`_November 14-15. 1990 Makuhari. Chile. 139311 W 26?-272
`Yoshihiro I-IAYASHI
`Microelectrorlita Research laboratories, NEC Corporation
`1120, Shimokuzawa, Sagamihan Kaaagawa 219. Japan
`Thin film device layer bonding technology. referred as to
`technology. has been developed for 3D—IC
`of the CUBIC technology are its ability to make device
`independently on
`the Si-substrates using a
`IC fabrication
`the lack of heat damage during the device bonding process. and its
`short process turn around time.
`In this paper. concept of CUBIC technology
`key process technologies involved are described in detail.
`application to future electron device fabrications will be discussed.
`In the field of system which consists of a large amount of electronic
`functional blocks.
`the packaging density has been the major impetus to
`system performance improvement.
`A lot of technical approaches to attaining
`high packaging density have been proposedll-2].
`them is
`IC fabrication. where several device layers are stacked in
`vertical direction.
`Three dimensional Ice are made by repeated S01
`To obtain the S01
`formation and device fabrication on the 501 film.
`recrystallized by
`a polysilicon film on silicon dioxide is melted
`scanned laser beam or electron beam. However. serious problems in the
`IC fabrication process. hereafter
`called as
`are pointed out[3.4]. First. with
`increasing the
`number of
`stacking layers. quality control
`of the
`film becomes difficult.
`Second. underlying device layers suffer from heat-damage during upper layer
`Furthermore. a long process turn around time ( TAT
`low productivity also restrict mass production of
`number of process steps extremely increases with the device layer.
`this paper. a new SD-IC fabrication technolosyx
`referred to as
`( Cumulatively Bonded IC J
`technology is proposed. and
`its future
`applications are described.
`gg Concept Q£ CUBIC teghnglggy
`1 illustrates the concept of CUBIC technologylfil.
`the device thinning process and the device
`process. First.
`the lat. 2nd and 3rd device layers are made
`bulk Si substrates using a conventional
`IC fabrication process.
`silicon crystals underlying the
`3rd device
`eliminated to obtain thin film devices. Then. vertical wirings
`are made
`power transmission from the front
`thin film devices. Finally.
`the thin film devices
`bonded mechanically and electrically.
`The CUBIC technology has a lot of advantages superior to the
`3D—lC fabrication technology using a beam recrystallization method. One of
`the most attractive advantages of the CUBIC technology is its ability to
`make the device layers independently on bulk Si—substrstea.
`thus shortening
`the process TAT of 3D—IC fabrication.
`The other
`advantage of
`lack of heat damage because of a
`low device
`the CUBIC technology is expected to be
`the SD-IC fabrication having a large number of stacking device layers.
`Page 1 of 6
`blovernber ll-15. 1990 Makuhari. Chiba. Japan pp 257.272
`Key technologies
`how to
`the key issues are
`In order to realize the CUBIC technology.
`obtain thin film devices. make electrical path from the front
`surface of the thin film devices.
`and make device—to-device
`electrical interconnections in the bonded structure.
`In this section.
`technologies which were developed to solve these issues are described.
`3-1. Device thinning
`film devices were obtained using
`techniqueI6.7] as shown in Figure 2. First. a backing substrate is adhered
`the device
`surface of the silicon wafer.
`Then. most
`underlying the device layer is eliminated by grinding. and
`is removed by preferential polishing.
`The preferential
`polishing proceeds with the following two steps:
`) silicon reacts with
`the polishing liquid such as organic amine
`the silicon hydrate is
`removed mechanically
`polishing pad.
`Since no reaction occurs between S102 and
`the polishing
`the polishing stops automatically at
`the LOCOS back surface[ Si02 3
`to give a thin film device.
`Figure 3 shows photographs of a NMOSFET formed
`silicon substrate and the back—surface view of the thin
`thin film device layer. with the thickness
`Zum. was
`mechanically stable because of the backing substrate support.
`3-2. Back surface wiring
`The electrical paths from the front surface to the back surface of the
`thin film device were made using the back surface wiring technology. After
`the preferential polishing { see Figure 3
`the poly-Si
`and Mosi
`the LOCOS front surface become visible from the
`enabling us to make the back surface patterns which
`aligned with the front surface patterns. Namely.
`through-hole patterns and
`back surface H/Al wiring patterns are made on the LOCOS back surface.
`the patterns used
`confirmation of electrical
`interconnection between
`the poly-Si wirings and the
`surface H/A1
`The through—hole size was 2umx2um.
