in this publication, their quality, merchantability, or fitness
`express or implied with respect to this publication or the programs or infor(cid:173)
`NABU Manufacturing Corporation makes no representation or warranty,
`ing Corporation.
`ing and recording, without the permission in writing from NABU Manufactur(cid:173)
`by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, including photocopy(cid:173)
`User's Guide may be reproduced, translated or transmitted in any form or
`tion, ideas and expressions. No part of this NABU Personal Computer
`poration, embodying substantial creative efforts and confidential informa(cid:173)
`tains the valuable properties and trade secrets of NABU Manufacturing Cor(cid:173)
`All rights reserved by NABU Manufacturing Corporation. This material con(cid:173)
`PMC Exhibit 2079
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2
`NAIHJ Pc•r•wnnl Cornpu!l•r U~"'' •, (~ul<lt·
`With your purchase of a NABU Personal Computer you have just become
`part of a unique system, so simple that the whole family can enjoy using
`it, and so powerful that it encourages all kinds of applications at home and
`in business. It is unique because it combines your computer with your local
`cable TV network. In this way, you and your family gain economical access
`to and use of a virtually limitless storehouse of games, business and educa(cid:173)
`tional programs, and informational services.
`',H.' I.' lt11
`I :
`PMC Exhibit 2079
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 3
`We will explain the use of these numbers again later in this book.
`the Adaptor.
`your NABU Personal Computer and after any time you lose power to
`A CHANNEL CODE which you must enter when you first start up
`your TV to before using the NABU Personal Computer.
`A CHANNEL SWITCH SETTING which tells you which channel to set
`ficulty with your NABU Personal Computer.
`A HOTLINE number where you can call for assistance if you have dif(cid:173)
`sticker are:
`are always available when you need them. The numbers included on the
`that you attach the sticker to the side of your NABU PC, so that the numbers
`to set up and use your NABU PC with THE NABU NETWORK. We suggest
`to THE NABU NETWORK. This sticker contains numbers that you will need
`You should have received a HOTLINE number sticker when you subscribed
`Instant Help Sticker
`in the boxed-in descriptions that appear throughout this guide.
`will want to understand and use them. Some of these terms are explained
`apt they are rapidly becoming.part of our normal language. We think you
`unnecessary computer jargon, there are some industry words that are so
`tor, and another with a glossary of terms. Though we have tried to avoid
`special features and the technical specifications of the NABU PC and Adap(cid:173)
`Finally, for the more technically minded, there is a section which lists the
`operation, and another on expansion possibilities.
`else you can do with it. So we've included a brief section on the theory of
`combination of computer and Cable work the way that it does, and what
`company, we think you're going to become curious about what makes this
`your heart's content and sampled the many services offered by your cable
`After you have grown comfortable with your computer, played games to
`about them.
`there is a section in this book for diagnosing problems and doing something
`Just in case a connector comes loose, or the TV cable system is disrupted,
`get it into your computer (load it).
`first. Then you learn how to find out what's available on Cable and how to
`No prior knowledge of computers is needed. A keyboard explanation comes
`Then comes the part you've been waiting for-how to use your computer!
`used in this manual for the NABU Personal Computer.)
`it tells you it's ready to start work for you. (The NABU PC is the short form
`to look for and what to do from the time you start up your NABU PC u_ntil
`MAKING THE RIGHT CONNECTIONS.) Following that, you will learn what
`ING YOUR NABU PERSONAL COMPUTER and then to the section on
`them properly. (For those who can't wait. turn to the section on UNPACK(cid:173)
`you've taken them out of the box that they came in, and how to connect
`After this introductory section, we'll tell you how to identify things when
`can do to expand your computer's capabilities, and thus your own, even
`puter to get it working with the cable network. You will also learn what you
`the system. In it, you will find everything you need to know about your com(cid:173)
`We have prepared this book to help you get the most fun and full value from
`About This Guide
`NAIIU tter.oNI Computer UMr'l Oulde
`NAIIU Per10nel Computer UMr't Oulde
`PMC Exhibit 2079
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 4
`The Contents of the Adaptor Box
`cable that now connects it to the cable TV outlet
`Of course, to complete your system you will use your own TV set and the
`five-pin plug on each end.
