` |'l'II|'F_'!l'hL'fTS[J[31EI-f
`Symposium on
`Network and Distributed
`System Security E
` . N
`February 22-23, 1996
`H San Diego,Ca|ifornia
`® 2
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`Black Swamp IP, LLC V. VirI1etX, Inc.
`TUT) —.—CTTC'§ T\..4A..d.'\T.\
`gfroceedings ofthe
`Symposium on /jetwork and Distributed
`System Security
`Proceedings of the
`Symposium on Network and Distributed
`System Security.
`February 22. — 23, 1996
`San Diego, California
`Sponsored by
`The Internet Society
`Cfiflarursn SOCIETY
`5iiTEAIS D1‘ SERVICE ' 1916-1996
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`Proceedings of the Symposium on Network and Distributed Systems Security
`Table of Contents
`General Chair’sMe.tsage
`Program Chairs’ Message ....................................................................................................... viii
`Organizing Committee ............................................................................................................. .. ix
`Program Committee ................................................................................................................... ..x
`Privacy and Security Research Group ..................................................................................... xi
`Session 1-. Electronic Mail Security
`Chair: Stephen T. Kent —— BBN Corporation
`Mixing Email with BABEL ..................................................................................................... ..2
`C. Gitlcii and G. Trudi}:
`An Integration of PGP and MIME .......................................................................................... .. 17
`K. Yamamoto
`Session 2: Distributed Object Systems
`Chair: Danny M. Nessett — Sun Microsystems
`A Security Framework Supporting Domain-Based Access Control in
`Distributed Systems ................................................................................................................. .26
`N. Yialelis and M. Sloman
`Panel -— Scalability of Security in Distributed Object Systems ............................................... ..4(}
`Moderator: Danny M. Nessett — Sun Microsystetns
`Panelists: Bret Hartman — Odyssey Research Associates
`Danny M. Nessett —— Sun Microsyttems
`Nicholas Yialelis -—— Imperial College, London
`Session 3: Distributed System Security
`Chair: Michael Roe —-~ University ofCambridge
`A Flexible Distributed Authorization Protocol ........................................................................ ..43
`1.31 Troetic and B.C. Newman
`Preserving Integrity in Remote File Location and Retrieval ..................................................... .. 53
`TI Jaeger and 11.13. Rubin
`C-HTTP -— The Development of a Secure, Closed H'I‘I'P-Based Network on the Internet ....... .. 64
`T. Kiuchi and S. Kaihara
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`C-HTTP -- The Development of a Secure, Closed HTTP-basal Network
`on the Internet
`Takahiro Kiuchi
`Department ofEpidemiology and Biostatistics
`Faculty of Medicine, University ofTokyo
`7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo‘-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan-
`Shigekoto Kaihara
`Hospital Computer Center
`University of Tokyo Hospital
`7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan
`We have designed "C-HTT " which provides secure
`HTTP communication mechanisms within a closed group
`of institutions on the Internet, where each member is
`communications are made possible by thefizllowing three
`components: a client-side proxy, at server-side proxy and
`o C-HTTP name server. A client-side proojy and server-
`side proxy communicate with each other using a secure,
`encrypted protocol while communications between a user
`agent and client-side proxy’ or an origin server and
`set-verasicte proay are performed’ using current HTI?/1.0.
`In a C-HTTP-based network, instead ofDNS, or C-HTI'P—
`based secure. encrypted name and certification service is
`used. The aim of C-H77’? is to assure institutional level
`security and is diflerent in scapefi-om other secure HTIZP
`protocols currently proposed which are oriented toward
`secure end-to-end HTIP communications
`in which
`security protection is dependent on each end—user.
`1. Introduction
`In the medical community, there is a strong need for
`closed networks among hospitals and related institutions,
`such as coordinating centers for clinical trials or clinical
`laboratories. Secure transfer of patient information for
`clinical use is obviously essential. In addition, some
`information has to be shared among some
`hospitals, but it should not be made available to other
`sites. ‘I‘his includes, for example, information concerning
`multi-institutional clinical trials and documents for case
`conferences although patients‘ names are usually not
`specified in such information. In this paper, we discuss
`the design and implementation of a closed I-l'l‘I'P
`(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)-based network (C-1-l'I'I'P)
`which can bcbuilt on the Internet.
