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`Nipro Ex. 1018

`Nipro Ex. 1018

`the playing of such a record.
`talent] (1895) : ‘ll stage in the life of
`en two successive mnlts; also : an
`I: iNvs.-;i.Eivoow b: n£s1‘ow,coN.
`518-; -.513-(.)chi3-\ adv [NL lit..
`in(t)-st:-\ n [L instaurutiun-,
`store _- more at sronr] (ca. I603)
`dtlapidauon 2: an sctolinstiiur
`as a substitute or equivalent (was
`as an alternative to something ex-
`i[ME in sled of) (Mel: in place of
`rtion of the human
`the part of a
`rd: -flat-lng [L lnrtigatus. pp. of
`,tn t)—st:- ga-shsn\ n —- ln~atl-gs.
`‘P fwd °_r urge forward : ritovoxi.
`in-at ll-Vin? [ML fr. MF& L;
`r. xtillq drop] (I Sc)
`~ medica_tion_ into the infected eye)
`syn soc
`1ot—\ :4 an. —(.)stt-\ n -— In-stlll-er
`lnstinctus impulse. fr. tristinguere to
`1 : a natural or inherent
`2 .; 3
`Qfldfllcy 05 In’ organism to make it
`ironmental stimuli without irivolv.
`listed by reactions below the con-
`r_)(k)-cha-wal. -chal. -shwal\ adj «-
`1 : of. relating to. or being
`: arising spon-
`ayn see srou.
`-tut-ed; -tut-tug (ME. fr. L lu-
`ruere to set up -— more at !TA‘I'lfl'l:
`2 ‘I z to originate an
`to set oing
`ation of the charges) —— ln-at .tu¢.
`siiistitutedzas s(l): atielernen-
`ative (2)'pl : a collection of such
`aompendium b: an organization
`:i/i1'ioN (I research ~) (m ~ (0,
`tion and esp. one devoted to tech.
`icourse of instruction on selected
`I_: an act of institut-
`iificant practice, relationship. or
`.ll'tc ~ of marriage): also : some.
`nth’ a place or thing (she has be-
`ablished organization or corpora-
`'I Public character: also : ASYLUM
`l\ 041 -- in-Itl-tu-tfon-til-ly adv
`1 : em-
`at the expense of other factors
`upped. delinquent. or dependent
`taught that emphasizes the role of
`omic behavior —— In-atI.m.fim..
`:'l-.Iz\ vt -ized; -lz-lng (1865)
`Isracter of an institution to (insti-
`arate into a structured and ohm
`ut in the
`relating to or being an operation
`15 8 8101': (~ consumer survey)
`tructus. pp. of instmere. fr. in- +
`](l.'>c) VI zlto give ltnowledgc to
`ithoritative tnfomiation or advice
`ui order or command to : DIRECT
`-.= Par-Carr (prevailing cul-
`tompliance : ORDER —- usu. used
`c pl: an outline or manual of
`ii code that tells a computer to
`1: action. practice. or profession
`= carrying a lesson : ENLlGH'1'EN-
`the that instructs : TEACHER: esp
`rank — in-struc-tor-ship
`ing the present value of a quantity under observation I? : an elwtrical
`or mechanical device used in navigating an airplane; esp: such a device
`used as the sole means of nnvi
`ting syn sec IMPLEMENT
`Iln-stru-ment \-.met1t\ wt (17 2)
`l : to address a legal instrument in
`2 :
`to score for musical perfomianoe : OIICHFSTRATI-‘ 3 1
`to equip with
`instruments esp. for measuring and recording data (an instrumented
`\.in(t)-str:>-‘men-t’l\ adj (He)
`a : serving as a
`means. agent. or tool (was ~ in organizing the strike) b : of. relating
`to, or done with an instrument or tool
`2 : relating to. composed for.
`or performed on a musical instrument
`3 : cl. relating to. or bein a
`grammatical case or form expressing means or agency 4 : of or re at-
`ing to instmmentalism 5 : OVEIIANT 3 (~ learning) (~ conditioning)
`-— instrumental in — ln-¢truomen-tril-ly \-t"l-e\ adv
`in-atru-rnenotul-lam \- -2.-im\ n (1909) : a doctrine that ideas are in-
`struments of action an that their usefulness determines their truth
`lflvltfll-Illefl-Ill-lit \-ist\ it (1823)
`I : a player on a musical instru-
`ment 2 : an exponent of instrumeritalism —~ instrumentalist ad‘;
`in-stru-men-tal-I-ty \.ln(t)«llr3-man-'1:-I6-té. -,men-\ n. pl -ties ( MI)
`1 : the quality or state of being instrumental
`2 : Haws AGENCY
`in-atru-men-ta-tion \Jn(t)-str:-man-‘ta-shan.\ n (I845)
`1 : the
`arrangement or composition of music for instruments esp. for a band
`or orchestra
`2 : the use or a plication of instruments (as for observa-
`tion. measurement. or contra )
`3 : instruments for a particular pur-
`pose; also: a selection or arrangement of instruments
`00 Y
`Instrument flying n (i928) : navigation of an airplane by instruments
`Instrument landing n (1938) : a landing made with limited visibility
`by means of instruments and by ground radio direction
`instrument panel n (1922)
`: a panel on which instmments are
`moimtod; esp:
`In-sub-or-dl-nnte \.in(t)-ta-‘bot-d’n-at.
