Ranbaxy Ex. 1009
`IPR Petition - USP 9,050,302

`1:5 NEE: R151.-C§¥(3EQi.7F.‘~§
`Effects of Nocturnal GLamma-Hydxwxybutyrate on
`Sleep/g Waking Pattemg in Narc0lepsy—Catap1&:xy
`¥U)Gl7,R §:'fROU('1ii§{'§(.}N mid ;‘u§(")E'-2_'|"IT:"-.<'1I'[1
`(Ymrinzmzv; 4«F“~/z<2::r‘
`5 qt" s‘,’m=*_;_a;‘mzfcfny ;,.>r:r~
`:sr)lm‘ mm:
`’ >’?1fz.‘L;"-W? M ;=:rl:’erm wé!/2‘
`~<*;1r:‘§,.<Jfe.x1‘ f3*'fz‘%r“s? ;'.*_.~2.:"I' mt " 7~!(?
`.:'af‘£'.W“);‘z‘-“/’J:‘s.4flf2>:'{rm')r~{!.a\F‘!i‘flv w;;

`rs? 111::
`dajwixnu dmx
`new zmzj
`sl_es]~.« emfl.C§«:.~e
`m nar«;:<:l¢rp‘sj»; and emf’
`the m,:xi1im:w,v
`s3»'m[3£u:ns.' mi cazapiaxz
`Sltic‘) para!‘
`mmxizx pawn» uzlciarsimmi
`Iht’ d
`emu z:p;;1c:m3 m Faiistili imxn im1"c~;~,:.~;mi
`..~su.rc fin siccgn m’ im‘ :1ub~cu:upu—
`Imus m
`A}: at
`um;x;;rcL<1.e<i {isms
`clurérlg iéw sErcp;’\»:;tk§r1g :,:}=u‘;(;a
`i$m.s;<;~. 1‘msc;:1s, <;m1tm1 ncw:m.s; systcxn
`.:x‘<; am! nihw I:yp«::; M Slczsp
`s1113;m:..ssi:1g, m¢:e::iH::z~:ti<irz‘1s
`I‘:-‘kw Emmi
`u.~4(~‘:d m cnmrol ms mam c>41z5.t;n:":,~:
`{7.:—m_rm1::. W?‘ Der:/1:2mI
`:31 31., 389%).
`Iiitlr. ix»
`lu2:.1wr:,, h(>\*.’€\’m‘, ahmn h,c,m»'
`:<sc..tcE*1 %n<:e'c:asv:.<§
`p€Li:»‘~:1zt‘(3 «lemmas. In
`rcccllé t;:t;1:‘>a.,
`inv‘c:stigm<:rs; haw pm
`Exlcreasxzwgg uttsanfiom, m the :x,c2cmm.f~:l
`scstmxia, which so D{iI&'H..Et!.\L§C8]l'\
`;;"mmncm cmnplzzim.
`this ‘m;
`I934; Zzarconc.
`rt! 21]‘. E‘)"¥€~),
`‘ifiing modem
`gm1y2sm'1n'a(ngmpmc {Still qwss,
`it hm;
`mmn 5l'I:;m-‘I1 rm: 1“t3f$U€'.».‘_~o mgln
`iixicxxxiymci iyy :‘t1w:r.:m;:me111d pe2"§uds
`mi‘ m.a:1§x<.-.é"=Lc1z1c.w’*‘s,
`is ca typiuail {callus <32’
`ca 31,, 106:2; Bmughmn.;1m'l }v1:mr:E21
`I976; M"2ntp1aée::irm;’m]., Us . wcél
`:93; Emixzg;1h:'mrn1a2]3ri"t .un
`a§L*L“gi %s.: Mien rt’-ciaaucci §n I<_31;He.iu1';1 ’
`{Rm:cl1I5c31aI"f:3I1 at 521.,
`I”? 3; Mammal ‘
`. it
`é‘\»4e1x“_z‘xz:hI§«’. CTm'1.x;m aim!
`$t~£3*&‘V-EQEYEQK in pr ma),
`Va 2313' M" s0tt.i:1g,s. f1;m.‘2aI;m 31134 "‘
`iIR1}?CirI‘IE:tlt mm for
`that Lir;“v=‘c:§e1m:11m1r 05" Ehz:
`Elln .. .. 5~1ic3(tp
`_.,uh p21t'§:2nt.:<
`;nrcnd1,a-uaaci by :ut<:re»:% H wrp
`i‘,?>mz:1 made:
`9:3 minum
`amii Dsmcm,
`I§3f,"sf.§— -— 2?‘;
`.<!c:y;",fr:s¢;=“ ;w“l:"
`!».5e>(r']1 (md R’
`()5 ;,J..’'<);;€,>!E}.;’£I‘
`, mi‘fIz_-21
`Em?“ téflfc‘
`rJI(Ic1('!w; eff
`, mm’
`:'<.‘es Mm! 4.’u_s5-
`; =r'rrgJir.w:.e‘
`of mmw1‘§,1.>Vw.~r5;’/mu.
`I mix’; mm’
`v:'urzms3q~ rg,2"’(r‘_rm—? m 3::
`(Fm .*i:m7.!§'€‘r'
`ff? !}f.‘« ’§lN’c’.\‘.
`if _a'frqra wax n*c;tzza‘aci In
`m’*.~‘ mic! !'n:':"cIm¢'
`.-lam’ _f}‘z.figr.v:w:!«'“x.f.
`c.’.=‘+71.::‘r:¢: mm‘: :
`M’. Le mmrwze 61' {N25 9.‘
`F? rm: m:,»:'m_ w‘qzw:;«:.s'
`m'a’.~‘ ¢f.~'m'm*
`6'! M 9',m’
`. n.~m’:'i
`.,n).m= ;w':.:fm.1g<>1~‘:s:
`,/1:; nzkmm ~r’£,n:::a /ax
`m;7:’.<m"r»'~. ml.’ We mm 1*e5m’:4:';’ 1!: wt um:
`2‘:!u.w ::"crcw‘=.$‘
`:16 m:.r2.rm—'££‘.
`Izfzmw an '!f¢7.5I‘t“.§n.
