`Bertin et al.
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Mar. 24, 1998
`US00573 1945A
`Inventors: Claude Louis Berlin. South
`Burlington; Erik Leight Hedberg.
`Essex Junction; James Maro Leas.
`South Burlington; Steven Howard
`Voldman. Burlington. all of Vt.
`International Business Machines
`Corporation. Armonk. N.Y.
`Appl. No.: 778,399
`Jan. 2, 1997
`Related US. Application Data
`Division of Ser. No. 537,451, Sep. 22, 1995, and a continu-
`ation-in-part of Ser. No. 392,461, Feb. 22, 1995.
`Int. Cl.“ ..................................................... .. H0211 3/22
`U.S. Cl. ............................................... 361/111; 361/91
`Field of Search ................................ 361/56. 91. 111.
`361/212. 220. 717. 735. 799
`“A Chip—on—Chip DSP/SRAM Multichip Module" K.L. Tai
`et a1.. 1995 International Conf. on Multipchip Module (SPIE
`vol. 2575). pp. 466-471. (1995).
`“Active Silicon Chip Carrier”. D.J. Bodendorf et al.. IBM
`Technical Disclosure Bulletin. vol. 15 No. 2. (Jul. 1972).
`“A GaAs on Si PLL Frequency Synthesizer IC using Chip on
`Chip Technology". S. Sekine et al.. IEEE 1994 Custom
`Integrated Circuits Conference (Cat. No. 94CH3427—2). pp.
`563-565. (1994).
`Primary Exarm'ner—Jeff1'ey A. Gafiin
`Assistant Examiner——Sally C. Medley
`Attorney; Agent, or Firm——Heslin & Rothenberg. RC.
`[5 7]
`Multichip semiconductor structures with consolidated cir-
`cuitry are disclosed. along with programmable electrostatic
`discharge (ESD) protection circuits for chip input/output
`(I/O) nodes. The multichip structures include a first semi-
`conductor chip having a first circuit at least partially pro-
`viding a first predetermined circuit function. and a second
`semiconductor chip electrically and mechanically coupled to
`the first semiconductor chip. The second semiconductor
`device chip has a second circuit
`that at
`least partially
`provides a circuit function to the 1'lISt circuit of the first
`semiconductor chip. In one embodiment. the first semicon-
`dudor chip comprises a memory array chip. while the
`second semiconductor chip comprises a logic chip wherein
`at least some peripheral circuitry necessary for accessing the
`memory array of the memory array chip resides within the
`logic chip. This allows the removal of redundant circuitry
`from identical chips of a multichip structure. Also disclosed
`is removing. adding or balancing ESD circuit loading on
`input/output nodes of a multichip stack. Various techniques
`are presented for selective removal of ESD circuitry from
`commonly connected I/O nodes. Any circuitry interfacing
`with an external device may be rebalanced at the multichip
`level using this concept.
`18 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets
`References Cited
`2/1979 Benin et al.
`.. 437/209
`.................. 257/679
`5,477,082 12/1995
`“Partitioning Function and Packaging of Integrated Circuits
`for Physical Security of Data”. IBM Technical Bulletin, vol.
`32 No. 1 (Jun. 1989).
`Page 1 of 20
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24, 1998
`Sheet 1 of 10
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`Mar. 24, 1998
`Sheet 2 of 10
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`Mar. 24, 1998
`Sheet 3 of 10
`wsmucn N QUEUE
`Page 4 of 20
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24, 1993
`Sheet 4 of 10
`u/o NODE
`Page 5 of 20
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24, 1998
`Sheet 5 of 10
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`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24, 1993
`Sheet 6 of 10
`[/0 NQDE
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`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24, 1993
`Sheet 7 of 10
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`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 3 of 10
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`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 9 of 10
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`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24, 1993
`Sheet 10 of 10
`Page 11 of 20
`This application is a division of application SCI. No.
`08/532.451 filed Sep. 22. 1995 which application is now
`pending. and a continuation-in-part of a commonly assigned.
`co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 081392.461.
`filed Feb. 22. 1995. entitled “Multichip Semiconductor
`Structures With Interchip Electrostatic Discharge Protection.
