`Cooler. Low. 40. Hlgh. 64. Page C!O
`Mertt board approves action . Page Cl
`What Dreams May Come Is a beauUful
`movie that uiUmately disappoints. Page Fl
`Full baseball coverage
`begins on Page B I
`}octors say
`:obotic arm
`lids surgery,
`tands down
`I St. Vincent. Methodist
`ttlllze the Aesop 3000,
`lhlch provides a view
`1slde paUents w1th
`lellcale precision.
`''11'1 like
`lining I
`Or. Larry
`Stawns, wl1o
`uses Aesop
`By Jenny Labalme
`Thl~ robot da«=sn't appear In
`.esop's Fhhle!!.
`But It vt'ry much h.ru1 a prescutt
`t Melhottlst nnd St. Vtnctnt hospl·
`And If you tuna:l In to ER on
`hursd.1.y night. you would howe
`ecil the robotic :mn. calkd A~p
`000. at work.
`"It provtdes a rock-s teady ptclt•~
`nd extends the surgeon·, roptl(cid:173)
`,Utues. • 8.'lld Dr. Larry Stevens. a
`urgeon who •·•~ the dr:vlt."C at
`9th l.odlnnapolls hoep11als.
`Ar3op doesnl look an}1htnp. like
`from Slur Wars, but II
`ounds a hll llke U•e movie robot.
`;arbllng some musical notes befo~
`I lllO"~ to l.he lrft, up or
`Tile slmpk. black. armlik~ stnlc•
`un: has an end08C0pe, an optk'td
`u~ that's ln5Crted Into th~ p.'"IU~nt
`hrm1gh a s mall tnct.slon. Usua lly.
`nul'3es or
`gems hold a In·
`pai'OM:ope -
`typr of endoscope
`or ~ur¢cal
`scope - by ha nd
`to see Inside the
`u5et'l mostly wllh
`nvoiVI~ the ~lbL'"Idder. s tomach.
`1plttn and colon.
`Aesop responds to mire com ·
`mn~l11. So a rttoJ.(utuon of Stt='.Tns·
`.-ot~ t!l pro,IUammcd tu to tht" com(cid:173)
`il"-ller II)'Stem at1achet1 to tl1e robot
`JO It can fl"SJXlnd to what Ste1o'tnA
`Other phystctnns who use At'!M>JI
`a gyneculugls t and a thorac ic
`ni!IO tuwe their I'Ok't.!l
`l~" -
`programmed Into the system. All
`U1e d octors lt.'"ld
`to speak tl)tht
`Utnes In to the computrr wtth dlffer·
`rnt lnflecUons so the rohot 1110\lld
`dtsttngulsh U1dr \'0\«S whethrr
`they spnke soi'Uy. tJull·kly or harsh·
`TI1e commands ;u c s imple: · Ac·
`!lOp. 1110\'e len· or 'Msop. mo\'e
`Sllmtllmes the robot Is st ub(cid:173)
`born, like a dog that won't respond
`to a ·sw command. But Stco.'tns
`says that ~e~mlly the robot will
`respond when asked a 8te(lnrl lime
`to perfonn u move.
`By utler1~ the robof s name
`first. the physician cru1 ensure that
`t\esop won't ~pond to a comman~J
`II sh ouldn't, such a.'\ If the doctbr
`says. "M O\'C thai surR,~Cal tray to
`the rtght.~
`See ROBOTIC Page 2
`llosovo's current crisis
`The U N. Security Counc:M condemned
`lhe • ti'OCities In K<»ovo in • weci&l
`MWhere lhe SplrH q{the l..ord is. there (S Uben![ 11 COR. 3:17
`NATO poised to strike
`• U.S., European allies
`rally support for attacks on
`Serb targets in bid to end
`violent conflict in Kosovo.
`By John Donnelly
`and Rk:hard Parker
`WASHING10N -1h: CUnton admtnl!l·
`tmuon and Its European alll~s moved
`c~ Timrsday to launehtn~ alrstrtkes
` Serb laiJ!:ets to end the Hghtlnp;
`Meanwhile, tn another hin t of a mil·
`ltruy attack. the State Dtp.'"lnmo-~1 l"ucd
`NA10 put forces on the h lp,hest s ta tr
`a truvel wnrnlng tha t actvt~ Americans
`or alrr1, and the prrsklenf5 top fort~n
`to leave Yu!j;oslavla.
`t~.(l\1sers !lnught support from US sen ·
`It now appears that an attack could he
`ntors for mlliiMy lntcrvcnUon.
`ordered :-~s !lOOn as early next w-eek. ac·
`TIIC stmtegy. according 10 senior ad·
`mtnlstmllon offict.."lls. would he to pum·
`l·onUng to Oefcn!W' De:panmmt officials.
