Roxane Labs., Inc.
`Exhibit 1008
`Page 001
`Roxane Labs., Inc.
`Exhibit 1008
`Page 001

`1y not use the one from
`With all
`obi/ePDR• is PDR's FREE*
`the company s:
`hahumau uuwmuau avauame ror ratm'"' u~ and Pocket PC devices.
`Download mobi/ePDR" at today for FREE* access to reliable drug information for your ua••UJ•''-•u;•
`• FREE - entire program and technical support
`have no hidden costs
`• Downloads quickly and easily at
`• Downloads without interference from your existing desktop
`or ISP frrewall
`• Allows you to update content and software whenever you
`sync- no more installing and uninstalling to get new features
`• Rx and OTC drug look-up by brand or
`generic name, therapeutic class or indication
`• Drug interaction check between 2 and 32 drugs
`• Critical drug updates and information in our
`"What's New" feature
`• Updated nightly to include any changes to drug information
`• Uses only about 3MB memory on device
`Consider the source.
`* PDR
`For nearly 60 years, doctors have relied upon the PDR' for the latest drug information. Today, consumers too can source reliable information
`about detecting, preventing and treating a variety of medical conditions at is a website that provides
`you with concise and accurate healthcare and drug information from a trusted source; the publishers of the PDR' .
`•The download of mobilePDR is free to U.S.·based MDs, 00s, NPs, and PAs in full·time patient practice, and to U.S. medical students and residents.
`Roxane Labs., Inc.
`Exhibit 1008
`Page 002

`Executive Vice President, Directory Services: David Duplay
`Vice President, Sales and Marketing: Dlkran N. Barsamian
`Senior Director of Pharmaceutical Sales: Anthony Sorce
`National Account Manager: Marion Re1d. RPh
`Senior Account Manager: Frank KarkOwsky
`Account Managers: Maljorie A. Jaxel. Denise Kelley, Elleen Sullivan,
`Suzanne E. Yarrow, RN
`Director of Trade Sales: Bill Gaffney
`Senior Director, Marketing and PrOduct Management:
`Valerie E. Berger
`Senior Product Manager: Jeffrey D. Dubin
`Finance Director: Mark S. Ritchin
`Senior Director, Publishing Sales and Marketing: Michael Bennett
`Senior Marketing Manager: Jennifer M. Fronzaglia
`Direct Mail Manager: Lorraine M. Loening
`Manager of Marketing Analysis: Dina A. Maeder
`Promotion Manager: Unda levine
`Vice President, Regulatory Affairs: Mukesh Mehta, RPh
`Editorial Director: Lisette Bralow
`Manager, Professional Data Services: Thomas Aeming, PharmD
`Manager, Editorial Services: Bette LaGow
`Manager, Concise Data Content: Tammy Chemin, RPh
`Drug Information Specialists: Greg Tallis, RPh; Min Ko, PharmD
`Project Editor: Harris Aeming
`Senior Editor: Lori Murray
`Production Editor: Gwynned L. Kelly
`Senior Director, Operations: Brian Holland
`Director of PDR Operations: Jefftey D. Schaefer
`Manager of Production Operations: Thomas Westburgh
`PDR Production Manager: Joseph F. Rizzo
`Senior Production Coordinators: Gianna Caradonna, Christina Klinger
`Production Coordinator: Yasmin HernAndez
`Senior Index Editor: Shannon Reilly
`Index Editor: Noel Deloughery
`Format Editor: Michelle S. Guzman
`Production Associate: Joan K. Akerlind
`Production Design Supervisor: Adeline Rich
`Electronic Publishing Designers: Bryan Dix, Rosalia Sbema, Uvio Udina
`Digital Imaging Coordinator: Michael Labruyere
`Director of Client Services: Stephanie Struble
`Fulfillment Manager: Louis J. Bolcik
`Copyright @ 2004 and publiShed by Thomson PDR at Montvale, NJ 07645·1742. All rights reserved. None of the content ol this publication
`may be reproduced. stored in a retrieval system. resold, redistributed. or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical,
`phOtocopying. recording. or otherwise) without the prior written penn!S&on of the pubrosher Physicians' Desk Reference-. PDR". Pocket
