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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
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`the English language, unabridged.
`Includes index.
`1. English 1angua.ge—Dictionaries. I. Gove,
`Philip Babcock, 1902-1972. 11. Merriam—Webster Inc.
`ISBN O-87779-201-1 (blue Sturdite)
`ISBN 0-87779-206-2 (imperial buckrarn)
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`2 of 6
`activated alumina
`or by admixture of an impurity c (11 : to alter the nature of
`the surface of (specific mineral particles in the flotation of
`an ore pulp} so that certain reagents will adhere (2) : to treat
`(materials, as carbon, clay, alumina, silica gel) so as to im-
`prove esp. adsorptive properties (as for use in removing
`colors from sugar solutions and other solutions, chemicals
`from vapor lines, and odors from water)
`(1 t to treat by pro-
`longed aeration so as to favor the growth of organisms that
`will decompose (sewage)
`e (1) : to start development of (an
`egg) by fertilization or experimentally by chemicals (2)
`: to
`stimulate to sexual activif
`:-induce heat or rut in I : to set up
`or formally institute (a military unit) with the necessary per-
`sonnel and equipment ~ vi : to become active syn see VXTALIZE
`activated alumina n :a porous highly atlsorptive alumina
`made usu. by heating alumina hydrates and used chiefly in
`drying gases and liquids
`activated carbon or activated charcoal n : a highly adsorbent
`powdered or granular carbon or charcoal made usu. by car-
`boni'7ation of carbonaceous materials (as wood or coconut
`shells) and chemical activation (as by oxirii7ing gases) and
`used chiefly for adsorbing gases, for purifying syrups, for
`removing undesirable colors and odors, and for solvent re-
`covery -— called also active carbon: compare BONE BLACK
`activated sludge process n :2 sewage treatment procedure
`in which the decomposition of the raw sewage is hastened by
`the addi on to it of biologically active sewage sludge
`acgti-va-hon \,akta'vashsn\ ll —s : the act or process of ac-
`activation energy /1 : the minimum amount of energy required
`to convert a normal stable molecule into a reactive molecule
`-S :one that activates: as
`a : a substance that renders another substance active in a
`specific manner: as
`(1) : a chemical
`(as an ethanolamine)
`that acts with an accelerator to increase the rate of vulcaniza-
`tion of rubber (Z) : an impurity (as a metal) present in small
`amounts in a luminescent solid (as a phosphor) to which the
`luminescence is attributed (3) :a substance (as a chloride
`ion) that increases the activity of an enzyme — usu. distin-
`guished from cncrizyme and kirmse
`13 embryo! . a substance
`given off by developing tissue that stimulates differentiation
`of adjacent tissue; also : a structure giving off such a stim-
`lacotive \':il<tiv, -Ev also -av\ aali [ME, fr. MF or L; MF acrif,
`fr. L acrivus, fr. actus (past part. of agere to act) + -ivus -ive
`—~ more at AGENT] 1 :characreri7.ed by action rather than by
`contemplation or speculation (an ~ man)
`2 : productive of
`action or movement (a dog very much awake and filled with
`N antagonism —-Jack McLarcn)
`3 a of a verb form or voice
`: asserting that the person or thing represented by the gram-
`matical suhject performs the action represented by the verb
`(hits in “he hits the ball" and shone in “the sun shone” are
`~) — contrasted with middle and passive in : expressing action
`as distinct from more existence or state (“he walks“ and “he
`walked" have ~ verbs)
`now used esp.
`in the grammar
`of certain American Indian and African languages: com-
`pare NEUTER lb. STATIC, STATIVE c 0/ a grummalical con-
`srruction : containing an active verb form 4 : quick in
`physical movement : of agile and vigorous ha
`LIVELY (an animal ~ in burrowing)
`5 : requiring vigorous
`action or exertion (an interest in ~ sports) 6a:having
`practical operation or results : EFFECTIVE (an ~ law)
`b of a
`volcano 3 erupting at the present time or at intervals of a few
`years or having a crater that contains fluid lava — compare
`'7 a : disposed to action : ENERGETIC,
`DILIGENT (to take an N interest)
`b : engaged in an action or
`activity : PARTICIPATING (an ~ club member)
`8 :engaged
`in full-time servioe esp.
