`US0058 l92tl6A
`United States Patent
`[11] Patent Number:
`Horton et at.
`[451 Date of Patent:
`*0et. 6, 1998
`l)]'l'I‘l'lRMINll‘lG l’()SITION AND
`Inventors: Mike A. Horton, Berkeley; A. Richard
`Newton, Woodside, both (it Calif.
`/tsqignee: Cmssbow ’leehnology, lric., San Jose,
`The term of this patent shalt not extend
`beyond the expiration date of Pat. No,
`Shelly et al.. i.rnage—sensor—basetl target maneuver clete<:~
`lion; Optical Engineering vol. 32, n. 11, pp. 2735—274(l,
`Nov. 1993.
`Guedry et al., tThe dynamic of spatial orientation during
`complex and changing linear and angular acceleration, Jour-
`mil of Vestibular Res.earch:Eqitilibrium and Orientation, vol.
`2, N0_ 4‘ pp 159433’ No“ 1991
`A Gelb et., “Applied optimal Estimation", The M.l.'l‘. Press.
`Pp’ 50-143’ 1974‘
`North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Agartl Lecture Series
`No. 82 “I’ra(:tical Aspects of Kalrnan Filtering Implemen-
`tation”, pp. 24 through 2—11, 1976.
`AWL No_: 820,837
`Mar. 2|], 1997
`{List continued on next page.)
`Priiiinry Exnr1tiner—Kamir Shah
`rtssi's.'nni' iLLmiiu‘ner—Kamini Shah
`Rcmtcd US, Application Data
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm~Fenwiel~: & West LLP
`Continuation of Scr. No. 184.583. Jan. 21. 1994. Pat. No.
`.'.' 5. 3 .
`I 2
`Iril. Cl.” ..................................................... .. G090 3/U2
`A three-dtmelistonal position and orientation tracking sys-
`tem uses acoelerometers to measure acceleration of a move-
`U.S. Cl.
`........................ .. 702l'I50; ':'[l3/702; 367E436;
`364x559. 419,
`new of Search
`3641449, 516, 517, 453, 578; 340988,
`989! 990; 35L,21(L 209; 395f5U2’i50U;
`434,29 43 49
`References Cited
`. . . . . . . . .
`t2tto91 Spero eta].
`‘M1993 Barker
`li't9‘J4 Kramer et al.
`3i’l""4 Hitoshi 1" -"A
`4*’1994 “l°““'‘‘-‘ 3''
`l2’Jl9("4 Travers ct a '
`5,422,633 M1995 Maguire et al.
`1251906 Weiss
`5,615,132 M997 llorlon or al.
`.. .. .. .. 340,I98[1
`364,'453 X
`-- 34mm
`342*’ 147
`.. 3'.I'lf28
`:1 head-mounted display unit or a clata
`able object
`tracking processor generates hath position and
`gf;;,~;;§3n*;;;g,;pff;";*a,;*gg,;g;,*'g;;f,*;g°;;;;;:;g;;0*;‘ ;;;m§;aggg
`embodiment, a simplified r_adar—bae-.c(]
`traelong system is
`[t‘.'.lE.l]V-C to the object and periodically provides
`additional tracking data on the Object to the tracking pro-
`cessor. The tracking processor uses the additional data to
`the position and orientation information using a
`feedback tiller process. The position and orientation infor-
`mation signals gcneratevil can he used, for example,
`in a
`simulation or virtual reality application. Position and orien-
`tation information is received by a simulation processor
`relative to the object. The simulation processor modifies a
`simulation environment as a function of the position and
`orientation information received. Modified simulation envi-
`ronment information (e g video andfor audio information)
`is then Pl'C‘it.’.l'll€(l
`to a 1|-%t‘ii'
`16 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets
`Zepp Labs, Inc.
`ZEPP 1042
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`Page 2
`3 Space Fastrak Product specifications by PDLI-IEM US;
`Analog Devices product spccificaliora for Model ADZl5U*,
`"Mnnolithic Accclcromelur with signal ::on(|iIioning”, pp.