`One cable approximately one meter (three feet) long, with a circular
`single-prong plug on each end.
`One cable approximately one meter (three feet) long, with a circular
`One Adaptor with power cord.
`parts that will be needed for your system. These are:
`You will also have received a slightly smaller box. It contains some other
`The Adaptor Box Contents
`The Contents of the NABU PC Box
`One games controller (may have been provided separately).
`One long cable, with a circular six-pin plug at each end.
`One short cable, with a circular single-prong plug at each end.
`One keyboard.
`Your NABU Personal Computer.
`This is what you should find in the box labelled NABU PERSONAL COM(cid:173)
`The NABU PC Box Contents
`them with the picture that follows.
`remove the pieces from both boxes, identify which is which by comparing
`have received your games controller in a separate package.) As you
`tains a games controller and the cables to connect the computer. (You may
`Remove the inner box before lifting out the keyboard. This inner box con(cid:173)
`handling. Everything fits snugly. DO NOT TURN THE BOX UPSIDE DOWN
`designed to give your computer maximum protection during shipping and
`The box and packing material that your NABU PC comes in have been
`Unpacking Your NABU PC
`NAIIU Pereonal Computer Uaar't Guide
`NABU Pereonel Computer Uaer't Guide
`Unpacking Your NABU PC
`PMC Exhibit 2079
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 5
`your converter, if you have a converter.
`A CHANNEL 3-4 switch which is set to the output channel used by
`in the next section of this book.
`and CABLE IN to connect up the basic computer system as described
`Seven connector sockets. You will be using the sockets labelled
`expansion of your computer.
`Four ports or openings which will take additional circuit cards for
`The rear of the computer has:
`The Computer
`will learn more about in the sections on GETTING STARTED and IF
`carried out. There are some switches and lights on the front panel that you
`eration of pictures and text, and control of the other parts of the system are
`"computer" for short. It's the central brain where all the calculations, gen(cid:173)
`Let's call
`large unit,
`The NABU Personal Computer
`Computer system.
`Take a moment now to examine the major parts of the NABU Personal
`JlOWir .... (lnlteld of wires or strings or thingamajigs!).
`Ing -
`TV • .._. Ulld by tiMH, with a capital C (Cable); to the interconnect(cid:173)
`ClOifllll• Olblll, from now on we will refer to the "cable" in cable
`lr' Ull •. 10 lvokt confusion in talking about cable TV and inter(cid:173)
`,.,.. Olblle (with a small c); and to the power lines as
`Cable TV and Cables
`A Quick Tour
`NABU ,_r1011111 Computer UMr'• Oulde
`NABU "-reonel Computer U~er'• Oulde
`Ullllllll.,_ Your NAaU PC
`PMC Exhibit 2079
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 6
`For this reason, it should always be left plugged in and on. BUT DON'T
`programs for you and constantly watches for what is being put on Cable.
`on the rear. It is a vital part of your system. It selects the right computer
`four lights on the front and connections for a power cord and three cables
`The Adaptor is a rectangular box, the same size as your NABU PC, with
`The Adaptor
`A Typical Games Controller
`inatructlont ~'" In thla book.
`tlont. Etthtr firing button of the two-button type can be used with the
`one or two flrt (or ftrlng) buttons, and a joystick that moves in eight direc(cid:173)
`grltnl you want It to load from the Cable. A typical games controller has
`garnet controlltrt, u wellu the keyboard, to tell the computer which pro(cid:173)
`gamet controlltrt moatly to play the games, but you can also use the
`purch ... an additional games controller to go with your NABU PC. You use
`In addition to the games controller included with your NABU PC, you can
`The Games Controllers
`The Keyboard
`connects the keyboard to the computer.