`PDR". PDR Family Guide to Prescnption Dtugs-. PDR Famoly Guide to Women's Heahh and Presaoptoon Drugs". and PDR Family Guide to
`Nutntoon and Health" are registered rrademarlls used herein under hcense. PDR" for OphthalmiC Medicines, PDR" for Nonprescription Drugs and Dietary Supplements. PDR"
`Companion Guide, PDR" Pharmacopoeia, PDR" for Herbal Medicines. PDR" for Nutritional Supplements, PDR" Medical Dictionary. PDR" Nurse's Drug Handbook, PDR"
`Nurse's Dictionary, PDR" Family Guide Encyclopedia of Medical Care. PDR" Family Guide to Natural Medicines and Healing Therapies, PDR" Family Guide to Common
`Ailments, PDR" Famoly Guide to Over-the-Counler Drugs, PDR" Family Guide to Nutritional Supplements. and PDR" Electronic Library are trademarks used herem under
`Officers of Thomson Healthcare,: President and Chief Executive Officer: Richard Noble; Chief Rnancial Offrcer: Paul Hilger; Executive Vice President, Clinical Trials: Tom Kelly;
`Executive Vrce President, Medical Education: Jeff MacDonald; Execvrlve VIce Pres/den~ Clinical Solutions: Jeff Reihl; Execurlve Vice President, Directory Services: David Ouplay;
`5eniot Vice President, Business Development: William Gole; Vice President, Human Resourr:es: Pamela M. Bilash; Presidenr, PhysiCian's World: Marty Ceamal
`ISBN: 1·56363-471-6
`Roxane Labs., Inc.
`Exhibit 1008
`Page 003

`PDR enters its fifty-eighth year offering a wider array of
`pharmaceutical reference options than ever before. Long
`available unabridged-in print, on CD-ROM, -and via the
`lnternet-PDR now provides essenttal- prescribing infor(cid:173)
`mation ~n other forms as well.
`About This Book
`Physicians' Desk Refer~nce is published by Thomson
`PDR in cooperation with participating manufacturers. The
`PDR contains Food and Drug Administration (FDA)(cid:173)
`approved labeling for drugs as well as prescription infor(cid:173)
`mation provided by manufacturers for gra-ndfathered
`drugs and other drugs marketed without FDA approval
`under current FDA policies. Some dietary sup-piements
`and other products are also included.
`Each full-length entry provides you with an exact copy of
`the product's FDA-approved or other manufacturer-sup(cid:173)
`labeling. Under the Federal Food, Drug and
`Cosmetic (FD&C) Act, a drug approved for marketing may
`be labeled, promoted, and advertised by the manufac(cid:173)
`turer for onl)i those uses for which the drug's safety and
`effectiveness have been established. The Code of
`Federal Regulations Title 21 Sect~on 201.100(d)(1) per(cid:173)
`taining to labeling for prescription products requires that
`for PDR content· "indication$; effects, dosages, routes;
`methods, and frequency and duration of administration,
`and any relevant warnings, hazards, contraindications,
`side effects, and precautions" must be "same in lan(cid:173)
`guage and emphasis" as the approved labeling for the
`products. The FDA regards the words same in language
`and emphasis as requiring VERBATIM use of the
`information that is emphasized
`approved labeling by the use of type set in a box, or in
`capitals, boldface, o·r italics, must be given the same
`emphasis in PDR.
`The FDA has also recognized that the FD&C Act does not,
`however, limit the manner in which a physician may use
`an approved drug. Once a product has been approved for
`marketing, a physician may choose to prescribe it for
`uses or in treatment regimens or patient populations
`that are not included in approved labeling. The FDA also
`observes that accepted medical practice includes drug
`use that is not reflected in approved drug labeling. In the
`case of over-the-counter dietary supplements, it should
`be remembered that this information has not been eval(cid:173)
`uated by the Food and Drug Administration, and that
`S!JCh products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure,
`or -prevent any disease.