`in the armed forces (ordered to ~
`duty) 9 : marked by present operation, transaction, move-
`ment, or use (an N coal mine) (an IV bank account) (~ titles
`in apublisher’scatalog)_ (asturlent’s ~ vocabulary) 10 a : ca- _
`pable of acting or reac
`gasp. in some specific manner or with
`more than ordinary vigor : REACTIVE, ACTIVATED (~ nitrogen)
`(~ charcoal) b : <')PTlCA‘l.l,Y ACTIVE
`~ deposit) 11 : still eligible to win the pot in pokcr— uscd ,
`of a player who has not drop ed
`12 :moving down the.
`line or visiting in the set — use of couples in contredanses ‘
`or square dances 13 of a disease : progressing or rctrogressing ,
`(~ tuherculosis)— ac.tive-ly \-tavle, -li\ az2'v— ac-live-ness
`\-ivnés. -ev- also -av-\ n -25
`2active \“\ It -s 1 :one that is active (fraternity alumni and
`~s) 2 a : an active verb
`h : the active voice of a language
`or a form in it
`active amyl alcohol n : a liquid levorotatory primary alcohol
`Czl-I5CH(CH3)CHzO'lI occurring in fusel oil; lava-2-methyl:
`active bond ri, Brit : a bond bearing a fixed rate of interest
`from date of issue
`active carbon 21 : ACTIVATED CARBON
`active component n :the average power of an alternating
`electric current divided by the effective voltage in a circuit
`active door n :the one of a pair of doors that is ordinarily
`used alone
`active duty or active service ri : full-time service in the armed
`forces with regular duties and pay and subject to appropriate
`active immunity n : immunity commonly long-lasting ac-
`quired through production of antibodies within the organism
`in response to the presence of antigens (as by infection or
`injection) — see PASSIVE IMMUNITY
`active list 71 2 a list comprising the officers and enlisted person-
`nel of the armed forces who are performing or normally
`available for military duties and are receiving full pay
`active mass ll 1 : the concentration of a reacting substance
`expressed usu.
`in molcs
`or liter 2 :the concentration of
`the portion of a dissolve
`electrolyte that is dissociated into
`ions and hence is capable of carrying the electric current
`active serum ri
`: a serum that contains complement
`active trust n : a trust in which the trustee is charged with the
`performance of some substantial duties in respect to the con-
`trol, management, and disposition of the trust property
`ac-tiv-ism \'akté,vizam, -E,v-\ n -s [G nktivismus, fr. aktiv
`active (fr. L activur) + -ismur -ism — more at ACTIVE] 1 :ei-
`ther of two philosophical doctrines: (l) the mind is active,
`not passive, in perception or (2) activity is creative or funda-
`mental :Ac_rUALisM — compare PRAGMATISM, VOLUNTARISM
`2 :a doctrine or practice that emphasizes vigorous action
`(as the use of force for political ends)
`‘ac-tiv-ist \-_va'st\ It -s [G akrivist, fr. aktiv + -1'52] : one that
`advocates or practices activism
`iactivist \“\ also ac-tiv-i -tic \!:=:vistil<, -Ek\ editor or
`belonging to or having the characteristics of activism or
`activists : advocating or practicing activism
`ac-tiv-i-ty \ak'tiVad-'e',
`-atE, -i\ I!
`-53 [MF nctfvité, fr. ML
`aczivitat-, activitas, fr, L activus active + -itat-, -ita: -ity -—
`more at ACTIVE] 1 : the quality or state of being active (the
`sphere, of his ~) (solar ~) 2 : physical motion or exercise of
`force‘ as a : vigorous or energetic action : LIVELINESS (to re-
`strict his ~) b : adroit or skillful physical action : AGILITY (an
`athlete’s ~) 3 :
`natural or normal function or operation (~ .
`on the stock exchange): as a :
`a process (as moving or
`digesting) that an organism carries on or participates in by
`virtue of being_ alive
`b 1 any similar process (as searching,
`learning, or writing)
`that actually or potentially
`involves mental function: specif : an educational procedure
`designed. to stimulate learning by firsthand experience or
`observation, experiment, ll'lq'Ull'_‘/, and discussion (~ program)
`— compare PROJECT, UVlT 4 a : an actuating force '0 some-
`time: cap : a creative agency or process; esp : an ultimate
`or undcrived cosmic agency
`5 a : an occupation, pur-
`suit, or recreation in which a person is active —— often used
`in pl.
`(business activities) (social activities)
`: a form
`of organized, supervised, and often extracurricular recreation
`(as athletic games, dramatics, or dancing) 6 rherrva : the
`characteristic of acting rapidly or of promoting a rapid reac-
`tion (the ~ of adsorbent carbon) (the ~ of a catalyst)
`b : the
`apparent or effective concentration of a substance esp.