`speakin g on the condtUon of anonymity.
`mel Serb military tu 'l(ets v.1th a wave of
`take a
`At the Uruted NaUons on ThurM.'"Iy.
`cmtse ml.!l..'\1\e attacks.
`breaU1er tn the expectallon that ''u~v the Sef'uril)' Council met tn e·mergency
`President S lobodan Mtloseo.'k would back
`session to addreM 'the appa.lllng repons
`or th e atroc!U"w by Sr-rb fom=s ~nst
`eMIIans and Issued ,, s ta trme:nt ck-
`If he ctoes n't. air uttack.s wou ld follow.
`TI1e United Slatr.!l has ruktl out usln~
`,~trounli troops In KOM\·o for now.
`See NATO Page 2
`AbMians ., Koeo-
`·~: Man
`horror. Offdols say
`ha fMY be a wit-
`S1oryoo P'8Qe A2.
`Agillg fleet
`of planes
`to undergo
`FAA review
`• lnspecuons of wiring, other
`aircraft systems could lead
`to new safety directives.
`WAS! \INCTO:'>! - Tile Fcdcrnl A.vtaHon
`Admtnls tr.nlon on Thui"Sday rumounced a
`s"''"'Ping. R\'e-yrar prnJttl to study the po(cid:173)
`ten tia.! h..v.ards of agtng alrcrnfl systems.
`111e plan. :mnoun~l by Transportalkm
`Sttrrtary Rodney S later a.nd FM admfnJs (cid:173)
`tr:u o r J~ Can ·ey. -...111 tn\'ol\-r exte:nst\oe:.
`explor.uory Inspections of '>1.1rtng, hydrau·
`l!cs. a\10n lcs a nd othrr nonstructuro.l com·
`pom·nts c rtUCal to safr Hight.
`ill~ public ~~>'llnts a nd need-" a safe. rc(cid:173)
`l!ahlr. system
`to take
`the nallen
`m:.o.:t ce:n tul)'."' Slatrr
`:-trl" on a\-ern~. 16
`years old . Sl:ur:r saki.
`llmt a\"C~e '11.111 r1se
`to aiJuu t 20 )'Cars In
`t h~ n ext lltta de.
`The proj~t w-.~s pro·
`pt'llt'l'l to priority status
`hy the t"Xplos to n and
`aash of nn oloie.r 7-li
`nt'..r .-.:C\1.· York In 1996
`1WA FIJ.i:hl 800. In
`whlrh all :.!30 peoplt'
`abo.1rct \\Tre killed (cid:173)
`and follow~ hy a df'C'
`adt" !'I sl!mbr program
`In which U1t' a!!Cncy and Indu stry estnb(cid:173)
`lls ht'd a systttn of Strullny for the metaJ
`frnmr and s kin of atrplallt"S
`That pro_l:!mm sought to track :~ond fl.1:
`ro~ton :mel metaHalllo(Ue problems.
`But wllllf' G:ti'\'C}" emphustzet.l that th e
`IIC'W projet"t '' In tht resellll:h phnsc. she
`said the FAA Is draft!~\(! niles that \\VUJd
`require design rC\1ew<~ by m..1nu facturen.
`.• ~ wrll as more- explicit fuel· tank·m.'"llnte·
`nanrr JH'orrtlun:s and full safe dc!ttgns or
`FAA dlloiJano
`tern for wtre
`ralturea could
`See FAA Page 8
`YUM: Michelle Stough and son Dakoda lick oH their mllk mustaches at the Farm Progress Show.
`Hopilg 10 become 8 mil< --TIXily the Mlot Mustache
`Where, when
`Mobile wl be at Methodst
`Ho6pilal, 1701 N. Senate Aile ..
`from lOam. to 1 pm. and at
`Mrush~. 2t40 E.
`1 16th St., ftcm 3:30 to e p.m
`On SaJuoday it ri be at1tle tn(cid:173)
`CiMapola Mt-.rn ct M
`1200 W. 39ttl St, from 9 a.m.
`Folks vie to Jon a dairy mustache and get a shot al celebrity
`f.'\ce helps. Ami u gimmick Is C"\~n
`~Iter ror someon e try ing to make
`h is wny Into a n a tton01l nd vertJsln,lil; c um
`pal~l .
`W INDFt\U.. Ind . - S ure. a pretty
`!~~~ j~~f,h~~~~J~~~~~~t~~~::t~2~~ a net
`Wr ll. Kr\111 d id. nt . Ill)' rat ...
`Tilt' 7-Vf":lr• Oid WIIS Olle of cJn7t'll ~ c'lf
`JX."Uple 1iiiii"S1Iay at the Fanu Prol£rt"sS
`Show wh o ho~d to hrromc the n c-.o.:t ~Got
`Milk?'" ccleiJrlty.
