`itted herewith for filing under 35 U.S.C. 111 and 37 C.F.R. 1.53 is the patent application of:
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`Ph‘ ip E. Levy, Esq.
`Reg. No. 40,700
`11 Stanwix Street, 18th Floor
`Pittsburgh, PA 15222
`(412) 918-1100
`1 of 527
`is 47; <:i?:>
`App|icant(s): Eric Teller et al.
`Docket N0-
`H Serial No.
`30 be determined
`Filing Date
`Filed herewith
`Group Art Unit
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`Copyright 1995 Legaisofi
`2 of 527
`Docket No.
`Serial No.
`To be determined
`Filing Date
`Filed herewith
`Patent No.
`Issue Date
`Patentee: TELLER et al.
`l hereby declare that I am:
`the owner of the small business concern identified below:
`an official of the small business concern empowered to act on behalf of the concern identified below:
`OF CONCERN: BodyMedia, Inc.
`DRESS OF CONCERN: 5 Smithfield Street, Suite 1200, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
`I ereby declare that the above-identified small business concern qualifies as a small business concern as defined in
`FR 121 .3-18, and reproduced in 37 CFR 1.9(d), for purposes of paying reduced fees under Section 41(a) and (b)
`tie 35, United States Code, in that the number of employees of the concern, including those of its affiliates, does
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`ntified above with regard to the above identified invention described in:
`the specification filed herewith with title as listed above.
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`the patent identified above.
`if the rights held by the above-identified small business concern are not exclusive, each individual, concern or
`organization having rights to the invention is listed on the next page and no rights to the invention are held by any
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`concern which would not qualify as a small business concern under 37 CFR 1.9(d) or a nonprofit organization under
`37 CFR1.9(e).
`Copyright 1994 Legalsoft
`Patent and Trademark Office-U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`3 of 527
`Each person, concern or organization to which I have assigned, granted, conveyed, or licensed or am under an
`obligation under contract or law to assign, grant, convey, or license any rights in the invention is listed below:
`no such person, concern or organization exists.
`El each such person, concern or organization is listed below.
`Small Business Concern
`U Small Business Concern
`Nonprofit Organization
`D Individual
`Small Business Concern
`Nonprofit Organization
`D Small Business Concern
`U Nonprofit Organization
`parate verified statements are required from each named person, concern or organization having rights to the
`vention averring to their status as small entities. (37 CFR 1.27)
`in this application or patent, notification of any change in status resulting in loss of
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`titlement to small entity status prior to paying, or at the time of paying, the earliest of the issue fee or any
`aintenance fee due after the date on which status as a small entity is no longer appropriate. (37 CFR 1.28(b))
`hereby declare that all statements made herein of my own knowledge are true and that all statements made on
`formation and belief are believed to be true; and further that these statements were made with the knowledge that
`I gillful false statements and l:he like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of
`“Title 18 of the United States Code, and that such willful false statements may jeopardize the validity of the application,
`any patent issuing thereon, or any patent to which this verified statement is directed.
`Eric Teller
`Chief Executive Officer
`4 Smithfield Street, Suite 1200
`Pittsburgh, PA 15222
`Patent and Trademark Office-U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`4 of 527
`This application is a continuation-in-part of United States Application Serial No.
`(UNKNOWN), filed on June 16, 2000.
`The present invention relates to a system for monitoring health, wellness and fitness, and in
`particular, to a system for collecting, using a sensor device, and storing at a remote site data relating
`to an individual’s physiological state, lifestyle, and Various contextual parameters, and making such
`data and analytical information based on such data available to the individual, preferably over an
`electronic network.
`Research has shown that a large number of the top health problems in society are either
`caused in whole or in part by an unhealthy lifestyle. More and more, our society requires people to
`lead fast—paced, achievement-oriented lifestyles that often result in poor eating habits, high stress
`levels, lack of exercise, poor sleep habits and the inability to find the time to center the mind and
`relax. Recognizing this fact, people are becoming increasingly interested in establishing a healthier
`Traditional medicine, embodied in the form of an HMO or similar organizations, does not
`have the time, the training, or the reimbursement mechanism to address the needs of those
`5 of 527
`individuals interested in a healthier lifestyle. There have been several attempts to meet the needs of
`these individuals, including a perfilsion of fitness programs and exercise equipment, dietary plans,
`self—help books, alternative therapies, and most recently, a plethora of health information web sites
`on the Internet. Each ofthese attempts are targeted to empower the individual to take charge and get
`healthy. Each of these attempts, however, addresses only part of the needs of individuals seeking a
`healthier lifestyle and ignores many of the real barriers that most individuals face when trying to
`adopt a healthier lifestyle. These barriers include the fact that the individual is often left to himself
`or herself to find motivation, to implement a plan for achieving a healthier lifestyle, to monitor
`progress, and to brainstorm solutions when problems arise; the fact that existing programs are
`directed to only certain aspects of a healthier lifestyle, and rarely come as a complete package; and
`the fact that recommendations are often not targeted to the unique characteristics ofthe individual or
`his life circumstances.