`Sr_)lllllOl‘t as judged by the behavior of the substance under
`given conditions, such concentration being equal to the actual
`concentration in very dilute ideal solutions — called also
`relative jugacity 7 : an organizational unit for performing a
`specific function; also :its duties or function (navy supplies
`procured from the nearest shore ~) (the food-inspection
`N of the health department)
`activity cage :1 : a cage for a small animal with a treaclwheel
`or other device by which it can exercise
`activity coefficient ri
`: the ratio of chemical activity to actual
`concentration : an arbitrary quantity that in the case of solu-
`tions is a measure of the deviation of a more or less concen-
`trated solution from an ideal solution
`activity group psychotherapy or activity group therapy
`7: : group psychotherapy in which the subiects (as children)
`are permitted to act out their repressed impulses in the pres-
`ence of a nonparticipating therapist
`ac-tiv-ize \'akta,viz, -é.v-\ vl -ED/ -mG/ -s : ACTIVATE
`act of adjtiurnal Scot: law, usu pl : one of various ordinances
`issued b’ the Court of Justiciary for regulating the procedure
`in that court and the inferior criminal courts
`act of bankruptcy or act of insolvency : an act specified
`by law as subjecting a person to be proceeded against as an
`involuntary bankrupt or insolvent
`act of faith [trans. of Pg aura-dz:-fé] : an act requiring or dis-
`playing faith; specif IAUTO-DA-E-‘E
`act of god cap G : an extraordinary interruption by a natural
`cause (as a severe flood or earthquake) of the usual course of
`events that experience, prcseicnce, or care cannot reasonably
`foresee or prevent — compare ZNEVITABLE ACCIDENT
`act of grace : an act extending clemency to offenders before
`the law (as one at the beginning of a new reign granting pardon
`or amnesty to numerous offenders)
`act of honor 2 an acceptance or payment for honor of a pro-
`tested bill of exchange; also : the instrument reciting such
`protest and acceptance or payment
`act of indemnity 1 tan act passed to relieve persons
`(as :
`officials) from some penalty to which they have become liable
`by acting illegally or beyond the limits of their powers
`2 : an
`act passed to provide compensation for damage incurred in
`the service of the government or resulting from some public
`act of aw i a change of a person's legal rights, obligations, or
`cs (as in the acquisition of a right or exemption from
`a liability) arising from the legal effect of some event such as
`act of sederunt Scot: law, usu pl : one of various rules of the
`Court of Session for regulating procedure in that court
`ac-to«my-o-sin \.akta‘miasén\ n [ISV actin -2 -0- + myosirz;
`orig. formed as G akwmyosin] :a viscous substance that
`consists of a complex of actin and myosin, has the property of
`contractility, and is postulated to be concerned together with
`adenosine triphosphate in --muscular contraction — formerly
`called myosin
`ac-ton \'akton\ rz -s [ME akezoun, fr. OF alccion, cotton wool,
`padding, padded jacket, fr.r0Prov or OSp; OProv alcozon
`cotton, fr. OSp, fr. Ar al~qurun the cotton] :a stuffed jacket
`worn under the mail of medieval body armor; also : a jacket
`plated with steel
`ac-tor \'akte(r) also -.to(a)r or -o(a)\ ll -5 [ME actour clocr,
`pleader, fr. L actor, fr. actus (past part. of agere to drive, do)
`+ -or — more at AGENT] 1 Roman law : one that conducts a
`legal action : PLEADERI a : PLAINTIFF — opposed to reu:
`b:an advocate in civil causes
`0 : the officer of a Roman
`corporation charged with prosecuting lawsuits in its behalf
`and defending those brought against it 2 a : one that acts in
`a stage play, motion picture, radio or television play, or dra-
`matic sketch
`b : a theatrical performer (a professional ~)
`c : one that behaves as if acting a part 3 a : one that takes
`part in any affair : PARTICIPANT (the papers and memoirs of
`the leading ~s are shedding new light on the inside story of
`government —.'l.A.R.Pimlott) b : WRONGDOER, TORT-FEASOR
`ac-tor-ish \‘al<tarish\ adj : having the characteristics of a
`professional actor; esp : noticeably histrionic or stagy in
