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`Electronic Patent Application Fee Transmittal
`Title of Invention:
`System for monitoring health, wellness and fitness
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Eric Teller
`Barry I. Friedman/Patricia Boss
`Attorney Docket Number:
`Filed as Small Entity
`Filing Fees
`Basic Filing:
`504 of 987

`Sub-Total in
`Submission- Information Disclosure Stmt
`Total in USD ($)
`505 of 987

`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
`Confirmation Number:
`Title of Invention:
`System for monitoring health, wellness and fitness
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Philip E. Levy, Esq.
`Metz Schermer & Lewis, LLC
`18th Floor
`Correspondence Address:
`11 stanwix st.
`Barry I. Friedman/Patricia Boss
`Filer Authorized By:
`Barry I. Friedman
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`Filing Date:
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`Utility under 35 USC 111(a)
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`506 of 987

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`507 of 987

`T1261, R ET_;AL. -1 ~=r
`In Re Appliation or:
`D°°ket N°'
`August 11, 2008
`M. Astorino
`Customer No. Group Art Unit Confirmation No.
`Transmitted herewith is the Appeal Brief in this application, with respect to the Notice of Appeal filed on:
`August 9, 2007
`Applicant claims small entity status. See 37 CFR 1.27
`The fee for filing this Appeal Brief is:
`A check in the amount of the fee is enclosed.
`The Director has already been authorized to charge fees in this application to a Deposit Account.
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`P>1Uz/L7/ fl/L(/Lrf//ML4/M/Q,
`Datedrl March 10,2008
`Barry 1. Friedman, Esq., Reg. No. 33,695
`Metz Lewis LLC
`11 Stanwix Street, 18th Floor
`John A’ Monoceuo’ Esq" Reg‘ No‘ SL022
`GTC Law Group, LLP
`837 Chalmers Place
`Pittsburgh, PA 15243
`this correspondence is being
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`Alexandria. VA 22313-1450" [37 CFR 1.8(a)] on
`M rch 10. 2008
`Signature ofPerson Mailing Correspondence
`Patricia A. Boss
`Typed or Printed Name of Person Malling Correspondence
`508 of 987

`March 10, 2007
`In re Application of:
`Teller et al.
`Serial No. 10/638,588
`Filed: August 11, 2003
`Art Unit: 3736
`Patent Examiner: M. Astorino
`Our Ref:
`1 148/083
`1 M
`ail Stop Appeal Brief-Patents
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Applicants submit the following Appeal Brief in response to the Final Office Action of May
`10, 2007 (“Office Action”), which finally rejected claims 1-6, 13-27, 29, 31, 33-37, 39-43, 45-50, 52,
`55, 58, 62, 64, 65, 67-70, 72-74, 76, 79-87, 89-93, 100-113, 115, 117, 119-123, 125-129, 131-135,
`138, 141, 144, 145, 148, 150, 151, 153-157 and 161-164 ofthe above-referenced application.
`Applicants timely filed a Notice of Appeal on August 9, 2007.
`In accordance with 37 C.F.R. 1.8(a). I hereby certify that I have a
`reasonabIe__basis to expect that this correspondence is being
`deposited with the Unitedlstates Postal Sewiceiais first class mail
`in an envelope bearing sufficient postage and_ad_E.lressed to: Mail
`Stop Appeal Brief - Patents,_Commiss_ioner for 'P"a‘t’ents, _P.O. Box
`at 1450; ‘Alexandria. VA 22313-145o—on:
`March 10 2007 5
`Date of Deposit _
`Patricia A. Boss
`N me of Person Signing
`509 of 987

`I. Real Party in Interest
`The real party and interest is BodyMedia, Inc. BodyMedia, Inc. is a Delaware
`corporation with a principal place of business of 4 Smithfield Street, 11”‘ Floor, Pittsburgh,
`PA 15222. BodyMedia, Inc. is the assignee of the above-referenced patent application.
`II. Related Appeals and Interferences
`There are no appeals or interferences related to this application.
`III. Status of Claims
`Claims 1-6, 13-27, 29, 31, 33-37, 39-43, 45-50, 52, 55, 58, 62, 64, 65, 67-70, 72-
`74, 76, 79-87, 89-93,100-113,115,117,119-123,125-129,131-135,138,141,144,145,
`148, 150, 151, 153-157, 159, and 161-164 are currently pending in this application and
`all stand rejected.
`Claims 7-12, 28, 30, 32, 38, 44, 51,53, 54, 56, 57, 59-61, 63, 66, 71, 77, 78, 88,
`94-99,114,116,118,124,130,136,137,139,140,142,143,146,147,149,152,160 are
`withdrawn from consideration.
`Claims 75 and 158 have been cancelled.
`IV. Status of Amendments
`All amendments presented in the case have been entered.
`510 of 987