`Tht' Milk Mus tuch t· Mohllt" I~ tourlnlo(
`100 ctllr~ this rear tu o.,.t•a rch of :-tn a ll(cid:173)
`Amelicnn IM'rson o r pc.:r son s to bt'ar the
`fmntllnr while mu~tarhe. 'n1e WGot Milk?"
`a d \'crUslnJ.( cnmp..-.1,1!11 of the COIIIII I)''s m ilk
`promoter.; lm~ rea t urNI ~uch t'deiJrtllt"S fl<t
`See MILK Page 8
`Tribe hunts whales with harpoon, permit r-----------~----------, ~cncE
`~~~h~~~~~~~~'!.~~~a~;~~~ ;';~~~~
`off a whak and savtn~ lis lift
`And the U.S. Cons\ Guard. lntrnt on pre·
`\'Cntlnf! the: ~roups from dashlnf:l ~~>1th rnrh
`other, krpt clo!le watch on 11 ~"(:r~ that ha'l
`J~l a n exqulsllr for 11\0U I)' tn\1·
`mmnentnl ~ou~.
`t'l ndllljl: thrm~I\'C"~ r:m~ht lx t'>l.'t'rn 1he
`<~:we·lhr whnles t'IIK)!'I rl"pre.v mrd by t hr pro
`tff>ters and the resp«l for Nntll~·okl :--1attn·
`tnbe ft.'"lthertd Thursday on a bea<"h on Was h·
`tr~on's m~l Olym pk: l'tn lns ula.
`TI1ey Wf'l'"e Atnn tng an ad••enlure tutended to
`;~~~n~~~ fa~?:.,;~~- tradiUons of thrtr
`Out l>eron: the: eight-man N"t\1.'. rarrylu,l( n
`, tcrl hMpOOn and a .50-ra\\brr a"'\ult riflt'.
`C'Ould t\Tn launc h !Is 32 foot Cf'l'b r C':-tnoe Into
`the 1>:-lrtfk. thf' Makall Indians hacl ro rontrml
`v.1lh a modenHiay flotilla of nn tmal-r1¢lts pro(cid:173)
`The pmlestc~ ~~o·err t'l'llllpped with . t Non~:r
`~L'"In· bullt ~ubm .. •r1nt ll.'lllliNI to T"t'S('IIIb le
`See WHALES Page 2
`RUN: The
`American lndi~
`an Makahs
`are allowed to
`kill five grey
`whales a year
`tor five years.~
`Tribesmen wil:
`hunt from their
`canoe using •
`harpoon and a
`• Indlans are met by protesters
`opposed to the l st legal hunt
`of a gray whale tn 50 years.
`By Sam Howe Vemovetc
`NEAll It<\\'. Wash . - Anne<! ~1th official
`pemll':!oSIOn to ronduct the Hr5t lr~t:-tl hunt for a
`gmy ~~o·hale tn U.S. ~-ater.s In more than 50
`years. membtrs of . 1 small t\mcrlcan lndL'"In
`Cliliit """"
`Dt< ""''
`C! - CtO , ... 1~n..,.ne<
`.., .. 133-1?1!
`C! - 116 - Fl-14 ""
`,,. Ootua""
`At8 """"
`" Soons
`C2 ~ C1
`~· <3ilfi131#·>
`4;./SPi• ==
`h·l ·l:f.!H!Iif't C«ydesk w .. .me:m
`lnfol.rle .~ ... ..12441311
`Ma., oftlce .833-1240 Mcwtl rumers_ ..... .A2
`Clrctiation ~ s:J3.9211
`(.,"1198, The Stir
`~ &33-1212
`INTELGENX 1022, pg. 1

`Amet1tech-5BC deal to be subject of December hearings. Poge 2 m NYSE TABLE /3
`Business Indiana regulators announce fonnal probe of merger
`frtdlrJ, Oct.- 2, 1998
`lnfollor. 624 ·4636
`01111111: www.stnmews .com
`Stale's jobless rate
`hits new low In August
`Indiana's nonsensonally ndj us t(cid:173)
`ed unemployment rate hit a new
`low In Aup:ust. Jus t 2.5 pt:n:c nl. ln(cid:173)
`d lnnol"s rate rem:tl ns bt:low the na·
`UoMI rnte of 4.5 ~rrenl. In t\ u(cid:173)
`IOJ"L 3 .02 million s tate restdents
`~employed up 12 200 from the
`SQme month In 1997 In the lndl
`anapolls area, the August unem(cid:173)
`ploytntnt rate was 2 .1 percent. One
`~"\r ago, the unemployment rate
`In lndl,na v.-a~ 3.4 perttnt a nd 2.7
`percent In l nd~·mapohs.
`Clvysler, Toyota saw
`sales soar In September
`Domestic sales of Cluy sler Corp.