`-‘bord-nzt\ ad‘
`: diaobedieni to authority - lrilubordinate rt —— lnoau
`ly adv — in-sub-or-dl-na-don \— bor-d’n-“a-shan\ n
`in-cub-aunotlal \.in(t)-sab-'stan(t -sh:l\ adj (prob. fr. F lnxubstanllcl,
`tr. LL lnxubstantialis fr. L in- + LL substantialis substantial] (I607)
`: not substantial: as
`I : lacking substance or material nature
`: lacltin
`firmness or
`solidity : FUMSY A In-auboatan-tl-al-l-ty
`she-‘a-la-tt‘.\ rt
`ln-auf-fer-able \(.)in-‘ac-ff:-lrs-bal\ adj (l5c) : not to be endured :
`- E\
`{‘obL';i‘t1Le (an ~ bore) —- in-out-fer-able-nus n —- In-cnf-fer-ably
`ln-cut-tl-cfen-ey \.in(,t)-so-‘ft-sheriff)-sE\ n. pl -cies (1526)
`: the
`tness :
`INCOMPETENCI’. (the ~ of this person for public office)
`ausliiy or state of being insufficient: as
`a :
`lack of mental or moral
`: Inc): of adequate supply (~ of provisions)
`c : lack of physical
`power or cat
`city; speci/‘z inability of an organ or body part to func-
`tion nomial y 2 : something that is insufficient or falls short of expec-
`fn~ai.if-fl-clent \;in(t)-so-‘fi-ahant\ ad] ME, fr. MF. fr. LL insufficient-.
`lnsufflclens. fr. L ln- + ntfficient-. ntf tcieris sufficient] (l4c) : not suffi-
`cient :
`INAOEQUATE; esp: lacking adequate power. capacity. or compe-
`in-suf-fla-tlon \.ln(t)-53- A-than. In-.19-'flll~\ n ME insufflacion, fr.
`tence —— in-auf-fl-clent-lfi adv
`MF inmf atlori. fr. LL imufflation-, lnsujflatlo.
`r. fnsttfflare to blow
`upon. fr,
`in- + ntfflarc to inflate. fr. sub- + flare to blow — more at
`now] (l5c) : an act or the action of blowing on. into. or in: as
`a : a
`Christian ceremonial rite of exorcism performed by breathing on a
`raon b : the act of blowiri
`somethin (as a gas. powder. or vapor)
`into a body cavity —— in-nub late \'in(t -so-.flat, in- so-.f'lt’it\ wt -— In-
`Inf-flu-tor \-.flti-tar\ H
`in-nu-lant \'in(t)-s:i-l:mt\ H (ca. 1929) chiefly Brit: INSULATION 2
`in-an-lar \‘in(t)-st‘:-lar. -syu-. ‘in—sh3-|ar\ adj [LL in.ru_lan’.t. fr. L lruzula
`island (loll)
`a : of. relating to. or constituting an island
`: dw ling or situated on an island (~ residents) 2 2 characteristic of
`an isolated people; esp : being. having, or reflecting a narrow provin-
`cial viewpoint
`3 : of or relating to an island of cells or tissue -— inau-
`lar-ism \-lo-.ri-z:m\ it —— in-in-lar-l-ty \.in(t)-ail-‘lat-9-té, ~syi'i-.
