`International Bureau
`(51) International Patent Classification 7 :
`(11) International Publication Number:
`WO 00/54973
`B41] 2/145
`(43) International Publication Date:
`21 September 2000 (2109.00)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`15 March 2000 ( 15 .O3.00)
`(30) Priority Data:
`PP 9222
`16 March 1999 (16.03.99)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): SILVER-
`Street, Balmain, NSW 2041 (AU).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): SILVERBROOK, Kia
`[AU/AU]; 393 Darling Street, Balmain, NSW 2041 (AU).
`KING, Tobin, Allen [AU/AU]; Unit 2, 125 Cremome Road,
`Cremome, NSW 2090 (AU).
`(74) Common Representative: SILVERBROOK, Kia; Silverbrook
`Research Pty. Ltd., PO. Box 207, Balmain, NSW 2041
`(81) Designated States: AE, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG,
`BR, BY, CA, CH, CN, CR, CU, CZ, DE, l)K, DM, DZ, EE,
`ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP,
`KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA,
`MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU,
`SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, Tl‘, TZ, UA, UG,
`US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW, ARIPO patent (GH, GM, KE,
`LS, MW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian patent (AM,
`AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European patent (AT,
`BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU,
`MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM,
`GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`With international search report.
`(57) Abstract
`a printhead as-
`A pagewiclth inkjet printer including:
`sembly having an elongate pagewidth array of inkjet nozzles,
`chambers and thermal bend actuators formed using MEMS
`techniques; wherein the array extends at
`least 36 inches
`(9l4mm) in length; and,
`the printhead assemby being con-
`structed and arranged such that adequate heat dissipation oc-
`curs at equilibrium operating conditions without a forced heat
`exchange system.
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`Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international applications under the PCT.
`Bosnia and Herzegovina
`Republic of Moldova
`The former Yugoslav
`Burkina Faso
`Republic of Macedonia
`Central African Republic
`Céle d’Ivoire
`New Zealand
`Russian Federation
`Czech Republic
`United Kingdom
`Democratic People's
`Republic of Korea
`Republic of Korea
`Saint Lucia
`Sri Lanka
`Trinidad and Tobago
`United States of America
`Viet Nam
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`The present
`invention relates to printers and in particular digital
`printers for wide format printing.
`Wide format pagewidth printers are well known with various models
`commercially available, for example, the HP 35 OOCP printer from Hewlett-Packard.
`this printer and other similar wide format printers are
`excessively slow as the printhead prints in a series of transverse swathes across the
`To overcome this, there have been attempts to design printers that can print
`the entire width of the page simultaneously. A pagewidth printhead does not traverse
`back and forth across the page and thereby significantly increases printing speeds.
`However, proposals
`a pagewidth printhead assembly have not become
`commercially successful because of the functional limitations imposed by standard
`printhead technology. A 600 dpi thermal bubble jet printhead configured to extend the
`entire width of a 54 inch wide standard roll of paper would require 136,000 inkjet
`nozzles and would generate 24 kilowatts of heat during operation. This is roughly
`equivalent to the heat produced by 24 domestic bar heaters and would need to be
`actively cooled using a heat exchange system such as forced air or water cooling. This
`is impractical for most domestic and commercial environments as the cooling system
`for the printer would probably require some type of external venting. Without external
`venting, the room in which the printer is situated is likely to get over heated.
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`The power consumption problem also influences the size of the printhead
`required for pagewidth wide format printing. The distance between thermal inkjet
`nozzles cannot be less than a minimum spacing in case the heat generated to fire ink
`from one nozzle inadvertently fires the ink from an adjacent nozzle. A similar
`problem applies to piezo—electric inkjet printheads. The piezo-electric material has a
`small size change per volt applied; typically about 3 x 1O'6m per volt. Even if this size
`change is optimised using a bend actuator mechanism, the physical dimensions of the
`piezo-electric material required to produce the size change necessary to eject ink from
`a nozzle will only allow a printhead construction with one nozzle per 1 to 4mmZ.
`In light of the low nozzle packing densities permitted by the standard inkjet
`technologies, the size of the printhead required for full color wide format pagewidth
`printing becomes impractical.
`Another obstacle to the commercial manufacturer of pagewidth printheads is
`the cost. These printheads are formed using Micro—Electro—Mechanical Systems
`(MEMS) techniques that are similar to the manufacture of silicon computer chips.
`this process, the ink nozzles and ejector mechanisms are formed in a series of etching
`and deposition procedures on silicon wafers as is the case with other computer chips.
`The cost of printhead chips is roughly proportional to the area of the wafer
`required, however, the cost of the printhead does increase disproportionately with an
`increasing area of wafer used. This is because manufacturing costs begins to escalate
`as the chip defect rate also increases with wafer size. Faults will inevitably occur
`during silicon chip manufacture and some level of attrition is always present because
`of this. A single chip will render an entire pagewidth printhead chip defective as is the
`case with regular silicon chip production. However, because the pagewidth chip is
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`larger than regular chips, there is a higher probability that any particular chip will be
`defective thereby raising the defect rate as a whole in comparison to regular silicon
`chip production. The problem is further exacerbated when much larger pagewidth
`chips are manufactured for wide format printing.
`According to a first aspect, the present invention provides a pagewidth inkjet
`printer including:
`a printhead assembly having an elongate pagewidth array of inkjet nozzles,
`chambers and thermal bend actuators formed using MEMS techniques;
`the printhead assembly being constructed and arranged such that adequate
`heat dissipation occurs at equilibrium operating conditions without the use of a forced
`heat exchanged system.
`the printhead assembly dissipates the majority of the heat
`produced during the operation of the inkjet nozzles, chambers and actuators is
`dissipated by the ink ejected from the nozzles.
`In a further preferred form,
`printhead assembly has a plurality of inkjet printhead modules arranged end to end to
`form the array, each module having a printhead chip in which the nozzles, chambers
`and actuators are formed wherein the surface area of the chip required for each nozzle
`is less than 0.5mm .
`In a particularly preferred form, the surface area of the chip
`required for each nozzle is less than O.lmm2 and may conveniently be less than
`According to a second aspect, the present invention provides a pagewidth
`inkjet printer including:
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`a printhead assembly having an elongate pagewidth array of inkjet nozzles,
`chambers and thermal bend actuators formed using MEMS techniques;
`wherein the array extends at least 36 inches (9l4mm) in length; and,
`the nozzles, chambers and actuators are formed in one or more printhead
`chips such that the surface area of the chip required for each nozzle is less than
`According to another aspect,
`the present invention provides a pagewidth
`inkjet printer including:
`a printhead assembly having an elongate pagewidth array of inkjet nozzles,
`chambers and thermal bend actuators formed using MEMS techniques;
`wherein the array extends at least 36 inches (800mm) in length; and,
`the printhead assembly has a plurality of inkjet printhead modules arranged
`end to end to form the array.
`ln a particularly preferred form, the printhead assembly further includes a
`plurality of printhead units, each unit having a plurality of the printhead modules
`mounted thereon such that the printhead units are in turn mounted to the printhead
`assembly to form the array.
`In some embodiments, 70 printhead modules are abutted
`in an overlapping format
`to provide a printhead assembly extending 54 inches
`It will be appreciated that by overlapping adjacent printhead modules, the
`printing produced by each module can be electronically adjusted to precisely abut the
`printing from modules on either side.
`It will be appreciated that by mounting a number of printhead modules on a
`printhead unit and then using a number of printhead units to form the printhead
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`assembly, there are two levels of modularity in the design which permit defective
`components to be removed and replaced conveniently and relatively inexpensively.
`It has been found that pagewidth printers incorporating printhead chips using
`thermal bend actuators can produce a high resolution print while consuming
`significantly less power. A 54 inch wide format pagewidth printhead formed in
`accordance with standard thermal
`inkjet technology would provide 136,000 inkjet
`nozzles to produce a resolution of 600 dpi. It could print 150 foot long roll of standard
`54 inch wide paper in approximately 2.4 minutes, however, it will require 24 kilowatts
`of power of which approximately 20 kilowatts would need to be dissipated by forced
`air, water or other coolant.
`A printer according to the present invention would also print the standard 150
`foot length of a 54 inch wide roll in 2.4 minutes, however by using 364,000 nozzles it
`provides 1600 dpi resolution (generally accepted as photographic quality) and would
`consume only 0.655 kilowatts which would not require any additional cooling. With
`this level of power consumption, the ejection of ink would dissipate sufficient heat.
