`1 Bruce G. Chapman (SB # 164258)
`2 Kelth
`. Fraser (SB # 216279)
`333 S. Grand Ave. Su_1te 2300
`4 Los An eles, Callfomla 90071
`: E Tel: (2 3) 787-2500; Fax: (213)687-0498
`Dianne B. Elderkin (pro hac vice)
`elderkin woodcoc .com
`Barbara L.
`ullin (pro hac vice)
`mullin woodcoc .com
`. Maslowskl (pro hac vice)
`8 maslowskj
`Amanda M.
`essel (pro hac vice)
`Aleksan er J. Goramn (pro hac vice)
`Matthew A. Pearson (pro hac vice)
`6 7
`) Case No. CV O8-03573 MRP (CTX)
`24 OF HOPE,
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1049, pg 1160
`Mylan Ex. 1049, pg 1160

`Plaintiff Centocor Ortho Biotech Inc. (“Centocor”), for its second amended
`complaint, alleges as follows:
`In this action, Centocor seeks a declaration that US. Patent 6,331,415
`(the “Cabilly II patent”) is invalid, unenforceable and/or not infringed by
`3 4
`7 5 Centocor’s abciximab and ustekinumab antibody products.
`Centocor is a corporation organized under the laws ofthe
`8 9
`Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with a principal place of business in Horsham,
`3 Pennsylvania. Centocor’s full name, Centocor Ortho Biotech Inc., is the new name
`i of the surviving corporation of a merger effective December 29, 2008 between
`Centocor, Inc. and Ortho Biotech, Inc.
`On information and belief, Genentech, Inc. (“Genentech”) is a
`Delaware corporation with its principal place of business in South San Francisco,
`On information and belief, City of Hope is a California not-for-profit
`organization with its principal place of operation in Duarte, California.
`On information and belief, Genentech and City of Hope are co-
`assignees of the Cabilly II patent.
`This action arises under the Declaratory Judgment Act, Title 28 of the
`25 United States Code, Chapter 151, for the purpose of determining an actual and
`justiciable controversy between the parties hereto. The Court has subject matter
`27 jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338(a).
`"' 1 '-
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1049, pg 1161
`Mylan Ex. 1049, pg 1161

`This Court has personal jurisdiction over Genentech based on its
`2 principal place of business in California. This Court has personal jurisdiction over
`3 A City of Hope based on its organization under the laws ofthe state of California and
`4 because its principal place of operation is in California.
`Venue is proper in this district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 139l(b), (c),
`On April 8, 1983, Shmuel Cabilly, Herbert Heyneker, William
`Holmes, Arthur Riggs and Ronald Wetzel (the “Cabilly Applicants”) filed a patent
`application in the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“PTO”) that issued
`on March 28, 1989, as U.S. Patent No. 4,816,567 (the “Cabilly I patent”). On
`information and belief, the Cabilly Applicants assigned their rights to Genentech
`: and/or City of Hope.
`10. On the same day that the Cabilly I patent issued, U.S. Patent
`4,816,397 (the “Boss patent”) issued to Michael Boss, John Kenten, John Emtage
`Applicants assigned their rights to Celltech Therapeutics Limited (“Celltech”).
`Celltech is a British company with its principal place of business in Slough,
`i England.
`1 1. At the time that the Boss and Cabilly I patents issued, the Cabilly
`; Applicants had a continuation application pending in the PTO (the “Cabilly 11
`application”). The Cabilly Applicants copied claims from the Boss patent in order
`to provoke the PTO Board of Patent Appeals & Interferences to initiate an
`interference proceeding to determine priority — z'.e., to determine whether it was the
`Cabilly Applicants or the Boss Applicants who had made the purported invention
`wooma: wunmn u.r
`"' 2 -
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1049, pg 1162
`Mylan Ex. 1049, pg 1162

` _
`In February 1991, the PTO Board declared a patent interference
`2 between the pending Cabilly II application and the Boss patent on the basis that
`both claimed the same purported invention.
`13. After years of adversarial proceedings in the PTO, in August 1998,
`the PTO Board found that the Boss patent was entitled to priority over the Cabilly
`II application. The Final Decision indicated that the Cabilly Applicants were “not
`3 entitled to a patent .
`. .”
`In October 1998, Genentech filed a civil action to appeal the decision
`directing the PTO to vacate its determination that the Boss Applicants were
`15 ; entitled to priority, to revoke the Boss patent, and to issue a patent on the Cabilly II
`The Cabilly I patent expired in 2006. Were it not revoked, the Boss
`patent also would have expired in 2006.
`16. After the district court issued its order to the PTO, the PTO referred
`I the Cabilly II application to an examiner for further action, including consideration
`of materials previously submitted to the PTO that had not clearly been considered
`17. One of the papers submitted by the Cabilly Applicants prior to
`; declaration of the interference was an Information Disclosure Statement that
`identified, among other references, Valle et al., Nature, 300271-74 (1982). In its
`Information Disclosure Statement, the Cabilly II Applicants characterized this
`27 ? reference as being cited as part of a group of references identified “in the interests
`wouwockw-sabm u.1-
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`"' 3 '
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1049, pg 1163
`Mylan Ex. 1049, pg 1163