`to two games controllers. The third socket is for the long cable that
`Three sockets on the rear panel. Two of these are for connecting up
`the SYM key Ia held down.
`epeclallunctlona of the top row of keys when they are pressed while
`A key legend acroa the top above the main keyset. This describes the
`from the computer.
`movt the cureor and the display on the screen, or to reply to questions
`A qyp.d containing eight special function keys which are used to
`on ul6ng your NABU PC.
`10m1 epeclal function keys which you will learn about in the section
`A meln HI of keys that Includes all of the standard typewriter set plus
`The keyboard hu:
`Tho Koybonrd
`A Quick Tour
`NMU Penonal Computer Ueef'1 Qulde
`NMU Penonal Computer UMr'1 Qulde
`A o-M Tour
`PMC Exhibit 2079
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 7
`let air flow freely under, in front of, beside and behind both units.
`Leave enough room around the NABU Adaptor and the NABU PC to
`but do not place the computer on top of the Adaptor.
`puter or Adaptor. The Adaptor may be placed on top of the computer,
`2. Avoid putting heavy objects. such as your TV set, on top of the com(cid:173)
`een CABLE OUT on the NABU PC and the TV set have identical plugs.
`cables that are used between the Adaptor and the converter and betw(cid:173)
`interchange the cables that have identical plugs. For example, the
`cables you must use. If it helps your particular arrangement, you can
`1 . Place the parts close enough to suit the length of the interconnecting
`A Typical Arrangement
`you observe a few precautions.
`typical arrangement. However, you may choose a different one, as long as
`everything to be arranged when you are finished. The illustration shows a
`Before you start to connect anything, you should consider how you want
`Arranging Your System
`The cable that now leads from your cable TV outlet to your TV or con(cid:173)
`TV set.
`chased or rented as a separate unit, or it may have been built into your
`VHF channels that you see on your TV set. The converter may be pur(cid:173)
`lets you receive far more TV stations on Cable than the standard 12
`A converter (only if you already have one). A converter is a device that
`with a color TV.
`quality. Also, you will enjoy the full benefits of the NABU PC graphics
`black and white. Of course, the later your model, the better the picture
`television set designed for North American use. including color and
`Your TV set (or video monitor). Your NABU PC will work with any
`smaller box).
`The Adaptor with power cord and two cables (everything from the
`erything from the large box).
`The NABU PC with keyboard, games controller and two cables (ev(cid:173)
`you should have:
`are ready to connect them all together into a working system. This is what
`Now that you've identified everything that came with your NABU PC, you
`Meklng Connection•
`NABU Pereonel Computer UMr'a Guide
`NABU Pereonel Computer Uaer'a Guide
`Mlklng Connection•
`PMC Exhibit 2079
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 8
`ted to your NABU PC, you will be able to watch TV and work with the com(cid:173)
`ONE and NUMBER TWO. If you have both a monitor and a TV set connec(cid:173)
`You may also connect a video monitor to the configurations in NUMBER
`grams refers to the number of the step in the instructions.
`of most TV sets. The circled number on each cable in the connection dia(cid:173)
`nection instructions. Also shown are typical connections found on the backs
`tor and the keyboard for the location of the sockets labelled in the intercon(cid:173)
`Refer to the large illustrations of the rear panels of the NABU PC, the Adap(cid:173)
`Connector Types
`snugly together.
`connectors are joined, turn the threaded nut clockwise until they are pulled
`a firm push to get the right plug and socket together. After the type-F
`type-D. (Refer to Connector Types.) You shouldn't have to use more than
`There are four types of sockets and plugs: type-F, 5-pin DIN, 6-pin DIN, and
`which goes with which.
`the shape and matching the number of pins and holes should help decide
`Be careful that you match the correct plug with the correct socket. Checking
`to the illustration and directions under the heading NUMBER THREE.
`If you have component or modular TV (with a separate "TV tuner"), refer
`be physically separate or they may be combined in one unit.)
`under the heading NUMBER TWO. (The converter and Pay-TV units may
`a separate Pay-TV descrambler, refer to the illustration and directions
`If you have a standard TV which uses a separate converter with or without
`refer to the same illustration and directions under the heading NUMBER
`If you have a "cable-ready" TV (with the converter built into the TV set),
`the .right sockets.
`directions under the heading NUMBER ONE to connect the right cables to
`If you have a standard TV without a converter, refer to the illustration and
`tem. Which you must use depends on your present TV set.
`There are three different ways to connect the parts of your computer sys(cid:173)
`6-pin DIN
`5-pin DIN
`Which Connections to Use
`on you for protection!
`don't drop it, step on it, get it wet or otherwise abuse it. It depends
`electronic device, it can break down if handled carelessly. Please
`Your NABU Personal Computer is rugged, but like any sophisticated
`ping inside a unit could severely damage it.
`Never use solvents or waxes. Never use a wet cloth, as water drip(cid:173)
`dusty, they may be wiped gently with a damp (NOT WET) cloth.
`If any of the components such as the screen become smudged or
`One other precaution'
`Milking Connection•
`NABU Pereonel Computer UNr'l Guide
`NABU Per10n11 Computer Uaer'e Guide
`M1klng Connection•
`PMC Exhibit 2079
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 9
`(') -I
`JJ s::
`I ~ ~
`(!) -
`Dl ..,
`Dl ..,
`@ ~
`@) ~
`Connections on Rear Panels
`ca OUT
`@ @
`Fusible a l1:1teneur, vrm manuel
`@ @ manual
`AUDIO VIDEO Fused Internally; refer to owners
`~ I •
`t • i
`I c I
`! .(cid:173)Q
`~ l
`~ c :
`o o·· .. o o·-····
`IMPORTANT: Ol!obrancher le fil de
`tMPORTANT:D-iSconnect p-Ower cord
`:I •
`~ 0
`i: • ~
`~© ©~
`' • !
`~ .. § c
`_,. •
`PMC Exhibit 2079
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 10
`of the cables for these connections must have phono jacks.
`You must provide your own cables for this step. The computer ends
`OUT on the NABU PC to a set of audio and video inputs on the monitor.
`If you have a separate video monitor, connect AUDIO OUT and VIDEO
`it to receptacle 2.
`cle 1 on the keyboard. If you have a second games controller, connect
`If you have just one games controller, it must be connected to recepta(cid:173)
`5. Connect the long, 6-pin DIN connector cable to KEYBOARD on the
`NABU PC and to COMPUTER on the keyboard.
`Cable, use it instead.
`However, if your set has a separate built-in (75 ohm) connector for
`nals. If so, connect the cable to the free end of this transformer.
`via a small cylindrical transformer attached to the TV antenna termi(cid:173)
`NABU PC and to your TV set. Some TV sets are connected to Cable
`4. Connect the remaining type-F connector cable to CABLE OUT on the
`3. Connect the short cable with the 5-pin DIN connectors to COMPUTER
`on the Adaptor and to ADAPTOR on the NABU PC.
`2. Connect one of the type-F connector cables to CABLE OUT on the
`Adaptor and to CABLE IN on the NABU PC.
`1 . Disconnect the cable from your TV and connect it to CABLE IN on the
`For "Cable-Ready" TV With Built-In Converter
`For Standard TV, With No Converter, and
`M•klng Connactlona
`NABU Peraon•l Comput•r UNr'a Guide
`NABU Peraon•l Computer UHr'a Guide
`Mlklng Connactlona
`CD d
`II F .rr-i•o
`"Cable-Ready"TV With Built-In Converter (Number One)
`Connections for Standard TV With No Converter or for
`~[;] , ..