`This allows a greater nozzle packing density and reduces the overall size of the
`printhead assembly.
`Notwithstanding any other forms which may fall within the scope of the
`present invention, a preferred form denoted as the Macroprint product will now be
`described by way of example only with reference to the accompanying drawings in
`Figure l is a front perspective view of the printer with media on the feed and
`take up spools;
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`Figure 2 is a front perspective View of the printer without media on the
`Figure 3 shows a rear perspective View of the printer with media on the feed
`and take up spools;
`Figure 4 is a front elevation of the printer without media on the feed or take
`up spools;
`Figure 5 is a plan view;
`Figure 6 is a rear elevation without media on the feed or take up spools;
`Figure 7 is a right end elevation;
`Figure 8 is a left end elevation;
`Figure 9 is a front perspective view of the printer with the top lid open
`exposing the ink cartridges;
`Figure 10 is a front perspective view of the printer showing the front panel
`removed to expose the printhead units;
`Figure 11 is an enlarged portion of figure 10;
`Figure 12 is a partial cross sectional view of section A-A of figure 4;
`Figure 13 is an enlarged portion of figure 12;
`Figure 14 is a perspective view showing the leg access cover removed;
`Figure 15 is an underside perspective View of a single printhead unit in
`isolation with 10 attached printhead modules;
`Figure 16 is a top—side perspective view of a single printhead unit in isolation;
`Figure 17 is a perspective view of 7 printhead units mounted end to end on a
`floating support metalwork chassis;
`Figure 18 is an underside perspective view of the printhead units of figure 17;
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`Figure 19 is a perspective view of a single printhead unit and part of the
`printer ink supply system;
`Figure 20 is a perspective view of the printhead assembly together with the
`ink cartridges and ink reservoirs of the ink supply system;
`Figure 21 is a partial cross sectional view showing the fluid communication
`between an ink cartridge and an ink reservoir;
`Figure 22 is a rear perspective view of the printer electrical system;
`Figure 23 is a front perspective view of the printer electrical system;
`Figure 24 is an enlarged portion of figure 22 showing the main printed circuit
`Figure 25a is a perspective View of the media cutter;
`Figure 25b is an enlarged portion of figure 25a showing the rotating knife
`wheel and motor of the media cutter;
`Figure 26 is a top-side perspective view showing the media path through the
`printer; and
`Figure 27 is a rear perspective view showing the media path through the
`printhead modules
`printhead chip
`printhead unit
`ink connectors
`metal nozzle shield
`ink cartridges
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`sprung capping assembly
`metal chassis
`exit spike wheels
`primary feed roller
`media entry point
`motor driven pinch rollers
`secondary media feed roller
`media exit point
`USB2 connector
`controller chip
`ribbon cable
`USB2 cables
`main PCB
`metal platen
`powered cam shaft
`motor and gearbox
`ink reservoirs
`reservoir sensors
`ink cartridge exit nozzle
`foil bladder
`ink outlet molding
`sprung rubber coated ball bearing
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`ink inlet assembly
`sprung collar
`hydrophobic seal
`metal trough
`retaining clips
`retaining clip recesses
`feed spool
`take up spool
`spaced legs
`motor and gear box assemblies
`traverser block and paper sensor
`belt drive
`pivoting arm
`rotating knife wheel
`metal spring
`sensor leads
`metal U channel
`cheek molding
`sprung tensioner device
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`main printer housing
`color LCD and touch screen
`emergency stop button
`base structures
`wind down feet
`paper tray
`date connectors
`mains power input
`left end molding
`right end molding
`front panel
`alternative media entry rollers
`The preferred embodiment, known as Macroprint, is a wide format printer
`that prints 1600 dpi photographic quality prints up to 54 inches wide.
`markets include photographic bureaus, CAD bureaus, advertising agencies, corporate
`and educational applications. The product accommodates standard media sizes and
`types from A4 sheets to rolls 54 inches wide by 150 feet in length. The main feature
`of Macroprint is its print speed: typically 600 times faster than comparable machines.
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`The product is simple in operation and has been designed with powder coated
`metal panels and standard extrusions to minimise expensive and complicated
`assemblies and numerous moldings. Referring to figures 1
`to 8, the main printer
`housing 56 is supported between spaced legs 43. An intuitive user interface on a LCD
`color touch screen 57 welcomes the user and initialises the machine from stand by
`mode. For the user’s convenience, a large emergency stop button 58 is provided
`directly beneath the touch screen 57.