`appearance or mannerism (much too slick and ~ to be con-
`vincing as a cheap hustler —-Stuart Byron) — ac-tor-ish-ly
`actor—proof \'==:=\ adj 2 effective no matter how badly acted
`—- usu. used of a play or a part
`ac-tory \'aktoré\ adj 2 ACTORISH
`act out yr 1 a : to represent
`in action (my childhood was
`spent in reading and acting out what I read)
`ll : to translate
`into action (unwilling to act out their beliefs)
`2 psychoanaly-
`sis : to express (repressed or unconscious impulses) directly
`in overt behavior without awareness or insight esp. during
`psychoanalytic investigation
`act psychology n t psychology conceived as the study of the
`individual act esp. for meaning and intent — called also in-
`tentionallsm,‘ contrasted with content psychology
`ac-tress \'aktras\ n —F,S [actor + -css] 1 ob: : a. woman that
`takes part in any affair
`2 : a female actor
`ac-tressy \-sE\ adjzhaving the characteristics of a profes-
`sional actress; esp tnoticeably histi-ionic or stagy in appear-
`ance or mannerism
`acts pl :7] ACT, pres id sing of ACT
`-acts pl of ~AC'l‘
`lac-tu-al \'akch:>(w:i‘,1, -ksh-\ adj [1/IE, active, existing, fr. MF
`actuel, fr, LL zzctualis active, practical, fr, L actu: act -1 -2112:
`-al —— more at ACT] 1 ob: : involving or relating to acts or
`de5dS:ACTl\/E (her walking and other ~ performances —
`Shak.) 2a :existing in act (our ~ intentions) IEXISTENT
`— contrasted with potential and possible
`1) : existing in fact
`or reality :really acted or acting or carried out — contrasted
`with ideal and hypothetical (in ~ life) (the ~ conditions):
`distinguished from apparent and nominal (the ~ cost of good s)
`3 : not spurious : REAL, GENUINE (an N blizzard) (~ false-
`hood) (hard-presscd but not in ~ poverty) 4 2 in existence
`or taking place at the time : PRESENT, CURRENT (caught in the
`~ commission of the crime) 5 physics : KINETIC; also: M0-
`Tivi-:, SENSIDLE ~— used of energy syn see REAL
`2aclual \“\ n -s 1 : something that is actual or exists in fact
`{REALITY 2 tsornething actually received or at hand (as a
`cash receipt or a market commodity) as distinct from estimated
`or expected (trading in both ~s and futures in grain)
`actual cautery n : an agent (as a hot iron, electrocautery, or
`moxa) used to destroy tissue by heat — compare POTENTIAL
`actualcost It :cost based on the most factual allocation of
`historical cost factors
`actual fraud ri : FRAUD la(l)
`actual horizon 71
`. HORIZON lb(2)
`ac-tu-al-ism \'akc'na(w:;),lizam, -ksh-\ n -S [lactual + -ism]
`1 : a philosophical doctrine that all existence is active or
`spiritual, not inert or dead, or that reality is founded on ac-
`tivity or consists of process 2 : the theory that the self is a
`bundle of successive perceptions rather than a unified sub-
`stance or entity
`ac-in-al-ist \-_lést\ n -s [lactual + -is!] 1 zone who deals
`with, aims at, or Considers actuality
`2 : an adherent of
`philosophical aetualism — ac-lu-al-is-tic \§::(=)Ilistik\ ad/‘
`ac-tu-al-i-ty \,akcha‘wal:d-E,
`-i\ n
`acrualitas, fr. LL aczualis + L -itas -ity]
`1 : the quality or
`state of being actual : FACT, R2-.Ai.i'rY; esp : phenomenal reality
`(by each of these artists emotions and feelings have been given
`~ in shape and form —-Michael Kitson) (often what seems
`the most novel
`in ~, merely the revival of something
`old —R,B.West) 2 :-something that is actual (possible risks
`which have been seized upon as actualirfcs —T.S.l:2liot) 3 a in
`Aristotzlianism : the being of an existent object insofar as it
`is not merely potential but is endowed with form — compare
`ENTELECHY -b in Hegelianirm : the status of an entity enjoying
`relative independence and self-suffi iency (the ~ of a com-
`c : the nature of a thing as realized in existence
`d {something that embodies actuality 4 : at film record or
`radio or television broadcast of an event as it actually occurs
`(~ film) (~ program) — compare DOCUMENTARY
`ac-tu~al-iz-a-ble Hakchalwajjlizabal, -ksh-\ adj : capable of
`being made actual
` "'2-\ n -S
`ac-tu-al-i-za-lion \.al<chs(wa)lo'zEshan,
`: the act or process of actualizing : REALIZATION