`of good order” because it was cited during prosecution of the Cabilly I application.
`The Cabilly Applicants also expressly represented that the Valle (1982) work “is
`1 readily distinguishable from the instant claims in that the oocytes are not
`transformed with DNA, but instead are used to transiently express mRNA
`preparations.” (Sept. 18, 1991 IDS at page 2). This Infonnation Disclosure
`1 Statement was signed by a representative of Genentech. This representation,
`however, contradicted a representation Genentech had made about the Valle
`(1982) reference when it was opposing Celltech’s European Boss patent.
`18. During the time that Genentech and Celltech were involved in the
`with separate DNA sequences encoding polypeptide chains comprising at least the
`5 variable domains of the heavy and light chains and then expressing those chains
`V separately in the transformed host cell.
`As part of the grounds for opposition in the European proceeding,
`clearly teaches the production of an immunologically
`functional heterologous immunoglobulin molecule in
`eukaryotic cells transfected by separate DNA molecules
`encoding its heavy and light chains, respectively.
`view of the broad implications evidenced by the Abstract,
`Woadurk Wadflnm u.9
`am aim
`"' 4 _
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1049, pg 1164
`Mylan Ex. 1049, pg 1164

`the fact that the actual experiment was performed with
`microinjected mRNAs is not relevant.
`In any event,
`because the messenger RNA carries the information from
`DNA to the ribosomal sites of protein synthesis,
`it is
`functionally equivalent to DNA.
`Thus, when it was in its interest to do so during its opposition to
`5 Celltech’s European Boss patent, Genentech took the position that the Valle (1982)
`heterologous immunoglobulin molecule in eukaryotic cells transfected by separate
`10 L DNA molecules encoding its heavy and light chains, whereas during the
`prosecution ofthe Cabilly II application, it was asserted that the Valle (1982)
`reference was “readily distinguishable” because the oocytes were not transformed
`13 -
`with DNA.
`The Valle (1982) reference was, by Genentech’s own assertions,
`material to the patentability of at least some of the subject matter common to the
`Cabilly II application and Boss patent claims. But the Cabilly Applicants did not
`advise the Examiner that Genentech had relied upon this Valle (1982) reference in
`opposing the Boss European patent, nor did it advise the Examiner of the contrary
`positions that it had taken in the European opposition proceeding with respect to
`the teachings of the Valle (1982) reference.
`The Information Disclosure Statement submitted by the Cabilly
`Applicants prior to declaration of the interference also identified, among other
`E references, Rice et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 77:7862-7865 (1982). In its
`Information Disclosure Statement, the Cabilly H Applicants characterized this
`, 23
`(115) an
`reference as being cited as part of a group of references identified “in the interests
`of good order” because it was cited during prosecution of the Cabilly I application
`and indicated that they were not providing a copy of this reference.
`_ 5 _
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1049, pg 1165
`Mylan Ex. 1049, pg 1165

`The citation provided to the PTO was, however, in error. When
`2 opposing the Celltech European Boss patent, Genentech cited Rice et al., Proc.
`3 5 Natl. Acad. Sci. 79:7862-7865 (1982), and argued that the subject matter of the
`European Boss patent did not involve an inventive step over this disclosure in view
`common to the Cabilly II application and Bess patent claims, the Cabilly
`, Applicants did not advise the Examiner that: (a) Genentech had relied upon this
`Rice (1982) reference in opposing the Boss European patent; (b) that Genentech
`A argued that the Boss European patent did not involve an inventive step in view of
`this and other references; or (c) that it had mis-cited this reference in its
`13 1 Information Disclosure Statement. This information was material to the
`14 prosecution of the Cabilly II patent.
`-25. Also, during this post-interference and post-district court action
`prosecution of the Cabilly 11 application (the “post-proceeding prosecution”), the
`' Cabilly Applicants submitted a substantial amount of material to the PTO,
`including listings of numerous pleadings from the litigation as well as numerous
`prior art references. Pursuant to the express provisions of the Manual of Patent
`Examining Procedure, submission of such long lists should be avoided but, if
`21 ,. necessary, then Applicants are directed to “highlight” the documents known to be
`of most significance. MPEP 2004(13). The Cabilly 11 Applicants did not do so.
`26. Although the Cabilly II Applicants dumped numerous references on
`the PTO, they failed to identify critical prior art, including U.S. Patent 4,399,216,
`‘ issued to Axel et. al. on August 16, 1983, assigned on its face to The Trustees of
`Columbia University (“the ‘21 6 patent”). On information and belief, the ‘216
`26 3
`27 1 patent was known to Genentech, and its materiality to the Cabilly II claims and
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`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1049, pg 1166
`Mylan Ex. 1049, pg 1166