`sha»'lar-\ n —~ In-In-lnr-ly \'in(t)-sili-lat-lt”:. -ayu-. ‘in-aha-\ adv
`lnoau-late \‘in(t)-so-,lat\ vi -lat-ed; -lat-lng [L irtsula] (ca. 174!) :
`place inla detached situation :
`ISOLATI-L.’ esp :
`to separate from conduct-
`ing bodies by means of nonconductors so as to prevent transfer of elec-
`-tion \.in(t)-so-‘la-sh:n\ n (1798)
`a z the action of insulat-
`tncity. heat, or sound
`ing b: the atateof being insulated 2 : material used in insulating
`lii-an-laotor \'in(t)-sa-.l§—tar\ rt (1801) : one that insulates: as
`: a
`material that is a poor conductor (as of electricity or heat) —— compare
`SEMICDNDUCIOR li : a device made of an electrical insulating material
`and used for separating or supporting conductors
`in-cu-Iin \'in(t)-s(o-)lan\ ii [N in_sula inlet (of Langerhans). fr. L. is-
`land) 0914) : a protein pancreatic hormone secreted by the islets of
`Langerhans that is useiitlal cap. for the metabolism of carbohydrates
`and is used in the treatment and control of diabetes mellitus
`insulin shock n (1925) : hypoglycemia associated with the presence of
`excessive insulin in the system and characterized by progressive devel-
`opment of coma
`Iln-ault \in-'salt\ vb [MF or L; MF Iiuulter, fr. L insultare, lit.. to spring
`upon. fr. t’n- + saliare to leap -— more at satruiou] vi (1540) archaic
`: to behave with pride or arrogance : VAUNT ~ wt: to treat with inso-
`lenoe. indignity, or contempt : AFFRONT. also : to affect offensively or
`damaginfly (doggerel that ~s the reader's intclli enoe)
`syn see or-
`FEND —— ii-cult-er n —— in-sult-lug-ly \in-'s:l-tip- e\ adv
`‘in-sult \'in-,salt\ n (167!)
`1 : a gross indignity
`2 : injury to the
`body or one of its parts; also: something that causes or has a potential
`for causing such insult (pollution and ot er environmental ~s)
`lnosu-per-a-ble \(.)in-'sii-pf:-lrs-bal\ adj [ME, fr. MF & L; MF. fr. L
`insuperabilis. fr. in- + super-are to surmount, fr. super over - more at
`instrument 0 integrally.
`In-tut-cable \in-‘shur-:5-hol\ adj (l8l0) : that may be insured —— in-sun
`abll-l-ty \-.shi'.ir-3-‘bi-la-te\ n
`‘in-our-mice \in-'shi'ir-an(t)~s also ‘in-.\ n (1651)
`ti :
`the business of
`insuring persons or
`ropcny b : coverage by contract whereby one
`party undertakes to ndemnify or guarantee another against loss by a
`specified contingency or peril
`c :
`the sum for which something is
`is your ~ against price c angcs)
`insured 2 2 a means of fiuaranteeing protection or safety (the contract
`‘Insurance adj (I954) : being a score that adds to a team's lead and
`makes it impossible for the opposing team to tie the game with its next
`score (~ run)
`In-sure \in-'shur\ vb in-cured; in-sur-lng (ME. to assure. prob. altcr.
`of aamrcri] vt (1635)
`1 :
`to provide or obtain insurance on or for
`: to make certain esp. by taking necessary measures and precautions
`~ vi: to contract to give or talte insurance
`syn sec ENSURE
`lmured n (l68l): a person whose life or property is insured
`ln-our-er \in-'sli|}irv:r\ I1 (1654) : one that insures; speci;/: an insurance
`In-our-nence \in-‘sat-_i:m(t)s\ in (l847) 2 an act or the action of being
`insurgent :
`ln-aurogeri-cy \-jan(t)-sé\ ii. pl -cies (I803)
`1 : the quality or state of
`being insurgent: Jpeci./: a condition of revolt against a government
`that is less than an organized revolution and that is not recognized as
`bclligerency 2: INSURGENCL
`lln-cur-gent \-jant\ n [L insurgent-. inrurgens. pm. of insurgene to rise
`up. fr. up + surgere to rise -- more at suitor] (1765)
`I : a person who
`revolts against civil authority or an established government; esp : a
`rebel not recognized as a belligerent
`2 : one who acts contrary to the
`licies and decisions of one's own political party
`’l:6IIrgent ad (lBl4) : rising in oppomion to civil authority or estab-
`in-our-mount-a le \.in(t)-sar-‘ti-taun-to-bal\
`1 (I690) : incapable of
`lished leaders lg: RBBELLl()USv—ln-Bur-gent-I
`- e\
`l\)¢tl’1ll$ I‘l:.ldl"l'n0Lll'll¢d :
`INSUPERABLE <~ problems) — ln-cur-mount-ably
`ln-our-rec-tlon \.t'n(tLso—‘relt-ahan\ n [ME, fr. MF. fr. LL iltsurretttion»,
`insurreciio, fr. lrmtrgere] (l$c) : an act or instance of revolting against
`civil authority or an established overnmcnt
`syn see itizsizi.i.i0N «— in-
`cur-rec-tlon-al \-shnol. -sh:-u \ adj - in-sur-rec-tlonoary \-sha-
`.ner-é\ ad; or n —— In-anbrcc-tlouclat \-shfa-)nist\ rt
`In-aua-cop-ti-Isle \.in(t)-o:—‘sep-ta-bal\ ad} (1603) : not susceptible (~
`to flattery) ——— In-aux-cep-ti-bll-i-ty \-.sep-to-‘bi-lo-te\
`fl -— inaus-
`cep-tl-bly \.in(l)~so-‘asp-ta-l:ilé\ adv
`ln-tact \in-'takt\ ad} [ME lntacte. fr. L tntactus. fr. in- + tactus. pp. of
`longer: to touch —-— more at nnoam] (l5c)
`1 :1.tntouched esp. by
`anything that harms or diminishes : ENTIRE. UMNJURED 2 ofa living
`body or it: pans : having no relevant component removed or destroyed:
`I: pliysicall virginal
`li: not castrated syn set:PERFECT--—llI~t8C!-
`ness \-'1ak(t nas\ n
`in-ta-gllo \in-'tsl-(.lyo,
`-‘ti-\ n, pl -gllos [lt. fr.
