`LLC, )
` )
` Petitioner, )
` ) Case No.
` vs. ) IPR2016-00642
` )
` ) 7,228,971
` Patent Owner. )
` New York, New York
` Friday, January 6, 2017
`Reported by:
`Philip Rizzuti
`JOB NO. 117214
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` January 6, 2017
` 9:06 a.m.
` Deposition of MICHAEL
`MORGENTHALER, held at the offices of
`Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler, LLP,
`1133 Avenue of the Americas, New York,
`New York, pursuant to notice, before
`Philip Rizzuti, a Notary Public of the
`State of New York
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`A P P E A R A N C E S:
` Attorneys for Petitioner
` One Shell Plaza
` 910 Louisiana Street
` Houston, Texas 77002
` Attorneys for Patent Owner
` 1133 Avenue of the Americas
` New York, New York 10036
` Attorneys for Patent Owner
` 701 Poydras Street
` New Orleans, Louisiana 70139
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` Morgenthaler
`M I C H A E L M O R G A N T H A L E R,
` called as a witness, having been duly
` sworn by a Notary Public, was examined
` and testified as follows:
`MR. VU:
` Q. Mr. Morgenthaler, I am going to
`hand you a couple of exhibits. This one is
`marked Exhibit 1001 on the bottom, this is a
`copy of the 971 Patent. I am also going to
`hand you what has been marked as Exhibit
`Derrick 2023.
` So my first couple of questions,
`are you familiar with Exhibit 1001?
` A. Yes I am familiar with it.
` Q. This is a copy of the 971 Patent?
` A. Yes it is.
` Q. You have reviewed the patent; is
`that correct?
` A. Yes I have.
` Q. And are you familiar with exhibit
`Derrick 2023 as well?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that is a declaration you
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` Morgenthaler
`committed in connection with IPR 2016-00642;
` A. Yes.
` Q. And this is your declaration; is
`that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I want to take you through the
`parts of your declaration starting with
`paragraph 1. How long did it take you to
`prepare this declaration?
` A. I would hazard a guess, a day, day
`and a half spent on it.
` Q. Did you write any portion of it?
` A. I edited an original draft copy.
` Q. Your counsel took a shot at the
`first draft; correct?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the
` form of the question.
` A. I received a draft.
` Q. You said you spent about a day or
`day and a half?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is that correct?
` A. Yes.
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` Morgenthaler
` Q. Ten to twelve hours approximately?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Paragraph 3 of your declaration
`says that you founded CUTPOINT, Inc., in 1992;
`is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What does that company do?
` A. We are a specialty consulting firm
`focussed on helping both service companies and
`operators of solids control equipment lower
`their costs.
` Q. Has CUTPOINT ever been involved in
`the design or development of screens?
` A. Yes.
` Q. How so?
` A. I have done work for CPI, another
`aftermarket screen manufacturer. In my
`original employ with SWECO Oil Field Services
`we did spring design.
` Q. These would be mud screen designs?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Would that cover all aspects of
`screen designs?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the
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` Morgenthaler
` form of the question.
` Q. What aspects of screen design did
`you work on with SWECO?
` A. Primarily just design and shape to
`fit shakers. We certainly didn't have
`anything to do with wire mesh or any of the
`pre-fabrication components, but definitely
`assembly and design.
` Q. Why didn't you have a role with
`the mesh?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the
` form.
` A. It's made by others.
` Q. You mean it is sourced by mesh
` A. Yes. It would be like buying a
`screw, you wouldn't make your own screws, you
`would buy screws to make your assembly. Same
`thing with screens.
` Q. You call it a mesh. Are there any
`other terms that you have used to refer to it?
` A. Wire cloth.
` Q. Screening material, is that
`something that you are familiar with?
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` Morgenthaler
` A. Same term, I would recognize that
`as the same term.
` Q. Have you ever used the screen
`sub-assembly to refer to the mesh?
` A. Myself, no.