`i’..’m* .mn.*r;ve,u”c*Isv.“v ::;HZ.I’it-
`:7.’ msmse a (W e;-*!r'.rc"‘}’iL‘:m‘u mm‘ mm:
`c£u=‘.n§r'£g{t’.‘s 1;vi'Nv.w.:'.'.< Jr u::*'.r,r';~_xigyfmrgirfuna . t’ N":-‘
`(I was ms’
`lr'F5*e?rJ“::‘.I1<‘r" nu
`.\§I'r,'(r‘J'4’.’:‘fa*.l)."P'IX rs
`wm: Qzzm.n» aim;
`mflaqr’ rm! my —
`v zmm; m.v'.~.rfn’.azr.*»
`, mzrmzr
`."!qu.n‘,s* N we"
`u’r;.sz:;‘,w.5' F/eivw‘
`4:16 gm‘; mfg‘
`i;':m.r'x mm 63 is
`zmnn « m—'r:.rzr N ,—
`5 W .e"c=ur
`._wur:t..wm’ 1:»-‘_A.»v(:;mw‘
`u(s{*(;rrfi£’ 57 NF’ Ei7f’)E|i’l'v'!_Jf‘é§e."‘
`arr W25‘ azz:gr.rzeme:Iv’r‘>rs du
`xmmm-'1s" mu rim mzciim‘
`:‘.:°rzr8: E@'w.W2»
`{Em m‘cr:‘a"m'
`.3 en‘ 4} 6?
`f!"/miss-r.»'e>' «fit
`‘:.wmm'f ;"L’c ;.~m.u'cwrI
`flu W'h‘],.’.$ I7¢‘J:‘!:{."il4”‘ .:':f§!:x* rs
`' «Jr: wrrm-.v '1’).
`;,!.w awe‘
`»' Mei
`mmrmd! {Mi 1
`5:’/??3‘?»Vi%'T'5'P?'}<_'f‘,§ <1:
`:;*u.w' cm? H
` '
`i‘,ixé£1Ii« of
`. ("::;s:z:1.a.

`V.-a ~
`TH E C,'.~\N.~’kI>{fi.N .I(,}1fR;"v’#*\I, DY NELE IM‘)lf_3(.'iIC.»"<.I, E\'(‘,IE{NC.‘E..‘§
`41.2% 1*: $33.61;}. All :sI“::;>v.=e:d n';mem'.~:.cvcrz1§
`01151:: R Wsrf ghee}; }.1:::*im§s duri.n;_.r_
`the a"<;:cmdir1g-3
`0:?” tbs f“:_:m't.w:x1
`gmticrttzs was-1
`:“immly dc:.hi!’mm;<_I by
`their ilimss zmxf mm Staci mat h<:1:n;E‘i§—u¢i
`!'I"11.iLth fmm the eazalxzdzxui
`;‘ni1*.im1_ smIn.alm'1E.s aim! ;_:1”n%.E(§t%;wrLw«~
`waml rncd utéma. H:‘.E"m‘e:. sT«f;at'Ei21g{fiHB.
`:11} pm:x>Ԥc:n:s; tmznirmzxi
`fm‘ na1'm1ep»:x‘}»=
`was LHv_!1iifl1N3d
`Ieem two
`smncm in-
`ciudeai a hifi§1OT‘);' and péwsimfi c~:~;a1mi~
`as ushesi X-ray,
`#2., and M ME’! and 2:
`’m1i:-i ps§.'«;'hc;«
`logical asS:':SS{"x1e':1t.
`:"c‘:peaLeC1 subgectivc
`mt" Slekiflitléifis
`uwing Lhe
`‘céianfmfl. S‘|<.\cpi:1«'c:»'s; Seals (I-‘ludzées ct
`mm L
`f)», pupi.1,Eu::'1e::ry in
`s;t‘1n'Ii«:-a and b;-:s<;tEi'mi pu1y3oz'e':augm-
`phict cwmlinga. :‘M“i_c1‘H1vJti§‘1w:?&L§gm.§v<:
`zmd punréy mia,u'1ta11j: m:.t1.m.:
`as!’ 211:
`smdy was ma1::»E:1inmi,
`i:1f"nr1‘:mcl Mid
`,»,'ig11cd mmcm was 0bmi:w.nE {mm cmh
`The §'m1yr<m1‘1nm_g1':4}'=E1ic:— 1'eua.a1‘diz§g;s
`in tin‘:
`flu:-m':3 pztliczms;
`mmie w'sth p<M"I_;abf»€
`«'1 cm rm} ?v’Ic':di§mg
`(‘nrzzguaram Ihée gmmiated pa»
`n1(miwriam in
`ihsfiér mnrnxai
`em~'imnm;:1n anfi at time: Llsztaiacmitic
`leveks. The am»--.m.:m..» 5.156433
`;-’'~.» L;-A5,
`a atombimd hur'L;:mm11-
`rm-uIwgm"z*1: ami
`it sxsbmcmai
`imurs. of dam.
`ccauld bxc :*s:.ce_u‘clre.cI an on: reguéur C7129
`In [lac Tm"m'1m .~.;lm‘Em&;.
`pmirms (N —‘?‘j wcrc t1=;,vs;3i§m imsci and
`r.3bt‘;,:i:1c;i ML%'x a (3ms:,a
`model 73E} ;m1‘yg,::1pl1, Nmv:
`z:'eF Hie‘
`lmcé l1§:;i_m"ics ml"
`.m1g;;e?~'.fiw of 3100;:
`:‘:wm:1, am? mi. mvnpmm u:asfwcm:aI1§~
`'I‘cmm1w jxmdiefisz
`&2..11‘fia:ienI mxmher C-f r'::r:me.,i%11;:
`chzmncia mfldtt
`it pa
`.\ bk: tr: mn.I1iw':‘
`1m:s‘:*.1 mud {.hm’i1CiC z‘ pimmm.
`3;¢;3p;waé<ing.; pzmerns -.w:re <f)lLm"x%ncx3
`in mi patictratg £2: the pm-ff} 11.8 baselixm
`rs2:t'itac,§ zmd atami
`nigizis cm the dmg, Utuinig :11»: 48
`imm‘ mmmo [;}ib0I"éllL}1‘}‘
`in bed exccgal
`muals mat“!
`t:oe1thrm:m l3rc:1k.~:e.
