`Weighted average duration of obligation for pensions and other long-tenn benefits In prtnclpal countries
`The table below shows the duration of Sanofi's obligations in the principal countries:
`France Gennany
`France Gennany
`UK France Gennany
`Weighted average
`Sensitivity analysis
`The table below shows the sensitivity of Sanofi's obligations for pensions and other post-employment benefits to changes in key
`actuarial assumptions:
`Pensions and other post-employment benefits, by principal country
`Change in
`+1 year
`M ... urement of defined- benefit obligation
`Discount rate
`General inflation rate
`Pension benefits indexation
`Haalthcare cost inflation rate
`Mortality table
`F -68 I Form 20-F 2016 • Sanofi
`MYLAN - EXHIBIT 1092 - Part 4 of 4
`Mylan Laboratories Limited v. Aventis Pharma S.A. IPR2016-00712


`The table below reconciles the net obligation in respect of Sanofi's pension and other post-employment benefit plans with the
`amounts recognized in the consolidated financial statements:
`(€ million)
`Measurement of the obligation:
`Beginning of period
`Reclassification of the Animal Health business<aJ
`Current service cost
`Interest cost
`Actuariallossesl(gains) due to changes in demographic assumptions
`Actuariallossesl(gains) due to changes in financial assumptions
`Actuariallossesl(gains) due to experience adjustments
`Plan amendments
`Plan curtailments
`Plan settlements specified in the terms of the plan
`Plan settlements not specified in the terms of the plan
`Benefits paid
`Changes in scope of consolidation and transfers
`Currency translation differences
`Obligation at end of period
`Pensions and other post-employment benefits
`; I
`Fair value of plan assets:
`Beginning of period
`Reclassification of the Animal Health business< a>
`Interest income on plan assets
`Difference between actual return and interest income on plan assets
`Administration costs
`Plan settlements specified in the terms of the plan
`Plan settlements not specified in the terms of the plan
`Contributions from plan members
`Employer's contributions
`Benefits paid
`Changes in scope of consolidation and transfers
`Currency translation differences
`Fair value of plan assets at end of period
`Net amount shown in the balance sheet:
`Net obligation
`Net amount shown in the balance sheet at end of period
`Sanofi • Form 20-F 2016 I F-69


`Amounts recognized In the balance sheet:
`Pre-funded obligations (sea Note D.7.)
`Obligations provided for
`Net amount recognized at end of period
`Benefit cost for the period:
`Current service cost
`Past service cost
`Net interest (income)/cost
`(Gains)/losses on plan settlements not specified in the terms of the plan
`Actuarial (gains)/lossas on plan curtailments
`Contributions from plan members
`Administration costs and taxes paid during the period
`Expense recognized directly In profit or loss
`Remeasurement of net defined-benefit (asset)/liability (actuarial gains and
`Ex:pense/(gain) for the period
`Pensions and other post-employment benefits
`(a) This line comprises the relevant assets and liabilities of the Animal Health business, rec;/assified as of December 31, 2015 to Assets held for seltJ or
`axchanga and Uab/1/tla RJiated to assets held for ultJ or exchange, 1'98par;/jvsJy, in accordance with /FRS 5 (saa NotBB D.2. and 0.36.).
`The tables below show Sanofi's net liability in respect of pension plans and other post-employment benefits by geographical
`December 31, 2016
`(€ million)
`Measurement of obligation
`Fair value of plan assets
`Pensions and other post-employment ben&fils
`by geographical region
`France Gennany
`Net amount shown in the balance sheet at end of period
`December 31, 2015
`Measurement of obligation
`Fair value of plan assets
`Net amount shown In the balance sheet at end of period
`December 31, 201•
`Measurement of obligation
`Fair value of plan assets
`Pensions and other post-employment benefits
`by geographical region
`Franca Gennany
`Pensions and other post-employment benefits
`by geographical region
`Franca Gennany
`Net amount shown in the balance sheet at end of period
`F -70 I Form 20-F 2016 • Sanofi