` Q. Have you heard that term being
`used before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You have heard the term screen
`sub-assembly used in relation to the mesh; is
`that correct?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the
` form.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Has Derrick been a CUTPOINT
` A. No they have not.
` Q. Have you ever --
` A. Until present through their
` Q. Through this current engagement?
` A. Yes.
` Q. How did they come to retain your
`services in connection with this case?
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` Morgenthaler
` A. I have known people at Derrick and
`they have known me for many, many years.
` Q. So through historical contacts at
`Derrick somebody reached out to you?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the
` form.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Have you heard of the petitioners
`in this case, Screen Logix, LLC?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Prior to your engagement with this
`current matter had you heard of them?
` A. Yes.
` Q. In what context?
` A. I know that they have sold screens
`to some of my clients, and I know of their
`existence of a screen manufacturer.
` Q. Do you know Mr. Jeff Walker?
` A. Yes.
` Q. In what context?
` A. At one time we were colleagues.
` Q. Where?
` A. SWECO Oil Field Services.
` Q. How long ago was that?
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` Morgenthaler
` A. More than twenty years.
` Q. Do you have a current relationship
`with Mr. Walker?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the
` form.
` A. I have spoken with him in the last
`couple of years, yes.
` Q. What did those conversations
`relate to?
` A. I can't recall.
` Q. Did they relate to Derrick at all?
` A. No.
` Q. Have you ever testified before in
`a litigation or a patent context?
` A. No I have not.
` Q. This is your first one?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I want to jump to paragraph 10 of
`your declaration. Paragraph 10 lists
`materials you have considered in providing
`your opinions; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I just want to walk through this
`quickly. The first one is the 971 Patent.
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` Morgenthaler
`Had you -- were you aware of this patent
`before you were retained for this matter?
` A. No.
` Q. So you had not reviewed the patent
`before you were retained for this matter;
` A. No.
` Q. The next exhibit identifies 2024,
`Solids Control Catalog. Had you reviewed this
`reference before you were engaged in this
` A. I don't recall.
` Q. What about for the next four
`exhibits, had you reviewed any of those
`exhibits before you were retained in this
` A. Yes, they all seemed very familiar
`to me.
` Q. Which ones did you review before
`you were retained?
` A. The Operations Manuals. The
`Screen Technology Catalog I do recall seeing.
`I do not recall seeing the Screen Logix
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` Morgenthaler
` Q. I want to go to page 5 of your
`declaration, the first enumerated paragraph is
`15, the section is titled Derrick 500 Series
`Vibratory Shaker Machine and 500 Series PWP
`Screens. Do you see that?
` A. Yes I do.
` Q. Paragraphs 16, 17 have some
`history about Derrick. Were you aware of
`those facts before you were retained in this
` A. Yes.
` Q. So you knew since 1977 Derrick was
`developing and marketing leading edge
`vibratory screening machines?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you knew in 2000 Derrick
`introduced the 500 Series Machine?
` A. I can't say I knew the year 2000,
`but I work on rigs so I knew when the shakers
`came out.
` Q. Paragraph 18, and you can take
`your time reading these Mr. Morgenthaler,
`paragraphs 18 through 21 have some information
`about the shaker machines; is that correct?
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` Morgenthaler
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that information relates to
`the tensioning system in the shaker machine;
`is that correct?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the
` form.
` A. Yes, some of it applies to the
` Q. You don't contend in your
`declaration that the tensioning system in the
`500 Series Machine is claimed by the 971
`Patent; is that correct?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the
` form.
` A. No I don't.
` Q. Go to paragraph 22 of your
` A. Okay.
` Q. In this paragraph it's your
`opinion that the PWP screen practices claim 6
`the 971 Patent; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Now have you heard of the PMD
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` Morgenthaler
` A. Yes.
` Q. Does that screen also practice
`claim 6 of the 971 Patent?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection, beyond
` the scope of the expert report. I should
` say declaration.
