`Sol Steinmetz
`Cam CL Braham
`New York
`W/ebste/.r Desk Dictionary
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`—floot’in¢-Iy, adv.
`the highest ranking officer in the
`flea to float
`flea (flé), n. a small, bloodsucking, leaping insect para-
`fllck’or‘. n. any of several North American woodpeck-
`ers with yellow or red underwings.
`sitic upon mammals and birds.
`n. Slang.
`a cheap, mn-down hotel or
`flied (flid), v. a pt. and pp. of FLY‘.
`rooming house.
`fll-or (filler), n. 1. a person, animal, or thing that flies.
`2. a pilot. 3. something that moves with great speed.
`flea’-bit/ten, ad]. 1. bitten by or infested with fleas.
`4. a small handbili; circular. 5.
`lnfonnal. a risky or
`2. shabby,‘ dilapidated.
`speculative venture.
`flea’ mar/kot, n. a market, oflen outdoors, where
`used articles, curios, and antiques are sold.
`flight‘ (flit), n. 1. the act, process, or power of flying.
`2. the distance covered or the course taken in a flight.
`flock (fiek), n. 1. a small bit; speck. 2. a small patch,
`3. a trip by or in an airplane. 4. a number of beings or
`as of color: spot. —v.i. 3. to mark with flecks.
`things flying together. 5. swifl movement, transition, or
`flodg-ling (fleyling), n. 1. a young bird that has re-
`progression. 6. a transcending of the ordinary bounds
`cently acqulred flight feathers. 2. an inexperienced per-
`of the mind: a flight of fancy. 7. a series of steps be-
`son. Also, esp. Brll., flodgollinu.
`tween one floor and the next.
`to run away, as
`flee (fie), v., flod. floo-ins. —v.i. 1.
`flight‘ (flit),
`:1. an act or instance of fleeing.
`from danger. 2.
`to pass swiftly;-fly. —v.t. 3.
`to mn
`fllzht’ attend/ant. n. an airline employee who at-
`away from.
`tends to passengers‘ comfort.
`fleece (fies), n., v., floocod. flooc-lng. —n. 1.
`coat of wool that covers a sheep. 2. a warm fabric with
`flight’ bag/, n. a lightweight bag for carrying sundries
`aboard an aircraft.
`a thick pile. —v.t. 3. to cheat or swindle. 4. to remove
`the fleece of (a sheep). ——flooc’or. n. —fIooc’y, adj.,
`flight’ deck’, n. 1. the upper deck of an aircraft car-
`-i-or, -ioost.
`rier. 2. an elevated compartment in certain aircraft.
`to grin or laugh coarsely or mockingly.
`floor (fiér), v.i.
`fIi¢ht’los8, any.
`incapable of flying.
`-—f|oor’in¢-ly. adv.
`flight’ path/, n.
`the trajectory of a moving aircraft or
`spacecraft relative to a fixed reference.
`fleet‘ (flet), n. 1. the largest organization of warships
`under the command of a single officer. 2. a large
`fli§ht’y, ad/., -i-or, —l-est. 1. frivolous and irresponsi-
`ble. 2. unstable; volatile. —fli¢ht’i-non. n.
`group of ships, airplanes, trucks, etc., under the same
`management or ownership.
`flim-flam (flimlflam/), n. Infonnal. 1. a trick or decep-
`v. —-adj. 1. swift; rapid.
`fleet‘ (flét), adj.,
`-or, -est.
`tion, esp. a swindle. 2. nonsense; twaddle.
`—v.i. 2. to move swiftly: fly. —floot’|y. adv. —fIoot’-
`flim-sy (flimizé), adj., -ti-or. -sl-est. 1. without mate-
`nou, n.
`rial strength or solidity. 2. not effective or convincing:
`fleet’ ad/miral. n.
`implausible. ——f|irn’sl-ly. adv. —flim’si-non, n.
`U.S. Navy.
`flinch (flinch), v.i. 1.
`to draw back, as from pain or
`passing swiftly.
`danger; shrink. 2. to shrink or tense under pain; wince.
`—floot’in¢-nus. n.
`fling (fling), v., flung. fling-ing, n. —v.t. 1.
`to throw
`Flam-in; (fiemling), n. 1. a Flemish-speaking Belgian.
`with force, violence, or abandon. 2. to put or send sud-
`2. a native or inhabitant of Flanders.
`denly or without preparation. 3.
`to involve (oneself)
`Flam-ish (flemlish), adj. 1. of Flanders, the Fiemings.
`vigorously in an undertaking. 4. to throw aside or away.
`—v.i. 5. to move with haste or violence. —n. 6. an act
`or their speech. —n. 2. (used with a pl. V.) 1. the Flem-
`ish-speaking inhabitants of Belgium; Flemings. b. the
`or instance of flinging. 7. a short period of unre-
`inhabitants of Flanders. 3. the Dutch language as spo-
`strained indulgence of one’s desires. 8. an attempt. 9.