`I-16, Jan. 1993.
`J.A. Adam, "Virtual Rcalily is for Real”, Ililili Spectrum,
`pp. 22-29, Oct. 1993.
`Jul‘ 1993-
`UDMMH Rweiwm,l.mnSmi[MS .[.l_aCkJ.ng Device A Hock
`., ’
`“f B""-'5 Fmducl SP‘3C'fiCa“''~''“ 5}’ A3'°“-51°“
`['3°h~ (-0711-
`ACT. Nov. 1992.
`Zepp Labs, Inc.
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`U.S. Patent
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 6, 1998
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 6, 1998
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`\"£l.OCl11ES To ANGLES
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`U.S. Patent
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`0RII£N’l‘A'l‘l()N OFA M()VltIABI.E (JB.ll'*ICT
`This is a continuation of application Ser. No. 08/184,583
`filed on Jan. 31, 1994, U.S. Pat. No. 5,615,132.
`1. Field of the Invention
`The invention reiates to tracking systems, particularly to
`such systems that determine position and orientation of an
`object in a limited volu me using accelerometers.
`2. Description of the Background Art
`In specialized computer applications involving virtual
`reality or “immersive simulations” a computer or processing
`facility providing the simulation must continuously deter-
`mine with a high degree of accuracy the position and
`orientation of a user (or part of the user e.g., head or hand)
`relative to a “virtual world" or simulated environment in
`which the user operates. The position and orientation data
`must be updated regularly to provide a realistic simulation.
`In addition, the data must be collected in a manner that does
`not interfere significantly with the user‘s natural movement.
`Thus, physical connection to a stationary object or heavy
`andfor bulky tracking instruments attached to the user are
`unsuitable. In order to be integrated easily with a head-
`mounted display (HMD), data glove or other peripheral
`device for use in a virtual reality application, a tracking -
`system must be small and light weight.
`A mechanical gantry containing xnsors is used to track
`movement by physically connecting the user to a fixed
`object. However, this system is cumbersome, provides an
`unrealistic simulation clue to interferences from the gantry, “
`and requires significant installation effort.
`A simplified radar or sonar system having a transmitter
`and a receiver mounted on the user is used to determine
`this type of system is
`position of an object. However,
`sensitive to noise in the environment, tends to have high
`frequency jitter between position measurements. is subject
`to interference from other objects in the simulation (e.g., a
`hand or other users), is generally bulky, requires multiple
`transmitters and receivers, and may be quite complex and
`expensive. Such systems are embodied in products available
`commercially from Polhemus, Logitech, and Ascension
`Additionally, conventional navigation systems for navi-
`gating over large areas of land or airspace such as those for
`planes, cars, missiles, use devices such as gyroscopes that
`are not suitable for attachment to a human user because of
`their size and weight. In addition, these devices are typically
`designed to track over several hundred kilometers and
`several days, and are accurate only to several meters.
`Two-dimensional navigation systems using angular accel-
`erometers (a type of gyroscope), such as that used in Barher
`US. Pat. No. 5,245,537, are not suitable for virtual reality
`applications requiring three position and three orientation
`measurements for realistic simulation. The system described
`in Barber does not provide a highly accurate measurement
`(as required by virtual reality applications) because it con-
`tains no mcchanism for correcting errors that are inherent in
`the system (e.g.. bias, calibration errors, lloaling, and posi-
`tional errors).
`Ififl uncorrected,
`these errors typically
`increase in size as a function of time of use andfor volume
`traversed. thereby resulting in a significant degradation in
`system performance. Moreover. angular accelerometers are
`not easily integrated into eiectronic componentry, thus the
`resulting system is generally greater in size and weight and
`is not suitable for attachment to a human user. In addition,
`a much higher update rate (e.g., 50-300 l-I2) than that used
`in Barber is required for realistic virtual reality simulations.