` A. I don't know.
` Q. So it may or may not?
` A. I don't know.
` Q. You don't have an opinion on
`whether or not it practices?
` A. No I do not.
` Q. Are you aware that it is also
`compatible with the Derrick 500 Series Shaker
` A. I don't understand the question.
` Q. The PMD screen, can you use the
`PMD screen in the Derrick 500 Series Shaker
` A. Yes.
` Q. You can use it?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you can also use the PWP
`screen in that machine; correct?
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` Morgenthaler
` A. Yes.
` Q. And the same tensioning system; is
`that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I am going to hand you what has
`been marked as Derrick 2027.
` So Mr. Morgenthaler have you seen
`Derrick 2027 before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. How do you know that the PWP
`screen practices the same tensioning as the
`971 Patent?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the
` form.
` A. What was the question, PMD or PWP?
` Q. PWP. So if you look at paragraph
`22 of your declaration?
` A. By studying the claim language and
`by studying the screen itself, they seem to be
`written -- they seem to be written by the same
`design. It follows a design recommended in
`the patent, the design of the screen.
` Q. You studied the patent, you
`studied the screen and you came to that
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` Morgenthaler
`conclusion. Did you come to the conclusion
`whether or not any other claim of the 971
`Patent is practiced by the PWP screen?
` A. I have no opinion. I studied only
`claim 6.
` Q. So you didn't look at any of the
`other claims?
` A. In terms of studying, no. I read
`the patent, but I focussed on claim 6.
` Q. And why don't you have an opinion
`on whether the PMD screen practices claim 6?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the
` form.
` A. I was not asked to do so.
` Q. So counsel did not ask you to
`study whether or not the PMD screen practices
`any claim in the 971 Patent; is that correct?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. Were you asked not to do that
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the
` form.
` A. No.
` Q. You are familiar with claim 6; is
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` Morgenthaler
`that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are you familiar with claim 1?
` A. No. Well yes I am familiar with
`claim 1 by having read it.
` Q. How long have you been familiar
`with the PWP screen?
` A. I would say 20 plus years. Did
`you say the pyramid or the --
` Q. The PWP?
` A. The PWP is the flat screen. I am
`familiar with that since I would say at least
`15 years I have seen it.
` Q. Do you recall when you first saw
`that screen?
` A. I cannot recall.
` Q. Was it 2010, earlier, 2005, later?
` A. I would think sometime in the mid
` Q. Do you recall any specific
`reaction you had when you first saw the
` A. I liked it.
` Q. Why is that?
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` Morgenthaler
` A. I liked flat screens.
` Q. So sometime in the mid 2000s you
`saw the flat screens. Were you aware before
`that of the PMD screen?
` A. Very much so.
` Q. So the PMD screen came out first
`as far as you can remember?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Then some years after that, four
`or five years after that the flat screen came
` A. I don't know the timing, but I
`think in my mind it came out afterwards, I
`don't know for sure.
` Q. You like flat screens, why is
` A. Because for my work for operators
`I seem to get dryer cuttings off of flat
` Q. When do you recall the Derrick 500
`Series Machine being released?
` A. I would say the same answer,
`sometime in the mid 2000s is when I first saw
`them on rigs. To me that is coming out.
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` Morgenthaler
` Q. Sometime in the mid 2000s. And
`when you first saw them you saw them with the
`undulating screen?
` A. Sorry?
` Q. When you first saw the 500 Series
`Machine they were used with the undulating PMD
` A. Yes, the so-called pyramid screens
`is what I would have first seen them on.
` Q. If we go to Derrick 2027 and we
`turn to page 4, on the right side you will see
`a -- I guess the second topic is 500 Series
`Screen, do you see that?
` A. Yes I see that.
` Q. And beneath that is a picture of
`the Pyramid PMD screen; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you are familiar with this
`product; correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. If we go to paragraph 24, Mr.
`Morgenthaler, of your declaration?
