`'.‘."}_‘1,\Yf?.-ZC..:E OF CONTENTS
`2.0 The NABU Network
`The'NABU personal computer
`3.1 Memory Organization
`3.2 The TMS9918A Videcz Display Proces3s.r>r
`3.2.1 Registers
`3.2.2 Text Mode
`3.2.3 Graphic 1 Mode
`3.2.4 Graphic 2 Mode
`3.2.5 Multicolour Mode
`3.2.6 Sprites
`3.2.7 VRAM table adéresses
`3.2.8 Graphics one Example
`' *1vl3
`' “Eels
`3.3 The AY-3-8910 Programmable Sound Generator
`Internal Operating Software
`4.1 Conventions Used by the IOS
`4.1.1 Stack Operation and Requirements
`4.2 Introduction to DOS
`4.2.1 Segment Handling Routines
` Introduction
` Segment Control and Status Block
` DOS Interface
` Segment Headers
` Examples
`4.2.2 Directory Routines
` Introduction
` Format of Directory
` Accessing the Directory
`Spec. 50-90020490
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`4.2.3 Interrupt structure and Tasking Support
` Introduction
` Critical Regions
` User Task Attachment Routines
` Attachin~! Tasks to the Clock
` Keyboard User Tasks
` Expansion Slots
`4.2.4 Human Input Devices
` Introduction
` Special Key Operation
` Obtaining Data From the Keyboard
` Sym Table Operation
`4.2.5 Video Screen Device Driver
`4.2.6 Printer Output
`4.2.7 I/O router
` Physical Device Identification
` Logical Device Identification
` I/O Routing Entry Point
`4.3 Basic Operating Software
`5.0 Extended lOS (XIOS)
`5.1 Introduction
`5.2 Extended lOS Module Handler
`5.2.1 Memory Structure
`for Loaded XIOS Modules
`5.2.2 Loading XIOS Modules
`5.2.3 Unloading XI OS Modules
`5.2.4 Resolving References in XIOS Modules
`5.3 Disk System
`5.3.1 Introduction
`5.4 Multi-Window Screen Driver
`5.4.1 Introduction
`5.4.2 Operational Requirements
`5.4.3 Module Specific Error Codes
`5.4.4 Module Initialization
`5.4.5 Module De-Initiali:~ation
`5.4.6 DOS Call Interface
`5.4.7 BOS Call Interface
`Spec. 50-90020490
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`Page 2
`5.5 80 Column Screen Driver
`5.5.1 Introduction
`5.5.2 Operational Requirements
`5.5.3 Module Specific Error Codes
`5.5.4 Module Initialization
`5.5.5 Module De-Initialization
`5.5.6 DOS Call Interface
` Input Status
`from Video Screen Window
` Output Data to Video Screen Window
`5.6 CP/M Compatible Logical Device Drivers
`5.6.1 Introduction
`5.6.2 Operational Requirements
`5.6.3 Module Specific Error Codes
`5.6.4 Module Initialization
`5.6.5 Module De-Initialization
`5.6.6 DOS Call Interface
`DOS and BOS number - Function Cross Reference 9-3
`Sample Program and Documentation
`Spec. 50-90020490
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`Page 3
`Spec. 50-90020490
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`Page 4
`This document is intended to provide the application programmer
`information and
`reference material
`to write
`application programs for the NABU personal computer. Complete
`programm~ng information on the internal operating software (IDS)
`as well as programming information of the Video display processor
`and the programmable sound generator are included.
`One of the aims of this manual was to collect all the information
`that was previously found in several documents into
`just one.
`this has yielded a document of some 200 pages,
`section discusses
`a single concept related to
`the programming
`at NABU.
`the programmer need
`the portions of interest and not have to
`entire manual.
`to put the IDS into perspective, we include here
`In order
`IDS Specification which spells out
`general functional requirements of IDS. This will enable you
`judge what
`to expect
`Internal Operating System.
`Internal Operating
`This design specification defines the
`Software (IDS) for the NABU Personal Computer (NPC),
`cost, expandable personal computer.
`It is unique because it
`is capable of communicating on one-way, hybrid and
`cable systems and telephone networks, as well as operating in
`a stand-alone mode, depending on which options are selected.
`When used in association with a CATV network the NABU P.C.'s
`function is to run software downline loaded
`cable head-end.