`~~II ==II 4
`~ 0
`PMC Exhibit 2079
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 11
`Milling CoMecUona
`NABU ,.,_, Computer Uler'l Guide
`NABU Perlonal Computer Ullr'1 Qulde
`Making Connectlona
`C.l)NVI Hll H
`of the cables for these connections must have phono jacks.
`You must provide your own cables for this step. The computer ends
`OUT on the NABU PC to a set of audio and video inputs on the monitor.
`If you have a separate video monitor, connect AUDIO OUT and VIDEO
`it to receptacle 2.
`cle 1 on the keyboard. If you have a second games controller, connect
`If you have just one games controller, it must be connected to recepta(cid:173)
`6. Connect the long 6-pin DIN connector cable to KEYBOARD on the
`NABU PC and to COMPUTER on the keyboard.
`the cable in step 4 above.
`NABU PC and to the receptacle on your TV from which you removed
`5. Connect the remaining type-F connector cable to CABLE OUT on the
`Cable, use it instead.
`However, if your set has a separate built-in (75 ohm) connector for
`terminals. H so, connect the cable to the free end of this transformer.
`to Cable via a small cylindrical transformer attached to the TV antenna
`connect it to CABLE IN on the NABU PC. Some TV sets are connected
`Pay-TV unit or the combined unit, where it connects to the TV, and
`4. Disconnect the cable that now leads from your converter or separate
`3. Connect the short cable with the 5-pin DIN connector to COMPUTER
`on the Adaptor and to ADAPTOR on the NABU PC.
`you have one, to the combined converter/Pay-TV unit).
`Adaptor and to CABLE IN (or a similar label) on the converter (or if
`2. Connect one of the type-F connector cables to CABLE OUT on the
`CABLE IN on the Adaptor.
`(or combined Pay-TV converter, if you have one), and connect it to
`t. Disconnect the cable from the Cable input connection on the converter
`With or Without Pay-TV
`For TV Sets With Separate Converter
`=-®=----__ -
`-~ --===o: EJ
`~g p Ci+ lltl"L. -·= i ___ ·~
`With or Without Pay-TV (Number Two)
`Connections for TV Sets With Separate Converters
`~\b. 7·
`~.m ~~!!@)
`PMC Exhibit 2079
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 12
`board. If you have a second games controller, connect it to receptacle
`If you have one games controller, connect it to receptacle 1 on the key(cid:173)
`6. Connect the long 6-pin DIN connector cable between KEYBOARD on
`the NABU PC and COMPUTER on the keyboard.
`be supplied by the user.
`The video and audio cables for steps 4 and 5 above are to
`cable must have a phono jack. See your TV owner's manual for cable
`tuner associated with the video input in step 4 above. One end of this
`5. Connect AUDIO OUT on the NABU PC to the audio input on your TV
`required for your TV.
`to your TV owner's manual for the type of cable and the connector
`your TV tuner. One end of this cable must have a phono jack. Refer
`4. Connect VIDEO OUT on the NABU PC to one of the video inputs on
`3. Connect the 5-pin DIN connector cable to CONTROL on the Adaptor
`and to ADAPTOR on the NABU PC.
`select THE NABU NETWORK channel on the TV setting of the tuner.)
`CABLE OUT to the TV or Cable input on your TV tuner. You must then
`to the PC CABLE IN. Use the remaining cable to connect the PC
`TV<--> NABU key feature. If so, connect the Adaptor CABLE OUT
`need the remaining type-F connector cable unless you wish to use the
`Adaptor and to the Cable input on your TV Tuner Module. (You will not
`2. Connect one of the type-F connector cables to CABLE OUT on the
`1 . Disconnect the Cable input connection on the back of your TV tuner.
`and connect it to CABLE IN on the Adaptor.
`For Component or Modular TV
`Connections for Component or Modular TV (Number Three)
`<·!9 '"Iii! 'I'; "•~
`II ~~
`(5)\===~TO TV~TUNER
`0 CJ
`Making Connections
`NABU Peraonal Computer Uaer'a Guide
`NABU Peraonll CorllpuW U..'a Oulcll
`Milking Connecttona
`PMC Exhibit 2079
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 13
`what this book or your keyboard labels tell you.