`and Fabrication Methods Therefore.”
`This invention relates in general to fabrication of three-
`dimensional multichip structures. and more particularly. to
`consolidation of circuit functions within such structures.
`e.g.. involving circuitry for protecting the integrated circuit
`chips from electrostatic discharges or other potentially dam-
`aging voltage transients occurring during the fabrication or
`subsequent handling and testing of a single chip. multiple
`chips or a three-dimensional multichip structure.
`Semiconductor structures comprising three-dimensional
`arrays of chips have emerged as an important packaging
`approach. A typical three-dimensional electronic structure
`consists of multiple integrated circuit chips having main
`planar surfaces adhesively secured together to form a mono-
`lithic structure (referred to as a “stack” or “cube"). A
`metallization pattern is often provided directly on one or
`more edge surface of the multichip stack for interconnecting
`the chips and for electrical connection of the stack to
`external circuitry. This exposed metallization pattern can
`include both individual
`inputloutput (I/O) connects and
`bussed connects.
`Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is a phenomenon known to
`degrade or destroy discrete electronic components. In
`particular. given the decreasing size of circuit features with
`ever improving process technology. static electricity. can
`destroy or substantially harm many of today’s integrated
`circuits. Triboelectric charges are produced anytime two
`surfaces are separated and if at least one of the surfaces is a
`nonconductor. then a static electric charge is produced. This
`is a natural phenomenon and only causes a problem if the
`static charge is allowed to discharge or induce a charge into
`the integrated circuit. Such an ESD event can occur very
`pervasively to a point of several thousand volts. The dis-
`charge occurs very rapidly and the usual failure or degra-
`dation is caused by the gasification of metal within the
`device resulting in the gasified metal becoming deposited
`along a trace of the discharge path.
`The damage following each electrostatic discharge event
`may be instantly catastrophic. Often times. however. the
`integrated circuit does not totally fail. but rather. remains
`operable with a latent defect that will ultimately result in
`premature failure. Such events can also alter the operating
`characteristics of the integrated circuit. thereby resulting in
`unsatisfactory and often unpredictable operation. Electro-
`static discharge between inputloutput connects of a serni-
`conductor device chip can occur. for example. from human
`handling, automated circuit testing or during packaging of
`discrete integrated circuit chips.
`It has now been discovered that during three-dimensional
`multichip fabrication. an ESD failure can occur chip—to-chip.
`for example. during side surface processing of the cube
`whenever a voltage potential is established between two
`adjacent chips. This can lead to arcing from the transfer
`metal pins of one chip to the substrate or transfer metal pins
`of the adjacent chip resulting in an electrostatic discharge
`event. An ESD event can also be generated during testing of
`a multichip semiconductor stack between the testing tool
`and stack metallization or an integrated circuit chip substrate
`within the structure. which can subsequently result in a
`chip—to-chip ESD event.
`Most. if not all. known electrostatic discharge protection
`networks operate in connection with a single semiconductor
`device chip. Since electrostatic discharge suppression cir-
`cuitry can comprise ninety (90%) percent of the load on an
`input/output node. there is a need in the art for optimization
`of such circuitry within a three-dimensional multichip struc-
`ture. More generally stated.
`there exists a need in the
`multichip packaging art for an approach to optimizing
`performance of the three—dimensional structure by deleting
`or consolidating redundant circuitry. The concepts. circuits
`and methods presented herein address this need.
`Briefly described. the invention comprises in a first aspect
`a multichip semiconductor sn'ucture which includes a first
`semiconductor device chip and a second semiconductor
`device chip electrically and mechanically coupled together.
`The first semiconductor device chip includes a first circuit at
`least partially providing a first predetermined circuit
`function. while the second semiconductor device chip has a
`second circuit that at least partially provides a circuit func-
`tion to the first circuit of the first semiconductor device chip.
