`Nipro Ex. 1019

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`Nipro Ex. 1019

`sncss. subordinates, etc, asp by a male to a female).
`.'-t1.L 11. to transport or convey is camera) by means of
`-—-i-,1. 12. to move a camera on a dolly, sap. to~
`‘ ward or away from the subect being filmed or televised
`5-5i0: 1900-05 for def. 9; Don. «t
`,ofl.en fol. by in or out): to olly m {or o Close-up.
`a female given name. form of Doll.
`Col-ly-man (do)/e men). n., pl -men. Motion Pictures,
`Tsleuisirin. a technician who moves or ushes the cam-
`srs dolly during or between shots.
`5. for an ear-
`, her sense; DOLLY + MAN‘)
`a camera
`idol/Iy shot’, Motion Pictures, Television.
`vlhot taken from a moving dolly. Also called track shot.
`-flicking shot. trucking shot.
`Var-don (dol-’e viirldn), 1. a woman's costume
`;af the late 19th century,
`including a flower-trimmed.
`$rosd-brimmed hat and I dress consisting of a tight bod-
`and bouffant panmerv in a flower print over a calf-
`quilted petucoat 2. the hat of this costume. 3.
`abs dress of this costume. 4.
`lchlhyol. Also called bull
`flrout. Doll/y Vsfldsn trout’.
`a char. Salvelmus
`inhabiting fresh and marine waters of western
`orth America and eastern Asia. 5. Newfoundland. a
`earthenware drinking cup used on fishing vessels
`1 0-75, costume named after a colorfully dressed char-
`in Dickens‘ Burnob Rudgc (1841); applied to fish
`’ n to its coloring
`'38"! Vsfldsn DIVIONI. a fabric print consisting of
`bouquets or flowers
`‘OI-l'l'II Kclblims, -ma), n. Near Eastern Cookery.
`a dish
`~ at tomatoes. green peppers, vine leaves, or cg
`united with a mixture of meat. rice and spices.
`, "I0. .< Turk dolma lit.. something filled, filling. squiv. to
`-mo suffix of devsrbsl nouns]
`' Isl-man (dAl’man, dol’~). n., pl. -mans. 1. a woman‘:
`aisiiile with capolike arm pieces instead of sleeves. 2. in
`1576-35; synco
`* lung outer robe worn by Turks.
`anion (obs). ariv.
`ungofdolimnn. dolyman < Turk
`ml dolnmck to wind round)
`liidolfllllfl OCOOVO’, a sleeve tsparsd from a very large
`armhole to fit closely at the wrist. used on womsn’s gar-
`s struc-
`loll-n1-In (dbvmen. ~msn. doll-). n. Archacol.
`ture usually regarded as a tomb. consisting of two or
`more lar e. upright stones set with a space between and
`y a horizontal
`stone. Cf. crumbs! tomb.
`; < 1-‘ < Cornish, lenitod form of tolmui hole of
`Ilnnr (taken by French archoologists to mean clon-
`:.srn)) -—doi~msn-lc (dbl i-nen'lk, dol-). adj.
`(dbl’n a vymuz nyi _tss),
`Dd-nl vs-sto«nI-as
`nun in: site of Upper Paleoithlc mammoth huntsn
`In an. in southern Moravia, Czech Rspublic. char-
`by Venus figures. ornaments of mam-
`Innoth ivory, an animal figures of baked clay.
`3 E-lo-mflo (dolls mit’. dol/s-)
`. 1. a very common
`Iuasrsl, calcium magnesium carbonate. CaMg( oc-
`tuning in crystals and in masses. 2. a rock consistin
`or largely of this mineral. 11785-95; <
`r D. de Dolommu) (1750-130 ). French min-
`stslugu-I: see -rrs‘) -408-o-mlt-ic (dol/e mi!/ik). adj.
`msrlbls. coarse—grsinsd dolomite.
`Ih-lo-mltss (do/la mlts/. dol's-), u. (used with ailin-
`Hi hut peak. Manna ads. 10.
`(3340 in),
`rsl :.~.)_a mountain ra
`e in N ital :a part ofzhe
`Doflomlu Alps’.
`ls-In-mlblozs-tlon («win mm. z.I’shan -nut dol’s-).
`the conversion of limestone into dolomite.
`ll.I60~6&: Dountmzs + -Anon]
`Is-Io-mit-lzs (done ml cw. -mi-. dolia-), u.t.. -ma,
`to convert (limestone) into dolomite. /Also.
