`Plastics Encyclopedia
`and Dictionary
`Hanser Publishers, Munich Vienna New York Barcelona
`The Author: Dominick V. Rosato, 40 Karen Road. Waban, MA 02168, USA
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`Die Deutsclze Bz'h/fotlzek A CIP—Eifl/lei1‘SCll{fi‘2cl/11118
`Rosato, Dominick V.: [Plastics encyclopedia and dictionary] Rosato’s plastics encyclopedia and
`dictionary/Dominick V. Rosato. Munich: Vienna; New York; Barcelona: Hanser; New York:
`Oxford Univ. Press, 1993
`ISBN 3—446‘l6490-l
`NE: 1-{ST
`All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
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`Typography and production: Charlotte Fabian, Dublin
`Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich Vienna New York Barcelona 1993
`Printed and bound in Germany by Passavia Druckerei Gmbl-I, Passau.
`complex shape
`represented by a complex number. May be mea~
`sured in tension or flexure, compression, or shear.
`complex shape Molded parts with under-
`i.e., articles which cannot be released in
`the direction of mold opening, require molds
`with more than one parting line. For such arti-
`cles, various methods have been developed such
`as molds with side cores, wedges, rotating cores,
`and loose cores or
`inserts. The choice of
`method, or a combination of these methods. is
`controlled by the shape of the article and the
`properties of the plastic (flexibility,
`shrinkage. etc.) but also by the standards of
`quality to be met by the molded part. For
`articles with external screw thread, for instance,
`either side cores or rotating cores can be in-
`cluded in the mold. However, with side cores,
`the mold parting line is visible,
`complex Young’s modulus The vertical sum
`of Youngs moduius and the loss modulus.
`Analogous to the complex dielectric constant.
`compliance 1. Tensile compliance is the t‘€Cip~
`rocal of Young‘s modulus.
`E2 modulus
`Shear compliance is
`the reciprocal of shear
`modulus. 3. The term is also used in the evalua»
`tion of stiffness and deflection.
`composite A composite is a combination of
`two or more materials with properties that the
`component materials do not have by them-
`selves. Nature made the first composite in living
`things. Wood is a composite of cellulose fibers
`held together with a glue or matrix of soft
`lignin. In engineering materials, composites are
`formed by coatings,
`internal additives, and so
`on. A metal composite is clad metals. There are
`steel reinforced concrete composites.
`the rein-
`A very important composite is
`forced plastic (RP): basically a combination of a
`reinforcing material (usually in fiber form) and
`plastic. The most common and abundantly used
`(about 80% by weight of all high strength plas—
`tic composites) is glass fiber—thermoset polyester
`plastic. Glass fibers are very strong but
`notched they fracture readily. By encapsulating
`these fibers in a plastic matrix,
`they are pro-
`tected from fracture-damage; the plastic trans-
`fers applied loads to the glass fibers so that their
`stiffness and strength can be utilized. Higher
`performance RPS use fibers such as aramid,
`carbon, graphite, and boron.
`Composites, specifically the plastic RPS, as a
`class of engineering materials provide almost
`unlimited potential for high strength, stiffness.
`corrosion resistance, processability, and so on
`over other materials. They will probably be
`the “steels” of the future. data theoretical
`versus actual properties
`Basically composites are considered to be
`combinations of materials differing in composi-
`tion or form on a micro scale, and the con-
`stituents retain their identities in the composite
`(reinforced plastic). that is they do not dissolve
`or otherwise merge completely into each other
`although they act in concert. Normally the com-
`ponents can be physically identified and lead to
`an interface between components. The behavior
`and properties of this interface also generally
`control the properties of the composite (RP).
`This definition is obviously imprecise, and it
`inciudes some materials often considered not to
`be composites. Furthermore, some combinations
`may be thought of as composite structures rather
`than composite materials; the dividing line is not
`“sharp", and the difference of opinion can easily
`exist particularly in different industry discipiines
`such as building and construction, electronics,
`and so on. Composites may be classified in a
`number of different ways. but
`the following
`generally is accepted:
`(l) fibrous-plastic matrix
`(2) fibrous—ceramic matrix
`(3) fibrous-metal matrix
`(4) laminar-layers ofunreinforced plastics, etc.