`‘*5 grtz {I€}~§5*
`.:*m iniéini !.5 gm :0
`ml.) c.1«,i:x“(* of {f§H'B 'w;I.~’; vgiwn m‘:|Hj»—'
`b:.:d$im.:~: gzmd fu13mwe.l
`313:’ mu as‘ aw
`mmal slcuep ;-md £9 ;~;tm,ij»; {he effirct mi‘
`' ma. the s§;n'x;at:_::"ns of the ;om;,%izim1.
`'l:;:;a.c§1écw: %§1i.:s
`lazm: uscsi :‘m«;L111“1ml
`((%I'~ll:‘3“l. a cutztml $}1m't:a;%h; imtj,» zsuéd‘
`L8‘; 211.,
`§"~}‘.r(>) WELI1 E1j_«pn10m;
`mupcrrtiu’ (i_.;»:hc2n'i!t
`‘s-W cfimsc
`lw;:z1 ?\'}1Q‘.’W1
`1303.11 RIZM mm ~:%n‘we‘-w'»~1w
`r.:nm1‘;1sl to (.)1“«;HnfH“§' hy}3axn‘::ic;%5 which
`xzwfiw a:1|3;3rt§§.~;tl‘w.~,§c seltmp stafe.a“{K;1lws
`4,11 31..
`I‘.-U0}. GHR aim pmses.:mE an
`aclditirivnad :n:a;}m:' mwantagss rwm HW-
`msmr.-ui ?1y§1f'1flI iEf5i
`:1: mai animal zmxdics
`Emd {zx§Ee¢fl m dL::1mz1:1tJ'ei2.Lr ihe: dv2w:§n;.1~
`of mE:r.3nc—e me me
`h}¢';m:,:iic t:H\€a:t!:é
`\r.r:r,1"1 p:'()i<imgC:ii
`1&2 date, we
`in 21
`m1s'cca'—::;mc p;mc:m: with QHB.
`pruiérzxixxzxry c:>21m1m1is;:z~umn cmmrm
`(‘Br:,mghum and
`5»-hx:13c1sa%4, W?(i_'J and in a m1ng;2.=mim1
`artiuslc dumiéing rm: Mimcnl éi..‘ij,.’1“\’!L'{."> of
`Wm ;:x:?:tima1.~,z
`in thus. paw-mt
`1‘$"?0), we have :~,huw1'1
`that QUE
`m*1m'1«:e:d§§: %c1:3g'7I'(:«w.=;
`and I%mL ruig‘:a1mm"c+;. hsnaE1tzx:imttic):n3,
`ans} ;1itau1<;~; mt’
`iz». vanish,
`the day, giressum E'<:t-r sleep
`bBL‘<,)I1‘;:“.fi less impctratmt and czatap
`ms eittacks b<:::c«me mime: and lass
`fi'1‘ctw::1k:+;“nL in :1:
`rs)-=n1p1:a::ms oi
`the di>‘r‘«*:‘dSE xlkszxgwpear"
`when smal§ rapealud daiiy énnses of
`stimulanrs am:
`in cz:sz:’1hm;ulm1
`wish UHB at nigiiy
`mix. we hm.-
`dew.-Yulugycai 5,0111: §‘u:"t.msa:ir
`sun mwc. Ihcm bccn gm};
`guts aim:
`‘ um. and p:v.§i:::'1Lx% g<.:1m';1E§y fmd mix
`m:;~mm:m 21m<.:11 {no-1'-is
`;?n"x1&1{£~fl“«|L¥ than
`u$\.1.‘il «mmbi11z.stitm cf ::tin'm1.':mts:
`tricfxrgiic -mticivprcmziwz‘ cirtsgx ha
`um papa:-r, WE‘
`fmvzga: on tin: uf'€"L‘#:LtErs'
`('3 H I? upmn the x‘&:c:m‘c1e:1l glut]; /‘wiakmg
`§1.attLé%'m (3? mar ;1:«
`m‘1“1L:~.": :5 Am ;wsfI’H(3s:n;~,+
`Fru1ric:~:::"z cm‘? the: 1€1g:«a';ie:'1:s[c>u:1u:l-
`my mm.
`;rms‘,a, wh»./ms: hism '
`; am awn»
`:11;mzcd m mm 5:»
`{limugmon and M.;:m1s;1:—:k, §E:}’::‘:)\}h mw
`had ;t—.u11'1p.l:.ttu siudicw mi" their ;E»H1<mr
`sEm:p»wa1ki1‘xg pzmu:
`: Tl1m= mmeis;t~:d
`.,7 ['_mu::m
`(fifan-s}<:m;%m:. 197:?) or 7% hum {M\‘sr’a:iL/.,m:».'w,
`at 2%..
`¥€)7»:1)« “€l:i§«‘s"
`in um'L'x1aE5.:Lxb‘_ic<;tx.
`Ira {ha c<’zzLImL: mf {hast
`which hm-:2
`inmivcd thc sazstsaimxi
`imgm::m:«.tiu~:i M
`gmg:l1'u.: pawsrm icécslmcei
`to th.-;u:;sr
`immd in
`E~‘.F.M pxzyimcis
`and c.2ttm*
`zrleerxifikm ztinm as?‘ dis
`ciutcai xlcvg-'p¥ sua:l‘1ens.' multiph ::g'.m-<:]:_~; :
` .8»
`5<,,m";L]1cci “il3t>;‘1“:1‘1m(.§i;.:tI.: »1c;:t].a" (Hart
`within at
`f<:\x= Imnr
`5 Sumgh the fuéi
`Clétnxcal :»'§.~1-c4§'m1mct W55 nm-‘arr efiicitcd. ii
`1:: mnc:,m»1I*:?e3 that
`bszcn pcmihle 1::
`cm1:‘im.m zhescz studies fur 1s;zngcr:mu:.~;.
`Inéeedm the clinical and pofi,y:mm:m-
`grazmic gvmw-:*.rns
`emf‘ mxrcéaiepsge mm
`such as Sinflflfi ‘apnea: whmz em: t;»‘;)if“ie:§
`lepsy also £1;)§Jt1é'tl‘b 10 d(3'VL§v;){J pn':l"t:rcn~~
`mum m m_m:r
`iznciivitixxzilx in wtmm
`c.K541nph:, in shift vm;'k¢‘:1"s ur in m:rs.-as
`and (lC::;1c3|‘s who must kccp it'rr:gnla'F
`hmsrs in the cmirsrc of their <lm:'m.~;
`Q:-uses: M ImI'a:u1eps_ ..