`As an extension of this concept. a multichip semiconductor
`structure comprising multiple memory array chips and a
`logic chip is provided. The multiple memory array chips
`have parallel main surfaces. and are stacked such that a
`planar main surface of each memory array chip is parallel
`and structurally coupled to a planar main surface of an
`adjacent memory array chip. thereby defining a multichip
`stack. ‘The multichip stack includes a side surface and an end
`surface. The logic chip. which is disposed at the end surface
`of the stack and is electrically coupled to each memory array
`chip in the stack. includes a peripheral circuit function that
`is necessary for operation of each memory array chip of the
`multiple memory array chips such that without said periph-
`eral circuit function. said memory array chips are non-
`In another aspect. the invention comprises a multichip
`structure having a first semiconductor device chip and a
`second semiconductor device chip. The first semiconductor
`device chip includes a first input/output (I/O) node and a first
`IJO circuit element. while the second semiconductor device
`chip includes a second I/0 node. The first I/O circuit element
`is designed to have an electrical connection to the first I/O
`node. A conductor electrically interconnects the first I/0
`node and the second I/O node. thereby defining a common
`I/O connection. The electrical connection between the first
`I/O circuit element and the first
`I/O node of the first
`semiconductor device chip is open circuited such that the
`first I/O circuit element is unconnected to the corrunon I/O
`In a further aspect. the invention comprises a multichip
`structure including a first semiconductor device chip and a
`second semiconductor device chip. The first semiconductor
`Page 12 of 20
`device chip has a first input/output (I/0) node and a first I/O
`circuit element. while the second semiconductor device chip
`has a second I/O node. First means are provided for selec-
`tively electrically coupling the first I/O circuit element to the
`first I/O node. A conductor electrically interconnects the first
`I/O node and the second I/O node to define a common I/O
`connection. Thus. the first I/O circuit element of the first
`semiconductor device chip may be selectively electrically
`coupled to the common I/O connection.
`In a still further aspect. a method is presented for fabri-
`cating a multichip semiconductor stack having inputloutput
`(I/O) nodes with electrostatic discharge protection. The
`method includes: providing a plurality of semiconductor
`device chips each having an integrated circuit connected to
`an I/O node and an electrostatic discharge suppression
`circuit with an electrical connection to the I/O node; lami-
`nating the plurality of integrated circuit chip such that a
`planar main surface of each semiconductor device chip is
`parallel and structurally coupled to a planar main surface of
`an adjacent semiconductor device chip. thereby defining a
`multichip stack having a side surface; establishing a con-
`ductive pattern on the side surface of the multichip stack. the
`conductive pattern electrically connecting to each of the I/O
`nodes from the plurality of semiconductor device chips. at
`least some. of the I/O nodes being electrically connected at
`a common I/O node; and open circuiting the electrical
`connection between the electrostatic discharge suppression
`circuits and the respective I/O node of at least one semi-
`conductor device chip connected to the common I/O nodes.
`thereby customizing the electrostatic discharge protection
`coupled to the common I/O node.
`To summarize. disclosed herein are semiconductor struc-
`tures with numerous novel features and advantages over the
`existing art. First. through selective consolidation of redun-
`dant circuitry of a plurality of substantially identical chips
`into a single chip in a multichip stack. overall stack perfor-
`mance is improved since signal delay through redundant
`networks is eliminated. For example. output data from a
`dynamic random access memory (DRAM) chip in a DRAM
`stack must travel through two sets of oif—chip drivers, one set
`on the DRAM chip itself. and another set on a logic endcap
`in communication with external stack circuitry. Elimination
`of the redundant otf-chip driver can improve performance by
`as much as 2 nanoseconds. Further. unlike a conventional
`DRAM chip. operational functions and memory array con-
`figurations defined at a separate logic chip can be readily
`converted to any specific application requirement by either
`redesigning the logic chip or replacing the logic chip with
`another design. Each memory array chip may principally
`comprise a memory array. array decoders. bit switches and
`sense amplifiers. which greatly enhances array utilization.
`With such complexity reduction. manufacturing and testing
`can also be simplified. Thus. universal three-dimensional
`memory array stacks can be created with synchronous
`operation. input/output width. power rating. power supply.
`signal levels and other applications specific features defined
`at an interchangeable logic chip.
`Another feature of the invention is the reduction or
`balancing of loading of I/O pads of a multichip structure.