` A. Okay.
` Q. You state that: As described at
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` Morgenthaler
`column 8, lines 34 to 45 of the 971 Patent,
`the Derrick 500 PWP screen has a plate with
`finger-receiving apertures suitably blocked by
`portions of a screen sub-assembly and capable
`of receiving fingers for mounting adjacent
`plate side edges capable of withstanding
`tensioning force. Such features are covered
`by claim 6 of the 971 Patent, are essential
`for insuring compatibility with the
`innovative, under-mount tensioning system in
`the Derrick 500 Series machines, and have
`significantly contributed to the commercial
`success of Derrick's 500 Series PWP screens.
` Do you stand by that opinion?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So in your opinion if the screens
`got finger-receiving apertures suitably
`blocked by portions of the screen sub-assembly
`and capable of receiving fingers from mounting
`adjacent plate side edges capable of
`withstanding tensioning force, that that is
`covered by claim 6 of the 971 Patent; is that
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the
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` Morgenthaler
` form of the question.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Now can you tell me what if any
`portion of that is missing from the PMD
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection. Beyond
` the scope of Mr. Morgenthaler's direct
` testimony.
` A. I don't know.
` Q. Well let's step through this.
` Does the PMD screen have a plate?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection. Beyond
` the scope of Mr. Morgenthaler's direct
` testimony.
` A. Please restate the question.
` Q. Does the PMD screen have a plate?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Does it have finger-receiving
`apertures suitably blocked by portions of the
`screen sub-assembly?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection. Beyond
` the scope of Mr. Morgenthaler's direct
` testimony.
` A. I don't know.
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` Morgenthaler
` Q. Okay, I have another Exhibit I
`want to mark.
` I will state for the record that
`it is not beyond the scope. Mr. Morgenthaler
`alleges a nexus between claim 6 and various
`secondary factors, and this goes directly to
`whether or not there is a nexus.
` I am going to mark that as
`Morgenthaler Exhibit 1, screen.
` (Morgenthaler Exhibit 1, screen,
` marked for identification, as of this
` date.)
` Q. You are free to get up, you don't
`have to. What has been marked as Morgenthaler
`Exhibit 1, is this a PMD screen?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Can you show me where the
`finger-receiving apertures are?
` A. The finger-receiving apertures
`would be the first row adjacent to the flange.
` Q. Are those covered by the screen
`sub-assembly in this screen?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the
` form.
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` Morgenthaler
` Q. Are they suitably blocked by the
`screen sub-assembly?
` A. What is your definition of screen
` Q. Well you are familiar with the
`patent; correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You are aware that claim 6 recites
`a screen sub-assembly?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What is your understanding of what
`that means?
` A. Well I know that the Patent Review
`Board has defined it as at least one layer of
`screen mesh.
` Q. And does at least one layer of
`screen mesh suitably block the
`finger-receiving apertures?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the
` form of the question.
` A. I don't know what is underneath
`the cap, so I can't answer.
` Q. So the cap to you is not part of
`the screen sub-assembly; correct?
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` Morgenthaler
` A. No, the cap is part of the screen
`sub-assembly, but your question is whether the
`mesh covered the -- you didn't ask about --
` Q. Well I asked about the screen
` MR. GINSBERG: That is a
` mischaracterization. Objection to the
` form. The record will speak for itself.
` Q. Does the screen sub-assembly
`cover, suitably block the finger-receiving
` A. I would say yes.
` Q. I will put this over here.
` And then are those
`finger-receiving apertures capable of
`receiving fingers in the PMD screen?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And they are capable of receiving
`fingers for mounting adjacent plate side
`edges; is that correct?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the
` form.
` A. Say again the question please.
` Q. The PMD screen is capable of being
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` Morgenthaler
`mounted in the 500 Series machine; is that
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are the side edges for the PMD
`screen capable of withstanding tensioning
` A. Yes.