`‘ recombinant production of antibodies in general was known to Genentech, at least
`2 based on the fact that Genentech had taken a license of this patent for which it paid
`. substantial royalties.
`The Cabilly II patent issued on December 18, 2001, and is assigned on
`its face to Genentech.
`Two different requests to have the Cabilly II patent reexamined were
`submitted to the PTO in 2005. (Request for Reexamination of U.S. Patent No.
`6,331,415, December 23, 2005, Reexamination Control No. 90/007,859; Request
`for Reexamination ofU.S. Patent No. 6,331,415, May 13, 2005, Reexamination
`10 Control No. 90/007,542).
`The PTO concluded that the prior art submitted by the requesters
`raised substantial new questions of patentability with respect to each of the claims
`of the Cabilly II patent and commenced separate reexamination proceedings on
`July 7, 2005 and January 23, 2006. (Decision Granting Ex Parte Reexamination,
`1 Reexamination Control No. 90/007,859; Decision Granting Ex Parte
`Reexamination, Reexamination Control No. 90/007,542). The separate
`reexamination proceedings were merged on June 6, 2006 (Decision Merging
`’ Reexamination Proceedings, Reexamination Control Nos. 90/007,859 and
`30. At present, and as has been the case for nearly three years, all of the
`claims in the Cabilly II patent stand rejected in the PTO as invalid. At this point,
`the rejection is final. (Ex Parte Reexamination Advisory Action, Reexamination
`l Control Nos. 90/007,859 and 90/007,542 (July 19, 2008)). The bases for rejection
`24 1
`include obviousness-type double patenting.
`That the Rice (1982) reference is material to the patentability of the
`26 Cabilly II patent claims is confirmed by the fact that it is has been relied upon by
`Woodcock Wnihhn
`-J W
`"' 7 “‘
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1049, pg 1167
`Mylan Ex. 1049, pg 1167

`the PTO in rejecting the Cabilly II patent claims during the reexamination
`* proceeding.
`That the ‘216 patent is material to the patentability of the Cabilly I1
`rejecting the Cabilly II patent claims during the reexamination proceeding.
`The foregoing provides examples of actions demonstrating that,
`during examination of the Cabilly II Application, while under a duty of candor to
`the PTO, Genentech and/or the Cabilly Applicants intended to mislead the PTO
`9 ! and did not act in good faith in dealing with the PTO. Intent can be inferred at
`least from the fact that Genentech failed to disclose statements and references
`* which, by its own assertions in the Boss European Opposition proceedings, were
`12 material to the patentability of the Cabilly II application claims.
`.3 r
`15 E
`16 E
`17 I
`Abciximab (ReoPro®)
`34. On December 5, 1994, Centocor entered into an Agreement with
`Genentech under which it received, inter alia, a license under the Cabilly I patent
`and under the application which ultimately issued as the Cabilly II patent to make,
`19 I have made, use, and sell substances capable of binding to the GPIIb IIIa receptor
`which, but for the license, would infiinge one or more claims of the patents (the
`“Genentech Agreement”). Centocor has paid, and Genentech has accepted,
`. royalties on sales of abciximab, an antibody fragment which binds to the
`E glycoprotein GPIIb IIIa of human platelets and inhibits platelet aggregation.
`There is an actual and justiciable controversy between Centocor,
`26 ‘ abciximab infringes any valid and enforceable claim of the Cabilly II patent.
`Plfladd h.PAl9lD4
`_ 8 "' I
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1049, pg 1168
`Mylan Ex. 1049, pg 1168