`The contact
`array obtained
`revealed an ohmic—contact property. an
`the cogtact resistance between
`poly-Si and the U/Al wirings was 3x10’
`[ohm'cm ]
`3-3. Bump/pool Contact
`interconnections were made
`Device-to~device electrical
`as shown in Figure
`mechanism is as the follows. At first.
`tungsten bumps. which are
`melting point
`conductive material. are formed
`the polyimide-coated
`Au/In pools. where the alloy with low melting point
`partially plugged
`in the polyimide film. are formed on the other device
`two layers are aligned by infrared microscopy with
`Just over the Au/In pools.
`then heated above melting temperature
`the Au/In alloy and put
`The device layers bond to each other due
`to the solid phase fixing force between the bumps and the pools. giving the
`device—to—device electrical interconnections.
`In addition.
`the polyimide to
`adhesion force helps the mechanical bonding between
`the device
`interconnection because the molten Au/ln alloy doesn't overflow during
`low bonding temperature below 400°C prevents
`the device
`layers from heat-damage.
`The third advantage is that
`the bump/pool contact
`a stable bonding structure with not only horizontal but also vertical
`bonding tolerances.
`The horizontal and vertical
`tolerances are determined
`essentially by the resolving power of infrared microscopy and by the
`height. At
`the present
`the horizontal and vertical tolerances are of
`:3um and ;1.5um. respectively.
`the patterns
`interconnection between
`the Mosig/Al wiring and the W/Al wiring by
`Page 2 of 6
`November Id-I5. 1990 Makuhan‘. Chiba. Japan pp. 157.112
`the MoSi2;Al patterns on the one Si-
`technology. Here.
`( Fig. 6(a)
`) were aligned with the W/Al patterns on
`the other
`Fig. 8(b} }.
`As shown in Figure 6{c).
`links were
`electrically connected in the contact array with the bumps and the pools.
`bump/pool contact revealed an ohmic contact pgoperty. and the
`resistance between the bump and the pool was 5x10’
`[ohm'cm ]
`1; Evaluation gnd applicgtion
`evaluate the CUBIC technology. a dual
`In order
`device was fabricated.
`Figure 7 shows the steps for a dual active
`fabrication using CUBIC
`technology. which
`preferential polishing,
`the back surface wiring. and the bump/Pool
`technologies. First. NHOSFETB for the lat
`lower } and the 2nd ( upper
`fabricated independently on silicon substrates.
`then H
`the size of 2umx2um and the height of 2.0um. are fabricated on
`MoSi2/Al wirings. After the backing substrate adhesion on the 2nd device
`( Fig.
`7(a) ).
`the silicon underlying the
`by grinding and preferential polishing {
`size of 3umx3um. back surface H/Al wirings
`and Au/In
`the size of Bumxsum and the depth of 2.5um . are formed on the
`surface ( Fig. Ttc) ).
`The thin film device obtained is used as a building
`block. Note that the pools on the back surface are electrically connected
`bumps. Next.
`the thin film NMOSFET for the 2nd layer
`over the bulk NMOSFET for the 1st
`layer using infrared microscopy. and then
`pressed together
`( Fig. 7{d)
`The thin film NMOSFET
`is electrically
`interconnected to the bulk NMOSFET by the bump/pool contacts. Finally.
`backing substrate
`the adhesive on the 2nd
`etching ( Pig. 7(e)).
`the dual
`photograph and schematic view of
`layered device obtained.
`The source and gate of the thin film NMOSFET
`) were electrically interconnected to those of
`the 1st layer )
`through the bump/pool contacts.
`The drains.
`the other hand. were not connected each other.
`The drain currents of
`thin film NMOSFET were lower than those of the bulk NMOSFET[9] as shown
`Figure 9. Optimization of the preferential polishing will
`improve the thin
`film NMDSFET performance by reducing stress and/or crystal defects in
`silicon device area. Consequently.
`it is proved
`is really applicable for making 3D—IC fabrication even
`minor process refining is still needed.
`Figure 10 illustrates application examples of the CUBIC technology
`electron device
`fabrications. Hulti-functional
`SD-IC such
`vertical stacking of memory and processor blocks will be realized with high
`production yield by using CUBIC
`( Fig.
`performance multi
`IC will be fabricated by
`stacking thin film
`inter-CMOS devices as building blocks ( Figure l0(b)
`). since
`CMOS devices.