`system and device
`A versatile set of internal operating
`handling software is required for the NABU P.C. to run appli(cid:173)
`cations software under control of a user. For definition and
`development purposes this software, collectively referred to
`as the Internal Operating Software (IDS) consists of:
`o Applications program interfaces to IDS facilities
`o All physical device control and liD handlers
`o Basic task controlling and interrupt handling software
`o Communications Software
`Spec. 50-90020490
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`Page 5
`The internal operating software does NOT include:
`o Human Interface for Selection of Applications Programs
`o Any ROM Software in the NPC
`o Programming
`(eg. BASIC is not part of
`operating system.)
`o Monitors (ie. examine and change memory, etc., etc. ,etc)
`o High-level (user oriented) utilities
`Operating Environment
`IOS must interact with four other functional components
`of the NABU P.C •. These are:
`o The Basic NABU P.C. hardware
`o Optional hardware and peripheral devices
`o Communications with external systems,
`including the keyboard and NABU Adaptor (NA)
`o Applications Software
`these components
`requirements and functions of
`which essentially define the requirements for the IOS.
`Internal Operating Software Requirements
`Internal Operating
`requirement of
`to create an environment which
`loading and execution of applications programs in a
`efficient manner. The NPC hardware, its peripherals, communi(cid:173)
`cations and the IOS are really just necessary evils
`to present content to an NPC user. The IOS provides a stable
`interface which allows applications access to the other NPC
`components while hiding the messy details of
`the hardware
`configuration and communications protocols, which are really
`of no interest to applications programs.
`IOS Flexibility
`to be as flexible as possible,
`In order
`completely in RAM.
`A separate program,
`the MAIN MENU pro(cid:173)
`loaded in along with the IOS when the NABU P.C. is
`The MAIN MENU performs all human interface func(cid:173)
`tions required to load in an application.
`Spec. 50-90020490
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`Page 6
`the NPC •
`A number of expansion options will be offered for
`These options may include:
`standalone operation through use
`of ROM readers andlor floppy disks, additional communications
`options though the use of telephone dialers,
`and other devices,
`and the support of various other
`peripherals via an 1/0 expansion bus.
`The lOS must be able
`to operate
`in a configuration
`independent manner.
`o The lOS must be able to sense the NPC configuration when
`should protect the applications
`o The
`o Standard 1/0 handling procedures and 1/0 routing must be
`included in the lOS
`o The lOS may be required to operate using different
`of primary storage devices.
`from becoming
`Applications Interfacing
`As was mentioned earlier the NPC and lOS exist to run appli(cid:173)
`this sense applications software is the highest
`level of software and it is in control of the lOS. Different
`applications have different
`requirements. Animated video
`games and other applications which require rich active human
`interfaces will require fast, efficient, unadorned access to
`NPC devices.
`At the other end of the scale are many of the
`computation type applications which are willing to sacrifice
`for 1/0 independence and ease of use. Other
`such as a screen-oriented word processor lies between the two
`extremes of support.
`This implies:
`o Applications must have as much control as possible
`the lOS
`o Applications should be able to access lOS features at
`number of different levels
`should be designed
`requirements and not vice versa
`to fit applications
`Real Time Requirements
`Unlike many other microcomputer operating environments,
`NPC will have time-critical tasks. The most obvious of these
`is communications on the CATV network. However many of
`applications planned for the NPC have real-time components •
`Spec. 50-90020490
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`Page 7
`This implies:
`layers of the lOS must be as time-efficient as
`o The lower
`Interrupts must be well supported in the lOS
`o Applications software has as much control as possible over
`the enabling of interrupts and the complexity of
`o Some simple tasking constructs should be provided
`o Attachment
`of applications supplied code
`handlers should be supported where possible
`o Real-time counters
`(60Hz rate) should be supported by the
`Application Time-out Requirement
`screen being used for the basic output dev(cid:173)
`Due to the T.V.
`if no keyboard input is received for long periods of
`time (approx.
`20 to 30 minutes),
`the T.V. screen will
`blank (to prevent burning of the TV screen).
`This assumes
`the clock interrupt is running,
`inorder to do the tim(cid:173)
`The program execution must continue even though no(cid:173)
`is being displayed. When any key on the keyboard
`the T.V.
`screen will
`return back to its normal
`display. The keystroke which re-activates the screen is not
`passed on to the application program.