`A system is disclosed for detecting, monitoring and reporting human physiological
`infonnation. The system includes a sensor device adapted to be placed in contact with an
`individual’s upper arm. The sensor device includes at least one of an accelerometer, a GSR sensor
`and a heat flux sensor and is adapted to generate data indicative of at least one of activity, galvanic
`skin response, and heat flow of the individual wearing the sensor device. The sensor device may
`also be adapted to generate derived data from at least a portion of the data indicative of at least one
`of activity, galvanic skin response and heat flow. The sensor device may include a computer
`housing and a flexible wing body having first and second wings adapted to wrap around a portion of
`6 of 527
`the individual’s arm. The sensor device may also be adapted to provide audible, visible or tactile
`feedback to the wearer.
`The system also includes a central monitoring unit located remote from the sensor device.
`The central monitoring unit generates analytical status data from at least one ofthe data indicative of
`at least one of activity, galvanic skin response and heat flow, the derived data, and analytical status
`data that has previously been generated. The central monitoring unit may also be adapted to
`generate derived data from the data indicative of at least one of activity, galvanic skin response and
`heat flow. The central monitoring unit also includes a data storage device for retri evably storing the
`data it receives and generates. The disclosed system also includes means for establishing electronic
`communication between the sensor device and the central monitoring unit. Also included in the
`system is a means for transmitting the data indicative of at least one of activity, galvanic skin
`response and heat flow, the derived data, and/or the analytical status data to a recipient, such as the
`individual or a third party authorized by the individual.
`The central monitoring unit may be adapted to generate one or more web pages containing
`the data indicative of at least one of activity, galvanic skin response and heat flow, the derived data,
`and/or the analytical status data. The web pages generated by the central monitoring unit are
`accessible by the recipient over an electronic network, such as the Internet. Alternatively, the data
`indicative of at least one of activity, galvanic skin response and heat flow, the derived data, and/or
`the analytical status data may be transmitted to the recipient in a physical form such as mail or
`The system may also obtain life activities data of the individual and may use such life
`activities data when generating the analytical status data. Furthermore, the sensor device may also
`be adapted to generate data indicative of one or more contextual parameters of the individual. The
`7 of 527
`system may then use the data indicative of one or more contextual parameters when generating the
`analytical status data.
`Also disclosed is a system for monitoring the degree to which an individual has followed a
`suggested routine. The system includes a sensor device as described above. Also included is a
`means for transmitting the data that is generated by the sensor device to a central monitoring unit
`remote from the sensor device and means for providing life activities data of the individual to the
`central monitoring unit. The central monitoring unit is adapted to generate and provide feedback to a
`recipient relating to the degree to which the individual has followed the suggested routine. The
`feedback is generated from at least a portion of at least one of the data indicative of at least one of
`activity, galvanic skin response and heat flow, the derived data, and the life activities data.
`The suggested routine may include a plurality of categories, wherein the feedback is
`generated and provided with respect to each of the categories. Examples of the categories include
`nutrition, activity level, mind centering, sleep, and daily activities. The feedback may be provided in
`graphical form and may be contained in one or more web pages generated by the central monitoring
`unit. Alternatively, the feedback may be transmitted to the recipient in a physical form.
`Further features and advantages of the present invention will be apparent upon consideration
`of the following detailed description of the present invention, taken in conjunction with the
`following drawings, in which like reference characters refer to like parts, and in which:
`Fig. 1 is a diagram of an embodiment of a system for monitoring physiological data
`and lifestyle over an electronic network according to the present invention;
`Fig. 2 is a block diagram of an embodiment of the sensor device shown in Fig. 1;
`8 of 527
`Fig. 3 is a block diagram of an embodiment ofthe central monitoring unit shown in
`Fig. 1;
`Fig. 4 is a block diagram of an alternate embodiment of the central monitoring unit
`shown in Fig. 1;
`Fig. 5 is a representation ofa preferred embodiment ofthe Health Manager web page
`according to an aspect of the present invention;
`Fig. 6 is a representation of a preferred embodiment of the nutrition web page
`according to an aspect of the present invention;
`Fig. 7 is a representation of a preferred embodiment of the activity level web page
`according to an aspect of the present invention;
`Fig. 8 is a representation of a preferred embodiment ofthe mind centering web page
`according to an aspect of the present invention;
`Fig. 9 is a representation of a preferred embodiment ofthe sleep web page according
`to an aspect of the present invention;
`Fig. 10 is a representation of a preferred embodiment ofthe daily activities web page
`according to an aspect of the present invention;
`Fig. 1 1 is a representation of a preferred embodiment of the Health Index web page
`according to an aspect of the present invention;
`Fig. 12'. is a front View of a specific embodiment ofthe sensor device shown in Fig.1;
`Fig. 13 is aback View ofa specific embodiment ofthe sensor device shown in Fig. 1;
`Fig. 14 is a side view of a specific embodiment ofthe sensor device shown in Fig. 1;
`Fig. 15 is a bottom View of a specific embodiment ofthe sensor device shown in Fig.
`9 of 527
`Figs. 16 and 17 are front perspective views of a specific embodiment of the sensor
`device shown in Fig. 1;
`Fig. 18 is an exploded side perspective View of a specific embodiment of the sensor
`device shown in Fig. 1;
`Fig. 19 is a side view of the sensor device shown in Figs. 12 through 18 inserted into
`a battery recharger unit; and
`Fig. 20! is a block diagram illustrating all of the components either mounted on or
`coupled to the printed circuit board forming a part of the sensor device shown in Figs. 12
`through 18.
`In general, according to the present invention, data relating to the physiological state, the
`lifestyle and certain contextual parameters of an individual is collected and transmitted, either
`subsequently or in real-time, to a site, preferably remote from the individual, Where it is stored for
`later manipulation and presentation to a recipient, preferably over an electronic network such as the
`Internet. Contextual parameters as used herein means parameters relating to the environment,
`surroundings and location ofthe individual, including, but not limited to, air quality, sound quality,
`ambient temperature, global positioning and the like. Referring to Fig.1, located at user location Sis
`sensor device 10 adapted to be placed in proximity with at least a portion ofthe human body. Sensor
`device 10 is preferably worn by an individual user on his or her body, for example as part of a
`garment such as a form fitting shirt, or as part ofan arm band or the like. Sensor device 10, includes
`one or more sensors, which are adapted to generate signals in response to physiological
`characteristics of an individual, and a microprocessor. Proximity as used herein means that the
`10 of 527
`sensors of sensor device 10 are separated from the individual’s body by a material or the like, or a
`distance such that the capabilities of the sensors are not impeded.
`Sensor device 10 generates data indicative of various physiological parameters of an
`individual, such as the individual’s heart rate, pulse rate, beat-to-beat heart variability, EKG or ECG,
`respiration rate, skin temperature, core body temperature, heat flow off the body, galvanic skin
`response or GSR, EMG, EEG, EOG, blood pressure, body fat, hydration level, activity level, oxygen
`consumption, glucose or blood sugar level, body position, pressure on muscles or bones, and UV
`radiation exposure and absorption. In certain cases, the data indicative of the various physiological
`parameters is the signal or signals themselves generated by the one or more sensors and in certain
`other cases the data is calculated by the microprocessor based on the signal or signals generated by
`the one or more sensors. Methods for generating data indicative ofvarious physiological parameters
`and sensors to be used therefor are well known. Table 1 provides several examples of such well
`known methods and shows the parameter in question, the method used, the sensor device used, and
`the signal that is generated. Table 1 also provides an indication as to whether further processing
`based on the generated signal is required to generate the data.
`Table 1
`LED Emitter and
`Optical Sensor
`Change in Resistance
`Heart Rate
`2 Electrodes
`DC Voltage
`Pulse Rate
`Respiration Rate
`Skin Surface
`Chest Volume
`3-10 Electrodes
`DC Voltage
`Strain Gauge
`Change in Resistance
`11 of 527
`Change in Resistance
`Skin Temperature
`Core Temperature
`Esophageal or
`Rectal Probe
`Change in Resistance
`Heat Flow
`Heat Flux
`DC Voltage
`Galvanic Skin
`Skin Conductance
`2 Electrodes
`Change in Resistance
`3 Electrodes
`DC Voltage
`Multiple Electrodes
`DC Voltarre
`Skin Surface
`Skin Surface
`Eye Movement
`Thin Film
`DC Voltage
`Blood Pressure
`Korotkuff Sounds
`Change in Resistance
`Body Fat
`Body Impedance
`2 Active Electrodes Change in Impedance
`Activity in
`Interpreted G
`Shocks per Minute
`Glucose Level
`Body Position (e.g.