`ken in N and E Belgium and adjacent parts of France:
`a lively Scottish dance. —fIin¢’or. n.
`one of the official languages of Belgium.
`flint (flint), n. 1. a hard stone that is a form of silica.
`flesh (flesh), n. 1.
`the soft substance of an animal's
`2. a piece of flint, esp. as used for striking fire.
`body, esp. muscular tissue. 2. muscular and fatty tis-
`—fIint’y. ad]., -i-or, -i-oat.
`sue. 3. meat, usu. excluding flsh and fowl. 4. the body
`Flint, n. a city in SE Michigan. 140,761.
`as distinguished from the spirit or soul. 5. HUMANKIND.
`flint’ glass/, n. an optical glass composed of alkalis,
`living creatures in general. 7. a person's family or
`lead oxide, and silica.
`relatives. 8. the solt, pulpy portion of a fruit or vegeta-
`f|int’lock’. n. 1. an outmoded gunlock in which a flint
`ble. —v.t. 9.
`to give dimension or substance to: The
`ignites the charge. 2. a firearm with a flintlock.
`playwright fleshed out the characters. -Idiom. 10. in
`flip (flip), v., flipped, flip-ping, n., adj., flip-per. flip-
`the flash, present before one’s eyes; in person.
`post. —v. t. 1. to turn over by or as if by tossing. 2. to
`flesh’ and blood’, n. 1. offspring or relatives. 2. the
`move‘ or activate with a sudden stroke or jerk. 3. to re-
`human body or nature. 3. substance.
`sell, esp. quickly, or refinance. —v.i. 4. to read or look
`flesh’ly, adj., -ll-or, -ii-est. 1. of the body; corporeal.
`at rapidly or perfunctorily. 5. Slang. a. to react with ex-
`citement. b. to become insane. --n. 6. an act or in-
`2. carnal; sensual. 3. worldly rather than spiritual.
`fleshlpot/, n.
`a place of luxurious and unrestrained
`stance of flipping. --adj. 7. flippant; pert.
`-—-Idiom. 8.
`flip one’: lid, Slang. to lose control of one’s temper.
`fleshly, adj., -i-or, -i-est. 1. plump; fat. 2. consisting
`flip’-flop/. n. 1. a sudden or unexpected reversal, as
`of or resembling flesh. 3. pulpy, as a fruit.
`of opinion. 2. a backward somersauit. 3. the sound or
`fleur-do-lis (fliir/dl é’,
`-dl ésl, ncmr/-), n., pl. flours-
`motion of something flapping.
`do-Iis (fiflr’d| E2’, fioor/-). a stylized representation of
`(fliplant), adj.
`frivoiously disrespectful, shal-
`an iris with three petals, used omamentaily and as a
`low, or
`lacking in
`seriousness. ——flip’pan-cy, n.
`heraldic device.
`—fIip/pant-ly, adv.
`flew (flo_o), v. a pt. of FLY’.
`flip-per (fliplar), n. 1. a broad, fiat limb, as of a seal,
`flex (fleks), v.t., v.i. 1. to bend. 2. to tighten (a muscle)
`specially adapted for swimming. 2. a paddleiike device,
`by contraction.
`usu. of rubber, worn on the foot as an aid in swimming.
`flex’i-ble, adj. 1. capable of being bent or flexed. 2.
`flip’ side’. n. 1.
`the reverse and usu.
`less popular
`susceptible of modification or change; adaptable. 3.
`side of a phonograph record. 2. an opposite or reverse
`willing or disposed to yield: tractable. —flox/i-bi|’i-ty,
`n. —flox’i-bly, adv.
`to act amorously without serious
`(flurt), v.i.
`flex/time/ also flexli-time’ (fleklsi-), n. a system
`to trifle or toy, as with an idea. 3.
`intentions. 2.
`that allows an employee to choose the hours for start-
`move jerkily. —n. 4. a person given to flirting. 5. a
`ing and leaving work.
`sudden jerk. —-flir-ta/tion, n. —flir-uvtious, adj.
`——fIir-ta/tious-ly, adv.
`flex-ure (fiek’sher), n. 1. the state of being flexed. 2.
`a bent part; bend or fold.
`to fly, move, or pass
`(flit), v.i., flit-ted, flit-ting.
`(fiibler té jib/it), n. a flighty per-
`swiftly, lightly, or irregularly from one place or condition
`to another.
`(flik), n. 1. a sudden light blow or tap. 2.
`float (flot), v.l. 1. to rest on the surface of a liquid. 2.
`sound made by a flick. 3. a light and rapid movement.
`to move gently on or as if on the surface of a liquid;
`—v.t. 4.