`{This time-out will
`also be active if the NPC is in the ·PAUSED" mode.} ~he eftxy
`exee~~±eft ~e ~±me-e~~ req~±remeft~ ±e ~he eaee where ~he
`ift a Ahax~A me~e beea~ee ~he p~aSE key hae be eft
`ae~±va~e~. ~he p~aSE f~fte~±eft eaHses ~he ~es ~e exee~~e ±ft a
`very ~±gh~ xee~T Hft~±X p~aSE f~fte~±eft ±e ~eae~±va~ed.
`~±gh~ xee~ eeafte ~he key beard fer ~he ae~±va~±eft ef ~he
`p~aSE7 ~~H~eT aftd S¥M keye.
`Size Requirements
`The total size of the lOS Kernel should not exceed 10K bytes
`and shall be kept to a minimum.
`In order to accommodate all
`the different lOS functions, the lOS will be divided into two
`sections. The first section will be called the Kernel. This
`will form a "bare bones" type lOS.
`The remainder of the lOS
`will form the second section which is called the Extended lOS
`(XIOS). As applications
`require functions which are only
`in the XIOS,
`the application will be able to load
`the necessary sections (modules) of the XIOS,
`and then use
`functions. When the functions are no longer necessary,
`the XIOS module can be deleted, thus freeing up memory space.
`Spec. 50-90020490
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`Page 8
`Internal Operating Software Structure
`is divided
`Internal Operating Software
`These components are: the
`functionally separate components.
`1/0 handlers,
`the Basic Operating Software (BOS),
`Downloadable Operating Software (DOS).
`1/0 Handlers
`These portions of the software contain the low-level control(cid:173)
`ling code to handle input and output devices. Each physical
`device has
`its own 1/0 handler. This
`software masks
`detailed physical operation of peripheral devices so that the
`levels of
`the operating system may be peripheral
`device independent. 1/0 Handlers provide:
`o Hardware Dependent Device Control Code
`o Interrupt Handling
`o Initialization Code
`o Data Link Layer Communications Protocols
`Basic Operating Software (BOS)
`This level of the operating system provides the key operating
`control software for the NABU P.C ••
`It interfaces to the 1/0
`the Downloadable Operating Software and applica(cid:173)
`tions programs. The BOS provides:
`o Functional Level 1/0 handling
`o Calling of 1/0 handlers and device control code
`o Interrupt and task handling control
`o A Method of Linking Directly to each BOS Routine
`Downloadable Operating Software
`This is the highest
`layer of the internal operating software.
`the BOS
`and applications programs
`o Common Entry Points for Applications
`o 1/0 Routing
`o Configuration Identification
`Spec. 50-90020490
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`Page 9
`idea of
`formed on
`The NABU Network was
`The union of
`the cable network.
`introduction of
`technologies has paved
`the way
`complete with a large base of software
`homes of the population at large.
`This section will describe the various links in the chain of
`this Network with a view to giving a broad understanding of
`pathway followed by an application program from the cable company
`the end user's RAM.
`Refer to the diagram for
`a pictorial
`representation of this data flow.
`The Head End
`this is the originating node
`the name suggests,
`The Head End is actually a minicomputer and it is here
`that all the programs and data to be broadcast on the cable are
`The Head End minicomputer is constantly outputing
`in its database and it does so in a cyclic fashion -
`when all the information has been sent,
`the mini starts at
`beginning and re-sends the database.
`This cyclic nature of the
`flow enables one to envision the data as being written on
`the edge of a wheel which is read as it revolves.
`This number becomes important
`identification number.
`other end of the NABU Network to select the proper user
`The Head End
`with in order to
`as these changes
`is also responsible for the maintenance of
`additions or deletions must be carefully dealt
`ensure the overall integrity of the
`will alter the "diameter" of the "wheel".
`The RF Modulator
`digital in nature.
`data signal must
`this function.
`the Head End m~n~ is of course
`output by
`Before this can be put onto the cable,
`be modulated.
`The RF modulator will perform
`Spec. 50-90020490
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`Page 10
`~ The Combiner
`Since there are other services on the cable (eg. TV,
`there must be another piece of equipment that will merge the NABU
`programs with that information. The Combiner performs this task.
`The NABU information is now broadcast on a specific channel and
`sent into the cable for distribution.
`The Adaptor
`The Adaptor is a piece of hardware that acts as the interface
`the cable coming into the home of the NABU user and
`NABU Personal Computer.
