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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Handbook of plastics, elastomers, and composites / Charles A. Harper,
`Includes index.
`ISBN 0-07-026693-X
`‘I. Plastics—Handbooks, ma11uals,etc.
`manuals, etc.
`1. Harper, Charles A.
`2. Elasto1'ners«Handbooks,
`A Division of TheMcGrawHill Companies
`Copyright © 1996. 1992. 1975 by The McGraw—i-Iill Companies, lnc.All rights
`reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Except as permitted under
`the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be
`reproduced .Or distributed iii any form 01: by miy means’ (if itored in a data
`base or retrieval system, Without the prior Written permission of the pub—
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`ISBN 0—07~026693—X
`The sponsoring editor for this book was Zoe G. Faundotos, the editing super-
`visor was Sheila Gillams, and the production supervisor was Don Schmidt.
`This book was set in Times Roman. It was composed by North Market
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`Printed and bound by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company.
`This book is printed on acid—free paper.
`Information contained in this Work has been obtained by The
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`sional should be sought.
`Chapter 1. Fundamentals of Plastics and Elastomers
`1.1Introduction / 1.1
`1.2 The Nature of Plastics / 1.1
`1.3 Polymer Structures and Polymeri7ation Reactions / 1.2
`14 P1aStiC_P1_OCeSSing Methods and Design Guidelines V, [5
`1.5 Plastic Properties / 1.13
`1.6 ThermosettirigPlastics / 1.22
`1.7 Thermoplastics / 137
`1.8 Glass—Fiber-ReinforcedThermoplastics / 1.69
`1.9 Plastic Films and Tapes / 1.69
`‘I .10 Plastic Surface Finishing / 1.71
`1.11 Summary ofPlastics /' 1.72
`1.12 The Nature of Elastomers / 175
`References /' 1.86
`Chapter 2. Laminates and Reinforced Plastic Materials and Processes
`2_l Laminates / 2,]
`2.2 Reinforced Plastics / 2.39
`2.3 Manufacturing Processes for Reinforced Plastics
`2.4 Standards / 2.55
`Rcfcmncas / 254
`/ 2. 45
`Chaptef 3. AdV3|10ed C°mP°5ite Materials and P70995595
`3.1 Introduction / 3.1
`3.2 Material Systems /' 3.4
`3.3 Composite Fabrication Techniques / 3.2
`3.4 Overview of Mechanics of Composite Materials / 3.52
`3.5 Design of Composites / 3.54
`3.6 Composite Testing / 3.64
`3.7 Safety Issues with Composite Materials / 3.69
`/ 3. 72
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`Chapter 4. Liquid and Low-Pressure Resin Systems
`4.1 Introduction / 4.1
`4.2 Epoxies / 4.9
`4.3 Polyesters / 4.23
`4.4 Polyuretlianes / 4.30
`4.5 Silicones
`/ 4.37
`4.6 Cast Phenolics / 4.42
`4.7 Allylic Resins / 4.46
`4.8 Polybutadienes / 4.52
`4.9 Depolymerized Rubber / 4.56
`4.10 Polysulfide Rubber
`/ 4.57
`4.11 Ethylene-Propylene Liquid Polymers
`4.12 Cast Nylon / 4.58
`4.13 Acrylics
`/ 4.60
`4.14 Vinyl Plastisols / 4.62
`4.15 Cyc1icTher1noplastics
`4.16 Expanding Monomer
`4:17 Vinyl Esters / 4.64
`4.18 Cyanate Esters / 4.64
`4.19 Photopolymers / 4.67
`References / 467
`/ 4.63
`/ 4.64
`I 4.58
`Chapter 5. Thermoplastic Elastomers
`5.1 Introduction / 5.1
`5.2 TPES in the Rubber and Plastics Industries / 5.2
`5.3 Comparison of TPEs and Thermoset Rubbers / 5.5
`5.4 Chemistry, Morphology, and Properties of'l‘PEs / 5.8
`5.5 Generic Classes ofTPEs / 5.11
`5.6 Processing ofTPEs / 5.27
`5.7 Applications and Markets forTPEs / 5.37
`5.8 The Recovery and Recycle of ’l‘Pl:‘s
`/‘ 5.39
`5.9 Acknowledgments / 5.40
`References / 5.40
`Chapter 6. Protective and Decorative Coatings
`6.1 Introduction / 6.1
`6.2 Ecology / 6.3
`6.3 Surface Preparation / 6.4
`6.4 Coating Selection / 6.6
`6.5 Coating Materials / 6.8
`6.6 Application Methods / 6.27
`6.7 Curing / 6.41
`6.8 Summary / 6.43
`References / 6.45