`to strike, remove, propel, or operate with a
`drifl along: a balloon floating through the air. 3.
`flick. —-v.i. 5. to move rapidly or jerkiiy.
`move lightly and gracefully. 4.
`to wander aimlessly.
`—v.i. 5. to cause to float. 6. to issue (stocks, bonds,
`flick’ (flik), n. Slang. a motion picture.
`etc.) in order to raise money. —n. 7. something that
`flickler‘, v.l. 1. to burn unsteadily. 2. to flutter. -n.
`floats, as a rail. 8. a hollow ball that through its buoy-
`3. an unsteady flame or light. 4. a flickering move-
`ment. 5. a brief flurry: a flicker of interest.
`ancy automatically regulates the level of a liquid. 9. a
`round to Franco
`any of several breeds of hounds
`for enduring existence. 2. to provide a finn basis for:
`trained to hunt foxes.
`ground. ——found/or, n.
`terrier with a long, narrow
`fox’ tor/rior, n. a small
`found‘ (found), v.t.
`to melt and pour (metal) into a
`head and either a wiry or a smooth white coat.
`mold. —iound/or. n.
`fox’ trot/.
`a ballroom dance in duple meter.
`iiounodaition. n. 1. basis; groundwork. 2. the base on
`-—i‘ox/-trot/. v.i., -trot-ted. étroit-ting.
`which a structure rests. 3. the act of founding. 6. the
`fox/y, adj., -i-or. -i-est. slyly clever; cunning.
`state of being founded. 5. a. an institution financed by
`(foi/er, fol/5), n. 1. a lobby, esp. of a theater.
`a donation or legacy. b. an endowment for such an in-
`2. an entrance hall.
`stitution. 5. a corset or girdle.
`FPO, 1. field post office. 2. fleet post office.
`foun-der ifounidar), v.i. 1. to fill with water and sink.
`‘fps, 1. feet per second. 2. foot-pound-second.
`2. to fail utterly. 3. to stumble or go lame, as a horse.
`lF|l’, Chem. Symbol.
`found/ling, n. an abandoned infant without a known
`Fr.. 1. Father. 2. France. 3. French. 4. Friar. 5. Friday.
`foundwy (foun/dré), n., pl. -ries. an establishment for
`‘Sr, 1. fragment. 2. pl. fr. in franc. 3. from.
`fra-cm (fra/kas, frak/es), n. a disorderly disturbance.
`producing castings in molten metal.
`ifount (fount), n. 1. a fountain. 2. a source.
`irac-tion (frak/shan), n. 1.
`a. a number usu. ex-
`ifouin-tain (foun/tn), n. 1. a spring of water from the
`pressed in the fonn a/b. b. a ratio of algebraic quanti-
`earth. 2. a source; origin. 3. a mechanically created jet
`ties similarly expressed. 2. a part of a whole: portion.
`or stream of water. 4. a reservoir for a liquid to be sup-
`3. a fragment. ——i‘i-ac/tion~al. adj.
`plied continuously.
`fracetious (frak/shas), adj’.
`1. rebellious: unruly. 2.
`tfourvtain-head/, n. a source.
`readily angered or annoyed. —-fracitious-ly, adv.
`ftoutvtain pen/,
`:1. a pen with a refillable reservoir
`‘free-‘tum (frak/char), n., v., -turod. =-tuning. —-n. 1.
`that provides a continuous supply of ink to its point.
`the breaking of something, esp. a bone. 2. a break;
`four (for), n. 1. a cardinal number, three plus one. 2.
`split. —-v.t., v.i. 3. to break; crack.
`a symbol for this number, as 4 or IV. —ad/'. 3. amount-
`frageilo (fraj’al; Brit. —i|), adj. 1. easily broken or dam-
`ing to four in number.
`aged. 2.
`lacking in substance;
`flimsy. —-‘lira-gilaiaty
`‘flour’-flush/, v.l.
`to bluff. —l‘our’flush/er. n.
`(fre jil/i te), frag/ilo-nose. n.
`‘four/‘mid/,, adj. 1. comprising four parts or members.
`ifraggiio X syndrome. n. a widespread form of men-
`2. four times as great or as much. —-adv. 3. in fourfold
`tal retardation caused by a faulty gene on the X chro-
`i‘our’-in-hand/. n. 1. a necktie tied in a slipknot with
`the ends lefl hanging. 2. a vehicle drawn by four
`horses and driven by one person. 3. a team of four
`four/-o'clock/, n. a plant bearing tubular flowers that
`open in the late afternoon.
`four/post/er, n. a bed with four comer posts, as for
`supporting a canopy.
`fouriscoro/, adj.
`four times twenty; eighty.
`fourisome (-sam), n. 1. a company or set of four. 2.
`a golf match between two pairs of players.
