`Protein Structure
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`Biology / Textbooks / Boundless Biology / Biological Macromolecules / Proteins
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`Each successive level of protein folding ultimately contributes to its shape and
`therefore its function.
`- Summarize the four levels of protein structure
`KEY POINTS [edit |
`Protein structure depends on its Emino acid sequence and local, low-energy chemical bonds between atoms
`in both the polypeptide backbone and in amino acid side chains.
`Protein structure plays a key role in its function; if a protein loses its shape at any structural level, it may
`no longer be functional.
`Primary structure is the amino acid sequence.
`Secondary structure is local interactions between stretches of a polypeptide chain and includes E—heli§ and
`B-pleated sheet structures.
`Tertiary structure is the overall the three-dimension folding driven largely by interactions between R
`Quarternary structures is the orientation and arrangement of subunits in a multi-subunit protein.
`TERMS [ edit |
`Mylan v. Genentech
`Mylan v. Genentech
`Genentech Exhibit 2083
`Genentech Exhibit 2083

`Protein Structure
`- E-pleated sheet
`secondary structure of proteins where N—H groups in the backbone of one fully—extended strand establish
`hydrogen bonds with C=O groups in the backbone of an adjacent fully-extended strand
`. or-helix
`secondary structure of proteins where every backbone N—H creates a hydrogen bond with the C=O group of the
`amino acid four residues earlier in the same helix.
`- antiparallel
`The nature of the opposite orientations of the two strands of DNA or two beta strands that comprise a protein's
`secondary structure
`- disulfide bond
`A bond, consisting of a covalent bond between two sulfur atoms, formed by the reaction of two thiol groups,
`especially between the thiol groups of two proteins
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`The shape of a protein is critical to its function because
`it determines whether the protein can interact with eister for FREE to remove ads and unlock more
`features! Learn more
`other molecules. Protein structures are very Eomplex,
`and researchers have only very recently been able to easily and quickly determine the structure of complete
`proteins down to the atomic level. (The techniques used date back to the 1950s, but until recently they were very
`slow and laborious to use, so complete protein structures were very slow to be solved.) Early structural
`biochemists conceptually divided protein structures into four "levels" to make it easier to get a handle on the
`complexity of the overall structures. To determine how the protein gets its final shape or conformation, we need
`to understand these four levels of protein structure: primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary.
`Primary Structure
`Aprotein's primary structure is the unique sequence of amino acids in each polypeptide chain that makes up the
`protein. Really, this is just a list of which amino acids appear in which order in a polypeptide chain, not really a
`structure. But, because the final protein structure ultimately depends on this sequence, this was called the
`primary structure of the polypeptide chain. For example, the pancreatic hormone insulin has two polypeptide
`chains, A and B.

`Protein Structure
`Primary structure
`TheA chain 0 insulin is 21 amino acids lon and the B chain is 0 amino acids lon
`and each se uence is uni ue
`to the insulin protein.
`The gene, or sequence of DNé, ultimately determines the unique sequence of amino acids in each peptide chain.
`A change in Eucleotide sequence of the gene's coding region may lead to a different amino acid being added to
`the growing polypeptide chain, causing a change in protein structure and therefore function.
`The oxygen-transport protein hemoglobin consists of four polypeptide chains, two identical (1 chains and two
`identical [3 chains. In sickle Eell anemia, a single amino substitution in the hemoglobin [3 chain causes a change
`the structure of the entire protein. When the amino acid glutamic acid is replaced by Valine in the [3 chain, the
`polypeptide folds into an slightly-different shape that creates a dysfunctional hemoglobin protein. So, just one
`amino acid substitution can cause dramatic changes. These dysfunctional hemoglobin proteins, under low-
`oxygen conditions, start associating with one another, forming long fibers made from millions of aggregated
`hemoglobins that distort the red blood cells into crescent or "sickle" shapes, which clog . People affected
`by the disease often experience breathlessness, dizziness, headaches, and abdominal pain.