`The function of the publisher is the compilation, organi(cid:173)
`zation, and distribution of this information. Each product
`description has been prepared by the manufacturer, and
`edited and approved by the manufacturer's medical
`department, medical director, and/or medical consul(cid:173)
`In organizing and presenting: the material
`Physicians' Desk Reference, the publisher does not war-
`rant or guarantee any of the products described, or per(cid:173)
`form any independent analysis in connection with any of
`the product information contained herein. Physicians'
`Desk Reference does not assume, and expressly dis(cid:173)
`claims, any obligation to obtain and include any informa"
`tion other than that provided to it by the manufacturer. It
`should be understood that by making this material avail(cid:173)
`able, the publisher -is not advocating the use of any prod~
`uct described herein, nor is the publisher responsible for
`misuse of a product d.ue
`to typographical- error.
`Additional information on any product may be obtained
`from the manufacturer;
`Other Clinical Information Products from PDR
`For complicated cases a[ld special patient problems,
`there is no sut:>stit,ute for the in-depth data contained in
`Physicians' Desk Reference. But on other occasions, you
`may find that;the PD~ Monthly Prescribing Guide™ pro(cid:173)
`vides a handy alternative. With concise summaries of the
`FDA-approved and other manufacturer-supplied labeling
`found in PDR, this 350-page digest-sized reference pre(cid:173)
`sents certain - key facts on more than 1,000 drugs,
`including the form, strength, and route; therapeutic
`class; approved indications; dosage; contraindications;
`warnings; precautions; pregnancy rating; _drug interac(cid:173)
`tions; and adverse reactions. Each entry alerts you to sig(cid:173)
`nificant precautions you need to take, spells out the
`most common or dangerous adverse effects, summa(cid:173)
`rizes the recommended adult and pediatric dosages; and
`supplies you with the PDR page number to turn to for fur(cid:173)
`ther information. A full color insert of pill and product
`images allows you to correctly identify each product.
`Issued monthly, the guide is regularly updated, with
`detailed descriptions of the new drugs to receive FDA
`approval, as well as providing FDA-approved revisions to
`existing product information. In addition, you'll receive
`bulletins about major new developments on the pharma(cid:173)
`ceutical scene, an overview of important new agents
`nearing approval, a heads-up on the latest pharmaceuti(cid:173)
`cal issues to hit the consumer media, in-depth analysis
`of the common nutritional supplements that patients are
`taking, and a handy reminder of upcoming medical meet(cid:173)
`ings. In fact, in one neat package you'll find the critical
`information you need to make a prescribing decision---,(cid:173)
`with confidence that you're acting on the latest informac
`tion available. To order your personal subscription to this
`important free monthly publication, simply call 1-800-
`If you prefer to carry drug information with you on a
`handheld device like a Palmi!> or Pocket PC, you will want
`to know about mobilePDRe. This easy-to-use software
`allows you to retrieve in an instant concise summaries of
`the FDA-approved and other manufacturer-supplied label(cid:173)
`ing for 1,500 of the most frequently prescribed drugs,
`lets you run automatic interaction checks on multidrug
`regimens, and even alerts you to significant changes in
`drug labeling, usually within 24 to 48 hours of announce(cid:173)
`ments. You can look up drugs by brand or generic name,
`Roxane Labs., Inc.
`Exhibit 1008
`Page 004

`by indication, and by therapeutic class. The drug inter(cid:173)
`action checker allows you to screen for interactions
`between as many as 32 drugs. The What's New feature
`provides daily alerts about drug recalls,
`changes, new drug introductions, and so on. This
`portable electronic reference is updated daily with the
`latest available FDA-approved revfsions to existing prod(cid:173)
`uct information, plus the essential. facts · you need to
`make prescribing decisions for newly approved _agents.
`Sync anytime, day or night, at your convenience, to be
`sure you have the most recent information available. Our
`auto-update feature updates the content and the soft(cid:173)
`ware, so upgrades are easy to manage. mobilePD~
`works with both the Palm and Windows CE operating sys(cid:173)
`tems, and it's free to U.S.-based MDs,' DOs, NPs, and
`PAs in full-time patient practice and to medical students
`and residents. Check it out today at
`For those who prefer to view drug information on the
`Internet, PDR~net is the best online source for compre(cid:173)
`hensive FDA-approved and other manufacturer-supplied
`labeling information, as found in PDR Updated monthly,
`this incredible resource allows you to look up drugs by
`brand or generic name, by key word, or by indication,
`side effect, contraindication, or manufacturer. The· drug
`interaction checker allows you to screen for interactions
`between as many as 20 different drugs. The site pro(cid:173)
`vides an index that can be searched to find comparable
`drugs. As a terrific extra benefit, images of all products
`are included for- easy identification. Finally, as an added
`benefit, hosts the download for mobilePD~. At
`this one website, you ~et two great PDR products in one.