`Essentially, the Adaptor performs the reverse functions of the
`Combiner and the RF Modulator.
`It is tuned to listen to the NABU
`channel, de-modulate the signal and convert it into the digital
`data that the NABU PC can understand.
`On the cable side, the Adaptor is only capable of listening to
`information coming down the cable - it cannot send
`to the Head End.
`on the PC side of the Adaptor
`there is two-way communication. The PC can tell the Adaptor what
`it wishes from the cable and the Adaptor can inform the PC when
`that data is available to be read •
`Thus, when the user requests a particular application, the PC
`a Read
`command and the
`identification number of
`to the Adaptor. The Adaptor then "listens"
`cable until
`the appropriately identified data appears.
`Adaptor fills its internal buffer and then informs the PC
`the data
`is ready.
`The PC obtains the data from
`the Adaptor
`putting it into the appropriate location in the RAM of the PC •
`Spec. 50-90020490
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`_____ _ :-1
`\ ______ 1
`Radio etc.)
`Spec. 50-90020490
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`Page 12
`the application programmer
`section will provide
`introduction and information to the hardware of
`NABU Personal Computer.
`The NABU Personal Computer is a 80 Kbyte machine. The 80K is
`partitioned as follows:
`It is the only region
`1) The primary memory is 64K in size.
`where Z80 microprocessor code may be executed.
`2) A 16K block of memory is dedicated for use by the TMS
`9918A video display processor.
`64K RAM
`16k videol
`ITMS 9918AI
`figure graphically
`the memory
`Spec. 50-90020490
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`Page 13
`The TMS 99l8A Video Display Processor (VDP) is
`for all video display for the NABU Personal Computer
`It provides
`for text, graphics and animation. Detailed
`knowledge of
`the control of the VDP is not required since
`all functions of
`the VDP are accessed
`in the Internal Operating System (IOS) of the NPC.
`This section will outline the features of the VDP
`use of IOS routines to generate T.V.
`images for display on
`the NPC. Further
`information may be found in
`the Texas
`Instruments 9900 Data Manual
`(TMS99l8A/TMS9928A/ TMS9929A
`Video Display Processors).
`image that can be envisioned as a
`The VDP produces a T.V.
`series of display planes. Each plane has a display priority.
`image on a plane of higher priority will overwrite an
`image on a lower priority plane. The display
`in order of lowest to highest priority are BACKDROP,
`and SPRITE. Sprites are special animation objects.
`The VDP provides 32 sprite planes, with sprite plane 1
`having the highest priority.
`which consists
`The lowest priority plane is the BACKDROP,
`of a single colour.
`It can be set to anyone of 15 colours.
`The area covered by the backdrop plane is larger that
`other planes,
`and can form a border for the pattern plane.
`the T.V. displays commonly used with
`the NPC,
`border effect is generally limited to the top and bottom of
`the screen, while the side borders are cropped by the T.V.
`overscan. The colour of the backdrop is determined by write-
`only register 7 of the VDP (see 3.2.1 REGISTERS).
`image displayed in the pattern plane is determined by
`the contents of 16K of Video RAM
`(VRAM) provided
`VDP. The contents of the PATTERN NAME TABLE
`(Name Table),
`in VRAM define the pattern plane image. The mode
`the VDP determines the size and organization of
`tables and hence
`the way in which VRAM is mapped
`screen. The VDP can operate in anyone of four modes, Text,
`Graphics I, Graphics II, and Multicolour.
`The images displayed in the sprite planes are defined in the
`tables are also allocated in VRAM,
`and perform
`sprite equivalents of pattern plane tables.
`Spec. 50-90020490
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`Page 14
`The VDP produces a screen image with an absolute
`of 256 X 192 pixels. The VDP divides the pattern plane into
`blocks of pixels called patterns. In Text mode, the patterns
`are 6 X 8 pixels, yielding 40 text pattern per
`Graphics modes the patterns are 8 X 8 pixels
`(32 patterns
`line). There is a one byte entry in the Name Table for
`each pattern position on
`screen. For
`Graphics modes,
`the Name Table
`is 768 bytes
`patterns per row X 24 rows of patterns).
`In Text mode,
`Name Table is 960 bytes long (40 X 24). There is a one-to(cid:173)
`one mapping of entries in the Name Table and screen pattern
`positions (see Figure 1 for example). The screen origin
`defined as the top left corner.