`Referring to figures 7 and 8, the legs 43 are secured to base structures 59
`which include castors 70 for mobility and wind down feet 60 for stability. A paper
`tray 61 extends between the base structures 59 to collect single printed sheets.
`One of the legs 43 is provided with data connectors 62 and a mains power
`input 63. The legs 43 support the main printer housing 56 at left and right end
`moldings 64 and 65 respectively. The top of the printer housing includes a lid 66
`which may be opened using handle 67 to replace ink cartridges 6 shown in figure 9.
`The front of the main housing 56 has a front panel 69 which may be removed to
`further expose the printhead assembly as shown in figure 10.
`As best shown in figures 15, 16, 17 and 18, Macroprint uses a full width array
`of 70 printhead modules 1 mounted end to end at a small angle to the media feed
`direction to potentially provide a slight overlap between the printing of adjacent
`modules. The printing from each module 1
`is aligned after installation such that it
`precisely abuts the printing of adjacent modules. Each module 1 has a printhead chip
`2 constructed using MEMS (Micro-Electro—Mechanical Systems) techniques to form
`the ink nozzles, chambers and actuators. The particular printhead chips used by
`Macroprint are called MEMJET chips.
`These chips are fully described in the
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`Applicant’s United States Application entitled “A Method of Manufacturing a
`Thermal Bend Actuator” (Docket No. MJ07), the contents of which are specifically
`incorporated by cross
`the construction of the preferred
`embodiment is along similar lines to that formed in Australian Provisional Patent
`Application No. PQ4559, filed 9 December, 1999, entitled “Memjet Four Color
`Modular Printhead Packaging “(Docket No. MJ57), and Australian Provisional Patent
`Application No. PQ5959, filed 2 March, 2000, entitled “Modular Printhead” (Docket
`No. MI22). The contents of both these applications are also specifically incorporated
`by cross reference.
`MEMJET chips have 5280 nozzles, each with its own mechanical ink droplet
`ejection mechanism. MEMJET chips using cyan, magenta, yellow and black (CMYK)
`ink provide a printhead with 1600 nozzles per inch for each color. This produces
`color printing at an image resolution of 1600 dpi which is sufficient for photographic
`image quality.
`As shown in figures 15, 16 and 17, ten printhead modules 1 are mounted to a
`modular printhead unit 3 denoted as a MEMJET printhead unit. Seven printhead units
`3 are abutted together along a metal chassis (fig. 17), to provide a 54 inch print width.
`The busbars 68 provide positive and negative current to the printhead units 3 via spade
`It is possible to make wider format printers but 54 inches is a large standard
`roll size. The modular design of the printhead assembly allows individual printhead
`modules 1 to be accessed for replacement if necessary.
`It will be appreciated that this
`is far more convenient and cost effective than the replacement of an entire printhead
`assembly or even a single MEMJET printhead unit 3. As best shown in figure 20, the
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`MEMJET printhead units 3 are daisy-chained together with ink connectors 4 so four
`colors can be transmitted to the entire length of the printhead assembly.
`Other design configurations of the printhead assembly can be accommodated
`to provide printhead chips that supply fixer, infrared inks and/or specialist metallic
`inks together with the CMYK inks. Other design configurations include an air
`chamber and pump (not shown) added to the MEMJET printhead units 3 which supply
`positive pressure through the metal nozzle shield 5 to eliminate ingress of foreign
`particles. The ink cartridges 6 may also include a micro air filter (not shown) for use
`with a micro pump (not shown) and sprung capping assembly 7.
`The MEMJET printhead units 3 are heat staked/secured to a metal chassis 8
`that carries exit spike wheels 9. As best shown in figures 12 and 13, the spike wheels
`9 oppose the primary media feed roller 10 to feed the media out of the printhead
`assembly at 14. Moveable pinch rollers 12 oppose the secondary media feed roller 13.
`Media is drawn in at 11 by the action of the primary roller 10 acting against a passive
`spring roller and feeding the media to the secondary roller 13. The chassis 8 is sprung
`and automatically moves the MEMJET printhead units 3 away from the metal platen
`23 to accommodate thicker print media.