`In addition to all this, provides links to such
`useful information - as Stedman's Medical Dictionary;
`MEDLINE, online CME programs, clinical trials registries,
`evidence-based treatment · decision
`tools, medical
`newsletters, Internet directories, online formularies, and
`the FDA's Medwatch. A wealth of information all in one
`place! Registration for PDR.riet is free for U.S.-based
`MDs, DOs, NPs, and PAs in full-time patient practice as
`well as for medical students and residents. Visit
` today to register.
`For those times when all you need is quick confirmation
`of a particular dosage, you will want to have a copy of the
`2004 PDR Pharmacopoeia™ Pocket Dosing Guide. This
`handy little book can accompany you wherever you need
`to go; around the office or on hospital rounds. Only
`slightly larger than an index card and a half inch thick, it
`fits easily into any pocket, while providing you with FDAc
`approved dosing recommendations for more than 1,500
`drugs. Unlike other condensed drug references, the infor(cid:173)
`mation is drawn almost exclusively from the FDA(cid:173)
`approved drug labeling published in Physicians' Desk
`Reference. And its tabular presentation makes lookups
`a breeze. The 2004 PDR Pharmacopoeia™ Pocket
`Dosing Guide is a tool you really can't afford to be with(cid:173)
`consensus on hundreds of popular supplement prod(cid:173)
`ucts, including an array of amino acids, co-factors, fatty
`acids, probiotics, phytoestrogens, phytosterols, over-the(cid:173)
`counter hormones, hormonal precursors, and much
`more. Focused on the scientific evidence for each sup(cid:173)
`plement's claims, this unique reference offers you
`today's most detailed, informed, and objective overview
`of a burgeoning new area in the field of self-treatment.
`To protect your patients and ensure that they use only
`truly beneficial products, this book is a must.
`For counseling patients who favor herbal remedies,
`another PDk reference ·may prove equally valuable. The
`very popular PDR" for Herbal Medicilies™ provides you
`with the latest science-based assessment of some 700
`bota_nicals. ' In-dexed -by scientific, commori, and brand
`names (as . well as Western, Asian, and homeopathic
`indications), this volume also ·includes a Side Effects
`Index, a Drug/Herb
`Interactions Guide, an Herb
`Identification Guide with nearly 400 color photos, and a
`Safety Guide that lists herbs to be avoided during preg(cid:173)
`n-ancy and herbs to be used only under professional
`supervision. Although botanical products are not official(cid:173)
`ly regulated or monitored in the United S~ates, PDR for
`Herbal Medicines provides you with <;~uthoritativ~ infor(cid:173)
`mation-,-the findings of the Gerr:nan Medicine.s Agency's
`expert committee on herbal medicines, CommissionE.
`to maximize the value of PDR itself, you'll also need a
`copy -of the 2004 edition of the PDR Companion
`GuideTM, ·a 1,700-page reference that augments PDR
`with nine unique decision-making tools:
`• Interactions Index identifies pharmaceuticals and
`foods capable of interacting with a chosen medication.
`• Food Interactions Cross-Reference lists drugs that may
`interact with a -given die~ary item.
`• Side Effects Index pinpoints pharmaceuticals associat(cid:173)
`ed with each of 3,600 distinct adverse reactions.
`• Indications Index presents a_. broad range of therapeu(cid:173)
`tic options for any given diagnosis.
`• Off-Label Treatment Guide lists medications routinely
`used-but never officially approved-for treatment of
`nearly 1,000 specific disorders.
`• Contraindications Index lists drugs to avoid in the pres(cid:173)
`ence of any given medical condition.
`• International Drug Name Index names the U.S. equiva(cid:173)
`lents of some 15,000 foreign medications.