`there is a need for a small,
`lightweight, highly
`integratable, navigational system that can be easily attached
`to a human user without significant interference to natural
`body movement. Furthermore, there is a need for a naviga-
`tional system that is highly accurate over a long period of
`time and operates at a high update rate in order to provide
`a realistic virtual reality simulation. The prior art has failed
`to address these needs adequately.
`The invention is a three-dimensional position and orien-
`tation tracking system that uses accelerometers to measure
`acceleration in the six-degrees of freedom (e.g., x, y, 2
`position coordinates and roll, pitch, yaw orientation
`components) of a moveahle object (e.g., a head-mounted
`display unit, or
`a wristbandfdata glove). Conventional
`accelerometers, as used herein, measure acceleration in one
`linear direction (e.g., x, y, 2, or combination thereof, coor-
`dinate axis), but may report acceleration data as a nonlinear
`function of, for example, acceleration or time. Acceleration
`data on the moveahle object is periodically (e.g., 50-300 I-lz)
`received by a tracking processor. The tracking processor
`generates both position and orientation information on the
`object relative to a simulation environment as a function of
`the acceleration data. Acceleromctcrs are easily integrated
`into electronic componenlry (e.g., using is silicon chip
`technology). Thus, the tracking system of the present inven-
`tion can be embodied in a small, lightweight unit that is
`easily attached to a human user without significant interfer-
`ence to natural body movements.
`In one embodiment, a simplified radar-based tracking
`system, which is disposed relative to the object, periodically
`(e.g_, ]
`I-Iz) provides additional tracking data on the object
`to the tracking processor. This data may he provided by, for
`example, infrared light and received by the tracking proces-
`sor via an infrared senwr. The tracking processor uses the
`additional data to correct the position, orientation, and/or
`velocity information generated from the accelerometers,
`using a feedback or Kalman filter process. This correction
`feedback loop allows the invention to function accurately
`over a long period of time {e.g., several hours) without
`adjustment. Alternatively, if the user is to remain seated or
`confined to a limited volume during simulation. prc-defined
`position data from the simulation environment software
`specification t_e.g., mean position of user and average
`variance] can be used in the correction feedback process.
`The position and orientation information signals gener-
`ated can be used, for example, in a simulation or virtual
`reality application. Position and orientation information is
`received by a simulation processor relative to the object
`(e.g., via infrared transceiver). The simulation processor
`modifies a simulation environment operating on the simu-
`lation processor as a function of the position and orientation
`information received, Modified simulation environment
`information [e.g., video. audio,
`tactile. andlor olfactory
`information) is transmitted back to the user (e.g,, via infrared
`transceiver). Other possible applications of the invention
`include guidance systems for the blind, robotic guidance
`systems, human tracking systems (e.g., prisoners), object
`tracking systems {e.g., parcel package, and/or auto}. and
`Zepp Labs, Inc.
`ZEPP 1042
`Page 12
`computer input devices for the handicapped (e.g.. head or
`hand controlled input devices).
`is a simplified block diagram illustrating the
`components used in the tracking system of the present
`FIG. 2 is graphical drawing showing one embodiment of
`the tracking system with placement ofaccelerometers 1-6 in
`FIG. 1 on two mounting points.
`FIG. 2A is a graphical drawing showing object 300 of
`FIG. 2 after movement.
`FIG. 3 is a simplified flow chart depicting one embodi-
`ment of the tracking system ot‘ the present invention.
`FIG. 4 is a flow chart depicting main loop 4] in FIG. 1.
`FIG. 5 is a llowchart depicting feedback loop 89 in FIG.
`FIG. 6 is a simplified block diagram of a virtual reality
`invention using the tracking system ofthe present invention.
`FIG. 7 is a block diagram of object 300 in FIG. 6.
`FIG. 8 is a block diagram of simulation environment 180
`in FIG. 6.