`pk’Z5£}’ :3 hm;
`<1f'_.~¢:wera Heep dL:{9ri‘va—
`alarm E1abi:s
`}}1‘tiC€3[‘3E-d aha nnstztt nf'tI1e.c}§sw.&ae. reftezx
`by rmmy }w'(,1t:lZ'5a {Mit_s::he3l and lfierrmnz,
`W(é?'€: Br«::ugE1t<.m
`(3hamcm., I9?ffl.
`in ttstaxblfigsl
`’d mxrc<:<§eptic:s
`the c0_ndiI:i»r:3n
`s:E1az‘actcrVi~ti.»3a}§3v* ht-
`c01‘2‘z:2s umlsuaiigz r;1£t'f'i:-mt
`{£3 cmmué
`whcn Ilium ia any dis:mp1im1 of ma:
`siccgufxriaking rhj;t!m1s buys shift v.-m'l~;,
`jet iug, hr pnm slwsp l1ub§t:~ ilimugixtcmz,
`E’9”r‘i; Zzm:om; 5.975;
`finmnglltcm and
`(}["léit1lJTl1_.; E9?'(i3.
`Aétlmugh c\r'i£1£".:1mé
`that [1:"v:m‘:€l§I1‘;_1_
`aucmxzruz-2] ::,l:1:.:p v:!iS[ll!‘~
`hmicib TT‘l:l}’ muvv gm én'1;wm't,zm1 mla in
`flit: garieeis m”
`the mn¢.1isicm and
`;,mI_§1m's hasw
`11}./»‘pmm;cs as mm
`1934; Zarc<:>rn:2,
`E‘~)'x‘3}. zhr: majm‘ ihcwmcfmic appmac-h
`in suppress
`the glajmme
`imess with xtinn:kmm;; smct a:2i:a;w§r:.:>:y
`{and mEmr
`sy:21;m3tns) will’:
`t§“iu3~“clic or MAC)
`§:1t1H1~iu:w1'_g= :‘+.nt.idcg3I“c::s:m1s.
`*3»-‘it mammi Lu ::11E(:II§1j?L to kw;
`~.5{3nIii1lJ‘1l_\_:“ and :lm'at.ic;:;:1 mi’ mau-
`l“E.BR1,i2\_IH’ 18!?’-if!

`(ff!/i mm’ S[E‘(';JLV"iQ«’(.»{,I€y’
`i~‘;:m:*r:';.s‘ in ‘*s*4:z1*c“<.'HW—‘V‘:

`i.J;*I J00 R:‘\%7.M_, C/\N:’3.IJEEi;‘$ 'lV)‘|~T§ SCIJT;
` ?*«‘E','Il_‘,', ROL(_‘)(_‘rE(}L§
`:s:§a:up wuss mo LEc;m:§(,.vpL::i.
`the E‘1l,lRTk!)>‘EJ‘ of pm’iud.'.s 02'
`E‘~2‘RI:E_M, RJ;iM. or
`mmhin;1t§am; m” the twm, whaigzh wen:
`fmm one mmthcar by mm:
`mm 01“ man? rnf<-‘.E1'%wr‘ «MT, xmmfullzcss
`f7’s?i.p-t}I1«:f§§ng,: upon the.-ir
`cglumzi Eh i%1u:s¢ !hE)CZl1I“‘f"I,f\lr€3EE}’)})!Cf:‘i('§dF.
`w.:rc'-.pLztiz1i.cvi1,w: C‘»ilt3§_:(Pfj;£“f:iI F5 min or
`I6-31“) mm. .3i~<15 mm. 45-(>{\? min.
`thaw M min, In :~;,ddi1i<)n.
`we .'Ii’1:’:21Sl2I"L‘£i
`the E”rm|,Lae,1:r;3s‘ M stage
`shifts out wt‘
`3 mus‘
`m‘3llL‘n‘:[iV‘t:§§x‘ (Lu... mu Q1“ ;\$??Z1.;..—:’v1 5:‘Ee:r:p_i
`and mm 0?" REM
`slm"t,s out M" 111:: fmxmn‘ xxw; flip!" 56:}
`pm’ H10 min uf Hm? M11“; M
`Z 3
`am’! 4 paw’ zaiglm and um. mi‘ the lunar
`gin-:31“ E00 [mu n1‘ R1"
`zilwp par ni_gm.
`Dmimwz tfm (3:13:
`a: pmr:iL.m.<; M‘ aha
`s‘cc«)r’:‘Kir‘:_s,ga sleep ‘Y
`;|m"1l3‘s:3d Tm‘ ilw
`duration ¢':E".~zt;i:_sz;::€
`?!.=1, RE1VI,a:1L%
`MT; and Ihc rm 31 aEr2c:H_i:I1:t.~a 1m§=.z(ié mg
`am! rzxchzcitaijg. 31215::
`E w 'c: Uzfliféllatc}
`as zilwve. ’I“he21w1fl>e:w:1; ciafnixnu sleep
`perimia V.-ms aim d<:tcermir1ed. A sleep
`permd was defmed 21:4 an episcacict. of
`-ep Cami-.m1inzg at
`laws: 3
`mm of statgcs 31. 3, 210:‘ P. M s;iee:g1.».e:nd
`pm.:<:d<:<£ and I'tsiimvcd ésy at East 15
`uz‘ mg:
`fdnm's::u:53}. 'I“m:s<:
`}3r:3'iu(1:»' W'£'31‘t':
`ammi iniazzn 3 grmaps, must: 421‘ 3145-
`min, Hf" =‘!(w»~t3=O min amcfi of’m-;v-r:1L}1;m {>1
`mm LTii1‘T"L?8j3=£L‘A1‘xL”I'$§_!,
`1I1r.*_;1.:sum5; of
`::icc.\p at
`Emnrs §ms42:l§:1e
`In {ms _[Il2:1}N:‘l‘, Ema
`pc“,z«?:v‘§~k0I]‘I1nf3§1l‘é’§}1§']5LT alum 1'0!‘ 6;
`mmparea‘l £0 <_i;1tax:21f\I€s" 7 to H3
`ni§_;h15 on GH E1‘€:”.éIn‘3fIH.
