`covered covering
`\ˈkәvriŋ, ˈkәvә\
`transitive verb
`a : to guard from attack
`b (1) : to have within the range of one's guns : COMMAND (2) : to hold within range
`of an aimed firearm
`c (1) : to afford protection or security to : INSURE (2) : to afford protection against
`or compensation for <a policy covering loss by fire>
`d (1) : to guard (an opponent) in order to obstruct a play <a linebacker assigned
`to cover the tight end> (2): to be in position to receive a throw to (a base in
`baseball) <the shortstop was covering second>
`e (1) : to make provision for (a demand or charge) by means of a reserve or
`deposit <your balance is insufficient to cover the check> (2) : to maintain a check
`on especially by patrolling (3) : to protect by contrivance or expedient
`a : to hide from sight or knowledge : CONCEAL <coverup a scandal>
`b : to lie over : ENVELOP <a blanket covering her legs>
`: to lay or spread something over : OVERLAY <coverthe seed bed with straw>
`a : to spread over <snow covered the hills>
`b : to appear here and there on the surface of <a region covered with lakes>
`: to place or set a cover or covering over <cover the pot>
`a : to copulate with (a female animal) <a horse coversa mare>
`b : to sit on and incubate (eggs)
`: to invest with a large or excessive amount of something <covered herself with
`: to play a higherranking card on (a previously played card)
`: to have sufficient scope to include or take into account <an
`examination covering a full year's work>
`: to deal with : TREAT <material covered in the first chapter>
`a : to have as one's territory or field of activity <one sales rep covers the whole
`b : to report news about <reporters covering the campaign>
`: to pass over : TRAVERSE <the hikers covered 12 miles that day>
`: to defray the cost of <cover expenses>
`: to place one's stake in equal jeopardy with in a bet
`: to buy securities or commodities for delivery against (an earlier short sale)
`: to record or perform a cover of (a song)
`intransitive verb
`: to conceal something illicit, blameworthy, or embarrassing from notice —usually
`used with up
`: to act as a substitute or replacement during an absence
`\ˈkәvrәbәl, ˈkәvә\ adjective
`\ˈkәvәrәr\ noun
`cover one's tracks
`: to conceal traces in order to elude pursuers or escape detection
`cover the ground
` or cover ground
`: to deal with a subject or assignment in a particular manner <the new
`book covers a lot ofground>