`ac-tu-al-ize \'akcha{wa),liz, -ksh-\ vb -ED/-l.\lG/-S sce -ize
`in Explan Notes, vt : to make actual (he was placed in a
`position calculated to ~ his worst potentialities —F.R.Leavis)
`~ vi : to become actual
`ac-‘tn-al-ly \‘aksh (9)15, ‘alcchal-, -li; 'akchawal-, -chul-. -ksh-:
`rep.‘ or cl‘
`ly substarzd ’aksi9)1-\ adv EME, fr. ‘actual + -ly]
`1 : in act o in fact: REALLY (nominally but not ~ independ-
`ent - Karl Loewenstein) 2 : at
`the present moment : for
`the time being (the transmission screen showing the picture
`that was ~ on the air —Denis Johnston) 3 : in point of fact
`:in truth -~« used to imply that one would expect the fact to
`be the opposite of what is stated (she ~ spoke Latin)
`actual neurosis n ta neurosis characterized by hypochon-
`driacal complaints or somatic manifestations believed by
`Freud to be caused by organic changes resulting from sexual
`inhibition — distinguished from psyclronmrosis
`actual neurotic n : one suffering from an actual neurosis
`actual sin n, Roman Catholicism : sin traceable to the personal
`will of the sinner -- distinguished from original sin
`actual tare n : tare determined by the actual weight of the
`actual time 72 : time taken by an employee to perform a given
`operation: as a : the time recorded for time and motion study
`before being compared with a normal working pace ‘0 : the
`time recorded on a timing device to be compared with a
`standard time or an allowed time
`actual truth n : EMPIRICAL TRUTH
`-ksh-\ ad] :of or relating to
`aciuaries :determined by actuarics zrclating to statistical
`calculation esp. of life expectancy (a plan based on N prin-
`ciples) —- ac-tu-ar-i-ai-iy adv
`actuaries' table It
`ac-tu~ary \‘akcho,werE, -ksh-, -ri\ n -25 [LL actuarius, fr. L.
`shorthand writer, writer of accounts, fr. acturri public trans-
`action, record + -arias -ary —- more at ACT] 1 obs : a clerk or
`registrar orig. of a law court 2 : one trained in mathematics
`and statistics whose business it is to calculate insurance and
`annuity premiums, reserves, and dividends
`ac-tu-ate \‘alccha,wat, -ksli-\ vb ~ED/-lNC—/-S [ML actuatus.
`past part. of qczuarc. fr. L actus act, deed — more at ACT]
`vr 1 :to put into mechanical action or motion (most of the
`hydraulically operated ite-ns of equipment are actuzzled by
`pistons and cylinders —W,R,Sears)
`2 : to move to action
`(cultural developments which ~ and guide stylistic trends in
`art —Ralph Wickiser) : stir or inspire to activity (motives
`which ~ religious fanatics —-M.R.Cohcri) (individuals actu-
`ated by economic sell-iriterest -Douglas Bush) ~ vi‘ : to be-
`come active syn scc MOVE
`ac-tn-a-tion \,:.-‘wEshsn\ r: -s : a bringing into action : lM~
`ac-tu-a-tor \‘=:,w5d-a(r),
`-ate-\ n -S : one that aciuates;
`spam] . any of various electric, hydraulic, or pneumatic m b
`anisms by means of which somethirig is moved or contr
`indirectly instead of by hand (as a motor that turns the rudder
`of a large ship or moves the elevators of an airplane or an air:
`brake cylinder operated by a rnotorman)
`act up vi‘ 1 : to actin a way different from that which
`normal, usual, or expected: as a : to behave in an unruly,
`recalcitrant, or capricious manner (skittish and inclined to
`act up with an unaccustomed rider) (occasionally the river
`acts up) (I'd advise you not to act up with me)
`‘u : to show
`off (children acting up for the benefit of anyone who cared to
`c : to function improperly (this typewriter is acting
`up again) 2 : to become ac 've or acute (as of a physical in-
`firmity) after being quiescent (an old injury to his right fore-
`foot began to act up again --New Yorker)
`ac-tus \‘akt::s, Esp in sense 2 ‘ak,tus\ n, pl actus EL,
`driving, doing, act. deed —- more at ACT] 1 Roman law : the
`right to drive a beast or a vehicle over another‘s land
`guished from iter and via
`2 [ML (trans. of Gk erzergeia). fr. L
`acius — more at ENERGY] 2 an act or thing donc: specij : a
`mental or spiritual act -— used in Scholasticism to render
`Aristotlc’s terms cricrgeia and entelecheiu; compare ENERGY,
`aci1- comb farm EML, fr. L acu, ablr of acus needle; akin to L