`The table below shows the fair value of plan assets relating to Sanofi's pension and other post-employment plans, split by asset
`Securities quoted in an active market
`Cash and cash equivalents
`Equity instruments
`Bonds and similar instruments
`Real estate
`other securities
`Hedge funds
`Insurance policies
`Sanofi has a long-term objective of maintaining or increasing the extent to which its obligations are covered by assets. To this
`end, Sanofi uses an asset-liability management strategy, matching plan assets to its pension obligations. This policy aims to
`ensure the best fit between the assets held on the one hand, and the associated liabilities and expected future payments to plan
`members on the other. To meet this aim, Sanofi operates a risk monitoring and management strategy (mainly focused on
`interest rate risk and inflation risk), while investing a growing proportion of assets in high-quality bonds with comparable
`maturities to those of the underlying obligations.
`Sanofi did not alter its asset-liability management strategy or its key risk monitoring policy during 2016.
`The tables below show the service cost for Sanofi's pension and other post-employment benefit plans, by geographical region:
`(€ million)
`Service cost for 2016
`Current service cost
`Past service cost
`Net interest cost/{income) including administration costs
`and taxes paid during the period
`(Gains)/losses on plan settlements not specified in the
`terms of the plan
`Actuarial (gains)/losses on plan curtailments
`Contributions from plan members
`Expense recognized directly In profit or loss
`Remeasurement of net defined-benefit (asset)/liability
`(actuarial gains and losses)
`Expensel{gain) for the period
`Pensions and other post-employment benefits by geographical region
`Sanofi • Form 20-F 2016 I F-71


`Service coat for 2015
`Current service cost
`Past service cost
`Net interest cost/(income) including administration costs
`and taxes paid during the period
`(Gains)/losses on plan settlements not specified in the
`terms of the plan
`Actuarial (gains)/losses on plan curtailments
`Contributions from plan members
`Pensions and other post-employment benefits by geographical region
`Expense recognized directly in profit or loss
`Remeasurement of net defined-benefit (asset)/liability
`(actuarial gains and losses)
`Ex:pense/(gain) for the period
`Service coat for 2014
`Current service cost
`Past service cost
`Net interest cost/(income) including administration costs
`and taxes paid during the period
`(Gains)/losses on plan settlements not specified in the
`terms of the plan
`Actuarial (gains)/losses on plan curtailments
`Contributions from plan members
`Pensions and other post-employment banllfits by geographical region
`Expense recognized directly In profit or loss
`Remeasurement of net defined-benefit (asset)/liability
`(actuarial gains and losses)
`Ex:pense/(gain) for the period
`There were no significant events affecting Sanofi's pension and other post-employment benefit plans during 2016.
`An analysis of the MRemeasurement of net defined-benefit (asset)/liability (actuarial gains and losses)" line in the preceding
`tables is set forth below:
`France Germany US
`UK France Germany
`US UK Franca Germany
`Actuarial gains/(losses) arising during the
`(1) 161 (165) 235
`30 144 (175))
`Gains/(losses) on experience adjustmentslbl
`149 77 442
`16 (116)
`147 238
`Gains/(losses) on demographic
`- 79
`46 (21)
`Gains/(losses) on financial assumptions
`5 (607)
`194 100 156 (395)
`(310) (298)
`(a) Gains and losses arising from changes In assumptions are due primarily to changes In the discount rate.
`(b) Exprmance adjustments are mainly due to the effect of trends in the financial marlcets on plan assets.
`F -72 I Form 20-F 2016 • Sanofi


`The net pre-tax actuarial loss (excluding associates and joint ventures) recognized directly in equity in the year ended
`December 31, 2016 was €3,006 million, compared with €2,898 million for the year ended December 31,2015 and €3,548 million
`for the year ended December 31, 2014.
`The present value of Sanofi's wholly or partially funded obligations in respect of pension and other post-employment benefit
`plans as of December 31, 2016 was €11,713 million, compared with €11,473 million as of December 31, 2015 and
`€11 ,933 million as of December 31, 2014. The present value of Sanofi's unfunded obligations was €1 ,375 million as of
`December 31,2016, versus €1,352 million as of December 31,2015 and €1,369 million as of Dacembar31, 2014.
`The total expense for pensions and other post-employment benefits is allocated between income statement line items as
`(€ million)
`Cost of sales
`Research and development expenses
`Selling and general expenses
`other operating (income)/expenses, net
`Restructuring costs
`other gains and losses, and litigation
`Financial expanses
`t.J•ilol 1
`The estimated amounts of employer's contributions to plan assets in 2017 are as follows:
`(€ million)
`Employer's contributions in 2017 (estimate):
`The table below shows the expected timing of benefit payments under pension and other post-employment benefit plans for the
`next ten years:
`Estimated future benefit payments:
`The table below shows estimates as of December 31, 2016 for the timing of future payments in respect of unfunded pension
`and other post-employment benefit plans:
`Estimated payments
`LBAthan 1
`Payments due by period
`1 to3yaanl
`3 to Syaa.-.
`Sanofi • Form 20-F 2016 I F-73