`"I§"!1:,: (‘Emit M
`each paiicxzt. Eh
`em}: M" the mm 24
`hour periods lJNt‘}.r:.' amt after GHH
`irmimxazat were £i'u’(tz‘£i§;K;f£‘§
`lw:1Lz_m2 mm-
`pzmmni. The two zaitesal Stmjr;-m E mat
`mras zippflix;-4!
`to c;::c§1 x/wI:1h3::, zmlsass
`mhmwisc _~sm1<:d.
`"f‘h«:: dalz.-1 miwtaxitmci §j§i§12g a:%1.E'1m' the
`;m1‘E:mln* cnttgfiszimrwl m‘ Hm Lnmmstc
`*‘*hrzia;;L..w.<; w-cw
`szinnilm". The wmgai‘ cf
`\\';:.*; m
`the: :‘~iIw;:g: p;,«:t.r,c:r11.~;
`/m‘t‘«:! V]‘i1.“*;[
`smgtn. H29
`immtr'm*n r:'::;~.c>§~<i3:1g.a usgtlexlhs :~'h0"Wfi.*I('f
`of’ marezt
`in less
`wzxkfulnuszg amtéi
`;<[cm;a mzset,
`them Inlimvzsai ;x:!wrtE§,-' by
`FFl3RiAl,«5;R‘r’ EEFRQ ~ 25
`tissfismii as 111:: rims: {mm
`fizltastlcy Wm;
`°I<‘.kT.i;‘p «.1m»:*.1. to aim fiuisi x:c_mtimmu.~: 3 m"
`mam: mm Bf‘ iiiigifl 3 M‘ 4 .<;i»:°.<3p" REM
`sleep iatmwcy want dktfilmti
`the sinus
`rmm Elm «mam eat" 3 01‘ more min in
`Lhtrzxtiun of
`1:; me
`mnti.m:cnm; 3 m mme min of REM
`{if REM sieep mcxxrrcci be~f‘o;*r:
`1?, its lam-r1<:.y ‘WZi?x'iir3[E—Y’IT1ii1f3d bfs-’
`measmimg rim iH“iL81‘V‘éll Emmczan liza-
`bcg;:E:‘mi1“n_z of the 3 s:s:v:m:cu1‘u‘»«'«2 min at‘
`and the
`«:0n:aL‘:.*z11i\2c min -:3!“ w21§m;:i"*.;l11c—as,
`d«:.miry ratfczva in 221.; pa-:'<.:cnta.gc mi’:
`r:<‘zm;1ining «me or num:
`t1‘1Cwr:n19m:~'. Tin: milms
`»:3Evtai1'2:~:d fur‘ mch RPM pc»s*i:csd “mm:
`iis cmrminn 2~.rnԤ an
`.':w-sragr:— \-;~1lue far catch mE"‘;hc I?0CH1‘i‘l1.‘;iI!
`and d1im'na§
`z‘ttcw<?ing m‘,r'md.s'. was
`Two filrimtr pa1‘2un‘ztm‘s §m’nivi11g,
`Rl7E\»‘I Flaep were dcrfi-.;:d in QFCJCF m
`m .u';Lu"c
`the degreat M REM slaep
`fa gnaentatmn. ‘Thezxe \m:':1'«e R}*'.?x~I sleep
`e§t‘iciem,ir:s with arm without a;:21g=:' 2.
`Le, mhzcr ;'3'.1‘.§<:I‘1“L\.' ofdefin1’t<: .~l«:».a:~pL Fm‘
`each R BN1 $:1~::€g1= pssrissnaf, the mmbrsr wt"
`rzpmttm bsstv.-'um the: éim urd r.}1e§z1§: 40
`E«‘.L7M sficcp L':peui1 ml that pmiod
`mm dm.Cr':‘Iait‘Ic<i.
`Ilula ’sm.s dcskgnaxtcxi
`t?1c“mtz43 R ETx=1.e!m:pp<:s‘i0d th1mLion1",
`i’$m%s1t1:s'e“. at" f:':1g1m:z‘;f.1tiu11,
`ii imiludmj
`£‘,jm.'3ChS mt" w:I1kcfzz!ne.<;:4. stazga E. MT’
`and, at
`Sznga 2. REM sleep
`£%§’(‘ir*iEtn¢':y wfthmit stsmg 2 1'¢7!1.:m to the
`pe1"cent.£1,§u': of the REM szlmyw gm-ind
`duration mrmistitlg M RPM s%::.(:.p
`(FT1,1j§. R¥iM sleep §ffi+3ififflL:}’
`mcmdmg stage 2 z‘<:§"m'.»' to the pemrew
`tage 0%“ {ha REM :3h:‘:é;*J pmind cl1..:rmi0n
`CL]]’!i‘~‘i§t§ng atsf egmchs 0%’ REM sleep m‘
`of sfiagrt 2 sieegs,
`sf dcfinitc
`‘I”hc txm REM sfcep cf cizzmry ‘»r‘&iE‘LIf.‘3:¥
`»~.=::rc n:n';nmhw.r:a:i é."«;1;"r:zach R11 M slew.»
`|:m:1'imL and an m.<cs“u1E. m—=c1‘mg:_1<;: mean
`value for cm}: of the rmcLuz‘1‘m1 Eilid
`rm:-carding pcxrimjs
`In this smdy.
`|?;}%‘M ezlczcp
`cpmfh E1.‘i3;'l
`‘fine a‘e;:mm1»:n.l
`irmn t.h«::
`cmzzct ;»1'v::v;:L‘*.c.ii:ig REM :~;1s:e:p cpawh by
`.<u1ms{ I5 mm In ha: suimwi .'-L»; met M :1
`p=:m'rd. The
`("cf R NI
`pm“ir,mls pm"
`nighé. zmcii [Fair ~17}-‘4;I]¢ cim'z1€Em“;.