`acies edge — more at EDGE] : with a needle (acupuncture)
`ac-u-ar-ia \.akya'wa(a)réa\ n. can WL4 .r. ::cu- + -aria] : a
`genus of spiruroid nematodes that include destructive parasites
`of the gizzard walls of gallinaceous birds having intermediate
`stages in grasshoppers or other insects or crustaceans
`lac-I1-ate \‘akya,w§.'r\ adj
`[ME acuat,
`(assumed) ML
`acuarus, fr. L acuflricedlc + -atus -ate — more at ACUTE]
`: having a sharp point : shaped like a needle : SHARPENED
`2acuate vt -ED/-INC:/-3 obs : to make pungent or sharp
`acuclii var 0/ ACOUCI-ll
`acuer-do \a'ltwer(,)dB, Sp a'kwerm6\ n, pl acuerdos \-d‘5z,
`-m5s\ [Sp, fr. acordar to resolve, agree,
`fr. (assumed) VL
`accordare — more at ACCORD] 1 : a resolution or decision of a
`deliberative body or a tribunal
`in certain Latin American
`countries 2 : a session of a tribunal; also 2 the members 0 '
`acu-i-ly \o'ky‘u‘od-E, a‘- ,-ate, -i'\ n -Es [MP acuit
`alter, (in-
`fluenced by L rzrutur sharp, pointed) of OF agiieié, fr. agu
`sharp (fr. L acutus) + -etc’ -ity— more at ACUTE] : SHARPNESS,
`ACUTENESS : keenness of sense perception (~ of hearing) or
`acutcness or perceptivcness of mind (Wordsworth‘s ~ is exer-
`cised on common objects ~Herbert Read) — see VISUAL
`acu-lea \a'kyii'lEa\ n, pl acule-ae \-lE.E\ [NL, alter. of L
`aculeus point. sting] : a minute spinous outgrowth on the wing
`rnembrane of cert
`acu-lo-a-ta \9.k
`e'5d~a, -Ed-::\ :1 pl, cap [NL, fr, L, neut. pl.
`of aculeatus having stings or priclcles, stinging, fr. aculeus +
`-alas —ate] :a division of Hymenoptera .n uding the bees,
`ants, and true wasps all characteristically having the ovipositor
`modified into a s '
`lacu-le-ate \:>'i<
`eat, -,at\ ad/' [L aculeatur] 1 : marked by
`incis 'eness (~ language) : POXNTED, STINGING 2 : having
`a sling 3 [NL Aculcam] : of or belonging to the Aculcata
`4 [NL aculca + E -ate] 2 furnished with spines or aculeae (as
`of the wines of certain moths)
`iaculeaie \“\ n -s : one of the Aculeata
`acu—le-i-form \a'kyiilE:~.f(')rm, Iaky9:lE-\ (MU [ISV acuIe- (fr.
`L aculeus prickle. sting)
`’form] :
`ike a prickle in shape;
`specif : resembling an acu eus
`ac-u-1e-o-late \:aky:aIlE::l:‘t,
`-,lZt\ adj [L rrculeolus
`needle (dim. of aculeus prickle, sting) + E -ate] :having very
`' .kles; sped] : having an aculeolus
`ac-u-le 0-lus \,al<ya‘l€alas\
`n, pl aculeo-li \-,1I\ [NL, dim.
`of aculeusl :a small aculeus
`acii-le-iis \s'Lyi:‘lEas\ n, pl acu-lei \-lE,i\ [NL, fr. L, point,
`stin , dim. of anus nccdlc — more at ACUTE] zonl: a sharp:
`pointed process; specif 2 an insect's ovipositor esp. when
`modified into a sting
`acu-men \a‘kyu'mén also a’-;
`'akyamén also -,r.1er.\
`-5 EL,
`lit., point, fr. were to sharpen — more at ACUTE] 1 : ac
`ncss of mind keenness of _t
`reption, disccrnrrteiit. or
`crimination : hrewdness esp. in practical matters (loses con-
`fidence in the ~ of reviewers —E
`ccartney) (business ~
`and judicious handling of capital —William McFee) 2 bot
`: a tapering point
`(as of a leaf) 3 t a short spine on the
`rostrum of a cray" h or other crustacean
`!acu~mi-nate \e‘ltyi.irnanét, -,nEt\ ad/' [L acumimztus, past
`part. of acuminare to make pointed, sharpen,
`fr. acumi/1-,
`acumen point] : tapering to a slender point: POINTED
`2acu~mi-nale \-,niit\ v17 -co,/-mo/-s [L acuniiriatus] vt : to
`make sharp or acute ~ vi : to taper or come to a point
`acu-mi-na-tion \a,kyiima‘n§slion, ,a,k-\ r1 -s : a sharpening or
`giving point to: also : a tapering point
`acu-mi-nous \:'kvi.imonos, a‘-\ adj [L acumin-, acumen sharp
`point + E -om — more at ACUMEN] 1 :cl1at‘acteriLecl by
`acumen 2 : ACUMINATE
`ac-u-min-u-late \}akyo:minyoli>i, -,l§t\ adj [blend of 1acumi'-
`hate and -ule] : minutely acuminate
`acu-piinc-lure \'a cyu +.\ n- s [acu- 4. puncture]
`1 :
`orig. Chinese practice of puncturing the body with special
`usu. gold or silver needles to cure disease 2 : puncture of
`the skin or tissue by 3. needle (as for vaccination or the re-
`moval of
`—— acu-punt;-tur-is! \,-='psi3(k)chor:'vst,
`-(k)sh-\ n —s
`acusli-la \::'kushl;, c'l5-\ rt -5 [lrGael a cuisle oh darling. fr.