`0.19.2. Restructuring provisions
`The table below shows movements in restructuring provisions classified in non-current and current liabilities:
`Balance, beginning of period
`of which:
`• Classified in non-current liabilities
`• Classified in current liabilities
`Change in provisions recognized in profit or loss for the period
`Provisions utilized
`Reclassification of the Animal Health business(a)
`Unwinding of discount
`Currency translation differences
`Balance, end of period
`of which:
`• Classified in non-current liabilities
`• Classified in current liabilities
`(a) This line comprises the restructuring provisions of the Animal Health business, reclassified to Liabilitiea related to HSefs held for Ale or exchenge as of
`December 31 2015 (see Notes D.2. and D.36.).
`Provisions for employee termination benefits as of December 31, 2016 amounted to €1,159 million (compared with
`€1,030 million as of December 31, 2015 and €1,235 million as of December 31, 2014), and mainly covered redundancy
`programs announced as part of the reallocation of sales forces, R&D and industrial operations in France, the United States, and
`some other European countries. The provision relating to France was €933 million as of December 31, 2016, versus
`fJ72 million as of December 31, 2015 and €1,087 million as of December 31,2014.
`The provision for France includes the present value of gross self-funded annuities under various early retirement plans
`(including ongoing plans, and a new plan implemented at the end of 2016), plus social security charges and levies associated
`with those annuities and with annuities funded by external bodies. The average residual holding periods under these plans were
`2.51 years, 2.64 years and 3.08 years as of December 31,2016,2015 and 2014, respectively. In 2016, no premiums were paid
`in respect of externally-funded annuities: the impact of reforms on existing externally-funded plans ended in 2015, and all plans
`implemented since 2011 have been self-funded. This compares with premium payments of €4.4 million in the year ended
`December 31, 2015 and €18 million in the year ended December 31, 2014.
`The timing of future termination benefit payments is as follows:
`December 31, 2018
`(€ million)
`Employee termination benefits
`• France
`• Other countries
`December 31, 2015
`Employee termination benefits
`• France
`• Other countries
`F-74 1 Form 20-F 2016 •Sanofi
`Total Less than 1 year
`Benefit payments by period
`1 to 3 years
`3 to 5 years More than 5 years
`Total Less than 1 year
`Benaflt payments by pertod
`1 to 3 years
`3 to 5 years More than 5 years


`(t' million)
`Employee termination benefits
`• France
`• Other countries
`Total Lass than 1 year
`Benefit payments by period
`1 to 3yaara
`3to5yaara More than 5 yaara
`Restructuring provisions as of December 31, 2016 also include €163 million {€199 million as of December 31, 2015) relating to a
`five-year commitment to Evotec regarding the Toulouse R&D site in France.
`0.19.3. other provisions
`Other provisions include provisions for risks and litigation relating to environmental, tax, commercial and product liability
`_f_£_m_m_ion_~--------------------------------------------------~llllllfi"'I~ _____ 2_01_5 ________ 2_0_14 __
`Tax exposures
`Environmental risks and remediation
`Product liability risks, litigation and other
`Provisions for tax exposures are recorded when Sanofi is
`exposed to a probable risk resulting from a tax position
`adopted by the company or a subsidiary, and the risk has
`been quantified at the end of the reporting period, in
`accordance with the principles described in Note B.22.
`Provisions for environmental risks and remediation mainly
`relate to contingencies arising from business divestitures.
`Identified environmental risks are covered by provisions
`estimated on the basis of the costs Sanofi believes it will be
`obliged to meet over a period not exceeding (other than in
`exceptional cases) 30 years. Sanofi expects
`€153 million of those provisions will be utilized in 2017, and
`€350 million over the period from 2018 through 2021.
`0.19.4. other curTent liabilities
`Other current liabilities comprise the following:
`(t' million)
`Taxes payable
`Employee-related liabilities
`Restructuring provisions (see Note D.19.2.)
`Interest rate derivatives (see Note D.20.)
`Currency derivatives (see Note D.20.)
`Amounts payable for acquisitions of non-current assets
`Other liabilities
`"Product liability risks, litigation and other" mainly comprises
`provisions for risks relating to product liability (including
`IBNR provisions as described in Note B.12.), government
`regulatory or antitrust
`law claims, or
`contingencies arising from business divestitures (other than
`environmental risks).
`legal and arbitral proceedings and
`The main pending
`government investigations are described in Note D.22.
`A full risk and litigation assessment is performed with the
`assistance of Sanofi's legal advisers, and provisions are
`recorded as required by circumstances in accordance with
`the principles described in Note B.12.
`Sanofi • Form 20-F 2016 I F-75