` Q. After reviewing the PMD screen can
`you say whether or not now it practices claim
`6 of the 971 Patent?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the
` form. Beyond the scope of Mr.
` Morgenthaler's direct testimony.
` A. I don't know, I would need more
`time to study.
` Q. Those features that we discussed
`with respect to paragraph 4, you said they
`were essential for insuring compatibility with
`the 500 Series machine; is that correct?
` A. 4 or 24?
` Q. Excuse me, 24.
` A. Please restate the question.
` Q. The features that we just
`discussed, is it still your opinion that they
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` Morgenthaler
`are essential for insuring compatibility with
`the Derrick 500 Series machine?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the
` form.
` A. Are you referring to the features
`of the PMD or the features of the PWP?
` Q. The first sentence of paragraph 24
`of your declaration.
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the
` form.
` A. I still don't understand the
` Q. Let me break that apart.
` The first sentence of paragraph 24
`of your declaration, do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. It is followed by another sentence
`that says: Such features are covered by claim
`6 of the 971 Patent are essential for insuring
`compatibility with the innovative under-mount
`finger-based tensioning system in the Derrick
`500 Series machine.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
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` Morgenthaler
` Q. So it is your testimony that the
`features described in the first sentence of
`your paragraph 24 are essential for insuring
`compatibility with the 500 Series machine; is
`that correct?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the
` form.
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that they are covered by claim
`6; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. But you don't know whether this
`PMD screen is covered by claim 6?
` A. I would need more time to study.
` Q. The PMD screen has all of the
`features in the first sentence of your
`paragraph 24; is that correct?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the
` form.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are you aware Mr. Morgenthaler of
`other Derrick 500 Series replacement screens
`other than the PMD, PWP?
` A. What do you mean by other; I don't
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` Morgenthaler
`understand the question.
` Q. By other manufacturers, are you
`aware of others?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Who else makes Derrick 500 Series
`replacement screens other than Derrick?
` A. Axon. I believe GN Solids
`Control, a Chinese company. And I don't have
`firsthand knowledge, but I understand other
`people are making it. Continental made them
`at one time.
` Q. Are you familiar with the design
`of the GN replacement screen?
` A. No I am not.
` Q. Do you have an opinion on whether
`or not it's possible to make a replacement
`screen for the Derrick Series 500 without
`practicing claim 6?
` A. I have no opinion on that.
` Q. Mr. Morgenthaler let's skip ahead
`to page 14 of your declaration starting on
`paragraph 30.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Paragraph 31 is beginning of a
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`Axon EP / Screen Logix Exhibit 1021
`Axon EP, Inc. & Screen Logix, LLC v. Derrick Corp.
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` Morgenthaler
` Q. You knew that they were being
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are you aware of how many PWP
`screens were sold before 2009?
` A. I am not aware of that.
` Q. So do you know whether they were
`commercially successful before 2009?
` A. I know that they were sold before
`2009, so if they are sold they are
`commercially successful.
` Q. It is your opinion that if they
`made any sale at all they are commercially
` A. It is a commercial product once it
`is sold.
` Q. Is it your opinion that a product
`can be commercially successful no matter how
`many are sold?
` A. No.
` Q. So do you have an opinion on
`whether or not the PWP screen was commercially
`successful before 2009?
` A. No, I don't have an opinion on
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`Page 31
` Morgenthaler
` Q. Paragraph 35 of your declaration
`you state that: The volume of sales is
`substantial and represents a significant
`portion of the market for replaceable
`vibratory screen assemblies for machines such
`as the Derrick 500 Series and it's
` What is your basis for saying that
`it represents a significant portion of the
` A. I know the size of the aftermarket
`for screens in that business.
` Q. Let's define the market now. Do
`you know the size of the Derrick 500 Series
`screen market?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the
` form.
` A. No I do not.
` Q. So what market do you mean when
`you say represents a significant portion of
`the market?
` A. I mean the worldwide market for
`shaker screens, replacement screens.
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