`The upper surface of the chassis 8
`accommodates the control printed circuit boards (PCBS) 15 for each MEMJET
`printhead unit 3. Each PCB 15 has up to 512 megabytes of DRAM 16, a double USB
`2' connector 17, a controller chip 18 and a printhead module interface connector. A
`ribbon cable 19 connects the PCBs 15 to the printhead modules 1 and each PCB 15 is
`daisy-chain connected via USB 2 cables 20 to a main PCB 21 located in a printer leg
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`The MEMJET chips 2 are capped by the capping assembly 7 when not in use.
`The capping assembly has a full width moving metal platen with an elastomeric (or
`similar) seal. The metal platen is spring mounted and moved into position by the
`action of powered cam shaft 24. The cam shaft 24 also moves the array of MEMJET
`printhead units 3 clear when loading media. The cam shaft is driven by the cam shaft
`motor and gearbox 25 as best shown in figure 22.
`Referring to figure 19, the ink supply system is shown without the supporting
`metalwork. The entire array of MEMJET printhead units 3 is supplied with CMYK
`inks from four individual reservoirs 26 mounted above them. These reservoirs are
`supplied by replaceable ink cartridges 6 which sit at the top of the printer under the
`hinged lid 66. The cartridges 6 plugged directly into the ink reservoirs 26 via exit
`nozzle 28. The ink reservoirs 26 have sensors 27 that monitor ink levels.
`Figure 21 shows the ink cartridge exit nozzle 28 in detail. The cartridge 6 has
`a foil bladder 29 that is sealed around an ink outlet molding 30. A sprung rubber
`coated ball bearing 31 provides the seal for the ink cartridge 6. The exit nozzle 28
`interfaces with the ink inlet assembly 32 of the reservoir 26. This consists of a sprung
`collar 33 with a hydrophobic seal 34 that moves over a hollow metal pin 35. As the
`collar 33 moves down the pin, 35 penetrates the ink outlet molding 30 and moves the
`ball bearing 31, allowing ink 36 to flow.
`The ink cartridge 6 is a simple cardboard or thin plastic forming and, as best
`shown in figures 13 and 20, the cartridges are snap locked to a metal trough 37 via
`retaining clips 38 and corresponding recesses 39. The ink reservoirs 26 are mounted
`to the underside of the trough 37. The cartridges 6 hold approximately 800 millilitres
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`of ink and have a QA chip (not shown) which interfaces with the sensors 27 in the ink
`reservoirs 26.
`Figures 1, 3, 12, 13, 26 and 27 show the media path through the Macroprint
`printer. The printer accommodates a standard 54 inch print media roll which is wound
`onto a plastic feed spool 40. The media 41 is fed from the feed spool 40 through the
`printhead assembly to a take up spool 42. The feed and take up spools 40 and 42
`extend between the printer legs 43 and are driven by motor and gearbox assemblies 44
`shown in figures 22 and 23. Alternatively, a larger diameter roll of media may be used
`with Marcroprint because of the high operational print speeds. The larger roll may be
`on a separate support, such as a standard digital unwinder widely used in the print
`industry, and fed directly into Macroprint from the rear using alternative media entry
`rollers 71.
`The media 41 is initially fed through a convolute path by the powered
`primary and secondary rollers 10 and 13. During loading of the media, the sheet is fed
`between the primary roller 10 and the spring passive roller (figs 13 and 27). The
`primary roller 10 pushes the media 41 towards the secondary roller 13 while the pinch
`rollers 12 pivot away from the secondary roller 13 so that the media 41 can be guided
`around the curve of the roller by brushes 45. When the media 41 reaches the apex of
`the secondary roller 13, the pinch rollers 12 pivot down and provide positive grip for
`further feeding. The media 41 passes over the full width metal platen 23, between the
`MEMJET printhead units 3 and the capping assembly 7, and exits over two sets of
`passive rollers to the take—up reel 42.
`Referring to figures 25a and 25b, the printer is provided with a media cutter
`it consists of a traverser block and paper sensor 46 that runs on a shaft 47
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`under the action of belt drive 48. A pivoting metal arm 49 supports a rotating knife
`wheel 50 that cuts the media 41. The arm 49 is positioned up or down by use of the
`metal spring 51 contacting stops (not shown) on each cheek molding 54 of the printer.