`+---+---+ -
`1---+---+ -
`I 321 331
`1---+---+ -
`1---+---+ -
`+---+---+ -
`- +---+---+
`I 301 311
`- +---+---1
`I 621 631
`- +---+---1
`- +---+---+
`- +---+---1
`- +---+---+
`Fig. 1. Graphics I Name Table Mapping
`The figure
`illustrates the pattern positions on a T.V
`screen with
`the VDP in Graphics I mode. The number
`associated with each position maps
`the entry
`(offset) within
`the Name Table. The Oth entry
`the Name Table maps to the pattern position occupying
`the top left corner of the screen.
`The Pattern Table determines which pixels will be turned on
`within a pattern. Each entry in the Pattern Table is eight
`long. The first byte of an entry defines the pixel
`arrangement of the top row of a pattern, the second byte the
`second row and so on. A 'I' bit specifies a pixel that is on
`and a
`'0' bit specifies a pixel that is off. The offset of
`an entry
`into the Pattern Table (i.e.
`the entry number)
`forms the 'name' of the pattern. A pattern can be displayed
`the screen in any pattern position by writing its name
`the appropriate entry in the Name Table. The
`number of patterns available in the Pattern Table depends on
`the mode of the VDP.
`Spec. 50-90020490
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`Page 15
`is capable of producing fifteen colours plus
`The VDP
`transparent. The Colour Table determines the colours of the
`pixels defined in the Pattern Table. The high order nibble
`a byte in the Colour Table defines the colour of the 'I'
`in the associated byte of the Pattern Table. The
`'0' bits. The
`order nibble defines
`the colour of
`resolution of the mapping from Colour Table to ~attern Table
`is dependent on the mode of the VDP. The colours associated
`with each 4 bit nibble are shown in Table 1.
`The base addresses of the VRAM tables are derived from
`values contained in the VDP's write-only registers,
`and are
`to restrictions dependent on the mode of the VDP.
`The base addresses are defined by calling the specific
`routine for that table, which will set the correct bits
`the appropriate VDP register. This process does not require
`a knowledge of the register addressing scheme.
`Medium Green
`Light Green
`Dark Blue
`Light Blue
`Dark Red
`Medium Red
`Light Red
`Dark Yellow
`Light Yellow
`Dark Green
`Table 1. Colour Assignments
`The 4 bit hex values in the first column
`produce the colour in the second column
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`Page 16
`~ 3.2.1 REGISTERS
`The VDP
`is equipped with eight write-only registers and
`single read-only status register. The write-only
`are used to define the mode of the VDP,
`table addresses in
`VRAM, and the backdrop colour. All access to these registers
`is by way of calls to routines in the IDS. Descriptions of
`these routines can be found in the section on BOS calls.
`The write-only registers may be loaded with the IOS
`VREGWR. Specialized
`routines are provided for
`VRAM table addresses.
`In the NPC environment a RAM image of
`the write-only registers is maintained, allowing examination
`of register contents. The registers may be
`'read' by calling
`VREGRD, or with specialized routines (see IDS document).
`registers contain VDP option control bits.
`they are not written to directly with VREGWR, but
`rather are accessed through specialized routines. VSETXT is
`called to set the appropriate bits to place the VDP in TEXT
`mode. Other
`routines are VSETGI (Graphics I) and
`(Graphics II).
`(the video
`'vertical blanking' option
`The VDP also has a
`register 1.
`is "blacked out") which is selected in
`screen may be blanked with no effect on VRAM by calling
`the IDS routine VBLKON. The screen is restored with VBLKOFF.
`Other bits in register 1 determine the size and magnifica(cid:173)
`tion of sprites (see 3.2.6 SPRITES).
`2 defines the base address of the Name Table. The
`address is set by calling VNAMEST.
`Register 3 defines the base address of the Colour Table. The
`address is set by calling VCOLRST.
`Register 4 defines the base address of the Pattern Generator
`Table. The address is set by calling VPTRNST •
`Spec. 50-90020490
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`Page 17
`Register 5 defines the base address of the Sprite Attribute
`Table. The address is set by calling VATRIST.
`Register 6 defines the base address of the Sprite Pattern
`Generator Table. The address is set by calling VSPRIST.