`i.c:.k the:
`time (‘mm the cvnsnst nfloncr RT:'.M .<E<:<:;a
`;‘:e:rim§ tn tlm OHSCE. n? the mzxzt‘ gwrimj,
`wen: ;m:c')
`A z‘:‘1ez2HL::‘e
`nf m»mm‘J'
`cic1m":'n.ining the
`f‘:‘:17;§_tI’1t3111;3;t_i«a1r uf
`;*‘ur1%1m' LO gm m 1.5 gen Him 9 d1::‘Eng:
`mar nig¥1twith :%.r1y :1mj<.>:' :m*mrm1‘11g, éf‘
`m<.ax‘:: tham
`Bleura had pmsezd fmm
`téw §3I't’J‘v'jOl1S dam. Wlrit p2‘.(I€II1YF& wtsrx:
`mqlkéfcd to 3”-cc!
`€‘t_lr;‘I'?: and dear
`headed h:‘:fm"e making thee? maxi muse.
` pa 5 B... 1*
`in ma n is ahmlt 2,5 ln>L1:;»
`Mk at
`‘M‘1i£:!1 u(;~1*n‘i::‘+pr;md:s e;\lc,m§}}:
`Lu mm of its <ic.Lc<t£::l3lvc g'7e:'e:a.c~a1a:<:iI'1 the:
`b[:Jm,l {I*[a:m»..I'a ct .24E.,
`In I‘1::m
`3x;.11ic:nErs, 1wc:;»or U‘1:'I$t,‘d£3S!:?.» were givnia
`Q;-§f}1 néght i1'E .=,1«;;icami wish m11'<*rbge.cL§x.‘::
`uf nlzmxizlixlingg
`c0ntimIm,1,s :1 r1ight‘;~a
`pmsfifjlav. G}?Bwam:‘1<:\.»'cr'gé"vcr1
`within um Ema
`cat‘ the :ax":tjcip.<a,...-:§
`liznc M the mcmnim:
`mailer I0 swim! h€'.12gy:,wcx'
`<2ffi:*.CIs, Hm
`Lara! quaamitg-‘ giwsrx fizich night r:1ngcd
`tmz1‘z 3.795 gain to €135 gsm, C0n‘«::3p::m.dv
`ewcruge ;':eméem.
`f?O~5‘€t}:Z€‘. of
`am 530 nagfkg.
`"lhe poifi.-‘SiJIflI‘1c.3\gI'éiphiLi datzz were
`zu; omirag, Lu
`16368} and sL:m’Cc;'§ using 46)
`cpmcm as
`wv,lca:fuIm‘5s. stage: 1, 2., 3, 4 and REM
`{_!1J,l1:~‘ n:m«:m:mt mm: (?v‘I"I‘. 2,41,
`?>\r 111m»'-nncna igni-
`iaaclx flu‘ cmsr f*">(_ M mm duration
`with g):c;v§n:::x mm‘ emc“C€:;‘diI‘.g cpmhs
`rmmlgmairlgg sictzrp 1‘tst11:tI"ns:}. Théff nigh!
`mud d;74,‘f§i:n:c“. pm‘iim"a‘+ nfflle rmmrstiinxgsz
`v»»'m':*. mm11_vscd mp:u:’;m:]},/. Tm: §‘m“n1m"
`was m‘bim1rily defirxeci as
`ilw Lima‘
`l§>»:'.~t\x~‘«sc~n thrs ea
`of night
`tn the
`b1‘e£I}:lmI. Sleep sjuxaifig Ehvi Iétmamiden‘
`uf the .34 imnrc v.-M scored as yw;
`Lhc. d.&i}."i§!1'1€
`Y Md 2). ‘fihetizmxof
`siccp nsarm mu. take1m;<tl1:“ EJ:‘ginI1§r”I:g
`:71” [hrs fiE’.SiCmHitll10l,i%£ 10 min <11" R15 M
`en“ mi. Nifliml siuup, r:.xc‘[u.<§w; of gtaigze
`I, wt-an ::;)r‘1‘«c:,s‘;‘:v¢)x1m;dlmh::p;1{i=;:mS’:;
`.~mbjr3::ti\—‘¢: a1pp1ms.a1l uf‘ swap <:z1m:t rm-
`Ihif nighi as _“L“4i1{'t3Lf am téau ?51~i§5« 1'urz.1a.~.;
`?‘~}ir1c-:1 1‘M,"r 1‘}.>rm:.i3 bc:<'ftin1«: ctreistcci in 511:"
`l1i11l"“ cmxlci mic be
`«:.wm1i1hs§‘mc'i in HR“ pfll'HI§C!lk‘—S1§,1I%(Ii(:r:.H10‘
`EE1{L‘,l":£.‘}.“ Wm:
`In rsierasgga mm-izt
`w:;m mu; (iL‘£_m'rI1i:1c*.c!. §*”nz' cgtzmh 1“cL:(m'I«
`‘tug perimi. Imctnmml (Ind n‘im‘1‘ml, wxr
`cm xxizmzci Elm t«iz~§;z! ,si::t:min1e& im*,I:.n;i—
`e:c:t«rrc&lt:»f:nd:: to c1rrm.v5i:a 55. mud‘ rrxnst
`;mLhm"s mg:-cc. min:
`;:cLuau! deep).
`~{;T<?>m:sp0nding mctmml sleep effi»
`$s rc:fm.* to the pea‘-cm-:11;zgvs ofthaz,
`pzmwric-n of tlm I‘s3CCBf(Hi1};S cmmsmeci
`aha: mlrcwlm amp pawxrns. EJc;L21~;lvs¢p
`b'mr4,L' fa Mn 3; 1-\"’(:rm>.=W;

`_¢x,>¢w.1*nlx-n< tux «.
`.,».. "..,K.,-0
`THE (T.~\>£e*\ DIAN .lfiISRNAL OF" T~F}°:;13‘R€)L0(}ECAL S(.7I.l._lN£ZES
` [ii
`1&5, éllustrates the f;'cqu-int mvamkmzingé; «céurang
`1 —» A $8 mam r:m1Iiuumz>;. baseline recomimg in an Iypiirazl i%:§1I}f~;9i'{i13%‘ifiti_‘1 ;mtir;nz_\
`nocmmal siiccu nwnétipte. s§e,epm1sc:t REM prc:1’és.:Li:y.