`• Generic Availability Guide shows which forms and
`strengths of a brand-name drug are also available
`The use of over-the-counter nutritional supplements has
`skyrocketed, and PDR can help you to learn more about
`this unfamiliar-even exotic-set of agents. PDR8 for
`Nutritional Supplements™ offers the latest scientific
`• Imprint Identification Guide enables you to establish
`the nature of any unknown tablet or capsule by match(cid:173)
`ing its imprint against an exhaustive catalog of identi(cid:173)
`·fying codes.
`Roxane Labs., Inc.
`Exhibit 1008
`Page 005

`The 2004 PDR Companion Guide includes all drugs
`described in PDR, PDR for Nonprescription Drugs and
`Dietary Supplements™, and POR
`for Ophthalmic
`Medicines™. It will assist you in making safe, appropri(cid:173)
`ate selection of drugs faster and more easily than ever
`before. POR and its major companion volumes are also
`found in the PDfl!P Electronic Library™ on CD-ROM , now
`used in more than 100,000 practices. This Windows(cid:173)
`compatible disc provides users with a complete data(cid:173)
`base of PDR prescribing information, electronically
`searchable for instant retrieval. A standard subscription
`includes PDR 's sophisticated search software and an
`extensive file of chemical structures, illustrations, and
`full-color product photographs. Optional enhancements
`include the complete contents of The Merck Manual
`Seventeenth Edition, Stedman's Medical Dictionary, and
`Stedman's Spe/lchecker. For anyone who wants to run a
`fast double check on a proposed prescription, there's
`also the PDF?" Drug Interactions and Side Effects
`System™- sophisticated software capable of automat(cid:173)
`ically screening a 20-drug regimen for conflicts, then
`proposing alternatives for any problematic medication.
`This unique decision-making tool now comes free with
`the POR Electronic Library. For more information on
`these or any other members of the growing family of POR
`products, please call, toll-free, 1-800-232-7379 or fax
`Roxane Labs., Inc.
`Exhibit 1008
`Page 006

`Manufacturers' Index (White Pages)
`Section 1
`Lists all pharmaceutical manufacturers participating in PHYSICIANS' DESK REFERENCE.
`Includes addresses, phone numbers, and emergency contacts. Shows each manufacturer's
`products and the page number of those described in PDR.
`Brand and Generic Name Index (Pink Pages)
`Section 2
`Gives the page number of each product by brand and generic name.
`Product Category Index (Blue Pages)
`Section 3
`Lists all fully described products by prescribing category. An overview of the headings
`appears on pages 201 and 202.
`Product Identification Guide (Gray Pages)
`Section 4
`Presents full-color, actual-size photos of tablets and capsules, plus pictures of a variety of other
`dosage forms and packages. Arranged alphabetically by manufacturer.
`Product Information (White Pages)
`Section 5
`The main section of the book. Includes entries for some 3,000 pharmaceuticals. Listings are
`arranged alphabetically by manufacturer.
`Diagnostic Product Information
`Section 6
`Gives usage guidelines for a variety of diagnostic agents. Arranged alphabetically by manufacturer.
`FDA Use-in-Pregnancy Ratings List .................... .. ..... ......... .................. . - ........... ................. ...................... 217
`Provides a listing of drugs arranged by pregnancy category.
`Dosing Instructions in Spanish ............................ ................................ .................... .... _ ..... ....... ....... ...... .. 221
`Includes basic patient instructions and pronunciations.
`Key to Contolled Substances Categories ........... ................................... ...... .. ... ...................... ........ .. ..... .. 3539
`Gives the definition of each category and the prescribing limitations that apply.
`Key to FDA Use-in-Pregnancy Ratings ........................................................... .... ... ...... .... ... .. ....... .. .......... 3539
`Provides at-a-glance description of each risk/benefit rating.
`Poison Control Centers ................ ............................................................... ................... .. ...................... 3541
`A national directory arranged alphabetically by state and city.
`Drug Information Centers ..... ....................... .... .. ..... .................. ..... ..... ... ................. .... ... ..... .. .......... ...... .. 3547
`A national directory arranged alphabetically by state and city.
`U.S. Food and Drug Administration Telephone Directory ........................... ................... ......... ... .. ........... ... 3553
`Gives numbers of key reporting programs and information services.
`DEA Office Telephone Directory ................................................................ ... ... .. .... ... .... .. ... ···- ........... ..... . 3555
`Gives numbers of U.S. divisions and office locations.