`If the media 41 is inadvertently pulled, the cutter 50 and traverser block 46 pivots clear
`around the shaft 47 to prevent damage. Sensor leads 52 from the image sensor 46 run
`in a metal U channel 53 and connect to the main PCB 21 in the printer leg. A sprung
`tensioner device 55 is mounted on the left side of the printer to complete the cutter
`The 1600 dpi high resolution of the Macroprint allows economy of ink usage
`and image quality to be superior to any contemporary products.
`printhead units 3 use 1 picoliter of ink per 1600 dpi nozzle as opposed to a current
`average of2l picoliters per 600 dpi nozzle. The ratio of ink usage of a current 600 dpi
`nozzle compared to a MEMJET 1600 dpi nozzle is 2.95:1.
`The Macroprint printer can print an Al sized sheet of media at 1600 dpi
`photo quality in 2 seconds. This makes it about 600 times faster than the top of the
`range HP 3500 CP printer. The 54 inch wide by 150 foot length standard roll of paper
`can be printed in 2.4 minutes compared to 24 hours for the HP 3500 CP printer.
`It is
`theoretically possible to produce a thennal bubble inkjet printhead that extends the
`entire 54 inch width of a standard roll to achieve the same print speeds, however, its
`power consumption would be approximately 40 times greater than Macroprint.
`Accordingly, it would require an additional active cooling system to dissipate heat.
`Even with most forced heat exchange systems, the nozzle packing density would not
`be high enough to provide a wide format pagewidth printhead of a practical size.
`Because of these impediments, pagewidth thermal bubble inkjet printers have not
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`become a commercial reality. By utilising thermal bend actuators in the MEMS
`printhead chips and modularising the printhead assembly design,
`the Macroprint
`printer provides practical wide format printing in a real commercial sense.
`The present invention has been described herein with reference a specific
`example which should not be seen as limiting or restrictive on the broad inventive
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`A pagewidth inkjet printer including:
`a printhead assembly having an elongate pagewidth array of inkjet nozzles,
`chambers and thermal bend actuators formed using MEMS techniques;
`wherein the array extends at least 36 inches (9l4mm) in length; and,
`the printhead assembly being constructed and arranged such that adequate
`heat dissipation occurs at equilibrium operating conditions without a forced heat
`exchange system.
`A pagewidth inkjet printer according to claim 1, wherein the majority
`of heat generated by the thermal bend actuators is dissipated by ink ejected through the
`A pagewidth inkjet printer according to claim 1, wherein the printhead
`assembly has a plurality of inkjet printhead modules arranged end to end to form the
`array, each module having a printhead chip in which the nozzles, chambers and
`thermal bend actuators are formed such that the surface area of the chip required for
`each nozzles is less than 0.5mm2.
`A pagewidth inkjet printer according to claim 3, wherein the surface
`area of the chip required for each nozzle is less than 0.1mn12.
`A pagewidth inkjet printer according to claim 4, wherein the surface
`area of the chip required for each nozzle is less than O.02mm2.
`A pagewidth inkjet printer including a printhead assembly having an
`elongate pagewidth array of inkjet nozzles, chambers and thermal bend actuators
`formed using MEMS techniques, wherein the array extends at
`least 36 inches
`(914m) in length; and,
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`the nozzles, chambers and thermal bend actuators are formed in one or more
`printhead chips such that;
`the surface area of the chip required for each nozzle is less than 0.5mm2.
`A pagewidth inkjet printer according to claim 6, wherein the surface
`area of the chip required for each nozzle is less than 0.1mm2.
`A pagewidth inkjet printer according to claim 6, wherein the surface
`area of the chip required for each nozzle is less than O.02mm2.
`A pagewidth inkjet printer including:
`a printhead assembly having an elongate pagewidth array of inkjet nozzles,
`chambers and thermal bend actuators formed using MEMS techniques, wherein the
`array extends at least 36 inches (9l4mm) in length; and,
`the printhead assembly has a plurality of inkjet printhead modules arranged _
`end to end to form the array.
`10. A pagewidth inkjet printer according to claim 9, wherein the printhead
`assembly further includes a plurality of printhead units, each having a plurality of the
`printhead modules mounted thereon.
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`HP 1003
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`WO 00/54973
`HP 1003
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