`2. Design and specification of C—HTI‘P
`2.1 Overview
`C-HTTP is assumed tobcusedin a closed group of
`institutions on the Internet, in which each member is
`communication is made possible with the following three
`components: 1) a client-side proxy on the firewall of one
`institution, 2) a server-side proxy on the firewall of
`another institution and 3) a C-I-ITTP name server, which
`manages a given C-I-I'I'l'.P-based network and the
`information for its all proxies. A client-side proxy and
`server-side proxy communicate with each other using a
`secure, encrypted protocol (C-HTTP). Communications
`between two kinds of proxies and H'I'I'Pll.0 compatible
`servershlser agents within the firewalls are performed
`based on I-I'I'I‘Pl1.0 with current C-H'l."I'P implementation
`under way[1]. The DNS name service is not used for
`hostname resolution as the original secure name service,
`including certification,
`is used for the C-I-lT'I'P—bascd
`network. A summary of the protocol specification is
`described in the Appendices.
`2.2 Security technology and key information
`In C-I-I‘l’I'lf, five kinds of security technologies are used.
`They are: 1) asymmetric key encryption for the secure
`exchange of data encryption keys between two types of
`proxies and host information between a proxy and C-
`HTTP name server, 2) symmetric key encryption for the
`encryption of C-l-l'I'I‘P encrypted headers and HTTP}1.0
`requests, 3) electronic signature for the requestlresponse
`authentication, 4) a one-way hash fimction for checking
`data tampering and 5) random key generation technology.
`In the C-H'ITP name service, symmetric encryption is not
`used because the amount of information transferred is
`Each client-side or server-side proxy has its own
`private and public asymmetric keys and the C~H’I‘TP
`name server's public key. Proxies do not exchange their
`0-8186-7222-6196 $5.00 0 1996 IEEE
`Proceedings ofSNDSS ’96
`public keys with each other directly. Instead, the C-H'I'I'P
`name server provides both client-side and server-side
`proxies with each peer's public key. In addition, Nonce
`values for both request and response are also generated
`andprovidedbythe C-H’I'I'Pnameserver, which will be
`specified as
`initial values
`in Request-Nonce
`Response-Nance headers contained in the first C-H'I'I'P
`request dispatched by a client-side proxy and in the first
`C-H'I'I'P response dispatched by a server-side proxy,
`respectively. The C-H'I'I'P name server manages its own
`private and public asymmetric keys and the public keys of
`all proxies which participate in the closed network Two
`data encryption keys (symmetric keys) for requests and
`responses respectively are generated randomly during
`each C-H'I'I'P session.
`An origin server which is compatible with H'l'I'P/1.0 is
`responsible for user authentication if necessary. It uses
`authentication mechanisnt
`Information concerning a user's
`ID, password and
`security realm (HTTP/1.0) are encrypted by proxies and
`Internet. Replay attacks are blocked by checking values of
`the Request-Nonce header field of each request.
`When a given institution wants to participate in a
`closed network, it must 1) install a client-side and/or
`server-side proxy on its firewall, 2) register an IP address
`( for a server-side proxy, a port number should also be
`registered) and hostnarne (which does not have to be the
`same as its DNS name) for a firewall gateway, 3) give the
`proxy's public key to the C-H'I'I'P name sewer, and 4)
`obtain the C-H'I'I'P name server's public key. In the
`present C-H'I'I'P specification,
`there is only one name
`server in a given C-H'I'I'P network, although one can
`define any possible combination of closed subnetworks
`within the network.
`2.3 C-HTTP-based communication
`communication is
`1) Comrection of a client to a client-side proxy
`A client-side proxy behaves as an HTTPILO compatible
`proxy, and it should be specified as a proxy server for
`external (outside the firewall) access in each user agent
`within the firewall.
`In C-H'I'I'P, as diiferent
`ordinary HTTP, a session (virtual C-HTI'P connection) is
`established between a client-side proxy and server-side
`proxy and, thus, it is not stateless. The session is finished
`when the client accesses another C-H'I'I'P server or an
`ordinary WWW server or when the client-side or server-
`side proxy times out. The following ad-hoe mechanism is
`employed to define a session in statelws I-l'I'l'P/1.0-based
`communication between a client-side proxy and user
`agent. Supposethatthel-l'I'MI.speci:liedinFigure (a)is
`retrieved and sent to a client-side proxy alter a C-I-lT'l‘P
`session is established. In the client-side-proxy, the HTML
`is rewritten as specified in Figure (b) and
`names with a connection ID, for example,
`DfldfcZLj8VIi" in Figure (b), is selected and requested by
`an end-user, the client-side proxy takes of the connection
`to the server in its request as described in Figure (c).