`State AIDS Drug Assistance Programs .................................................... ....... ..... ....... .... ........... .. .. ...... ... 3557
`Provides contact information arranged alphabetically by state.
`Adverse Event Report Forms ............................................................... ..... .... .... .... ......... ....................... .. 3559
`Includes master copies and-instructions for completion.
`Roxane Labs., Inc.
`Exhibit 1008
`Page 007

`This index lists every product alphabetically by both
`brand and generic name. Generic names are underlined;
`brand names are not.
`Under each generic name, you will find a list of the
`brands that contain it. This enables you to find a partic(cid:173)
`ular product by either of its names.
`For example,
`"lndocin Oral Suspension" is listed once. alphabetically
`and again under its generic name, indomethacin.
`Each time a brand name appears, it is followed by the
`manufacturer's name and the page to consult for further
`information. Under a generic heading, all fully described
`brands are listed first, followed by those with only partial
`information. In each case, the brands are listed alpha(cid:173)
`Brand name - - - - - INDOCIN ORAL SUSPENSION
`(Merck) ....................................... 2000
`325 2000
`Indicates photo - - - •
`In Product ldenti-
`fication Guide
`- -Y -' -
`Generic name - - - - -- INDOMETHACIN
`Indocin Capsules
`(M erck) .......................... 325, 2000 - - - Bold page number
`Indicates complete
`Indocin Oral Suspension
`prescribing lnfonnation
`(Merck) .................................... 2000
`Indocin Suppositories
`(Merck) .......................... 325, 2000
`Indomethacin Capsules
`(Mylan) ................................... 2194 - - - Italic page number
`Indicates partial
`prescribing Information
`Brands of - - --
`- - --l
`Roxane Labs., Inc.
`Exhibit 1008
`Page 008

`This material may be protected by Copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code)
`includes all entries
`the Product
`Information and Diagnostic Product Information sec(cid:173)
`tions. Products are listed alphabetically by both brand
`and generic name. Generic names are underlined;
`brand names are not. Under each generic name, you
`will find a list ofthe brands that contain it. This enables
`you to find a product by either of its names. For
`example, the brand Ativan appears once in the A's, and
`again under its generic name, lorazepam.
`Each time a brand name appears, it is followed by the
`manufacturer's name and the page number to consult
`for further
`information. If multiple page numbers
`appear, the first ones refer to photos of the product, the
`last one to its prescribing information. Under a generic
`heading, all fully described brands are listed first,
`followed by those with only partial information.
`• Bold page numbers indicate full prescribing
`Italic page numbers signify partial information.
`The + symbol marks drugs shown in the Product
`Identification Guide.
`The IHl symbol means product information is
`located in PDR For Nonprescription Drugs and
`Dietary Supplements™.
`The 0 symbol means product information
`is located in PDR For Ophthalmic Medicines™.
`319, 1645
`320, 1670
`320, 1670
`. 406
`310, 1034
`. 330, 2496
`. 328, 2369
`Trizivir Tablets
`(GiawSmit,Kiine) .
`Zi<~gen Oral Solution
`Ziae:cn Tablets
`322, 1846
`ReoPro Vi:tls (U/1.')
`•• .
`!Bristol-Myers Squibb).
`America) . .
`COMPOUND) !Obiken!
`Prl!l . .'OSL! Tablets (Buwr) ,.
`(AstraZeneca) . • • .
`• •
`(Roche Laboratories)
`OINTMENT (Healthpoint)
`308, 861
`306, 651
`312, 1194
`330, 2516
`330, 2519
`, , 333, 2878
`324, 1894
`• 330, 2490
`330, 2490
`• 4 324, 1894
`, , 2823
`304, 525
`304, 526
`304, 528
`313, 1249
`. 1215
`. 2194
`313, 1216
`321, 1747
`, • 334, 2948
`315, 1405
`315, 1405
`324, 1889
`. • 323, 1894
`• ~- 323, 1895
`323, 3522
`__ 323, 3522
`323, 1896
`323, 1896
`323, 3522
`323, 3522
`323, 1894
`, • 323, 1894
`323, 1889
`323, 1889
`Lort•b J0/500 Tahlcts (UCilJ
`. 3235
`Lortab Elixir (UCB )
`Maxidonc Tablets CIIJ (Warson)
`. 3332
`Midrin Capsules (Womer/ First)
`Norco 5/325 T<.~blcts Crll (Watson)._
`Norco 7 5/325 Tablets Clll (Wotson)
`Norco \0/325 Tablets Clll (lli.ttson) .