`out, Bn't..'¢o’|o-mlt-lss/.
`[1360-65; nowm-11'. + -izs)
`Os-,-Ion‘ (dbflon), n. (in the Iliad) a son of Eumedas who
`s-as ‘killed by Diomedes and Odysseus svsn though he
`had given them valuable information about the 'l‘ro_isns.
`filgof (dollar), n.
`sorrow; grief. Also. esp. Brit, do’-
`hur.’—’ 1275-1325; ME dolour (< AF) < L dolor, squiv.
`Iofiolyére) to feel pain + -or -oa']
`Do-lo-rss (dc lor’is, -lor’-), n.
`a famale given name:
`lhslin a Latin word meaning "sorrows."
`an instru-
`(d6’la rimli tar). n. Med.
`iucnt used in dolorimetry.
`[1945-50; bows + -1- +
`:1. Med.
`do-lo-rim-s-try (db’la rlm'i us, dol/s-),
`Isrhniqur for measuring the sensitivity to pain produced
`lav’ heat rays focused on an area of skin and recorded in
`-his ,[noi.oa + -i- + -sun-av)
`-—-do-lo-rlomst-rle (div-
`iu s-me’trik, dol’ar-). adj. —do/lo-rl-mstlrl-cslvly.
`--Is-Is-ro-so (do’la t6’36: It d6’l6 s6’s6). adj. plain-
`uvr as if ex resaing sorrow (used as a musical direc-
`the head elon ated into a beaklike proection. 2. Also
`called dolphin Ish. mammaht either o two large. alien
`dcr fiahas, Curyphuenu hi purus or C. cqutsclts, of warm
`and temperate seas. 3.
`out. I. a pile, cluster of piles.
`or buoy to which a vessel may be moored in open waver.
`Is. a cluster of piles used as a fender. as at the entrance
`to a dock. c. a pudding fender at the nose ofs tugboat or
`on the side ofa vessel. 4. (mp.) Astron. the constellation
`[l300~50, ME dolphyn < OF duulphm <
`Ol’r dalfin <- VL ‘dal/mus. Ldelplunus < Gk d4-lplilnl
`Tursiops muworus.
`length 8% R (2.6 mi
`or spe-
`live y) -fish. (up. he erri
`to two or more kin
`dol-phln-fish (dol'fin fish’. do)/-). n., pl. (.3;
`cits) -fishes. dolp in ( «f 2).
`[1605-ll’); nounm -+
`(in the butterfly stroke) a
`UGVDNII KICK’. Swimming.
`kick in which the legs move up and down together. with
`the knees bent on the upswing.
`doIs., dollars.
`rson; blockhead. near»
`(dalt). n. . dull, stu id
`45: var. of obs. dold stu i
`. orig. ptp. of ME dollen, dul-
`icn to DULL]
`-doll ish. adj. ——dolt’|Ih~|)I.
`——-doltflsh-nsss. n.
`—-iyn. idiot, fool. clod, nitwit. dummy.
`Dol-ton (d6l'tn), n. a city in NE Illinois. near Chicago.
`fraud; deceit,
`(do/lea), 7:. Roman and Civil Law.
`from culpa): One is always
`ioble for dolus rcau ring in
`involving or evidencing evil
`intent (distin
`[< L)
`dom (dom; for 2 also Port. d6N). n.
`I. (sometimes cap.)
`a title ofa monk in the Benedictine, Carthusian. Ciater-
`cian, and other monastic orders. 2. (usually c
`.) a Por-
`tuguoae title affixed to a man's given name; Sir.
`20; short for L dominus lord, master]
`Dom (dom). n. a male given name. form of Dominic.
`a suffix forfmn
`nouns which refer to domain
`(kingdom), collection 0 persons (officiuldam), rank or
`station (sarldom), or general condition (freedom).
`OE -dam; c. ON -dornr, U -tum.’ see noon)
`Dom.. 1. Dominica. 1. Dominican.
`dent. 1. domain. 2. domestic. 3. dominant.
`to God. the Beat, the Greatest.
`[< L D26 Op-
`d.o.m.. Slang. dirty old man.
`4. do-
`(cwmak). n. Gar-hard (gon’hia‘I.t).
`r-man physician: declined 19 9 Nobel prize at
`demand of Nazi government.