`supine, erect,
`Body Movement
`DC Voltage,
`Capacitance Changes
`Oxygen Uptake
`Mercury Switch
`DC Voltage Change
`DC Voltage Change
`DC Voltage Change
`Muscle Pressure
`UV Radiation
`Thin Film
`UV Sensitive Photo
`DC Voltage Change
`DC Voltage Change
`12 of 527
`The types of data listed in Table l are intended to be examples of the types of data that can
`be generated by sensor device 10. It is to be understood that other types of data relating to other
`parameters can be generated by sensor device 10 without departing from the scope of the present
`The microprocessor of sensor device 10 may be programmed to summarize and analyze the
`data. For example, the microprocessor can be programmed to calculate an average, minimum or
`maximum heart rate or respiration rate over a defined period of time, such as ten minutes. Sensor
`device 10 may be able to derive information relating to an individual’s physiological state based on
`the data indicative of one or more physiological parameters. The microprocessor ofsensor device 10
`is programmed to derive such information using known methods based on the data indicative of one
`or more physiological parameters. Table 2 provides examples of the type of information that can be
`derived, and indicates some of the types of data that can be used therefor.
`Table 2
`Derived Information
`Data Used
`Sleep onset/Wake
`Calories burned
`Basal metabolic rate
`Basal temperature
`Activity level
`Stress level
`Skin temperature, core temperature, oxygen consumption
`Beat-to-beat variability, heart rate, pulse rate, respiration
`rate, skin temperature, core temperature, heat flow, galvanic
`skin response, EMG, EEG, EOG, blood pressure, oxygen
`Heart rate, pulse rate, respiration rate, heat flow, activity,
`oxygen consumption
`Heart rate, pulse rate, respiration rate, heat flow, activity,
`oxygen consumption
`Skin temperature, core temperature
`Heart rate, pulse rate, respiration rate, heat flow, activity,
`oxygen consumption
`EKG, beat-to-beat variability, heart rate, pulse rate,
`respiration rate, skin temperature, heat flow, galvanic skin
`response, EMG, EEG, blood pressure, activity, oxygen
`13 of 527
`Derived Information
`Relaxation level
`EKG, beat-to-beat variability, heart rate, pulse rate,
`respiration rate, skin temperature, heat flow, galvanic skin
`response, EMG, EEG, blood pressure, activity, oxygen
`Maximum oxygen consumption rate
`EKG, heart rate, pulse rate, respiration rate, heat flow, blood
`pressure, activity, oxygen consumption
`Rise time or the time it takes to rise from
`a resting rate to 85% of a target maximum
`Time in zone or the time heart rate was
`above 85% of a target maximum
`Recovery time or the time it takes heart
`rate to return to a resting rate after heart
`rate was above 85% of a target maximum
`Heart rate, pulse rate, heat flow, oxygen consumption
`Heart rate, pulse rate, heat flow, oxygen consumption
`Heart rate, pulse rate, heat flow, oxygen consumption
`Additionally, sensor device 10 may also generate data indicative of various contextual
`parameters relating to the environment surrounding the individual. For example, sensor device 10
`can generate data indicative of the air quality, sound level/quality, light quality or ambient
`temperature near the individual, or even the global positioning of the individual. Sensor device 10
`may include one or more sensors for generating signals in response to contextual characteristics
`relating to the environment surrounding the individual, the signals ultimately being used to generate
`the type of data described above. Such sensors are well known, as are methods for generating
`contextual parametric data such as air quality, sound level/quality, ambient temperature and global
`Fig. 2 is a block diagram of an embodiment of sensor device 10. Sensor device 10 includes
`at least one sensor 12 and microprocessor 20. Depending upon the nature of the signal generated by
`sensor 12, the signal can be sent through one or more of amplifier 14, conditioning circuit 16, and
`analog—to—digital converter 18, before being sent to microprocessor 20. For example, where sensor
`12 generates an analog signal in need of amplification and fi