`Percocet Tablets (Endo Lobo;) .
`. 313, 1245
`Scdapap Tablets 50 mg/650 mg (Mer.:)
`Tylenol 8 Hour Extcndetl
`Release Gdtabs and Gdcaps
`(McNeil Consumer)
`Children's Tylenol Suspcn<>ion
`Liquid and Soft Chews
`Chcwahlc TJ.hlcts ( MrNeif
`Consumer) .
`Children's Tylenol Plus Allt:rgy
`(McNeil Consumer).
`Children's Tylenol Plus Cold
`(McNeil) . . . ...
`Children's Tylenol Plus Cold &
`Cough (McNeil).
`Children's Tylenol Plus Flu
`(McNeil Cnmumer)
`Children':- Tylenol Plus Sinus
`/McNeil Con.<wmer)
`Conccntruted Tylenol Infant~·
`Drops Plus Cold (Me Neil)
`Concl!nlratcd Tylenol Infants'
`Drops Plus Cold and Cough
`(McNeil) •
`ConccntrJh!d Tylenol lnfant:-o'
`Drops (McNeil Cowmmer)..
`Junior Stn:ngth Tylenol Soft
`Chews Cht:wable Tablets
`(MeNd/ Consumer)
`Extra Strength Tylenol Adull
`Liquid Pain Reliever (MeNd I
`Extra Strength Tylenol Gelcaps.
`Gclla~s. Caplets, and Tablets
`(McNeil Consumer)
`Regular Strength Tylenol Tablets
`(McNeil Con.rumer)
`Maximum Strength Tylenol
`Allergy Sinus Do:~y Time
`Caplets, Gelcaps. and Gdlabs
`(McNeil Consumer)
`Maximum Strength Tylenol
`Allergy Sinus Night Time
`Caplets (McNeil Consumer)
`Tylenol Severe Relief Caplets
`(McNeil Commmer) .
`Tylenol Anhritis Pain Extended
`Relief Caplets (McNeil
`Multi-Symptom Tylenol Cold
`Day Non-Drowsy Caplets and
`Gcleaps (McNeil Consumer).
`Multi-Symptom Tylenol Cold
`Night Time Complete
`Formula Caplets (McNt·i!
`Consuma) .
`Muhi-Symptom Tylc::nol Cold
`Scvcrc Congcslion
`Non-Drowsy Caplets (McNeil
`323, 1889
`324, 1890
`324, 1890
`324, 1890
`323, 1889
`323, 1891
`323, 1891
`324, 1891
`M~!;'~:~~ ~~Flu
`(Mr:lo <il C'OIU»""!rl
`Extra Strength Tylenol PM
`Caplets, Gel tabs, and Gclcaps.
`(McNeil Con.rumer) .
`Ma,;imum Strength Tylenol
`Sinus Night Time Caplets
`(McNeil Con.<umer) .. . ,.
`Maximum Strength Tylenol
`Sinus Day Non-Drowsy
`Gcllabs, Gelcaps, and Caplets
`(MeNeil Comwner) ..
`Tylt:nol Slnus Severe Conge~tion
`Caplets (McNeil Comumrr)
`324, 1892
`324, 1892
`324, 1892
`324, 1893
`324, 1893
`Mux.imum Strength Tylenol Sore
`Throat Adult Liquid (Mt.Nt'il
`Tylenol with Codeine Elixir
`(Ortlw-McNeil) .
`Tylenol with Codeine Tublets
`(Orthu-McNei/) .
`Women's Tylenol Mcns.tro:li
`RdieF C;.~plct:;, (McNt•il
`Maximum Strength Tylenol
`Severe Cold & Flu NightTime
`324, 1892
`Liquid (M(Neil Consumer)
`330, 2491
`U\tratct Tahlets (Ortlw-Mc.Neil)
`Vicks 44M Coug!L Cold & Flu Relief
`( Pmder & (iumblt)..