`lit , pulse, vein, fr. OIr cusle; akin to
`:1 O}: + cuislc darling,
`ScGael cuislc pulse, vein] Irish : DARLING
`3 of 6
`enemy alien
`rhetorical (he had fresh troops and superior numbers and
`en-fee-‘ale-merit \-b9lrnant\ rt -5 1 : the action of cnfeebling
`forced the enemy back until they abandoned the field —C.H.
`2 2 the quality or state of being enfeebled
`Lanza) (donning his sword and buekler to fight
`the foe)
`en-fee-bier \-b(a)la(r)\ n -s : one that enfeebles
`enemy alien n : a foreigner resident in a country with which
`en-teofi \én, en +\ vi -ED/'~iNG/-s [ME enjeffen, enjeoffen, fr.
`his country is at war
`AF enfeffer, enfeof/er, fr. OF en- 1en- + ft’.-2], n., fee——more at
`eneolithic uru cap, var nj AI=NEoLri'i-tic
`EEE] 1 : to invest with a fief or fee : invest (a person) with a
`en-epidermic \(:)cn+\ adj [2m- + epidermis] : applied to
`freehold estate by feoffment (the holdings in which a baron
`the unbroken skin for medicinal purposes
`~ed his leading tenants -—F.M.Stenton> 2 obs : to give into
`ener-geia \,ensr'J‘ia, -r‘g|, Ea,
`|E(3'la; e'ner(,)ga,a\ n -5 [Gk,
`activity, operation — more at ENERGY] : ENERGY 4a —— con-
`en-Ieotf-merit \“mant\ rt
`-5 [ME enjeffemenl,
`fr. AF, fr.
`trasted with dynamix
`enfajfcr + MF -ment] 1 : the act of enfeoffing 2 : the in-
`strument or deed by which one is enfeoffed
`en~er-get-ic \:ena(r):jed-lik;
`[Ek\ adj [Gk energéiikos
`active, fr.
`(assumed) energizes (verbal of energein to be in
`en fete \3i“‘f'"at\ adj [F,
`in festival] : being in festal dress
`action, effect. fr. energos‘ active, effective) + ~i'ko: -ic] 1 : ex-
`: making a holiday showing
`hibiting energy : sTRENuoL's (an N administration of business
`en-fetter \én, en +\ vt [‘en- + fetter, n.] : to bind in fetters
`affairs) 2 marked by energy (an ~ walk) (an N campaigner)
`Ien-field \'en,fild\ adj, usu cap [fr. Enfield, urban district in
`2 : operating with force, vigor, or effect (~ laws) (an ~
`Middlesex, England] : of or from the urban district of Enfield,
`England : of the kind or style prevalent in Enfield
`oxidizing agent for the creation of high temperatures) 3 : pos-
`ieuiielti \“\ or enfield rifle rt
`-3 usu cap E [fr. Enjicld,
`sessing cnergy : having the capacity for action or exerting
`force (the volcanoes that raised the islands are still ~ in
`Middlesex, Eng., where it was orig. manufactured] 1 1 a
`places) 4 : of, relating to, based on, or in terms of energy
`muzzle-loading rifled musket of
`.577 caliber used by the
`(~ stability) (~ equation) syn see VKGOROLIS
`British during the Crimean War and by US. troops in the
`en-er-get-i-cal \|ékal,
`lEk\ adj [Gk enelgftikos + _E -cl]
`Civil War 2 : a .303 caliber magazine rifle of bolt type used
`: ENERGETIC ~ en-e get-i-cal-ly \]ék(a)lE jEl<-, -li\ adv
`. bv the British 3 : a .30 caliber rifle used by US. troops in
`en er-get
`-cist \,=- Jed-losést, -et]\ 11 -s [fr. energetics, after
`orld War I —— see RIFLE illustration
`such pairs as E physio ~ physicist] : a specialist in encrgetics
`‘ len-fi-lade \'enfa,lSd, -ad,-ad also '2in...ad or ':in...ad; ,:s':\
`en-er-get-ics \]iks, iéks\ n pl but
`‘rig in constr : a branch of
`-5 [F, series, row, military enfilade, fr. enfiler to thread,
`mechanics that deals primarily with energy and its transfor-