`<:anJ rutd tm cks Increased a
`healthy 18 perttnt In September
`comparW With a ~ak month a
`year ago. Toyo ta Motor Corp. post·
`ed a recon.l for the mon lh. wtth
`~s up 43 ~n::ent.
`(\mong oth er mlljor automaker.~
`that reponed Ml~ figures Thu r!(cid:173)
`day. Honda Motor Co . h:ul a 9 r~tr­
`ctn t ,$lin. while Nls !l<ln Motor
`Corp. s u sUllned a 14 percent d rop .
`Gt>nem l Motor.~ Corp. and fo'ord
`Motor Co . ..._~~ SC'hedulffi to ~~~ur
`their sales ~ports Mond:~y.
`·Boeing fined $10 million
`In foreign space venture
`Boel1~ Co. ha s ~reed to pay a
`8 10 million cMI penalty to ~c:t Its
`oomrnen::tal sp<~re vrnt11rt.. ~a
`Lilun ch, back on trnck aflrr failln~t
`to Y.feguanS Amertca n technoloey
`:~eerels from fon::lgn powe rs.
`1ht Sta ir lkl>artirn:nt s tow ed
`Boetng's-"-"Orfron·the 5:Jielltlr ·
`lnu nch tng venlure July 2 7, lhrtt
`~ Into 115 collnborallo n with the
`Russians and Ukrainia ns.
`A congressional 50urcc 5ald t'<~r·
`lier t.hal llot:ln~ h., cl h mkrn thr
`le'nns of Us expon licen se hy s har·
`tu g tedmtcaJ lnfom mtlon w1U1
`RSC· Enc~ of Moscow and the
`Ukr.:iinla n company KU Yuzh noye I
`PO 'Without a Stnte lkpanmem
`reprt.M:nt,,t":e prt.M:nt.
`MOrtgage rates fall
`tor filth week In a rrNI
`.WIS..ciTON, D.C.
`~ortgage rme.s fe.ll for the fifth
`ooq steu Uve w~k a nd. at 6 .60 pt"r(cid:173)
`ctn t. haven't ~n lower In more
`than three da:ades.
`The avr rap.e rate on :10-
`year, Rxed-rnt e mort~n~es drop~!
`from 6 .64 perceut the week before.
`1-Tcddle Mac. t he nJOrt,l!nJ.(e (,.Vm pa ·
`ny. said 11UJrsday.
`WresUing petSOnallties
`visit stock exchange
`llu~ bulls and bear.~ of Wall
`Sl~t met the musrle-!hlr11'11 mr n
`or au toj.(rnph sttker.t·at a n lnrreas (cid:173)
`lngly pub lld ty-ronsrlou s New York
`Stock Exchan!);e ..
`Hollywood Hulk Hoj!an . Dla·
`mo m! Dnllns Pn~e. l.A:.'I Lu~ar. Ke·
`vtn Nnsh ntKI oth er men of the rlnl-(
`"-''re their ~Ulng s uits o nto the
`V:d L,nge floor after the mnrkl't
`had dropped nenrly 200 po in ts lair
`In the morning.
`111elr appeanmce wns a mam(cid:173)
`moth p ublicity s tunt for credit
`C"Ards featurtng their 1\kt>nesses
`that are beln!! ofTerr-d tn a den\ be·
`twe-eu Cnpttal One Bm1k and World
`Championship Wrestlln~.
`Lilly venture to create impotency p~
`• Finn will team up with drugmaker
`in Seattle to create drug to rtval Viagra.
`By Courtenay Edelhart
`STAfF WArrEll
`Ell !Jlly nnd Co. has fonm:d a
`Jolnl venture With a flm1 panly
`owned by Bill G<!le5 To develop a n
`Impotency ptll that would compete
`a g.'llns t Pllzcr's wthlly s ucc-essful
`The ven ture will bt: ownt:d 50/50
`by Ully anti lc-os Corp .. a dn•g·
`maker In the Seattle area tha t Is
`stu dying a t.'Ompound ca lled 1C35 J
`ts being L'liked
`lhr proclurl
`a bout as a next -gt:ne ratlon V\.,gm.,(cid:173)
`S.lM Vtren Mth ta . an aiL,Iyst ...,1th
`Mehta Partner.t
`Tesl1nf! so far has only been con·
`du ctecl In men . but p lan!! ca ll for
`t rst ln~ 11 In women, as well, be·
`cause both ~tend«-~ hnve s lmllnr
`uen ·ous system controls a n d Ussut(cid:173)
`blochemls \ry.