`V. Summary of the Claimed Subject Matter
`Brief Summary
`The invention is an apparatus for monitoring human status parameters, which for
`example, relate to an individual’s heath. The claimed apparatus comprises a first sensor.
`The first sensor is capable of generating relating to a first physiological parameter, for
`example skin temperature. The apparatus is further capable of receiving a second status
`parameter for the individual, which may for example be a physiological parameter such
`as activity. The processor in the claimed apparatus receives (at least a portion of) the
`data of the first and second parameters and generates and entirely distinct derived third
`parameter therefrom, for example, the stress level of said individual. The processor
`utilizes a filter for the generation of the distinct third parameter. The term “filter” and its
`relationship to the prior art is a primary focus of this appeal.
`Direct Mapping of Independent Claim Elements to Specification
`A direct mapping of the elements of the independent claims to the specification is
`as follows:
`1. (Rejected) An apparatus for monitoring human status parameters, comprising:
`a. a first sensor capable of generating data indicative of at least a first
`physiological status parameter relating to an individual; {Support can be found
`throughout the Specification speczfically, page 2, line 18 to page 3, line 7; page 7, lines
`b. a receiver for receiving data indicative of at least a second status parameter
`relating to said individual; and (Specification, page 14, lines 3-22)
`511 of 987

`c. a processor programmed to-
`i. receive at least a portion of said data indicative of said first and second
`status parameters relating to said individual, and
`ii. generate a derived third status parameter relating to said individual from
`said first and second status parameters (Support throughout the Specification
`specifically at page 9, lines 7-14, Table 2)
`wherein said third parameter is an additional status parameter distinct from said
`first and second status parameters, (Support throughout the Specification specifically in
`Table 2)
`wherein a filter is utilized in said generation of said derived third status parameter.
`(Specification, page 27, lines 8-14)
`85. (Rejected) An apparatus for monitoring human status parameters, comprising:
`a. a sensor capable of generating data indicative of at least a first status parameter
`relating to an individual; (Support can be found throughout the Specification specifically,
`page 2, line 18 to page 3, line 7; page 7, lines 7-9)
`b. a receiver for receiving data indicative of at least a second status parameter
`relating to said individual; and (Specification, page I 4, lines 3-22)
`c. a processor programmed to —
`i. receive at least a portion of said data indicative of said first and second
`status parameters relating to said individual, and
`ii. generate a derived third status parameter relating to said individual from
`said first and second status parameters, (Support throughout the Specification
`specifically at page 9, lines 7-14, Table 2)
`wherein said third parameter is a physiological status parameter distinct from said
`first and second status parameters; and (Support throughout the Specification specifically
`in Table 2)
`wherein a filter is used in said generation of said derived third status parameter.
`(Specification, page 27, lines 8-14)
`512 of 987

`VI. Grounds of Rejection to Be Reviewed on Appeal
`Applicants present the following concise statements of each of the grounds of
`rejections presented for review:
`Whether the term “filter” used in both independent claims 1 and 85 is
`indefinite under 35 U.S.C. 112, Second Paragraph; and
`Whether United States Pat No. 6, 478, 736 to Mault (“Mault”) anticipates
`Claims 1, 85 and respective dependent claims under 35 U.S.C. Section 102
`Applicants respectfully submit that the above statements of the grounds of rejections is
`VII. Argument
`“Filter” Is Not Indefinite Therefore the Rejection of Claims 1 and 85
`under 35 U.S.C. Section 112, Second Paragraph Should be Reversed.1
`Claims 1 and 85 are argued together. The Board in its discretion may choose one
`of the claims to decide the appeal.
`Page 27, lines 8-14 of the Specification (paragraph [0065] of the published
`specification provides the meaning of "filter". The relevant passage reads as follows:
`It is worth noting that the Applicants’ decision to amend the claims to Include the term “filter” was
`prompted by a fruitful interview the Applicants had with the Examiner on May 22, 2006. After filing this
`application in August of 2003, Applicants went through several rounds of office actions and responses with
`the Examiner. While the interactions with the Examiner were fruitful, the Applicants understood that they
`were at an impasse. Thus, Applicants chose to request an interview with the Examiner. The Examiner
`courteously obliged and during the interview, a range of possible amendments to overcome the prior art
`were discussed, one of which included the utilization of a filter in the generation of the derived third status
`parameter. It was suggested that such amendment could possibly distinguish the claimed invention from
`the prior art of record. Afier the interview and prior to making the amendment, the record shows no
`objection or question as to the meaning of the term filter on the part of the Examiner. See Interview
`Summary of May 22, 2006 (attached hereto as Exhibit A); and Applicants Statement to the Substance of
`the Interview on page 36 of the RCE and Amendment filed June 5, 2006 (attached as Exhibit B hereto) .
`513 of 987

`Relevant data sensed by sensor device 10 may include heart rate, movement as
`sensed by a device such as an accelerometer, heat flow, respiration rate, calories
`burned, GSR and hydration level, which may be derived by sensor device 60 or
`central monitoring unit 30. Calories burned 36 may be calculated in a variety of
`manners, including: the multiplication of the type of exercise input by the user by
`the duration of exercise input by the user; sensed motion multiplied by time of
`motion multiplied by a filter or constant; or sensed heat flux multiplied by time
`multiplied by a filter or constant.
`The passage in the above paragraph speaks directly to the claimed element of a processor
`programmed to generate a derived third status parameter (i.e., calories burned) relating to
`said individual from said first and second status parameters. Indeed, the paragraph
`above speaks directly to the use of the term “filter” as it relates to the limitation of
`claims 1 and 85 in dispute whereas the paragraph cited by the Examiner in support of a
`second “possible interpretation” does not relate to or describe the limitation of generating
`a derived third parameter (as discussed below).
`With respect to "filter", the specification shows that a filter is not necessarily a
`constant; hence, the Applicants‘ usage of the phrase "filter or constant" in the
`specification. One skilled in the art would appreciate that the meaning of filter is "a
`program or section of code that is designed to examine each input or output request for
`certain qualifying criteria and then process or forward it accordingly and/or ‘pass-through’
`code that takes input data, makes some specific decision about it and possible
`transformation of it, and passes it on to another program in a kind of a pipeline ." See
`Declaration of David Andre, paragraphsl5-17. (Attached as Exhibit C hereto). Thus, the
`claimed element in claims 1 and 85 of filter being utilized in said generation of said
`514 of 987

`derived third status parameter is supported in the Specification since, as the Declaration
`of David Andre shows, one skilled in the art would understand the meaning of the term.
`Although the Applicants have pointed out the support for the term filter, and the
`rationale of one skilled in the art to buttress said support, the Examiner continues to rely
`on an alternate interpretation of the term “filter”. Alleged support this alternate
`interpretation resides in the specification (paragraph [0079]) in the published
`specification. The Examiner has not responded with any criticism or objection to
`Applicants’ argument, evidence, and rationale to support the meaning of the term “filter”.
`Rather, the Examiner states that he disagrees with Applicants, and continues to rely on
`his alternate interpretation of the term “filter”. The Applicants respectfully disagree with
`the Examiner’s continued reliance on an interpretation of the term filter that has no
`support in the context of the claims and in light of the evidence.
`The Examiner’s citation of paragraph [0079] of the published application to
`support an alternate interpretation of the term “filter” is, respectfully, taken out of
`context. Unlike the Specification page 27, line 8-14 (paragraph [0065] in the published
`application), the paragraph that the Examiner cites (paragraph [0079] in the published
`application) fin support of his alternate interpretation does not mention the use of a filter
`in the context of the generating a derived third parameter, which is the claimed limitation
`in dispute. Rather, the passage cited by the Examiner refers to the Health Manager Web
`Page, which in an embodiment of the invention, displays user-selectable summaries of
`data generated by the system. Paragrap

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