`Since electrostatic discharge suppression circuitry can com-
`prise up to ninety (90%) percent of capacitive loading on I/O
`pads. this concept centers on the elimination or redisl:ribu—
`tion of ESD circuitry within a multichip structure. However.
`any circuitry interfacing with an external device could be
`rebalanced at
`the multichip package level. The concept
`applies to bussed I/O pads. as well to single I/O pads. In
`application. only one ESD circuit may be required to protect
`all receivers electrically connected by a bussed I/O pad. This
`single circuit could be disposed in any of the interconnected
`chips or on a separate chip which interacts with external
`circuitry. for example. an endcap chip. Further. any number
`of techniques may be employed for open circuiting redun-
`dant electrostatic discharge circuitry.
`These and other objects. advantages and features of the
`present invention will be more readily understood from the
`following detailed description of certain preferred embodi-
`ments of the invention. when considered in conjunction with
`the accompanying drawings in which:
`FIG. 1a is a plan view of one embodiment of a memory
`array chip for use in a multichip semiconductor structure in
`accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 1b is a perspective view of a multichip semiconduc-
`tor structure incorporating a plurality of memory array chips
`of FIG. la;
`FIG. 2a is an alternate embodiment of a memory array
`chip for use in a multichip semiconductor structure in
`accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 2b is a schematic of a multichip semiconductor
`structure incorporating a plurality of memory array chips of
`FIG. 2a;
`FIG. 2c is a block diagram of typical microprocessor chip
`FIG. 2d is a partial perspective View of a multichip
`semiconductor structure comprising memory array chips.
`microprocessor function chips and application specific inte-
`grated circuit (ASIC) chips;
`FIG. 3 is a partial perspective view of a multichip
`semiconductor structure selectively employing protection
`circuitry in accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 4 is a schematic of the capacitive loading on the
`common input/output (I/O) node interconnecting chips k—l
`to k+2 of FIG. 3;
`FIG. 5 is a partial perspective view of a multichip
`semiconductor structure employing electrically “remov-
`able” protect circuitry in accordance with the present inven-
`FIG. 6 is a partial perspective view of an alternate
`embodiment of a multichip semiconductor structure
`employing electrically removable protect circuitry pursuant
`to the present invention;
`FIG. 7a is a schematic of an integrated circuit chip having
`selectable I/0 protection circuiny employing a switch con-
`trollable via a protect deselect node;
`FIG. 7b is a schematic of an integrated circuit chip having
`selectable I/O protection circuitry employing a pass gate
`switch controllable via a protect deselect node;
`FIG. 8 is a partial structural. partial circuit diagram for
`one embodiment of the integrated circuit chip of FIG. 7b,-
`FIG. 9 is a schematic of a common I/0 node of a
`multichip semiconductor structure having 11 chips electri-
`cally connected thereto. each chip with a separate protect
`FIG. 10 is a schematic of a common I/O node of a
`multichip semiconductor structure having 11 chips electri-
`cally connected thereto. wherein in chips have open cir-
`cuited connections to the protect circuits such that
`circuits are isolated from the common I/O node;
`FIG. 11 is a schematic of an I/O node having a single
`integrated circuit chip electrically connected thereto;
`Page 13 of 20
`FIG. 12 is a schematic of the single chip I/0 node of FIG.
`11. wherein multiple protect circuits. for example from other
`chips in a multichip structure. are electrically connected to
`the node to enhance protection at said node;
`FIG. 13 depicts a single in-line memory module (SIMM)
`card with multiple memory modules; and
`FIG. 14 depicts a SIMM card with multiple memory and
`application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) modules.
`Generally stated as a first concept the present invention
`comprises the identification and removal of redundant
`peripheral circuitry from identical integrated circuit chips of
`a multichip structure. (As used herein. the phrase “multichip
`structure” generally refers to multichip “stacks” or “cubes”.
`as well as to conventional multichip modules (MCMs). i.e..