`do-msln (do man’). u. 1. a field of action, thought, in-
`erned by a single ruler or government; realm.
`. a
`fluence. sic: the domain of science. 2. the territory gov-
`realm or range of personal knowledge responsibility, etc.
`4. a region characterized by a speci ic feature, type of
`growth or wildlife, atc.: We entered the domain of the
`pine trees 5. Low. land to which there is superior title
`and absolute ownership. 6. Math. s. the set of values
`assigned to the independent variables of a function. h.
`region (def. Ila). 7. Physics one of many re ‘ons of
`magnetic polarity within a ferromagnetic
`y, each
`consisting of a number of atoms having a common polar-
`a the body by their arrangement. 8. Ci-ystolL a con-
`ity and collectively determining the magnetic properties
`region with uniform larization in s twinned
`stal. H5964
`; < Fdomaine, sltar., b
`assoc. with L minium oosumuu. ofOF demsine <
`dominicum, n. use of nsut. of L dominicus of a master,
`wit’. to domin(us) lord + —i'cua —ic] —do-ms/nicsl.
`(dbimal), mu. 1. of or like a dome. 2. Phonex.
`rstroflex (def. 2). —n. 8. Plwnel. a denial sound.
`[1710-20; Doss: + -AL‘)
`dams (down), 11., v., domed. donning. —n. 1. Archit.
`I. a vault, having a circular plan and usually in the form
`of a
`rtion of a sphere, so constructed as to exert an
`squa thrust in all dimctions. b. a domical roof or ceiling.
`G. a fiilygonal vault. ceiling, or roof. 2. any covering
`thoug t to resemble the hemispherical vault of a build-
`ing or room: thegrcat dome of the sky. 3. anything
`shaped like a hemisphere. 4. (in a darn) a sernidome
`having its convex surface toward the impounded water.
`5. Crystoll. a form huvi
`planes that intersect the verti-
`cal axis and are paralle to one of the lateral axas. 6.
`Geol. upwarp. 7. Also called vlstldoms. Railroads. a
`raised, glam-enclosed section of the roof of a passenger
`car, placed over an elevated section of seats to afford
`cover or the works ofa watch. w ich snaps into the rim
`passen era a am View of scenery’. 8. Horol. an inner
`of the case. 9. a mountain peak having a rounded sum-
`mit. 10. Slang. a person’s bead. —-v.1. 11.
`to cover
`with or as if with a dome. 12.
`to aha
`like a dome.
`—u.i. 13. to rise or swell as a dame.
`1505-45; < MF
`dome < It duomo < ML domus (Del) house (of God).
`church; akin to rmasn] -—doms’ll|ts’. adj.
`a male given name
`Dom-s-nlc (dumb; mk),
`Islam a shnne in Jerusalem
`Dome’ of [910 Rock’.
`at the site from which Muhammad ascended through the
`seven heavens to the throne of God. built on the site of
`the Jewish Temple. Cf. Isrs'. Mfrs].
`domssvdsy (d60mz’da’, dbmz’-),
`I1, Archaic. dooms-
`Domofldsy Book’ ldoomfldd’. domz’-), a record of
`a survey of the lands of England made by order of Wil-
`liam the Conqueror about 1086, givin ownership. ex-
`tent. value, etc., of the properties
`lso, Doomsday
`1. of or penainin to
`do-11108-UC (ds mea’tilt), ad].
`the home, the household, household affairs. or the am-
`ily. domestic pleasures.
`2. devoted to home life or
`household affairs 3. tame; domesticated. 4. of or per»
`taining to one‘s own or a particular countr
`as apart
`from other countries. domestic trade. 5. in igenoua to
`or produced or made within one's own country; not for-
`eign; native: domestic goods. —n. 6. a hired household
`one’: own country.
`. domestics. household items
`7. something produced or manufactured in
`made of cloth, as sheets. towels, and tablecloths.
`26; < L domnucus, denv. of domus house (see nous); r.
`domeslique < MF] ——do-mos/ti-cal-ly. adv.
`domss/tic snflmsl. an animal. as the horse or cat,
`that has been tamed and kept by humans as a work ani-
`mal. food source. or pet, esp a member of those
`that have, through selective breeding, become notably
`different from their wild ancestors.
`do-mss-tl-cats (da mes/ii kat’), u., -cat~sd. -oat-inc.
`--v.1. 1.