`Protein Structure
`Sickle cell disease
`Sickle cells are crescent sha ed while normal cells are disc-sha ed.
`Secondary Structure
`Aprotein's secondary structure is whatever regular structures arise from interactions between neighboring or
`near-by amino acids as the polypeptide starts to fold into its functional three-dimensional form. Secondary
`structures arise as H bonds form between local groups of amino acids in a region of the polypeptide chain.
`Rarely does a single secondary structure extend throughout the polypeptide chain. It is usually just in a section
`of the chain. The most common forms of secondary structure are the or-helix and B-pleated sheet structures and
`they play an important structural role in most globular and fibrous proteins.
`https://www.bound| 0| ogy/textbooks/boundless-biol ogy-textbookfbiological-macromolecules-3/protei ns-56/protein-structure-304—11437/

`Protein Structure
`Secondary Protein Structure
`5* Rh
`Secondary structure
`The a-helixand - leated sheet orm becauseo h dro en bondin between carbon 1 and amino rou sin the
`e tide backbone. Certain amino acids have a ro ensi
`to orm an a-helix while others have a ro ensi
`form a /3-pleated sheet.
`In the a-helix chain, the hydrogen bond forms between the oxygen atom in the polypeptide backbone carbonyl
`group in one amino acid and the hydrogen atom in the polypeptide backbone amino group of another amino
`acid that is four amino acids farther along the chain. This holds the stretch of amino acids in a right-handed coil.
`Every helical turn in an alpha helix has 3.6 amino acid residues. The R groups (the side chains) of the
`polypeptide protrude out from the a-helix chain and are not involved in the H bonds that maintain the a-helix
`In [3-pleated sheets, stretches of amino acids are held in an almost fully-extended conformation that "pleats" or
`zig-zags due to the non-linear nature of single C-C and C-N Evalent bondst B-pleated sheets never occur alone.
`They have to held in place by other B-pleated sheets. The stretches of amino acids in B-pleated sheets are held in
`their pleated sheet structure because hydrogen bonds form between the oxygen atom in a polypeptide backbone
`carbonyl group of one B-pleated sheet and the hydrogen atom in a polypeptide backbone amino group of

`Protein Structure
`another B-pleated sheet. The [3—pleated sheets which hold each other together align parallel or antiparallel to
`each other. The R groups of the amino acids in a B-pleated sheet point out perpendicular to the hydrogen bonds
`holding the [3-pleated sheets together, and are not involved in maintaining the [3-pleated sheet structure.
`Tertiary Structure
`The tertiary structure of a polypeptide chain is its overall three-dimensional shape, once all the secondary
`structure elements have folded together among each other. Interactions between polar, nonpolar, Ecidig, and
`basic R group within the polypeptide chain create the complex three-dimensional tertiary structure of a protein.
`When protein folding takes place in the aqueous environment of the body, the hydrophobig R groups of
`nonpolar amino acids mostly lie in the interior of the protein, while the l_iyd1'ophili9R groups lie mostly on the
`outside. Cysteine side chains form disulfide linkages in the presence of oxygen, the only covalent bond forming
`during protein folding. All of these interactions, weak and strong, determine the final three-dimensional shape
`of the protein. When a protein loses its three-dimensional shape, it will no longer be functional.
`Polypeptide badrbune
` Ci
`Hrdrouen 'i'
`r: — NH:
`Ionic hand
`xi: 3
`Tertiary structure
`The tertia
`roteins is determinedb h dro hobic interactions ionic bondin
`h dro en bondin
`and disulfide linkages.
`Quaternary Structure
`https://www.bound| 0| ogy/textbooks/boundless-biol ogy-textbookfbiological-macromolecules-3/protei ns-56/protein-structure-304—11437/

`Protein Structure
`The quaternary structure of a protein is how its subunits are oriented and arranged with respect to one another.
`As a result, quaternary structure only applies to multi—subunit proteins; that is, proteins made from one than
`one polypeptide chain. Proteins made from a single polypeptide will not have a quaternary structure.
`In proteins with more than one subunit, weak interactions between the subunits help to stabilize the overall
`structure. Enfles often play key roles in bonding subunits to form the final, functioning protein.
`For example, insulin is a ba1l—shaped, globular protein that contains both hydrogen bonds and disulfide bonds
`that hold its two polypeptide chains together. Silk is a fibrous protein that results from hydrogen bonding
`between different B—p1eated chains.

`Protein Structure
`Amino Ellildfi
`Primary Protein structure
`sequence of a chain of
`animo acids
`Pleated sheet é-'
`Alpha helix —'~
`pattern ‘
`Secondary Protein structure
`hydrogen bonding of the peptide
`backbone causes the amino
`acids to fold into a repeating
`Pleated sheet
`Alpha helix
`Tertiary protein structure
`three-dimensional folding
`pattern of a protein due to side
`chain interactions
`Quaternary protein structure
`protein consisting of more
`than one amino acid chain
`Four levels of protein structure
`The four levels of protein structure can be observed in these illustrations.