`een) will tell you which keys have special functions. These may differ from
`with the program (and sometimes the instructions displayed on your scr(cid:173)
`are using (refer to What's a Program?). The written instructions that go
`board can have different uses (functions) depending on which program you
`Still another difference from the typewriter is that the same key on your key(cid:173)
`computer will tell you what to do if you use that key).
`what the computer can do (for example, the HELP key suggests that the
`The meaning of many of these keys is obvious and gives you a clue as to
`TV<--> NABU,
`Your keyboard also has some special keys with labels, such as SYM and
`that do not appear on typewriter keyboards.
`(Some typewriters use the lower case letter "ell" (I) for the number 1.)
`the number "one". you must use the 1 key in the top row of your keyboard.
`There are some other differences that you need to know. For instance for
`TV screen.
`writer, except that instead of printing directly on paper, it "prints" on the
`The keyboard looks something like a typewriter and can be used like a type(cid:173)
`often through the keyboard because it offers the most flexibility.
`Of the two devices, you will probably communicate with the computer more
`it what you want it to do.
`your NABU PC. They are your means of talking to the computer and telling
`The keyboard and the games controllers are the keys that let you "in" to
`that you will set your TV to when you are using the NABU PC.
`fered with by any nearby broadcasting TV stations. It is also the channel
`nel specified on the sticker. It is the channel which is least likely to be inter(cid:173)
`Even if you do not have a converter, you should set this switch to the chan(cid:173)
`received with your computer.
`Set the switch to the channel number specified on the sticker that you
`Find the CHANNEL 3-4 switch on the rear panel of your PC.
`puter what channel the converter changes everything to.
`If you are using a converter with your system, you will have to tell your com(cid:173)
`Setting the CHANNEL 3-4 Switch
`just yet! We are not quite ready!
`The NABU PC, however, does have a POWER switch, but don't turn it on
`the time. (It uses about as much power as a 25 watt light.)
`Adaptor for the very good reason that we would like you to leave it on all
`light on the Adaptor comes on. There is no power on and off switch on the
`When you plug the Adaptor power cord in, check that the green POWER
`before you started to add your NABU PC.)
`prong plug will fit. (Plug in your converter, Pay-TV unit and TV as they were
`tor and the computer, at least. they must be the type into which a three(cid:173)
`outlets. These are common household outlets, but notice that for the Adap(cid:173)
`Plug the power cords for your Adaptor and your NABU PC into 115-Volt AC
`normal room temperature before turning it on.
`such as outside winter temperatures, allow at least one half hour at
`If the equipment has been exposed to extreme cold temperature,
`The Power Cords
`NABU PC Keyboard
`NAIU Per10n11 Computlr UHr'l Guide
`NMU fterloMI Computer Uler'l Oulcle
`Meldng Connection•
`PMC Exhibit 2079
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 14
`502n1o1 n
`The NABU PC Keyboard
`that follows to refresh your memory about the function of the keys.
`section on USING YOUR NABU PC. You can always return to the table
`example, category, menu and cursor) will be clearer after you read the
`in this book. Some of the references we use in the descriptions (for
`your NABU PC, we will describe these special function keys at this point
`Since you will be using the keyboard from the moment you first start up
`works on all the keys on the main keyboard except those labelled
`(slowly at first, then faster) until you let the key come up. Autorepeat
`if you hold the A key down, the computer will display a row of A's
`ssed will be repeated as long as the key is held down. For example,
`"Autorepeat" means that the action that results when a key is pre(cid:173)
`And, oh yes, there is also an autorepeat function.
`Change page displays.
`Move your cursor.
`Put you back at the beginning of your program.
`Answer the computer's questions.
`Switch you over to normal TV and back to the computer.