`four/square/, adj. 1. square in shape. 2. firm; forth-
`right. —-adv. 3. finnly; forthrightly.
`fourftoon/, n. 1. a cardinal number, ten plus four. 2.
`a symbol
`this number, as 14 or XIV. —adj. 3.
`amounting to 14 in number. ——four/toenth/. adj., n.
`fourth (forth), adj. 1. next after the third; being the or-
`dinal number for four. 2. being one of four equal pans.
`—n. 3. a fourth part. 4. the fourth member of a series.
`—-adv. 5. in the fourth place.
`‘fourth! class/. n. a class of mail consisting of mer-
`chandise weighing one pound or more and not sealed
`against inspection. —fourth/-class/, adj., adv.
`‘fourth’ dimen/sion. n. a dimension, usu.
`addition to length, width, and depth.
`‘fourth’ estate’, n.
`(often caps.) the journalistic pro-
`fession or its members.
`Fourth’ of July’. n.
`four/-wheel/, adj. 1. having four wheels. 2. function-
`ing on or by four wheels: a truck with four-wheel drive.
`(foul), n., pl. fowls. fowl, v. —n. 1. a domestic
`hen or rooster. 2. a bird such as a turkey or pheasant.
`3. the meat of a domestic fowl. —v.i. 4. to hunt wild-
`fox (foks), n., pl. fox-es. fox, V. —-n. 1. a small cami-
`vore of the dog family with a sharply pointed muzzle
`and a long bushy tail. 2. the fur of the fox. 3. a cun-
`ning or crafty person. —v.t. 4. to deceive or trick.
`(n. frag/ment; v. frag/ment), n. 1. a part
`broken off or detached. 2. an unfinished or incomplete
`part. —-v.i., v.t. 3.
`to break into fragments.
`men-ta/‘tion. n.
`fragamon-taroy (frag/men ter/E), adj. consisting of
`fragments; incomplete.
`(fra/grant), adj. having a pleasing scent.
`-lira/grance. n. ——i‘ra’grant-ly. adv.
`frail (fral), adj., -or. -est. 1. not physically strong; deli-
`cate. 2. easily broken; fragile. —1‘rail»'|y. adv.
`trailuty (fral/té, fra/ei-), n., pl. -ties. 1. the quality or
`state of being frail. 2. a fault resulting from moral
`frame (fram), n., v., framed, framuing. —n. 1. a dec-
`orative border, as for a picture. 2. a rigid supporting
`structure formed of joined parts, as in a building. 3.
`the size and build of the human body. 4. an enclosing
`structure or case: a window frame. 5. form, constitu-
`tion, or structure. 6. a particular state: an unhappy
`frame of mind. 7. one of the successive pictures on a
`strip of film.
`-—v.!. 8. to construct; shape. 9. to devise:
`compose. 10. to cause (an innocent person) to seem
`to provide with or put
`into a frame.
`—i‘ram’or. n.
`‘frame’-up/. n. a fraudulent incrimination of an inno-
`cent person.
`framwwork/, n. 1. a skeletal supporting or enclosing
`structure. 2. a structure composed of parts fitted to-
`the basic monetary unit of France.
`franc (frangk), n.
`Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Guinea, Madagas-
`car, Rwanda, Burundi, and Djibouti.
`Franco (frans,
`frans), n.
`1. Anatole. 1844-1924,
`French author. 2. a republic in W Europe.
`‘Iran-chise (franfchiz), n., v., -chisod. -chi:-ing, —-n.
`1. a privilege conferred on an individual or group by a
`government. 2. the right or license granted by a com-
`pany to an individual or group to market its products or
`services. 3. the right to vote.
`-—v.t. 4. to grant a fran-
`chise to. —i‘iran’chise-mant (-chiz mant, —chiz-), n.
`fran/chi-sow (~chi zé/'), n., pl. -seats. one to whom a
`. franchise is granted.
`iranfohisaar, n. 1. Also. ‘fran/chi-sor. one that grants
`a franchise. 2. a franchisee.
`Fa-anfeis of Aseiisi
`(fran/sis; a seize), n.
`Italian friar. ——Franocisi'can (-sisikan),
`adj., n.
`franaei-um (fran/sé am), n. a radioactive element of
`the alkali metal group. Symbol: Fr; at. no. : 87.
`Franck (frangk), n. Cesar. 1822-90, French com-
`poser, born in Belgium.
`Ftranwzco (frang/k6), n. Francisco, 1892-1975, Spanish
`red film:
`faxed, adj. stained or spotted a yellowish brown.
`ifozt/‘firw or ifox/=-fire/, 11. organic luminescence, esp.
`from certain fungi on decaying wood.
`‘foxigiove/, n. a plant with purple flowers on a tall
`spike and leaves that yield digitalis.
`’l‘©x/'hoie/, n. a pit used as a shelter in a battle zone.