`€1Eagnient.'11it'm <31‘ REM ,sE«:¢p. and mim‘ fcatmm ca? slam» in n-a$cuIep3}«*—uaitiplasxjg
`(note: in Figa.
`I a11L’§‘31he w1’Lica[a:u.<:1:x4lic&1te
`stage; mu! :l1c§m1‘iz«;>:1m1zx,.
`'5 :lxv:tiznc:i:m~m1::*x, REM gécepis slmwn as a émrmmtzz!
`whéic mar at um lcwzi 01’ satgzgc E, and x1m\mé1:mI by 3:11am 11'i:1I1g.E<:5 aitmvc the :m::tp
`lim-K. Timc: ;l.4.?h) hoxzw m imtEr.
`l:¢_.;u:'r:.<.' was
`E{):fM}»l1:€)-('3 pmj.
` E
`A 4R~»hm=_:.r re-:m‘L‘1i11gnfihmaxunm pa11%.m11 nu-dzxysx 9 am’! Hi m'1mcmr:z:1i xi”§I~§H Timm M :u1mi1:i«qm1Lia|| am m'21s-mi Edy ua*a‘-aux»; btrfixm’
`l*“;‘g;:n,~ 2
`in nézmhcia’ M rma§.1Ir%1d1
`the Emrimratial axis. Th-1:’ §igL,n"é;= iIIusmm'.!_~; the ::1a:t'vH::L<‘.v;i mx1iin1ut_'; of Imsztmlml
`i3.E,7..;‘»=1 sleep,
`that 4.{¢:r;I'c:.4..,x'u
`:auvako_t1irxg:e, and the rcmmtmn nt"&a1§,'tin1:= slzzcp {siuzsapittt1hem1bjcrms; E2:w.ir1g rc:m;:'mm;i quimiy in the hmp’xm‘: lnhm;-amry while risn UHH)»
`M‘ “ F]':§3R‘-I531“?! Wm
`(EH3 mm’ .‘%’a’z—%c;J_<’as-'az.?u':rg; {’atIew1..\ in V”&JY¥fr(((LJl(’:’1€“1§“>’%,’

`LE IOU R?‘M. I. CT/M‘£M'3§T:1‘f‘€lI)ES S(IiF7..?‘J(TF,S NEEIRU§.(,)f}}Ql§ES
`TA 1} 1.11’.
`F” f_.i.iI13’w2 5‘
`s:_::e.r~'m1:‘ Sir:
`_/ H*’:1e“<:‘n__z; f’rJ!Iw"m
`3 55.5
`404 9 J.
`35% I
`-+; 5530.5
`f8(Ik.f% ; 72.9
`I55 me
`IM9 i 4€.},?§
`!{u.7' i 6.!
`_* 1.3
`4’ 2743.?‘
`SM} 1‘ 37.?
`13 :3
`'~;1w:;1 {min}. incl,
`Dém, ml wakef‘ume%s {min}
`1 mm)
`5-9! gr 2 mm)
`Stag-.L=. 3 9 ~H1r;i1:}
`Stage RPM (mmfi
`Mmvmnmlet ii ;
`Slmtp :31
`Sleep v:5‘!'§r;.
`Daétzx mien
`REM lz1%.c11s:y {::E11§2‘.:]
`‘. 2;;
`ct dL:rat3nn(mir1}
`asp effic. i
`M sixaep eflc. ~(,.,,§.
`:a'hé2"Ls Ewzn :\ RE
`200 mm ?~3I{E:?v1
`‘£."t‘11 R.EM.fIU€H1“Li:: REM
`Filmzp 1'mgg:';z:I11;'—1tmc1
`5 min Um.)
`rain ifnmj
`# min {nan}
`:1t1.f2f} min {no..f:
`£3} 111§11i’:1u.:!
`l"E¥3RI..7AR‘n" 1‘)V§if)« 3.?
`‘l',r“\ }‘il..§? 2
`P"/"fZ~m:‘.s L9,? {EH}? rm U:")}‘F§I‘J'!E.‘ }3’¢'~ V
` .
`§<i€M + mu
`m 3% 2.5
`‘M. (3
`Q 20. 9
`‘Imad séeep (mm). inci,
`Tnial sleep e'm;n_).
`E {min}
`Stzzgc 2 (min)
`Stage 3 6* 4 {:'mE7a)
`St;!gc— RF;l‘v.4 (tum)
`s"~'1(EW.5§’I"!l3§‘\{ §iE‘I1C% {min}
`R F‘/I c$t':‘z:»\iz;.'
`}-:f*.w1 w:"p a
`Emmi my. “:aE:.:n:;: 1:
`N13. [¢mgr;::* “sleep prsrmxis
`.‘?£E~45 mm
`if; mm

`-s.~ Hm!-\»"
`TH E (.721!
`D {A N M) U R A L 0 F §‘«’Ki.H R0 Lflfi E CI.»-‘X L 1*&(§‘.E‘F. ‘
`mmmi <»wt‘z2'11:1s1;ntiu':11 Wm mH":11m:r
`than 11'1a1i::i;n§cILre§,
`itllil the g11'<;r»=;::1<;:«: U?
`'.-m=.m:a1cxs mi’ mm.-;<"‘ ma‘.
`l"c,.wm.!mg:«2. whE«;'h -:."w swam‘
`if‘: Ulits
`c.m1dit.im1 «fiiis5i"si§<:1-M1, W76;
`\=.—w: HEY»
`I-:am,:_"‘V pr-atscnt.
`l.iE< ‘c Mimi" iE“1R'CS.§f,ZZ1t0t‘S .~::n":hl321t"~
`réera mid
`{WT?(%} mm”
`:\mmp&;n.~;;r and :,‘esi[c%;a;::.Lm (§%3’7Z%). WC:
`iIT‘apl‘{?S%L‘.U by 1h»: rm—11"1«.a:d ciéss-mi-»
`mim: and i'mgu1wr::aiic3:1 mi" zm«.:m1'm:'2
`{am} diLL1‘mal} sfwgfi \-Lhiath we‘: imam}.