`Ully s.1.!d It will take a
`qu an e r chargt> ~aln!ll earnings of
`7 cents a shart becauM: or t he \'en-
`mrt.. Ieos wtll recttve an Initial 875
`million a nd v.-ould rt.eel\'e more
`p.'lymC"IliS a s It m~ts deo.·rlopmt:n\
`Tiu: j oint venture will sell t he
`d m~ In North AmeriCa a nd Eu rope.
`Ell Ully will have exclusive rtp;ht.s to
`sell It outskle North Amer1ca and
`Europe. wllh a roynlty paid to the
`As the 0\o'entll market t umbled
`Thursday. Ully fell S2 to $7&.3 1.
`Ieos mse $ 1.6 2 to 8 19.38 and Pfizer
`fdl $6.12 to $99.62.
`Analyst s $l\ld It ts far 100 early to
`tell how th e development or the new
`drug might affect Ully's !Jottom
`llnl':. or how muc h ma rket share
`• Ulfy Honored: Labor Depart(cid:173)
`men! cites hn'lg ~- Page 2
`the d ntg might be a ble to cla hn
`from Pfizer tf It corn~ to market.
`-It's only In Phase. 1\ ..-o of the
`t estln~t and Pha se Thre«- (th e la~~ot
`phase] cou ld lake another yt-ar or
`· more: said Cynthia Beach. analyst
`v.1th Cem rd Klau ::;er Mattison In
`New York.
`1'he r arl!t>s.t thry can pmh., hly
`~~ to markt-t \\111 be a rou nd 2001 •
`Beach snld the Impotency d m j!
`might help 1111 the void for Lilly after
`Pro7~,c ~s off J).1.te nt ea rly In the
`next ceutul)'. Pr07 .. ar n'C'On1td"AAit:~
`In 1997 o fS2.6 1Jilllon .
`1l1e joint \~nture folluws Fflzer
`lnr.·~ lntrodurtton ofVtagrn. an im (cid:173)
`potency dm g that h ad 8411 million
`In sales In Its flnll thl't.'C mont hs. au
`lu dustl)' record
`k o:s' dn1~ Is Intended to tarl:(et
`mor e spttlfically the enzyme In
`\'O)vffi ln lmJ'M'Ilt:~e t.h.'ln d~s Pllz·
`er's Vta grn. If t ha t rlestgn su ccetds.
`Ieos' drug cou ld h<we f~r of thr
`side e fTttl'; or V!aJ!ra. which some
`t emporary
`\1s lou
`proh lt>m!'l.
`n 11s ts not uuy·s flr.~t for:\y Into
`See ULLY Page 2
`by Fed
`• Aiding hedge fund's
`rich owners wasn·t
`concern of central
`bank. says Greenspan.
`By Richard W. Stevenson
`Pa n)1ng a
`rare wave of crttlr l:;m , ~-edeml
`Hescn ·e Chalmtan Alan Grceu ·
`sp., n on Tilltt'S(L,y ~defrndal t he
`r t-ntm l b..'lnk's role In a \'ertlnf! thl':
`colla pse of Long-Tem1 Cnpll ;~l
`Management LP. sayln~ tha t It
`had acted o u t of conttm for the
`s tability or th e flna nci.'ll ma rke ts
`rnthrr than a cle5lrl': lo a~~os.l!lt thr
`hwestn'lt:n t flmi's wralthy 0\\.'Tl·
`- - - - - Appeartn~
`S.llout Necn(cid:173)
`ury: Alan Green·
`House Bank·
`tng Conunll·
`tee alongside
`, ::',::~ I
`the prt:Stdent
`of the fcdcml ReseJVe Ban k of
`New York. Grrcnspan buill a case
`1h.,t 11 WM th e ~ntrnl hank's rt·
`spon~btllty to play a role ln :ul(cid:173)
`drcs~lng u crtsls whose e iTe-cts
`could exlend far beyond the fute
`of l.nng· Tem 1 C'lpltnl's owners.
`lnvrstors anrl lende rs.
`-f1n ancta l market ,).,rtll·lp .. ,nls
`we n: alre<~dy 1111scllletl by rec-ent
`l:(loba l r:n :n ts ," Creensp;m Silld,
`referring to the s pread Into Ru ~·
`s la a nrl L., un Amertra of the n.
`n anctal cr1s ls that bef!.,n las t yt"":~r
`111 Asia
`"Had th e failure of LTCM l rlf!
`p:crcd the seiZin~ u p or lUilrkets .
`subst.'ln llal d amaF{e cou ld have
`he.fon lnntctt'cl on ma ny nL, rki-t
`p.,rt!Mj).,nts. tndudln~ M mt' n()t
`d irectly tn\'olved tn t he 1lm1. and
`tvuld have potenlln!ly Impaired
`USTENINO TO CRITICS: Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan heard pointed ques·
`lions over a hedge fund's bailout by the House Banking Committee on Thursday.
`the rronomlt:s of nL,ny na tions .