`if not otherwise specified.) By way of example. peripheral
`circuitry on dynamic random access memory (DRAM) chips
`is needed to read. write and refresh the memory cells. as well
`as to provide industry standard or custom operation. oif-chip
`driving and package adaptability. Array utilization is
`referred to in the art as the measurement of memory array
`area to total chip area which includes the peripheral circuitry
`area. Stacking of standard DRAM chips to create a multichip
`semiconductor stack results in redundancy of many periph-
`eral functions and circuitry. Reducing this redundancy is
`proposed herein in order to increase array utilization within
`the memory chips.
`More particularly. by moving peripheral (also referred to
`as input/output (I/0)) circuitry functions from the memory
`drips to a separate logic chip in the multichip semiconductor
`structure. the peripheral circuits can be eliminated from the
`individual memory chips. Examples of such I/O function
`circuitry would include circuits for the row address strobe!
`column address strobe (RAS/CAS) function. the memory
`read/write controls. refresh controls. oif-chip drivers. protect
`devices and bonding pads. As set forth above. consolidating
`this circuitry for all memory chips in a single logic chip can
`significantly enhance performance of the resultant structure.
`Another concept presented herein is the selective
`removal. addition or balancing of electrostatic discharge
`(ESD) circuit loading on external inputloutput (I/0) nodes or
`pads of a multichip semiconductor stack. The selective
`removal of ESD circuitry from a particular input/output
`node within a single integrated circuit chip is also contem-
`plated. As one example. it may be desirable to reduce
`loading on one or more pins of a packaged integrated circuit
`chip. Removal of the ESD circuitry from a pin is significant
`since ESD circuitry can comprise up to ninety (90%) percent
`of the capacitive load on a pin. This concept of unloading]
`loading external I/O nodes applies to a single chip. and to
`any multichip structure. including stacks. MCMs. cards and
`boards. Further. essentially any circuitry interfacing with an
`external device may be rebalanced at the multichip package
`level using this concept.
`The structures and methods in accordance with the
`present invention are described in greater detail below with
`reference to FIGS. 1a—l4. wherein the same or similar
`reference characters are used throughout multiple figures to
`designated the same or similar components. In FIG. 1a, a
`memory array chip 10 is shown to comprise a memory array
`12 wherein word decoders 14 split the array for center-
`tapped wordlines. Along one edge 18 of chip 10 are disposed
`bit switches. sense amplifiers and drivers 16 for the memory
`array. Circuitry 14 & 16 is referred to herein as the “memory
`access circuitry.” Note from this figure that the conventional
`peripheral (or input/output) circuit functions. such as the
`RAS/CAS functions. memory readlwrite controls. refresh
`controls. otf—chip drivers and protect devices. are assumed to
`have been transferred to a second semiconductor chip to be
`packaged with memory chip 10 within a multichip semi-
`conductor structure (FIG. lb). Chip 10 is thus configured for
`maximum memory array 12 density.
`FIG. 1b depicts a multichip semiconductor stack 20
`comprising a plurality of memory array chips 10 having
`aligned edge surfaces 18. An endcap chip 22 is disposed at
`one end of stack20 and conductive patterning 26 is provided
`on at least one side surface 24 of the multichip semicon-
`ductor stack to electrically connect the memory chips of the
`stack to the endcap chip 22. Chip 22 may comprise a logic
`chip containing (in one embodiment) all input/output (I/O)
`circuit functions for the memory. chips 10 in the stack
`Disposition of the bit switches. sense amps and drivers along
`edge surface 18 of each memory chip results in a beneficial
`layout from a performance standpoint in that transmission
`distances are reduced Alternatively. these structures could
`be disposed in the middle of the memory arrays (FIG. 2a)
`and then brought out to edge surface 18 via conventional
`transfer wirings. As a variation. note that the pa-ipheral
`circuit functions removed to the endcap chip could be
`disposed on a logic chip located anywhere within the stack.
`Operationally. complementary metal oxide semiconduc-
`tor (CMOS) level signals are driven down the stack 20 from
`the logic endcap chip 2 to the word decoders of the
`individual memory chips. where the signals are latched via
`a word enable buffer. After sense amplifiers have set. the bit
`switches along the chip edges are opened in response to the
`incoming bit address. Data is driven back up the stack to the
`logic endcap chip 22. and hence off stack to external
`circuitry. This structure has many advantages over pre-
`existing stack technology. For instance. memory array I/O