`string, rake with gunfire in a lengthwise direction (fr. OF, to
`mations (nuclear N)
`thread, fr. 571- ‘cn~ + fil, n., thread) + - ale — more at FILE]
`en-er-ge-tis-tic \‘ena(r),jed-fiistilc,
`-tEk\ adj [ener-
`1 : arrangement (as of rooms, doorways,
`trees) in opposite
`getics + -15! + -2'
`: rela 'ng to energetics
`and parallel rows 2 a : a condition permitting the delivery of
`ener-gic \(')e;nerjil<, a‘n
`n-\ ad} [energy + -ie] 2 ENERGEIIC 3
`fire at an objective (as a trench or line of troops) from a point
` id\ n -S [ISV enerlr (fr. Gk energos
`en-er-gid \'ens(r_)j:>d,
`‘ on or near the prolongation of its longest axis b : a position
`favorable for enfiladc firing
`active) + -id, orig. formed as‘G energid] : a nucleus and the
`body of cytoplasm with which it
`interacts - called also
`Ienfilade \“\ vi —Eo/-mo/-s 1 2 to arrange (as trees or rooms)
`to form an enfilade 2 : to rake or be in a position to rake
`eIi~er-gism \'ene(r),i'izam\
`-s [G energismus,
`ir. erzergie
`(as a fortification or column of troops) with gunfire in a length-
`wise direction
`energy (fr. LL energia) + -ismus -ism] 1 : a doctrine that
`certain phenomena (as mental states) are explicable in terms
`en-file \:17n‘fI(a)l, en-\ vi [M_E enfilen, fr. MF en/ilcr] archaic
`: to put on a string : THREAD
`of energy 2 : an ethical theory that the supreme good con-
`in the efficient exercise of normal human faculties
`enfiled z1dj[fr. past part. of enjile] heraldry : passed or thrust
`rather than in happiness or pleasure : SEYF-REALIZATIONISM
`through — used with with or of (two branches ~ with a
`eii-er-gist \- jést\ rt -5 : an adherent of energism
`baron’: Coronet) (N with a chaplet of roses —-Edward Almack)
`en-er-gize also en-er-gise \ " \ vb [energy + -ize] vi
`en-fire \én, en +\ vt [ME enjlren, fr, en- 1en- + fir, n,, fire —
`more at FIRE] archaic : KINDLE
`put forth energy : ACT ~ yr 1 : to impart energy to : make
`enflame var of INFLAME
`active (N the will)
`2 :
`to make energetic or vigorous (If-
`thc administration of an office) 3 :to make an electric circuit
`en-flesh \én, en +\ v: Elem + flesh, n.] : to clothe with or as
`alive electrically by applying voltage to (allow current to flow
`if with flesh (~ the idea of spirit ——I-I.O.Taylor)
`from the battery to ~ the windings —Joscph Hcitner) syn see
`en-fleu-rage \;'a“,f1u:r‘aizh\ rt
`-s [F, fr. enfleurer to saturate
`with the perfume of flowers (fr. en- 1en- + jleur, n,, flower, fr.
`en-er-giz-er \-zc(r)\ n -S : one that energizes; specij
`: a
`Ljlor-, flax)
`l« ~age -4 more at BLOW (to bloom)] : a process
`metal carbonate (as barium carbonate) mixed with charcoal
`of obtaining fragrant oils for perfumes by exposing successive
`in a carburizing compound to increase carburizing speed
`batches of freshly picked flowers to layers of fat (as a mixture
`eii-er-gu-men \,ene(r)‘gyiiman\ n -s [LL eriergumenur one
`of lard and tallow) coated on stacked glass plates and finally
`possessed by an evil spirit, fr. LGk energaumenas. fr. Gk,
`extracting usu. with alcohol the resulting pomade
`worked on, being the object of an action, pres. middle partr of
`en-told \én'f'6ld, en-\
`vi enfolded; enfoldetl or archaic
`energain to be in action, effect, f