`in Vertically Integrated Circuits
`Stefan A. Ktihn(1’2), Michael B. Kleineru’ 2’, Peter Rammm, and Werner Weber“)
`(1) Siemens AG, Corporate R&D, ZFE T ME2, Otto Hahn-Ring 6, D-81739 Mtinchen, Germany
`Tel.: +49-89-636-41275, Fax.: +49-89-636-41442, email: stef@par1.zfe.siemens.de
`(2) Institute for Integrated Circuits, Technical University of Munich, Arcisstr. 21, D-80333 Munchen, Germany
`(3) Fraunhofer Institute for Solid State Technology, Hansastr. 27d, D-80686 Mfinchen, Germany
`lateral multilayer interconnections
`lateral multilayer interconnections
`— — —
`\ Z
`vertical interconnect
`vertical interconnect
`(polyimide)\L 22;;
`active devi
`‘silicon isla
`The impact of the three-dimensional circuit structure in
`Vertically Integrated Circuits
`capacitances, crosstalk and signal delay is investigated
`based on measurements and simulations. In comparison with
`planar IC technologies,
`increased substrate coupling and
`reduced coupling capacitances between adjacent
`connection lines considerably improve the noise immunity
`for VICs with
`chiplayers fabricated in
`technology. For thin-film silicon—on-insulator chiplayers.
`noise immunity can be assured through the integration of
`conductive layers between active chips. The
`interconnection lengths at system level lead to decreased
`interconnect delays despite higher
`\_/ertically Integrated Circuits (VIC) consist of independently
`processed chiplayers, which are stacked on top of each other
`with polyimide
`interlayer-dielectric. The
`individual chips are thinned down to a few microns of
`remaining substrate thickness prior to assembly. Extremely
`high integration densities in the three-dimensional circuit
`structure allow the realization of complete multifunctional
`systems on a single stack of chips [1,2]. The possibility of
`fabricating a huge number of direct
`interconnects [3,4]
`between adjacent chiplayers provides an adequate vertical
`interconnection bandwidth. Fig. 1 shows a schematic cross-
`sectional view of a two-layer VIC which forms the basis of
`the study. Chiplayers fabricated in siliconqoulk and thin-film
`silicon-on-insulator (S01)-technology are investigated.
`Interconnect capacitances in VICs
`densely packed circuit
`in VICs
`considerable impact on the characteristics of interconnection
`lines. Especially interconnect capacitances in the upper
`metallization layers of the bottom chiplayer are strongly
`affected by additional coupling to the upper chiplayer. Fig. 2
`shows the increase in capacitance per unit length due to the
`additional coupling to the substrate of the upper chiplayer
`fabricated in silicon bulk technology. The impact of the
`thickness h of the interlaycr dielectric on the capacitances of
`Fig. 1: Schematic cross-sectional View of two-layer yertically
`Integrated Circuits (VICS) with chiplayers fabricated in
`and thin-film SOI-
`technology (bottom).
`‘interconnection lines with different width is depicted.
`Measured data show good agreement with simulation results.
`While the substrate capacitance is considerably increased,
`coupling between interconnection lines
`in the
`0-7803-2700-4 $4.00 ©1995 IEEE
`IEDM 95 —249
`Page 1 of 4
`switching at an amplitude of I/,-,, can be expressed with the
`following equation:
`:V _
`'" (c,+cb+2ck)-l+CL+Cd,
`c,, c;, and c;, are capacitances per unit length to top substrate,
`bottom substrate and neighboring line, respectively. 1 is the
`coupled line length, CL the load capacitance of the line, and
`the driver output capacitance. Additional coupling to
`simplicity. Fig. 4 shows the ratio of the worst case peak
`crosstalk amplitude at an unloaded signal line (CL , C,,,=O) to
`simultaneously switching as a function of the line spacing s.
`Compared to the planar case, in the 3D—IC the line spacing s
`can be chosen much smaller without reaching the logic
`threshold voltage of CMOS gates. Even with reduced
`absolute values of VP“ due to finite CL and Cd,, noise
`immunity on VlCs is considerably improved.
`Vpet / Vii:
`5 s/[pm]
`metallization layer decreases substantially. Fig. 3 shows the
`total and intralayer coupling capacitances per unit length as
`function of line spacing in 3D-structures (VIC- bottom
`compared to planar
`technology. Deviations of
`measured values from simulated results are mainly due to
`inhomogeneities in the intcrlayer dielectric.
`Cs / [fF/mm]
`5 d/[pm]
`Fig. 2: Substrate capacitance C, of interconnection lines in the
`bottom layer of a VIC (3d, with l llm polyirnide, sr= 3.5
`and 0.8 pm of passivation between the chiplayers) and in
`planar lCs (Zd) as a function of the thickness d of the
`underlying dielectric
`indicates measured
`capacitance values
`linewidth w =2 pm and line
`thickness t= 0.8 um.
`Cl Cu+2°k
`» 2d,
`’2d, 2ck
`Fig. 4: Ratio of peak crosstalk amplitude to input voltage at a
`minimum sized unloaded line between two simultaneously
`switching interconnection lines as a function of the line
`spacing s (linewidth w = 1.2 um, line thickness 2.‘ = 0.8 ].ll’I’l,
`thickness d = 3.0 pm,
`hpf = 1.0 i1m,c, = 3.5).
`3 hpil [um]
`Fig.5: Ratio of peak crosstalk voltage of bottom layer line to top
`layer line or interconnect on planar IC as function of the
`thickness hp] of the interlayer dielectric (polyirnide, 83:35).
`3d, Zck
`5 S/[Hm]
`Fig. 3: Coupling capacitance and total capacitance per unit length
`as a function of the line spacing s. linewidth w = 2 pm, line
`thickness 1‘: 0.8 pm, thickness d of underlying dielectric
`= 3 pm, 0.8 pm passivation and 1 pm of pnlyirnide between
`the chiplayers. (0) indicate measured capacitances for the
`VIC~bottom layer, (o) indicate measured values for planar
`technology, respectively.
`Signal crosstalk in 3D circuit structures
`The worst case peak crosstalk amplitude VIM, at a quiescent
`line between two neighboring lines simultaneously
`250—IEDM 95
`Page 2 of 4
`Si02 '
`Bulk sag
`Fig. 5 shows the worst case crosstalk amplitude ratio on a
`signal line on t11e bottom chiplayer to the respective value for
`a line on the top layer or on a planar IC. The amplitude ratio
`is independent of line loading and is depicted as a function
`of the polyimide thickness between the chiplayers. The
`combination of additional substrate coupling and decreased
`coupling between adjacent
`(c. f. Figs. 2
`and 3)
`considerably increases noise immunity in VICs and allows
`smaller spacings between adjacent signal lines. Fig. 6 shows
`measured crosstalk amplitudes on a 1 cm long inter-
`connection line between two parallel lines simultaneously
`switching (w = s = 1.2 pm, Vin = 3.3 V) in the upper (top)
`and lower (bottom) VIC chiplayer. The reduced absolute
`values are due to impedance mismatch and load capacitances
`of the measurement setup, but the experiment reproduces the
`correct amplitude ratio.
`Fig. 7: SEM photomicrograph of a VIC with two chiplayers in
`silicon-bulk technology and 1 pm of polyimide between the
`With chiplayers fabricated in thin—film SOI—technology,
`capacitive shielding between the chiplayers is not assured by
`a silicon layer. Fig. 8 shows the coupling mpacitance c,~
`between a signal line in the lowest metallization layer of the
`upper chip and a conductive plane
`in the
`metallization layer of the bottom chip, and the intralayer
`coupling capacitance ck as a fimction of the thickness of the
`interlayer dielectric hpi. Measured data in Fig. 8 are obtained
`from a specimen simulating the dimensional properties of a
`stacked structure of thin-film SOI—chiplayers. For noise
`sensitive applications, interlayer coupling in thin—f1lm SOl-
`structures can be prevented by the integration of conductive
`layers between the active chiplayers.
`C / [fF/mm]
`chiplayer int/erfac
`h,,./ [Hm]
`Fig. 8: Intra- and Interlayer coupling capacitances for a VIC with
`thin-film SOI-chiplayers, w = 2 pm, s = 2 pm, I : 0.8 pm,
`d = 0.9 pm (oxide under top-metallization).
`: imil
`l 2
`L... ......_l.._,
`top-chiplayer (ZD)
`bottom-chiplayer (3 D)
`Eflflns/d x
`Fig. 6: Measured crosstalk on a lcm long interconnection line
`between two minimum spaced simultaneously switching
`lines on upper chiplayer (top) and lower chiplayer (bottom)
`(w = s =l.2 um, t= 0.8 pm, d= 3 pm, hpf = l urn).
`For silicon bulk technology, the substrate of the upper layer
`is capacitively decoupled from the underlying circuitry.
`Fig, 7 shows an SEM photomicrograph of a two layer VIC
`with 8.5 pm of substrate in the upper chiplayer and 1 pm of
`polyimide between the layers.
`Page 3 of 4
`length. A line of equal length in the bottom chiplayer (B)
`shows increased signal delay due to the higher capacitance
`per unit length. The integration of systems on VIC leads to
`shorter interconnection lengths. Traces (C) and (D) show
`reduced interconnect delays compared to (A) for two layer
`and four layer VlCs with the same chip area as the planar
`system. The edge length of the chiplayers is taken as
`measure of the interconnection length.
`r,,/ [ns]
`1/ [mm]
`Fig. 10: Signal delay for global interconnection lines as a function
`line length l
`in planar system (A), VIC-realization
`(bottom layer) using the same length (B), two-layer (C)
`and four layer structure (D) with equal area and reduced
`interconnection lengths.
`system size,
`and crosstalk requirements
`interconnection lines
`influence the system performance considerably. Compared to
`planar realizations, VICs allow major reductions in both
`signal delay and crosstalk due to the reduced coupling
`eapacitances, increased substrate coupling and reduced wire
`lengths. In conclusion, major constraints on interconnect
`system design can be alleviated using Vertical
`The authors would like to thank H. Lezec from Micrion
`Corp. for his support in sample preparation. This paper is
`based on a project which is supported by the German
`minister of research and technology under
`the support
`number 0 1 M 2926.
`Interconnect delay in VICs
`The increased total capacitances of interconnects in the
`bottom layer
`(e. f. Fig. 2) affect
`the signal
`considerably. For equal line lengths the additional coupling
`to the upper chiplayer leads to increased signal delays. Fig. 9
`shows measured signal traces for a falling transition at the
`end of a 1 cm long interconnection line on bottom- and top
`chiplayer of a VIC.
`'“\:\l“x\ bottom-ehip|ayer(3D)
`Fig. 9: Signal transition at the end of a 1 cm long interconnection
`line on bottom- and top—ehiplayer, w = 1.2 pm, t= 0.8 pm,
`d= 0.3 pm, hpf:1l1m.
`the measured
`calculations for interconnection lines of different
`were performed. The lines are loaded with a minimum size
`inverter and driven by a buffer of cascaded inverters
`optimized for minimum power-delay product [5]. The signal
`o11 an interconnection line of length I is given by
`delay 1,;
`the following equation:
`r,,=ln2-(R c l+Rd,CL+0.5rwcWl2+rwCLZ)+rd,
`1,1, and R1, are intrinsic driver delay and output resistance,
`CL is the load capacitance and r,,
`the line resistance per unit
`length. The wiring capacitance per unit length is given by:
`for 3D-IC (bottom layer), and
`for planar IC.
`S. Kfihn et al. , Proe. l995 ECTC, pp. 592-599.
`S. Takahasl-ii et al., Proc. I992 MCMC, pp. 159-162.
`M. Engelhardt ct a.l., Proc. 1995 Europ. Plasma Seminar, pp. 13-24.
`Y. Hayashi et al., Proc. 1991 IEDM, pp. 657-660.
`J.—S. Choi and K. Lee, IEEE JSSC, 29(9), 1994, pp. 1142-1145.
`c, and cb are the capacitances to top- and bottom-substrate.
`A single contribution of the coupling eapacitances ck to the
`interconnect delay corresponding to quiescent neighboring
`lines is assumed. Indicated in Fig. 10 is the signal delay on
`the top metallization layers of a planar 1C or on the top
`chiplayer in a VlC’(A) as a function of the interconnection
`252—lEDM 95
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