`Dl:'.SCRIP'I'lON OI’ '11 IE. PRL-IIiIiRRl:".D
`is a simplified block diagram illustrating the
`components used in the tracking system invention. Conven-
`tional accelerometers 1-6 measure acceleration in one linear
`direction (c.g., x, y, 2, or combination thereof, coordinate
`direction), but may report acceleration data, for example, as
`a nonlinear function of time (e.g_, v(t), where v is voltage)
`or acceleration. Aceelerometcrs 1-6 are capable of measur-
`ing accelerations of at least :2 G. This allows for 1 G due "
`to gravity and 1 G of movement acceleration. In the pre-
`ferred embodiment, accelerometers should be shock-
`protected or resistant so that
`they are not damaged if
`dropped. To ensure high accuracy, a high signal to noise ratio
`(SNR) is desirable—a lower bou nd of approximately 103 or
`40 dB is preferred.
`In one embodiment six accelerometers l—6 are used to
`track six degrees of freedom of an object in three dimensions
`(e.g., x, y,
`2. position coordinates and roll. pitch, yaw
`orientation components). More than six accelerometers can
`be used to obtain a greater degree of accuracy (e.g., by
`averaging or
`interpolation} andfor
`Alternatively, threc dual-axis or two triaxial accelerometers
`can be employed to track the six degrees of freedom of an _
`object in three dimensions. Fewer accelerometers (e.g., four)
`could be used to track the object, for example, in a two-
`dimensional space or one—din'tensional space {e.g.,
`accelerometers). Groups or clusters of accelerometers can
`also be used to track a plurality of objects. For example, the _ _
`tracking invention could be implemented on an I-[MD and
`two data gloves to track head and hand movement of a user.
`More tracking systems can be used along the arm to track
`elbow and shoulder movement. Tracking systems on each
`finger could also he used to track finger movement.
`Similarly, two l'tead—mountcd display (HMD) units with six
`accelerometers each could be used to track the
`3-dimensional position and orientation of two interactive
`users in a virtual reality environment.
`Accelerometers 1-6 are conventional accelerometers such
`as the ADXI.-2 manufactured by Analog Devices Corp. of
`Boston. Mass. Due to the nature of human movement
`(typically frequency components are between 0-50 Hz), for
`there is generally little information in the high
`frequency range, and this information should be removed to
`reduce noise. Accordingly,
`in the preferred embodiment,
`accelerometers are bandlimited, i.e., the highest frequency
`from accelerometers 1-6 are limited to, for example, 50-300
`Hz. This bandwidth can be achieved by coupling acceler-
`ometers l—t5 to low pass filters (LPFS) 7-12. respectively, or
`by using low bandwidth accelerometers.
`In a preferred
`embodiment, accelerometers 1-6 are small and easily inte-
`grated with other electronic components, e.g., small micro-
`macltined accelerometers (bulk or surface micro-machined).
`Output from l.PFs 7-12 are used as inputs to multiplexer
`20 such as the ADGSOSA available commercially from
`Analog Devices. Analog to digital (ND) converter 30, such
`as the AD1380 available commercially from Analog
`is used to convert the analog acceleration signal
`from l_PFs 7-12 to a digital signal. Some accelerometers can
`provide digital data directly (see e.g., ARPA grant #BA:’\93-
`06 to University of California at Berkeley and Analog
`thus A/D converter 30 is not necessary.
`Alternatively, a voltage-to-frequency converter and a fre-
`quency counter circuit could be used to obtain a digital
`value. The components of the present invention comprising
`accelerometers 1-6, LPI? 7-12, multiplexer 20, and A/D
`converter 30 are all highly integratable (unlike gyroscopes,
`angular accelerometers, and other tracking systems). Thus,
`according to the present invention, for example, accelerom-
`eters 1-6 (or subset thereof), multiplexer 20, /VD converter
`30, and tracking processor 40 could all be co-located on a
`single integrated computer chip—the result being a small
`lightweight navigational system suitable for attachment to
`human users using a virtual reality application.
`Output from MD converter 30 is acceleration data 35.
`Acceleration data 35 may be reported, for example, as a
`nonlinear function of time (e.g.. vlt) where v is volts).