`WhentheconnectionIDisnotfound inthecurrent
`‘connection table in the client-side-proxy,
`the current
`connection is disconnected. Thus a new connection is
`established if the host is in the closed network and an
`ordinary I-l'I'I'Pl1.0 request is dispatched otherwise.
`2) Lookup of server-side proxy information (Appendix 3.
`A client-side proxy asks the C-H'I'I'P name server
`givenURL. Ifthenameserverconfirrnsthatthequeryis
`legitimate, it examines whether the requested server-side
`proxy is registered in the closed network and is permitted
`to accept the connection from the client-side proxy. If the
`connection is permitted, the..C-H'I'I'P name server sends
`the IP address and public key of the server-side proxy and
`both request and response Nonce values. If it is not
`permitted, it sends a status code which indicates an error.
`If a client-side proxy receives an error status. then it
`Both the request to and response from the C-H'I'I'P
`and digital
`for connection to the server-side proxy
`3) Request
`(Appendix 3. c)
`specified server-side proxy is an appropriate closed
`network member, a client-side proxy sends a request for
`connection to the server-side proxy, which is encrypted
`using the server-side proxy’s public key and contains the
`client-side proxy's IP address, hostname, request Nonce
`value and synunetric data exchange key for request
`4) Lookup of client-side proxy information (Appendix 3.
`server-side proxy accepts a request
`When a
`connection from a client-side proxy, it asks the C-H'I'I'P
`Figure. Conversion of stateless HTTP to
`statefui C—HTTP
`a. The HTML document sent from a origin server to a
`client-side proxy
`b. The HTML document rewritten and forwarded to a
`use agent by the client-side proxy. The string.
`'6zdDfidfcZI.j8V!i'. attached to the end of the URLs
`is a connection ID
`Please click here.I</A>
`<A HREF =
`ac. H'lTP/1.0 request from the user agent (I) and
`HTFP/i .0 request encrypted and wrapped in C—H'lTP
`request dispatched by the client-side proxy (2)
`GET "http://server.in.cu rrent.connectton/
`samp|e.html=@=6zd DfldfcZt.j8V!i"
`HTi'Pll .0<CR><LF>
`GET 'http://server.In.cu rrent.connection/
`the client-side proxy is
`name server whether
`appropriate member of the closed network. If the name
`server confirms that the query is legitimate,
`it then
`examines whether the client-side proxy is permitted to
`accesstotheserver-sideproxy. Ifaccessisperrnitted,the
`C-HTTP name server sends the IP address and public key
`of the client-side proxy and both request and response
`client-side proxy. The C-I-I’I'l‘P name server keeps both of
`the Nance values for thirty seconds. If not, it sends a
`status code which indicates an error and the server-side
`proxy refirses the connection from the client-side proxy.
`5) Connection establishment (Fig. 21)
`When the sever-side proxy obtains the client-side
`IP address, hostname and public key,
`authenticates the client-side proxy, checks the integrity of
`the request and the request Nonce value and generates
`both a connection ID derived front the server-side proxy's
`name, date and random numbers (32 bits) using MD5,
`and also a second symmetric data exchange key for
`response encryption, which are sent to the client-side
`proxy. When the client-side proxy accepts and checks
`them, the connection is established.
`6) Sending C-HTTP requests to the server-side proxy (Fig.
`Once the connection is established, a client-side proxy
`forwards I-IT'I'.P/1.0 requests from the user agent
`encrypted form using C—HTTP format.
`7) Forwarding requests to an origin server
`Using I-1'ITPll.0, a server-side proxy communicates
`with an origin server inside the firewall. From the view of
`the user agent or client-side proxy, all resources appear to
`be located in a server-side proxy on the firewall. In reality,
`however, the server-side proxy forwards requests to the
`origin server. It is possible to map any ofthe virtual
`directories on the server-side proxy to any of the
`directories in one or more origin servers inside the
`8) Origin server responses to the user agent through the
`server-side and client-side proxies (Fig. 2h)
`An HTTP/1.0 response sent from the origin server to
`the server-side proxy is encrypted in C-I~1'I'I‘P format by
`the server-side proxy, and is forwarded to the client-side
`proxy. Then,
`in the client-side proxy.
`the C-H'I'I'P
`response is decrypted and the HTTPl1.0 response
`extracted. Ifthe transferred object is in HTML format, the
`connection ID is attached to the anchor URLs contained
`in the document. The resulting HTTP!1.0 response is sent
`to the user agent.