`(5) laminar-layers of reinforced plastics
`(6) laminar-layers of glass-plastics (safety
`(7) laminar~layers of different metals and/or
`(8) particulate-plastic matrix
`(9) particulate-metal matrix
`(10) particulate—ceramic matrix
`(11) skeletabplastic matrix
`( 12) flake-plastic matrix
`( l3)
`fial<e—cerarnic matrix
`(14) steel rod—concrete matrix
`(l5) carbon fiber-carbon matrix
`(l6) metal fibenmetal matrix
`(17) metal fiber—plastic matrix
`(18) ceramic fiber-metal matrix
`(19) ceramic fiber—plastic matrix
`(20) whisker~plastic matrix
`(21) whisker-metal matrix
`(22) aggregate~cement matrix (concrete)
`(23) wood-plastic matrix (compreg)
`(24) microsphere glass-plastic matrix
`(25) asbestos fiber-concrete matrix
`(26) glass ceramic~amorphous glass matrix
`(27) concrete—plastic matrix
`(28) metal strip-metal strip matrix (thermoset)
`(29) amorphous plastiocrystailine plastic
`(30) aluminum film-piastic film matrix
`(31) amorphous plastiocrystalline plastic
`(32) ceramic fiber-matrix ceramic (CMC)
`(33) carbon-carbon matrix
`(34) potassium nitrate—charcoal-sulfur (blasting
`(35) cellutose fiber-lignin/silicic matrix (bam-
`boo stalk)
`(36) plastic-plastic (coextruded, coinjection,
`fiexibie reinforced plastics
`(38) and many more different composites made
`up of distinct parts which contribute,
`either proportionately or synergistically, to
`the properties of the combinations.
`The skeletai and flake are usually grouped
`together; they can also be included under par-
`ticulate composites. Thus, there are plastic com-
`posites. metal composites, ceramic composites,
`glass composites, wood composites, and so on.
`Result is that the term composite encompasses
`many ditferent combinations of materials. prac-
`tically endless, with basically plastic being one
`type. Consequently, the term reinforced plastics
`is more meaningfut within the plastic industry
`and tends to be used more often wortdwide.
`(For the record, D. V. Rosato in 1954, as a
`Board member of the Reinforced Plastics Divi-
`sion of the SP1, was successful at
`and later expanding the name of the Division to
`Reinforced Plastics/Composite Division. Thus,
`plastic composites would be applicable to all
`types of composite that incorporated plastics. A
`few decades later it became the Composite Divi~
`sion). Dre-inforced plastic for details on RPS.
`forced plastic
`composite and bamboo
`lar structure
`ll» bamboo’s modu-
`composite, boral
`composite carbon-carbon matrix
`33> carbon-carbon composite
`composite ceramic fiber-ceramic matrix
`l>ceramlc matrix composite
`composite, cermet A composite material or
`article comprised of a ceramic and a metal
`alloy, interdistributed in any of various geomet-
`rical forms but intimately bonded together.
`composite curved bar, delamination analy-
`sis One of the major causes of stiflfness and
`strength degradations in laminated piastic com-
`posite structures is the delaminations between
`composite layers. In most engineering applica-
`tions, laminated composite structures have cer-
`tain curvatures and,
`therefore, are subject
`potential delamination problems during service
`(cyclic bending loads).
`One of the most appealing geometries of a
`test coupon for studying the plastic composite
`composite metal matrix
`the semicircular
`delarnination phenomenon is
`curve bar shape (C-shape). When such a test
`specimen is subjected to end forces,
`the peak
`radial stress and the peak shear stress induced
`in the curved bar will be identical in magnitudes
`but are out of phase in the tangential direction
`by it/2. Namely, the peak radial stress is located
`at the midspan point of the semicircular curved
`bar, but the peak shear stresses occur at both
`ends of the semicircular curved bar. The radial
`distance of both the peak radial stresses and the
`peak shear stresses are exactly the same.
`The above nature of the semicircular curved
`bar offers an excellent situation for studying the
`initiation and subsequent propagation of delam-
`ination zones (open-mode or shear-mode) under
`cyciic loadings and for studying the fatigue
`behavior (degradation of stiffness and strength)
`of multilayered composites. The classical an-
`isotropic elasticity theory was used to construct
`a “multilayer" composite semicircular curved
`bar subjected to end forces and end moments.
`The radiai location and intensity of open-mode
`delamination stress are calculated and compared
`with the results obtained from the anisotropic
`continuum theory and from the finite element
`method. The multilayer theory provides more
`accurate predictions of the location and the
`intensity of the open-mode delamination stress
`than those calculated from the anisotropic con-
`tinuum theory. The multilayer theory developed
`can be applied to predict the open-mode delam-
`ination stress concentrations
`in horse-shoe-
`shaped composite test specimens.
`4l39,N90-12669 by W. L. Ko and R. H. Jackson).
`composite film t‘:>coextruslon and lamina-
`composite future
`reinforced plastic luture
`composite, hybrid
`D hybrid
`composite metal matrix Compared to mono-
`lithic metals, MMCS (metal matrix composites)
`show a great promise in performance advan-
`tages. Advanced aircraft propulsion systems
`seem impossible to develop without them. But
`proving technical confidence in the materials has
`been an expensive,
`slow process. R&D into
`combining fiber
`reinforcements with metals
`started in the early 1940s using continuous fiber
`and particle/whisker
`reinforced metallic com-
`posites. Results have shown that MMCS could
`surpass any metals in terms of high modulus,
`temperature resistance, strength, hardness, di-
`mensional stability, damping, etc. They are very
`expensive raw materialwise and processwise.
`Certain MMCS are used in special appiications: