`(12) United States Patent
`Boyd et a].
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,956,238 B2
`*Feb. 17, 2015
`(75) Inventors: Robert Boyd, Euless, TX (US); John
`Stites, Weatherford, TX (US); Mario A.
`LafOFtune’ Tigard’ OR (Us)
`(73) Assignee: Nike, Inc“, Beavenon’ OR (Us)
`A63B 2071/0647; A63B 69/3632; A63B
`2220/30; A63B 2220/40; A63B 2220/53;
`A63B 2220/803; A63B 2220/833; A63B
`2225/20; A63B 2225/50
`USPC ........................................................ .. 473/223
`See app11cation ?le for complete search h1story.
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 519 days.
`References Clted
`Tlhls patent 1s 511131601 to a terminal d1s-
`c a1mer.
`(21) Appl' NO': 13/250’085
`(22) Filed:
`561’“ 30’ 2011
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2012/0277017 A1
`Nov. 1, 2012
`569,438 A 10/1896 Urquhart
`648,256 A
`4/1900 Hartley
`202007013632 U1 12/2007
`2332619 A1
`Related U's' Apphcatlon Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 61/480,322, ?led on Apr.
`28’ 2011'
`International Search Report in related International Application No.
`PCTMSZOlZ/03542; dated Sep, 10, 2012,
`(51) Int. Cl.
`A63B 53/00
`A63B 24/00
`(52) US. Cl.
`CPC _______ __ A63B 24/0003 (201301); A63B 24/0021
`(201301); A63B 53/0466 (201301); A63B
`69/3632 (201301); A63B 69/3685 (201301);
`A63B 71/0619 (201301); A63B 71/0622
`(2013 01); G061? 3/0346 (201301); A63B
`53/00 (201301); G061? 1/1626 (201301);
`(58) Field of Classi?cation Search
`CPC ...... .. A63B 53/10; A63B 53/14; A63B 53/00;
`A63B 53/0475; A63B 24/0003; A63B
`24/0021; A63B 71/0622; A63B 71/0619;
`Primary Examiner * Michael Cuff
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Banner & Witcoff, Ltd.
`Golf clubs accordmg to at least some example aspects ofth1s
`d1sclosure may 1nclude a golfclub head and a shaft con?gured
`to engage With the golf club head Which includes a grip
`engaged With the Shaft. Further, the golf Club may include a
`momtoring deV1ce, Wthh 1ncludes a sensor and atransm1tter.
`Additionally, the monitoring device may be con?gured to
`determme data related to the characteristics of a golf sW1ng.
`Further, the monitoring device may be con?gured to transmit
`the data related to the characteristics of a golf sWing to a
`remote computer.
`44 Claims, 34 Drawing Sheets
`Zepp Labs, Inc.
`ZEPP 1009
`Page 1
`US 8,956,238 B2
`Page 2
`(51) Int. Cl.
`A63B 53/04
`A63B 69/36
`A63B 71/06
`G06F 3/0346
`G06F 1/16
`A63B 53/1 0
`A 63B 5 3/1 4
`(52) vs. C]
`CPC . A63B2053/0433 (2013.01);A63B 2071/0647
`(2013.01); A63B 2220/16 (2013.01); A63B
`2220/30 (2013.01); A63B 2220/40 (2013.01);
`A63B 2220/53 (2013.01); A63B 2220/803
`(2013.01); A63B 2220/833 (2013.01); A63B
`2225/15 (2013.01); A63B 2225/20 (2013.01);
`A63B 2225/50 (2013.01); A63B 53/04
`(2013.01); A63B 53/10 (2013.01); A63B 53/14
`(2013.01); A63B 2053/005 (2013.01); A63B
`53/0475 (2013.01)
`................................ .. 473/223
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`Zepp Labs, Inc.
`ZEPP 1009
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`US. Patent
`Feb. 17, 2015
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`Feb. 17, 2015
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`US 8,956,238 B2
`Zepp Labs, Inc.
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`U.S. Patent
`US 8,956,238 B2
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`FIG. §A
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`FIG. 3C
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`FIG“ "E58
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`FIG. iéfl
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`Feb. 17, 2015
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`Feb. 17, 2015
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`Feb. 17, 2015
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`US 8,956,238 B2
`Zepp Labs, Inc.
`ZEPP 1009
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`US 8,956,238 B2
`While the industry has witnessed dramatic changes and
`improvements to golf equipment in recent years, there is
`room in the art for further advances in golf club technology.
`Thus, while golf equipment according to the prior art provide
`a number of advantageous features, they nevertheless have
`certain limitations. The present invention seeks to overcome
`certain of these limitations and other drawbacks of the prior
`art, and to provide new features not heretofore available.
`This application is a non-provisional application which
`claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No.
`61/480,322, filed Apr. 28, 2011, the disclosure of which is
`hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.
`The present disclosure relates to golf clubs and golf club
`heads. Particular example aspects of this disclosure relate to
`the golf clubs and golf club heads which may include moni(cid:173)
`toring devices for monitoring aspects of a golfer's swing or
`overall golf game.