`i Infliximab (Remicade®)
`36. On March 31, 1998, Centocor entered into a Patent License
`Agreement with Celltech under which it received, inter alia, a non-exclusive
`' sublicense under the “Genentech Licensed Patents,” which included the Cabilly I
`patent and any patents maturing from applications that were continuations of the
`: Cabilly I patent, which includes the later—issued Cabilly II patent (the “Celltech
`Agreement”). This was a license to develop, make, have made, use and sell a
`pharmaceutical product containing a recombinant engineered antibody or antibody
`fragment capable of binding specifically to TNF-alpha, being both the product later
`whose research and development was conducted under the direction of Centocor
`by itself or in collaboration with a third party.
`37. On information and belief, at least a portion of the royalties that
`J Centocor pays to Celltech based on its infliximab (Remicade®) product are passed
`V through, or paid by, Celltech to Genentech and/or City of Hope.
`Ustekinumab (CNTO-1275)
`38. Ustekinumab (CNTO 1275) is a new, human monoclonal antibody
`developed by Centocor which targets the cytokines interleukin—12 (IL-12) and
`interleukin-23 (IL-23), naturally occurring proteins that are important in regulating
`immune responses and that are thought to be associated with some immune-
`‘ mediated inflammatory disorders, including psoriasis.
`39. All Phase III clinical trials believed necessary to support an
`application for approval to sell ustekinumab in the United States have been
`5 completed.
`In February 2008, the Biologics License Application (BLA) for
`i ustekinumab (CNTO 1275) was accepted for review by the U.S. Food and Drug
`J Administration for the treatment of chronic moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis in
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`" 9 _ .
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1049, pg 1169
`Mylan Ex. 1049, pg 1169

`adults. Centocor expects to obtain regulatory approval to market and sell
`ustekinumab in the United States within the next year.
`Centocor has been making substantial preparations to market and sell
`‘ ustekinumab in the United States upon receipt of regulatory approval to do so. It
`has hired and been training key management, support and sales personnel to
`' market and sell ustekinumab; retaining outside consultants and vendors to assist in
`its marketing and sale of ustekinumab in the United States; has retained suppliers
`l and advertising agencies to prepare for the launch of the product; has prepared
`promotional materials for the launch of the product; has initiated planning for
`medial affairs and pharmacovigilance activities associated with the marketing of
`the product; has built supply capacity; and is completing manufacturing and
`12 I distribution launch preparations.
`41. Genentech has advised Centocor that its existing licenses would not
`' cover the marketing and sale of ustekinumab and has acknowledged that Centocor
`will need an additional license from Genentech under the Cabilly II patent for
`‘ ustekinumab. There is an actual and justiciable controversy between Centocor,
`' Genentech, and City of Hope with respect to whether Centocor’s making, using
`and selling of ustekinumab will infringe any valid and enforceable claim of the
`Cabilly II patent.
`Centocor incorporates the allegations of paragraphs 1 through 41 as if
`fully set forth herein.
`43. An actual controversy has arisen and now exists between the parties
`concerning the validity of the Cabilly 11 patent.
`" 10 '
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1049, pg 1170
`Mylan Ex. 1049, pg 1170

`The Cabilly II patent is invalid because it is anticipated and/or
`2 obvious under 35 U.S.C. §§ 102 and 103.
`The Cabilly H patent is invalid based on the judicially created doctrine
`of obviousness type double patenting and/or under 35 U.S.C. §§ 101 and/or 103.
`The Cabilly II patent is invalid under 35 U.S.C. §112.
`Centocor hereby seeks a declaratory judgment that the Cabilly HI
`10 I
`Centocor incorporates the allegations of paragraphs 1 through 47 as if
`fully set forth herein.
`49. An actual controversy has arisen and now exists between the parties
`concerning the enforceability of the Cabilly II patent.
`The Cabilly II patent is unenforceable due to inequitable conduct
`and/or Genentech withheld this material information and made these material
`23 E representations with intent to deceive the patent examiner.
`Centocor hereby seeks a declaratory judgment that the Cabilly II
`25 patent is unenforceable due to inequitable conduct.
`28 1
`Woodcock wmimu:
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1049, pg 1171
`Mylan Ex. 1049, pg 1171

`Centocor incorporates the allegations of paragraphs 1 through 51 as if
`fully set forth herein.
`53. An actual controversy has arisen and now exists between the parties
`Centocor incorporates the allegations of paragraphs 1 through 54 as if
`prosecution of the reexamination proceedings involving the Cabilly II patent.
`Centocor hereby seeks a declaratory judgment that the Cabilly II
`patent is unenforceable due to prosecution laches.
`WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Centocor requests that judgment be entered in
`favor of Centocor and against Defendants:
`Pluflodolphh VA 19136
`‘ 12”
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1049, pg 1172
`Mylan Ex. 1049, pg 1172