`nus‘ paiéenl-;<‘
`a:id'zIicm m {‘:*«:;;s..xL-.r1L sh-cg) gxnset REM
`»5!L3s}3 gvcriucls, HICM‘ xwrc I1L.ElI"é€.‘l'
`LJK ”‘ét'1t=:1'z‘mtc£iM::
`>;in1u1§.zmcm::~.a f‘::z1\r_,zz'e:«: nf $:.ngrr i’. and
`[GI M slamgs), znzlltflpic bricfm x§s::;1~ ihxgvv
`pn;::1m1g;v:éa;i pcrimlw; with
`‘§'r3:m11:'E:s; M »elm;;f« mm x»':s‘im:.%‘711§«
`1'1-.233 9290;) zmd its suhcmnp¢:mc,:nt% ap-
`f,H?&H‘:;‘—(‘] m }EZi‘.~w‘.?
`m‘<.'mr1c1 the?: 24 hours and R363 h;—“u'rir:tI“.a
`b»:tm‘ccn !;}::::.;:1 and \.x=a§<,ef11tncss tn hm":
`been breacll-:=d.
`sgxenmlifiaid heath» by
`the cthmnic <l::yr.in1<: eiswnvz-:it2es;~a am
`7:13 zmarcxwssa during p«.aly«~
`iiy x11<)mM1z‘r:d
`es;Jecia§t}; at sleep DTESCL
`GHQ tm1d<‘:d ms reverse t¥f‘:s:J$“u
`it _m*m]11<;'.e-xi
`amm and re~i11':cgj_§rméLw:
`at-E“ sivscp ami
`man::m?z1gi;v :ym1u1“:1"m1i.I..-gd .~;h':x'::J with
`Ezugh dmc
`31:0 3E1mu:‘;3uzmd 01".aI¢:cp EVE
`ahmn xhr: sauna him; cwéél nig‘m.
`1:n;:‘im1.‘~, REM 5106'?"
`ustmilg 0<:<:um:d at s§<;:vcpn>sasctz‘1m,i ‘was;
`21 pericacl of xeimv ‘J.~&W£.‘3
`sryf night
`rektmp ~:lm~;t'1‘:’
`nm cmmwlrzae,
`|m~3rriad of (E n1;;1— inn_h1u:*1'i .~§lé."f:‘|1. E{\¥R~_'iSe‘$€d
`:23?" saieep v.~h%u11 Wm. more
`Ilcsww -;m=e:l<;t;1ing;s and fe\Vr»'%‘
`Shif"tx~ Tlrc.
`Qf pemasms m1 mcL’£i::aui<:>ru
`they were t.I‘3.11j;‘é1S§t¥E{3(i§.11‘%ng sum
`p~:1'iod amt diafi
`rm: cx,pm'iez'1ct‘
`s1 mr:s
`\mP;vci”L1l1‘1::.H:L 1\Et1::w11g,i1 me [maxi L‘3ut"?2-
`iéo:1 pm‘
`of :1«;.u;tL1nmE w;c;‘1i
`\*«‘2151 W“
`§§'1L‘.1”C£1:a‘Lfd by (NIB, she c',irL1§_,’5 a1w;1L11‘"
`ml aE':E:;:ts dial alwr H“1€;‘. dm;:u_im1 xmai
`<_»ra_;{n.1"m=,:'xté<*r:2 <1? cm}. Emu:
`mm signuafimmt.
`1111:: d\.m‘:.~
`Lian <1? Emth RE M 5123;: ems‘! %;§.(1\w W51“?
`s§r:c:p period 4f,\}*3’%g‘ 1). §’avL%:::1twuw-Masai
`M lmtrm tmicfcci m cl};§ft, E‘m1‘1: w':x‘ia;c{‘mi»»
`En amé um wf blm" I»~3 mi§:1:w:1’Ea:ds
`i{fZTe'\«I elem 0:" .~smg;::
`fm‘ b(:Wt1‘£}T
`mémzlzzss m‘
`t1[m.L*m mi’
`bcfmc f?zxlEi1‘1;; ium 21 r’c:m1,«:uEi:l:L1n::J sk;c:p
`pcctréml 0fz.1§ 19:15: H) min; am! {£16}:
`l3S‘t]{§H§}—’ than had rnuch §€1E"1}'_.{LfI‘(3I
`§?.Y,M sleep
`RH‘\~*1 3159;) §.'m%m1ie< n‘::cn:"dm.1 in ‘aha:
`c)m.1*,aatémn emmixss
`thm. mg.~m1—
`ezzaraziy mrzgss" Khan in thz‘
`stuciies: ((jh;'
`(IMl1e1' REM
`m:":;?w1rc3 did new
`sig'z2if'ic;:n1Ijs~‘ beiwman tbs: Wm
`Thu: xmcturnal
`1‘ucm‘*diz1g.%:(Table I) :«
`oi" §‘¢:uurc.s when ::c:<z'm::«am‘.c.§
`to ;‘}LllT:é-
`lxsh-2:1 dam (‘; 1:1 211.. 1¥J‘7£), and
`c»r:»1:1m;1';ca% Linc
`fimiiugég of utlicrs for
`mm mm;§tim1 (R<;cl1tsct‘1af1E:11 «:11 3.1..
`E962; Tig;':I“m‘m>:~F‘a:I‘1“:::ifa am? 3,;/3%‘:
`im~.1w:lm*i cam: my i*I‘%r£:ct slwp came":
`RPM pcrimis.
`and permds; M‘ w1miv=::l}g pn'\[011ged
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`CEHB amt sJi“v“::I} i11“l‘2fl*el<:
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`imsrcsm-2:3 (mm«}{)m Bififil-iillfinth
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`time, amd
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`in bx‘
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`ax I1}; "g;nif"i<:a:‘1! (1:”x€l1}LjE-
`in d;1_\~‘Ii:nc mngze
`1‘ 51mm, which in fact: wm *«'(3I'K1M\‘h&li
`q1wn:Ej,r irrmnwvrzed with mm? —phem~
`«‘imr:.’§ 3\’ig?'nt sluup Wm‘; mzrcei ed
`being (ié.:4:3pv.=.'1“ and Mm r’:S%Ht3§$.
`lass; uf z1iglmnar
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`fin a Immss
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`g::lc:_. 1:11. mwmnm'.
`iaimc‘: pmtim: oi
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`corasmfiicmtcti mmlm1,gm'pc.r:mis,tl1crc
`shifts mini
`p2.3r2i{::1!m“1jg: REM slow, wax:

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