`Acceleration data 35 is input
`to tracking processor 40.
`Tracking processor 40 can be, for example,
`a standard
`computer microprocessor such as an IN'l'I:'L 486, Motorola
`68000, or Pentium-based microprocessor. Tracking proces-
`sor 40 is discussed in further detail with reference to FIGS.
`3-5 below. Memory unit 3'.’ is coupled to tracking processor
`40 and is used for storing program instruction steps and
`storing data for execution by tracking processor 40. Memory
`unit 37 is a conventional computer memory unit such as a
`magnetic hard disk storage unit or random access memory
`(RAM) on a chip. Output from tracking processor 40 is
`position and orientation information 130.
`In one embodiment, position and orientation information
`139 is transmitted in a data signal consisting of six
`elements—three position elements (eg, x, y, z) and three
`orientation elements (eg., roll. pitch. yaw). Each element is
`two bytes long. Each value or element is in twos comple-
`ment format. thus the decimal values -32.768 to 32,767 are
`covered. Measurements are the decimal value divided by
`IOU. Thus, measurements from -327.68 to 327.67 (e.g.,
`degrees, cm,
`feet or other angle or
`measuremenLs} can be transmitted. Information 130 is trans-
`mitted in a standard serial interface of three lines——transn'tit,
`receive, and grou nd—-standard 8 bit words, no parity. and I
`stop hit. A mode of operation can be specified as follows:
`R—request mode (default). Position and orientation is
`transmitted upon request.
`F—free running mode. Position and orientation is trans-
`mitted as calculated.
`M—mode change. Informs tracker that mode in which
`position and orientation is transmitted (R or F) will
`Zepp Labs, Inc.
`ZEPP 1042
`Page 13
`G—get data. Tracker will transmit position and orienta-
`tion information 130.
`H—halt. Turns olf tracking system.
`C—calibrate. Ru ms or reruns the initialization routine 48.
`Alternatively, a file can he created with records ofthe same
`format described above.
`In FIG. 2, two accelerometer mounting points 361 and
`302 are located on object 300 (e.g., two locations on a
`head-mounted display (HMD) unit, or two locations on the
`wrist of a data glove). Object 30!) may be, for example, a
`head-mounted display unit, a wristltandfdata glove, or other
`similar devio: attached to a user to monitor the user’s
`movement. In this example, each mounting point 301, 302
`contains three accelerometers (e.g., accelerometers 1-3 and
`4-6 respectively). Vectors r,—rfi {r,—) are the vectors from the
`origin ofobject 300 (:'..g., head of user) to each accelerom-
`eter 1%, respectively, measured in body frame coordinates
`x,__., ya, 7.” (eg., coordinates in reference to object 300). In
`one embodiment, accelerometers 1-6, and thus vectors
`I'1—r,.,, are fixed when accelerometers 1-6 are mounted.
`the location of accelerometers l-6 could be
`altered during the use of the tracking system and vectors
`r,—r,, updated accordingly. As shown in FIG. 2, r]=o_.=r3 and
`r,,=r_.,=r5 because there are only two mounting points 301,
`Vectors LI ,-u,_ (u,.) represent the sensitive direction of each ’
`accelerometer 1-6, respectively, measured in body frame
`coordinates x,;, y,,, :5. Similarly, sensitive direction vectors
`u,—ufi are generally fixed when accelerometers 1-6 are
`mounted but could be altered and updated accordingly.
`Position and orientation information 130 is reported in a '
`fixed, or level frame reference defined by x,_, yL, zy. The
`coordinate system used in a virtual reality program or
`computer simulation environment 180, for example,
`is a
`level frame reference. After movement of object 300, body
`frame references are changed as shown in FIG. 2A.
