`United States Patent
`(10) Number:
`US 6,331,415 C1
`Cabilly et al.
`(45) Certificate Issued:
`May 19, 2009
`US00633 l4l5Cl
`lnventorsz Shmuel Cabilly, Monrovia, CA (US);
`Herbert-L-. Heyneker, Burlingarne, CA
`(US); William E. Holmes, Pacilica, CA
`(US); Arthur D. Riggs, T1aVerne, CA
`(US); Ronald B. VVetzel, San Francisco,
`CA (US)
`(73) Assignees: Genentech, Inc., South San Francisco,
`CA (Us), City of Hope, Duarte, CA
`Reexamination Request:
`No. 90/007,542, May 13, 2005
`No. 90/007,859, Dec. 23, 2005
`Reexamination Certificate for:
`Patent NO.Z
`Dec. 18, 2001
`Appl. No_;
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`5,455,165 A
`5,500,362 A
`5,583,013 A
`5,585,089 A
`‘§’2‘1’Z’?§‘§ 2
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`air e a .
`Certificate of Correction issued Jun. 25, 2002.
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 06/483,457, filed on Apr. 8,
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`6,453,275 B1
`41_003 Winter
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`Przmaijt Examiner Padniashri Ponnaluri
`The invention relates to processes for producing, an ii11iiiuiio-
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`fragment containing at lcast thc variable domains of thc
`irnmuno lobulin hea
`and light chains The rocesses can
`,h. _h
`d _
`‘b [1151 h V
`1 d
`95° “He 9’ “M? V“ °“ “ 1° Pr.” '4‘? °
`6. ,°‘‘V.’ 4“
`l1glit chains or lragments thereot in a single cell. lhe inven-
`tion also relates to the vectors used to produce the immuno-
`globulin or fragment, and to cells transformed with the vec-
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1026, pg 810
`Mylan Ex. 1026, pg 810

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