`to convert (animals, plants. etc.) to domestic
`uses; tame. 2. to tame (an animal). esp. by
`of breeding. to live in close association with uman be-V
`ings as a pet or work animal and usually cheating a de-
`pendency so that the animal loses its ability to live in the
`wild. 3. to adapt (a plant) so as to be cultivated by and
`beneficial to human beings. 4. to accustom to household
`life or affairs 5. to take (something foreign, unfamiliar.
`etc.) for one's own use or purposes; adopt. 6. to make
`more ordinary, familiar. acceptable. or the like:
`to do-
`mesticule radical ideas. —u.i. 7. to be domestic.
`45, < ML clomesticbtus (ptp. of domesticére), equiv. to
`dames!ir:- DOMESTIC + -mus -An‘) -40-mos-urea-his
`(da mes’ti he bal), ad). —-doomos/ti-caltion. n.
`mssltl-cs't1vs. adj. —do-mss’ti~ca'tor, n.
`domss/tic com/mores. See under commutes (def.
`COMOVHC TOWV. 1. a chicken. 2. poultry.
`downs:-tic-loty (db/me mm re), n.. pl. -11». 1. the
`state of being domestic; domestic or home life. 2. a do-
`mestic or household act. activity, duty, or chore.
`25; ooi-uas-nc + -rrv]
`domes/tic part/nor. either member of an unmar-
`ried, cohabiting, and esp. homosexual couple that seeks
`benefits usu. available only to spouses.
`-—domss/tic part/nsrshlp.
`domsvtic PFCVIIO. Rom. Goth.‘ Ch. an honorary
`distinction conferred by the Holy See upon clergy, enti-
`Iéléfilfi them to some of the privileges of a bishop. (I925-
`doornsvtlc-rs-Ia/tlons court’
`(da mes’Lik ri la’-
`shanz). See court oi‘ domsstic niatlons. [$35-40]
`dornssitlc scl/sncs. See homo sconomlcs.
`domss’tlc sys’tsm. a manufacturing system where-
`by workers make products in their own homes with
`materials supplied by entrepreneurs.
`domsl COD’. Furniture. a top to a desk. secretary, or
`the like having the form of a semicircular pediment. Cf.
`bonnet top, hooded top.
`Dom-stt (dom’it), n. Alfrsd. 1811-87, British
`ment official and poet: prime minister of New
`1. domelike. 2.
`(d6’ml kal, dom’i—),
`; Dost: + -mat]
`having a dome. Also, donvic.
`——domIloosI-Iy. adu.
`dom~l-clls (dom’a ail’. -sol, d6’mo-), n., u.. -ciisd. -c|I-
`ing. —-n. L a place of residence: abode; house or home.
`2. Law. a permanent legal residence.
`-—u.t. 3. to estab-
`lish in a domicile. Also, dom/I-cll.
`[l4'l0—80; < MF < L
`domicilium, perh. equiv. to ‘domicol(a) (domi-. comb.
`form of domua house + -cola dweller: see oowuus) +
`—i‘um -iuu]
`dom-I-cll-l-sr (dom’9 sil’e or, do’ma-). n. Ecclea. Obs.
`a canon of a minor order.
`[l646—55; < L dornicilflum)
`oosuciu: + -aux‘)
`dom-i-cll-I-sr-y (dom’e ail/é er/é), adj, n.,
`an insti-
`-—ac(j. 1. ofor pertaining to a domicile. ‘-—n.
`tutional home for aged and disabled veterans who can-
`not care for themselves.
`[1780-90; < L domicihmm)
`nomciu + —AllY]
`14., -at-ca. -at-ing.
`(dom’a sil’é av).
`—v.t. 1. to domicile.
`-—v.t'. 2. to establish a residence
`for oneself or one'a family.
`[1770-80: < L damt'ciIi(um)
`nosuciu: + -Ara‘) -—dom’l-cll/I-a'tion. n.
`dom-i-nancs (dorn/o nous), n.
`1. rule; control; au-
`thority; ascendancy. 2. the condition of being dominant.
`3. Pa-ychol. the dis
`ition of an individual to assert con-
`trol in dealing wi
`others. 4. Animal Behau. “high sta-
`tus in a social group, usually acquired as the result of
`aggression, that involves the tendency to take priority in
`access to limited resources, as food, mates. or space. 5.
`Neural. the normal tendency for one side of the brain to
`Nipro Ex. 1019

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