`The following presents a general s=ary of aspects of the
`disclosure in order to provide a basic understanding of the
`disclosure and various aspects of it. This summary is not
`intended to limit the scope of the disclosure in any way, but it
`simply provides a general overview and context for the more
`detailed description that follows.
`It would be advantageous to have the ability to monitor and
`20 analyze aspects of a golfer's golf game, such as a golfer's golf
`swing. For example, it would be beneficial to be able to
`monitor and analyze golf swings a golfer takes during prac(cid:173)
`tice (such as in a teaching facility oron a driving range) or golf
`swings a golfer takes while actually playing a round of golf on
`25 a golf course. Therefore, particular aspects of the disclosure
`are directed to a golf club which includes a monitoring device.
`According to aspects of the disclosure, golf clubs may
`include a golf club head and a shaft configured to engage with
`the golf club head which includes a grip engaged with the
`30 shaft. The golf club may include a monitoring device, which
`may include a sensor and a transmitter. Additionally, the
`monitoring device may be configured to determine data
`related to the characteristics of a golf swing. Further, the
`monitoring device may be configured to transmit the data
`35 related to the characteristics of a golf swing to a remote
`According to aspects of the disclosure, the monitoring
`device may include one or more sensors for monitoring data
`related to aspects of a golfer's golf game (such as the golfer's
`40 golf swing) and a transmitter/transceiver configured to trans(cid:173)
`mit such data. According to aspects of the disclosure, the
`transmitted data may be analyzed (as will be described in
`below) and used to aid a golfer in improving the golfer's
`abilities (e.g., the golfer's golf swing). It is noted that accord-
`45 ing to particular example aspects of the disclosure, other data
`(e.g., particular club data, on-course data (such as particular
`golf swings and the approximate location where the swings
`were taken on a golf course) may be monitored, transmitted
`and coordinated with the data regarding the aspects of a
`50 golfer's golf game (such as the golfer's golf swing) and
`analyzed as well. Further aspects of the disclosure may
`include sensing impact location on the golf club face upon a
`golfer impacting a golf ball during a golf swing. Communi(cid:173)
`cation of sensed data may be transmitted, wirelessly or via
`55 other means, to a remote location for further processing and
`display to the golfer.
`The present disclosure is illustrated by way of example and
`not limited in the accompanying figures, in which like refer(cid:173)
`ence numerals indicate similar elements throughout, and in
`FIG. 1 is an illustrative embodiment of a wood-type golf
`club structure according to aspects of the disclosure;
`FIG. 2 is an enlarged bottom view of the wood-type golf
`club head shown in FIG. 1;
`Golf is enjoyed by a wide variety of players-players of
`different genders and dramatically different ages and/or skill
`levels. Golf is somewhat unique in the sporting world in that
`such diverse collections of players can play together in golf
`events, even in direct competition with one another (e.g.,
`using handicapped scoring, different tee boxes, in team for(cid:173)
`mats, etc.), and still enjoy the golf outing or competition.
`These factors, together with the increased availability of golf
`programming on television (e.g., golf tournaments, golf
`news, golf history, and/or other golf programming) and the
`rise of well known golf superstars, at least in part, have
`increased golf's popularity in recent years, both in the United
`States and across the world.
`Golfers at all skill levels seek to improve their perfor(cid:173)
`mance, lower their golf scores, and reach that next perfor(cid:173)
`mance "level." Manufacturers of all types of golf equipment
`have responded to these demands, and in recent years, the
`industry has witnessed dramatic changes and improvements
`in golf equipment. For example, a wide range of different golf
`ball models now are available, with balls designed to comple(cid:173)
`ment specific swing speeds and/or other player characteristics
`or preferences, e.g., with some balls designed to fly farther
`and/or straighter; some designed to provide higher or flatter
`trajectories; some designed to provide more spin, control,
`and/or feel (particularly around the greens); some designed
`for faster or slower swing speeds; etc. A host of swing and/or
`teaching aids also are available on the market that promise to
`help lower one's golf scores.
`Being the sole instrument that sets a golf ball in motion
`during play, golf clubs also have been the subject of much
`technological research and advancement in recent years. For
`example, the market has seen dramatic changes and improve(cid:173)
`ments in putter designs, golf club head designs, shafts, and
`grips in recent years. Additionally, other technological
`advancements have been made in an effort to better match the
`various elements and/or characteristics of the golf club and
`characteristics of a golf ball to a particular user's swing fea(cid:173)
`tures or characteristics (e.g., club fitting technology, ball
`launch angle measurement technology, ball spin rates, etc.). 60
`Further technological advancement in golf club design has
`also involved the incorporation of various types of monitoring
`devices or sensors in the golf club. Many such designs, how(cid:173)
`ever, have been cumbersome and unreliable. In addition, fur(cid:173)
`ther processing of the data recorded by the sensors has been 65
`limited or not performed in a suitable manner to be most
`useful to golfers.
`Zepp Labs, Inc.
`ZEPP 1009
`Page 40
`US 8,956,238 B2
`FIG. lSA is an illustrative embodiment of an putter golf
`club head structure supporting a monitoring device according
`to aspects of the disclosure;
`FIG. lSB is an exploded view of the putter golf club head
`shown in FIG. lSA;
`FIG. 16A is an exploded view of an illustrative embodi(cid:173)
`ment of