`9) Request for closing the connection (Appendix 3. ij)
`A client-side proxy can send a request for closing the
`connection The server-side proxy returns a status which
`indicates the connection is closed On the other hand, if
`the server-side proxy detects that a given connection
`times out,
`it deletes
`the connection ID from the
`connection list, informing the client-side proxy that the
`connection is closed when an error status is returned in
`response to the request.
`3. Trial implementation
`Trial implementation is under way using 1) RSA as the
`asymmetric key encryption method (OSISEC RSA
`1ihrary)[2], 2) DES as the symmetric key encryption
`method (GNU DES library)[3], 3) RSA as the electronic
`signature method (OSISEC RSA hbrary) and 4) a one-
`way hash function based on MD5[4]). As for random key
`generation, programs included in the OSISEC RSA
`library and GNU DES library are used for RSA
`asymmetric keys and DES qrmrnetric keys, respectively.
`In the implementation, we employed the following
`methods to enhance security.
`' 1) Key protection
`InC-HT'I'P, lceysarestoredonlyonthefirewallofa
`given institution. C-HTTP proxy software is provided as
`sourcecode, andtheloeysaredesignedncttobestored in
`a separate "key file." A key generation program generates
`a C program file, which contains key information for
`is more diflicult to steal keys using this
`methodthaniftheywere storedinasepararefile.
`2) No simultaneous data transfer to both sides
`' Only ‘alter
`all the data transferred from one
`side, does a proxy server begin to forward it to the other
`side, except for image and sound data. In this method, the
`performance ofdata transfer is not good, however, the
`data transfer
`is separated between the internal and
`external sides. For the secure implementation of this
`feature, the size of HTML documents and object bodies
`should be limited and checked by each proxy. We plan to
`implement routines which check the contents of object
`bodies (especially concerning form data used in POST
`method) in the future.
`3) Closure of TCP connection after each transaction
`C-H'I'I'P itself is stateful, but the TCP connection is
`closed after each transaction (request and response pair)
`in order to reduce the possibility of it being intercepted by
`4. Discussion
`4.1 Why HTTP?
`It is possible to develop a secure application level
`protocol available only to a closed group in the Internet,
`making use of cipher technology. The reasons we chose
`I-l‘ITP as the communication protocol
`for a closed
`network are as follows:
`1) Flexibility ofHTTP
`application level
`developed for
`network services, such as Fl‘P,
`SMTP, NNTP or GOPHER[S],[6],[7],[8]. HTTP has the
`which have been provided by these protocols
`. For
`example, file transfer by FTP is accomplished by the
`transfer mechanism of I-l'I'I'P ‘and,
`from a
`frmctional viewpoint,
`the Gopher protocol can be
`electronic mail services are available with an I-lT'I'P-
`based graphical user interface via gateways for protocol
`conversions[9]. Electronic mail services withina given
`group of institutions can be also developed using H'I'I'P
`and CGI (Common Gateway Interface)[10].
`2) Hypertext-based user-friendly graphical interface
`(I-ITML), distributed multimedia information systems
`with user-friendly graphical interfaces based on hypertext
`can be easily developed[l1].
`3) User agents and servers available on almost all
`HTTP has now gained widespread popularity and
`various kinds of user agents and servers are available on
`almost all platforms. Even if new protocols for closed
`networks are developed which are superior in function or
`flexibility, new clients and servers have to be developed
`for compatibility, which is costly and an obstacle to their
`universal acceptance.
`4.2 Proxy-proxy vs. end-to-end secure HTTP-
`based infornratiort exchange
`As for hospitals, fiom which the Internet is available,
`in-hospital networks are usually protected using a dual
`home gateway and packet filter (firewall) and the Internet
`can only be accessed through proxies on the firewalls
`The role of proxies irt HTTP communication has been
`considered as important in communicating over firewalls
`and nansferring information efiiciently by caching. Other
`secure HTTP protocols are designed to be implemented in
`origin servers and user agents in order to assure "end-to-
`end" security protection[ 12-15]. Our approach is aimed at
`assuring proxy-proxy security and is
`different from theirs.
`All proposals for secure I-ITIP communications are
`designed to be secure against the following attacks: 1)
`network tampering, 2) replay attacks and 3) middle of the
`man attaclt[l2-15]. C-HTIZP is also designed to be secure
`against these attacks anti, in addition. it has the following
`enhancements for security protection.