`lncludln~ ou r 011'11 M
`Gri:'CilSpan IS LISU:llly hea1)C'(\
`l\1lh praise for his stcw;mls hlp of
`the economy whe n he ap pe-a rs
`hf'forr Con~l'f'S..'I.
`On Tiltl fS(l;~y, 11\"0o-day& after
`cuttln~ Interest rates by one-
`quan tr ]Xllnt to help Insulate': the
`United Slates from t hr j!loh.,J crt(cid:173)
`sis. he heard r~spect ful hut none(cid:173)
`thelbis poin ted tjuestlous aud
`dou bts from
`tm:mbcrs of !Joth
`part.Jes about
`the Fedcml l(e(cid:173)
`serre·s ln \'Oivement In s.,vin8 n
`risky llwe5tment fund that enter·
`ret to some ol the wealt hlrst ))('(}·
`TI1e lnwmakers exp reS5t'<l con·
`slderable rest"tvaUons nbout the
`Fc:tlcm l RC'SC'I'-'e's decision to u St·
`Its lnflm·nc:c to b uy some Ume for
`See MARKET Page 2
`It's official!
`lst Chicago,
`Bank One
`become one
`By Cliff Edwards
`l'wo of U1e most
`well· known ba n ks In lhe Mldwist
`offirL111y Ct'a~ 10 ex:t~t today as ltle
`mer~r o f F'trst Ch tcago NOD Coi-p.
`will• Bane One crea tes the nation's
`llfth·largest bank.
`Exccutf\'tS of both banks sald
`tht- foml-11 r!'I";~Uon of thr new Chi·
`cai!O-bascd B..,i1k On e 'Corp .. \\1th
`$240 billion In assetS: would be
`~ted wtlh little fan fare. for cqs·
`tomers. II ai!IO was to be busln~
`as usu al until a ll opernUons lfrt'
`rombtnerl 5011lt'llme nr.xt yt:5.r.
`spokesma n To m Kelly Ntld.
`"Cus tomers don't
`n~l n ew chttks. 1l1ey ~o to ttle
` bmnches. U1e same t\TM rria·
`rhlnr!l tha t they atways dld ." KeDv
`said "The mt-reer ~111 be romplii(cid:173)
`ed. b ut It won't make a dlfferent'C'
`In the wotld to n lstomers tn lhe
`s hort·nm."
`Thl' 8 19 b llllon ml':~l':r rt.p~·
`S("n!'l l hr rnrl of a n t'r.l for lxllh d·
`tk:S In which
`the former b.,~
`l11e !ihlfl of Bank One's he~·
`quartrrs to Chll'l~o .... 111 end n 130·
`vcar ntn as a Columb us. 0~.
`Company Lhat t:.~pandt:d into .a ft:·
`,1!\0na l powt rhouse thmu!);h aggrit·
`s l\·e a cqlliS!Itons of sm., llt:r ban~-
`ln Chica~'O.
`the F'lrst Nallo&.i
`Bank o f Chlm~o mune .... 111 be fOr·
`C\"er m noo.·l':d from the d t)'s laril·
`sr.1 pt> t'Xrtpt as a le~al substdl~.
`ending n 135·yt-ar relj!n a s on e.of
`the rt¢1on's dominant banks.
`First Ch \c;t,l{o NBD's stOt·k o4J.
`r lally s topped trndln,l! a t the end-of
`hw:;lnl'AS Tht~ay. wllh the naire
`remO\·N from 1he S&P 500 llst. •
`L.,st mont h. the J ustl\e Dep..'lit(cid:173)
`mctll aml the India n;• a ttom ey gen(cid:173)
`t•ml s offil't' <IPPI'O\'ed the me~.
`])('mlln_g First Chk·al;{o NBD's sak:oOf
`Sl.B bi!Uon of lncllan.'l dcpositslo
`t.;nton Planter'!'~ Corp. of Memphts.
`Tenn. Indiana v.·as the only s~e
`ll'ltere ti1e b,_,n ks had a stgniflclllt
`O\'erlaplnopemllo ns .
`flr.~t Chka.'-(o a nd NBD
`Clinton tells government
`to halt software piracy
`By Ted drldls
`House ordered ~ovemment a~en·
`ck-s TillH'&Iay to cmck doll'n on
`their owu software JJinu·y. ami II
`dlf("('led the nation's top tra de of·
`fle1.1lto fort.l~n e,nvcmmcnts
`to do the s.,nlt'.
`Tht- r xecutf\•e orrlu s igned by
`President Clinton Is
`miJ\Ie by the administration
`p lensc AmeriCa's hlp;h·t~h Indu s(cid:173)
`try. which Is ,\\1np; In illiJ>OT·
`tanc·e as a polltkal fon::r In Was h(cid:173)
`\n!!fon .