`Declaring that the Cabilly II patent is invalid;
`Declaring that the Cabilly II patent is not enforceable;
`Declaring that Centocor’s abciximab and ustekinurnab products
`do not infringe any valid and enforceable claim of the Cabilly II
`Bnj oining Gcnentech and City of Hope from enforcing the
`Cabilly II patent;
`Awarding Centocor its costs and attorneys’ fees; and
`Awarding Centocor such other and further relief as the Court
`may deem just and proper under the circumstances.
`I 2
`4 3
`8 9
`12 Dated: June 15, 2009
`Respectfully submitted,
`wooococrc WASHBURN LLP
`Aleksander J. Goranin for Dianne B.
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`21 i
`24 '
`25 l
`27 J
`28 I
`nmud Ia. mu
`am am
`_ 13 "
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1049, pg 1173
`Mylan Ex. 1049, pg 1173

`I, Dori Dellisanti, the undersigned, certify and declare that I am over the age
`of 18 years, employed. in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, and not a
`Iplaity to the above—ent1tled cause. My business address is Connolly_Bov_e Lod e &
`utz LLP, 333 South Grand Avenue, Suite 2300, Los Angeles, California 900 1.
`On July 2 2009, I served the foreéloin documents described as: SECOND
`following person(s3 in this action by placing a true copy thereof enclosed in sealed
`envelope addresse as follows:
`David I Gindler
`Joseph M Lipner
`Irell and Manella
`gfigg Qovgnue “the Stars
`Los Angeles’ CA 90067-4276
`Mark A. Pals
`1l\</Iia1r(<ius(l13 Seirrfieil LLP
`T an an
`300 North LaSalle Street
`ChiCa80,1L 60654
`. ~ - W Keker
`: 710 Sansme '5»
`San Franc]
`’ A
`. ‘
`Keker an
`Attorneys for Defendant and
`Counterclaimant City of Hope Medical
`Tel: 310-277-1010
`1Ear1r)i(ail,:1 (')l-i2(;
`ire .COITl
`Attorneys for Defendant and
`Counterclaimant Genentech, Inc.
`T 1: 312-861-2000
`FSX; 312-361-2200
`Email: m als
`‘ - u eys for Defendant a-
`Coun -
`ant Gen -
`, Inc.
`er 5
`S1 ert I
`Attorneys for Defendant and
`Counterclaimant Genentech, Inc.
` ‘ D . n J. Durie
`Efige Tangri Lemley Roberts & Kent
`20 332 Pine Street, Suite 200
` Email: ddurie 4 durietanricom
`San Francisco, CA 94104
`Tel: 415-362-6666
`r ent I urietan
` 22
`[X] BY MAIL_ I am readily familiar with the_firm’s practice regarding collection
`and processi_n of correspondence for mailing. Under that practice it would be
`deposited wit U.S. Postal Service _on that same day with postage thereon fully
`prepaid at Los Angeles, California in the ordinary course of business.
`I am
`aware that on motion of the party served, service is presumed invalid if the
`postal_cancella_ti_on date or o_stage meter date 1S more than one day after date of
`deposit for mailing in affi avit.
`I caused such envelope to be delivered by hand
`to the addresseelsi as stated above.
`I am readily familiar with the office practice of
`Connolly Bove Eodge 29¢ Hutz LLP or collecting and processing
`\VoodcockWn: urnLLP
`;Z;‘;‘‘‘,t‘‘.‘..“s‘..":.. ‘”
`Philndelphin, PA mm
`(115) 568-3100
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1049, pg 1174
`Mylan Ex. 1049, pg 1174

`correspondence for overnight delivefiy by Federal Express. Such practice is that
`when correspondence for ovemiéht eliverly by Federal Express is deposited
`with the Connolly Bove Lod e Hutz LL personnel responsible fore
`deliverin correspondence to ederal Express, such corres ondence is
`delivere to a Fe eral Express location or to an authoriz
`courier or driver
`authorized by Federal Ex ress to receive documents or deposited at a facility
`regularlly maintained by ederal Express for receipt of documents on the same
`day int e ordinary course of business.
`[X] BY E-MAIL: Based on General Order 08-02, the attached document(s) was
`sent to the ersongs) at the e-mail addres(es) indicated through the Court’s
`Electronic iling ystem (ECF).
`[X] FEDERAL I declare thatl am employed in the office of a member of the bar
`of this court at whose direction the service was made.
`I hereby declare under penalt of erju
`9 Executed on July 2, 2009 at Los
`ge es,
`that the foregoing is true and correct.
`11 ?
`Woodcock Wmhbmm um
`Philndclp .a., PA moo
`(1lS)S6 - D0
`_ 1 5 _
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1049, pg 1175
`Mylan Ex. 1049, pg 1175

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