`This item includes in particular the current portion of provisions for litigation, sales returns and other risks; amounts due to
`associates and joint ventures (see Note D.6.); and amounts due to governmental agencies and healthcare authorities (see
`Note D.23.).
`The table below shows the fair value of derivative instruments as of December 31, 2016, 2015 and 2014:
`Interest rate
`a nets
`Fair value at Fair value at
`Objectives of the use of derivative financial Instruments
`Sanofi uses derivative instruments to manage operating
`exposure to movements in exchange rates, and financial
`exposure to movements in interest rates and exchange rates
`(where the debt or receivable is not contracted in the
`functional currency of the borrower or lender entity). On
`occasion, Sanofi uses equity derivatives in connection with
`the management of its portfolio of equity investments.
`Sanofi performs periodic reviews of its transactions and
`contractual agreements in order to identify any embedded
`derivatives, which are accounted for separately from the host
`contract in accordance with lAS 39. Sanofi had no material
`embedded derivatives as of December 31, 2016, 2015 or
`Counterparty risk
`As of December 31, 2016, all currency and interest rate
`hedges were contracted with leading banks, and no single
`counterparty accounted for more than 12% of the notional
`amount of Sanofi's overall currency and
`interest rate
`a) Currency derivatives used to manage operating risk
`Sanofi operates a foreign exchange risk hedging policy to
`reduce the exposure of operating income to exchange rate
`movements. This policy involves regular assessments of
`Sanofi's worldwide foreign currency exposure, based on
`foreign currency transactions carried out by the parent
`company and its subsidiaries. Those transactions mainly
`comprise sales, purchases, research costs, co- marketing
`and co-promotion expenses, and royalties. To reduce the
`exposure of
`to exchange
`movements, Sanofi contracts hedges using liquid derivative
`instruments, mainly forward currency purchases and sales,
`and also currency swaps.
`F -76 I Form 20-F 2016 • Sanofi


`The table below shows operating currency hedging instruments in place as of December 31, 2016, with the notional amount
`translated into euros at the relevant closing exchange rate:
`December 31, 2016
`Forward currency sales
`of which US dollar
`of which Chinese yuan renminbi
`of which Swiss franc
`of which Japanese yen
`of which Singapore dollar
`Forward currency purchases
`of which US dollar
`of which Japanasa yen
`of which Singapore dollar
`of which Swiss franc
`of which Hungarian forint
`Of which derivatives designated
`as cash flow hedges
`Of which
`In equity
`Of which derivatives
`not eligible
`for hedge accounting
`Fair value
`The above positions mainly hedge future material foreign-currency cash flows arising after the end of the reporting period in
`relation to transactions carried out during the year ended December 31, 2016 and recognized in the balance sheet at that date.
`Gains and losses on hedging instruments (forward contracts) are calculated and recognized in parallel with the recognition of
`gains and losses on the hedged items. Due to this hedging relationship, the commercial foreign exchange profit or loss on these
`items (hedging instruments and hedged transactions) will be immaterial in 2017.
`The table below shows operational currency hedging instruments in place as of December 31, 2015, with the notional amount
`translated into euros at the relevant closing exchange rate:
`Of which derivatives designated
`as cash flow hedges
`Of which
`In equity
`Forward currency sales
`of which US dollar
`of which Chinese yuan renminbi
`of which Japanese yen
`of which Russian rouble
`of which Singapore dollar
`Forward currency purchases
`of which US dollar
`of which Russian rouble
`of which Singapore dollar
`of which Hungarian forint
`of which Chinese yuan renminbi
`Of which derivatives
`not eligible
`for hedge accounting
`Sanofi • Form 20-F 2016 I F-77