`Suspend the computer operation.
`by you at any time to:
`board that will not be changed by any program you select. They are used
`Right now, we can tell you about certain special function keys on your key(cid:173)
`The Special Function Keys
`date with the stock market, or for metric conversion.
`cation), whether it's for the game of backgammon, for keeping up-to(cid:173)
`"applications" because each is designed for a special use (or appli(cid:173)
`All of these ready-made programs are sometimes called
`that lets you convert weights and measures to metric.
`stock market trends. Or you may use a metric conversion program
`select a stock market program that you will use to check the current
`There are other kinds of programs, of course. For example, you may
`computer. Each game you select, for example, is a program.
`you are really selecting a ready-made program to transfer into your
`When you choose a particular item during the final stage of selection,
`hit a key or use the games controller.
`how to keep track of the score, or what to show on the screen if you
`effects that you see on the screen, when to send you a message,
`example, tell your computer when and how to create the special
`your computer what to do. The instructions in a game program, for
`A "program" is nothing more than a long list of instructions that tell
`What's Autorepeat?
`What's a Program?
`NABU PC Keyboard
`NABU Peraonel Computer UMr'a Guide
`NABU Peraonel Computer UMr'a Guide
`NABU PC Keyboerd
`PMC Exhibit 2079
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 15
`What It Does .
`The Key
`What It Does
`NABU PC Keyboard
`NABU Per•on•l Computer UNr'a Guide
`NABU Peraon•l Computer UNr'• Guide
`NABU PC Keybo8rd
`actually select that category and display its pages.
`GO key (or firing button) to cause the computer to
`category by moving the cursor. Then you hit the
`tion, you first instruct the computer to "point" to a
`some other instruction. For example, during selec(cid:173)
`The GO key tells the computer when to act on
`assigned different functions by different programs.
`the number and dash keys in the top row can be
`have the special use we have shown. However,
`SYM key. The four keys mentioned above always
`get from specific top row keys when you use the
`on your computer tells you what alternate use you
`pectively. The legend above the top row of keys
`uses to BREAK, RESTART, EXIT, and HELP res(cid:173)
`PAUSE and TV<-->NABU keys to change their
`:!: ,
`your computer, SYM is used with the ESC,
`different than what is shown on the key itself. On
`causes the other key to do something completely
`down while you press another key. The SYM key
`The SYM key, like the SHIFT key, is also held
`the CAPS key, press it again.
`without having to use the SHIFT key. To release
`uppercase letters in combination with numbers
`pressed to print in uppercase. This lets you type
`While it is down, it causes any letter key that is
`Press the CAPS key down and it locks down .
`( ! and @ in our example).
`or the 2 and @ key), it prints the upper character
`characters on them, (for example, the 1 and ! key
`tals). When it is used with keys that have two
`keys, which are pressed, to print uppercase (capi(cid:173)
`While it is pressed. the SHIFT key causes letter
`This key has the same function as on a typewriter.
`The Key
`G'l !II
`from a program puts you right back to
`the first selection display will display the farewell
`the display of a selection page. Using EXIT from
`Using EXIT
`again from where you stopped, press PAUSE
`phone or get ready to play a game.) To start up
`on. (You may want to pause while you answer the
`action and causes the yellow PAUSE light to come
`Pressing the PAUSE key freezes the computer
`how to return to what you were doing.
`finished with them, the instructions will tell you
`just before you asked for HELP. When you are
`scree~;~ which relate to whatever you were doing
`SYM key down, instructions will show up on the
`When you press TV<--> NABU while holding the
`word HELP shown on the selection displays.
`The HELP key acts exactly as if you selected the
`component TV.
`WORK channel. Normally, this key is not used with
`and make sure your TV is set to THE NABU NET(cid:173)
`to the computer, just press TV<-->NABU again
`a TV channel as you normally would. To get back
`just by pressing TV<-->NABU, and then selecting
`example, you can watch your favor