`Chapter 7. Joining of Plastics, Elastomers, and Composites
`7.1 Introduction / 7.1
`7.2 Design ofloints / 7.11
`7.3 TestMethods / 7.19
`7.4 Surface Preparation for Adhesive Bonding / 7.28
`7.5 Types of Adhesives / 7.50
`7.6 Selecting a.nAdhesive /' 7.64.,
`7.7 Methods ofWelding Polymeric Substrates / 7.69
`7.8 Methods of Mechanical Joining /
`7. 78
`7.9 Recommended Processes for Common Polymeric Substrates / 7.84
`7.10 Effect of Environment
`/ 7.87
`7.11 Processing and Quality Control
`References / 7.101
`/ 794
`Chapter 8. Plastics in Packaging
`/ 8.3
`8.1 Packaging Plastics
`8.2 Properties ofPackaging Plastics / 8.17
`8.3 Mass Transfer in Polymeric Packaging Systems / 8.30
`References / 8.61
`Chapter 9. Elastomers and Engineering Thermoplastics
`for Automotive Applications
`9.1 Introduction I 9.1
`9.2 Elastomers and Plastics / 9.2
`9.3 Why Use Elastomers? / 9.3
`9.4 Why Use Plastics? / 9.3
`9.5 The Importance of Material Selection / 9.4
`9.6 Engineering theAutomobi1c / 9.5
`9.7 Automotive Elastomers / 9.12
`9.8 Automotive EngineeringTherinoplastics / 9.25
`9.9 Selection Protocol for Automotive Elastomers and Plastics
`9.10 Specification and Testing ofE1astomcrs / 9.35
`9.11 Conclusion—A Look to the Future / 9.39
`References / 9.39
`/ 9.31
`Chapter 10. Design and Processing of Plastic Parts
`10.1 Introduction / 10.1
`10.2 Design Procedure / 10.1
`10.3 Prototyping / 10.2
`10.4 Processes for ProducingPlastic Parts / 10.3
`10.5 Assembly and Machining Guidelines / 10.19
`10.6 Postmolding Operations / 10.23
`10.7 Process-Related Design Considerations / 10.26
`10.8 Mold Construction and Fabrication / 10.31
`10.9 Summary / 1033
`Chapter 11. Recycling of Plastic Materials
`11.1 Introduction / 11.1
`11.2 Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Recycling / 11.14
`11.3 High—Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Recycling / 11.21
`11.4 Low»Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Recycling / 11.24
`11.5 Polystyrene (PS) Recycling / 11.26
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`11.6 Polypropylene (PP) Recycling / 11.28
`11.7 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Recycling / 11.30
`11.8 Recycling of Commingled Plastics / 11.32
`11.9 Recycling of Thermosets / 11.34
`11.'l0 Recycling of Automotive Plastics I 11.36
`11.11 Recycling of Other Thermoplastics / 11.38
`11.12 Sorting, Separation, and Compatibilization of Plastics
`11.13 Thermal Recycling / 11.44
`11.14 Design Issues / 11.45
`11.15 The Future of Plastics Recycling / 11.48
`References /' 11.50
`Further Readmg / 11-54
`Appendix A. Glossary Of Terms and Definitions
`Aiapendlx B- some c°mm°" AbbreVl3tl°n5 Used in the Plastics
`In ustry
`Appendix C. Important Properties for Designing with Plastics
`Appendix D. Electrical Properties of Resins and Compounds
`Appendix E. Sources of Specifications and Standards for Plastics
`and Composites
`/ 11.39
`B U
`Leonard S. Buchoff Elaslomeric Technologies; Inc., Hazboro, Pennsylvania. (CHAP. 4)
`Ruben Hernandez The School ofPackaging East Lansing, Michigan (CHAP. 8)
`John L. Hull Hull Corporation, Hatboro, Pennsylvania. (CHAP. 10)
`Carl F. lzzo Industry Consultant, Export, Pennsylvania. (CIIAP. 6)
`Joseph F. Meier
`Industry Consultant, Export, Pennsylvania. (CHAR 1)
`Stanley T. Peters Process Research, Mountain View California (CHAP 3)
`Edward M. Petrle ABB Transmission Technology Institute, Raleigh, North Carolina. (CHAR 7)
`Charles P. Radar Advanced Elaslorner Systems, L.R, Akron, Ohio (CHAR 5)
`Ronald N. Sampson Technology Seminars, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Cl-TAP. 2)
`Susan E. Selke The School of Packaging, East Lansing, Michigan (CHAR 11)
`Ronald Toth Chrysler Corporation, Dearborn, Michigan (CHAP. 9)
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