`in which
`located above
`have many
`advantages of latch-up-free structure and less photomasks required for
`implantation process steps[10].
`fig Sumary
`CUBIC technology. which is a thin film device bonding technology.
`been developed.
`thin film devices
`are made using preferential
`polishing technology.
`the vertical interconnections from the front
`thin film device to the back surface are made using back
`wiring technology. and the device—to—devica interconnections in the bonding
`structure are made by bump/pool contacts.
`advantages of CUBIC technology are its ability to make
`independently on
`bulk Si
`fabrication process.
`the lack of heat damage. and its short process
`Thus. CUBIC technology will be applicable to mass production of many
`of 3D—lC possible.
`11de I
`Page 3 of 6
`November I-1-15. I990 Makuhari.Chib:1. Japan pp. 357.173
`3. Samukawa et. 31.. 1990 VLSI Symp. Digest of technical paper. pp1(1990}.
`K. Hegge.
`IEEE Trans. Components. Hydrides end Manufacturing. Vol.
`No. 2. pp1'?D[19B9}.
`M. Koyanagi. Proc. 8th Symp. on Future Electron Devices. pp55[19B9).
`T. Kunio. et. 31.. 1989 IEDM Techn. Digest. pp83?(1989).
`V. Hnyaehi. et. el.. 1590 Symp. on ULSI Techn.. Digest of Techn. Paper.op95
`T. Hamaguchi. et. ai.. 1985 IEDM Techn. Digest. pp6BB(l985].
`5. Made. et. 31.. Extended Abstract of the 6th intl. workshop on Future
`Electron Devices. ppflltlflflfi).
`Y. Heyaehi. et. all. Extended Abstracts (The 37th Spring Meeting. 1990}:
`The Japan Society of Applied Physics and Related Society. No. 2. pp593(1990).
`S. Tekehashi. et. al.. Proc. 1990 IEEE SOS/S01 Technology Conference.
`in press.
`T. Kunio. Proc. 7th Symposium on Future Electron Devices. pplQT(1988).
`Device thinning.
`Vertical wiring through
`the thinned device layers.
`Device-to«devI.ce alignment
`and bondi nz .
`2nd device
`3rd device
`g ,\\V\\\\\\\.\'‘‘_
`r E
`Concept of
`technologies involved.
`the CUBIC
`(I) Silicon reacts with
`polishing liquid euch
`an amine solution.
`forming silicon hydrate.
`The silicon hydrate is
`removed mechanically by
`the polishing pad.
`Figure 2 Device thinning Process using "preferential polishing".
`n.'\\\ax.-«.4 .
`Back surface
`3 Photographs of (a) NMOSFET formed on a bulk Si-substrate
`the back surface View of the thin film NMOSFET obtained by
`"preferential polishing‘.
`Page 4 of 6
`:S\'.\1i‘U:E1_‘\I UT‘; FL'TL!RE EU-.'i_"IRu.‘»' DI£\'|L'E:
`Nuwlmtu-r 1-I-15. 1990 I\1akuhari.ChnI::1.Japan pp 3574?;
`_ ‘J 1-Ira-_
`Figure 4
`sequence of back—surface wirinfi process steps.
`W bump
`AMI” 5300'
`interconnection using a bump/pool Contact.
`: HeSi2/Al
`SEM_pnotographs of (a) U bumps on M0512/A1 wiringsn
`{b} Au/In
`pools on w/Al wxrxngs. and (C) schematic cross sectional view and infrared-
`the device-to-device
`Page 5 of 6
`:\o-.'¢.-tuber I-H5. 1990 Makuharl. Chiba. .3393" DP. P.6'F~2'f2
`3 Through hole
`—__"E! , TI" :
`wee:-‘-’ Back surfafial
`Auiln P001
`}Thifi Film Device
`]-Bulk Si Device
`Sequence of the key process steps for a
`device fabrication using CUBIC technology.
`_ .-
`Dual active layered device in which
`Figure 8
`8 thin film NMOSFET (the 2nd layer) is stacked
`on a bulk-NHOSFET (the lat layer);
`(a) photograph and lb] schematic diagram.
`Pfflperties or the thin film
`NMOSE-‘ET(the 2nd layer) and
`the bulk NHOSFET (the 1st
`layer): L=1.5um. u=so.oum.
`7Mnflknhu —clos
`electron device
`the CUBIC technology to future
`10 Application of‘
`ta) Multi-functional device.
`(b) Stacked inter-CMOS device.
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