`Vk O.)Qtrll Mul~ Cold/
`Au ~h.t r.Jquld .& ti<jurt:iqro
`( Pmcter & lirrml1l•l•.
`. ,
`Vicks yQuJl LiquiCaps ( Pmcra &
`GtrorblrJ,. .
`Vicks ~ilLiquid (Prouer &
`Vicodin Tahlels (A!Jbotr)
`Vicodin ES Tahlr.:t.<; (Ahbotr)
`Vicodin HP Tablets (Abbott)
`Zydonc TablclS (Endn Lob~)
`Acetaminophen Oral Solution USP
`( Phamuu t'uric a/ A.f.mciall's) •
`Acclaminophen and Codeine
`Phosphate Oral Solution USP
`( Phttrmm euri' al A.Y.'iociutes)
`Acetaminophen and Codeine
`Phosphate Tublcts, USP
`( Mallinckmdr)
`Ancxsia Tablets (Mallinckrodr) ••
`Anolor 300 Capsules (8/v.nsclt) .
`Bupap Tablets (ECHJ
`Butalbital. Acetaminophen, Caffeine.
`und Co<kine Pho~phate Capsules
`Butalbiral, Acetaminophen and
`Caffeine Tablt:ts, USP
`Capital and Codeine Oral
`Suspt:nsion (Amarin) . . .
`304, 565
`Endocet Tablets Cll, USP ( Endo Genah s) e .
`Esgic.: Capsules (Forest)
`Esgic Tt.~blels (Forest)
`129 7
`Esgic-Plus Tablets (Fmest) .
`314, 1297
`Hydrocodone and APAP Tablets
`(Wat.ron) . .
`Hydrocodonc Bitartrate and
`A~(.!taminophen Capsules
`Hydrocodonc BitartrJrc and
`Acetaminophen Oral Solution
`Hydrocodonc Bitartrate and
`Acetaminophen Oral Solution
`(PJwrmacewi<ul A\·.wciates)
`Hydrocodone Bitartr<tle and
`Acetaminophen Tablets. USP
`(Mallim.kmdl) • ••
`Lorcct I 0/650 Toblcls (Forest)
`Lorcct Plus Tablets (Foresr)
`Lorccl-HD Capsules (Forest)
`Medigcsic Capsul~:s (U.S.
`PJwmul(t•uti< til) .
`Nortcmp Suspension (Balla.\)
`Oxycodone and Ac.:t:tuminophen
`Capsules USP CJI (Roxane)
`Oxycodont:: and Acclaminophcn
`Capsules, USP (MtJilim:kmdr}
`Ox.ycodonc and A<:etaminophcn
`T<iblets. USP (MCJ!Iinckrodr) ,.
`Oxycodonc/APAP Capsules (W<If.wm)
`Oxycodonc/APAP T:Jhkts (Watson)
`PcnlJzocine/APAP Tablds (WatsoT!}
`Phrenilin Tablets (Anwrin)
`Phrenilin Forte Capsules (Amunn)
`314, 1306
`314, 1306
`. 1872
`.... 3296
`304, 568
`304, 568
`320, 1702
`336, 3163
`. 1119
`311, 1118
`311, 1118
`311, 1118
`311, 1118
`311, 1118
`311, 1118
`Accbutolol HCI Capsules (Pur)
`... 2513
`Accbutolol Hydrochloride Capsules
`4 MG, 8 MG) !Solvay) • •
`GELS !Carlson)
`. .
`Darvocet-N 50 Tablets (MJ Phurma)
`Oarvocet-N 100 Tablets (AAJ Plwrma) .. 403
`Exccdrin Extra-Strength Caplets
`(Bri.\·ro/ Myers Produu.r)
`ExL·edrin Extra-Strength Gclrabs
`(Bristol Myers Product~)
`Exccdrin Extra-Scrcngth Tahlets
`(Brisrol Myers Pmdurts)
`Excedrin Migraine Caplets
`(Bri~tol Myers Pmductr)
`Exccdrin Migraine Gcltabs
`(Brisrol Myer~; Products)
`Exccdrin Migraine Tablets
`(Briftol Myas PmdiUt~)
`Ex.ccdrin PM Tablcls. Caplets,
`and Gehabs (Bristol M)'ers

`Excedrin QuidTah

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