`tntagliare to en-
`grave, cut. fr. ML intallare. fr. L in- + LL
`taliare to cut -— more at TAILOR] (I644)
`a : an engraving or incised figure in stone or
`other hard material depressed below the
`surface so that an impression from the de-
`sign yields an image in relief b : the art or
`as in die stamping and gravure) done from a
`process of executing intaglios
`: printing
`plate in which the image is sunk below the
`2 : something (as a gem) carved in
`e \'in-.t§k\
`it (we)
`1 : an opening
`a : a taking in
`through which fluid enters an enclosure
`: the amount taken in
`(2) : something (as energy) taken in :
`‘in-tan-gi-ble \(.)in-‘tan-jc-bal\ adj [F or ML; F, fr. ML intangibiltls. fr.
`ln-tan-gl-bll-l-ty \-.tari-‘a—'bi- :—tE\ n -- in-tan-gt-ble-ness \-'tan-jo-
`L tn- + LL tangibllts tangiblc‘] (1640) : not tangible :
`bal-n:s\ rt — ln~tan-gl-b y \-blé\ adv
`Mntan ble it 0914) : something intangible; speclf: an asset (as good-
`will) t at is not corporeal
`in-tar-sis \in—'tiir-sé-a\ rt [G. modif. of It intarxio] (1867)
`1 : a mosaic
`usu. of wood fitted into a support; also : the art or process of making
`such a mosaic 2 : a colored design knitted on both sides of a fabric (as
`in a sweater)
`in-teoger \‘in-ti-j:ar\ rt [L. adj.. whole. entire — more at ENTIRE] (1571)
`1 : any of the natural numbers. the negatives of these numbers. or zero
`2: a complete entity
`In-teal’:-ble \‘in-ti-gr:-b:il\ adj (ca.
`I741) : capable of being inte-
`rsted (~ functions) - ln-te-grwbll-ioty \.in—ti-gr:-‘bi-ls—tté\ ti
`-te-aral \'in-ti~grsl (usu so in mathematics); in-'te-gral also -'té- also
`+‘in-tr:-gaI\ ad} (1551)
`1 a: essential to completeness: consriru.
`ENT (an ~ pan of the curriculum) h (l) : being. containing. or relat-
`ing to one or more mathematical integers
`(2) 2 relating to or con-
`cerned with mathematical integrals or integration c 2 formed as a unit
`with another
`rt (a seat with ~ headrest)
`2 : compow of integral
`parts 3: lac ing nothing essential: i=.i~rriiu3—ln-te-
`l-l-ty \.in-ta-
`gra-la-té\ rt —- in-t
`I-ly \‘in-ti-gra-lé; in-'te-gr:>- a so -‘té-\ adv
`‘integral ll (ca. 1741
`: the result of a matliernatical integration ~
`compare DEFlNl1ElNTEGllAL.lNDEFlNlTEll~rl'EGlLAL
`integral calculus n (ca. 1741) : a branch of mathematics concerned
`with the theory and applications (as in the determination of lengths.
`arms. and volumes and in the solution of differential equations) of
`integrals and integration
`lntegral domain It (1937) 2 a mathematical ring in which multiplica-
`tion is commutative. which has a multiplicative identity element. and
`which contains no pair of nonzero elements whose product is zero (the
`intaglio la
`Nipro Ex. 1018

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