`Under !h e nt-w o rder. fHirral
`aj!enctes must make sun: tiL,t on(cid:173)
`ly j.l.'lltl·for software Is u sed. pre·
`Jl•<lrt' a n 111\~lltOT)' of soflware 011
`thrlr computer.~ am i mainta in n-(cid:173)
`('Orcl· kt"-t:ptng syst rm~~o
`The t\t:\1.' policy l~ dMIIWll'rl tO
`pre\'cnt j!OI'emmt>nl workel"'i from
`maklnj! C'Oplrs of offict-
`for their pocrsomtl u se mKI prl':\·ent
`them from lnsta!Urij:! pcroom•l t-o
`plrs o( !heir home soflwml" In thC"
`The US
`world's larJi(esi pu tThu'iC'r of c:om(cid:173)
`ptttcrs and rt"lillrd Ntu lpm('nt,
`tlmu $20 billion
`huvlni!: more
`\\roi-th. each year. Hut th ere arc no
`~~;ood estima tes, other tha n anec::(cid:173)
`llot.,l. ahou t how rn mpm1t plrncy
`nms ilmong go\'t-mment o~s.
`"We are clecL, rtng war on soft(cid:173)
`ware plmcy,M VIce Prr::~ldeut AI
`Core said In a s ta tement. l11e
`mess.,ll,e Is cle.1r: Don 't ropy that
`noppy. At hom!': or ahm.,d. tn (cid:173)
`tr llfftnal pm]'H"I'Iy mu•il ht' pro(cid:173)
`!f'('ted "
`The Business Software t\JII,,nC'C'
`routin ely audits
`lnrge corpom(cid:173)
`llon:~ suspected of usir~ plrnted
`prn~mms. bu t It has never audl(cid:173)
`tr<l a IN\t'ral a~trnry. It sa lrl tho!lt: ·
`r h t'i"ks nre somettmr~ pe rfomlffi
`by f';t('h a~ncy's offict- of tnspec·
`tor ,l!ener;tl
`In the j.l.l.!ll w~ks a lone. the
`Whltr House Ita!-~ rehue.J some
`llmll~ on powerful daln(cid:173)
`.'IC'r:\mhllnl!, tools . <Uid Clinton tn (cid:173)
`dlc';~tNI ht!l support for le,l!ts la llon
`to nf'arly d011hk thr n umber of
`J:Wtlt V.'l"I'C' lmpon ant \58Uf'S for
`lhe n.1t lon·!l compu ter tndust.ry,
`whlrh wants fCW('f ntles ruY~inst
`S"') SOFTWARE Page 2
`BROAD UNI: President Doug Bennett stands
`among Macmillan Digital Publishing products .
`See BANK ONE Page 2
`: · ::
`takes aim at ;;
`desktop sale~
`S hoppt"l"' for llt·-.kt::FI:I:::;,~np; soflware wtll Je
`By Chris O' Malley
`more boxes to prm st• on n:tllll shrln:s. as th e resulltof>f
`Marmllla n Dte,ltal Publishing's planned push
`ma!'l'i·m.trkr ! M flwarr.
`foryeaN.I!'s m:HI!' 'IOflware tiL,t aC'C'Omp.,nll':!'l h~·­
`lo co•nput t·r hooks of ]).,rent Marm111an Publ~g
`liSA lln· unit .tbo n mkc::. a dd on :KJfi~~o•are for p ··
`ucls mallr by ~uclt eompauit•s ,1s Mll'rosoft. Nci!ICIIQc
`an~-~~;~~-s ,o;.all ltllo 11rw cksktop puhllsh ln,l! mark~.
`Macmtl1:111 J)[_l! plan!! to I"Xpand h~· arqu lrtng ot.Qtr
`st~flw:'lf(' dr\'dopment flnno;;
`It's a lrr;nly IJrou lo!ht a board ·' fon nrr Procter & G··
`ble brand marketln~ wltlz to hdp plot ,, ruursc: to Y(l-
`111~\\:::~~~::~1~rr):~~~~~~ .. ta!J!rt n•stomc r Includes ~e
`With ,, .'ima ll ofl\c'e. from home· b.,sed busln~e
`10 \ hurrh Sl':('~tnrt~. TI1e NlllW:IrT \\1!l n llow th~o
`rio such thlnJ!..'I a~ make bl"f'IC'hllrt'"', hustness ctltjr>.
`a nd Web sties
`TillS son of software ollen has a lon!l;er !!helf· t,fe
`~~~·· - -OM ___ _
`Soo MACMILI..At' Page 2
`, '
`INTELGENX 1022, pg. 2

`Lilly venture to create impotency pill
`• Firm will team up with drugmaker
`in Seattle to create drug to rival Viagra.
`By Courtenay Edelhart
`Eli Lilly and Co. has fom1ed a
`Joint venture \vlth a firm portly
`owned by Bill Gates to develop a n
`impotency pill that would compete
`agains t Pfuer's wtldly successful
`The venture wtll be owned 50/50
`by Lilly and Ieos Corp.. a dmg(cid:173)
`maker in the Seattle area that is
`studying a compound called IC351.
`llle product Is being
`about as a next-generation Viagra."
`said Vtren Mehta. an analyst with
`Mehta Partners.
`TesUng so far has only been con(cid:173)
`ducted in men. but plans call for
`testing il in women. as well. be(cid:173)
`cause both genders have simJJar
`nervous system controls and Ussue
`Lilly saJd it \viii la ke a third(cid:173)
`quarter charge agains t earnings of
`7 cents a share because of the ven-
`ture. Ieos will receive a n initia l $75
`million and would receive more
`payments as it meets development
`The Joint venture wtll sell the
`dmg In North Amer1ca a nd Europe.
`Eli Lilly wtll have exclusive rights to
`sell it outside North America and
`Europe. wtth a royalty paid to the
`As the overall market tumbled
`Thursday. Lilly fell S2 to $7~.3 1.
`Ieos rose $1.62 to S l9.38 and Pfuer
`fell $6. 12 to 899.62.
`Ana lysts saJd it Is far too early to
`tell how the development of the new
`drug might affect Ully's bottom
`line. or how much market share
`• Ully Honored: Labor Depart(cid:173)
`ment cites hiring policy. Page 2.
`the drug might be able to claim
`from Pfuer If it comes to market.
`"It's only In Phase Two of the
`tesung and Phase Three (the last
`phase) could take a nother year or
`·more: said Cynthia Beach. analyst
`wtlh Gerard Kla user Ma ttison In
`New York.
`llle earliest they can probably
`get to market will be around 200 I:
`Beach said the Impotency drug
`might help fill the void for Lilly afier
`Prozac goes off patent early In the
`next century. recordM' saJes
`in 1997 of S2.6 billion .
`The Joint venture follows Ptlzer "'
`lnc."s introducUon ofVtagra. an im-
`potency drug that had $4 11 m!Uion
`in sale In Its first three months . a n
`industry record.
`Ieos· drug is intended to target
`more spectfically the enzyme in(cid:173)
`volved in Impotence than does Pfu(cid:173)
`er"s Vtagra. If that design succeeds.
`Ieos· drug could have fewer of the
`side effects of Vtagra. which some
`times causes
`temporary vision
`TI1is is not Ully's first foray into
`See ULLY Page 2
`T •.,
`I'P • lt
`INTELGENX 1022, pg. 3

`shefsky. to encourage other govern-
`• &&&.6~ U JUL }·11 \.1\J.U\.. ~
`•- - . . ......... . ..... .._._. .b
`massive numbers of Illegal copies.
`Continued from Page 1
`drugs for sexuality. Ltlly ceased de(cid:173)
`v<;lopmertt of Quinelorane. de(cid:173)
`s igned to heighten libido. slx years
`This n~west venture Is part of
`Lilly's stra te,zy of forming partner(cid:173)
`ships wtth companies developing
`promising drugs w~e continuing
`to develop Its own drugs.
`be hearing
`MProbably. you'll
`about a lot more of these In the fu(cid:173)
`ture." saJd August M. Watanabe.
`Lilly executive vice president of scl(cid:173)
`r nre and technolo!{Y.
`If the new dn1g makes It to mar(cid:173)
`ket. It wtll fit nicely wtth Lilly's dia (cid:173)
`betes and women's health lines.
`Watanabe added. Middle-aged and
`elderly diabetics someltmes s uffer
`from sexual dysfunction beca use of
`nerve damage and blood vessel ab-
`notrnaJJties. he satd.
`Gates. chairman of Mlcrosol\
`Corp., owns about 5 million shares
`of Ieos, or about 13 percent of the
`company. according to a recent Se(cid:173)
`curities and Exchange Commisslcm
`filing. Microsoft's Redmond. Wash ..
`headquarters Is Just a few mlles
`from Ieos' offices 1n Bothell. Gates
`Is a dtrettor on Ieos' board.
`Other directors at Ieos Include
`Walter Wriston. former chief exec-
`. Frank
`utive of Ctticorp
`Cary. former CEO of tnt
`a tlonaJ
`Bus iness Machines Co
`. . and
`James Ferguson . former CEO of
`General Foods Corp.
`Ieos also Is tes ting drugs Intend(cid:173)
`ed to treat stroke and acute respi(cid:173)
`ratory distress syndrome.
`Bloomberg News contnbuted to th1s re(cid:173)
`. ..,. . ••
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`INTELGENX 1022, pg. 4

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