`The high order 4 bits of register 7 define the colour code
`'I' pixels in Text mode. The low order bits define
`for '0' pixels in Text mode and
`colour code
`the backdrop
`in all modes. Register 7 is
`by calling
`The status register contains the following flags.
`Interrupt Flag is set at the end of
`- The
`scan of the last line of the display. It is reset to 0
`the VDP Status Register is read or the VDP
`The Coincidence Flag
`set whenever
`'I' bits at the same
`sprites have
`(see 3.2.6 SPRITES).
`is set whenever more than
`The Fifth Sprite Flag
`sprites are displayed on the same horizontal line. The
`number of the fifth sprite is also loaded into the VDP
`Status Register. (see 3.2.6 SPRITES).
`Spec. 50-90020490
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`Apple v. PMC
`Page 18
`~ 3.2.2 TEXT MODE
`is primarily
`implied by the name, Text mode
`textual applications. The Name Table and Pattern Table are
`to define the appearance of the screen. The Colour
`Table is not used. Patterns are 6 X 8 pixels, which allows
`for an increase to 40 characters per line. The Name Table is
`960 (40 X 24) bytes. The Pattern Table contains the library
`text patterns to be displayed.
`It is 2048 bytes
`consisting of 256 eight byte entries. Since each
`is only 6 pixels wide,
`the two least significant
`bits of each row of the pattern are ignored. There can only
`be two colours for the entire screen, one colour for all of
`the 'I' bits,
`and a second colour for all of the '0' bits.
`The colours are defined
`in VDP
`register 7
`(see 3.2.1
`text patterns are loaded into the Pattern Table,
`such that the entry number corresponds to the ASCII code for
`the letter. For example,
`the ASCII code for the letter 'A'
`is 65 (decimal). With the eight byte pattern fot toe letter
`'A' occupying pattern number 65 in the Pattern Table,
`letter can be written
`to screen pattern position 3
`writing 65 to the third entry in the Name Table (Figure 2).
`a T.V
`line on
`40 characters per
`Text mode
`display. However, because of T.V. overscan, characters
`should not be written
`to columns 0,1,38 or 39. This
`effectively reduces the display to 36 characters per line.
`The VRAM tables that are used to generate the screen
`for Graphics I mode are the PATTERN NAME TABLE (Name Table),
`The Name Table determines the screen position for a pattern.
`T~e Pattern Table determines which pixels within a pattern
`wlll be turned on. The Colour Table determines the colour of
`a pixel.
`PMC Exhibit 2077
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 19
`screen into 8 X 8 pixel patterns,
`The VDP divides
`that the Name Table has 768 one byte entries. The
`Pattern Table contains a library of patterns that may be
`in any pattern position on the screen. The Pattern
`is 2048 bytes long, consisting of 256 eight byte
`entries. There
`is a maximum,
`therefore, of
`256 unique
`patterns which may be displayed at anyone time in Graphics
`I. The offset of the pattern within the Pattern Table forms
`the name of the pattern. To display a pattern at a specific
`position on the screen,
`the pattern name is written to
`appropriate entry in the Name Table.
`Spec. 50-90020490
`Page 1 - 16
`June 8, 1984
`PMC Exhibit 2077
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 20
`+--------+ <-- ENTRY 0
`+--------+ <-- ENTRY 3
`+--------+ <-- ENTRY 95
`+--------+ <-- ENTRY 959
`+--------+ <-- ENTRY 0
`+--------+ <-- ENTRY 65
`+--------+ <-- ENTRY 66
`+--------+ <-- ENTRY 67
`+--------+ <-- ENTRY 255
`T.V. Display has 'A' (pattern 65) in screen position 3,
`and 'B' (pattern 66) in position 95.
`Fig. 2. Name and Pattern Table Mapping in
`Text Mode
`Spec. 50-90020490
`Page 1 - 17
`June 8, 1984
`PMC Exhibit 2077
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 21
`The colours of pixels are specified in the Colour Table. The
`table contains 32 one byte entries. Each entry
`two colours,
`the high order nibble of each entry
`defines the colour of the 'I' bits, and the low order nibble
`defines the colour of the '0' bits. The first entry in
`Colour Table defines the colours for patterns 0
`- 7,
`second entry
`for patterns 8 - 15 and so on. This
`following colour
`restrictions: 1) anyone
`pattern can only display two colours and 2)
`for one pattern implies a colour change
`seven other patterns within the colour group.
`II mode is similar to Graphic