`Protein Structure
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`Referenced in 4 quiz questions
`Which of the following would probably happen if the insulin protein folded in oil
`instead of water?
`Which of the following protein structures forms primarily because of hydrogen
`Which of the following would be true if insulin folded in oil (nonpolar) instead of
`water (polar)?
`Which of the following structures is formed from the interactions of the amino acid R
`— Appears in these related concepts: Supercoiling, The Diversity of Life, and The Relationship
`Between Genes and Proteins
`R group
`— Appears in these related concepts: pH, Buffers, Acids, and Bases, Classification of
`Prokaggotes, and Male Reproductive Anatomy

`Protein Structure
`amino acid
`— Appears in these related concepts: Peptide Bonding between Amino Acids,
`Properties of Nitrogen, and The Incorporation of Nonstandard Amino Acids
`— Appears in these related concepts: Blood Flow Through the Body, Blood Vessel Function,
`and Arteg Function
`— Appears in these related concepts: Cells as the Basic Unit of Life, Citric Acid Cycle, and Levels
`of Organization
`— Appears in these related concepts: Transduction of Sound, Introduction to Complex
`Numbers, and Electron Transport Chain
`covalent bond
`— Appears in these related concepts: Types of Bonds, Introducfion to Lewis
`Structures for Covalent Molecules, and Covalent Cgstals
`— Appears in these related concepts: Development of the Periodic Table, Elements and
`Compounds, and The Periodic Table
`— Appears in these related concepts: Regulatog Mechanisms for Cellular Respiration,
`Nuuition and Health, and Carbon Dioxide Transport
`— Appears in these related concepts: Genomic DNA and Chromosomes, Genes as the Unit of
`Heredig, and The Influence of Behavior on Genes
`— Appears in these related concepts: Physical Characteristics and Volume, RBC
`Anatomy, and Components of Blood
`— Appears in these related concepts: Functions of the Nervous System, Biological
`Influences on Sexual Motivation, and How Stress Impacts our Health
`hydrogen bond
`— Appears in these related concepts: Dipole-Dipole Force, Hydrogen Bonding,
`and Special Properties of Water
`Mosaic Model
`— Appears in these related concepts: Water’s Polarity, Functional Groups, and Fluid
`— Appears in these related concepts: Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Colloids,
`Signaling Molecules, and Soaps & Detergents
`— Appears in these related concepts: Types of Cells in the Pancreas, Hormonal Regulafion
`of Metabolism, and Pancreas
`— Appears in these related concepts: Genetic Linkage and Violafion of the Law of
`Independent Assortment, Genetic Linkage and Distances, and History of DNA Research
`— Appears in these related concepts: Molecules, Levels of Organization of Living Things,
`and Chemical Reacfions and Molecules
`— Appears in these related concepts: DNA and RNA, The Structure and Sequence of
`DNA, and Transcripfion in Prokagotes

`Protein Structure
`— Appears in these related concepts: Polar Coordinates, Area and Arc Length in Polar
`Coordinates, and Selective Permeabilig
`— Appears in these related concepts: Types and Functions of Proteins, Amino Acids,
`and The Endocrine System
`— Appears in these related concepts: Purimng Proteins by Affinifl Tag, Centrosome, and
`Proteins: Sources, Uses in the Body, and Dietag Requirements
`sickle cell anemia
`— Appears in this related concept: Transport of Oxygen in the Blood
`Boundless vets and curates high-quality, openly licensed content from around the Internet. This
`particular resource used the following sources:
`Boundless Learning CC BY-SA 3.0.
`Boundless Learning CC BY-SA 3.0.
`"hydrogen bond."
`http://en.wiktionag/.org/wiki/hydrogen bond
`Wiktionary CC BY-SA 3.0.
`''disulfide bond."
` bond
`Wiktionary CC BY-SA 3.0.
`"OpenStax College, Biology. October 16, 2013."
`Openstax CNX CC BY 3.0.
`"OpenStax College, Proteins. October 16, 201 3."
`httg:// 03 04 04.igg
`OpenStax CNX CC BY 3.0.
`"OpenStax College, Proteins. October 16, 2013."
` 03 04 06.iQg
`OpenStax CNX CC BY 3.0.
`"OpenStax College, Proteins. October 16, 2013."
` 03 04 07.iQg
`Openstax CNX CC BY 3.0.
`"OpenStax College, Proteins. October 16, 2013."
` 03 04 08.iQg
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`"OpenStax College, Proteins. October 16, 2013."

`Protein Structure
` 03 04 09.igg
`Openstax CNX CC BY 3.0.
`llj Cite!
`Source: Boundless. “Protein Structure.” Boundless Biology Boundless, 08 Aug. 2016. Retrieved 17 Dec. 2016 from
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`Protein Structure
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