`Accelerometer mounting information 46 (FIG. 3) com-
`prises the information in the matrix J (described in the
`program flow below) defined by:
`J = int:
`lmftn x enl’l
`lltzrlrz X Ir.vt’l
`|- -
`l!r,l'(t"n K trcilrl
`The matrix J resolves the net linear accelerations into linear
`body and angular components, Accelerometers 1-ti must be
`rnounterl (e.g., 301, 3m) such that
`the matrix J is not
`singular. For example, accelerometers 1-6 cannot all be .
`placed in one position r,—. Similarly,
`u,—, representing the
`acceleration sensitive directions, must be non-zero for each
`acceleration direction x_,,, y,,, ;r.,,. (eg., the x,, component of
`every ufcannot always be zero). In one embodiment, u, , Liz,
`and u_, are orthogonal and u_,, 115, and U5 are orthogonal.
`FIG. 3 shows a simplified flow chart of tracking system 15
`as implemented on tracking processor 40. Accelerometer
`initialization and calibration 48 is initiated prior to each
`system use to correct for the bias and scaling factors of the
`accelerometers clue to such factors as time,
`mechanical jarring and the like. Accelerometers 1-6 are
`initialized 48 by loading the values of the accelerometer
`biases which are pre—speeificd at the factory or obtained
`from accelerometer specifications. Calibration 48 of accel-
`erometers 1-6 is accomplished by running tracking system
`15 while the object to be tracked 301) (eg, head-mounted
`display (I-IMD) on a user) remains stationary. Position and
`orientation 130 are calculated according to the present
`invention as specified herein. Feedback filter
`loop 89
`(discussed below, see also Digital and Knlmtm Filtering by
`S. M. Ilozic, John Wiley and Sons, New York) compares
`calculated position andfor orientation measurements 130
`with the known position andfor orientation measurement
`(known to be stationary) and uses discrepancies between the
`two measurements to solve for bias and scaling factors 50
`for each accelerometer 1-6. Tracking system 15 is operated
`such that main loop 41 is executed multiple times
`(approximately 15-20) for a successful calibration 48. Total
`calibration time is dependent on tracking processor 40
`speed. In one embodiment, tracking system 15 alerts the user
`when calibration 48 is complete. Notification is through. for
`example, a small LED on an HM D, visual notification on a
`display, or any other suitable means. For more accurate
`initial bias and scale factors 50, calibration 48 is repeated
`with object 300 in several different orientations. Initializa-
`tion 48 also includes resetting correction factors 120 (pp, V9,
`£28, we) to zero or their reference values. Reference values
`may be dictated, for example, by simulation environment
`In main loop 41 tracking processor 40 reads 44 accelera-
`tion data 35 from accelerometers 1-6 and calculates 60
`position and orientation information 131]. Calculation 60 is
`discussed in more detail with reference to FIG. 4 below. In
`operation, main loop 41 is repeated at 50-300 112 or faster
`depending on hardware capability [e.g., capability of track-
`ing processor 49 or other components in FIG. 1). A fast loop
`rate 41 ensures that simulation environment 180 is updated
`with current position and orientation information 130.
`Feedback loop 89 (also known as a Kalman filter) com-
`prises reading tracking measurements 90 [e.g., position,
`orientation, andfor velocity) from external tracking system
`170 (FIGS. 6, 7) disposed relative to object 300 and gener-
`ating ltlfl correction factors 1211. Generation 1013' of the
`correction factors 120 is described in more detail with
`reference to 1710. 5 below. Correction factors 120 are used
`i.n calculation 60 of position and orientation information
`If the volume in which object 300 moves is relatively
`large compared to the size of object (e.g., tracking an HMD
`in a 5x5 meter room) or the system is used for long periods
`oftirrte (c.g., over 15 minutes), then external measurements
`90 from, for example, external tracking system 170 are used
`for feedback. External tracking system 170 is a conventional
`tracking system using, for example, radar, sonar, infrared,
`optical, acousticfultrasonic, or magnetic tracking technol-
`ogy. External tracking data including position, orientation,
`and/or velocity measurements 90 are provided in the form of
`a 1-
`to 2-dimensional update or a full 3-dimensional, 6
`degree of freedom, update. Basically, feedback loop 89 will
`use any additional tracking data about object 300 to correct
`position and orientation information 130—more tracking
`data will provide a better correction.
`Alternatively, if object 300 (e.g., HMD) is confined to a
`small volume {e.g., seated), then certain "software specifi-
`cation" information (not shown) in simulation environment
`181] can he used in place of measurements 90 as input to
`generation 100 of correction factors 120. For example, the
`mean position and the estimated variance of object 300 in a
`limited volume can be used for measurements 90. The
`variance can be constant or change over time. The variance
`re llects the uncertainty or size of the volume the object 300,
`or user, is confined.
`After incorporating correction factors 120 from feedback
`filter loop 89, the output of calculation 60 is position and
`orientation information 130. Position and orientation infor-
`Zepp Labs, Inc.
`ZEPP 1042
`Page 14
`trtation 130 is used, for example. in a virtual reality program
`or simulation environment 180.
`In FIG. 4. tracking processor 40 reads 44 accelcrat ion data
`35 from each accelerometer 1-6. Accelerometer bias and
`scaling factors 50 are applied 62 to acceleration data 44.
`Acceleration corrections 120 from feedback loop 89 are also
`applied 62 to acceleration data 44. Gravity and centripetal
`components of acceleration are also removed 64 from cor-
`rected acceleration data 62. Step 64 involves information
`from the prior output of the direction cosine matrix 76,
`mounting data (r,- and u,-) 46. and angular velocities 70.
`Modified acceleration data 64 is converted to linear body
`and angular components 66. (There is no designation of
`body, level, or reference frame for angular accelerations,
`they simply measure the angle between two axes.) Angular
`accelerations 66 are integrated to angular velocities 68.
`Angular velocity corrections 120 from feedback loop 89 are
`applied 70 to angular velocity data 68. Corrected angular
`velocities '.-'0 are integrated to angles or orientation 72, for
`example, roll, pitch, and yaw. Angular corrections 120 from
`feedback loop 89 are applied 74 to corrected angle data 7'2.
`Thus, orientation information 130 is produced. Direction
`cosine matrix is updated 46 using a conventional direction
`cosine update routine. (See, for example, Paul G. Savage,
`Sirnpdown Sysrerrrs Algorirlrrtts,
`in Advnrtccs‘ in Strnpdowrt
`inertial S_}’.5'i(?.l'HS, NATO Advisory Group for Aerospace
`Research and Development l..ecture Series #l33, I984, pp.
`3-1 to 3-30}.
`Linear body accelerations 66 are convened to level frame
`reference frame (e.g., simulation environment
`coordinates) accelerations 80. Level frame accelerations 80
`are integrated to level frame velocities 8.2. Velocity correc-
`tions l20 from feedback loop 89 are applied 84 to level
`frame velocities 82. Corrected level frame velocities 84 are
`integrated to positions 86. Position corrections 120 from ..
`feedback loop 89 are applied 88 to positions 86. Thus,
`position information 130 is produced.
`In a preferred embodiment, orientation is calculated (steps
`68, TI], 72, 74, 130) and direction cosines matrix is updated
`76 before position is calculated (steps 80, 82, B4, 96, 88,
`130). This control flow has the advantage that direction
`cosines matrix 76 is more current and accurate for the
`position calculation steps. Alternatively, orientation calcu-
`lation (steps 68, 70, 72, ‘I4, 130) and position calculation
`(steps 80, 82, 84, 96, 88, 130) can be processed in parallel.
`llowever, direction cosines matrix 76 will reflect data from
`the previous loop 41, thus position calculation 130 may be
`less accurate.
`In a preferred embodiment, calculation 60 also performs
`an estimation of position and orientation 130 one "frame .
`delay" into the future. The reason for this predictive step, for
`example, is that simulation environment [80 will take some
`time. t. to utilize position and orientation information 130
`and modify virtual reality program or simulation environ-
`ment for presentation to the user (e.g., draw the next frame ..
`in a vi