`The table below shows operating currency hedging instruments in place as of December 31, 2014, with the notional amount
`translated into euros at the relevant closing exchange rate:
`December 31, 2014
`Forward currency sales
`of which US dollar
`of which Japanese yen
`of which Chinese yuan renminbi
`of which Russian rouble
`of which Singapore dollar
`Forward currency purchases
`of which US dollar
`of which Singapore dollar
`of which Japanese yen
`of which Hungarian forint
`of which Mexican peso
`Of which derivatives deslgnatad
`as cuh flow hedges
`Of which
`in equity
`Of which dertmlvn
`for hedge accounting
`b) Currency and interest rate derivatives used to manage financial exposure
`The cash pooling arrangements for foreign subsidiaries outside the euro zone, and some of Sanofi's financing activities, expose
`certain Sanofi entities to financial foreign exchange risk (i.e. the risk of changes in the value of borrowings and loans
`denominated in a currency other than the functional currency of the borrower or lender). That foreign exchange exposure is
`hedged by Sanofi using firm financial instruments (usually currency swaps or forward contracts) contracted with banking
`The table below shows financial currency hedging instruments in place, with the notional amount translated into euros at the
`relevant closing exchange rate:
`Forward currency
`of which US dollar
`of which Japanese
`of which Pound sterling
`Forward currency
`of which US dollar<bJ
`of which Singapore
`of which Czech koruna
`(a) Includes JPY 41,712 mil/ian as of D9C8mber 31, 2016 designated as a cash flow hedgs in fBspecl. of cash flows forecast for 2017.
`(b) Includes $3,116 million as of D9C8mber 31, 2016 designated as a cash flow hedge In respect of cash flows forecast for 2017 and the first quatterof2018.
`F -78 I Form 20-F 2016 • Sanofi


`These forward currency contracts generate a net financial foreign exchange gain or loss arising from the interest rate differential
`between the hedged currency and the euro, given that the foreign exchange gain or loss on the foreign-currency borrowings
`and loans is offset by the change in the intrinsic value of the hedging instruments. Sanofi may also hedge some future
`foreign-currency investment or divestment cash flows.
`Since the financing of the Genzyme acquisition, Sanofi has managed its net debt in two currencies: the euro and the US dollar
`(see Note 0.17.). The floating-rate portion of this debt exposes Sanofi to rises in interest rates, primarily in the Eonia and
`Euribor benchmark rates (for the euro) and in the US Libor and Federal Fund Effective rates (for the US dollar). To optimize the
`cost of debt or reduce the volatility of debt, Sanofi uses interest rate swaps, cross currency swaps and interest rate options to
`alter the fixed/floating rate split of debt. Such derivative instruments are predominantly denominated in euros and in US dollars.
`The table below shows instruments of this type in place as of December 31, 2016:
`Notional amounts by expiry date as of December 31, 2016
`Of which designated
`as fair value hedges
`Fair Notional
`Of which diiSignated
`as cash flow hedges
`Of which
`Fair recognized
`In equity
`- 1,550
`- 1,550
`(€ million)
`Interest rate
`pay capitalized
`Eonia I receive
`pay 3-month
`Euribor I receive
`pay 3-month US
`dollar Libor I
`receive 2.22%
`pay 1.22%1
`3-month &
`6-month US
`dollar Libor
`pay capitalized
`Eonia I receive
`903 1,550
`- 3,228
`Sanofi • Form 20-F 2016 I F-79


`The table below shows instruments of this type in place as of December 31, 2015:
`Notional amounts by expiry date as of December 31, 2015
`Of which designated
`as fair value hedges
`Fair Notional
`Of which designated as
`cash flow hedges
`Of which
`Fair recognized
`- 1,550
`- 2,550
`887 1,550
`- 4,663
`Interest rate
`pay 1-month
`Euribor +0.26%
`I receive 2.73%
`pay capitalized
`Eonia I receive
`Euribor I receive
`pay 3-month US
`dollar Libor I
`receive 2.22%
`pay 1.22% I
`3-month &
`6-month US
`dollar Libor
`swaps hedging
`payJPY I
`receive €
`pay USD I
`receive €
`F -80 I Form 20-F 2016 • Sanofi


`The table below shows instruments of this type in place as of December 31, 2014:
`Notional amounts by expiry date as of December 31, 2014
`Of which designated
`as fair value hedges
`Fair Notional
`Of which designated as
`cash flow hedges
`Of which
`Fair recognized
`In equity
`- 1,000
`- 1,550
`- 2,550
`774 1,500
`840 1,550
`- 5,076
`(€ million)
`Interest rate
`pay 1-month
`Euribor +0.26%
`I receive 2.73%
`pay capitalized
`Eonia I receive
`pay 3-month
`Euribor I receive
`pay 3-month US
`dollar Libor I
`receive 2.22%
`pay 1.22%1
`3-month &
`6-month US
`dollar Libor
`Pay€4.87% I
`receive CHF
`swaps hedging
`payJPY I
`receive €
`Sanofi • Form 20-F 2016 I F-81



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