`1) No end-user has any chance to obtain keys for
`encryption or decryption.-
`Much cost and time are necessary to decode ciphers»
`which have been used for a long time and are considered
`confidential, such as DES or RSA, so an easier and more
`practical way to obtain original
`information is not
`decode them, but to "steal a key" instead It is not realistic
`for hospital
`information managers to expect
`that all
`individual end-users, including those who connect their
`PCs to in-hospital LANs, manage their keys in a secure
`As currently proposed secure I-I'I"l'P' protocols aim at
`providing end-to-end security mechanisms, responsibility
`for security is attributed to each individual user. Secure
`transfer of data
`exchange keys
`is performed by
`exchanging public keys (in most cases with certificates)
`between both parties. In this situation, once a private key
`is stolen, it is possible to obtain information from WWW
`servers outside the hospital.
`the purpose of security protection is
`secure commercial
`information services or on-line
`shopping sewices which are provided by profit-making
`companies for the masses. For commercial services. it is
`reasonable that individual users (payers) are responsible
`for “their own risks," but, as for patient information, it is
`each hospital
`should be responsible for "their
`patients‘ risks.“ Each hospital should take measures to
`assure security at the institutional level.
`2) Name service
`As C-HTTP includes its own secure name service,
`which contains a certification mechanism, it is impossible
`to know the IP address of a server-side proxy even if its
`C«H'l"I'P hostname (not necessarily the same as its DNS
`name ) is known and vice versa. The C-1-l"l"I'P name
`service is efficient because it can do name resolution and
`host certification simultaneously.
`3) Difliculty in accessing from outside the closed network
`It is -difficult to access any servers in a closed network
`from outside. A cracker has to take the following steps:
`a) To find the IP address and port number of a server-side
`b) To get the public key of the server-side proxy in ord
`to send avalid C-H'I'I‘P request for C-HTTP connection.
`c) To make a TCP connection to a target server-side
`proxy using a certain client-side proxy's IP address
`d} To make the server-side proxy believe that request
`comes front a legitimate client-side proxy within the
`closed network. For this,
`is necessary to know the
`private key and C-1-l'I'l‘P hostnanre of the client-side
`There are other merits in favor of C-I-l’I‘I'P over other
`secure HTTP protocols, although they are not the original
`purposes of the development.
`1) Easy installation
`A C-I-l'I"I'P based network is made available simply by
`installing proxies on the firewall and registering their
`information with the C-I-1'I"I'P name server. Current
`I-ITTP/1.0 compatible servers and clients can be used as
`they are.
`There are no negotiations concerning security options
`or type and representation of objects in C-HTTP because
`between two types of C-HTTP proxies and between a C-
`I-I'I'I'P proxy and C-I-ITTP name server. They do not
`communicate directly with various types of user agents
`and servers using C-HTTP. Negotiations concerning type
`and representation of objects are done between an origin
`sewer and user agent, using H'I'I'P./1.0. As for these
`negotiations, C-HTTP is transparent to both of them.
`This makes the design and implementation of C-I-l'l'l‘P
`3) Easy manipulation by end-users
`End-users do not have to employ security protection
`procedures. They do not even have to be conscious of
`using C-HTTP based communications.
`4.3 Disadvantages and limitations
`Our proposal has some disadvantages and limitations,
`and it should be used where its use is appropriate and
`suitable, taking them into account.
`The key technology used in the Internet is dedicated to
`connectivity between the
`huge number of
`computers, which may be added or removed at any time.
`Such connectivity is attractive to commercial companies
`and, in this context, it is necessary to develop technology
`which assures secure communications between a huge
`number of computers.
`Our system is assumed to accommodate up to a few
`hundreds proxies. This number is much smaller than that
`needed for most commercial purposes. In addition, a new
`proxy should be registered manually to the centralized
`name server. For the management of huge number of
`proxies, another mechanism for proxy management is
`Besides the above mentioned reasons, it is desirable for
`us, or the medical community,
`to obtain license-free
`sofiwarewith souroecode. It isnotalways necessaryfora
`given closed group to adopt "standards." It can modify
`C-l-ITTP or develop its own new protocol, based on C-
`4.4 Relations to other secure HTTP protocols
`proposals. but it can co-exist with them Although the
`current C-I-l'I'I'P implementation assumes the use of
`lfl"ll’Il.0 compatible user agents’ and servers,
`to develop C-I-I'I'I'P proxies which
`communicate with other secure HTTP compatible user
`agents and servers.
`If C-I-IT'I'P is used with these